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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃曉惠 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀的競爭環境,由已傳統技術的競爭轉變成創意、智慧的競爭,企業惟有穩固技術根基並強化研發能力,才能維持競爭力並長期生存,研發人員為研究發展活動之重要投入因子,研發人員之素質更是研發成果及公司經營成果之關鍵,其對公司生產力之提升及產品、製程的開發均有相當之貢獻,藉由創意的產生,可開發新產品、進入新市場、增加營業收入及顧客滿意度;藉由改良製程及技術,可提高生產效率、降低製造成本、減少費用、提高產品良率,本研究認為研發人員之素質愈好,經營績效愈佳,因此擬探討研發人員之特質對經營績效是否有顯著之影響。 本研究經由回收問卷之分析,獲悉資訊電子業研發人員組成特質之現況,以實證模型探討企業研發人員之組成特質與企業獲利及研發生產力間之關聯,並同時考量影響企業獲利及生產力之其他因素對經營績效之影響。在組成特質指標的選取上,以研發人力密集度、研發人員教育程度、內部服務年資、產業服務年資及男性研發人員比例作為人力素質之衡量變數;並以毛利率、營業利益率、當年度及次年度之專利權核准比率作為經營成果之衡量指標,目的在了解研發人力之特質對企業獲利能力及研發活動生產力之影響。 本研究以我國上市(櫃)資訊電子業公司為研究對象,實證結果顯示,無論以企業獲利能力或研發活動生產力來衡量經營績效,皆與研發人力密集度與研發人員平均內部服務年資呈顯著正相關,支持本研究之假說。研發人員之平均產業服務年資則多與經營績效呈顯著負相關,其可能原因在於產業年資乃由年齡設算而來,在資訊電子業中,研發工作之緊湊程度隨著科技日進之速度而升高,因此年齡較大者,較難適任,才會造成產業服務年資與經營績效間呈負相關之情況。 本研究結果可供資訊電子業於制定研發人力資源管理決策時之參考,在科技競爭激列的二十一世紀,我國資訊電子業在研發人員的人事政策上,除應提高研發人員之比例外,亦應注重研發人員之素質,以強化研究發展之成果,並進一步提升公司之經營績效。 / The competition environment of 21 century has changed its style from a competition on technology in tradition to a competition of creativity and intelligence. The only way for an enterprise to maintain its capability to compete and survive for a long time is to strengthen its research and development (R&D) capability. The quality of researchers is the key point in the achievement of R&D. It also has a great contribution to the promotion of productivity of a company and the development of products and manufacturing processes. With their creativity, researchers introduce new products into markets and increase both sales and customers’ satisfaction. By improving manufacturing processes and technology, they increase the production efficiency, decrease manufacturing cost and the rate of defective products. This study examined the association between attributes of researchers of enterprise and profitability of enterprise or R&D productivity with regression model. Other factors that affect profitability and productivity are considered at the same time their influence on operating performance. R&D human capital intensity, researchers’ education level, internal experience, industrial experience and proportion of male researchers are chosen as independent variables in this study; gross profit ratio, operating income ratio and patent ratio of both the current year and the next year are dependent variables. The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of researchers’ attributes have on profitability of enterprise and R&D productivity. The sample of this study is information and electronic companies listed on TSE and ROSE in Taiwan. The result of the research supports the hypothesis posed in this study since either profitability of enterprise or R&D productivity correlates positively with R&D human capital intensity and researchers’ internal experience. However, there is a negative correlation between researchers’ average industrial experience and operating performance. The result suggests that industrial experience correlates negatively with operating performance is caused by the inappropriateness for an elder to be a researcher. The result of this study can provide valuable information for information and electronic companies as they make decision of human resource management.


韋國彬 Unknown Date (has links)
合併與收購,是企業達成企業目標或進入不同的產品市場快速成長之最佳方法,不論在時間或成本之花費皆優於企業內部之成長。再加上「全球化」一詞之出現更使得企業併購如火如荼地展開。 然而許多人卻對此感到憂心。因為企業併購現象如此之頻繁,不是一件好消息。只要有企業併購之情事,那麼就會有人失去他的工作。留用下來之員工還必須面對勞動條件之變更、企業的管理方式、企業內部政策等等之大幅大的改變,此外還必須經歷一段時間相當長的摸索期去適應整個公司的文化以及制度。由於人是公司最重要之資產,若企業需要用併購方式來達成企業本身策略目標,那麼必須留意企業併購對勞動契約之潛在衝擊及影響,舉例來說:在企業併購過程中對員工之保護是否得宜,以及若因企業併購而有工作條件變更之可能性時,受新舊雇主商定留用之員工,是否有拒絕留用之權利。這些勞動議題都是值得被探討以及思考的。 大體上來說,企業併購都會有人才流失之情形。若希望能留住關鍵人才,那麼就必須要對併購過程以及程序處理得宜,透過遵守勞動法令規範配合及早進行以及詳細規劃之一些管理措施方案,如:留才管理、確保雙向溝通之可能等,皆能有效增加員工對組織之承諾以及經營效率之提升,也就能符合併購所要達到的「縱效」。我們也必須對因併購衍生出勞動權利保護進行了解並對此作一深入之探討。 / Mergers and acquisitions are quick ways of attaining the critical mass necessary for reaching global markets, rather than organic growth. Globalization is currently the main reason for organizations to merge or acquire. Nearly everyone agrees that being on the subordinate or acquired side of a merger and acquisitions is bad news. Many people lose their jobs. The survivors often have to make severe adjustments to new routines, management, policies, jobs, and a protracted period of ambiguity and uncertainty. With respect to the potential impacts from business merger and acquisition to labor contract, such as: protection to employee in the process of business merger and acquisition; if the employee to be continuously hired under mutual agreement of both old and new employers can reject such continuous employment; change of working conditions in the wake of business merger and acquisition, etc. In a word, Merger and acquisition activity creates vulnerability to talent loss. In order to begin the healing process and to ensure employees remain engaged, management and labor related laws must clearly state a tangible vision and plan of action. Also, We require further observation on whether or not such regulations are capable of addressing all kinds of possible labor contract issues arisen from and relating to the business merger and acquisition.

團隊偵錯與創新之相關研究 / A study of team failure-detection and team innovation

林燊揚, Lin, Shen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
現今變化快速的環境下,科技團隊面對研發過程中日益增高的失敗率,失敗帶來打擊但也可能是創新的來源。然而,團隊創新的研究卻少有團隊失敗、錯誤與創新關係的研究。有鑑於此,本研究以國內485位研發工程師(某法人單位35個團隊共323位成員、科技產業38個團隊共162位成員)共計73個團隊為研究對象。本研究檢視錯誤管理實務(團隊偵錯能力與團隊錯誤溝通能力)與團隊創新績效之間的關係、錯誤管理實務與錯誤管理氛圍(錯誤學習信念與情緒)的關係、錯誤管理氛圍與前導因子(鼓勵實驗、教導型領導、目標清晰度、衝突處理方式)的關係。結果發現:(1)團隊偵錯能力越高時,團隊創新績效越高;(2)群體從錯誤中學習信念越高時,團隊偵錯能力越高;(3)團隊鼓勵小型實驗與主管進行教導型領導時,群體錯誤學習信念越高。顯示錯誤管理是團隊創新中不可忽視的一環。   另本研究發現教導型領導、鼓勵實驗對團隊形成錯誤學習信念有正向影響,與社會認知理論呼應。本研究也發現,團隊之年資多樣性與錯誤處理情緒與錯誤溝通能力皆呈負向影響。 / Extending previous research on team error management, this thesis is conducted to examine the antecedents, error management climate, error management practice and consequences of team innovation. Data is collected from 35 R&D teams (an anonymous government research institutions in Taiwan) and 38 R&D teams (Top 1000 Technology enterprises in Taiwan). We give the following three hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills influence team innovation performance. Second, we hypothesize that error management climate (shared belief and emotion) influence detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills. Third, we hypothesize that effective coaching, clear direction, conflict management and encouragement of experiment influence error management culture (belief and emotion). The results of structural equation model analysis revealed that detecting capability positively predicts team innovation performance. Shared belief positively predicts team detecting capability. The results also show effective coaching and encouragement of experiment positively predict shared belief which is extended from social cognitive theory. Results of the analysis also indicate that tenure diversity negatively predicts error management emotion and misunderstanding communication skills.

經營不善金融機構標售過程員工安置議題研究 / A Study on Settlement of Employment in Exit of Distressed Financial Institutions

桂竹安 Unknown Date (has links)
為協助經營不善金融機構(簡稱問題金融機構)順利退出市場,預防金融機構連鎖危機,以穩定金融秩序,改善金融體質,我國政府於2001年7月9日公布通過制定行政院金融重建基金設置及管理條例,並依該法設置行政院金融重建基金。 透過重建基金之運作,主管機關可於一定時間對存款人提供全額保障,並由重建基金彌補問題機構資產負債之缺口後,由健全金融機構承接其資產負債暨營業,使問題機構在金融服務不中斷下,得以順利退出市場,健全我國金融體系。至2011年底屆期止,經此機制共使56家經營不善金融機構成功與順利退出市場,將可能產生系統性風險之金融風暴消弭於無形。 處理過程中之員工安置議題,無庸置疑,勢必為可否順利完成問題金融機構退場的關鍵。本論文主要論述在重建基金架構下,所處理之問題金融機構標售過程中,有關員工權益保障課題,就員工安置規劃過程中所可能產生與相應之議題,就法律與實務之觀點分別予以討論分析,並就法規不足或待澄清之處,提出觀察與建議,期望對於相關法律體系之完整建構或未來企業併購實務能有所助益。 經過分析探究,本論文認為,在現行法律規範下,針對問題金融機構之標售,有關員工權益保障議題,企業併購法第16條及第17條或勞動基準法第20條經解釋或修法應有適用餘地;並考量問題金融機構標售處理之特殊性,可特別另立專法予以完整規範,以求兼顧社會公平正義與員工權益。而企業併購適用「買賣不破勞動契約」之原則亦應可為未來立法努力方向。


彭敬元 Unknown Date (has links)
關係企業的經營型態已在我國占有日漸重要的地位,近年來我國公司在外國或大陸地區設立公司之情形亦時有所聞,此二者皆因此連帶引發了勞動法上的問題,究竟雇主可否使勞工在關係企業中不同公司間調職?甚至調職到我國境外之關係企業其他公司?此與傳統上企業內調職的不同點在於,此時勞工於各公司間的調職涉及勞工於不同法人格間的變動,雇主是否當然有此權利,即不無深究之餘地。 基此,本文將從以下幾個面向來探討關係企業內調職之問題:1.在何等情況下構成關係企業?此由於勞動法上並無相關法制之訂定,故需從其他領域實定法著手,又設若從其他領域實定法著手,是否可全盤移植於勞動法亦屬討論範圍;2.關係企業範圍界定後,是否會對於勞動法上的雇主概念造成影響,進一步而言,是影響到勞動契約上雇主概念,抑或是影響到功能性雇主概念,或者,在何種情況下該二者始會受到影響?3.關係企業內調職的概念為何?其與雇主指示權的關係,與企業內調職、派遣、出差等概念究竟有何異同?4.雇主得否事前取得使勞工於關係企業內調職之權利,若是,是在何種情形下雇主始能取得?5.勞動法之終止保護是否能夠擴及於關係企業,若是,是在何種情況下擴及?6.勞工於關係企業內調職後重要勞動條件應該如何因應之問題。 本論文希冀能夠將上述問題一一釐清,而讓勞資雙方能夠清楚了解雙方之權利義務分別為何,防範爭議於未然,共創與共享經濟之價值。

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