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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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邱曉菁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為探索婚姻暴力被害婦女處於父權文化脈絡下,在婚姻中遭受配偶性強迫的經驗,包括理解婚暴下的受暴婦女,遭受婚姻中性強迫的成因與情境脈絡,以及婚暴下的受暴婦女,面對婚姻中性強迫的因應方式與影響。本研究不僅期望對受暴婦女的經驗有更真實的理解,以充實對台灣婚暴下的婦女遭受婚姻中性強迫傷害之本土經驗的理解,亦希望能開啟國內對婚姻中性強迫議題的關注與省思。本研究採用「質性研究」的方法,以「深度訪談」的方式蒐集相關研究資料,探索八位受暴婦女經歷婚姻中性強迫的經驗,研究發現如下: 一.婚姻中性強迫的成因與受暴婦女經歷婚姻中性強迫的情境脈絡 本研究以受暴婦女自我對婚姻中性強迫的解釋,來探索婚姻中性強迫的成因。研究發現受暴婦女對為何發生婚姻中的性強迫有不同的解釋,如性強迫是男人天性使然、性強迫是先生控制的手段、妻子義務觀、以及床頭吵、床尾合的文化信念。另外,本研究發現父權文化與婚姻暴力脈絡下致使受暴婦女經歷不同型態的性強迫,婚姻中的強迫除了是外顯可見的暴力行為,也可能是無形的壓迫,本研究受暴婦女歷經婚姻中性強迫的處境是多重的,包括:性文化之社會範定型的性強迫、兩性性別角色權力不平等型的性強迫,以及在暴力婚姻的脈絡下之暴力威脅型的性強迫。此外,受暴婦女婚姻中性強迫不是單一事件而是婚姻存續中重複發生的傷害 二.受暴婦女面對婚姻中性強迫的因應方式與影響 本研究受暴婦使女大多使用個人取向的因應方式,少求助社會支持系統。本研究八位受暴婦女大多未將自己在婚姻中性強迫的經驗告訴別人,遑論求助正式或非正式的社會支持系統。對她們而言婚姻中的性行為是羞於啟齒、或不知能向誰說,或怕不被相信而難以啟口的。然而仍有幾位受暴婦女曾經將婚姻中性強迫經驗告訴一兩位親友,但皆未因此得到實質的協助或是反而得到負向的回饋。本研究受暴婦女使用的個人取向之因應方式包括:消極迴避、調整協商、覺察抵抗。 本研究發現婚姻中性強迫對受暴婦女造成的四種影響分別是生理、情緒、認知與性態度的影響。生理方面的影響包括身體上的多處傷害、性行為當下的痛苦、性器官發炎、撕裂傷、生殖器的重傷害以及睡眠被影響;情緒方面的影響包括感覺痛苦、無奈、無助與憤怒,以及恐懼、壓力與威脅;認知方面的影響包括羞恥與自責;對性態度的影響包括降低性愉快與性慾望,對性的聯想就是負向、壓迫與痛苦,致使婦女就算離開暴力婚姻對性仍感到恐懼或痛苦。 本研究從受暴婦女的女性經驗出發,探索她們在婚姻中遭受配偶婚姻中性強迫的經驗、因應方式與對她們的影響,並從父權文化與暴力婚姻脈絡來解構她們的經驗,期待從婚姻中性強迫不被看見、不被視為重要的社會漠視中,提出從社工間接與直接服務兩方面改善現況的反思與建議。


潘琴葳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在了解兒時性侵害倖存者的愛情經驗,並探究性侵害受害經驗在倖存者愛情經驗中的意義,以及文化脈絡在倖存者愛情中所扮演的角色。 研究採用敘說研究方法,參與者為一名成年女性;透過研究者與參與者的網路視訊對談,以訪談內容及研究參與者提供之書面資料作為敘說文本,採用「整體─內容」的敘說分析方式進行資料整理與分析。 研究結果發現,參與者非常重視愛情關係中的信任與理解,以及身體的自主權;然而參與者的期待,有許多時候是不被伴侶所瞭解的,且男性伴侶經常侵犯參與者的身體界線。參與者會因為伴侶無法理解自己,以及身體自主權不受尊重而選擇結束關係。 其次,以往參與者遭遇愛情關係的瓶頸時,經常懷疑性侵害經驗是其愛情不順遂的根源。最後找到一個可以理解、尊重自己的伴侶時,參與者發現過去在愛情中遭逢的困難,是來自男性無法尊重女性的自主、尤其是身體自主所導致;同時過往的伴侶也很難對參與者的生命經歷、特別是性侵害經歷有深刻的理解。研究並指出參與者所身處的性別文化脈絡,發現參與者的性侵害創傷經驗與愛情經驗,與文化中的性別權力議題息息相關。 最末針對未來相關研究,心理助人工作者的倫理省思與未來可為性侵害倖存者及其伴侶提供的治療方向提出建議。 關鍵字:性侵害倖存者、愛情經驗、敘說

性侵害被害人之訊問與詰問 / Interrogation and cross examination of sexual assault victim

陳柏均 Unknown Date (has links)

失格的被害人;失真的性侵故事-性侵害判決心證與政論節目言說的論述分析 / Disqualified victim and unreliable story: a discourse analysis of sexual assault cases

勤定芳 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣女性主義的性侵害研究,發展出被害人「無聲—現身/聲—失語」困境研究的學術脈絡。本論文嘗試在這樣的本土學術脈絡中,從論述的層次,探討女性被害人形象的社會建構與性侵害案件「真相」建構之間的關聯性。本論文援引論述分析的理論架構,並利用「從屬位置」(subject position)作為概念工具,詮釋臺灣當代司法實務判決與媒體言說如何論述具體性侵案件的女性被害人。本文認為,判決心證中的法律論述,與媒體言說中的道德論述,在具體性侵害案件的討論上,均建構出相似的、單一的女性被害者從屬位置。前者以去脈絡化、去關係化的方式解讀性侵害被害人的故事,形塑出原子式的主體位置,後者則是以性別化的道德標準對女性被害人課以嚴苛的道德責任。兩者互為援引,支持彼此的正當性,進而形成一不利於女性被害人敘事的論述結構。一方面,她無法成為判決心證論述中全知全能的原子式主體,另一方面,她也未能符合道德論述中那個對性(sexuality)有著高度警覺性的主體。因此,具體案件中的女性被害人,作為性侵害事件中的主體無法被看見、承認,而成為「失格」的被害人,從而,她的性侵敘事也成了「失真」的故事。

一位女性諮商師諮商性侵害加害人經驗之敘說研究 / The narrative study of the experience of a female counselor who counsels the sex offenders

江淑娟, Chiang, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在理解一位女性諮商師諮商性侵害加害人的經驗,包含個體主觀知覺的心理衝擊、調適與突破困境的歷程,以及此經驗對她的專業工作以及個人生活上的影響。 研究的開端,是由研究者到監獄觀察性侵害加害人團體所經驗到的心理衝擊出發,逐漸聚焦至關注女性諮商師與性侵加害個案工作的經驗。 本研究採用敘說研究方法,以「整體—內容」分析法將研究參與者「白菜」的工作經驗彙整成一篇故事,並進行後續的詮釋與討論。 從白菜的敘說中可以發現到,由於工作所帶來的碰撞,其個人內在的經驗可區分為兩大主題:「內在自我間的分裂與衝突」以及「在性侵害工作中所引發的性焦慮」,而白菜一直不斷努力地進行自我的接納與整合的調適。同時,在此調適過程中,也看見白菜在她的工作場域中進行著「外在性別角色的覺察與改變」的歷程。此外,本研究並以「諮商師的專業發展與成長」之軸線來討論白菜的經驗敘說,研究者看見一位女性諮商師投注在性侵害治療工作中,每當面臨到心理衝擊或「卡住」時,就不斷地向內反覆思索並向外尋求可幫助自己繼續前行的出口,然後再整合成新的觀點,回到實務工作或私人生活中嘗試突破,而這歷程是來來回回,循環不息地發生的。 研究之末,依循研究結論並綜合白菜所述及研究者個人的認識與體悟,對性侵害治療工作人員所需要的後續關懷,提出建議。而研究者也由自己身為一位研究者與一位諮商工作者的角色進行反思對話,研究者並體認到,研究的歷程其實也是一段貼近自己的歷程,接觸性侵害加害人,無論是對研究者或參與者來說,都開啟了對另一個世界的認識,這個經驗震盪了她們的生命信念,幫助她們看見了自己在「性」、「罪惡」和「犯罪」等議題上的限制,但也同時為她們指引了成長的方向。 / The purport of this study is to understand the experience of a female counselor who works with sex offenders, including the psychological impact that the individual has perceived subjectively, and her course of self-adjustment and breaking through the predicament, and furthermore these experiences influence her professional work and personal life. The beginning of this study is to describe the psychological impact that the researcher perceived while going to the jail for observing the group composed by sex offenders, and gradually to focus on the experience of the female counselor who counsels the sex offenders. The study adopts narrative research approach. The researcher wrote down the study participant's work experience as a story in the "holistic-content" analytic method, and then interpreted and discussed it. From the narrative of the study participant ,Cabbage, the researcher discovered that because of the conflict the work brought , her internal experience was divided into two themes:“internal division and conflict” and “sexual anxiety caused from the sex offenders treatment”. However, Cabbage engaged in the adjusting course of self-admittance and self-integration hard. At the same time, the researcher also observed that Cabbage went through “the awareness and change of the external sex role”. In addition, this study discusses the narrative of Cabbage with the axis of “professional development and growth of the counselor”. The researcher saw a female counselor working on the treatment of sex offenders, whenever suffered psychological impact or impasse, she considered inwards and looked for the method to continue going ahead, and integrated into a new viewpoint to get back to the practice work or the private life for trying to break through predicament. The course happened circularly. In the end of the study, relying on the conclusion of the study, the synthesis of Cabbage’s narrative and the researcher's personal understanding, the researcher proposed some suggestions to the demand of the people who work with sex offenders. The researcher also introspected from taking as a researcher and a counselor' roles, and realized that the study was actually a journey towards herself. The experience of getting along with sex offenders, no matter for the researcher or the participant, has opened another world. It shakes their life faith, but also helps them to see their own restriction on such topics as “the sex“, “the guilt” and “the crime”, etc., as well as guided them the direction of growing up.

社工員介入兒童及少年校園性侵害案件之工作經驗探究:以高雄市為例 / Social workers involved in work experience for children and teenagers campus sexual assault of inquiry: A Case Study in Kaohsiung

蔡佳玲, Tsai, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質性研究方法,運用深入訪談方法來訪談14位處理兒童及少年校園性侵害案件具有實務工作經驗超過5年的警察人員、教職人員、社工員,從中探討社工員在介入校園性侵害案件服務工作的角色扮演及其與警政、學校一同處理案件的衝突,並從中探究社工員本身的工作困境與因應之道,期能作為社工員介入校園性侵害案件服務工作經驗整理的開始,進而可做為社工員在性侵害防治工作領域專業角色扮演,及與他專業合作分工的參考。本研究發現如下: 一、社工員主觀認知的角色功能,與法定職責相似,且社工 員角色在處理性侵害案件與一般兒少保護案件是有所差異的。另警政與教育人員對性侵害業務社工員角色扮演的看法,彷彿停留在社工員可以協助其業務面向或是被害人面對司法問題上。總之,似乎校園性侵害案件真要進入司法程序,社工員的角色功能才得以有所發揮。 二、警察人員最期待社工員能夠先了解案情,且請社工員不要在當事人面前「指揮」警察該如何偵辦案件。又教職人員最期待社工員能夠提供訪談資訊,以協助性平會調查。 三、社工員服務困境主要來自社政體制本身,與對個案及其家屬服務過程的衝突。前者如依法規定24小時訪案沒有彈性、新案影響提供舊案的服務、夜間陪同偵訊問題、與應對司法制度產生之角色衝突困境。後者如被害人拒絕配合調查程序、與家長對案情認定不一致,以及面臨處理兩情相悅案件的複雜性。 四、而專業間對彼此的抱怨,呈現了警察人員最在意社工員過度干涉筆錄製作事項,社工員反覺得警察人員不清楚兒童及少年被害人的情緒反應狀態與行為模式,卻未積極偵辦之情。另一方面,學校教職人員覺得社工員透漏學校通報之情,而破壞學校師生的信任關係,甚至覺得社工員可以不要再重複訪談被害學生了。相對的,社工員對於學校教職人員忽略被害人感受 與對被害人標籤、未能滿足家長期待、不清楚處理流程等等事項有所抱怨。 五、為因應上述之困境,且促進專業間的合作關係,也為個案提供專業服務,社工員對學校性平調查持一定配合程度。另為避免破壞與警政的合作關係,社工員全力協助被害人配合製作筆錄事宜。且為維護被害人的法定權益,社工員應接納被害人的個別差異性,並協調各專業之差異認定與判斷。更重要的是社工員需進行自我心態調整,清楚社工員職責角色的界線,同時接納與了解不同專業的工作內容。 六、綜合受訪者想法、意見,在目前實務工作場域中的情境,發現專業間可以分別辦理共同訓練、整合調查工作、建立跨單位組織、修訂法規等不同方式來建立以被害人為中心的團隊工作模式。 依上述研究發現,從處理兒少校園性侵害案件的制度面與從社工員實務工作面提出建議。首先在制度面上,中央機關可從法令規章的修訂與建立中央跨部會機關間的協調機制來著手,而縣市政府教育局處可成立跨校專責小組以專責處理性平案件調查業務,並結合警政、社政之性侵害業務專責小組成跨專業團隊來專責處理校園性侵害事件。在實務面上,建議社政主管機關要落實性侵害防治業務社工員之在職教育、建立緊急保護社工員的服務體制與倡導社工員的職責角色,且社工員要了解與運用性侵害防治業務相關法律規定,並開放自我與其他專業對話。 / This paper adopts the qualitative research method to have in-depth interviews with fourteen police officers, school faculties and social workers who have the experience of dealing with campus sexual assault cases of children and youth for more than five years. With the conducted interviews, this paper will discuss the role social workers play when involving in the cases of sexual assault on campus and the conflicts aroused among social workers, the police and school faculty. This paper aims to investigate the dilemma that social workers face in their job and the possible solutions to these problems. In hope that these data can serve as an initial record for social workers who work in this disciplinary; a reference for the role social workers play in sexual assault prevention; and a guide for the collaboration with other professions. This paper has thus reached the following findings: I. The subjective perception of social workers’ function is similar to their statutory duty and that their role in dealing with sexual assault cases differs from that handling general child protection cases. Nevertheless, the police and school faculty still have the impression that social workers who handle sexual assault cases can assist them with their respective duties or provide help for the victim’s confrontation with the judicial problems. Ultimately, it seems like it is only when the campus sexual assault case reaches its judicial stage, then social workers can play their part. II. The police expect social workers to understand the case and meanwhile, they do not want social workers to interfere with their investigation, especially in front of the victim or victimizer. On the other hand, the school faculty expects social workers to provide them with the interview information, so as to assist the investigation of the Gender Equality Committee. III. The problems that social workers face are mainly from the rigidity of the social affair system and the conflicts aroused when communicating with the victim, the victimizer, and their relatives. The former problems are such as the inflexibility of the regulation of the law to attend the case in 24 hours; the past cases are affected by the current cases; the problems of accompanied night interrogation; and the conflicts aroused in confrontation with the judicial system. The latter problems are such as the victimizer’s refusal to cooperate in the investigation, the disagreement on the case with the parents, and the complexity to handle the case involving sexual gratification in mutuality. IV. There are complaints between different professions. For instance, the police concern the most about social workers’ excessive intervention when they are making a report of the case. However, social workers feel that the police are insensitive to the child or youth victim’s emotions and behaviors, and therefore they did not carry out the investigation actively. Moreover, the school faculty feels that social workers’ disclosure of the case would damage the trust between students and teachers. Also, they feel that social workers should not interview the victimized student repeatedly. On the other hand, social workers have complaints about the school faculty. For example, their negligence of the victim’s feelings; their tendency to label the victim; their inability to fulfill the expectations of the parents and their ignorance of the procedure of the case. V. To solve the above problems; to initiate the cooperative relations among different professions; and to provide the case with professional service, social workers will definitely coordinate with the school’s investigation on the gender equality cases. Also, in order not to damage the cooperative relation with the police, social workers will provide full assistance while the police are making a report of the case with the victim. Moreover, social workers should safeguard the legal rights of the victim by accepting the victim’s individual difference and coordinating the difference in judgments between various professions. Most importantly, social workers should undergo an adjustment in mentality to understand their role and the borderline of their duty by accepting and understanding the tasks of various professions. VI. By summing up the interviewees’ ideas and opinions, there comes to a discovery that in the practical practices, it is possible for different professions to conduct trainings together, to synthesize the investigation, to establish a cross-unit organization, to revise regulations and many other ways in order to create a victim-centered working team mode. From the above studies, suggestions can be made on two aspects, the system itself and the practical practices of social workers, while dealing with sexual assault cases on campus. First on the system, the central authority can start with the revision of the laws and regulations and the establishment of the coordination from the central to the other departments. For instance, the County Municipal Bureau of Education Department can set up a cross-school team that deals mainly with gender equality cases, and which is able to synthesize the sexual assault investigative teams from the police and social workers. Next, on the practical practices of social workers, it is suggested that the social affairs authority should implement the in-service education of social workers involving in sexual assault preventive project. Also, it is necessary for the establishment of a service system that protects social workers’ safety in case of emergency and the need to advocate the responsibility of their role. Furthermore, social workers are required to understand and exercise the laws and regulations related to sexual assault preventive cases, and to have an open-mind so that the dialogues with other professions can be made possible.

教師性侵害懲處修法過程及影響之研究 / The study of the process and influence of amending the law about punishing sexual abuse of teachers

黃淑婷 Unknown Date (has links)
教師性侵害學生問題存在已久,2009年起人本教育基金會開始倡議修正教師法第14條,同年11月6日三讀通過,然而早在2002年教育部提出教師法全文修正版至行政院審查,2008年排入立法院議程審議,其中即針對舊教師法所產生之問題擬定完整法令,惟何以未能通過?兩者版本孰優孰劣?本研究分別透過Kingdon的政策窗概念及法令於實務之可行性,分析教育部與人本倡議修法之過程始末與兩者版本於懲處性侵教師規定之內容,以瞭解影響兩者修法結果之原因,及兩者版本進行懲處性侵教師時可能產生之效益與爭議。 研究結果發現:人本排入立法院審議的時間避免了新舊政府輪替的前後時期,為順利通過的最重要因素,加上教師法第14條修法草案牽涉相關議題的較少,人本成功遊說獲得多數立委的支持,黨團協商取得共識,因此,縱使教育部之版本中對懲處性侵教師有較完整機制,然而教育部修正教師法全文時未具備以上關鍵因素,故最後仍未能修正通過。比較教育部與人本之版本內容,發現教育部之版本考量較人本仔細且解決更多問題,惟兩者仍皆有所不足之處,可相互借鏡,以制定出更完善之法令,將性侵教師徹底趕出校園。 雖教師法全文修正涉及之議題較為廣泛,惟人本2009年倡議修正通過教師法第14條的成功經驗,仍可供教育部日後修正教師法全文之參考,即針對每一議題依序研商,抓住立法院關注教師法修法之時機,並爭取立委支持,集中審議,最後教育部應能如願修正通過教師法。

以犯罪偵查為目的之DNA資料保存-以歐洲人權公約第八條為中心 / The Retention of DNA Data for Criminal Investigation- Focus on Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights

林宛怡 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於DNA所具有獨一無二與終生不變之特性,DNA 早已被視為現今打擊犯罪不可或缺之利器。然而,也正因DNA所得透露之資訊實際上遠超過人別辨識所需之資訊,因此,國家究竟可否為了所謂「犯罪偵查」之目的建立國家刑事DNA資料庫以「保存」個人DNA資料,以及若可,在何種限度內之保存始具有正當性,即是本文主要探討的問題。 而為期能為我國在DNA資料之保存議題上提供一符合國際性之基準,本文主要係以歐洲人權公約第八條「私人生活受尊重權」為討論中心,並於第二章中,詳細介紹私人生活受尊重權之內涵及其限制要件。而後再於第三章部分,針對DNA資料之保存措施是否已對私人生活受尊重權造成干預進行討論。在肯定保存具有干預性的前提下,於第四章再針對本文的主要重點,亦即「在何種限度內」之保存始具正當性,分別依保存對象之不同加以探討。最後,再藉由上述的討論,回頭檢視我國現行相關保存規範之合憲性,並說明我國現行法可能不足之處。

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