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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李商隱愛情詩之空間感與抒情性 / The Sense of Space and Lyricism in Love Poetry of Li-Shang-Yin

沈鈺寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以李商隱愛情詩為對象,觀察詩人對於自我空間的省察與情感之間的互動關係。在李商隱詩歌中,「愛情」佔據了極大的主題,本文即針對此,研究李商隱如何以其詩歌空間的建構,為散佚漂流、追尋不果的愛情創作空間來加以安棲,進而讓情感寧定而安頓自我。   是以,本文第二章「靈光氣氛──李商隱愛情詩的感知表現」將先觀察李商隱從身體延伸而出的空間認知,探討詩人對於自我身處空間的理解詮釋,在此將以身體論的嗅、聽、觸、視覺等感知,為李商隱梳理詩歌中埋藏的時空線索,並了解詩人主要將愛情歸屬於何種時空順序中的經驗。其次,再由第三章「棲止地標──李商隱愛情詩的空間創設」來探索李商隱以文學之用,透過詩歌來將愛情經驗重新建構有意義的「地方」而回歸「家屋」,由封閉的室內而到高遠的室外、由現實的空間投射而到抽象的空間向度的象徵落實,在文字中為愛情築居,重構在每一段愛情經驗中的自我影像。最後,則回到詩歌形式的探究,直接從聲音上的示意,掌握聽覺空間的廣狹遠近,並探討就中寄存的愛情經驗與藝術匠心。   以「空間」來討論李商隱詩歌,除了出於李商隱詩歌興向朦朧、語意晦澀,就文字符號的凝定不足與詩人生平、時代、經歷直接關聯,而是意圖引人全神貫注於詩人提供的嶄新形象,而李商隱對於愛情的珍視持存、以詩歌「美」來救贖愛情破滅之必然,李商隱的詩歌創作肯認「抒情空間化」的可能,無論是形式上的聲音空間或是意義上的心靈空間,以其身體展開的意象弧統覺聲、意的藝術嘗試,可以視為總結了唐代詩藝中聲律、詞采並陳的美學典範,這也是李商隱以其空間書寫在詩歌史上所佔有的獨特時代位置。

結合感知玩具與電子書於兒童學習之互動設計 / Designing a children's learning app with tangible toys

曾韻如, Tseng, Yun Ju Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年平版電腦興起,觸控式平板之操作介面簡單直覺,學習曲線低,很適合小朋友來操作,已逐漸被使用在教育市場中。回顧教育學家所提出之學習理論,我們發現感官和四肢,是嬰幼兒時期主要的發展任務,也是幼兒智慧發展的根源,然而平板電腦缺乏實物的觸覺感知,平面的觸控體驗大幅限制了兒童的感官知能。因此本創作旨在針對3~6歲的小朋友,設計一套結合觸控平板之實體感知玩具(Tangible Toys),並延續福祿貝爾與蒙特梭利對於觸覺學習的教育理論,實作兩種運用於平板與感知玩具的遊戲學習模式,提供新型態的互動學習體驗。小朋友在本創作設計之遊戲學習過程中使用到手的操作與觸覺感知,藉由有趣的感官互動,增加小朋友的學習興趣。 我們提出兩種英文單字的學習模式,並觀察與分析兒童使用感知玩具在平板上的操作行為,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據,本創作所發展之技術亦可輔助觸控式平板發展多樣化之「數位教具」。 綜合所述,本創作完成目標如下: 1. 互動學習體驗:以感知玩具結合平板的互動形式帶給兒童新型態的互動學習體驗。 2. 兒童探索學習:透過感知玩具刺激兒童的學習興趣,利用不同的玩偶讓兒童嘗試去探索關聯式的單字。 3. 操作經驗分析:分析兒童對於感知玩具的使用經驗與操作,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據。 / Touch-based tablets have grown extremely rapidly in recent years. Since the touch-based interface is simple, intuitive and easy to learn, touch-based tablets have been adopted quickly in the Education market. However, touch-based tablet lacks tangible and tactile feedback, thus it constrains children’s learning ability of sensations. In this paper, we aimed at 3~6 years old children and designed a children’s learning app with tangible toys on the tablet. By extending Frobel and Montessori’s tactile learning theory, we implemented two game-based learning applications with tangible toys to bring a novel interactive learning experience for children. We conducted the preliminary study of 4 kindergarten children. The result showed that children were interested in tangible toys and had more fun in the learning activities. Finally, our capacitive tags can be used to design various forms of digital manipulatives on the tablets.

在WMN網路上考量功率及負載之路由協定 / An Efficient POwer-Load-Aware Routing Protocol (POLAR) for Wireless Mesh Networks

吳耀先, Wu,Yao-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
為了降低無線網路基地台後端之backhaul成本及解決Ad hoc網路涵蓋面積問題,無線網狀網路WMNs(Wireless Mesh Networks)因此應運而生。WMNs網路上的節點裝置與Ad hoc網路上的行動裝置對電量消耗及負載的需求是非常不同的,所以在Ad hoc網路上可使用之路由協定在WMNs網路上是無法直接適用的。 在Pure Ad hoc網路上考量Power之MMBCR(Min-Max Battery Cost Routing)及考量Loading之CSLAR(Contention Sensitive Load Aware Routing)等路由協定並沒有考量到WMNs網路上不同元件間的不同特性。有鑑於此,我們著重在Hybrid WMNs網路環境上,並提出了在Mesh Clients及Routers上同時考量Power及Loading的路徑演算法,我們稱之為POLAR。實驗結果顯示我們的路由協定能夠提昇整體的網路效能及延長網路存活時間。 / In order to reduce the backhaul cost and solve Ad hoc network coverage problem, WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks) arise at the historic moment. The requirements on power efficiency and loading are much different between mesh nodes of WMNs and mobile hosts of ad hoc networks. The routing protocol used in Ad hoc networks would be not suitable in WMN networks. The power-aware routing in MMBCR (Min-Max Battery Cost Routing) and load-aware routing in CSLAR (Contention Sensitive Load Aware Routing) used in pure Ad hoc networks don‘t consider the different characteristics of the components in WMNs. In view of this, we focus on the Hybrid WMNs environment, and propose a combined POwer-Aware with Load-Aware Routing algorithm (Called POLAR) along mesh clients and routers. The experimental results show that our routing protocol can enhance the network efficiency and lengthen the network live time.


January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 企业并购是经济管理领域长盛不衰的研究话题,也是企业高投资与高风险并行的战略举措。并购后对品牌进行有效整合是实现并购价值的重要过程,只有对并购后的品牌进行整合,才能使并购取得应有的并购协同效应。在消费者导向意识不断深化,服务导向逐渐成为服务行业的主流导向的背景下,研究品牌并购中消费者感知及其忠诚显得尤为重要。企业并购过程中面临的风险与挑战之一就是消费者未必对商家的品牌并购行为买账,消费者忠诚受到影响。尽管已有学者提出品牌并购的企业更应关注消费者及其忠诚,但目前从消费者感知角度研究企业或品牌并购行为的研究较少。为了揭示消费者感知品牌并购的过程,探究品牌并购是否及如何影响消费者感知及忠诚,本文基于深度访谈法与情境下问卷调查法分析了消费者对品牌并购的感知及结果,并设计两项研究:研究一在理论分析与前人研究基础上,通过对消费者的深度访谈,确立了消费者感知的品牌并购价值的四个维度,分别为品牌联想、产品联想、组织联想与人员服务品质,并在借鉴前人研究结合本研究的具体背景,得出消费者感知的品牌并购价值的测量条目。研究二通过情境模拟下的问卷调查法,检验了消费者感知品牌并购价值、感知质量、感知价值、品牌忠诚、产品涉入以及品牌知名度之间的关系。在此基础上,本文对L教育集团在实践运营过程中的品牌并购案例进行详细分析,发现了L教育集团发起品牌并购的原因以及并购过程中存在的问题和改进建议。 研究结果显示:(1)消费者感知的品牌并购价值的四个维度分别为品牌联想、产品联想、组织联想与人员服务品质;(2)消费者感知品牌并购价值与感知质量有显著正相关关系,表明消费者感知品牌并购价值能够提高消费者的感知质量;(3)消费者感知质量对其感知价值有显著的正向影响,表明感知质量正向预测消费者的感知价值水平;(4)消费者感知质量对其品牌忠诚有显著的积极作用;(5)消费者感知品牌并购价值与消费者感知价值存在显著的正相关关系;(6)消费者感知品牌并购价值对消费者品牌忠诚的路径系数达到显著性水平;(7)消费者感知质量在感知并购价值与感知价值、品牌忠诚之间起部分中介作用;(8)产品涉入与品牌知名度在消费者感知并购价值与感知质量的关系之间起调节作用。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019

建置結合社群互動圈的個人化餐廳推薦系統 / Design and Implementation of a Personalized Restaurant Recommendation System

黃資雅 Unknown Date (has links)
選擇到哪家餐廳用餐的問題,不論旅遊或家居都經常會遇到。大多數的人會先上網,尋找符合自己喜好且評價好的美食。然而網際網路發達,在人人都可上網分享的情況下,造成資訊氾濫超載。使得使用者上網瀏覽資料時,很容易找到不切合需求的資訊。解決此資訊超載的方法之一是餐廳推薦系統。儘管目前有很多的推薦應用程式或是分享平台,諸如TripAdvisor、iPeen愛評網、foursquare…等等,資料豐富但卻沒有針對個人偏好做推薦。   本研究有鑒於許多人在品嘗美食之前,會先拍照並在Facebook或Instagram打卡做紀錄、分享給朋友,打卡的次數可能意味著此餐廳的熱門度。且使用者選擇的美食類型偏好也可能受到聚餐目的的影響。因此開發出一款結合社群互動圈以及考量用餐情境的餐廳推薦系統。此系統先利用使用者所選擇的聚餐場合、價位、餐廳類型、熱門商圈等元素篩選出合適的餐廳,再利用Facebook打卡資料取得與使用者偏好相似的好友,依據好友的相似度推算出使用者對餐廳的喜好程度,推薦符合使用者興趣及需求的餐廳,協助使用者能夠更容易地找到自己所喜好的店家。   本研究的實作系統,經過評估測試,結果發現結合社群互動圈及考量用餐情境的個人化推薦能讓使用者更容易找到自己所喜好的餐廳,而在推薦內容中顯示好友對餐廳的評論,更有效的幫助使用者作決策。未來本推薦系統所使用之結合情境元素所設計的模式亦可應用至其他領域的推薦平台,如旅遊景點推薦或旅遊住宿推薦。 / Most people face the issue of deciding which restaurant to eat. Searching through the Internet is the first step that people usually do. However the rapid growth of information has overloaded the Internet users, it makes difficult to find the most appropriate information for decision-making. Certainly there are several restaurant recommender systems have been developed to solve the problem, such as TripAdvisor, iPeen, foursquare, etc; but few systems provide personalized and context-based recommendations.   The research intends to develop a restaurant recommender system that considers the factors of social network and context. Nowadays, when people eat, they like to take a picture and check in on Facebook or Instagram to share with friends, the numbers of check-in for a restaurant may mean the restaurant’s popularity. In addition, the gathering purpose and personal preferences may also affect the users’ decisions. Therefore the recommender system first used the variables of eating criteria such as place, price, types of food, eating environments to filter restaurants. The system then got the user’s similar friends from check-in data of Facebook. Through calculating friends’ similarity and their preference of restaurants, the recommender system finds the most fitted ones for the user to choose from.   The afterward system’s users testing data prove that this personalized and context-based recommendation system provides better information to help the user make their decisions. The same model can be replicated to other domain of recommender platforms.

對於環境監管規則之時間感知衝突偵測方法 / Temporal-aware conflict detection method for environmental regulation

侯宇澤, Hou, Yu Tse Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文中提出了一個新的環境監管規則衝突偵測方法,其運用於偵測智慧環境中使用者所制定的各種服務(在此稱為「規則」)。不同於傳統的偵測方法,此篇論文考量時間的因素,使具有時間感知的規則也能夠進行偵測。當考慮到時間的關係,這可能會使得原本衝突的規則變成有機會發生衝突或是不發生衝突,而且這也將會影響到整個系統的運作。我們基於特徵交互作用將衝突類型分成矛盾以及循環兩種,並且將時間因素也考慮到衝突類型當中,再針對這兩種衝突分別進行偵測。在矛盾這類型的衝突中,此篇論文利用時間邏輯的歸結原理來找出矛盾的規則;在循環這類型的衝突中,此篇論文將規則轉換成圖,然後再利用深度優先搜索找出圖中的返回邊,若是有返回邊存在也就能說明圖中存在著循環。此方法主要有兩個優點,第一個是在不考慮時間因素的傳統規則中,能夠有效的偵測出衝突。第二個是考慮時間因素的時間感知規則中,也能夠有效的偵測出衝突。在我們的實驗中,除了在模擬的規則資料庫中進行偵測外,我們也針對在實際的農業養殖場域中所使用的規則資料庫進行偵測。我們所提出的方法成功的偵測出智慧環境中使用者所制定的服務。 / A novel temporal-aware conflict detection method for environmental regulation which is used to detect the various services (referred to as “rules”) prescribed by users in a smart environment is proposed in this thesis. This method is different from the traditional detection methods. This thesis considers the temporal-aware so that temporal rules can be detected. When we take the temporal relationship into account, it is possible that the conflicting rules are turned into opportunistic conflicting rules or non-conflicting rules, and it also affects the operation of the entire system. We divide the conflict type into contradiction and cycle based on the feature interaction and take the temporal relationship into account, and then detect these two kinds of conflict types. In the conflict type of contradiction, this thesis uses the temporal resolution to detection conflicting rules. In the conflict type of cycle, this thesis transforms the rules into graphs, and then detect the cycles through the depth-first search (DFS) to find back edges. This method has two main advantages, the first one is that the conflict can be detected among the traditional rules which do not consider the temporal. The second is that the conflict can be effectively detected among the temporal rules. In our experiments, in addition to detecting in simulated rule databases, we also detect the rule databases used in the real greenhouse. The method we proposed successfully detect the services prescribed by the users in the intelligent environment.

原來不是每個人都想跟團! 探討人格特質如何影響知覺風險並進而牽制團購行為 / The antecedents of risk perception on group buying behavior

蔡衣宜, Tsai, I Yi Unknown Date (has links)
根據EOLembrain東方快線2011年11月份所進行的調查發現,雖然團購市場發展蓬勃,依然有高達44%的人沒有團購經驗。顯現出團購固然方便,還是有其風險所在,像是商品不如預期、等待時間過長、被盜用帳號等,使人們有所顧慮。過去針對團購的研究中,大多將知覺風險當成團購行為的前因,卻忽略知覺風險事實上也被不同因素所影響著。本研究提出一個中介模式來探討團購中知覺風險的前因(消費者性格特質、資源投入感知)與團購行為的關連性。研究結果發現,知覺風險低者,有團購經驗的可能性越高,而知覺風險又會中介信任特質、多疑特質、資源投入感知與團購行為的關係。信任特質高者其知覺風險低,故越可能有團購經驗,多疑特質高者其知覺風險低,故抑制其團購行為,而消費者因感知較大的資源投入,而有較大的知覺風險,因此也抑制了團購行為。 / According to EOLembrain’s survey, 44% Taiwanese people don’t have group buying experience. It shows that people have different levels of perceived risk in terms of group buying owing to their different characters. Also, there are some worries behind the trend, such as product issue, long waiting time and account privacy issue.While past researches focus on how perceived risk affects consumption behavior, they ignore the fact that some factors also have influence on perceived risk. This study aims to understand how perceived risk is affected by different antecedents like personalities (adventurousness, trust, distrust and cautiousness) and perceived resources input. The study also proposes a mediation model to explore the relations between the antecedents, the risk perception and group buying experience. The result shows that people with higher level of trust have lower perceived risk and higher chance to attend group buying. On the contrary, people with higher level of distrust have higher perceived risk and lower chance to attend group buying. Furthermore, people with higher cautiousness also have lower chance to attend group buying. While adventurousness has no significant relevance to perceived risk and group buying experience, people with higher level of adventurousness will have higher frequency of group buying.

重新理解柏拉圖之《泰鄂提得斯》篇 / Reunderstanding Theaetetus

林加恩, Lin, Chia En Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖藉由梳理前人對於『泰鄂提得斯』篇之研究觀點,重新理解此篇談論知識的對話錄之意義。此文不採取過去對話錄間系統性的比較取徑,而專注於從此文本本身發掘柏拉圖所欲呈現之知識觀點。 藉由帶出『助產術』、『普羅塔哥拉斯』、『偏題』等主題,配合重新閱讀原文『知識即感知』的知識定義的討論,呈現在對話錄中,對話者於追求知識過程中所經歷的種種心智轉變,進而描繪柏拉圖所刻畫之人與知識間的關係,凸顯此對話錄中『內化政治』的面向以及對話錄真正的核心關懷。 與其說此對話錄意圖定義知識是什麼,不如說柏拉圖試圖傳遞一種心智教育的指引,來引領我們轉換跟知識追求活動間的關係。 / The aim of this thesis is to portray what may be the real spirit of the dialogue Theaetetus. While most of the researches focus on the systematic position of this dialogue, this dialogue seems to offer us less than it might do. While the midwifery and the digression are taken to be peripheral in other scholarly works, this thesis intends to bring out the connotation of these passages. Together with re-reading of the first part of the definition of knowledge, I tried to show the “inner-political” facet and the real concern of this dialogue. I suggest that, in Theaetetus, what we really get is not the result of a certain definition of knowledge; instead, what Plato tries to transmit is a mental-pedagogical guideline, informing us how to transform our relations with the pursuit of knowledge.


仲尾, 信彦 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第24579号 / 工博第5085号 / 新制||工||1974(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科マイクロエンジニアリング専攻 / (主査)教授 安達 泰治, 教授 井上 康博, 教授 横川 隆司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

文化取向的傳播研究--雷蒙、威廉斯(RAYMOND WILLIAMS)論點之探討

謝國雄, XIE, GUO-XIONG Unknown Date (has links)
文中所稱之「文化取向的傳播研究」,是以英國的文化研究(CULTURAL STUDIES)為 代表。第一章導論,分析傳播之主流研究,並指出其極限,進而說明文化研究正可補 其不足。第二章試圖勾勒出研究的內涵。第三、四、五章闡釋文化研究的巨擘──雷 蒙•威廉斯之三組核心概念,分別是:1•文化、傳播與過程社區(COMMUNITY OF PROCESS) ;2•感知結構(STRUCTURE OF FEELING) ;3•整體傳播過程中的意圖 (INTENTION) 與霸權(HEGEMONY)。第六章結論,檢討威廉斯所代表之文化研究, 並嘗試指出威廉斯論點中何供本地文化及傳播研究借鏡之處。

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