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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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誰會被主管排擠? 主管之部屬能力及威脅感知覺之探討 / Who Will Be Ostraized by Supervisor?The Study of Supervisors’ perception of Subordinates’ Competence and Threat

黃順凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討主管排擠部屬行為的前因,以部屬能力與威脅感作為解釋之機制,部屬能力可藉由威脅感對主管排擠產生影響。並以集體認同、知覺相似性作為部屬能力與威脅感間關係的調節變項;最後則探討主管排擠對於部屬幸福感與部屬主管承諾的影響。 本研究採用便利性取樣,使用對偶方式進行資料收集,研究對象為一般私人企業之員工,共發出紙本問卷328套,回收234套,回收率為71%,有效問卷為207套,有效回收率為63%。藉由SPSS 20與Lisrel 8.8等統計軟體進行資料分析,本研究結果顯示,部屬能力會透過威脅感對主管排擠產生正向的間接效果;當部屬越知覺主管對自己有排擠行為時,部屬之主管承諾越低;部屬知覺主管排擠對部屬幸福感則不具影響;而不論是集體認同或是知覺相似性,對於部屬能力與威脅感間的關係,皆無預期之調節效果。最後,針對本研究之結果進行討論,並說明理論貢獻、管理意涵、研究限制與未來研究建議。 / This study aimed at investigating the antecedents of supervisor ostracism. We used subordinates’ competence and threat from subordinates as mechanisms to illustrate the antecedents of supervisor ostracism. We hope to explore the indirect effect of subordinates’ competence on supervisor ostracism via threat from subordinates. Moreover, we proposed that collective identity and perceived supervisor-subordinate similarity can moderate the relationship between subordinates’ competence and threat from subordinates. We further explore the direct effect of supervisor ostracism on supervisor commitment and well-being. The sample of this study is selected using convenience sampling, and the data is dyad-level data. Totally 328 questionnaires were issued and 234 were returned. The response rate is 71%. Among returned questionnaires, there were 207 effective questionnaires with the effective rate of 63%. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 20 and Lisrel 8.8. The result indicated that subordinates’ competence has positive indirect effect on supervisor ostracism via threat from subordinates. Although subordinate perceived supervisor ostracism has negative effect on supervisor commitment, it had no effect on well-being. Supervisor collective identity and perceived supervisor-subordinate similarity did not moderate the relationship between subordinates’ competence and threat from subordinates. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.


鄭雅允 Unknown Date (has links)
在民主意識高的社會,各政黨高喊「福利國家」,作為競選策略。曾幾何時,已演變成「福利國家」到「政策買票」。一次又一次的選舉,挾帶出一張又一張的競選支票,各項社會福利猶如雨後春筍般的蓬勃發展,各政黨競相以社會福利政策為訴求,各候選人為討好選民,往往以從操控財政政策、政府預算上著手。此種這種伴隨著選舉使得政府財政隨之波動的現象成為「政治景氣循環」(Political Business Cycle)。在這樣的選舉洗禮下,我國的社會福利呈現出怎樣的面貌?本文針對台灣地區民國87年至民國95年間23縣市的統計資料進行迴歸分析,說明政治景氣循環對臺灣地方社會福利之衝擊。 研究結果發現如下:首先驗證臺灣地區社會福利發展確實隨著選舉循環波動,符合呼應著投機派政治理論循環的推論及Schulats(1995)、Clark、Reichert、Lomas and Parker(1998)提出的政府藉由選舉政策操控地方經濟的論點。其次,我國地方社會福利支出具有明顯的地方特定效果與時間效果。實證分析闡明社會福利支出確實存在嚴重的地區間的差距,產生水平不平衡的情形。以新竹縣、台北市、基隆市相對於其他轄區社會福利支出較多,推估可能為人文地理與經濟發展情況均較其他轄區進步的地方無法量化之特質所影響。再以透過時間效果分析顯示社會福利支出易受政策的變動與總體景氣之影響。 最後,本文採用三項政事別支出等統計模型證明在大舉擴張社會福利支出之際,嚴重排擠他項重要政經支出。

臺灣地區公共投資與私人投資關係之探討 / The corelation of public and private investment in Taiwan

陳世源, Chen, Shen Yan Unknown Date (has links)
過去四十年, 我國經濟快速成長, 國民所得不斷提高, 公共部門的經 費不斷增加, 但所提供的公共財貨與勞務的數量與品質,卻遠落後於人 民期望之後, 這是造成投資環境惡化、 私人投資(private investment) 意願低落、 及生活素質低落的主要因素之一。 目前台灣地區諸多經濟與 社會結構失衡問題的癥結,在於公共投資(public investment)政策反應 社會需求的速度過於遲緩。因此, 深入了解台灣地區公共投資的情形, 對於我國解決目前所面臨的經濟問題、 追求進一步的經濟成長、及提升 生活素質將有很大的助益。然公共投資是整體投資活動的一環, 與私人 投資同是支持經濟成長的重要角色。 公共投資增加是否會排擠私人投資 , 需視兩種相對力量大小而定。 一方面較高水準公共投資對私人投資產 出排擠(cro wd-out);但某些公共資本主要在提供公共基礎設施,藉此可 降低私人的生產成本, 提升私人投資意願。 若公共投資增加, 致使私 人投資減少則排擠產生; 再者公共投資提供的公共基礎設施, 輔助私經 濟的運作, 使私人的邊際生產力提升, 進而使私人投資增加, 則誘導( crowd-in)產生。本篇論文共分為五個部分, 依序為諸論、 公共投資與 私人投資之文獻回顧 、 台灣地區公共投資的回顧、 公共投資與私人投 資關係的實證分析、 及結論。


李榮謙, Li, Rong-Qian Unknown Date (has links)
第一章,介紹本文的研究目的和文獻回顧;第二章,探討歷年來台灣公共部門的規模 ,並且觀察公共部門與私人部門兩者間的關係,對於台灣公營事業在我國經濟發展上 所扮演的角色亦給予探討;第三章,我們將致力於建立一個動態的投資、儲蓄和成長 模型,去導引公共投資影響私人投資的途徑;第四章,將民國四十二年至七十年間的 台灣資料代入本文的模型來作實證分析及應用說明;第五章,我們將以動態的模擬模 型來探討公共投資影響私人投資時間過程的反應;第六章,扼要的說明由本文所得到 的發現以及討論它們在經濟政策上的涵義。 所得到的主要結論如下─台灣公共剖門投資的擴張在長期下不但不利於私人部門投資 ,甚且對於我國整體的經濟發展亦是不利的。因此,今後我國的經濟發展政策似應減 少公共部門投資,而將有限資源讓私人部門來利用,如此才能發揮資源利用效率繼 續追求經濟的快速成長。

社區發展集體行動與誘因導入-以宜蘭縣冬山鄉珍珠社區為例 / Community development collective action and incentive injectig-a case study of Jenju Community in I-lan

陳秉宏, Chen, Bing Hong Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的社區發展推行至今,從傳統由上而下的硬體支持,轉為時下由下而上的全方位發展。社區自主發展是自發性的治理行動,藉由信任、溝通、相互尊重等意識建構當地的社會網絡雛形,進而累積龐大的社會資本,以為社區發展的基礎。社區發展並非是終點,而是個連續的過程。因此,於社區發展的集體行動過程中,需提供相當的誘因以維持集體行動的運行。 然而,依台灣社區發展推行至今的經驗觀之,不少案例顯示政府機構所提供的誘因機制,經常排擠了地方社區的自發性集體行動以及自主制度的建立。這樣的結果推翻了以往「引進物質性誘因以激勵合作行為時,既有存在的非物質性誘因並不會受到影響」的假設。 有鑑於此,本研究以珍珠社區案例為研究對象,透過文獻分析與深度訪談的方式,檢視珍珠社區於社區發展過程中,外部各項誘因的挹注對社區發展歷程產生的排擠效果,包括影響社會網絡的強健與社會資本的積累。研究成果發現,一旦涉及利益分配,不同誘因類型間的排擠效果愈明顯。同時,容易造成不同參與者間的信任網絡的崩解、裂痕,進而削弱原有設區社會資本的存量。 惟誘因導入對於維持社區發展的集體行動持續不衰實有舉足輕重之影響,故結合案例觀察成果,誘因導入社區發展之集體行動需建立於下列前提:1.培養社區認同、調整社區願景、消弭宗教衝突以充實社區社會資本2.進行跨區整合,減低對政府的依賴 3.建立獎懲及監督機制,減少搭便車情形4.領導者風範的調整與包容或可促進社區發展持續有效的集體行動運作,達成社區永續發展的目標。 / Taiwan's community development carrying out until now, the community development the infrastructure which leads from the traditional government, transfers development. The community self-development is the spontaneous government motion, because of the trust, communication, mutual respect etc. which constructs local the social network and accumulate social capital. Because community development is a process, to maintain collective action continually needs provide suitable incentives. However, according to the experience of community development in Taiwan, many cases demonstrated a phenomenon: incentives that government provides usually crowds out the community collective actions and establish independent system. Such result has overthrown the assumption : to encourage cooperation actions by lead in incentives, the existence of non-material incentives will not be affected. In view of this, a case study of Jenju Community, we will survey the crowding-out effect which injecting external incentives during the community development. Include strong social networks and social capital accumulation. Research found that when it comes to the distribution of benefits, crowding-out effect between the different types of incentives is more apparently. At the same time, it is likely to cause network of trust between different actors collapse of cracks, which would weaken the existing stock of social capital in the community. However, incentives for the maintenance of community development into collective action has a significant continuing decline of the real impact, Therefore, the results observed with the case, incentives for collective action in community development into the need to establish the following premise:1. to enrich social capital by foster community identity, community vision to adjust, to eliminate the religious conflict. 2. for cross-integration, to reduce dependence on government. 3. the establishment of incentive and monitoring mechanisms to reduce the free rider situation. 4. leadership style and tolerance of adjustment. This may facilitate sustainable community development and effective operation of collective action, to achieve sustainable community development objectives.

高房價對購屋與生育行為之影響-家庭資源、家庭需求與家庭偏好之探討 / The Influence of High Housing Prices on Home Buying and Childbearing Behaviors– An Investigation of Family Resources, Demands, and Preferences

林佩萱 Unknown Date (has links)
購屋與生育同為家庭生命周期重大事件,在高房價低生育率時代,家庭行為的改變,受到政府機關及社會、經濟學者的關注。過去研究指出,購屋及生育行為的連結建立在對家庭的資源與需求,彼此不僅存在資源競爭關係,亦因家庭生命周期的穩定效果,而提高家庭對另一事件的需求。考量家戶對於擁有房子與孩子的次序偏好相異,其家庭資源分配及需求亦不盡相同,故本研究從家庭資源、需求及家庭偏好探討高房價背景下家戶購屋與生育行為的關係;運用中央研究院調查之華人家庭動態資料庫(PSFD),針對1934~1984年出生之受訪者資料,建立存活模型進行分析。 探討主題有三:一、探討資源排擠效果與生命周期穩定效果對於購屋及生育行為的影響以及影響程度隨時間變化的情形。二、探討購屋對家戶生育行為的影響途徑。三、探討家戶生育事件對購屋年齡影響之世代差異。實證結果,家庭資源及需求對購屋及生育事件的影響為一動態過程。在高房價時期,先生育家戶婚後購屋機率增加,卻有較年長的男性購屋年齡。而先購屋家戶有較年輕的男性購屋年齡,生育機率卻較低。購屋年齡存在世代差異,先生育家戶的購屋年齡隨世代先提前後增加,先購屋家戶的購屋年齡則呈年輕化趨勢。 本研究成果有助於瞭解家庭購屋及生育行為的關係,作為住宅及衛生福利單位於制定獎勵生育、安親托育或住宅福利政策參考。為讓家庭安心培育下一代,建議政策研擬制定應考量家庭偏好差異性、住宅政策及獎勵生育政策關聯性等,並使房價回歸合理及健全安親托育制度,以有效解決高房價、低生育率的社會問題。


賴靜瑤, Lai , Ching-yao Unknown Date (has links)
為解決經濟發展過程伴隨的污染問題,常可見到政府和私部門一同投入防治工作,Pearce and Palmer (2001) 發現OECD國家隨著經濟成長,政府逐步提高公共防治支出,而且各個國家私部門的防治投入仍然佔有相當比重。Seldon and Song (1994)、Antle and Heidebrink (1995) 和Komen et al. (1997) 等實證文獻曾提出「倒U字型」EKC成立的原因可能來自環境財為奢侈財,使得經濟成長過程中公共防治投入快速增加,污染才會逐步減少。雖然Pearce and Palmer (2001) 實證OECD國家公共防治投入的所得彈性確實大於1,可是Kriström and Riera (1996) 發現許多國家對環境品質改善之願付價值的所得需求彈性值介於0到1之間,環境品質實為正常財而非奢侈財。鑒於相關實證資料的矛盾,本文從政府公共防治決策過程,了解環境品質所得需求彈性與公共防治投入所得彈性大於1的關聯,以連結環境品質所得需求彈性與EKC成立的關聯。本文證明無需奢侈財的偏好條件,而僅需環境品質偏好為正常財,以及防治技術滿足規模報酬遞增或固定,平均所得提高,消費者對環境品質的主觀願付價格高於客觀代價,模型預期政府將不斷提高防治費率,平均所得水準和防治費率同步增加,公共防治投入的所得彈性必定大於1,污染量終會減少並趨向於零。 實證研究指出並非所有種類污染物的污染水準與平均所得關係,一定呈現「倒U字型」關係,而過去理論模型單從消費者對於環境品質偏好條件,或是單從污染物防治技術是否具備規模報酬遞增,仍不能完全解釋不同污染物與所得關係的差異性。本文強調必須將經濟成長帶動所得分配變化對污染的間接效果納入,有助於釐清不同種類污染物與所得關係的差異性。首先,所得分配固定不變而平均所得提高,只要滿足環境品質偏好為正常財,以及防治技術滿足規模報酬遞增或固定,平均所得對污染的直接效果為「倒U字型」。再則平均所得固定不變時,只要消費者對環境品質的偏好為正常財(而非奢侈財),所得分配改善,經由多數決投票決定均衡費率反而調降,污染隨之增加。考量高所得國家經濟成長帶動所得分配改善 (即顧志耐曲線存在) 的間接效果,不同污染物面對相同的所得分配變化,唯一的差異僅是防治技術的不同。防治技術之規模報酬遞增並不保證平均所得對污染的淨效果為「倒U字型」,而必須該污染物防治技術之規模報酬指數很高,直接效果大到足以抵銷間接效果,淨效果才可能為「倒U字型」。 另外,本文探討為何世界各國普遍有公私部門同時投入防治的現象,以及研究公共防治支出對私人防治投入產生排擠或排入效果的機制。模型發現無論政府和私部門的防治要素是否為互補要素 (complementary inputs) ,政府和私部門的最適防治投資都不為零。假若私部門增加設備無關乎提升公共防治設備之效能,公共防治增加,將對私人投資產生排擠效果。假若私部門增加設備可以提升公共防治設備之效能,公共防治對私部門防治投資可能產生排擠效果或排入效果,端看該國對於環境品質的重視程度。 政府環境政策制定與私部門防治投資決策的互動息息相關,環境政策的成效實有賴私部門是否願意配合投入防治設備。一旦公共支出對私人投資具排入效果,政府傾向事前宣布較高費率,期望刺激私人投入防治,待事後私人已經投入防治設備,政府則有誘因調降費率。反之,假若公共支出對私人投資具排擠效果,則政府傾向事後再調高費率。只要政府落實事前宣布政策,在符合實證支持的技術條件,污染與平均所得的關係為「倒U字型」的環境顧志耐曲線 (Environmental Kuznets Curve, 以下簡稱EKC) ,若缺乏機制督促政府落實事前宣布政策,且消費者理性預期政府背離意向,當動態一致性 (dynamically consistent) 費率低於事前宣布政策的費率,則執行動態一致性費率所對應的EKC將高於政府確實執行事前政策之EKC;若動態一致性費率高於事前宣布的費率,環境政策的動態不一致反而使得EKC降低。

捷運建設財務規劃管考機制之研究 / A Study on Supervision and Evaluation Mechanism of Mass Rapid Transit Financing Planning

鄭淳方, Cheng, Chun Fang Unknown Date (has links)
當前我國各級政府財政因窘、公共建設財源短缺,地方期盼興建捷運建設,惟捷運建設成本高昂,國家發展委員會參考美國租稅增額財源機制(Tax Increment Financing, TIF)制度核定「跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案」,該方案廣泛用於配置捷運建設經費,主要係結合創新財源及「自償率」機制促使地方政府善盡財政努力,改善早期建設外部效益未能內部化的缺點,由中央及地方依自償率共同分擔捷運建設經費。本研究發現中央為減少財政負擔設置自償率門檻作為補助依據,恐造成地方為求計畫核定,將配合中央或自行美化財務參數,導致未來財政上的道德危機,觀之美國爭議個案,發現以未來的租稅增額挹注公共建設時隱含道德危機及財政排擠,相關問題管制措施不足,我國援用美國相關制度時應特別注意其制度上的缺點,然目前國內制度及相關研究尚未就捷運建設營運期之自償性經費提出對應的管考措施。 依財政分權理論,捷運建設自償性經費可按財政總量管制的理念進行管考。本研究分析美國管考機制爭議案例後續處理方式,再歸納愛荷華州管考機制相關作法,發現該州管考措施多元,不僅明訂資訊公開項目,亦限制制度運用範圍,可作為我國管考道德危機及財政排擠問題之參考。然而,美國制度與我國「跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案」未完全相同,為設計適合我國之管考機制,本研究邀請曾經參與該方案之中央及地方相關人員,以及國內大眾捷運系統學者參與焦點團體座談會及個別訪談,針對現況課題進行深入的探討。經分析訪談意見,發現捷運建設財務規劃現況問題包含中央面臨地方違背財務承諾道德危機,地方則可能出現財政排擠問題,故管考機制應發揮財務預警、資訊透明功能。 本研究建構一套管考機制,以計畫、執行、檢查、改進(Plan-Do-Check-Act)的實施程序進行下列管考措施:(1)審議期間由中央依捷運建設貢獻審議各計畫租稅增額投入建設經費比例,並制定財務監督及輔導原則、資訊公開原則,供地方據以制定相關配合辦法。(2)建設期間中央給予補助前,監督地方檢討非自償性經費執行情形。(3)營運期間由地方主管機關每年向地方公共債務管理委員會提報自償性財源收益績效,中央每5年檢核地方綜合成效。(4)配套措施包含由中央擴充、開放資訊系統供地方及民眾運用,落實財政透明及公共課責,輔助推動管考機制。同時運用彈性獎勵策略,促使地方政府提升財務績效,促使地方自我改善地價評議制度,以充分反映公共建設貢獻,達成外部效益內部化。 / Currently, government is facing financial difficulty on all levels and is short of public funds for public works. Local governments are looking forward to the construction of MRT facilities. However, the costs of these are very high. Referencing the tax increment financing (TIF) system in the U.S., the National Development Council approved the “Project for Cross-Field Value-Adding in Public Works Financial Planning,” which is widely used for the allocation of the MRT construction funds. By combining innovative financial resources and a “self-liquidation ratio” mechanism, local governments are encouraged to make financial efforts to overcome the failure to internalize the external benefits of early construction. Central and local governments share the MRT construction funds based on the self-liquidation ratio. In the present study, we summarized the literature related to self-liquidating public works and found that during the process of reviewing MRT construction plans, in order to reduce the financial burden and increase the self-liquidation ratio of local governments. However, to seek approval for their plans, local governments beautify their financial indicators, resulting in a moral hazard in finance. By analyzing disputes in the U.S., we found that this system implies moral crises and financial exclusion. Control measures on related issues are inadequate. When borrowing related systems from the U.S., the Taiwanese government should pay special attention to their shortcomings. Neither the current domestic system nor related research has proposed appropriate measures to supervise and evaluate self-liquidation funds during MRT construction and operation. According to the theory of fiscal decentralization, self-liquidating funds for MRT construction can be supervised and evaluated as per the framework of growth control quotas. After analyzing subsequent settlements of disputes on supervision and evaluation mechanisms in the U.S. and summarizing practices related to these mechanisms in the state of Iowa, we found that the state has diverse supervision and evaluation measures, which not only clearly stipulate the disclosure of project information, but also set limitations for the scope of applying the system. This can be used as a reference for the Taiwanese government to handle the moral hazard and financial exclusion of the supervision and evaluation system. However, the systems in the U.S. and the “Project for Cross-Field Value-Adding in Public Works Financial Planning” in Taiwan are not entirely the same. To design an appropriate supervision and evaluation system for Taiwan, those who had participated in the development of the plan from central and local governments as well as scholars of the domestic mass transit system were invited for focus group and individual interview. In-depth discussion on current issues was carried out. After analyzing their opinions from the interview, we found that the current situation of financial planning for MRT construction is as follows: the central government is facing the moral hazard that local governments may violate financial commitments and local governments may experience financial exclusion. Thus, the supervision and evaluation system should perform the functions of financial forecasting and information transparency. In this study, we constructed a supervision and evaluation mechanism to implement the following measures through the plan-do-check-act procedure: (1) During the reviewing phase, the central government considers the ratio of tax increment invested into the construction funds for each proposed plan according to the contribution of MRT construction while developing financial supervision and counseling principles and information disclosure principles to serve as a basis for local governments to formulate supporting measures. (2) During the construction phase, prior to granting subsidies, the central government should supervise the review of the implementation of the non-self-liquidating funds by the local governments. (3) During the operation phase, each local authority should report annually to the local Public Debt Administration Committee its earnings from self-liquidating resources and the central government should inspect the overall performances of the local governments every five years. (4) The supporting measures include the central government expanding and opening information systems for local governments and the people, implementing fiscal transparency and public accountability, and prompting the promotion of supervision and evaluation mechanism. Simultaneously, the central government may use flexible incentive strategies to encourage local governments to improve their financial performance and land appraisal systems to reflect fully the contributions of public works and to internalize the external benefits.

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