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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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跨組織資訊系統採用模式的研究--以臺灣製造業為例 / A study of the adoption mode in the interorganizational information system--for the manufacturing industrial in Taiwan

陳大誠, Chen, Da-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
「跨組織資訊系統」(Interorganizational information system; IOS)為不同組織間建立了彼此資料流通的管道,也增強了組織間的合作關係。隨著網際網路(Internet)應用的盛行,使得跨越不同組織界限,甚至穿越國界的資訊交流更加便捷。本研究主要是收集國內外對於跨組織資訊系統採用的相關文獻,建構跨組織資訊系統的採用模式,以臺灣一千大製造業為研究對象,以瞭解現行臺灣製造業在跨組織資訊系統的使用情形,並特別比較不同採用因素(組織、跨組織、環境)對扮演角色(主動促進、被動接受)與採用目的(交易需求、決策支援)的影響及對未採用跨組織資訊系統的原因探討。 經過問卷的設計、預試、修改、發放到回收,總共寄發一千份,回收二百三十一份,回收率23.1%。結果顯示共有42.9%的製造業採用跨組織資訊系統,主要是透過電子資料交換、電子郵件的方式來進行資料交換,其中汽車及零件業的採用比率較高。就採用模式而言,屬於主動促進者與被動接受者的比例相當,而採用目的多為交易需求(63.6%);權力關係較大、組織策略較著重IOS,及高階主管的支持會影響建置跨組織資訊系統時扮演主動促進者的角色,反之則扮演被動接受者的角色;而依存關係較大則會促使組織在建置跨組織資訊系統時,同時兼具交易需求及決策支援的功能。而在未採用跨組織資訊系統的原因,依重要性順序包括工作流程不重要、不著重IOS投資、不影響市場的競爭性、權力關係不足、無公會推動、信任關係不足、無政府推動、無特定依存關係。 / "Interorganizational Information Systems" (IOS) build the channel for information exchange between different organizations. With the wider applications of the Internet , they make the information flows across the border of the organizations or nations more convenient and fast. To begin with the study, the literature review regarding IOS was conducted to build a conceptual research model. Then the questionnaire was developed, pretested, modified and then mailed. It surveys the managers of information departments of the top 1000 manufacturing companies in Taiwan and reports status of IOS. Two hundreds and thirty-one in this study, giving a response rate of 23.1%. There were 42.9% of these companies which adopt IOS for information exchange, using electronic data interchange (EDI) , electronic mail or extranet. The automobile and accessories industry has higher adoption rate. Among this companies, the proactive companies are nearly equal to the reactive ones, and most companies adopt IOS for transaction processing (63.6%). More power ' the organizational stratgey on IOS with emphasis, and the support of top managers can make companies proactive to adopt the IOS; and more dependent relationship would facilitate companies to adopt IOS for both transaction processing and decision support. The factors for not adopting IOS are that the IOS is unimportant to work, it is not scheduled for investment, it don't affect market competitiveness , the company don't have enough power, the unions never promote the IOS, the partners don't have enough trust, the government don't advocate the IOS, and the partners don't have deeper dependency relationship.


呂蓮芬, Lu Lien Fen Unknown Date (has links)
現今企業的競爭已轉變成供應鏈對供應鏈之間的競爭,整條供應鏈強調的是更緊密的合作夥伴關係。電子採購的出現,無疑為廠商的競爭力注入了一股強心劑。  本研究旨在探討影響供應商與中心廠配合導入電子採購之因素,並對經濟部技術處所推動的供應鏈電子化B計劃做一概括性之整理。目的為了解此一計劃推動至今的現況如何;而在影響供應商配合中心廠導入電子採購方面,則以是否配合及連線類型二部份做為探究問題。  本研究彙整過去關於創新採用新科技的文獻,以「產業環境特性」、「企業經營特性」、「通路關係」、及「系統特性」四構面做為本研究架構。  針對所選定的一家中心廠所有的供應商發出406份問卷,回收有效問卷共51份,有效回收率約為12.52%。研究發現,合計約六成供應商已與該中心廠配合導入電子採購,連線類型大多以Browser為主。而尚未配合導入之廠商則大多持無此需要或與書面訂單差異不大的理由。   透過二元羅吉斯迴歸分析,針對「是否配合」此一反應變項進行分析,發現在影響因素上共有「競爭情形」、「競爭者壓力」、「公司規模」、「產品特性」、「資訊化程度」、「未來重要性」、「系統效益」等七變數顯著。   在三種代表不同整合程度的連線模式上,則以Pearson相關係數衡量十四個變數與其之間正負影響關係。研究發現在影響因素上「公司規模」、「未來重要性」、「中心廠採購金額」、「中心廠採購頻率」等四變數會對整合程度造成正向影響;「不相容性」、「認知風險」等二變數會對整合程度造成負向影響。   最後本研究並根據研究結果,對供應商及中心廠分別提出建議。 / The competition among enterprises has now lies in the issue of supply chain, which emphasize on tighter cooperation relationship of overall supply-chain process. The emergence of E-Procurement system is undoubtedly a critical component to strengthen competitive advantage of both suppliers and their customers. Two main purposes of this research are: first, the research attempts to find the factors that will affect suppliers to introduce E-Procurement in compliance with customers; second, to find the factors that will affect suppliers who already introduce E-Procurement to adopt different integrated model. Based on the past research papers about innovation adoption and diffusion, fourteen factors were selected to constitute the four dimensions of our study: characteristic of business environment、enterprises、E-Procurement system、and channel relationship. 406 questionnaires were mailed out to the all suppliers of the selected buyer. The receivers were the heads of sale divisions. In the end of May 2002, 51 questionnaires were reply; the response rate was 12.56%. After conducting the descriptive statistics, the study finds there are more than 60% suppliers have collaborated with their customers to introduce E-Procurement, most of them adopt the Browser model. The reasons of the suppliers who haven’t compliance with customers are they consider there is no need to introduce or the difference between paper-based order and e-order is too small. By using the binomial logistic regression method to analyze the suppliers’ decision to introduce E-Procurement in compliance with customers, the results show that there are 7 factors will affect this dependent variable: competitive、the pressure of competitor’s using、business size、characteristic of product、the degree of information、importance to future development、system benefit. The Pearson Correlation tested the hypotheses relating to the model of E-Procurement adoption. The main results show that 6 factors will affect suppliers’ adoption model: business size、importance to future development、channel relationship、complexity of the system、recognize of failure rate. Finally, the study will provide suggestions to the suppliers and their customers based on the research results.


洪佳吟 Unknown Date (has links)
這兩年來在台灣文化創意產業最熱門的關鍵字之一「創意市集」,集合了眾多台灣年輕創作者獨立創辦的小型創意品牌,以及文化創意商品愛好者的創意市集聚落,構成了一個文化創意產業早期市場的縮影。   在創意市集中販售原創商品的獨立創作者,一旦希望擴大經營範圍、朝品牌之路發展,便得面臨脫離早期市場、邁向主流市場的課題。由於目前尚無針對文化創意產業之創新採用為題的學術文獻,因此本研究援引Geoffrey A. Moore(2000)之跨越鴻溝理論為架構,探討市場對於創意品牌的創新採用狀況。   本研究結論為,在早期市場中獲得採用的文化創意商品,在發展的路徑上,其一是在遭遇鴻溝前轉向,不走向以量產方式獲利的大眾主流市場,例如藝術市場;其二則是進入以早期大眾為主要消費族群的主流市場,並會面臨「跨越鴻溝」的問題。鴻溝的主要成因來自於:早期採用者較主流市場消費者具備理解文化創意產品核心價值之文化符號意涵及其利益之能力;此外,早期採用者較願意對文創商品在產品品質或實用性上的缺陷,抱持較為寬容友善的態度,而注重商品實用性的主流市場消費者,則對完整商品的需求較高。   文化創意商品跨越創新採用鴻溝的關鍵因素包括: 1.文化創意產品核心價值所提供的文化符號或圖像內涵,能被主流市場消費者理解與認同。 2.產品的產能與利潤結構,必須能因應主流市場分銷管道的制度。因此,手工程度高、不具量產可能的商品,較難跨越鴻溝。 3.必須克服主流市場消費者對品質以及服務可靠度的疑慮,並且能與屬性相近的一般性商品進行競爭。 4.創作者必須具備跨越鴻溝的主觀意願,並將品牌的經營目標設定為「獲利」。


廖元禎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究始於對創新採用相關文獻的探討,加以對目前網際網路發展的觀察、文獻書籍的研讀,以及研究者長期實際使用網路與參與虛擬社群的經驗,發現在目前創新研究及社群研究領域中,仍有諸多值得探討的議題,因而促成本研究研究動機,並希望達成以下目的: 1.瞭解虛擬社群採用者在採用時的動機、採用後的影響、以及影響他們採用的相關的個人特質、心理特質等,提供學術及行銷上的參考 2.整理國內外相關創新採用文獻,並歸納出適合本研究使用的模式 3.結合『虛擬社群』與『創新採用』,提供新的思考角度 4.針對所有類型的虛擬社群同時進行研究,作為後續研究的參考 5.編訂所需要的量表 為達成以上目的,本研究自文獻中整理出影響虛擬社群創新採用的因素可能來自於『產品』、『情境』等因素,因而以此三者作為獨立變數,並在三因素之中選擇部份變數進行衡量。其次,以『特定領域創新性』做為個人因素與創新採用之間的中介變數,產品因素或情境因素對特定領域創新性的影響則不在本研究探討範圍之內。相依變數則將整個採用階段如理論架構所提到的,劃分為『動機』、『態度』、『採用』、『影響』,分別設計量表衡量之。 本研究主要採取問卷調查的方式進行,透過三個階段:開放式問卷與經驗訪談、前測問卷、正式問卷,對本研究量表進行修訂。在正式問卷部份,以便利抽樣方式,回收有效樣本410份,男女比率平均,年齡則集中在19到30歲之間,職業以學生為主,佔了近八成,多數受者學歷為專科大學以上,其中具有工科背景者佔27%。 經分析後,本研究主要研究結果如下: 1.網路創新性不僅反映在相關知識上、也反映在連續頻次、活動投入程度、資訊蒐集方式等行為上。網路創新性高的採用者往往是網路上的重度投入者,他們擁有中上程度的網路或電腦相關知識,在各社群中游走,積極參與討論、活動,同時也自設網或首頁。 2.不同類型的社群提供了各種不同的活動模式,也吸引了不同動機的使用者。其中,BBS、E-mail List的使用者較WWW的使用者有較強的社交聯絡動機,同時也有較多提供資源的行為,這也反映在BBS與E-mail List使用者對社群的信任、歸屬與參與程度上 3.人口統計變數方面,年齡、職業與學歷在整個社群採用上的差異最為顯著;個人特質部份,電腦與網路的相關知識較低者,新奇流行、社交聯動機較強;行為特質部份,以『自有網站或首頁』這項行為特質在社群採用上所達到的差異最為明顯;心理特質方面,三項心理特質與社群採用動機、行為等等之間相關性多在0.2以下,實際應用的價值不高。 4.資訊交流仍是成員最主要的採用動機,其次便是社交與尋求歸屬的動機。從態度與影響來看,成員對其所採用社群的信任、歸屬、瞭解程度皆高,而所受到的影響則是多元的。

當數位科技進入電視新聞室:科技採納、組織創新與效益評估 / When TV newsroom goes digital: Technology adoption, organizational innovation and benefit assessment

江海寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由創新採用的角度切入,主要目的在探討,我國電視新聞室走向產製數位化的過程,並探討在數位化的過程中,各台之間的發展差異所存在的重要影響因素,以及電視新聞室所採用的數位產製科技對組織與新聞從業人員所造成的影響。 本研究採半結構式深度訪談法與個案研究法,以三立電視台新聞部以及TVBS新聞部為研究個案,在兩家電視台中各訪問二位文字記者、二位攝影記者,以及一位後製/工程人員,以了解二個個案電視台採用數位化產製系統的情形與人員、組織的適應情況。 研究發現,我國電視台新聞室數位化的趨勢中,不同電視台推動新聞室數位化的策略有差異,研究發現,針對不同工作內容規劃在職教育、培養新聞人員對數位化的正確認知更是重要。 數位化的成效上,目前最大幫助在於後製,專題報導也因此獲得重視,數位剪輯設備可以讓專題新聞的呈現更精緻。 新聞工作方面,新聞採訪本身、新聞價值等基本規範不會改變,但是文字、攝影記者的工作因數位化而增加,攝影記者的角色因此變得像技術人員,新聞專業會不會因後製設備的便利而發生改變,這點還值得持續觀察。 數位化的挑戰主要來自於數位化設備的成本,其中數位片庫對整個新聞數位產製流程非常重要,但目前兩家電視台還缺少這方面完備的設備。本研究發現數位化確實能提升工作效益,但是無形的人力、時間成本和新聞室的管理、新聞工作者的學習都是極大挑戰,組織也必須懂得培養組織成員的創新能力。

醫師採用創新產品之影響因素-以採用心臟支架之情境為例 / The decision determinants of physician’s innovation adoption - a empirical study of coronary stent diffusion in Taiwan

孫玉齡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討醫師採用不同世代產品行為受到醫院背景、個人因素及病患之影響,以全民健康保險資料庫進行大樣本迴歸分析,分析自中央健康保險局納入給付後醫師採用心臟支架的情形,並對醫師首次採用時間早晚進行研究分析。本研究以兩世代產品採用差異發掘創新擴散各階段醫師採用心臟支架的影響變數,並分為醫院-醫師-病患三個層次來做整體考量。實證結果顯示,從醫療院所的層級或權屬看來,醫院層級對醫師採用早晚無顯著影響,而私立醫院的醫師較早採用第二代產品。另外,在醫師個人特質方面,年齡越大的醫師越早採用產品,資深醫師會較晚採用第一代產品,而女性醫師也會較晚採用第一代產品。從病患影響的角度來看,醫師所遇到的病人願意自付比例高者,採用時間越早。而兩世代採用時間早晚也具相關性,越早採用第一代產品,也會越早採用第二代產品。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the decision determinants of physician’s innovation adoption of multi-generations products. Based on the National Health Insurance database, this study focuses on analyzing the physician’s adoption time on coronary stent to verify the hypothetical determinants from hospital - physician - patient levels. The empirical results show that the academic level is not associated with physician’s innovation adoption time. Physician in private hospital is likely to adopt the second generation product earlier. In addition, physician’s personal characteristics- age, work experience and gender also have significant impacts upon physician’s adoption time. Elder physician will be early adopters of innovation products, and senior or female physician will be the late adopters of first-generation products. As to the influence of patients, if the physician’s patients are more willing to pay, the physician will adopt product earlier. Besides, the two generations have positive correlation, the earlier adopter in first-generation products will also adopt second-generation product earlier.

影響採用B2B電子商務平台速度的前因與結果之研究 / The study of drivers and performance outcomes of the speed of b2b e-markets adoption

黃靜文, Huang, Ching Wen Unknown Date (has links)
電子商務近年來快速發展,並徹底改變了商業環境。電子商務能為企業帶來諸多好處,例如:降低交易成本、增加營收、改善流程等等,這些好處使得透過電子商務進行商業活動已經成為不可避免的趨勢了。在眾多電子商務工具中,又以B2B電子商務平台的重要性為最高,因為B2B電子商務平台扮演著媒合全球買家與賣家的腳色,並且創造了非常龐大的交易量。 近年來,探究電子商務的文獻愈趨增加,然而多從科技角度切入探討,較少由策略管理面著手;此外,在主題選擇上,大多為影響採用電子商務與否、以及轉為進階使用兩方面原因和結果,對於採用速度的差異鮮少有文獻加以琢磨;在研究樣本選定上,又以單一國家、已開發國家為多,然而開發中國家近年來的興起、電子商務市場發展潛能卻是不可忽略的;最後則是在探討的變數部分,環境相關議題,尤以制度和文化兩方面為最重要,但卻少有文獻詳細談討。因此本文從策略管理角度著手,並以新興市場和B2B電子商務平台為主軸,探究企業採納B2B電子商務平台速度快慢之原因,以及不同採用速度對於績效是否有不同影響。 本文以216間有採用全球最大B2B電子商務平台阿里巴巴的中國大陸中小企業為研究對象,並以科技、組織、環境的架構來建設模型,最後以路徑分析的量化方法檢視所建構之模型適配度、以及變數間的因果關係。 研究結果顯示,在科技與組織兩個構面中,企業若擁有較少的科技能力、或管理經驗與能力相對較低,反而會更快採用B2B電子商務平台,因為這些企業將沒有多餘人力和技術自行架設網站,同時也缺乏現有行銷通路而轉向採用成本相對較低之B2B電子商務平台,反之,則相對會訴諸現有的行銷管道、或出現科技排擠效果。在環境構面中,企業若位處於國內制度發展較佳的省份,也會因為競爭加劇、提升溝通能力等原因,傾向快速採用B2B平台。最後也發現早期採用B2B電子商務平台,能在短期刺激銷售額提升、並透過內部流程改善降低成本,而使成長率提升。 / With e-commerce, the whole business environment has been fundamentally changed. It has become an inevitable trend that enterprises conduct businesses through e-commerce because it brings benefits as reducing transaction costs or generating new revenues. Among all e-commerce, the importance of B2B e-market is the most significant due to its role as the ”hub” for both buyers and sellers and the huge trade volume it has made. There is growing number of studies on e-commerce related issues. It is found that most literatures are conducted from the perspective of IT innovations, while rather few are discussed from strategic management domain. As for the topics, there are lots of literatures on the drives of pre- or post e-commerce adoption, while few on how rapidly enterprises may adopt e-commerce. Examining the countries of studies, most are conducted on one single developed country. Studies on developing markets call for more research. As for factors incorporated in studies, the environmental factors are often neglected. As a result, this study bridges these gaps and makes discussion on the drives and performance outcomes of the speed of B2B e-markets adoption. 216 samples of Chinese enterprises are selected from the biggest e-markets in the world, Alibaba.com. The TOE framework is used to construct the model and path analysis is adopted to examine the relationships. The results show that with less technology capability and managerial competence, firms tend to adopt e-commerce more rapidly due to lack of existing websites or marketing channel. It also shows that with higher development in domestic institutional environment, firms are likely to adopt B2B e-market earlier due to reasons of better communication or competition. Last, firms tend to benefit from early adoption of B2B e-markets in the short term due to improvement in internal processes, increasing sales or cost reduction.


松谷, 実のり 24 November 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第20748号 / 文博第752号 / 新制||文||651(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 松田 素二, 教授 太郎丸 博, 教授 岩井 八郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM


黃清茂 Unknown Date (has links)
小筆電可說是筆記型電腦所演化的新產品,這個新產品在近兩年經濟不景氣的時代背景之下,迅速熱賣,市場的接受度可說是非常的高。本研究以文獻分析法探討小筆電的興起、宏碁公司的經營策略、筆記型電腦產業的競爭策略、筆記型電腦產業的核心能力分析模式、以及科技行銷策略,以「技術採用生命週期」的分析理論,建構研究模式。 近兩年小筆電的熱銷讓宏碁Aspire One出奇致勝,即使宏碁並不是首推小筆電的廠商,卻迅速反應,在很短的時間內,搶佔市場。Aspire One的熱銷是宏碁不巧受到幸運之神眷顧?還是宏碁在策略上運用得宜?小筆電的興起對宏碁筆記型電腦經營的策略有何特別的意涵? 本論文以個案研究法,除了相關文獻的蒐集與分析之外,輔以筆者在筆記型電腦大廠深耕約二十年的工作經驗,深度分析小筆電的興起、以及宏碁公司的經營策略。 / Netbook can be seen as the new product developed from Notebook computer. In the wake of economic recession in recent two years, market acceptance for Netbook has become extremely high. This research is based on literature analysis, aims to analyze the rise of Netbook era, Acer‟s corporate strategy, the competitive approach in Notebook computer industry, the analysis model upon core competition in Notebook computer industry, and technology marketing strategy. The study is taking “Technology Life Circle” as research model . Acer‟s Aspire One is the biggest winner in Netbook selling record. Even Acer is not the first one to promote Netbook, its prompt response to the market brings Acer to the biggest Netbook player. Is Acer just lucky for perfect timing heading to this triumph, or it indicates Acer‟s strategies properly deployed? Besides, does the rise of the Netbook era since change the direction of Acer‟s business strategy? The research is doing in the manner of case study. On top of related literature analysis, my professional working experience within Notebook computer industry nearly twenty years is crucial for insight analysis of the rise of Netbook era and Acer‟s business strategy. Hopefully, this research brings reference value to industry.

LED產業技術採用生命週期管理—以LED背光源應用為例 / Technology Adoption Life Cycle Management in LED Industry – Taking LED Backlight Application as an Example

黃嘉敏, Huang, Jia-Min Unknown Date (has links)
技術採用生命週期(Technology Adoption Life Cycle)理論探討技術擴散過程中各階段消費者的行為,並進而使業者了解未來產業的發展趨勢與方向。本論文即嘗試透過結合技術採用生命週期理論,分析LED背光源應用所處之時空和市場,觀察LED產業商業模式的發展,從中尋找LED產業之智慧財產管理課題。LED產業於小型面板背光源的應用,如:手機、MP3、PDA、GPS、數位相機等,已然跨過技術採用生命週期所描述的龍捲風暴階段,進入康莊大道。另一方面,LED於中大型面板背光源的應用才正要刮起風暴,並期待著下一個殺手級應用—通用照明,引領極富綠色環保色彩的LED 產業繼續起飛。然而,因關鍵性專利始終握在國際大廠手上,限制了我國LED產業的發展,也阻礙了技術的擴散。幸而我國LED業者依舊在一片紅海中殺出重圍,成為LED產值世界第二大的基地,也成了國際大廠不得不倚重的對象。下一個風暴的成功,國際大廠仍需要透過授權或策略聯盟繼續壯大其勢力,這是我國LED業者的機會,亦可趁此持續發展技術,配合擅長的系統端整合應用,一舉取得逆轉勝門票。 / Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory discussed various behavior in different phases during the technology diffusion process to let industries learn the trend of future development. The thesis tries to analyze LED backlight application at this point of time and also tries to link up with Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory to find out intellectual property management issues in LED industry today. The LED backlight application on small LCD display, such as mobile phones, MP3, PDA, digital cameras, and GPS, had already passed through the tornado stage in the description of Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory, and it got into the main street stage for sure. On the other side, LED backlight application on medium/large LCD display is just blowing a storm now, and waiting for next killer application, general lighting, to lead the green energy industry a bright way as well. Nevertheless, the essential patents of LED are held by international firms all along. Our LED industry development is certainly limited and technology diffusion is restricted. Fortunately, LED firms in Taiwan still made a great breakthrough that Taiwan has become one of the top two LED product bases in the world. It made international LED firms have to rely on us in some degree. The next triumph to achieve may so far require licensing from big firms or to form a strategic alliance to foster it. It is our opportunity to keep improving our technology in system integration that we are good at, and cooperate with big firms to win the coming game in the foreseeable forture.

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