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出事銀行的流動性創造與成本管理的銀行效率陳庭萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文是第一篇結合成本管理和銀行效率的研究。在盈餘管理的文獻中,呆帳費用 (Provision for Loan Loss, PLL) 被認為是銀行最常用來操弄盈餘的科目。因為它是銀行最大的應計項目,經理人往往利用將其提前或遞延認列來進行盈餘管理。甚至,政府的寬容政策、管制改變和企業醜聞等因素,也都會讓呆帳費用產生大幅波動。然而,呆帳費用是總成本的一部份,所有造成呆帳費用波動的原因,都可能進一步影響總成本,使總成本也大幅波動,本文將這樣的影響稱之為「成本管理」。過往成本效率的研究,使用的都是經過成本管理的總成本,而偏離真正總成本的結果導致銀行的效率表現也容易錯估。
本文提出了一個降低財報上呆帳費用波動的方法,盡可能地讓其在當期認列,成為符合經濟意涵的呆帳費用 (即「經濟呆帳費用」)。然後,用經濟呆帳費用求得當期理論上的總成本 (即「經濟總成本」),並重新對台灣29家商業銀行的成本效率進行估計。實證結果顯示,經濟總成本不但遠高於財報上的總成本,所估得的效率排名也和原先有很大的不同,但明顯較符合現實狀況。
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中國大陸城鄉居民收入差距之研究楊思茵 Unknown Date (has links)
在研究方法的選擇上,本文運用「文獻分析法」以及「實證分析法」,首先對於國內外有關於研究大陸城鄉居民收入差距的相關文獻進行整理與分析,比較其重點與異同,並針對不足之處加以延伸及補充。接著運用中國統計年鑑等中國官方所提供的大陸29個地區的統計數據資料,以一九九五年至二00一年作為主要的研究的時期,由於研究的資料是為追蹤資料,在經過Lagrange Multiplier(LM)Test 檢驗後,發現運用「固定效果模型」,將較傳統的OLS模型更為合適。因此以固定效果模型,對影響大陸城鄉居民收入差距的因素進行實證分析。
最後,本文依據上述的研究結果提出政策建議。本文認為,現階段大陸城鄉居民收入差距的擴大,除了時間趨勢的影響之外,也受到其他諸多因素的影響。是以就長期而言,中國在平衡城鄉居民收入差距的各項政策執行上,要獲致效果,仍須致力克服結構面、經濟發展面、以及政策面因素的影響,並適時對執行政策作修正與調整。因此,未來中國在政策的選擇上,除了重視農業發展,加速產業結構調整,保持工業及農業的平衡之外,消除二元結構所造成的城鄉分隔,促進城鄉經濟協調發展,將對於平衡大陸城鄉居民收入差距具有最大的正面助益。 / This thesis aims to investigate the changes in mainland China’s regional urban-rural income differential and its determinants during the period of 1995 to 2001. After we estimate the fixed-effects model of the urban-rural income differential equation, the empirical results show an upward trend in the differential that is different from data observation. In addition, it is found that the change in mainland China’s regional urban-rural income differential is primarily affected by dual-system of the economic structure, as well as the policy factor such as the government expenditure for supporting agriculture production and the change in average size of family households after the one-child policy has been taken in practice.
Although the different between the wages of urban-rural employed persons has been proved to be an important determinant in many previous studies in the literature, this conclusion can be supported only in the central part of mainland China during the refereed period in this study. Beside, instead of taking contribution to the mitigation of China’s regional urban-rural income differential, the increasing of the proportion on Township and Village Enterprises has been proved to intensify the urban-rural income differential on the central part of China.
Finally, according to this study, the best way to mitigate the China’s regional urban-rural income differential is to allocate more resources to modify the industrial structure, placing important on both agriculture and industry. What is more, to terminate the dual-system of the economic structure factor, and to balance the development of cities and countries of China, will also contribute to the mitigation of the China’s regional urban-rural income differential.
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保險業務發展基金相關問題之研究 / Study on Related Issues Concerning Insurance Development Fund陳愷瑩, Chen, Kai-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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手足結構對個人教育及收入之影響 / Sibling Structure, Educational Attainment, and Earnings王慈君 Unknown Date (has links)
再者,擁有高學歷並不代表能在職場上有好的表現,故納入不同時期的工作收入為衡量個人成就的另一指標,應可彌補單以教育程度來衡量的不足。 / This thesis investigates impacts of family background and sibling structure on the future achievement of individuals by the first wave of the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) survey conducted in 1999, 2000, and 2003. We find that family resources determined by parents play an important role on children’s future achievement measured by educational attainment, initial earnings, and current earnings. However, the importance of family background decreases gradually. For example, family background has relatively few effects on individual’s current earnings. On the other hand, sibling structure has persistent impacts on individuals because family resources each child gets decrease with the number of siblings and sibling structures determine how children compete for family resources. We also find that the impacts of sibling structure on current earnings may be due to the personal characteristics built by sibling interactions. Though educational attainments, initial earnings, and current earnings can be measurements of future achievements, most studies in Taiwan only investigate how educational attainments are affected by family background and sibling structures. The thesis can shed some new light on the impacts of family background and sibling structures on initial earnings and current earnings.
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文化與收入對主觀福祉之影響:華人社會之實證研究 / Culture, income and subjective well-being: evidence from chinese in different societies張碩鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
華人社會傳承了儒家文化思想的價值觀,但是在社會環境、政治體制及人口結構等因素的差異之下,衍生出各種文化特性的差異。本研究使用世界價值觀調查(World Values Survey,WVS)資料,比較不同社會中的華人在文化特性方面的差異,並分析文化特性及其他因素對主觀福祉(subjective well-being)的影響。
本研究採用世界價值觀調查所建立之社會價值觀(societal values),加入其他文化特徵、社會態度及個人生活觀衡量文化特性。本研究使用之計量模型為排序羅吉特迴歸(ordered logit regression)模型,分析上述變數對華人生活滿意度(life satisfaction)與快樂程度(happiness)的影響。本研究之目的在於找出影響華人主觀福祉之重要決定因素,並探討文化因素在收入與主觀福祉之間是否存在調節效果(moderating effect)。
實證結果顯示,文化會影響華人主觀福祉,並在收入與主觀福祉之間造成調節效果。而華人在各個社會中所衍生出的文化特性差異,也使得各個社會中華人主觀福祉的重要決定因素有所差異。 / Chinese societies inherited the values of Confucianism. However, these societies vary in their social environment, political system and demographic structure, thus result in differences in their cultural characteristics. This study uses the data from World Values Survey, to explore the differences among Chinese in different societies, and to analyze the determining factors of Chinese subjective well-being.
In this study, the societal values established by the World Values Survey are used to represent the cultural properties. We also added other cultural traits, social attitudes and individual viewpoints for our analysis. In this study, we use ordered logit regression model to find out the important determinants of Chinese subjective well-being in different societies, and discuss whether there exists a cultural moderating effect between income and subjective well-being.
Empirical results show that culture has a significant impact on subjective well-being of Chinese, and the effect of income on Chinese subjective well-being are also moderated by cultural properties. The differences between these Chinese societies also result in divergences of important determinants of Chinese subjective well-being between societies.
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自然人未來收入權益憑證交易所之創新經營模式研究 / An Innovative Business Model for Security Exchange Market of Personal Future Income李慶楠, LI, Qing Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究也發現了自然人在發行股份情境下以及投資人投資自然人未來收入權益憑證(人力資本股份)情境下一些新的現象和行為特性,而這些都值得社會科學領域在未來進行進一步的深入探討。 / As more and more Chinese students go abroad for education, there exits two main tough problems: firstly, the students from low-income families almost cannot get enough fund for abroad studying although they do have strong intention to go abroad under the present financial system in China ;secondly ,part of the students ,who invest their own human capital so much for receiving higher education ,face the dilemma that the actual salary after graduation may be under their previous expectation ,which means that the risk of investing their own education cannot be diversified and the investment may not get paid back as expectation.
Through literature discussion, this research found two important concepts: individual future income ownership, which can be divided ,priced ,sold ,transferred ,and redeemed ;individual future income ownership share exchange market ,which can help the individuals issue and trade future income shares .But we have to ask that why there did not emerge such exchange market in history ?This research suggests that it's because the transaction cost ,which contains searching cost ,negotiating cost ,contracting cost, supervising cost and defaulting cost ,is too high in history .According to the recent paper published ,this research found that as the emergency of internet ,especially the social networks can cut down the transaction cost greatly in commercial activities .As the internet technological tools can reduce the transaction cost, this research suppose that the individual future income share (human capital share exchange) can come true in our generation and the exchange market needs to rely on the social networks.
This research proposed business solutions ,which suggests that the individuals can issue future income shares to investors through a social network-style stock exchange market, to such problems so that it can enable the disadvantaged students go abroad and diversify part of the students' human capital investment risk ;the disadvantaged students are quite similar to the start-up companies ,which usually do not have too much assets and unlikely to get loan from bank ,so the disadvantaged students can issue future income shares (human capital shares) to investors to get fund and also the students who worry about their future career development risk can share both the risk and income with the investors by issuing shares to them ;moreover ,this research had verified the business model adequately through mixed research method ,which contains qualitative and quantitative methods .The business model that this research proposed can achieve human capital securitization low costly and it can be not only applied in individual education funding but also can extend to start up funding ,athlete training funding and actor funding.
This research also found some new phenomenon and human behaviors under the context the individuals issue shares to investors and investors invest the shares .These new findings worth further deep researching in the social science discipline in the future.
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國際財務報導準則顧客合約收入草案對我國會計及稅務影響之研究 / The study on the effects of IFRS exposure draft “Revenue from Contract with Customers” on accounting and taxation in Taiwan陳彥妤 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過比較分析我國收入認列會計準則、現行IFRSs收入認列規定、顧客合約收入草案規定及現行稅務法令規定之差異,對企業在會計及稅務上之影響進行研究分析。研究結果分為兩部分:會計影響方面,在ROC GAAP轉換為IFRSs時有影響者為委託人和代理人之判斷;在IFRSs轉換為顧客合約收入草案時有影響者為信用風險、附退貨權之銷貨、保固、再買回協議、開帳並代管之銷售等五個部分;轉換為IFRSs及顧客合約收入草案時皆有影響者為客戶忠誠計劃、客戶移轉之資產及建造合約三個部分。在稅務影響方面,在ROC GAAP轉換為IFRSs實有影響者為多元要素合約、委託人和代理人之判斷、客戶忠誠計劃、分期付款銷貨、商品或勞務交換、授權費和權利金及客戶移轉之資產七個部分;在IFRSs轉換為顧客合約收入草案時有影響者為信用風險、附退貨權之銷貨及保固;轉換為IFRSs及顧客合約收入草案時皆有影響者為建造合約。 / This study compares the differences between Taiwanese revenue recognition standards, existing IFRSs revenue recognition requirements, IFRS exposure draft “Revenue from contract with customer” and the current tax laws regulation and analyzes the impacts of adopting IFRSs on Taiwanese entities’ accounting and tax practices. The conclusions of this study are divided into two parts. The first part is for accounting. The issue of principal versus agent consideration will have an impact on accounting only when ROC GAAP conversion with IFRSs. The issues of credit risk, sale with a right of return, warranties, repurchase agreements and bill-and-hold arrangements will have impact on accounting only when the exposure draft becomes effective. The issues of customer loyalty program, transfers of assets from customers and construction contracts will have impacts on accounting both when first time adopting IFRSs and subsequently applying the exposure draft. The second part is for taxation. The issues of multiple-element arrangement, principal versus agent consideration, customer loyalty program, installment sales, exchange for goods or services, royalties and transfers of assets from customers will have impacts on taxation only when first-time adopting IFRSs. The issues of credit risk, sale with right of returns and warranties will have impacts on tax only when the exposure draft becomes effective. The issue of construction contracts will have an impact on taxation both when first time adopting IFRSs and subsequently applying the exposure draft.
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財政結構對所得分配的影響–財政重整措施的重要性 / The Effect of Fiscal Structure on Income Distribution: The Importance of Fiscal Consolidation江若妘, Chiang, Jo Yun Unknown Date (has links)
政府之公共支出及租稅結構差異會產生不同之所得分配效果;且為縮減國內赤字或債務,政府還會施行「財政重整」方案,以削減支出或提高租稅之方式,對各階層人民造成不同之衝擊。在所得分配不均之現況下,政府財政政策之公平面議題格外備受重視。因此,本文利用 17 個 OECD 國家於 1995 年至 2013 年之追蹤資料,探討在考量政府平常例行性之收支結構下,政府為特定政策目的採行財政重整措施時,對所得分配之影響。
因此可知,若政府施行適當之財政重整方案,則可於縮減國家債務之同時,也享有減緩社會所得分配不均的好處。但若同時採用兩面向之財政重整,則支出面重整之重分配效果將被微幅抵消。 / A government’s structure of public spending and taxation will have impact on social income distribution. Moreover, in order to reduce domestic deficit or debt, a government may implement “fiscal consolidation” programs, which will impose shock on each income stratum in the ways of cutting spending or increasing taxation. On the current situation of income inequality, the fairness issue of government’s fiscal policies has been highly emphasized. As a result, I use the data of 17 OECD countries during 1995 to 2013 to discuss the influence of fiscal consolidation on income distribution as well as considering the routine public spending and tax structure.
The regression model in this paper mainly analyzes three different categories of fiscal consolidation. The first fiscal consolidation variable examines the redistribution effect when the government conducts spending-based consolidation and tax-based consolidation “simultaneously”. The result shows that it could shorten the income gap. The second and third categories analyze how income inequality would be changed when “only” implementing spending or tax-based consolidation respectively. And the result shows that both spending and tax-based consolidation can improve the condition of income distribution. Moreover, the redistribution effect of spending-based consolidation is the greatest, followed by the implementation of both two categories. The tax-based consolidation has the smallest effect on income redistribution. Hence, when the government conducts proper fiscal consolidation programs, it can enjoy the benefit of reducing debt and mitigating income inequality in the meantime. But if the government conducts spending and tax-based consolidation simultaneously, the redistribution effect will be slightly offset.
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社會福利政策之實施及其影響之研究--以英國社會安全制度為例王玉, WANG, YU Unknown Date (has links)
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The role of web visitors, sales revenue and R&D expense in the pricing of Internet stocks曾博昇, Tseng, Po-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
This study explores various drivers of Internet stock prices. This study extends the previous work on Internet stock valuation along two dimensions: (1) the separation of Internet firms into web-related and non-web-related groups. (2) the incorporation of consideration for the effect of Internet shakeout on value drivers identified in this study. The primary findings are as follows.
First, this study finds evidence that contradicts the claims made by some analysts that web traffic metrics are no longer important. The findings show that web-traffic remains value-relevant to Internet stock price for the period Oct 1998 to May 2003.
Second, this study documents evidence against the “common wisdom”, as represented in the business press, that traditional financial statement information has limited usefulness in pricing of Internet stocks. The variable “revenues” is significantly positively associated with the stock price in the pre- and post-shakeout period for all Internet firms.
Third, consistent with prior research on other intangibles-intensive industries, this study finds that, in particular, product development (R&D) appears to be capitalized as assets by investors in their assessment of values of web firms during the testing period, including period subsequent to the industry shakeout in the spring of 2000. This research thus provides preliminary evidence of the value-relevance of R&D expense of the shakeout and maturation of the B2C Internet sector.
Fourth, with respect to the inquiry of the potential effect of difference in web-traffic on the pricing of Internet stock, the empirical results demonstrate the importance of this consideration. The findings indicate that raw web-traffic variable is not value-relevant for non-web firms, while it is value-relevant for web firms.
Finally, the market condition of Internet stocks appears to be influential in explaining the pricing of Internet share. The empirical result shows that the share prices of Internet stocks are higher before the market correction, when holding other variable as controlled.
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