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薛芳芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討桃園縣國小教師教學研究空間,分析教師教學研究活動與學校空間的關係,解析教師教學研究空間規劃的理念與現狀,做為未來學校規劃之參考。研究方法分為三個部分:(1)問卷調查以桃園縣52所國小教師為對象,瞭解教師教學研究活動的現狀、教師教學研究空間使用感受、教師教學研究空間使用情形、對未來教師教學研究空間的需求;(2)觀察以6所桃園縣國小為對象,以行政區域、班級數與創校年代作為選取依據,瞭解目前教師教學研究空間規劃現狀及使用情況;(3)訪談以觀察的6所學校為對象,利用開放式問題探析在教師教學研究空間的使用情形與教師教學研究空間的困境兩大主軸上,6所國小教師教學研究空間規劃理念,與教師教學研究空間的規劃、管理維護、使用上的問題、使用情況、對未來教師教學研究空間規劃的建議。蒐集工具包括問卷、訪談表、學校平面圖、錄音機與數位相機。在資料分析上,觀察與訪談部分以描述性的方式記錄,佐以圖片說明;問卷調查結果則以次數百分比、算數平均數、多變量變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、Cochran Q考驗、卡方考驗。研究結果如下: 一、教師教學研究活動的現狀:(一)教師經常進行的教師教學研究活動依序為作業批改、正式小組討論及網路資源學習與搜尋。(二)兼任行政教師最常進行的教師教學研究活動為網路資源學習與搜尋,科任與級任教師則是作業批改。(三)約六成的教師把多數的課餘時間投入教師教學研究活動。(四)投入九成課餘時間在教師教學研究活動者以女性教師、級任教師為最多,民國80年以後創校的學校教師投入九成課餘時間在教師教學研究活動者多於民國80年以前創校的學校教師。 二、教師教學研究空間的使用感受:(一)教師大致同意學校提供的教師教學研究空間能讓教師覺得教師專業被尊敬,並能增進、滿足以及吸引教師使用。(二)民國80年以後創校的學校教師更認為學校所提供的教師教學研究空間能滿足教師需求。(三)男性教師、民國80年以後創校的學校教師、將九成課餘時間投入教師教學研究活動的教師更認同學校所提供的教師教學研究空間能讓教師覺得專業角色被尊重。(四)民國80年以後創校的學校教師、外校年資在五年以內的教師更認為學校所提供的教師教學研究空間能增進教師教學研究表現。(五)男性教師、兼行政教師與科任教師、民國80年以後創校的學校教師更認同學校所提供的教師教學研究空間能吸引教師使用。(六)教師對圖書館(室)的滿意度最高,最肯定整體教師教學研究空間的設置位置。(七)民國80年以後創校學校的教師在辦公室的空間大小、教室教師區的設置位置、圖書館(室)的設置位置及空間大小、教材製作室的空間大小等五方面的滿意度較高;外校年資5年以上的教師在辦公室的設施功能適用度、會議研討室的設置位置及空間大小、設施種類數與設施功能適用度等五方面的滿意度較高。 三、教師教學研究空間的使用情形:(一)教師經常在辦公室進行或認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動是作業批改、正式小組討論與教材編擬。(二)除作業批改與教材編擬外,兼行政教師在辦公室也常進行或也認為適合進行網路資源學習與搜尋,科任教師是教具製作,級任教師則是正式小組會議。(三)教師在教室的教師區經常進行或認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動是作業批改、教材編擬、課業輔導。(四)除作業批改與教材編擬外,級任教師在教室的教師區也常進行或也認為適合進行課業輔導;低年級教師在教室的教師區亦常進行或也認為適合進行教具製作。(五)教師在圖書館(室)經常進行或認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動依序為專業閱讀、網路資源學習與搜尋、正式小組討論。(六)專業閱讀是各職務與任教年級教師在圖書館(室)經常進行或認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動。(七)教師在會議研討室經常進行或認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動是正式小組討論、專題演講與非正式團體的專業會談。(八)除正式小組會議與專題演講外,低、高年級級任教師在會議研討室也常進行或也認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動為非正式團體的專業會談,中年級教師則是影片欣賞。(九)教師在交誼廳經常進行或認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動是非正式團體的專業會談、正式小組會議與影片欣賞。(十)教師在教材製作室經常進行或認為適合進行的教師教學研究活動是教具製作、教材編擬與網路資源學習與搜尋。(十一)教師常使用的教師教學研究空間依序為辦公室、教室的教師區與圖書館(室)。(十二)兼行政教師與科任教師常使用教師教學研究空間依序是辦公室、圖書館(室),級任教師則是辦公室、教室的教師區;中高年級教師常使用的空間依序是辦公室、教室的教師區,低年級教師最常使用的空間是教室的教師區,其次才是辦公室。 四、教師教學研究空間設置與附屬設施的需求:(一)辦公室最需設置辦公空間與儲物空間,最需要的附屬設施為電腦、電話、教師用桌椅、影印機與印表機。(二)教室最需設置辦公空間與儲物空間,最需要的附屬設施為電腦、教師用桌椅、印表機、辦公櫥櫃與電話。(三)交誼廳最需設置生活空間與會議空間,最需要的附屬設施為沙發與茶几、開飲機、電視、冰箱與電話。(四)教材製作室最需設置儲物空間與辦公空間,最需要的附屬設施為電腦、印表機、影印機、教師用桌椅與會議桌椅。(五)學校應設置的教材製作室的數量依照學校規模而有所不同。 五、教師教學研究空間的困境:(一)教師教學研究空間規畫上有經費不足與空間受限的困擾。(二)教師教學研究空間管理維護上遭遇經費、人力與教師使用習慣的問題。(三)教師教學研究空間使用上有儲物空間不足、距離過遠與空間種類不足情況。 根據文獻資料與研究結論,提出幾點建議做為教師教學研究空間規劃之參考: 一、對教育行政單位的建議:(一)重視教師教學研究空間的規劃。(二)學區的劃分應考量學校設立的規模。(三)改善民國80年以前創校之學校的教師教學研究空間。 二、對學校行政人員的建議:(一)教師教學研究空間規劃應考量各空間特性。(二)教師教學研究空間規劃考量職位及任教年級的差異。(三)應善用學校的空餘教室。(四)附屬設施的選用應符合經濟性的原則。(五)教師教學研究空間應與學校其他空間有效配合。 三、對學校教師的建議:(一)教師應積極參與教師教學研究空間的規劃。(二)善加利用教師教學研究空間。 四、對未來相關研究:(一)在研究對象上,可深入探討標竿學校之教師教學研究空間的使用情形。(二)研究內容上,未來可深入探討物理條件與教師教學研究空間滿意度的關係,朝向更整體的方向解析教師教學研究空間使用情形及滿意度。同時可細分各種不同的辦公室規劃方式在教師教學研究行為與滿意度的差異。(三)研究方法上,未來應以長時間觀察各類教師教學研究活動的進行,以深入瞭解各校教師整體教師教學研究空間的使用情形。

創意策略教學在高中英文作文上的應用 / The Use of Invention Strategies in Teaching EFL Senior High School Students' Compositions

黃稽興, Huang, Chi-shing Unknown Date (has links)
雖然從一九六Ο年代中期開始,英作文教學法已有不同程度的發展,如Maxine Hairston 所指稱的「作文教學法的革命」,但多數第二外語的英作文仍沿用作品成果取向(product-oriented)而非過程取向(process-oriented)。 在本研究□,運用目前「過程取向」中的創意策略教學來探討它在第二外語寫作教學上的成效。研究的目的在於回答下列問題: (一) 創意策略教學是否能幫助學生在寫作上有創意、有構思、有想像?(二) 創意策略教學是否會減弱學生在字彙、語言使用及標點符號的能力?(三) 創意策略教學是否能增強學生在作文組織結構方面的能力?(四) 創意策略教學是否能增進第二外語學生的整體寫作能力。 本研究從二ΟΟ二年九月開始至二ΟΟ四年六月結束,而共有七十二位社會組高中同學參與作文教學課程。前測及後測作品各有九十一篇。評分準則分成下列五項:內容、結構、字彙、語文使用和標點符號。 研究結果簡略歸納如下:(一) 學生因創意策略運用,更能有效構思取材而激發想像力;(二) 創意策略教學不會減弱學生在字彙、語言使用及標點符號的能力;(三) 創意策略教學未必能增強學生在作文組織結構方面的能力;(四) 創意策略教學確能有效提昇學生整體的英文寫作能力。 從研究中發現,應用創意策略教學確能增進學生的英作文寫作能力。 / In the mid-1960s, the pedagogy of composition has had a different progress, which Maxine Hairston (1982) labeled it as the revolution of the teaching of writing, yet most of the EFL composition writings are still product-oriented rather than process-oriented. In this study the current process approach writing, that is, the use of invention strategies is used to examine and compare its effects on EFL high school English writing. The aim of the study is to explore and answer the following questions: (1) Can invention strategies be used to help student-writers generate ideas, gather information and ignite imagination in their writing? (2) Will student-writers' abilities in the use of vocabulary, language use and mechanics be lessened by the use of invention strategies? (3) Can invention strategies be used to help student-writers strengthen the organization of their writing? (4) Will EFL students' overall writing performances improve through the instruction of invention skills? The study was conducted from Sept, 2002 to June, 2004, and a total of 72 11-grade senior high school students from social science program participated in the research. There were 182 pieces of students composition writings paired and graded. The criteria of scoring were categorized into five parts: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. The results are summarized as follows:(1) Invention strategies can help student-writers generate ideas, gather information and ignite imagination in their writing. (2) Student-writers' abilities in the use of vocabulary, language use and mechanics will not be lessened by the use of invention strategies. (3) Invention strategies cannot necessarily help student-writers improve the organization of their writing? (4) Overall, invention strategies can significantly improve the EFL students’writing performances. Besides, EFL student-writers also got the highest average grades in content part. In other words, the students-writers will enrich the content of their compositions through the use of instruction of invention strategies. Judging from the findings, student-writers as well as the writing teachers will gain benefits from the use of invention strategies.


董維真 Unknown Date (has links)
過去台灣正式教育體制內,從中小學的基礎教育,直至高等教育階段,長期缺乏整全的宗教教育課程,整個社會對於宗教教育的內涵也缺乏清楚認知與認同,以致影響到宗教學教育的發展。相較於歐美或日本宗教學教育的發展,台灣整體宗教教育受到政治、社會、文化等因素影響,在發展上多受限制,故以宗教系所的發展為指標,以探究現今宗教學教育的現況、困境與未來發展的趨勢。 本文作為一初探性的研究,嘗試藉由文獻分析、半結構訪談、敘述統計等方法,實地瞭解台灣各宗教系所的創設歷程、整體的現況特色與發展困境,最後以台灣宗教學教育的建構者∼各宗教系所專任教師之意見為依據,歸結與分析台灣宗教學教育的現況與未來展望。 從資料分析總結,宗教系所當前面臨的前三大困境分別為:「就業市場有限」、「學生學習意願不高」與「現有師資不足」。其中,「學生就業市場」是普遍宗教系所專任教師主觀意識到的系所發展最大困境。宗教系所成立年限多半在五年之內,卻普遍出現對畢業生就業問題憂慮,對處於正建構中的新興學系而言,成為未來發展的重要考量。 宗教系所的課程發展,是相當複雜的過程,從經驗資料發現,以宗教系所為主體出發,台灣宗教系所的課程發展,會受到外部教育主管機關的規範、學術市場的競爭壓力、學校傳統,以及囿於內部的教師結構與學生背景而有所調整變動。 最後以「所多於系」的現象,來探討宗教系所的體系發展,與其教育意涵。發現是由於台灣整體教育環境長年不開放宗教教育,導致社會對宗教教育與宗教就業的不理解,影響宗教系學生的入學意願和學習動機,產生宗教系所體系有「所多系少」的偏向。故未來建議以開放台灣教育環境為前提,俾能使宗教學得到整體社會的接納,並在更多就業市場與人才的需求下,宗教系所方能更順利地「向上延伸」與「向下扎根」,繼續發展全方位的宗教學教育。


李映萱 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究採用質性研究方法,探討一位幼稚園教師在建構取向教學中之教師引導。旨在瞭解易老師(化名)如何引導(how)、介入時機(when)、以及為何行之(why)的實踐過程。研究期間從民國91年10月92年4月底為止,採用參與觀察、訪談、文件檔案,以及研究者札記等方式蒐集相關資料,並參酌Strass & Corbin之資料分析程序進行研究分析。 本研究之結果如下:首先,陳述易老師在建構取向教學中之教學信念,以預先瞭解易老師行為背後之信念基礎。再以教學案例的方式,呈現我於觀察期間所發現易老師教學引導的策略(how)、時機(when)及原因(why)之9個組型,共11個案例。最後綜觀這9個引導組型,再看易老師的教學引導。在「如何引導」方面,可從語言、動作、材料及情境方面涵蓋其因勢利導之引導策略;在「何時引導」方面,易老師所採取介入的時機為:為孩子建立先備經驗時、孩子遇到挫折,活動停滯不前時,孩子對活動喪失興趣時;在「為何行之」方面,幼兒因素考量的是孩子的能力及興趣、影響教師本身因素的則為教師信念及教師專業知識。 根據上述之研究結果,提出五項結論與討論:1.教學權責雖轉移,但教師角色仍不容忽視;2.主動原則—孩子的主動可否由教師所引發;3.適應原則—教師提供多種路徑以讓孩子建構自己的「真實」、教師如何看待孩子的先備經驗;4.發展原則—「等待」是老師需要學習的。5.建構取向教學並非一個固定的「教學模式」。論文最後,提出對教師施行建構取向教學之建議,以及對未來研究議題之建議,包括:建構主義之教與學其間的師生互動情形、反省性思考對建構取向教學的影響、多方不同知識領域知識建構之研究。 / Abstract By means of qualitative research, this study is to explore the ways in which a kindergarten teacher carried out constructive approach teaching. In addition, it also investigates how, when, and why Miss Yi (nickname) used that approach in class. The research data were obtained by making observations and interviews, collecting relevant documents, and taking reflective notes. Then, the researcher consulted Strass and Corbin’s analytic procedure to analyze the data. The consequences of this study are as follow: first, in order to comprehend Miss Yi’s philosophic beliefs in teaching, an account of her guidelines for constructive approach teaching is given. Next, nine patterns and eleven cases are presented to demonstrate Miss Yi’s teaching strategies—how, when, and why a certain method was adopted to guide students. Finally, the nine patterns are studied to analyze Miss Yi’s instruction guidance. In the aspect of how to guide, Miss Yi manipulated language, action, material, and context according to different situations. As to when to guide, Miss Yi decided to intervene when she had to help construct children’s prior experience, when children felt so frustrated that activities could not proceed, and when children were not interested in activities. In regard to why, Miss Yi would take children’s ability and interests into consideration; on the other hand, Miss Yi’s teaching beliefs and professional knowledge would also account for her guidance. According to the observations and analyses mentioned above, the researcher draws five points for conclusion and further discussion: 1.Although teaching responsibility has been transferred, the role of teacher cannot be neglected. 2.Principle of activity—whether children can be led to be more active by a teacher. 3.Principle of adaptability—a teacher should provide many ways for children to construct “reality” on their own. How should a teacher view children’s prior experience? 4.Principle of development—a teacher should learn to “wait.” 5.Constructive approach teaching is not a fixed “teaching model.” At the end, the researcher offers several suggestions to teachers who practice constructive approach teaching and for future research: the interaction between teachers and students in constructive teaching and learning, the influence of reflective thinking on constructive approach teaching, and the study of knowledge construction in other different fields.


張凱迪, Chang , Kai-Ti Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是重要的歷史記憶,透過檔案,我們可以還原歷史的原貌。檔案所孕涵的意義與歷史教育有十分緊密的關連性。近年高中歷史教學相當注重學生的歷史思維,而檔案正是幫助培養歷史思維的最好教材,運用在高中歷史教學,正其時也。 隨著近年台灣意識的高漲,台灣史在歷史教育的地位與比重也隨著水漲船高,因此本研究便以檔案為基礎,台灣史為主題,期望能於本研究中,找出適合提供歷史教學使用的台灣史檔案,並藉此呼應現行教綱對於高中歷史教學的思維革新,為檔案創造出更具意義的加值空間。 本研究採用「內容分析法」與「訪談法」進行研究,在內容分析上分成兩個面向,分別針對現行高中歷史教材與現有台灣各檔案機關現藏檔案進行分析,分析出高中台灣史教學的重要議題、檔案以及檔案如何運用在高中歷史教學上。之後再針對舉有實際教學經驗的高中歷史教師進行訪談,借重其教學上的經驗,最後實際撰寫檔案運用在高中台灣史教學的主題教案。 研究結果有以下幾點發現:一、高中歷史教育的觀念與內容漸趨改變,由記誦之學轉為思辨之學;二、高中歷史教科書中開始出現檔案內容的運用;三、高中台灣史教學的比重將有所調整,跳脫以政治史為主體的觀念;四、台灣史檔案的典藏分佈於各檔案典藏機構,以清代、日據及政府遷台後三大部分為主;五、高中教師在備課時缺乏檔案資源之相關資訊;六、檔案運用在歷史教學上需增加檔案的「可親近性」。 根據研究結果,提出以下幾點建議:一、鼓勵檔案典藏機構可優先選取特定主題,逐步進行歷史教育方面的檔案加值工作;二、檔案典藏機構可與高中歷史教師加強合作,主動提供相關資訊;三、建置中學歷史教師教材資源整合的資料庫平台。 / Archives are the important historical memory. We can return to the original history by archives. The meaning of archive is a large relationship with history education. History education in high schools make a point of students’ historical thought in recent years. Archives are the best material to develop historical thought, so it’s the moment to use archive in the history education for high school. With the rising of Taiwan consciousness, Taiwan history is getting more and more important in history education. This thesis based on the archive as the foundation, with the subject of Taiwan History. To creative a suitable archive for history teaching Taiwan History is expected, echoing the high school history teaching of the innovation, and more valuable space for archives. This thesis applied “the content analysis method” and “deeply interview approach” to find the application of archives in Taiwan history teaching of the high schools. There are two aspects of content analysis method, one is about high school history teaching material, and the other is about archives as far as information goes. These analyses will find the important subjects and archives of Taiwan history teaching in high school. Then, deeply interviews were conducted to high school history teachers experienced in order to draw up the “teaching plan” about the subjects of Taiwan history teaching in high school. Based on the research findings, the conclusions of this study are: 1. High school history education idea gradually changes the memory learning by rote to intellection . 2. the archives is beginning to use in high school history textbook. 3. The high school Taiwan history teaching proportion adjusted with takes the political history away as the main body. 4. Taiwan history archives preserve from various organizations. 5. High school history teachers lack of the information about archive resources 6. When we use the archives in history teaching, we should increase simplicity of archives. Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided: 1. Encourage the archive institution to proceed to work about increase the values of archives. 2. The archive institution can strengthen the cooperation with high school history teacher. 3. Establish information base platform to conform the teaching sources of high school history teachers.


呂珮菁, Lu, Pei-ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於評量中文與英文之「聲韻覺識」(phonological awareness)能力,以探討幼兒在不同英語教學法下的學習效果。「年齡」與「教學法」對「聲韻覺識」能力影響的差異。研究對象,為接受不同英語教學法的學前幼兒(大班生與中班生),一者採固定時間進行英語教學,定位英語為語言學習教材之一,稱之為M系統;一為採全時間教英語的機構,且定位英語為學習其他科目的媒介,稱之為W系統。測驗工具乃參酌胡潔芳教授提供之「聲韻覺識測驗」,經改編後共分八項分測驗--「中文音節刪除、英文音節刪除、中文音素刪除、英文音素刪除、中文音節替代、英文音節替代、中文音素替代與英文音素替代」。研究資料除了測驗成績之外,尚有教學現場之觀察資料,及兩系統之主管與教師之訪談文本,以了解不同英語教學法在教學內涵上之實質差異。 研究結果顯示,中文聲韻覺識能力,有「年齡」的差異,大班生表現優於中班生;「教學法」的差異,發生在中文「音素覺識」,M系統幼兒優於W系統。英文聲韻覺識能力,有「年齡」上的差異,大班生優於中班生,但無教學法上的差異。加測「注音符號」測驗,結果顯示有「年齡」與「教學法」上的差異,大班生比中班生好,M系統幼兒比W系統幼兒好,比較兩系統教學內涵的差異後,顯示M系統幼兒中文聲韻覺識能力表現較佳與「注音符號」教學有關;英文聲韻覺識能力無教學法上的差異,英文教學時間長短不影響聲韻覺識能力。研究結果似乎指出,真正影響中文與英文聲韻覺識能力發展的是年齡。 由於「聲韻覺識能力」的重要性,幼兒英語教學與學習,以培養「聲韻覺識」能力為出發點的教學內容應該要被參考,但基於年齡的限制,聲韻覺識教學,並不急於小班時期或中班初期開始。關於聲韻覺識的教學,文中另有討論。 關鍵詞:英語教學法,學前幼兒,聲韻覺識 / The purpose of this study is to investigate English learning effect of young children in Taiwan by means of examining the influence of age and English teaching approaches on young children’s phonological awareness in Chinese and in English. The participants consisted of the age of preschool (average five years old) and kindergarten (average six years old) children who are accepted different English language teaching approach in two schools. One school was called M school where young children were taught English partial time and English was one kind of language teaching materials. The other was called W school where young children were taught all time and learn everything in English. The results indicate that the age significantly affects on young children’s phonological awareness in Chinese and the teaching approach significantly affects on young children’s phonemic awareness in Chinese. The age significantly affects on young children’s phonological awareness in English. These results of this study seem to reveal that the main factor affecting on the development of young children’s phonological awareness in Chinese and in English is age. Due to the importance of phonological awareness, it should be to consider that English language teaching for young children could begin by training phonological awareness. However, based on the development of young children, it is not instant to train the capacity of phonological awareness in English language teaching. About the teaching of phonological awareness was discussed in the text. Keyword: English teaching approaches, young children, phonological awareness


陳盈如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在瞭解師生進行「公平分配」概念討論教學之情形,透過自身教學的反思,探討教師在設計「公平分配概念」課程上的考量,以及教師面對「公平分配概念」課程時,該具備之教學技巧。 研究者設計一系列的公平分配課程並實際進班教學,收集資料的方式主要包括錄影、錄音、研究日誌。研究對象為研究者本身以及某大班幼兒共十五名。 研究結果發現,設計公平分配課程時,必須考量到「程序性原則」、「繼續性原則」以及「範圍」。且必須注意內容與目標之間的一致性,並考量到幼兒之特性,與日常生活經驗結合,採多元評量,並依幼兒的學習情況適時調整課程。 在教學時需注意討論位置的安排,以及討論規則之訂定,對討論時之秩序以及對話的影響。在問話內容上,有「資訊性的討論」、「問題性的討論」、「經驗感受的討論」、「想像及創造的討論」四類型,其中後三個容易引起幼兒之間有對話互動。在問題概念層次上,有「記憶性問題」、「轉譯性問題」、「聚斂性問題」、「解釋性問題」、「擴散性問題」、五類型,其中後兩個容易引起幼兒之間有對話互動。 在對話類型部份,「反問以及轉問」最能引起幼兒之間的對話互動;而「補充覆述」則能夠提供幼兒對話的一種可能性;「提示」、「深入探究」能幫助教師所回應的該名幼兒學習更加深入;至於「判斷」、「總結」能讓幼兒知曉何種答案是適當的。 最後,針對以上幾點發現以及在研究過程中所遇見的困難與限制提出幾點對幼稚園教師以及未來研究者的一些建議。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the situation of teacher and students use discussion method on distributive-Justice concept. Through reflection on oneself, focuses on how to design distributive-Justice concept curriculum and the teaching skill that the teachers must have. The writer designs a series of distributive-Justice concept curriculum and teaches myself. The collecting methods included video recording, taping and journal. The study samples are I and 15 children between 5-year-old and 6-year-old. The main conclusions were drawn as follows: Designing distributive-Justice concept curriculum must to think about ‘sequence’、‘continuity’ and ‘scope’. Then must to note the contents accord with the objective, and think about the character of child to match activities of daily livings, and use multiple evaluations, and regulate curriculum by children’s learning. When teaching must to think about arrange of seat and discussion order. On ‘question contents’ , there are four types:‘material discussion’、‘ question discussion’、‘experience discussion’ and ‘creative discussion’, among these, the last two easy to cause conversation among children. On ‘question concept’ , there are five types:‘memory question’、‘translate question’、‘gathered question’、 ‘explanation question’ and ‘extended question’ , among these, the last two easy to cause conversation among children. On ‘conversation type’, ‘reask’ easy to cause conversation among children;‘supplement’ provide the chance of the conversation among children ; ‘cue’ and ‘explore’ can accelerate child learning in depth ; ‘estimate’ and ‘summarize’ can make child know which answer is adequately. According to the conclusions, some suggestions to kindergarten teacher and the future research.


蘇品樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探究學前階段坊間教材於課程中扮演的角色,學前教師如何使用轉化教材及其影響因素,而後更進一步探究教學觀點是否對於學前教師運用方法有所影響。 本研究為質性研究,採深入訪談法以及非參與式觀察對兩所園所,共計五名教師進行研究,並以其中兩位教學觀點差異較大的教師進行教學行為的分析,研究發現以學前教師運用教材及其影響轉化差異之因素、教學觀點對於運用坊間教材的影響及坊間教材於課程中的定位此三面向進行討論: 一、在坊間教材轉化及其因素方面發現,學前教師視教材為正式課程,運作課程以教師主體,而教師所持之課程觀為互相調適觀,學生以及教師特質等因素皆會影響教師教學轉化。但教師缺少對教學目的的省思、學校資源不足以及家長因素都可能造成教材轉化的困境 二、教學觀點會影響教師運用坊間教材的方法:從教學目標的選擇到教學方法的運以及評量。研究中兩位教師分別主張課程為教學經驗、課程為計畫,故前者教師運用教材的方法多為「調應」以及「更換」,其與教材互動結果為「教材修正」;後者教師運用教材的方法多為「使用」、「調應」、「更換」,其與教材互動結果為「教師調適」。 三、滿足家長的需求是園所繼續或開始使用教材的最初原因,然而坊間教材的運用將有助於教師專業發展:能夠提供教師較統整的學習架構,以彌補教師專業能力上的不足,也能作為教師教學的參考資源。教材的內容的完善編輯也能夠引發學生學習興趣,加強學生學習動機,促進學生的學習。 四、學校行政體系的支持、班群間的協同以及資源分享都將有助於教師教學上的專業發展,提供教師更多的刺激、激發更多的創意,促使教師能不斷的反思教材內容進行創新。 最後,針對以上幾點發現以及研究過程中遇到的困難與限制提出幾點對於學前教師以及未來研究者一些建議。 關鍵字:坊間教材、教學觀點、課程轉化 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the application of textbooks among preschool teachers. Questions to be answered are as follows: 1.How do teachers transform the textbooks? 2.How do teaching perspectives affect the application of textbooks? 3. How do teachers define the role of textbooks in the curriculum? The research collects data by means of observation, interview, and analysis. Research is focused on the application of textbooks in teachers’ teaching. Results are as follows: 1.Teachers view textbooks as formal curriculum, and hold the core of operational curriculum. Teacher’s perspective of the implemented curriculum is mutual adaptation, and the characteristics of the teacher or the student will affect the curriculum transformation. 2.One teacher views curriculum as teaching experience and the other views curriculum as a plan. The former applies textbook with revising and replacing and the interaction with textbook, and the result is that the modifications of textbooks are made. The later applies textbook with using, revising and replacing, and the result of interaction with textbook is that the teacher adapt it. 3.The reason to adapt to textbook is that it fulfils parent’s expectations, and applying textbook is useful for teacher’s professional development. 4.The support of the education administration authority, the cooperation of the classes and the sharing of resource will be used for teacher’s professional development, and can offer more impetus to create more. Key words: textbook, teaching perspective, curriculum transformation

一位美籍英語教師在台灣的教學經驗 / An American English Teacher's Teaching Experience in Taiwan

呂佳儒, Lu, Chia Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化快速的腳步之下,英語教育逐漸受到非英語系國家的重視。各國政府紛紛將英語納入國小必修課程之中。為了提升孩童英語能力,各國更是積極引進外籍教師。因此,外籍教師的教學開始受到關注(Arva & Medgyes, 2000; Barratt & Kontra, 2000)。然而,許多國內研究皆顯示引進外籍教師的成效無法完全彰顯。其原因除了外師缺乏教學經驗與技巧之外,外師的流動率也是主因之一(林怡瑾,2002;周美瑜,2005;溫智雄,2006;陳錦芬,2007)。本研究以個案研究方式探討一位美籍英語教師,Bert,在台超過十四年的英語教學經驗以及其教學現況。本研究採取質性研究法,透過訪談、教室觀察與文件分析收集資料,並討論三個議題:(1)Bert的教學經驗及其影響,(2)Bert的教室教學、教學成效以及教學問題,(3)Bert在台所遇到之困難。本研究結果顯示Bert豐富的教學經驗、認真的教學態度、以及積極的面對困難的個性使得他能成功在台灣長期從事英語教學。最後,依據本研究結果,針於在台外籍英語教師以及政策制定者,進一步提供相關建議,以作為未來外籍教師在英語教學專業成長上,以及政府外籍教師引進政策制定及修訂之參考。 / With the rapid pace of globalization, many Asian governments have introduced English education to elementary school curriculum with the recognition of the importance of English. Meanwhile, many native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) have also been recruited to teach local students to enhance their English competence. However, many studies indicate that the effect of recruiting NESTs has been reduced because of NESTs’ insufficient professional knowledge and their high turnover rate (Lin, 2002; Chou, 2005; Wen, 2006; Chen, 2007). Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the teaching of one American English teacher, Bert, who has taught English in Taiwan for over fourteen years. A qualitative research method was adopted in this case study. Data were collected through interviews, classroom observation and document analysis to discuss three issues concerning Bert’s teaching experience: (a) his past teaching experience, (b) his current classroom practices, teaching effectiveness, teaching problems and (c) the difficulties he encountered in Taiwan. The study concluded that although Bert began his teaching with insufficient EFL teaching knowledge and skills, his rich experience, serious teaching attitude and his positive personality toward the difficulties he encountered in Taiwan have enabled him to successfully teach English in Taiwan. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions derived from the discussions were offered to the NESTs in Taiwan for professional growth and to the government for policy-making.


卓子瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在於建構公立高中教師教學評鑑指標,以供公立高中教師教學自我評鑑之用,並提供教育行政單位實施教師教學評鑑之參考。 為達到上述目的,本研究透過文獻探討,參考Danielson(2007)教學專業實踐架構(Professional practice-a framework for teaching)、德州(1986)教學視導系統(Texas teacher appraisal system,TTAS)、麻薩諸塞州(2005)中小學教師有效教學原則(Principles of effective teaching),形成評鑑指標初稿,再以半開放式德懷術專家問卷調查法,進行指標審查、修正與刪減。問卷回收後應用SPSS統計軟體中之敘述統計進行分析,以平均數、中位數、眾數判斷評鑑指標之重要性,以四分差判斷專家群看法之一致性。經由前後三次德懷術問卷調查統計分析之結果,獲得以下結論: 一、就教學評鑑領域的重要性而言,其重要性依次為:教學規劃準備、班級經營管理、呈現有效教學、實現專業責任。 二、就「教學規劃準備」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有6項,分別為「1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4」;排序為「2」者有9項,分別為「1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2」。 三、就「班級經營管理」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1,2-5-1」。 四、就「呈現有效教學」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2」;排序為「2」者有10項,分別為「3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1,3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3」。 五、就「實現專業責任」指標重要性而言,其重要性等級排序為「1」者有4項,分別為「4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4」。 六、就專家群看法的一致性而言,其四分差數值介於.000至.500之間,顯示專家群的看法具高度一致性。 七、就教學評鑑指標之建構內容而言,本研究建構之教學評鑑指標包括(一)教學規劃準備;(二)班級經營管理;(三)呈現有效教學;(四)實現專業責任。4個領域,及20個規準、57個指標項目。 關鍵字:教育評鑑、教學評鑑、評鑑指標 / The thesis attempts to build teaching evaluation indicators for senior high school teachers. The indicators will be the reference both for teachers who want to self- assess, and for senior-high school administration which want to evaluate performance of teachers. The teacher evaluative indicators are derived from famous teaching evaluative indicators: “Professional practice-a framework for teaching”(Danielson, 2007), “Texas teacher appraisal system, TTAS” (1986), and “Principles of effective teaching from Massachusetts Department of Education”(2005). Later, the raw indicators are reviewed, revised, and decreased by “semi-open Delphi”. After analysed by SPSS, here comes 7 conclusions below, according to analyse the outcomes of questionnaire survey: 1) On importance of teaching evaluation area, the sequence is: planning and preparation, the classroom environment, effective instruction, professional and responsibility. 2) On importance of planning and preparation, the most important indicators are consistent of “1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4”, the second important indicators are consistent of “1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2”. 3) On importance of the classroom environment, the most important indicators are consistent of “2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1, 2-5-1”. 4) On importance of effective instruction, the most important indicators are consistent of “3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1, 3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3”. 5) On importance of professional and responsibility, the most important indicators are consistent of “4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1”, the second important indicators are consistent of “4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4”. 6) On coherence of professionals, lies between.000 and.500, shows highly coherence among professionals. 7) On content of teaching evaluation indicators, the evaluative indicators for senior high school teachers include 4 areas: 1. Planning and preparation, 2. the classroom environment, 3. Effective instruction, 4. Professional and responsibility. These 4 areas are consistent of 20 standards and 57 indicators. Keywords: education evaluation, teaching evaluation, evaluation indicators

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