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隨機波動下的二元樹狀模型之探討黃大展 Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代後期Hull & White、Wiggins、Johnson & Shanno等人相繼發表關於隨機波動度模型的文獻後,就有諸多的文獻對於在選擇權定價中考慮隨機波動度作更深入的分析與模型探討,然而關於隨機波動度的研究,在早期大多採用蒙地卡羅模擬法來分析選擇權的價格行為,但蒙地卡羅模擬法受限於運算效率不高與缺乏彈性,故在評價新奇選擇權,如美式選擇權、障礙選擇權時,並無法應用。故本文以Leisen(2000)的二元樹狀模型出發,探討在不同相關係數及參數設定下之各類選擇權的定價、避險參數及隱含波動度曲面模擬計算等主題。
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詩中音樂: 艾略特《四首四重奏》中的音樂形式 / The Music of Poetry: Musical Forms in T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets.蔡文傑, Wen-chieh Tsai Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱: 詩中音樂: 艾略特《四首四重奏》中的音樂形式
指導教授: 楊麗敏
許多批評家曾試著從各種角度解釋《四首四重奏》這個標題。 因為正如艾略特所宣示的,《四重奏》這個字(詞)是了解這部作品的正確途徑。 本文則試著從音樂的角度切入這部作品。 因為貝多芬的音樂在艾略特一生佔有舉足輕重的影響。艾略特也曾在多處提及深受貝多芬的A小調弦樂四重奏感動。另一方面,詩與音樂更是艾略特長久一來的關注重點。他相信,詩與音樂能達到某種程度的交流與可能性。正如他在《詩的音樂》一文中所宣示的。他認為詩與音樂的可能性主要包括在三方面。分別為韻律與結構,主題的重複,以及主題材料的對位式安排。因此,本文主要從音樂性的結構(音樂曲式),主題的發展、佈局來分析這部作品。
Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………………………v
English Abstract……………………………………………………………………vi
1. "Burnt Norton"- The Still Point and the Turning World………………...19
2. "East Coker"- The Beginning and the End……………………………...34
3. "The Dry Salvages"- Time and the Timeless……………………………52
4. "Little Gidding"-Now and England…………….……………………….70
Selected Bibliography……………………………………….……………………..93
Chinese Reference…………………………………………..……………………100 / English Abstract
Critics try to decipher the title Four Quartets from different criteria because the word 'quartet' is the right tack for understanding the work. This thesis tries to examine Four Quartets from a musical criterion since Beethoven's music plays an important role in T. S. Eliot's life. Besides, T. S. Eliot mentions that he is deeply touched by Beethoven's string quartet in A minor. Most important of all, music remains T. S. Eliot's main concern throughout his life. He believes that to some extent there are possibilities of transformation between music and poetry as he declares in his "The Music of Poetry." He thinks that the possibilities exist in three ways. They are the sense of rhythm and structure, the recurrent use of themes and the contrapuntal arrangement of subject matter. Therefore, this thesis applies musical structures to analyze the development of themes in Four Quartets.
Structurally, Four Quartets and Beethoven's string quartet have similar structures or forms. In this thesis, it is found that the five movements of each quartet are in sonata form, (rounded) binary form, ternary form, march, and rondo form. Thematically, like Beethoven's string quartet, each quartet of Four Quartets mainly deals with the constant development, variation and reconciliation of contrasting themes. Besides, the characteristics of polyphony in Beethoven's late string quartets may be found in the juxtaposition of multiple themes in Four Quartets. This thesis is divided into four chapters. In each chapter, each quartet is analyzed from these three aspects. The thesis focuses on the development of themes in order to find out the interaction of themes and the musical structures in Four Quartets.
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冷凍藥品有效期限估計之研究 / Inference on shelf-life estimation for frozen drug products林璟賢, Lin, Jing-Xian Unknown Date (has links)
對於一般的藥品,各國政府藥物管理單位均有一定的安定性試驗基準,以確保該藥品在有效期限內具有優良藥品之品質及特性。然而,對於冷凍藥品之安定性試驗及有效期限的推估,目前各國並沒有定論,僅有部分學者提出一些方法。本文根據 FDA 及 ICH 安定性試驗基準,首先介紹現行的試驗方法及統計分析原則。接著,基於冷凍藥品的特性,提出兩種方法來推估有效期限,並嘗試應用於一組資料中。同時,比較兩種方法的不同並建議未來研究的方向。
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熟悉的異國之聲-「日本流行歌」在台灣的傳唱(1928~1945) / The development of Japanese popular songs in Taiwan (1928~1945)陳堅銘, Chen ,Jian Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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垂直成長策略之研究-以3C周邊業者為例 / Vertical growing strategy – The case of a 3C peripheral firm劉恕偉 Unknown Date (has links)
上述的發展不論是不同的生產能力或多品牌或各地通路,都要結合不同能力的個人及群體,要因應政治經濟環境的現實,以及要考量不同領域所需要的管理現實與企業文化的差異性,應將不同功能性的工作群體予以分拆,成為獨立的事業單位或子公司,較能發揮出較好的綜效及彈性。尤其是品牌事業,為了要避免與代工客戶競爭的疑慮,更應當用獨立公司來發展。而總公司應要統籌包含前瞻技術發展、財務管理、資訊管理、人力資源管理、智財與法務等共同的價值活動以求最大的綜效,如何做妥善的分工與規劃,這些都是採行垂直發展成長策略所要面對的挑戰。 / In recent years, Smartphone, tablet PCs, notebooks, MP3 / 4, GPS, mobile TV, car information and entertainment system, Apple products and all kinds of handheld devices have vigorous growth which also promotes the development of peripheral industries. However, the 3C industry itself and the techniques are with great diversity. An OEM/ODM based company should use “Vertical Integration” as its growth strategy, which emphasize the importance of core technology and develop gradually different companies in a supply chain. The smiling curve proposed by Stan Shih would be the most important reference. Take 3C industry as example, the middle of the smiling curve is the function of OEM, which creates the minimum value; the creativity, services and design are located at the left side of the curve, and the right side are the marketing and branding. The middle of the curve is lower while both sides are higher; that’s why we named it “Smiling Curve”.
We take 3C industry as example in this research. For 3C industry, the design, R&D and production will be the core competencies when developing up to the left side of the curve. These competencies include product design, plastic design, mold design, hardware design, electronics design, package design...etc. To build up these core competencies, establishing an own plant, taking the part of design then outsourcing the production, settling a new, independent business unit…etc could be directions when integrating the upstream of the industry.
On the right side of the curve will be the development of brand. The spirit of the brand is to integrate the originality and the design, and to have the ability of marketing and planning the layout of the channels. However, the marketing management and channels management provide localized services, which means that different places or countries should well supported with marketing strategy, customer services and stocks.
In the process of vertical integration mentioned above, in order to combine individuals and groups with different ability, to respond to the political and economic environments and to considerate the cultural divergence in different companies, the better way is to divide the different function group into an independent business unit or firm to ensure the synergistic effect and flexibility. Especially when building an own brand, to develop an independent company would be a better decision considering the concerns of the OEM/ODM customers. On the other hand, the headquarters should make overall arrangement to assure the synergistic effect of common value activities. All these are the challenge when using the vertical integration strategy.
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英語歌曲融入教學對國中生文法學習效益的研究 / The effects of English song instruction on junior high school students' grammar learning林淑娟, Lin, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討英語歌曲練習文法和機械式練習文法對學生文法學習和記憶保留的成效。主要目標欲探究(1)兩種文法練習方法對於文法學習的成效;(2) 兩種文法練習方法對記憶保留的成效;以及(3)兩種文法練習方法對於高、低成就學習者在文法學習和記憶保留的影響。
研究對象為台灣中部一所公立國中兩班七年級的學生。此均質的兩個班被隨機指定為實驗組與控制組。實驗組於教授文法後施予英語歌曲練習文法,而控制組則施予傳統機械式練習文法。歷時十一週的文法教學後,兩組受試者接受文法測驗(EGT),以得知兩組受試者文法學習情況。一個月後,兩組受試者再次接受相同文法測驗,以進一步得知其文法的記憶保留情形。本研究主要發現如下:(1)在文法學習成效方面,接受英語歌曲練習文法的實驗組學生表現顯著優於接受機械式文法練習的控制組學生。(2)在記憶保留方面,接受英語歌曲練習文法的實驗組學生表現顯著優於接受機械式文法練習的控制組學生。(3)利用英語歌曲練習文法對於高、低英語學習成就者而言,在文法學習和記憶保留上皆有正面影響。 (4)透過機械式文法練習亦有助於提升高、低英語學習成就者,在文法學習和記憶保留的成效。(5)對於高英語學習成就者而言,利用英語歌曲練習文法和透過機械式練習文法兩者對於其文法學習和記憶保留成效相同。(6)對於低英語高學習成就者而言,利用英語歌曲練習文法在文法學習和記憶保留的成效皆優於透過機械式文法練習。
最後,研究者對於英語歌曲在文法教學上之應用提供建議以作為教育學者們的參考。 / The study investigated the effects of “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” versus the effects of “grammar practice through drills” on students’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. The study aims to (1) investigate the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on grammar learning; (2) explore the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on retention of grammar points; and (3) evaluate the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on grammar learning and retention of grammar points for high and low English achievers.
Participants were two intact classes of seventh-grade students in a public junior high school in central Taiwan. With the homogeneity of English proficiency, the two classes were randomly assigned as the experimental and control groups. The former received “grammar practice through drills plus English songs”, while the latter received “grammar practice through drills.” After receiving an eleven-week instruction, both groups received English Grammar Test (EGT), to assess their grammar learning. One month after EGT, the same grammar test—EGT were conducted to both groups to assess their retention of grammar points. The major findings are summarized as follows. (1) In terms of grammar learning, students receiving “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” outperformed those receiving “grammar practice through drills.” (2) In terms of retention of grammar points, “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” had a more positive influence than “grammar practice through drills.” (3) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” possessed a facilitative effect for both high and low English achievers with regard to grammar learning and retention of grammar points. (4) “Grammar practice through drills” benefited both high and low English achievers. (5) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” and “grammar practice through drills ” could enhance high English achievers’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. (6) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” exerted a superior effectiveness on low English achievers’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. Pedagogical implications based on the findings were also provided.
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死腔負荷に伴う運動時1回換気フロー・ボリューム曲線の変化に関する検討岩津, 弘太郎, 山田, 純生, IWATSU, Kotaro, YAMADA, Sumio 20 December 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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愛知県産スギ・ヒノキ製材の曲げ強度特性山崎, 真理子, 杉本, 貴紀, 佐々木, 康寿, 榊原, 勝己, 山本, 勝洋, 鴨下, 直史 12 1900 (has links)
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明代宗教戲曲研究林智莉 Unknown Date (has links)
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違約戶稀少時之估計條件違約機率 / Estimating Conditional PD when Defaults Number is Small唐延新, Tang,yan hsin Unknown Date (has links)
約機率等,來驗證此方法的準確度與穩定度,並且與Van der Burgt (2008)、Tasche(2009)的估計方法比較。 / By the internal rating-based approach of Basel II, banks estimate borrowers' default risks to withdraw reserves independently. Hence, estimating default probability (PD) of borrowers is important. Most of previous studies estimating PD assume that evaluation scores are discrete, In this study, we use curve function to t estimation model in the condition that the evaluation scores are continuous
. We use truncated gamma distribution to t ROC curve function. And we use the ROC curve function to estimate PD of dierent scores. And use two-step method to nd the value of two parameters in gamma distribution. The estimation method in this study doesn't assume the distribution of estimation scores,so we use dierent distributions, parameters, and default probabilities to test the
accuracy and stability of this method. In the end, we also compare our methods with Van der Burgt (2008) and Tasche (2009)' methods.
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