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我國就業服務績效指標建立之研究 / Performance Indicator Building and Study of Public Employment Services

阮月敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國就業服務三合一作業標準流程設計下,公立就業服務站之五大服務區塊就業資訊區、接待台、綜合服務區、就業諮詢區、雇主服務區、其最主要之量化績效指標與質化績效指標之建構與產生。 研究方法採取文獻分析、出國考察訪視、問卷調查統計分析,收集近年我國就業服務績效指標建立之文獻、公部門績效管理之作法,探討國外英美國家主要就業服務流程,以及國內三合一就業服務流程之比較分析。以英美就業服務績效指標,為建構我國就業服務績效指標之參考,設計二份不同問卷,針對站長、就業服務人員,實際調查訪問。本次接受調查人數共計159人。 根據文獻探討以及問卷調查之結果,本研究獲至以下結論: 綜合國內外研究比較分析、公立就服務中心與公立就業服務站應設有不同工作目標與不同面向之績效指標設計,公立就業服務中心負有較高責任完成職訓局交辦之政策執行角色,另一方進行監測所屬之公立就業服務站之績效達成與未達成,並完成輔導任務。本研究建議公立就業服務站之量化指標應簡單明瞭,就業站主要服務功能,處理每日大量進站取得就業資訊之失業民眾,為直接面對面為民服務機構,不宜加諸太過多重複雜工作任務、影響排擠本身每月應執行之績效量之達成。 量化指標設計之精神: 1、著重大部份之績效評估比率在於就業服務核心功能。 2、加強「就業媒合」績效,在求職、就業媒合、求才媒合之績效指標上應側重 其百分比。(一般求職、就業媒合服務與雇主服務) 另建議就業服務站量化績效分為二層次管理型態: (1) 第一層為中央直接管理監督的量化績效指標。每月推介就業成功人數、每 月求才新登記人數、每月求才利用率、每月求職新登記人數四個重要指標,作為全國就業服務流量之整體呈現。 (2)第二層為就服中心分配就業服務站之量化績效指標。 三合一量化績效與質化績效並行評估之重要性 三合一實施四年以來,依照數據統計顯示,就業服務量明顯提昇,藉民眾利用率提升之際,建議檢視量化績效之正確性,合適性,評估最高承載服務量與服務品質的再精緻化。觀察都會就業服務站與非都會就業服務站之顧客服務量與工作人力,加以調整平衡。未來規劃檢視三合一服務流程之適當性,如何加強提升就服人員之服務品質效益,建議運用本研究之量化績效指標,將全國就業服務站,做流量管理與追蹤,隨時監測全國就業服務站提供顧客服務量之消長情形。另建議採用本研究之質化績效指標管理機制,協助就業服務人員,建立完整質化績效管理機制,加強「顧客商務服務」專業訓練,提供為更人性化、更符合顧客需要之服務內容與品質,期許我國就業服務部門成為獲得最佳滿意度之政府部門。


任思翰 Unknown Date (has links)
全球已經進入知識經濟時代,未來對於教育的需求會越來越大。從產業的觀點來看MBA教育,由於需求的增加,未來產業規模將會不斷地擴張,行政院預估在2008年將達到4000億之多。另外,參考國外的經驗,以美國為例,教育的商業化使美國的教育產業在市場機制中不斷提升品質,使美國的MBA教育執世界之牛耳。另外美國科學局所發表「2002年科學與工程指標」(Science and Engineering Indicators-2002)中有關知識服務業的統計,教育服務產值名列第五大知識服務業,高達5000億美金。 隨著全球化的發展,跨國管理教育服務的規模也慢慢增加,台灣如果要擴展大學的規模以及國際化程度,跨國的發展是不可避免的趨勢。本文特別針對跨國管理教育服務的提供者做研究,以服務創新的角度去看這些個案的發展過程,做為台灣未來發展的參考。 一、 對台灣管理教育服務提供者建議 (1)台灣管理教育之國際化發展應先確立明確的目標顧客、自我定位與一致性的品質確認機制 (2)結合國內資源或是尋求各國聯盟以強化面對國際競爭時的競爭力 二、 對政府的建議 (1)應考量國際情勢適度開放法規限制,開放學位學程的遠距教學比例,配合監督教學品質,讓國內之教育機構在服務創新的過程中有更大的彈性。 (2)國內大學的財源、營運方式給予更多自主性,可以運用更多不同的資源提高競爭力。


鄒琪曜 Unknown Date (has links)
服務業要存在於市場中甚至成功必須著重在能使顧客滿意與符合顧客需求的高品質服務傳遞策略上,有鑑於服務品質構面理論,已相當成熟,故本研究擬將服務品質之現有理論基礎,探討國際快遞業者對於服務品質與顧客滿意度之關係。 然而,相對於第一次顧客滿意度的研究,第二次顧客滿意度的研究仍相當欠缺。近幾年大部份研究皆以重要事件技術法找出服務疏失與服務補救類型之相關次數分配的探討,較少研究服務疏失、服務補救對顧客滿意的第二次滿意影響。 因此,本研究擬以國際快遞業者為研究對象,服務品質、服務疏失與服務補救為研究重點,探討顧客的第一次與第二次滿意程度,不但找出國際快遞業的服務品質衡量模式與顧客滿意度之間的第一次滿意關係,更試著找出國際快遞業的服務疏失與服務補救類型與顧客滿意度之間的第二次滿意關係,形成一個對國際快遞業者較完整的服務品質、顧客滿意度、服務疏失、服務補救後之整體顧客滿意研究。本研究以一般使用國際快遞服務者為訪查對象,發放問卷進行分析得出以下結論: 1.國際快遞服務品質之保證性對於顧客之第一次滿意有顯著之相關性。 2.當國際快遞業之顧客對於服務品質的可靠與反應性滿意程度越低,則越易造成顧客所認為之服務疏失。 3.顧客在使用國際快遞業者所提供之服務卻發生服務疏失時,國際快遞公司可採取服務補償之補救行動來增加顧客滿意。 4.國際快遞業針對服務疏失所進行之服務補救,對於顧客滿意度有正面之影響。 5.顧客產業特性對於服務品質、服務失誤、服務補救及顧客滿意度皆會產生影響。


曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
資策會「2009台灣觀光休閒業資訊科技投資現況與趨勢」報告指出,台灣飯店業者在2008年資訊支出成長達17.5%,2009年更一舉增加至50.8%,年增幅至為明顯,此亦顯示出飯店業者即使面臨外在大環境不佳,仍願意砸下重金投資於IT上。追溯背後的驅動因素,即是飯店業者為創造差異化的服務與品牌形象,才於近幾年來開始推出各式各樣的IT服務。 在競爭日趨激烈的今日,飯店業者若想要維持與既有顧客之關係並更進一步吸引新顧客,發展服務創新已是未來的趨勢。而能夠同時提供增加顧客價值與企業價值之服務的創新企業,也才得以繼續維持其競爭優勢,進而自我開創另一片藍海,在新的市場中生存下來。 儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。 本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.創新服務應保持彈性,隨時調整以貼近顧客需求。 2.新客戶介面必須以「方便操作」為原則,並將介面加以有效整合,若能主動提供加值服務,亦能增加產品銷售機會。 3.高層核心主管對發展服務創新的支持與承諾,是專案能否成功推出的關鍵。 4.員工教育訓練可採循序漸進的方式,再將新服務逐一推出市場,如此也會降低員工對新服務的陌生與不安感。 5.藉由資訊科技的輔助,做為員工教育訓練的教材,能快速讓員工的技能豐富化,並增加其工作成就感。 6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio. In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages. However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis. This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified. The study concludes that: 1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs. 2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales. 3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation. 4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness. 5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement. 6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.

服務業貿易總協定-以銀行服務業為中心 / General Agreement On Trade In Services: Banking Services

林曉芳, Lin, Sheau Fang Unknown Date (has links)

服務貿易總協定規範下之視聽服務業 / Audiovisual services under General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)

陳秋玉, Chen, Chiou Yuh Unknown Date (has links)

臺北市高級中學服務學習實施現況與成效之研究 / The Research of the Current Status and Outcomes of Service Learning in High Schools

蕭穗珍, Hsiao, Sui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
服務學習是一個將整個社會資源轉變為學生學習場域的教學方法,它 豐富學生學習的對象、及學習內涵的深度與廣度,也使得學生學習成效從 單純的理論知識提升到全人生命的發展。近年來,眾多學者及專家努力地 傳揚服務學習理念,以及無數教師多年默默地堅持為學生的學習與成長, 甘之如飴的付出心力。因此,當看到教育部能夠重視服務學習、了解其對 學生、學校、及社會可能產生的重大影響力、開始推展服務學習理念時, 相信這群大力鼓吹、或默默推行的先鋒者一定感到非常欣慰與振奮。然 而,更大的責任是將此理念推動到全國高中的教師、學生及家長,並期望 能提供具體與實際的作法說明。 本研究之主要目的,係為了解臺北市各高中推動服務學習的現況與成 效、教師專業知能與自我效能,以及不同之背景變項(人口及學校變項) 對於推動服務學習之困境影響因素與因應。 本研究為達上述之研究目的,採取文獻分析法與問卷調查法進行實證 研究。本研究在問卷調查之外,另行輔以訪談、焦點座談、文件分析等方 式,以補充量化問卷所無法得取之資料。基於此目的,本研究在實施問卷 調查研究後,為使研究更深化,透過半結構式訪談方法、以焦點座談的模 式,邀請臺北市推動服務學習卓有成效的績優學校做深度對話,且輔以纸 筆方式提供各校的推動經驗、規劃理念、執行過程的困境與收穫等。老師、 學生及家長均不吝分享,使本研究更具體展現服務學習方案的實施成果。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、臺北市高中推動服務學習的現況與實施成效尚可。 二、臺北市高中教師或行政人員對服務學習有正確的認知。 三、教師知覺臺北市高中服務學習之服務知能、自我效能、及困境因應的 成效不同。 四、不同性別教師是影響教師推動服務學習的重要因素。 五、不同學校背景並非影響教師推動服務學習的重要因素。 六、經費、時間及資源不足是推動服務學習的困境 七、服務學習績優學校的共同意象: (一)新思維、新願景、新行動。 (二)品味生活、品質生命、創意生涯。 (三)有活力、具魅力、展光華。 依據文獻探討與統計分析結果,提出本研究之建議如下: ‧ 國 立 政 治 大 學 ‧ Na t i o na l Ch en gc h i U n i v e r s i t y 2 一、對中央主管機關的建議 (一)落實執行服務學習的良善政策。 (二)與高中綜合活動課程作適度的結合。 二、對教育行政主管機關的建議 (一)提供經費挹助及資源支援。 (二)建置服務學習資訊網絡與對話平台。 (三)提供專業進修機會,培訓服務學習種子教師。 (四)結合志願服務法,建立服務學習獎勵政策。 (五)規劃完善的服務學習相關課程。 三、對學校單位的建議 (一)增進社區資源增加與社區(機構)的互動。 (二)加強服務學習之推展且需長時間規劃。 (三)深化教師專業能力、培養教師自我效能及學習統整的教學法。 (四)重視學生的生活主體,結合綜合活動課程實施服務學習教學。 (五)激發學生服務學習動機。 (六)爭取家長的認同及參與,強化支持體系。 四、對後續研究的建議 (一)研究方法方面:質量並重。 (二)研究範圍方面:擴大研究區域。 (三)研究對象方面:擴及家長、學生、社區等之服務者、被服務者及參 與者。 (四)研究領域方面:延長研究時間、增加研究項目、發展研究工具。 (五)研究變項方面:進行質化研究、整合研究變項、向度或層面上加強。 / Service learning is a teaching program that provides students a rich platform of learning that is based not only on the campus but on the entire social resources. Students who participate in this program meet more people as their learning models. They also expand the depth and scope in the knowledge and skills learned. Moreover, students’ learning results indicate that they are more able to lift a simple theory and knowledge into a holistic life development aspect. In recent years, scholars and experts have been putting lots of effort on promoting the service learning concept, not mentioning about the striving of supportive teachers who are always looking upon students’ best interest. Seeing that the government now understands the significant impact of this program to students, schools and even to the entire society and starts to promote this program is no doubt a most encouraging event to its pioneer supporters. However, the task doesn’t just end here. It carries out a bigger responsibility to introduce this program to all the teachers, students and parents in high schools nationwide, and provide them with specific and practical instructions. The objective of this research is to find out the problems and difficulties that eventually affect the promotion of service learning. By obtaining the information of current situations and results from high schools in Taipei City that are now enrolling in this program, this research aims to conclude a solution to those problems. Factors observed in this research also include teacher professional knowledge, self efficiency, and background variables (both population and school). In order to accomplish the abovementioned objective, this research, basing on an empirical study, employs documentary analysis technique and questionnaire survey technique. In addition to questionnaire investigation, the research also adopts techniques like interviews, seminars and document analysis to make up the insufficiency of the quantitative questionnaire. Moreover, in order to deepen the research, well‐performed schools of this program in Taipei city were invited to the interviews and seminars to go through a semi‐structured interview for deeper communication and understanding. Schools were encouraged to share their promotion experiences, concept of planning, problems and gains while implementing this program. The main finding of this research is as below: I. The service learning outcome and current situation of high schools in Taipei are acceptable. II. High school teachers and administrative staffs’ recognition to service learning is fairly good in Taipei. III. Teachers aware that the results of service learning respectively in fields of service knowledge, self efficiency and problem solving are different in high schools in Taipei. IV. Teacher’s gender is an important factor that affects the promotion of service learning. V. Differences school background doesn’t serve as an important factor that affect teachers’ promoting service learning. VI. The problem of insufficient self‐efficiency in promoting service learning is generally observed among high school teachers in Taipei. ‧ 國 立 政 治 大 學 ‧ Na t i o na l Ch en gc h i U n i v e r s i t y VII. Common visions about service learning in well performed schools: a. New thinking, new vision, new action b. Experience life, make life well‐qualified and innovated. c. Energetic, attractive and bright. After documentary discussion and statistic analysis to this research, the suggestions are as below: I. Suggestions to the central government authority: a. Improve the policy in promoting and implementing service learning. b. Make appropriate links in between servicing learning to high school integrated activity learning. II. Suggestions to the government education authority: a. Provide budget and resources support b. Build a website and a communication platform for service learning. c. Offer in‐service training, and train seed teachers of service learning. d. Cooperate with the law of volunteer service, and establish a reward policy on service learning. e. Make good plans for service learning relating courses. III. Suggestions to schools: a. Enhance community resources, and increase the interaction with those community institutions. b. Enhance the promotion of service learning on a long‐time plan base. c. Strengthen teachers’ professional ability. Train teachers for the methodology of self‐efficiency and integration of learning. d. Take account of students’ daily life in order to combine service learning with integrated activity courses. e. Motivate students for service learning. f. Obtain parents’ support and enhance the supporting organizations. IV. Suggestions to further studies: a. Research method: equal emphasis both on quality and quantity. b. Research scope: expand research scope. c. Research subject: expand to include parents, students, service providers, service receivers and all participants in the community. d. Research fields: expand research time, increase research items and develop research tools. e. Research variables: conduct qualitative research; enhance and integrate variable research both vertically and horizontally. Key words: service learning, service learning program, service learning outcomes

建置電子健康照護服務之績效評量架構 / Assessing the performance of e-Health service

王育聖, Wang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
This study develops quality evaluation criteria that consider both service provider satisfaction and patient perspective in assessing e-Health services; additionally, it evaluates the impact of these criteria on the performance of e-Health services. Utilizing data from the Tele Care Center in National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), one of the largest hospitals in Taiwan, this research framework extends the service-profit chain by integrating service triangle concept and emphasizing the relationships among three stakeholders: the firm, the customer, and the employee. The results suggest that the positive relationships among hospital’s business value, physicians’ value, and patients’ value can contribute to customer retention. In sum, this study expects to contribute to literature by providing an e-Health service performance assessment framework, which systematically develops a scale to evaluate e-Health service quality that concerns multiple stakeholders’ perspectives.

行動旅遊服務分類及系統發展研究 / Classification and system development for mobile tourism services

張小萍, Chang, Hsiao Ping Unknown Date (has links)
行動服務分類與系統開發是一個理論上與實務上重要的議題,其中以應用在旅遊業的行動旅遊服務備受關注。本研究試圖提出以多觀點的角度來找出、分類、評估與開發具有價值的行動旅遊服務。也就是說,本研究試圖提出有價值的行動旅遊服務與服務分類,透過多觀點的角度來評估研究所提出的行動旅遊服務與服務分類,並提出系統開發架構與方法,透過雛型系統建置來驗證系統開發方法的可行性與雛型系統的效能。 本研究範圍主要在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務,主要研究貢獻在於服務分類架構與系統開發架構。本研究試圖透過服務分類架構將企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務彙整出企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類,並透過旅客、電信業者與旅遊業等多觀點來評估本研究所提出的企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務與服務分類。本研究並根據系統開發架構來建置與評估企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務的雛型系統,來驗證本研究所提出的行動旅遊服務的可行性。為了驗證本研究所提出的服務分類架構的可應用性,本研究試圖將此服務分類架構延伸應用到企業內部的行動旅遊服務,並透過管理階層與員工雙方的觀點整理出企業內部的行動旅遊服務與服務分類。 本研究的研究方法主要為設計科學。透過文獻探討、半結構化的群組訪談與問卷調查來找出、分類與評估企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務與服務分類。透過物件導向系統發展方法與評估問卷來建置並評估企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務的雛型系統。做為一個延伸研究,企業內部的行動旅遊服務與服務分類所採用的研究方法包括文獻探討、半結構化的焦點團體討論與半結構化的田野訪談。 在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類研究結果發現:(1) 在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類中,行動搜尋與通知服務、行動推薦服務、行動交易與付款服務為三項旅客認為最有用,且電信業與旅遊業都認為最重要、最可行、最符合成本效益的服務;(2) 相較於旅遊業,電信業對於企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務態度上較積極;(3) 旅遊業與電信業者對於所提出的企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務的評估,在評分排序上是相同的。 本研究亦建置行動推薦服務的雛型系統,來說明系統發展架構與設計方法。行動推薦服務會依據旅客現在的位置與時間,以及個人偏好與需求,來進行個人化的地點相關的推薦,包括景點推薦、飯店推薦、餐廳推薦與旅遊行程推薦等。系統滿意度調查顯示該雛型系統具有高度系統滿意度。 就企業內部的行動旅遊服務分類的研究結果顯示,不同管理階層對於企業內部的行動旅遊服務有不同的需求,而不同的企業內部的行動旅遊服務在技術上的難易程度也不同。透過企業內部的行動旅遊服務分類架構,很容易瞭解到該企業內部的行動旅遊服務在技術上的複雜度與管理上的需求程度。這樣的服務分類架構對於規劃與開發企業內部的行動旅遊服務,提供一個參考基準與指引。此外,本研究結果指出,行動旅遊品質控管服務對管理階層來說,是很重要、可行與符合成本效益的服務。而行動銷售支援服務對管理階層來說,是一個可行有效但不是很重要的服務。最後,本研究建議後續研究將本研究所提的服務分類架構與系統開發架構應用到其他的行動服務領域,以驗證本研究所提出的服務分類架構與系統開發架構的可應用性。 / The service classification and system development of mobile services is an important issue both in research and in practice, and research attention is called to the mobile services for the tourism industry. This study tries to identify, classify, evaluate, and develop value-added mobile tourism services with multiple perspectives. That is, user groups with different perspectives are asked to evaluate the proposed value-added mobile tourism services as well as a mobile tourism service classification framework. Moreover, this study also proposes the system development framework and processes, and the prototype system is built and evaluated to validate the feasibility of the proposed system development framework as well as the effectiveness of the prototype system. The research scope is focused on the B2C mobile tourism services, and the main contribution of this study is the proposed service classification framework and the system development framework. This study tries to identify and classify B2C mobile tourism services based on the proposed service classification framework and processes. Moreover, tourists, 3G operators and the tourism industry are asked to evaluate the proposed B2C mobile tourism services as well as the service classification. Based on the proposed system development framework and processes, this study also builds and evaluates the prototype system to validate the feasibility of the proposed B2C mobile tourism services. To validate the appliance of our service classification framework, an extension research to the B2E mobile tourism services is also conducted. Management perspectives including managers and employees are taken into accounts to summarize the B2E mobile tourism services and the service classification framework. The research methodology used in this study is the design science research methodology. With literature reviews, semi-structured group interviews, and surveys to identify, classify, and evaluate B2C mobile tourism services as well as the service classification. The prototype system of the B2C mobile tourism services is built through object-oriented system analysis and design, and the survey questionnaire is used for the system evaluation of the prototype system. As an extension study, the B2E mobile tourism service classification research is built with literature reviews, semi-structured focus group discussions and semi-structured field interviews. The B2C mobile tourism service classification research results are as follows. (1) The mobile search & notification services, the mobile recommendation services, and the mobile transaction & payment services are top three useful B2C mobile tourism services valued by tourists, and these three B2C mobile tourism services are top three most important, feasible and cost-benefit effective services from the 3G operators’ and travel agencies’ perspectives. (2) The 3G operators hold more positive attitudes towards the B2C mobile tourism services than the tourism industry does. (3) Tourism industry sets the same priority list toward the proposed B2C mobile tourism services as the 3G operators do. In this study, an application prototype of mobile recommendation services is also implemented to illustrate the development framework and design methods. The mobile recommendation services provide personalized and location-based recommendations regarding sightseeing spots, hotels, restaurants, and packaged tour plans based on tourists’ current location and time, as well as personal preferences and needs. Results from the system evaluation indicate high system satisfaction toward the prototype system. Based on the research results of the B2E mobile tourism service classification, different management levels have different needs for B2E mobile tourism services, and different B2E mobile tourism services have different technology complexities. Through this B2E mobile tourism service classification framework, it is easy to understand the technology complexities of the B2E mobile tourism services and managerial needs for the B2E mobile tourism services. Such service classification framework offers a reference baseline and guidance for planning and system development of B2E mobile tourism services. Moreover, this research results show that from managers’ perspectives, the mobile tour quality control services are important, feasible, and cost-benefit effective while the mobile sales support services are feasible, effective, but not so important services. Finally, future researches are suggested to apply the service classification framework and system development framework to other mobile service domain to validate the appliance of the proposed service classification framework and system development framework.


何婉玲, Ho Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)

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