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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

白銀期貨的價格限制-以馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅方法分析 / price limits in the silver futures market: a MCMC approach

鄭仲均 Unknown Date (has links)
在這篇論文中,我們運用馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅(MCMC)方法來估計沒有價格限制下的白銀期貨價格。接著我們採用FIGARCH模型來計算VaR值,以進而評估估計成果。在本文中我們分別對三種不同分配下的FIGARCH模型計算VaR值,而實證結果顯示出在沒有價格限制下,白銀期貨有較好的估計結果。 / In this paper, we try to implement the MCMC method to simulate the price of the silver futures without price limits. Then we compute the VaR by using the FIGARCH model because of the long memory properties in our data. There are three distributions we use to estimate model and compute VaR. The empirical results show that the silver futures without price limits performs better in computing in-sample VaR.

訊息類型,身份相似性,及先驗知識對於旅遊網站所連結旅遊部落格效果之影響 / The impact of massage type, source similarity, and individual’s prior knowledge on the effectiveness of travel website

蕭富藍, Hsiao, Fulan Unknown Date (has links)
一般來說,旅遊網站是由商業機制主導,旅遊部落格則被認為是個人經驗所建構而成,當商業旅遊網站加入個人主導的旅遊部落格後,究竟是存在著對立矛盾,或是完美的結合,是本研究的焦點。因此以旅遊網站所連結的旅遊部落格「訊息類型」與「訊息來源的相似性」作為主要操弄變項。其次,為探討影響消費者影響資訊搜尋的個人因素,是否具有調節作用,因此在問卷中測量先驗知識,作為測量變項。並檢視上述變項與網友評估部落格可信度、網站態度、購買意願的交互作用。 本研究以線上實驗法來檢測旅遊部落格的訊息類型,來源專業性、及先驗知識,對於網友對旅遊網站功能的評估。屬於2(訊息類型:旅遊實用訊息/旅遊產品訊息)X2(來源相似性:高-學生 /低-領隊)雙因子設計。並測量受試者的先驗知識,作為測量變項。 研究結果顯示,旅遊實用訊息在部落格可信度、網站態度、購買意願上,皆優於旅遊產品訊息。交互作用方面,「來源相似性高」的情況下,呈現「旅遊實用訊息」有最佳效果,在「來源相似性低」的情況下,呈現「旅遊實用訊息」或「旅遊產品訊息」則無顯著差異。這意味著高來源身份相似性,可提升連結之部落格可信度及網站態度。


SUGIMURA, Yasushi, 杉村, 泰 31 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.

透過部落格發展跨文化溝通能力: 三位台灣國小學生之個案研究 / Developing intercultural communicative competence through weblogs: the case of three elementary school students

張齡云, Chang, Ling Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本個案旨在探討臺灣國小學生在參與透過部落格學習跨文化溝通的計畫後,他們跨文化溝通能力的發展以及學習英語態度的改變。 本研究方法採用質性研究,一開始先探討學生在面臨跨文化溝通學習過程中的關鍵事件,接著研究重心會放在探討當中三位學生如何和外國伙伴以及其他師生的學習歷程。研究工具主要為三位學生的訪談、部落格的學習歷程以及省思日記。Byram (2000) 跨文化溝通能力指標用來分析以及辨識學生跨文化溝通能力。 本研究發現與外國學生互動的真實學習情境的確能提升學生跨文化溝通的學習動力。然而,缺乏溝通策略也讓學生在過程中感到焦慮而不能投入學習。在另一方面,學生的焦慮也驅使他們去尋求協助以及部落格上的資源以解決問題。透過老師的鼓勵以及同儕間的學習,學生學習如何發展自己的跨文化溝通能力,藉由仿效他人的溝通歷程來學習表達自己的想法。除了學習溝通策略,學生逐漸在過程中發展跨文化意識。他們更願意檢視自己的文化並且以不同角度來思考文化議題。 透過更進一步研究當中三位學生的跨文化溝通歷程,他們在學習過程中有不同的表現。雖然他們皆對和外國伙伴交換文化以及學校生活資訊十分有興趣,但是他們的動機持續力、遇到的困難以及在過程中所扮演的角色皆有所不同。這都和學生的學習風格以及對網路使用的認知不同有關。 在英語學習態度方面,結果顯示部落格的一些功能例如非同步溝通以及多媒體的整合皆讓學生更能體驗在較無焦慮的情境下學習用英語來進行互動,並且增加他們用自己的方式表達自我。學生在部落格的情境之下,能抱持著正面的態度來與外國伙伴互動。 研究結果顯示個人的因素例如學生的背景、對網路使用的認知以及學習焦慮皆在學習者發展跨文化的過程扮演著重要的角色。因此,本研究希望透過教學現場的互動情形,提升老師對如何協助學習者,以及幫助他們整合不同資源來增加他們跨文化溝通能力的學習動機這方面的重視。 / The case study investigated the development of Taiwan elementary school students’ intercultural communicative competences and their attitude toward English learning as they participated in the intercultural communication project in the blog environment. Grounded on qualitative inquiry, an overview of critical incidents which the students met in the project was discussed. Then the investigation focused on how three of the students interacted with the international partners, local students, and instructors. The major data collection instruments were adopted including the individual interviews with the three students, and their blog entries and reflection journals. Byram’s (2000) adapted intercultural guidelines were used as the framework to identify the three students’ intercultural competences. It was found that the authentic task of communicating with the international partners was important factor which encouraged the students to get more involved in the communication. However, the lack of the communication strategies made the students feel anxious and stressed and distanced them from the intercultural communication. On the other hand, the students’ anxiety actually made them look for support and the resources on the blogs which could help them solve the difficulties. Through the instructor’s encouragement and peer learning, the students learnt how to develop intercultural communication skills and understood the benefits of learning how to reuse others’ communication process to express their own ideas. In addition to learning the strategies for intercultural communication, the students gradually developed intercultural awareness. They were more willing to reflect on their own culture and think cultural issues from different perspective. As further investigating three of the students’ intercultural communication experience, it was found that students had different performance in the project. Although gaining interest in exchanging the information of cultures and school life with international partners, the three cases’ differences were seen in their continuity of motivation, the challenges they faced, and the roles they felt comfortable to be in the intercultural communication project. Their difference are related to learners’ learning styles and their perception of internet use which benefit or stop the cultivation of their intercultural communicative competences. As for their attitude toward English learning, the results shows that the blog features like asynchronous communication and multimedia integration could help the students experience the process of using English as the medium for social interaction with less anxiety and increase their motivation for presenting life experience in their own way. The students developed positive attitude toward practicing English through communicating with international partners on the blogs. The results of the study show that personal factors, such as individual background, perception of internet use and anxiety played an important role as learners develop intercultural communication. Thus, this study suggests that more efforts should be paid to explore how to support learners and help them integrate resources in order to increase their participation in intercultural communication on the internet.

魯迅小說詞彙風格研究 / A Stylistic Study of Lu Xun's Novel

林芩帆 Unknown Date (has links)
魯迅的小說一向以題材鄉土、風格寫實和文詞犀利著稱,其生平事蹟、思想意識與人物塑造的手法,亦是許多研究者探討、鑽研的主題。然而,對於構成其小說作品「憂憤沉鬱、冷雋尖刻、幽默精煉」風格的幕後功臣――詞彙運用,討論者卻是屈指可數。有鑑於此,本論文將從「語言風格學」中的「詞彙風格」角度出發,將魯迅小說研究由「感性認識」延伸至「理性活動」,以補足其研究視角的缺口。 「語言風格學」以「如實反映作品語言風貌」為目標,著重用「科學分析」的方法,對構成文學作品的語音、詞彙、語法採取分析、描寫、統計、比較等方法,以找出作家驅遣文字的獨特風格。因此,筆者以魯迅小說中最具特色的「詞彙風格」為研究對象,從詞彙的視角切入,期能運用科學方法對魯迅小說語言進行更真實的檢驗與更清楚的詮釋。本文架構如下: 第一章為「緒論」,說明本文的研究動機與目的,簡介語言風格學的意義與價值,並略述研究範圍、方法和前人研究成果;第二章為「魯迅及其小說的創作背景」,藉由了解其求學過程、工作經歷與政治活動來探討其主題意識的形成,藉此揣想其擇取詞彙的因由;第三章為「由魯迅小說中顏色詞的運用看詞彙風格」,首先探討顏色詞在漢語中的文化意涵與運用價值,接著以魯迅小說中所有的顏色詞做為對象,根據色彩明度和彩度的對比來分析、比較、統整,並將顏色詞修飾的對象分為人物(包括膚、鬚、髮) 、景物、動物、服飾和器物,以期找出顏色詞的運用規律和特殊風格;第四章為「由魯迅小說的擬聲詞看詞彙風格」,先介紹漢語擬聲詞的定位與功能,再統計、分析擬聲詞的運用對象與狀況;第五章為「由魯迅小說的熟語和標題設計看詞彙風格」,將魯迅小說中的方言俗語、罵詈語、成語和標題結構經統計和分類等過程,歸納其呈現方法和修飾作用;第六章的「結論」,筆者試圖為本文第三、四、五章的統計、分析、描寫進行歸納和比較,以總結魯迅小說運用詞彙的技巧、特色與效果。

世代間政治力格差と財政運営 / セダイカン セイジリョク カクサ ト ザイセイ ウンエイ

新倉 純樹, Junki Niikura 20 September 2017 (has links)
本研究は、世代間政治力格差が財政運営に与える影響について検証している。各世代が各世代の選好を、投票行動を通して実現している可能性が考えられる。このことを「民主的統制仮説」として提示し、回帰分析によって検証している。具体的には、若年者投票率と高齢者投票率の比を「世代間投票率」と定義し、財政赤字や若年者向け支出、高齢者向け支出それぞれと回帰分析を行っている。分析の結果、「民主的統制仮説」を支持する結果が得られた。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

消費者價格彈性與通路價格策略 - 以洋芋片為例 / Consumer Price Sensitivity and Channel Pricing Scheme – A Case Study on Potato Chips

吳家萍, Wu, Jia Pin Unknown Date (has links)
消費者價格彈性與通路價格策略 - 以洋芋片為例 / With modest increase of wage level and increasing inflation of raw material prices in Taiwan, manufacturers face pressure in maximizing profit with limited pricing power. Price and pack size management become keys for revenue maximization. The idea of this research originates from the observations from a price increase project of a key salty snack manufacturer in Taiwan. In the project, the manufacturer increased both pack size and price per gram of chip, aiming to sell bigger pack sizes in PX Mart, where shoppers are mainly housewives who buy for households. The price increase led to different outcomes in different channels due to shoppers’ different sensitivity. As a result, a choice-based conjoint (CBC) analysis was conducted to find out if shoppers in Convenient Store (CVS) and PX Mart have different sensitivities for potato chips. Also, pack sizes and different promotions are combined to test if deeper promotion depth can offset the negative impact from price increases. From the effect of different combinations, we offer recommendations on the optimal pack size and pricing strategy for the salty snack category in CVS and PX Mart, respectively.


黃順錫, HUANG, SHUN-XI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討兩財三要素模型下,國際投資與貿易的關係,全文分為四章。 第一章 緒論:本章為文獻回顧,探討相關理論與著作。 第二章 一國兩財三要素模型。 第一節 基本模型:簡介國際貿易理論之兩財三要素模型。 第二節 安定性分析:均衡解要穩定才有意義,故為本分析。 第三節 要素報酬效果:探討要素秉賦與財貨價格變動對要素報酬之影響。 第四節 產出效果:探討要素秉賦與財貨價格變動對產出的影響。 第五節 比較利益的型態:兩財三要素之下的 H-O THEOREM。 第三章 資本移動之一國兩財三要素模型。 第一節 基本模型:介紹資本移動之兩財三要素模型。 第二節 資本需求與要素交互作用:探討資本報酬與產品價格對資本需求之影響,以 及資本移動對其它二種要素之報酬與僱用量(就業)之影響。 第三節 要素報酬效果:探討資本移動後,其它二種要素秉賦之外生長與產品價格變 動對其報酬之影響。 第四節 產出效果:探討資本移動對產出的影響。 第四章 結論:本章為全文之總結對本文各章結果做一摘要性的敘述。


王可欣 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今的商業市場中,品牌漸漸受到重視。品牌是行銷的工具,所有的產品、公司,因為創造出自己的品牌,就像有了一個名字,在市場上能夠輕易而快速的被辨認出來,並且使消費者記憶深刻。建立一個好的品牌,就等於是創造了競爭優勢,對消費者而言,知名度高的品牌較可以獲得品質保證,並且可以節省消費者選擇的時間;對廠商而言,可以長期吸引品牌忠誠度高的顧客,並有助於維繫公司的利潤,保護公司的商品,以免獨有的特色被隨意抄襲;並且可與其他品牌做區隔,使消費者容易辨識。   近年來,國內外關於品牌性格的研究,焦點多放於品牌性格的影響層面,因此品牌性格的重要性無庸置疑。而品牌性格如何被塑造,則是需要進一步去探討。影響品牌性格產生的因素很多,其中廣告便是一個重要的來源之一。   廣告是消費者和品牌之間的溝通橋樑,也是品牌最重要的行銷工具,而廣告表現的方式有很多,近來以廣告代言人的展現手法來宣傳品牌的手法逐漸增加,且有良好的效果。McCracken(1989)指出品牌的代言人(brand endorser)會將個性特質直接轉移品牌之上;Aaker(1997)找出的品牌性格來源中,廣告是其中一個重要的因素;Keller(1998)更指出廣告是最有影響力的,廣告中的人物、創意策略的語音抑揚(tone)或形式,以及品牌所喚起的情緒或情感皆對品牌性格產生影響。   因此,本研究的目的在於探討廣告代言人的性格形象對品牌性格所造成的影響,並且透過不同類別的廣告代言人,擁有不同的性格形象,探討對於相同的產品品牌,是否產生不同的品牌性格。   本研究係以實驗法(experimental research)來探討各變項之間的關係,採取的是雙組比較僅後測設計(posttest only control group design),先隨機將受試者分為五組,控制組為無代言人組,其他四組為實驗組,以四個不同的代言人,分別自製各三張手機平面廣告,讓受試者觀看,最後填寫研究問卷,進而比較控制組與四個實驗組之間的結果。 本研究的樣本取自國立政治大學」與私立淡江大學的學生,共202名。資料統計分析的方法則依照各變項的研究目的,採取描述性分析(平均數與標準差)、t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、多元迴歸分析(multiple regression)。 本研究結果有以下幾個主要發現: 1. 不同的廣告代言人性格形象,在消費者眼中確實有所不同。在α=.05的顯著水準下,「神經質」、「外向性」、「友善性」與「嚴謹性」四面向上,各組代言人有顯著差異。 2. 不同的廣告代言人,會造成不同的品牌性格。在α=.05的顯著水準下,各組代言人與無代言人組在品牌性格各面向達到顯著差異,而品牌性格的「教養」與「強壯」兩個面向在各組代言人之間,亦達到顯著差異。 3. 廣告代言人的性格形象會影響品牌性格的形成。 a. 品牌性格的「純真」面向主要受到代言人「友善性」的正向影響 b. 品牌性格的「刺激」面向主要受到代言人「開放性」的正向影響 c. 品牌性格的「勝任」面向主要受到代言人「外向性」的負向影響與「嚴謹性」的正向影響 d. 品牌性格的「教養」面向主要受到代言人「開放性」、「友善性」與「嚴謹性」的正向影響 e. 品牌性格的「強壯」面向主要受到代言人「外向性」的正向影響與「開放性」的負向影響。 本研究的限制在於:自編的測驗問卷缺乏信效度的研究、樣本來自非隨機取樣的類推性受限、產品類別的限制、受試者對廣告的記憶干擾因素等。本研究對於實務上的建議為:必須將廣告代言人的性格形象與品牌性格做聯結、品牌性格是要長期經營的、代言人本身的責任必須被強調;對研究上的建議為:可比較不同產品類別與不同類型的代言人、將消費者的主動性加入探討。 / In the present business market today, people put more and more emphasis on brands. Brands are materials of marketing. All companies and products creating their own brands are distinguished quickly and easily, just like a man who has a name. In the past, the concern of brand wasn’t mentioned. When the time goes by, focusing on the personal style shaping, it must has a symbol representing the company image when an industry induce a new product or service. For the reason, concept of the brand is getting important. Building a good brand creates competition advantages. To consumers, a well-known brand means better quality and less time to choose; to industries, it means a lot of loyal customers, high benefit and uniqueness. Recently, some researchers started to investigate brand personality. Most relevant research focuses on the effect of the brand personality, but the cause of the brand personality in also important. One of the elements causing brand personality is advertisement. Advertisement is a bridge between consumers and brands, and a major tool of marketing. Using endorsers to perform the brands is a common way at the present day. McCracken (1989) specified the brand endorser would transfer their personality to the brand. Aaker (1997) found the advertisement was the critical elements of brand personality. And Keller (1998) identified that the advertisement was the most influential on the brand personality, such as people in the advertisements, creative strategies, tones, forms and arousing affect. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to discuss the effect of the endorsers’ personal image on the brand personality. The study chooses four endorses with different personal image to verify the different brand personality they may cause. The study uses the experimental research to measure relationships among different variables. The study selects the posttest only control group design procedure, random distribution and convenient sampling. Samples of the study include 202, from National Cheng-Chi University and Tamkang University. At first, dividing sample into five parts, and then displaying the print advertisement, finally, filling in the questionnaire. Data analyzed methods are including descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, multiple regression. The result of the study is that different endorsers’ personal images cause different brand personality: a. Different endorsers own different personal images : at the significant level(α=.05),the domain of neuroticism, extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness is significant between subjectives b. Different endorsers’ personal images cause different brand personality: at the significant level(α=.05), the domain of sophistication and ruggedness is significant between subjectives. c. Different endorsers’ personal images influence different brand personality: sincerity is influences by the agreeableness; excitement is influences by the openness; competence is influenced by the extroversion and conscientiousness; sophistication is influenced by the openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness; ruggedness is influenced by the extroversion and openness. The limitations of the study include the research questionnaire lacking of reliability and validity, non-random sampling, single product category and subjectives’ memory intervention. And the Practical suggestions of the study include the linkage between the endorser and the brand personality, continuous managements to the brand personality and highlighting the endorsers’ responsibilities. Research suggestions of the study include comparing different kinds of the product and endorser categories and inquiring the consumers’ subjectivity.


林士鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在研究日語同時具有及物與不及物用法的動詞之功能及其分類的依據。主以「非對格理論」分析同形動詞的不及物動詞用法、並進行分類。並以「語彙概念構造」(LCS)比較及物動詞句及不及物動詞句的差異。 本文共分五章。第一章為緒論。第二章則是從賓語的有無、能否被動、以及型態、意義上的差異之相關文獻進行研究,並提出尚未解決的問題。第三章則是分析同形動詞的對應關係,並說明英語及日語的「非對格及物動詞」概念。第四章則是以「受事主語」的觀點,分析「非受事賓語句」。第五章則為結論。 過去的研究均是將日語同形動詞區分為「能格動詞」及單純同形動詞。後者僅為型態上相同,字意上並關聯,被視為獨立運作的動詞。而本文則是基於「能格動詞」的不及物用法為「非對格動詞」的概念,依「非對格動詞」的三分法,證明了日語「能格動詞」亦可分為三類。

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