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最低購買金額門檻促銷對消費者購物決策與價格認知之影響 / The effects of minimum purchase requirement promotion on consumers' purchase decisions and price perceptions葉乃綺, Yeh, Nai Chi Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述兩大研究主題,本文中進行了三個實驗,皆同樣以提供10%折扣幅度,但未設定購買金額門檻的「九折優惠」促銷來做為控制組:研究一實驗在實際書店賣場舉行,以賣場門口發放三種促銷 (滿一千送一百、滿五百送五十、及九折優惠)折扣券方式,購物結束後再透過購物發票、賣場銷售資料及問卷衡量,瞭解消費者當日購物行為結果。
研究二則透過實驗室實驗法,以商品型錄模擬購物來瞭解消費者在「滿千送百」與「九折優惠」促銷下回憶商品價格正確性之差異;研究三實驗以電腦網頁模擬百貨公司購物,先讓受測者在兩種促銷 (滿三千送三百、九折優惠)情境下購買商品,觀察他們購物接近促銷金額門檻時,購買最後一件商品的選擇結果,之後再請受測者賣回所購買商品,並藉由訂價過程瞭解其內部參考價格水準。
本研究的主要發現,對於消費者購物行為影響方面:(1)「最低購買金額門檻」促銷確實能夠提高消費者購買的金額,符合定錨調整理論 (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974)推論之結果;(2)兩種促銷下的知覺交易效用結果則無法證實,推測由於實驗中「滿千送百」贈送的現金是緊接著消費決策後發生,延遲得到小額利得的感受不夠明顯,使得銀線原則 (Thaler, 1985)無法被驗證。
對於商品價格認知影響方面:(1) 當購買金額超過促銷門檻時,「最低購買金額門檻」促銷下的內部參考價格高於「直接折扣」促銷者;(2)在該促銷下消費者在心中計算總價格的比例明顯高於「直接折扣」促銷;(3)在該促銷下消費者因為必須計算總價格,使得價格回憶的正確性提高;(4)透過內部參考價格間接推估「最低購買金額門檻」促銷在購買金額超過促銷門檻時,有較高之交易效用。 / The present research explores the effects of “the minimum purchase requirement promotions” on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Study 1 examined consumers’ purchasing decisions in a field experiment with three types of promotional coupons randomly handed to customers: Purchase over $1000 and get a $100 cash reward, purchase over $500 and get a $50 cash reward, or 10% off price discount. Consumers’ invoices from the bookstore’s database were recorded, and questionnaires were used to measure transaction value and how these promotions influenced consumers’ shopping spending, and tendency to calculate total expense.
Study 1’s findings show that consumers tend to calculate total expense under “the minimum purchase requirement promotion”. Study 2 and Study3 explored how this promotional type influences on consumers’ price cognition, including price recall accuracy and internal reference price. In Study 2, laboratory experiment was used: (a) purchase over $1000 and get a $100 cash reward and (b) 10% off price discount through manipulated catalog shopping. Study 3 was a computer-manipulated shopping experiment, with participants purchasing product in the shopping stage of experiment and selling the products in a later auction to ascertain their internal reference price under two different promotional frames (purchase over $3000 and get a $300 cash reward, and a 10% off price discount).
Major findings about consumers’ purchasing decisions were: (a) as the inference of anchoring and adjusting heuristic theory (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974), consumers increase their spending; (b) the “requirement promotion” improvement of consumers’ transaction value cannot be proved as the inference of silver linings principle (Thaler, 1985) because the time delay was not obvious in the experiment.
The results of the influence on price cognition were: (a) “the minimum purchase requirement promotion” had a higher internal reference price than regular price discount with total expense over the promotional threshold; (b) this promotion will increase consumers’ tendency to calculate total expense; (c) consumers have higher price recall accuracy in this requirement promotion; and (d) the internal reference price was used to infer that this promotion might have a higher transaction value with total expense over the promotional threshold.
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俄羅斯與格魯吉亞衝突之研究 / A Study of Russia-Georgia Conflict張婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯在2008年8月8日北京奧運開幕期間對格魯吉亞 (Georgia)用兵,起因是格魯吉亞出兵南奧塞梯(South Ossetia)自治州,欲趁俄羅斯總理普欽(Putin)前往北京參加奧運開幕式之際,其可能對格魯吉亞出兵無法做出立即的反應,意圖以閃電戰收回長期以來有獨立運動的南奧塞梯自治州與阿布哈玆(Abkhazia)自治共和國,結果造成俄羅斯立即出兵格魯吉亞展開高加索反擊戰,受過車臣戰爭訓練有素的駐高加索俄軍,輕易地把局勢逆轉進入南奧塞梯首府茨欣瓦利(Ts khinvali)。兩國戰火持續了五天,格魯吉亞政府透過歐盟向俄方傳遞停火要求,於是雙方在歐盟主席輪值國的法國總統薩科奇(Sarkozy)的調停之下接受「俄法六原則」的停火協議。俄羅斯聯邦議會上下兩院更在25日全票通過兩地向俄羅斯提出欲獨立的呼籲書,呼籲俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫(Medvedev)正式承認兩地的獨立地位。無預警的戰事受到美國、歐盟、及中國的高度關切並在國際間專家、學者間興起研究的風潮,俄羅斯與格魯吉亞究竟如何爆發衝突為本文研究的第一個動機。
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民法自然人人格的歷史變遷及其對我國未來民法典的啟示 = The historical changes of natural human personality in the civil law and it's implications for China's Civil Code in the future / Historical changes of natural human personality in the civil law and it's implications for China's Civil Code in the future劉方輝 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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理財專員之人格特質與工作績效關聯性之研究─以國內F銀行為例 / A Study on the Relationship between Personality Traits of Financial Advisors and Job Performance - the Case of Domestic F Bank張啟峯 Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 人格特質中的「經驗開放性」、「親和性」、「勤勉審慎性」及「外向性」與其工作績效是顯著有相關的,且皆屬於正相關。
(2) 「親和性」的人格特質對理財專員的「任務績效」及「脈絡績效」有正向的影響的。
(3) 「勤勉審慎性」的人格特質對理財專員的三項工作績效指標有正向的影響,而且該特質對於三項工作績效因素構面的影響力皆是最大的。
(4) 「經驗開放性」的人格特質對理財專員的三項工作績效指標有正向的影響。
(5) 「外向性」的人格特質對於理財專員的「脈絡績效」有正向的影響的。
勉審慎性」者,預期未來會有較佳的工作表現。 / In more recent years, changes in the financial environment are significant. Banks have to increase the profits from the non-interest income and develop the business not entailing Regulatory Capital. So the fee incomes from the Wealth Management Section become more important for banks. The financial advisor is the key factor of the Wealth Management Section. The selection of financial advisors is very important for the banks.
The study is based on the view of the personality theory of Big-Five factor. The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between the personality traits of financial advisors and the job performance. The study involved a survey, comprised of three sets of questionnaires concerning demographics, Big-five personality and job performance. 183 financial advisors in the domestic F Bank participated in this study. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used to indicate the direction and relationship between personality and job performance. The result of this study was showed as following:
1. Four of Big-Five factors including “Extraversion”, “Openness to Experience”, “Agreebleness” and “Conscientiousness” are positively correlated with job performance.
2. The factor “Agreebleness” has a positive effect on “task performance” and “contextual performance”.
3. The factor “Conscientiousness” has a positive effect on “task performance”, “contextual performance” and “fee income”. The factor “Conscientiousness” has the greatest effect on job performance among the Big-Five factors.
4. The factor “Openness to Experience” has a positive effect on “task performance”, “contextual performance” and “fee income”.
5. The factor “Extraversion” has a positive effect on “contextual performance”.
Based on the results, the researcher recommends that F Bank select employees with personality trait “Conscientiousness” and “Conscientiousness” as the financial advisors. The researcher expects the financial advisors with personality trait “Conscientiousness” have better job performance.
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都市更新會造成周圍地區住宅價格上漲嗎 ? —台北市都市更新價格外溢之探討 / Does urban renewal increase the housing price of neighborhood? The spillover effect of urban renewal on housing price in Taipei city.高伊葦, Kao, Yi Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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以擴充因子的向量自我迴歸模型探討台灣的價格僵固性問題 / Sticky Prices in Taiwan- An Analysis Based on FAVAR Model張伊婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文依據 Bernanke, Boivin, and Eliasz (2005) 之模型,建立因子擴充向量自我迴歸 (factor-augmented vector autoregression,簡稱 FAVAR) 模型分析台灣之價格僵固性 (price stickiness) 問題。我們考慮了台灣 1998 年 1 月至 2014 年 2 月之時間序列月資料,總共包含 267 個變數,其中包含總合物價 (aggregated prices,又稱總合價格)與非總合物價 (disaggregated prices,又稱非總合價格、類別物價或類別價格)。總合物價指的是經濟體系中於一段時間內將許多商品與服務聚合成一能代表全體的物價,相較之下,分類較細項之商品或服務價格則視為非總合物價。同時,我們將價格所受到的影響來源分成總體項干擾 (common component shock,又稱總體項衝擊或總體項波動)與類別項干擾 (sector-specific shock,又稱非總體項衝擊或非總體項波動)兩項。總體項干擾是會影響整個經濟體系之波動,其中還可區分出貨幣政策干擾(monetary policy shock,又稱貨幣政策衝擊或貨幣政策波動),亦即貨幣政策工具-隔夜拆款利率(以下簡稱利率)-的變動,而類別項干擾即為其餘不會同時影響整個經濟體系的波動。我們分別觀察總合與非總合物價對於總體項、類別項與貨幣政策干擾之衝擊反應 (impulse response),藉此判斷台灣不同性質價格之僵固程度。此外,我們也透過分析貨幣政策干擾造成工業生產指數 (industrial production index,簡稱 IPI) 與消費者物價指數 (consumer price index,簡稱 CPI) 衝擊反應形成之價格困惑 (price puzzle) 現象,比較 FAVAR 與向量自我迴歸 (vector autoregression,簡稱 VAR) 模型何者較能描述真實經濟市場情況。
我們的實證結果顯示,非總合價格面對所有干擾都有立即且顯著的反應而不具僵固性。其中,類別項干擾造成的影響持續期間較短,很快收斂至新均衡;總體項干擾造成的持續期間則較長,而貨幣政策干擾更是到了第 48 個月仍無法達到新均衡。相對地,總合價格面對貨幣政策干擾的反應微小而呈現僵固性。此外, VAR 模型下,總合變數皆呈現明顯價格困惑現象。反觀 FAVAR 模型下, IPI 反應慢且小而穩定,而 CPI 的價格困惑現象顯著卻不如 VAR 模型下的反應久。因此我們獲得結論, FAVAR 模型對於本研究而言,考慮了更大量的經濟指標或許更能描述現實經濟狀況。
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圖文創作部落格使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之研究 / A study of the user motivation, behavior, gratification and loyalty on creative graphic blogs黃郁珮 Unknown Date (has links)
經過質化與量化的分析,本研究建議想經營圖文創作部落格之部落客,應多著墨於有趣、好笑、生活化及流行話題的相關內容,並提高發文頻率,藉由舉辦實體活動,結合虛擬與實體創作,達到延伸性的長久經營。 / In this study, "uses and gratifications" theory of creative graphic blog audience usage behavior. To the users frequently visit the creative graphic blog as the research object. The present study, use"questionnaire" and " interviews" to research, both quantitative and qualitative study of two kinds of ways. Sample survey questionnaire via the Internet way, 325 questionnaires were usable, and for the well-known graphic creative bloggers and fax heavy users interviews.
The purpose of this study was to explore the use of creative graphic blog readers motivation, behavior, satisfaction, loyalty variables of the content.Analysis of different demographic variables on the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty of the differences. Test the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty to the relationship. By quantitative analysis and qualitative interviews with creative graphic bloggers make marketing recommendations.
The results showed that creative graphic blogs for readers are women, mainly of office workers, mostly age to 21-35 years of age, educational level to college as the most northern area of residence-based. To the use of motivation is "leisure motivation" factor in the highest. The use of behavior, the reader is usually every day or every 3-5 days would be a return visit, we can see creative graphics blog readers adhesion is high.
The use of satisfaction on overall satisfaction high, in which the "joy
satisfaction" factor high. On the use of loyalty by "revisit loyalty" factor in the highest.
Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this study suggests that wish to create a blog of business creative graphic bloggers should be more to write about interesting, funny, daily life and popular topic relevant content and increase issued a document frequency, by holding physical activity, combination of virtual and physical creativity, to achieve an extension of long-term business.
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從格式概念的角度檢視把/被…得字句結果語意的呈現 / BA/BEI…DE Constructions as a Family of Resultative Constructions:A Constructional-Conceptual Perspective馮美齡 Unknown Date (has links)
單獨的「把」或「被」字本身並沒有言明「使動」語意,但是一旦加上「得」結果補語,就會帶出「使動結果」語意;是故,我們認為「把/被…得」字句是「結果格式」(resultative construction)。本文以「格式語法」(Construction Grammar)的觀點為基礎,分析「把/被…得」字句。本文提出在「把/被…得」字句出現的動詞不侷限於「處置式」動詞 (disposal verbs);「使動結果」語意是格式和動詞之語意互動的結果。另外,本文也提出「把…得」字句和「被…得」字句均屬於「結果格式」的家族成員,因為這兩個字句包含許多共同的語意特性;例如,兩個字句都包含兩個小事件 (subevent),一個是動詞事件 (verbal subevent),另一個則是格式事件 (constructional subevent),而動詞事件是促使格式事件發生的媒介 (means)。又格式事件通常決定了「把/被…得」字句整句的時態。最後,本文再透過Jackendoff的概念結構 (conceptual structure),將「把/被…得」字句予以分解成更細部的語意單位,藉此更進一步了解「把/被…得」字句語意的構成。 / The use of ba/bei alone does not imply causative meanings; however, when a de result complement is added to ba/bei constructions, the causative sense will arise concomitantly with resultivity. Therefore, ba/bei…de in the sentences, two discontinous morphemes locking together, mark the whole construction as a resultative construction.
By adopting constructional approaches, we show that ba/bei…de resultatives are not limited to disposal verbs and they are made of a family of resultative constructions. Without the inherent disposal property and the causative meaning, stative, perception, and psychological verbs are still compatible with ba/bei…de resultatives. The causative-resultative meaning comes from the integration among all the components of the construction, both structurally and semantically. Also, under such a constructional approach, we will find that many semantic properties of ba/bei…de resultatives can be predicted from their meaning structures: a resultative sentence contains a constructional subevent and a verbal subevent, and this verbal subevent serves as the means by which the constructional subevent takes place. As for their temporal relation, the verbal subevent may be cotemporal with the constructional subevent, or may overlap with it, or may entirely precede it, depending on the pragmatics of the situation. And the end-boundedness of the constructional subevent correlates with the telicity of a resultative construction.
And with some modifications of Jackendoff’s conceptual structure, we discern how a resultative concept is characterized in the human mental representation. In terms of a set of primitives, we can easily detect that ba/bei…de constructions are made of two separable subevents, and that the verbal subevent is temporally prior to the constructional subevent.
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影響高鐵特定區住宅土地價格因素之研究 / An impact of high speed rail district on residential land price鄭佩琦 Unknown Date (has links)
高速鐵路的興建與營運,除為臺灣交通運輸開啟新紀元外,而以大眾運輸導向為概念劃設之高鐵特定區亦為新市鎮開發以及大眾運輸導向(Transit-Oriented Development, TOD)建立代表性意義。由於高鐵特定區土地開發具備大眾運輸導向之代表性意義,而究竟影響高鐵特定區內住宅土地價格之因素為何?高鐵站對於特定區內之土地價格影響為何?鄰近高鐵車站或位於高鐵前站,是否有助於土地價格之提升?總體經濟環境是否為影響特定區內土地價格之重要因素,其影響程度為何?實為值得探討之問題。
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房地價格分離與已開發土地價值分析之研究-以台北市為例 / Analysis of developed land value in Taipei city with housing price decomposition method朱家麒, Jhu, Jia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用特徵價格模型分析方法,以臺北市區分所有建物之住宅交易案例為研究對象,建立複迴歸模型以分離房地價格。實證結果指出臺北市房地價格隨屋齡增加,呈現先遞減後遞增之變化,驗證高屋齡下土地再開發價值之存在,並發現各屋齡分層間土地移轉面積、管理維護對房地價格影響程度不同,藉以有效區分屋齡對土地與建物價值之影響;而現行實務上常見之土地抽取法,在分離房地價格上恐有高估已開發土地價值,以及放大價值漲幅與縮小價值跌幅之問題,顯示其建物成本價值評估過於僵固,將產生偏誤,使建物價值無法有效隨市場景氣變動。此外,透過分量迴歸模型檢驗,其結果顯示已開發土地價值與高屋齡效果間呈現正向關係,亦指價值愈高,其土地再開發價值影響愈顯著。最後,本研究統整相關實證結果,釐清現行房地價格分離上之問題,盼能改善與提升土地價值之評估能力與精準度。 / In recent years, land value assessments have been needed for different purpose. The current assessing of land transaction taxable base and mortgage demands does not consider the individual factors of lands and structures should affect the value of each other, resulting in the developed land value assessment has generated errors. Therefore, how to decompose housing price reasonably and analyze the developed land value is important for land value assessments.
This study establishes multiple regression model by selecting residential condominium sale data in Taipei City as sample, in order to decompose the housing price into developed land and structure value. The empirical results show that the reversion of housing price is due to the redevelopment value, and land area and level of maintenance have impact on housing price in different age variables. Besides, we also find that it has a positive relationship between developed land value and redevelopment value effect on price, and land extraction method probably has some problems in overestimation of developed land value, resulting in miscounting of land price fluctuation. According to the aforementioned, this study concludes with some issues of decomposition housing price for improving and enhancing the accuracy of land value assessments.
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