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工業區不動產價格影響因素之研究連婉淳 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響技術授權價格因素之研究-以製藥產業為例林佳樺, Lin , Chia-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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Effects of Nine-Ending Prices on Store Image - A Case of Restaurant Image / 九尾數訂價對商店形象之影響-以餐廳形象為例方音, Fong, Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採2(九尾數、零尾數) x 2(短價格位數、長價格位數) x 2(有特價符號、無特價符號)之研究設計。經由前測的確認,本研究設計共八份虛擬菜單,作為價格尾數、價格位數、與特價符號之操弄。樣本為兩百五十八位大學生,採組間設計的實驗法,每位受測者在閱讀一份菜單後,依照個人感覺填答有關商店形象的問卷。
透過因素分析得知七個商店形象構面,包括-價值、食物品質、顧客、服務、信譽、便利、隨時/可靠。價格尾數、價格位數、和特價符號對個別商店形象構面之影響則是以Three-Way MANOVA進行分析。研究結果顯示,價格位數對價值、食物品質、顧客、服務、便利等構面具有顯著影響,而特價符號對於食物品質、顧客、和信譽等構面亦具有顯著影響。換言之,當餐廳價格為長位數時,顧客會感受到相對於短位數餐廳較差的價值及較佳的食物品質、顧客、服務、和便利。另外,當餐廳使用特價符號時,顧客會感受到相對於無特價符號餐廳較差的食物品質、顧客、和信譽。本研究結果指出,價格位數與特價符號對於消費者在商店形象的認知上,具有比九尾數價格更顯著的影響。
本研究結論與過去的九尾數價格之研究發現有所差異,而可能造成的原因除了產業別的差異之外,亦包括文化差異、消費者習慣程度、所得差異等因素。因此,有關九尾數價格對商店形象的影響仍值得後續研究進一步探討。 / This study examined the effects of 9-ending prices on consumers’ perception of store image with the moderators of price digit length and discount sign by taking restaurant image as a case of store image.
The research method employed a 2 (9-ending, 0-ending) x 2 (short digit length, long digit length) x 2 (with discount signs, without discount signs) factorial design. Eight types of fictitious restaurant menus were designed with the confirmation of pretest to manipulate the independent variables of price ending, price digit length, and discount sign. A total of 253 undergraduate students participated in this study by reading one type of the menus first and responding to the store image questionnaires according to their perception.
The statistical analysis of factor analysis extracted seven store image dimensions of value, quality, clientele, service, reputation, convenience, and anytime/reliability. The effects of price ending, price digit length, and discount sign on each store image dimensions were examined by Three-Way MANOVA. The results indicated that price digit length had significant effects on value, food quality, clientele, service, and convenience, and discount sign had significant influence over food quality, clientele, and reputation. In other words, consumers will perceive inferior value, superior food quality, clientele, service, and convenience for the long digit length restaurants than for the short digit length restaurants. In addition, consumers will perceive inferior good quality, clientele, and reputation for those restaurants that use discount signs in the menus than for those restaurants that do not use discount signs in the menus. These findings suggested that price digit length and discount signs have greater influence over consumers’ perception of store image than 9-ending prices.
In fact, this study presented results that were different from the previous studies about 9-ending prices. Possible reasons included industry difference, cultural difference, income difference, and consumers’ level of familiarity. Therefore, the effects of 9-ending prices on store image still require further investigation by future studies.
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衛生署疾病管制局組織創造力之研究尹蕙露, Yin Huei-Lu Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:創造力、創造力人格、組織創造力 / In the era of knowledge economy, the knowledge creation/innovation and management have become the social mainstream, and the most pivotal human resources are the development of creativity. An organization can continue its management forever only by ceaseless development of creativity. The organization creativity also is an incentive to keep organization expanding and growing, has the crucial impact on organization's competitive superiority. Building up a stable infrastructure within an organization favor creativity may assist touching down the final goal of an institute.
This research project has mainly adopted different approaches including literature review, case study and in-depth interview. Important theories, especially in the field of the meaning of creativity, creativity characteristic, job environment for creativity and organization creativity were brought together for comparison and discussion. Based on analysis the factors for organizational creativity, four key categories, job environment for creativity, creativity behavior, creativity skill and capability for organizational creativity were chosen as the topics for in-depth interview. Taiwan Center for Disease Control was the subject for this case study. Therefore all the previous General Directors of Taiwan CDC were the candidates for the interview to get insight the organizational creativity since CDC founded in July of 1999.
This research project has several findings. 1. Institute leader is the key person to initiate the establishment of creative environment. 2.Middle class managers are responsible for maintaining the unimpeded communication channel for the establishment of creative environment. 3.Incentive measures mush be considered for the establishment of creative environment. 4.Fair promotion is important within an institute for the establishment of creative environment. 5.Organization must provide resources for the establishment of creative environment. 6.Good training programs are necessary for the establishment of creative environment. 7.Goals should be achievable and crystal clear for the establishment of creative environment. 8. Internationalization is vital for the establishment of creative environment. 9.Organization overall creativity is not equal to the sum of all individual creativity.
According to the literature review and in-depth interview in this study, following suggestions were proposed: First, broad recruitment of elites into institute should be taken for development of organizational creativity. Second, concept of teamwork should be established as the basic foundation for development of organizational creativity. Third, support systems should be built for development of organizational creativity.
Key Words:Creativity、Creative Personality、
Organizational Creativity
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拍賣制度、市場機制與法拍屋價格之分析陳憶茹 Unknown Date (has links)
此外,法拍屋市場交易目的相對於搜尋市場特殊,拍賣產品為不良資產,加上資訊揭露不充分且市場風險高,因此形成台灣法拍屋之特殊市場機制。一般人對於法拍屋價格看法更是人云亦云,法拍屋市場與搜尋市場價差多少?法拍屋是否為良好投資標的,近年來成為大眾關注之焦點,而法拍屋效率不彰,也引起關切。本研究利用實證模型發現,法拍屋價格平均較搜尋市場低17.20%,造成價差主因乃市場機制差異;此外,本研究利用市場變數,延伸出點交與否、空屋與否、市場競爭程度等變數,進一步分析影響價差因素,實證結果發現,競爭程度不足實為法拍屋折價之主要因素,當競標人數僅為1人時,法拍屋價格較搜尋市場折價15.99%,隨著競標人數增加,折價幅度將減少,並且接近搜尋市場價格。 / Recently, Taiwan real estate auction market is rising and flourishing. Whether the prices at real estate auctions market are higher or lower than those at search market has to be concerned. According to our empirical results, we found that the average price at housing auctions is lower 17.20% than that at search market. The empirical results is different from the foreign empirical results. Besides, We explore that the discount reason for the price discount results from different market mechanisms such as buyer’s exposure to market risk and numbers of participants. Besides, the more the number of participants, the lower the price discount between auction market and search market. The price discount is 15.99% if only one bidder involve. This implies that full information disclosure and flexible pricing can increase the competitive degree and improve transaction efficiency for auction market.
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有線電視服務願付價格之探討胡金菁 Unknown Date (has links)
消費者在有線電視需求面上扮演關鍵性的角色。所以本文針對消費者在面對有線電視產業時,一個新的分級付費制度或付費頻道及計次付費頻道的願付價格進行探究。本文根據有線電視消費者特性建立願付價格模型,應用全國性抽樣訪查資料,參考Schwer and Daneshvary(1995)願付價格實證作法。另外在資料的模型假設上進行統計檢定,進而估算消費者對有線電視「整體」、「基本頻道」、「付費頻道」、「計次付費頻道」的願付價格。並探討其影響變數。
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線性規劃於煉油廠原油選擇應用之研究洪裕政 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究相關之線性規劃(Linear Programming,LP)應用於原油選擇之生產計劃已成為處理煉油業經營管理的主要手段之一。本研究以某煉油廠作案例,探討原油選擇最佳化採購主因,利用線性規劃模型建立制定製程單元合理的生產操作條件,充分發揮單元的潛能,是執行工廠效益最佳化的基本條件。但單元操作條件的調整牽涉到煉油廠整體原油物料流程的相關變化,包括成品油產品結構、製程單元限制、公用流體消耗等各方面。運用原油物料性質的自動傳遞、分散式遞迴方法,遞迴出原油性質或產品性質收率之間的關聯以得到原油選擇最佳化結果。
(1) 建立煉油廠製程單元模型最佳化之原油選擇應用方式。
(2) 建立煉油廠原油選擇後生產計劃決策模式。 / In the oil refinery, the crude oil cost almost takes above 90% of the total cost, so reduce the crude oil purchasing cost is an important method for the oil refinery to reduce the cost and increase the benefit.In the market view of international crude oil trade, ROC is one of the countries that nearly all rely on importing for the crude oil demand. Since the competition of petroleum industry begins from 1960’s and the experiences go through several petroleum crisis make the petroleum to be the important resource influence the world politics and economy development. The price of international crude oil go up quite substantially since 2004, the petroleum energy demand and oil-refining industry managements have become the global important topic. So when the government depends on the petroleum management law to open the domestic and international petroleum product market, she both considers the supply and demand of national crude oil quantity to build the national plan in the crude oil storage and implement, and promote the national security stock demand. To respond the crude oil and finished product oil international prices fluctuation, she also expands actively the crude oil source to buy. The internationalization operation in the oil-refining industry is just a beginning of challenge for our country. To control the crude oil market pulsation, enhance the management, optimize the production, reduce the cost etc. is an important index sign.
The Linear Programming (LP) applies in the crude oil selection for the production plans become the one of the main management means in the oil-refining industry. To instance the oil refinery and find out the main factor to optimize the purchasing cost in the crude oil selection. To utilize the linear programming model to set up the reasonable operation conditions of the process units and develop the potential of the unit well is the essential condition that implements the factory benefits optimization. But the adjustment about the operation conditions of the process units concern with the related variety of the whole crude oil and material process in the oil refinery, including the kinds of finished product oil, the process unit restriction, the consumption of utility fluid etc. To make use of the automatic communication of the crude oil properties and distributed recursion to point out the relationship between the crude oil property and the product property yield, the optimization results from crude oil selection.
(1) To establish the application method of crude oil selection optimization of the oil refinery process unit model.
(2) To establish the decision mode of production plan after the crude oil selection of the oil refinery.
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閩南語雙賓式共時與歷時研究 / Ditransitive Constructions in Southern Min:A Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective陳麗雪, Chen, Li-hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
而閩南語之外,同時也對華語、漢語方言與古漢語雙賓式作簡要的觀察。並透過四個共時面的歷時討論,以對雙賓式相關句式的演變與轉換機制作進一步的探究。 / This is a synchronic and diachronic study of ditransitive constructions in Southern Min. It takes the most familiar modern Taiwanese Southern Min as a point of departure, and then examines Southern Min texts in the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century with respect to ditransitive constructions and ditransitive verbs. The main aim of this study is to map out historical phenomena and the result of evolution by putting together the four synchronic states each of which has been specified.
This study tries to capture ditransitive constructions taken as a family. Its scope is therefore broader than the ditransitive constructions in English. In terms of methodology it employs the generative model, and examines the semantic content in underlying structure, and the variety of sentence pattern in surface structure. In particular, this work adopts the methodology of construction grammar in that verbs that appears in the same construction share common semantic and syntactic properties. The common features are attributable to the inherent properties of verbs in some cases, but they may be contributed by constructions in other cases. It therefore stresses the investigation of surface structure on the assumption that the meaning of a whole sentence is much bigger than the sum total of the senses of its part. This work will go beyond what is achieved by previous studies and explore in more detail the interaction between verb and its arguments with respect to meaning and construction.
Brief but pertinent observations are also made of ditransitive constructions in Mandarin, Chinese dialects and Old Chinese for the purpose of a comparison with Southern Min. This study tries to generalize the mechanism of the shift and development of ditransitive constructions and other constructions by piecing together the four synchronic states.
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學校組織變革中校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革關係之研究—以台北縣市與基隆市國民中小學為例呂志崗, Lu ,Chi-gan Unknown Date (has links)
四、對後續研究的建議:(一)研究對象上,後續研究或可從擴大抽樣範圍著手,以提高研究結果的適用性;(二)研究方法上,後續研究亦可從質化研究的領域著手,對學校組織變革進行實際觀察與瞭解,以歸結教師抗拒變革的成因與內涵,並謀求化解之道。 / The study focuses on the relation among school organizational change, principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change. Purposes of this research are as follow:
I. To realize principals' leadership styles in elementary and junior high schools.
II. To realize how teachers resist change in elementary and junior high schools.
III. To study the relation between principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change in elementary and junior high schools.
IV. To study how principal leadership styles relate to teacher's resistance to change.
The inventory of "Questionnaire of the Relation between Principal's Leadership Style and Teacher's Resistance to Change" was sent to 760 teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taipei County, Taipei City and Keelung City and 541 valid questionnaires were returned. Statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation and stepwise regression with forward selection were adapted to data analysis.
Major findings include the following:
I. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transformational leadership are as follow.
A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transformational leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools and their sense to organizational change.
B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
II. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transactional leadership include the following.
A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transactional leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools, and their sense to organizational change.
B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
III. The relation between teacher's background and one's acceptance of change
are below.
A. There is difference in terms of school position, elementary and junior high schools and one's sense of organizational change.
B. There is no difference in terms of sex, age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
IV. The relation among teacher's sense of principal's leadership style, teacher's
sense of organizational change and one's acceptance of organizational change are
the following.
A. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style.
B. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transactional leadership style.
C. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of organizational change.
V. There is difference among teacher's acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style, principal's transactional leadership style and one's sense of organizational change.
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部落格行銷與顧客關係之研究 / A Study of Blog Marketing and Customer Relationship蔡沛成, Tsai, Pei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的在於瞭解目前部落格行銷的特性與人口統計變項及代言人偏好間的關聯性,並研究部落格行銷特性與顧客關係導向的顧客關係利益與顧客關係品質間的相關性,驗證結論部落格行銷特性在【小s性感媽咪日記】是否能得到實證上支持與部落格行銷人口統計變項及代言人偏好的相關調查。本研究對經營行銷部落格提出以下三點建議:一、繼續使用、永續經營。二、設法增加訂閱人數。三、建立使用者資料庫。 / The absence of the empirical study of the importance and the correlation of blog marketing and the customer relationship aroused the practice of the research.
Blog marketing attributes: abundant information, customized content, interaction and user friendly surface affect the scales of the customer relationship benefits and qualities profoundly.
Managing to take the full advantages of the blog marketing, manager should use and update the blog constantly, trying to make the subscriber as mush as possible and finally end up with the set up of the user database, keep tracking of the blogger.
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