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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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孫司寬, sun,szu kuan Unknown Date (has links)
目前臺灣農村面臨許多的問題,設立「生態村」結合農村社區總體營造與生態旅遊,可以同時兼顧農業生產、農村生活、以及生態保育「三生」的功能,為臺灣的農村社區,指引出一條不一樣的發展途徑。南投縣埔里鎮桃米社區在結合觀光服務業與自然生態資源,轉型成為「桃米生態休閒農業村」之後,為該社區居民保有優美、豐富的生態資源並且帶來了更多的經濟收入。 臺灣生態村的類型,可分為(一)著重建築規劃設計、(二)著重社區整體規劃、(三)兼具建築技術與社區規劃,以及(四)既有農村社區轉型而成之類型,目前許多農村地區「生態村」的經營模式,多以休閒農業及發展生態旅遊為規劃方向,因此較著重於生態保育以及社區整體規劃。未來,生態村除了著重於自然環境資源的保育之外,亦可加強生態建築的規劃,營造一個重視保育、循環與低負荷的社區環境。 環境資源所具有的總價值基本上可分為「使用價值」與「非使用價值」兩種,使用價值是實際使用資源所產生的價值,而非使用價值係目前沒有使用資源所具有的價值。通常在評估環境資源的方法有(一)特徵價格法、(二)旅行成本法、(三)條件評估法,三種評估方法,而評估非使用價值目前僅有條件評估法而供使用,當然條件評估法不可避免地存有缺點,但目前國內外實證研究仍多視條件評估法為可行之方法,因此本研究係採用條件評估法探求桃米生態村之非使用價值。 桃米生態村的轉型經驗,可謂兼具天時、地利、人和,在社區居民、專家團體以及政府的共同努力,將農村社區做一、二、三級產業的垂直整合,透過居民參與,凝聚社區向心力與歸屬感,共同致力於桃米社區的發展,不僅創造了社區三級產業的收入,更可達到生態保育的效果,此實例可供許多農村社區做為社區轉型的參考依據。 在建立非使用價值評估步驟之後,依順序逐步完成問卷調查,本研究同時分析單界二元Probit與Logit模型,以及完整決策Tobit模型,最後採Tobit模型的估計結果,受訪者每戶每年願意支付桃米生態村的「存在價值」為363.98元;「選擇價值」為328.63元;而「遺贈價值」則為548.53元。


詹玉葳 Unknown Date (has links)
利用條件評估法 (contingent valuation method) 來評估非市場財貨之市場隱含價值時,雙界二分選擇法 (doubled-bound dichotomous choice method) 為最普遍的詢價方式。近年來,藉由此詢價方式來估計受訪者心目中的願付價值 (willingness to pay) 之研究中,更將此方法推廣至同時估計兩個以上且具有相關性的非市場財貨。只是文獻中的相關探討多半忽略其間的相關性,此外所採用的模型也有可能導致估計的願付價值會有小於零的情形產生。因此,本文引進了衍生版本的Bivariate Generalized Gamma Distribution,來解決這上述兩個問題。我們並採用「竹東及朴子地區心臟血管疾病之危險因子長期追□研究」中,第五循環的「肥胖之願付價格問卷」來作實證分析。在其餘的條件不變的情況下,分析結果顯示,居住在竹東、女性、教育程度愈高、年紀愈小、體重愈重及收入愈高的受訪者會願意支付較高的金額來接受減肥的療程;此外,認為肥胖會影響工作及社交關係的受訪者也會願意支付較高的金額。 / In a contingent valuation survey, it is quite often that subjects were asked to respond to more than one WTP (willingness-to-pay) scenarios. Under such a circumstance, responses provided by a subject are clearly correlated. Although the issue is well recognized in the past, in practice a popular strategy in analyzing this sort of data, however, simply ignore the issue and treat them as if they were totally uncorrelated. Concerning that WTP prices can take only non-negative values along with the issue of possible correlation, we propose an “extend bivariate generalized gamma distribution” that can be used to deal with data collected under a two-scenario situation. Applying it to the CVDFACTS study, where subjects were asked to evaluate a medication-only program as well as a medication-and-exercise program, we found that, other things being equal, female subjects, subjects residing in Chu-Dung County, subjects weigh more, subjects with younger age, higher income, and more years of schooling are willing to pay more. In addition, those who think obesity would affect their social activities would also have higher WTP prices.

公立長期照顧機構照顧服務員勞動條件與權益之探討:以臺北市立浩然敬老院為例 / A Study on Working Conditions and Labor Rights of Nurse Aides at the Public Long-Term Care Institute:Case of Taipei City Haoran Senior Citizen Home

陳建安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年我國人口老化趨勢情形,照護人力又長期不足,年輕人從業意願低,已成為沉重問題,而長期照顧工作工作時間長且社會認同度低,使得老人照護人力與服務品質無法提升,長照人力如此之困境,於公部門長期照顧機構首當其衝。臺北市立浩然敬老院為照顧臺北市弱勢族群之公立公費之老人安養機構,並自101年起由安養機構轉型為安養、養護、失智、長照之多層級照顧機構,提供老人多層級連續性照顧,除有上述人力不足難題外,其勞動條件及薪資福利待遇又因不同進用身分而有薪資差別待遇問題,此為我國公部門長期照顧機構急需改善的困境。本研究針對該院照顧服務員工作概況、勞動條件與權益等問題進行訪談,再將訪談結果予以歸納,整理公部門照服員在現行體制中所面臨的問題與保障不足之處,並期提出完善勞動條件、建立專業分級培訓與升遷機制,以充實照顧服務人力,健全當前長期照顧服務施政改進對策。 / In recent years, there has been an increasing demographic shift in Taiwan’s elderly population. However, as there is currently insufficient resource in terms of long-term care, and young people have decreased work aspirations, this issue has become major problem; long-term care work requires long working hours, and these care workers have a low status in society, so elderly care and service quality haven’t improved. The long-term care institutions within the public sector face these elderly care issues. Taipei City has a large number of elderly people that it needs to take care of within its public welfare system and institutions for the elderly. Since 2012, nursing institutions have provided the elderly with multi-level continuous care in terms of nursing, care, dementia, and long-term multi-level care-giving. In addition to the above-mentioned manpower shortage isues, the working conditions and salary packages have been variable due to different status and treatment issues, which is why long-term public care institutions in Taiwan require attention to improve the long-term care situation. In this study, we interviewed the nursing staff to ascertain the general situation of long-term care institutions, as well as the working conditions and staff rights. The results of these interviews were then summarized to determine problems related to public sector care-giving in the existing system, such as when insufficient care is provided, and how to greatly improve the working conditions through the establishment of professional graded training and a promotional system that improves care services. The improvement of current long-term care services needs to be established through policy measures.

台灣保險業另類投資工具風險控制與監理研究 / Risk Management and Regulation on Emerging Alternative Investments of Insurance Companies

游儷容, Yu, Li Jung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣壽險業的利差損問題持續存在,但若想要進一步開放新投資項目,應先檢視新投資工具之特性以及研究對應之保險監理規範之修訂。 本研究針對國外另類投資進行實證分析,考慮風險與報酬之間的抵換關係(Trade-Off),以Rockafeller and Uryasev (2000)以及Campbell,Huisman and Koedijk (2001)提出之投資組合模型,建立平均值-風險 值(Mean-Value-at-Risk)之 效 率 前 緣 和 平 均 值-條 件 風 險 值(MeanConditional Value-at-Risk)之效率前緣,探討另類投資對投資組合效率的影響,並檢視相關保險監理規範的適宜性。 實證結果顯示不同資產類別(Assets Class)之間的相關性低,加入另類投資的標的能夠提升投資組合的效率,因此建議可以開放一些另類投資的項目,或是設定門檻進行監理。 / Recently, many insurance companies in Taiwan increased their investments in foreign countries substantially due to the inadequacy of domestic investment markets. Some insurers started or have been preparing to invest in emerging alternative investment tools such as private equity funds and hedge funds. However,there is a trade-off between return and risk. In this study we utilized the methods developed by Rockafeller and Uryasev (2000) and Campbell, Huisman, and Koedijk (2001) to conduct risk-return analyses for the insurance companies who are interested in alternative investments. Our approach extends the traditional Mean-Variance approach by introducing value at risk (VaR) and conditional VaR as risk measures. We found that the correlations among asset classes were low and alternative investments could enhance the investment efficiency of insurance companies. We suggest loosening some regulations accordingly.


李沃牆, LI, WO-QIANG Unknown Date (has links)
Lucas(1976) 批評當時總體時間序列的計量分析方法,且主張傳統計量模型參數會隨體制及政策而改變,基於這些評論,於是許多對。嗜好(Taste)"及"技術"(Technology)" 結構參數估計的進論方法偭開始使用動態模型中的尤拉最適化條件(Euler Optimality Conditios)來進行估計。 然而,其中以Hansen(1982)所提出來的一般化動差估計法(Generalized Method of Moments)(簡稱GMM)最受矚目。此法乃源於一般化工具變數(GIVE),在不需強烈假設下進行估計。其估計過程大致可分為下列三個階段: 1.建立正交化條件え建立目標函數最小化2.過度確認限制(overidentifying restriction) 之檢定問題因其本身即涵蓋許多估計式,如GIVE,MLE,2SLS, 且能滿足有限樣本性質,快速數斂。此法目前已用於總體計量,非線性理性預期實證及財務金融計量上。而本文應用台灣總體時間序列於資產訂價模型的GMM參數估計過程,證明了資料的適用性。另外,蒙地卡羅(Monte Carlo) 實驗設計模擬亦應用在本文研究,來探討有限樣本下的統計量之行為,並獲致適當的推論。 / Lucas(1976) criticized the existing strategies for econometricic analysis of macroeconomic time series and argues that papameters of traditional econometric models are not invariant with respect to shifts in policy regimes. In response to that criticism, several inference strategies for "taste and technology" structural parameter models using Euler optimality conditions in dynamic models were suggested. Hansen's(1982) Generalized Method of Moments(henceforth GMM) instrumental variables procedure is among the most notable inference strrategies for structural parameters. The procedure of GMM may consist three steps: (l)Set-up of the orthogonality conditions (2).Minimizing the objective function. (3)Test of the overidentifying restrictions In this paper we can understand the statistical properties of GMM estimator of Consumption-Based structural parameters obtained from Capital Asset Pricing Model by the use of Monte Carlo Simualtion .


李宏正, LI,HONG-ZHENG Unknown Date (has links)
最近,在考慮一個小型開放經濟體系下,貿易條件(Terms of Trade)外生變化對其經 常帳(Current Account) 影響的相關文獻上,以兩期模型(Infinite-horizon Modcl) 處理時,若貿易條件恆常地惡化,則一方面由於實質所得減少造成儲蓄降低,因而使 得經常帳惡化 (此即所謂「財富效果」) ;另一方面則經由實質利率改變影響儲蓄與 投資決策,因此經常帳再度隨之調整 (此稱為「實質利率效果」) 。至於貿易條件惡 化對於經常帳究有改善或惡化的影響則端視各模型處理時假設不同有不同的結論。 在Heckscher-Ohlin 生產技術的假設下,兩要素用在兩部門間生產,會使得貿易條件 透過第三管道影響經常帳。由Stolper-Samuelson 定理可知,貿易條件惡化將會降低 出口財較密集使用要素的報酬,提高進口財較密集使用要素的報酬,在所得重新分配 之後儲蓄決策將有所改變,因而經常帳也跟著受影響。此稱之為 Stolper-Samuelson 效果。 本文擬運用Blanchard 式的跨代模型(Overlapping-generations Mode)考慮一個小型 開放經濟體系在面臨外生貿易條件惡化時,其經常帳與資本累積的動態變化。此模型 假設每個經濟個體(agent) 活有限期,因此長期均衡值不必滿足時間偏好率等於利率 的條件,我們在此考慮投資與儲蓄的動態決策行為。又由於假設Heckscher-Ohlin 生 產技術,本文也將著重於討論Stolper-Samuelson 效果在此模型中的影響。


林家鐘, Lin, Jia-Zhong Unknown Date (has links)
內容大要:綜合檢討傳統分行作業及「實驗分行」作業,並業,並考慮國內現階段分 行交易的環境後,提出個人對當前現代化分行作業之擬議;其次討論實施擬議中現代 化分行作業之條件;最後以現代化分行作業未來之發展作為本文之前瞻。 各章結構: 第一章 緒論 本章就本論文之研究動機、目的、範圍、邏輯設計及結構,作概括的說明。 第二章 傳統分行作業與其遭遇之問題 本章係描述傳統分行的組織系統、作業環境、櫃台作業、授信作業、服務台作業、及 內部控制制度,並提出傳統分行作業所遭受之問題,計分為五節: 第一節 組織系統 第二節 作業環境與服務台作業 第三節 櫃台作業 第四節 授信作業 第五節 內部控制制度 第三章 「實驗分行」的作業方式 本章係描述「實驗分行」的組織系統、作業環境、櫃台作業、授信作業、服務台作業 、及內部控制制度,計分營六節: 第一節 組織系統 第二節 作業環境 第三節 櫃台作業 第四節 授信作 業 第五節 服務台作業 第六節 內部控制制度 第四章 國內現階段分行交易的環境與在此環境下推行「實驗分行制度」所遭遇之困 難。本章分為兩節: 第一節 國內現行階段分行交易所面臨的環境 第二節 國內推行「實驗分行制度」所遭遇之困難 第五章 當前現代化分行作業之擬議 第一節 組織系統 第二節 作業環境 第三節 櫃台作業 第四節 授信作業 第五節 服務台作業 第六節 內部控制制度 第六章 實施擬議中現代化分行作業之條件 第七章 現代化分行作業未來之發展。


朱明輝, Chu, Ming-huei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際金融市場的開放與金融商品的多元化,投資人所面對的投資機會增加,相對地也面臨更多金融市場波動的潛在風險。因此,為了規避金融資產價格的不利波動,股價指數期貨等相關金融期貨應運而生。然而,當投資者決定利用期貨市場進行避險交易時,隨即面臨該持有多少數量的期貨契約這一問題。針對此一個重要課題,學術界與實務界常透過估計最適避險比率,作為從事避險交易之參考。 由以往研究得知,現貨與期貨市場報酬率間存在結構轉變的動態特徵,故最適避險比率之估計應考慮市場不同狀態的波動性。有鑑於此,本文乃嘗試將結構轉換模型應用於最適避險比率之研究,並以1983年至2001年的S&P500指數現貨與指數期貨週報酬率為實證分析之標的。由實證結果發現,最適避險比率於不同的市場波動狀態呈現不對稱的現象,亦即,當市場屬於低波動狀態時,避險比率較高;市場為高波動狀態時,避險比率則較低。應用結構轉換模型除了可以獲得較有效的避險比率外,整體而言,就降低資產組合風險的角度衡量,金融市場參與者可藉由結構轉換模型之設定提高其所持有資產的避險效益。

Form-function Mappings in the Acquisition of If-conditionals: A Corpus-based Study / 以語料庫為本對英語條件句形式功能對應習得之研究

柯羽珊, Ke,Yu-shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之人士如何學習英語條件句,及其在習得時所遭遇之困難及相關原因。本文除對英語條件句之分類方式做詳盡介紹外,並嘗試以形式功能對應之理論架構,研究其習得之順序,並利用『錯誤分析』區分出條件句之動詞各類錯誤的誤用形式及原因。本研究語料來源為包含一百萬字,以電腦輔助建立錯誤標記之『中國學習者英語語料庫』。 研究結果發現,外語學習者之習得順序為一形式功能對應之過程,具較多形式或功能內涵者愈晚且愈難習得,符合功能認知模式的預測。 中文學習者的錯誤特徵為添加及省略,原因為過度矯正(hypercorrection)及過度類化(overgeneralization)。學習者最大的困難來自對條件句動詞變化規則不熟悉、形式及功能的複雜性、以及對應失敗的結果。本論文建議未來研究方向可深入探討時間指涉與假設程度對條件句使用之影響。 / Issues of conditionals have been highlighted for a long time, but the focus was seldom fixed on acquisition, particularly for L2. The determinate features of tense, mood and modality are interwoven in the conditional construction, thus resulting in an insurmountable obstacle for L2 learners. However, the factors impede acquisition have never been satisfactorily treated. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the L2 developmental sequence, and to probe the error characteristics of acquiring if-conditionals. Disengaging the expression of conditionality into two dimensions: temporality and hypotheticality, we identified the features of syntactic forms and semantic functions of different conditional types, and created a new scheme to account for their mapping, on which the difficulty levels of acquisition were inferred. In contrast to the previous studies on the grounds of markedness theories, this research described the acquisition of conditionals in a Functional-Cognitive Model. Furthermore, the factors of difficulties were examined via an error analysis. The targets are Chinese English learners, who were well-known to face great problems in expressing conditionals. The data was searched from CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), a big-scale corpus consisting of roughly 1,000,000 words with error tags. The investigation on the acquisition sequence and error patterns shows: (1) the acquisition order parallels to the prediction on the form-function mapping underpinnings: those with heavy content load and complex lexical shapes are acquired later (2) the two prominent misuses of the Chinese learners are addition and omission, resulted from hypercorrection and oversimplification. It was concluded that their difficulties could be ascribed to unfamiliarity of rules, complexities of forms and functions, and their mapping failure. Hence, this present work serves to provide some explanatory accounts, in a hope to unveil the mystery of the arduousness of acquiring conditionals, contribute to the tightening of acquisition theorizing and shed new insights into pedagogical growth.

以FIGARCH模型估計長期利率期貨風險值 / Modeling Daily Value-at-Risk for Long-term Interest Rate Futures Using FIGARCH Models

吳秉宗, Wu,Pinh-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年,風險值已經成為金融機構風險控管的重要工具。它的明確及簡單易懂是其讓人接受的原因,加上巴塞爾銀行監理委員會在1996提出的巴塞爾協定修正,規定銀行將市場風險因素納入考量,並允許銀行自行發展內部模型,以風險值模型衡量市場風險後,各種風險值的估算方法相繼被提出。 本篇論文是使用部分整合自回歸條件變異數(Fractional Integrated Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity,簡稱FIGARCH)計算長期利率期貨多空部位的每日風險值。選取的三支長期利率期貨是在芝加哥期貨交易所掛牌的三十年期美國政府債券期貨(TB)、十年期美國政府債券期貨(TN) 與十年期市政債券指數期貨(MNI)。 利率期貨的研究在過去文獻中,甚少被提及。但隨著利率型商品日新月異的發展,以利率期貨避險的需求也與日遽增。尤其在台灣,利率期貨更是今年新登場的期貨商品。因此,我選擇利率期貨作為研究標的,藉由以FIGARCH模型來配適波動性,提供避險者一個估算風險值的方法。 FIGARCH模型係由Baillie、Bollerslev與Mikkelsen於1996所提出,與傳統GARCH模型所不同的是,FIGARCH模型特別適用於描述具有波動性長期記憶(Long Memory)性質的資料。所謂長期記憶性,是指衝擊所造成的持續性是以緩慢的雙曲線速率衰退。而許多市場實證分析均指出,FIGARCH較適合用來描述金融市場上的波動性。此外,本研究的風險值計算,除了一般實務界常用的常態分配以外,還考慮了t分配與偏斜t分配,以捕捉財務資料常見的厚尾與偏斜的特性。 而實證結果顯示,長期利率期貨報酬率的波動性確實存在長期記憶性,所以FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型可以適切地估算長期利率期貨的每日風險值,不論在樣本內或樣本外的風險值計算均優於傳統GARCH(1,1)模型的計算結果。至於各種不同分配的比較,在樣本內的風險值計算,當α=0.05時,常態分配FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型表現較佳;當α=0.025到0.0025時,t分配與偏斜t分配FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型表現較佳,而偏斜t分配FIGARCH又稍微優於t分配FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型。 而樣本外的風險值預測,則有不同的結果,當α=0.05,t分配與偏斜t分配FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型表現較佳;而α=0.01時,常態分配FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型表現較佳。而且t分配與偏斜t分配FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型在α=0.01會出現太過保守的情形,出現失敗率(failure rate)為零,高估風險值。 / Value-at-Risk (VaR) has become the standard measure used to quantify market risk recently, and it is defined as the maximum expected loss in the value of an asset or portfolio, for a given probability α at a determined time period. This article uses the FIGARCH(1,d,1) models to calculate daily VaR for long-term interest rate futures returns for long and short trading positions based on the normal, the Student-t, and the skewed Student-t error distributions. The U.S. Treasury bonds futures, Treasury notes futures, and municipal notes index futures of daily frequency are studied. The empirical results show that returns series for three interest rate futures all have long memory in volatility, and should be modeled using fractional integrated models. Besides, the in-sample and out-of-sample VaR values generated using FIGARCH(1,d,1) models are more accurate than those generated using traditional GARCH(1,1) models. For different distributions among FIGARCH(1,d,1) models, the normal FIGARCH(1,d,1) models are preferred for in-sample VaR computing whenα=0.05, and the Student-t and skewed Student-t models perform better for in-sample VaR computing whenα=0.025-0.0025. Nonetheless, for out-of-sample VaR, the Student-t and skewed Student-t FIGARCH(1,d,1) models perform better in the case α=0.05 while the normal FIGARCH(1,d,1) models perform better in the case α=0.01. The VaR values obtained by the Student-t and skewed Student-t FIGARCH(1,d,1) models are too conservative whenα=0.01.

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