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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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許淑媛 Unknown Date (has links)
過去住宅價格的研究多以平均數為主軸,鮮少探討價格分散(price dispersion)的現象。然而,如市場上價格分散程度增加,則平均價格在市場整體價格的描述上將失去其經濟意義。因此,本文試圖了解平均價格與價格分散的關係及價格分散的影響原因。目前,價格分散之文獻多著重於需求者行為對成交價分散的影響,未探討造成表價差異的原因。過去文獻指出,景氣及區位皆會影響建商的推案行為及訂價行為。因此,本文從供給者角度,探討房價水準、景氣及區位對表價分散造成的影響。 本研究使用政治大學房地產研究中心與國泰建設公司所調查台北市與台北縣83Q1至97Q2住宅新推個案表價資料,分成台北市與台北縣市中心、市郊與郊外研究價格分散程度差異。結果顯示,住宅市場房價水準上升時,將增加建商的產品及訂價差異,在市場效率及資訊不足的情況下,使房價水準領先價格分散三季。而不景氣時容易對財務條件較差之廠商造成銷售壓力,使價格分散較景氣時大。區位較佳之地區因產品獨特性、價格僵固無彈性,而使分散程度小於區位較差地區。由市場上價格分散情形,我們可以觀察到市場風險的變化,景氣轉壞時或區位較差地區風險較高。 價格分散是市場上價格混亂的現象,在產品異質性較高故不易觀察的住宅市場中,本文釐清了價格分散來自於房價水準、景氣及區位。因此,當價格分散擴大時,學術上觀察平均價格時應更謹慎的看到個體的差異,而市場上需求者更應多搜尋與比較市場上的住宅產品。 / Price dispersion is a common issue in homogeneous goods literatures, but a few researches in housing market. In financial literatures, variation is an important index which means the risk of market. Especially in market depression, we should pay more attention to price variation. As a result, this paper focus on the price dispersion of housing market, and tries to find the effect of price level, real estate cycle, and location on price dispersion. Previous time-on-the-market studies focused on the relationship between listing price and trading price of housing unit, while this paper investigates the difference in listing price of different residential projects in new construction market. We demonstrate the degree of housing price dispersion which changes with price level, real estate cycle and location, because of the heterogeneity of seller’s strategies. After controlling the effect of product differentiation, we find that there is a positive correlation between price dispersion and risk. Our results suggest that besides the price level, we should pay more attention to the price dispersion of housing market.

都市生態旅遊資源非市場價值之研究 – 以貓空地區為例 / The non-market value of urban ecotourism resources - a case study of MaoKong area

劉匡英, Liu, Kuang Ying Unknown Date (has links)
20世紀60年代以降,在強調自然環境護與觀光地區永續利用理念的潮流之下,世界上許多關注於生態保育的學者與民間團體,紛紛提出並推廣了兼顧自然保育與遊憩發展目的—生態旅遊(ecotourism)。 台灣地狹人稠且都市擴張迅速,使得許多自然環境資源已逐漸成為都市的一部分,加上近年來國人休閒意識的覺醒與親近自然環境的需求增加,更讓自然環境地區成為都市人們不可或缺的紓壓與渡假場所。位於台北市文山區南端的貓空地區,便是在過去20~30年間休閒遊憩發展蓬勃的景點,以鄰近都會區、特色茶產與宗教聖地—指南宮為名。貓空地區大多屬於農業保護區。海拔在七百公尺以下,雖不甚陡峭但地貌複雜多變、雨量豐沛,植物林相及生物資源豐富。加上貓空地區規劃完善之登山步道系統、遠近馳名的宗教聖地指南宮以及著名的茶產文化,提供了發展生態旅遊的生態動植物資源、休閒遊憩資源、宗教文化資源以及產業文化資源,且因為位於台北市都會區,與近年國際興起的「都市型生態旅遊」之型態不謀而合。 都市型生態旅遊地區除了提供與一般遊憩區皆有的遊憩、休閒、教育等使用價值外,尚有生態環境保育效益的非使用價值存在,為評估都市生態旅遊地區所具有的完整環境價值,本研究運用條件評估法(Contingent Valuation Method, CVM),以支付卡法(payment card method)之詢價方式獲得遊客的願付價格(willing to pay, WTP),並採用負二元名義(negative binomial)模式建立迴歸模型,獲得主要結果為:存在價值每年約3,693,065,610元,遺贈價值約每年5,368,737,520元,非市場價值高達約每年9,061,803,130元。 / From 1960s, due to the rise of environment protecting concepts and sustainable use of tourist spots, there are more and more non-government organizations and scholars, who care about ecological conversation, propose the importance of ecotourism, which aim at both the conversation of natural and recreation development. Taiwan is densely populated and has rapidly urban expansion, which has caused natural environmental resources gradually becoming a important part of city. Moreover, the awareness of leisure consciousness and increasing need for accessing to the natural have made it an indispensable relaxing and vacation location for Taipei people. Maokong, located at the south of Wen-Shan district in Taipei, is a famous spot with burgeoning creation activities over the past twenty-five years. It is well-known for its convenience, characteristic tea industry and the sacred place-Zhinan Temple. Mostly parts of Maokong belong to agricultural reservation. The altitude is 700 meters below, although not as steep as others, it has a diversity of terrain features, abundant in rainfall, botanical life-form and organism resources. Those plentiful ecological resources above, the great location near the urban, old-line religious history and culture, plus perfect planning of mountain climbing trail. With all the inborn conditions make Maokong perfect for developing the international-popular leisure style - urban ecotourism. Urban ecotourism place provides not only the use value of recreation, leisure and education, but also the non-use value of preservation benefits. In order to evaluate the total value, I used Contingent Valuation Method with Payment Card Method to get the Willing to Pay of tourists, and further I used the Negative Binomial to establish the model. The main result: the Existence Value is about $3,693,065,610(TWD) per year, the Bequest Value is about $5,368,737,520(TWD) per year, finally the Non-market value is about $9,061,803,130 (TWD).

公務員兼勞工身份者勞動條件之探討 / 無

陳明忠 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣公營事業的人力資源結構,有著政治上、經濟上及社會上的特殊意義,而與一般政府行政機構不同,更迥異於一般民營企業。而民國73年勞基法施行,更創設了公營事業獨有之「公務員兼勞工身份者」特殊身份,而勞基法第84條不僅正式刻劃了公務員與勞工區隔,標示了公務員優於勞工的地位。更甚者,以物質條件為代價,擴張公務員身分,強化了國家特別權力關係以加強其約制。 公營事業民營化宣示著對公營型態的揚棄,而當公營型態的必要性不復存在,國家原為加強對公營事業組織成員之約制,而以物質條件為代價所創設之「公務員兼勞工身份者」,正面臨著存廢必要之辯證,縱使部分公營事業仍負有階段任務,而仍以維持公營為宜,亦面臨著迫切的人力轉型。 當公營事業因應「發揮市場機能、提升事業經營效率」之訴求,揚棄公營而朝向民營的進程;「公務員兼勞工身份者」逐漸鬆綁「經國家公務員考試及格」等積極公務員資格。時空更迭,勞基法第84條業已完成其時代任務。惟基於勞基法非以身分而係依行業別為適用對象,不分公營或民營均應一體適用,同享權利共盡義務;現行行政命令形式之勞動條件規範,有違憲法第108條人民權利應予立法規範之規定;公營事業內職員與工員,因身分區隔而異其權利與義務,與憲法第7條平等權規定相悖。職是之故,本文主張應將勞動基準法第84條廢止,「公務員兼勞工身份者」回歸「勞工」本質,勞動條件自應適用勞基法規定。惟或因公營事業肩負政策任務,或因人事費用宥於國家財政預算,或因命令與服從之特殊關係,如有特殊必要,則可因人、因事、因時、因地制宜,而另以法律規範。「公務員兼勞工身份者」與國家之特別權利關係,則藉由對其勞動三權之局部限制,調和權利與義務,建立其命令服從關係,期使公營事業能以靈活穩健的步伐邁向未來。

文化公共財之價值評估-以臺北市糖廍文化園區為例 / Valuating a Cultural Public Good : The Case of Tangbu Cultural Park in Taipei City

陳育琳, Chen, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
文化公共財無法透過一般市場機制評估其價格,但應如何衡量其經濟價值?本研究以臺北市萬華區糖廍文化園區為案例,以條件評估法為理論模型,並以電話訪問、網路調查及面訪訪問等3種方式獲得1,612份問卷進行分析,結果顯示願付價格會隨著人口統計變量和民眾對文化資產保存的態度而有所不同,得到平均每人每次至少消費文化公共財之願付價格約247元,如以每人平均消費一次計算價值,在95%信賴區間下,臺北市萬華區糖廍公園週邊7里約1,094萬元、臺北市萬華區約4,788萬元、臺北市約6.7億元。在目前政府財政困窘情況下,如何將上開數據轉化成地方財源收入,有效將各古蹟或歷史建築充分活化再利用將是一個值得關注的議題。 / By using the contingent valuation method, this study estimates the value of the Tangbu Cultural Park in Taipei City as the value of cultural public goods cannot be directly observed through the markets. Based on 1,612 samples collected by the phone interview, on-site interview, and internet survey, we explore the factors that influence the willingness to pay (WTP) and estimate the resulting WTP on the cultural public goods. The empirical results show that the WTP are varied with the demographics and attitudes toward the cultural assets and the estimated average individual WTP per year is about 247 NTD. It turns out that the corresponding total WTP per year is 10.94 million NTD in the surrounding area of the Cultural Park, 47.88 million NTD in the Wanhua District of Taipei City, or 670 million NTD in Taipei City. The study can shed some light on the revival plans and budget arrangements of the cultural public goods.

台灣與國際股市相關係數的時間數列分析及應用 / Comovements in Taiwan and international equity market

吳銀釧, Wu, Yin-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的,希望以台灣為出發點來看,台灣與國際股市間的互動性,所著重的指標仍以共變數與相關係數為主,但同時也考慮了相關係數具有序列相關的影響,希望藉由這種模型的設計能夠找出台灣與國際股市之間的互動性,進而加以應用。 本文探討台灣與美國 NYSE,台灣與日本 Nikkie 225,台灣與香港,台灣與韓國的股票市場間日相關係數與共變異數,採用兩變數 GARCH 模型,實證結果發現: 1,其實台灣與國際市場間的共變異數矩陣,不是為一常數,是具有時間數列的關係存在的,因而具有可預測性。 2,台灣與韓國股市之間的關連性很小,因為他們之間永久共變數與暫時共變數都不顯著異於零;而台灣與美國 NYSE、台灣與日本 Nikkie225、或台灣與香港恆生指數等,他們之間永久共變數與暫時共變數都顯著異於零,這表示台灣與這些國家門存在有相當的關係。 3,台灣與國際市場的條件日相關係數是具有正向的時間趨勢的。 4,此一兩變數的 GARCH 模型於樣本外的共變數矩陣之預估能力,相較於傳統的 CAPM 模型,較具有準確性,因而可以在國際投資方面,將資金更有效的國際市場上,獲得更好的投資績效。 / we examine the co-movements of equity returns in five major international markets by characterizing the time-varying cross-country covariances and correltions. Using a generalized positive definite multivariate GARCH model, we find that Taiwan and Korea stock markets have zero permanent and transitory covariance.The other pairs of markets examined display significant permanent and transitory covariance. We also find that ,while conditional correlations betweem returns are gernerally small, they change considerably over time. An event analysis suggests that basing diversification strategies on these conditional correlations is potentially beneficial.

內生性成長模型之研究 / The Study on Endogenous Growth Model

彭玉樹, Peng, Yu Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文建立一般化(與 Bond et al. (1994)比較)兩部門內生性成長模型,其中實質資本與人力資本之生產技術是固定規模報酬。利用傳統靜態國貿理論2X2模型的特性及結合跨期無套利條件,我們証明出在下列三種情形下(i) 0<α<1 (ii)α=1 (iii) α=0,均衡成長是馬鞍均衡穩定,要素密集度之大小不會影響這項推論。最後,我們仔細研究動態調整的過程並且討論時間偏好及支出比改變的長期效果。 / In this paper, we develop a "more" (compared with Bond et al. (1994)) general two-sector endogenous growth model with constant-return-to-scale production technologies governing the evolution of physical and human capital.   By utilizing the properties of traditional static 2x2 inter- national trade model and combining an intertemporal no-arbitrage condition which links the capital gain on human capital to the difference between the rentals on capital and wage rate, we prove that the balanced growth equilibrium is saddle-path stable in three cases (i) 0<α<1 (ii)α=1 (iii) α=0 regardless of the factor intensity ranking.   Finally, we provide a detail characterization of transitional dynamics and discuss the long-run effects of changes in time pre-ference and the expenditure share,α.

奮不顧身下的勞動哀愁:新聞工作者職災類型、成因、組織與法制之分析 / A study of occupational accidents encountered by journalists in Taiwan

賴若函 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在瞭解新聞工作者所遭遇的職業災害種類,以及發生職災的成因,並探討媒體組織在事前是否提供良好的安全衛生環境,最後檢視現行的職災法制能否有效達到事前預防與事後補償的效果。 研究結果發現,近年來的媒體不景氣,組織人事精簡帶來的高工時和高勞動強度,導致原本就有許多外在採訪風險的新聞工作者,心理壓力更是影響健康的一環。透過資料收集與訪談顯示,記者常見的外在職災包含「蓄意襲擊」、「意外傷害」、「通勤災害」、「天災」、「腕穴道症候群」及「椎間盤突出、脊椎側彎等攝影記者常見職災」等六種;而內在健康的損害包含「過勞(死)」、「精神官能症」、「類PTSD症候群」及「腫瘤、癌症」等四類。 而媒體組織大多缺乏事前預防的機制,包括外勤採訪時的安全裝備,或是事前安全訓練等均無,導致新聞工作者普遍缺乏安全意識,卻又在搶快、搶畫面的前提下,以肉身抵擋各種意外,造成各種嚴重的職災;而法規方面,事前安全衛生法規偏重工業環境安全,不適用於記者的工作環境,而發生職災後,則有法律上認定的困難,包括過勞死與精神官能症的判定基準都過於嚴苛,造成新聞工作者對於法律提供的金錢補償往往是「看得到、吃不到」。 然而綜觀上述,可以發現新聞工作者容易發生職災的最根源,來自於媒體結構性的改變,近年來因著不景氣裁員,記者的工作量一人當三人用;同時間各種置入性行銷、拉廣告業務等違反新聞倫理的生態,更容易讓新聞工作者身心俱疲。媒體主管若不改善新聞工作者的勞動條件,便難以避免內在和外在各種職業災害的發生。 / The study aims to investigate different types of occupational accidents encountered by journalists, and to explore whether or not media organizations provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, and to finally review the current legal system that regulates the workers’ compensation in the labor force of media and journalism. Recently, the global economic recession has highly increased the unemployment rates in Taiwan. As a result, the labor condition of journalists has been negatively influenced. Apart from external risks caused at work, mental pressure has greater affected their overall health. According to the interviews of 19 journalists and 5 related personnel, the 6 most occurred occupational accidents encountered by journalists are: “deliberately attack”, “unexpected accident”, “commuter accident”, “natural disaster”, “carpal tunnel syndrome”, and “intervertebral disk herniation and scoliosis”, and “other common occupational accidents for photographers”. As well, there are 4 other types of internal occupational accidents: “karoshi”, “psychoneurosis”, “post-traumatic stress disorder”, and “tumors and cancer”. In addition, the occupational accidents preventing system for this particular career is not completely developed, thus, only few journalists own safety awareness. In terms of the related regulations, workers’ compensation in Taiwan is mainly made for the blue collars, which is not yet suitable for journalists. Unfortunately, the standard criteria for “karoshi” and “psychoneurosis” are so rigorous that almost no one could receive the subsidies after accidents. Draw a conclusion of “occupational accidents encountered by journalists”, journalists in Taiwan carry heavy workloads and being demanded to work overtime due to mass layoffs in the industry. It is still difficult to avoid both external and internal occupational accidents if the chiefs of the media organizations do not make necessary changes to ameliorate the structure. Above all, the inadequate labor condition of the media workers should be first improved, so that many occupational accidents can be prevented as the result.


高珮娟, Kao, Pei Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試從管理的規劃與決策面來探究創意的重要性,並以個案研究法探討個案對象國民戲劇創意人-吳念真,以瞭解此類型創意人的創意來源組成。在研究架構的選擇上,則是修正學者Amabile於1996年提出的創意要素架構(componential framework of creativity),並加入過去的生命經驗(antecedent conditions)等強化創意來源組成的影響性。最後,以此理論架構為研究基礎並使用樣版式分析法進行資料分析。 透過本研究可瞭解,結合民眾情感從事創作的吳念真試圖打破走進戲院的固定族群,並吸引未曾進入戲院看戲的社會中下階層,因此他透過探討一般百姓生活中會遭遇的情景與情感做為作品主軸,讓目標族群在作品中找到共鳴而願意購票觀戲。然而,並非所有的創意人皆能勝任此類型創意素材的創作,他必須要經過長時間的生活歷練與細微的觀察來體驗民眾的情感為何、他必須樂於從一般百姓的口中獲取不同的生命歷程、他更要勇於嘗試這類作品可能面對的市場接受度。而在考量目標族群需求而架構故事的同時,創意人實已無形地選擇故事角色應由什麼樣的人來做詮釋最為真實、舞台設計應以何種走向來呈現故事背景、音樂調性應如何襯托故事的情感表達等。這一切皆是在架構故事雛形的同時所無形做出的配置與設計。 創意成形過程就如同一個專案執行前的規劃,需要選定目標客群、以客群的需求來設計產品,及如何配置執行工作的人員等,而創意成形需要仰賴創意人的創意來源組成元素等才能獲取特定類別的創意作品,因而其重要性及不可取代性更為顯著。

凸函數最佳化在統計問題上的應用 / Convex optimization: A statistical application

劉世凰 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,凸函數最佳化相關的理論與實務已漸趨完善並廣泛應用在各種不同的領域上。已知針對限制條件下之最大概似估計量(Maximum Likelihood Estimator,簡寫MLE)求解的統計問題,一般都是先求解在無限制條件下之全域最大概似估計量(global MLE),若所求得之解能滿足給定的限制條件時,則代表我們的確得到所要的結果;但若所求得之解不能滿足限制條件時,我們就必須考量於此限制條件下之求解區域的最大概似估計量(local MLE),而其計算通常趨於複雜。在本研究中,我們嘗試藉由凸函數最佳化的理論與方法在受限最大概似估計量的求解上。首先針對一組2X2列聯表(contingency table)資料,給定限制條件為勝算比(odds ratio,簡寫OR)不小於1情況下,欲求各聯合機率之受限最大概似估計量。接下來則討論針對3X2列聯表資料,給定兩個區域勝算比(local OR)皆不小於1之限制條件,求取各聯合機率的受限最大概似估計量。我們最終整理歸納出一套分析方法,並將此歸納結果拓展到對於任意J不小於2之JX2列聯表中之受限最大概似估計量計算問題上。本研究中所提出的求解方法包括將決策變數重新參數化,忽略原始的線性限制等式,並另外在原始目標問題中加入某個懲罰項,使其新的最佳化問題滿足凸函數最佳化問題的條件。接下來利用凸函數最佳化之理論,列出其Karush-Kuhn-Tucker 條件,再藉其中的互補差餘條件(complementary slackness)來分析求得理論最佳解。最後我們得出當懲罰項之相對應的係數為n時,則其所求得之最佳解即為此統計問題中之受限最大概似估計量。

修正條件分配勝率矩陣時最佳參考點之選取方法 / The best reference point method for the modification of the conditional distribution odds ratio matrices

郭俊佑 Unknown Date (has links)
Chen(2010)提出如何用勝率函數來判斷給定的連續條件分配是否相容,以及 相容時如何求對應的聯合分配。本研究提出,在二維有限的情形下,如何用勝率 矩陣來判斷給定的條件機率矩陣是否相容,以及相容時如何求對應的聯合機率矩 陣。又給定的條件機率矩陣不相容時,我們介紹了四種修改勝率矩陣的方法,同 時在使用幾何平均法調整勝率矩陣的過程中,也發現選取最佳參考點以獲得最佳 近似聯合機率矩陣之方法,並且給予理論證明。最後以模擬的方式發現,在修改 勝率矩陣的四種方法中,以幾何平均法所得到的近似聯合機率矩陣,其條件機率 矩陣最常接近所給定的條件機率矩陣。 / Chen (2010) provides the representations of odds ratio function to examine the compatibility of conditional probability density functions and gives the corresponding joint probability density functions if they are compatible. In this research, we provide the representations of odds ratio matrix to examine the compatibility of two discrete conditional probability matrices and give the corresponding joint probability matrix if they are compatible. For incompatible situations, we offer four methods to revise odds ratio matrices to find near joint probability matrices so that their conditional probability matrices are not far from the two given ones. That is, we provide four methods so that the sums of error squares are small. For each method, the sum of error squares may depend on the same reference point of two odds ratio matrices. We first discover by example that only the geometric method out of these four methods has a pattern to get the best reference point so that the sum of error squares is smallest. We then prove this finding in general. In addition, through simulation results, the geometric method would provide the smallest sum of error squares most often among these four methods. Hence, we suggest using geometric method. Its strategy to find the best reference point is also given.

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