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國民中學教師學術樂觀之指標建構及其現況調查之研究 / Research on the Indicator Construction and Current Investigation of Teachers' Academic Optimism in Junior High Schools王建祥 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用德懷術邀請12位學者、專家與校長參與兩次德懷術問卷調查,建構出國民中學教師學術樂觀指標,再以層級分析法進行相對權重問卷調查,並運用Expert Choice 2000軟體進行統計分析以建立各項指標之權重。最後再以問卷調查法,抽取桃園縣公立國民中學20所,共400位教師進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷共307份。問卷資料分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行統計與分析。
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新北市國民中學校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationships between Principal Distributed Leadership and Teacher Academic Optimism in Junior High School in New Taipei City林松德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在先探討新北市國民中學校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的現況;接著,剖析不同背景變項與學校變項的教師知覺校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的差異情形;再來探討校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀之間的關係;最後,以逐步多元廻歸檢視校長分散式領導對教師學術樂觀的預測力效果。為達到上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市42 所國民中學之主任、組長及教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷895 份,回收有效問卷743 份,有效回收率為83.0%。本研究採用SPSS 20.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論,根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考:
三、51(含)歲組以上的教師知覺校長分散式領導高於30 ~ 40 歲組的教師;在知覺教師學術樂觀則高於所有其他年齡組的教師。
最後,依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校行政及未來研究人員的參考運用。 / The Study of the Relationships between Principal Distributed Leadership and Teacher Academic Optimism in Junior High School in New Taipei City
First, this study aimed to explore the current situation of New Taipei City junior high schools’ principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism; then, to analyze the demographic variables on the different perception of principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism, and then to discuss the relationship between principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism. Finally, stepwise multiple regression was used to predict teacher academic optimism.
Based on the research conclusions, I also proposed recommendations for the relevant institutions’ reference. To achieve these purposes, this study used questionnaire survey method. I used the directors, team leaders and teachers from 42 junior high schools in New Taipei City as my study subjects. A total of 895 questionnaires were distributed, with 743 valid questionnaires. The return rate was 83.0%. Survey data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. In junior high schools in New Taipei City, teachers’ perception of principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is high.
2. There’s no significant difference in education levels, service years, and school locations in teachers’ perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism.
3. The teachers’ perception over 51 (inclusive) years old on principal distributed leadership is higher than the teachers from 31 to 40. On teacher academic optimism, it’s also higher than all the other groups.
4. The teachers’ perception over 95 (inclusive) classes on teacher academic optimism is higher than the teachers under 44(inclusive) classes.
5. Teachers hold the post as directors whose perceptions both on principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism are higher than team leaders and class teachers.
6. Principal distributed leadership is high positively correlated to teacher academic optimism.
7. The prediction of the relationships between principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is supported.
Finally, based on the above research conclusions, I provide recommendations as references and applications for educational administrations, junior high school administrations and future researchers.
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臺北縣國民小學分散式領導對教師學術樂觀影響之研究 / Research on the influence of distributed leadership on teachers’ academic optimism in elementary schools in Taipei County劉文章, Liu, Wen Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北縣國民小學分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的現況,剖析不同背景變項與學校變項知覺分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的差異情形,探討分散式領導對教師學術樂觀的關係,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北縣60所國民小學之主任、組長及教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷632份,回收有效問卷553份,有效回收率為87.5%。本研究採用SPSS 17.0 for Windows和LISREL 8.80統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論:
關鍵詞:分散式領導、教師學術樂觀 / This study aimed to explore the current situation of Taipei County elementary schools’ distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism, and to analyze different background variables and school variables’ on the different perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism, and to discuss the relationship between distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism. Based on the research conclusions, I also submitted recommendations for the relevant institutions’ reference. To achieve these purposes, this study used questionnaire survey method. I used the directors, team leaders and teachers from 60 elementary schools in Taipei County as our study objects. A total of 632 questionnaires were distributed, with 553 valid questionnaires. The effective rate was 87.5%. In this study, I used SPSS 17.0 for Windows and LISREL 8.80 statistical software for analysis and obtained the following conclusions:
1.Taipei County elementary school teachers’ perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is high.
2.There is no significant difference in different gender, education level, school size, school location in teachers’ perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism.
3.Over 50 (inclusive) years old teachers’ perception on distributed leadership is higher than teachers under 40 years old. The teacher academic optimism is also higher than 30 (inclusive) to 40 years old teachers.
4.Teacher’s year of service above 20 (inclusive) years, their perception on distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is higher than the teachers under 10 years.
5.Teachers also hold the post as directors’ perception on distributed leadership is higher than class teachers. Their perception of teachers academic optimism is also higher than teachers also hold the post as team leaders and class teachers.
6.Teachers at the school history of less than 30 years and school history over 90 years, their perception of distributed leadership is higher than teachers at school years between 30 (including) years to 60 years and school history of 60 (inclusive) years to 90 years. Their perception of teacher academic optimism is also higher than teachers at school history of 30 (inclusive) years to 60 years.
7.The model constructed in this study was supported through structural equation modeling test. Distributed leadership has a significant positive impact on teacher academic optimism.
Finally, based on the above research conclusions, I submitted specific recommendations as references and applications for educational administration and elementary school administration.
Keywords: distributed leadership, teacher academic optimism
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大學生的情緒調節、調節焦點、樂觀與創造力之關係李澄賢 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 大學生普遍來說都還算樂觀,而且面對問題情境時傾向使用重新評估與沉著冷靜來因應;在面對目標時也比較會採取追求成功的心態;此外,大學生普遍來說都還算具有創造力。
二、 大學生在樂觀增長信念、樂觀影響力方面,女生均顯著高於男生。
三、 樂觀影響力與學業成績呈現正相關;也就是個體越相信樂觀會影響其日常生活,其學業成績會越高。
四、 情緒調節中的重新評估、壓抑、沉著冷靜與樂觀傾向呈現正相關。
五、 調節焦點中的求成取向與樂觀傾向呈現正相關,而避敗取向與樂觀傾向則是負相關。
六、 樂觀傾向與創造力中的創新行為、創造力自我效能皆呈現正相關。
七、 最佳預測迴歸模式中,樂觀傾向的勇於面對挫折、情緒調節的沉著冷靜、調節焦點的求成取向、創造力自我效能、作業指標中的創意作業喜歡與創意作業表現對創新行為具有顯著的正向預測力。
八、 因果模式中,情緒調節的重新評估、壓抑、沉著冷靜與調節焦點的求成取向對樂觀傾向為正向效果,而調節焦點的避敗取向對樂觀傾向則為負向效果;此外,樂觀傾向對創造力為正向效果。
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大學生逆境經驗及其相關因素之研究蔡雅如 Unknown Date (has links)
二、樂觀與逆境感受(N=1033, r=-.320)呈顯著負相關,而與逆境因應(N=1033, r=.558)、意義建構(N=1033, r=.572)呈顯著正相關。
三、調節焦點的求成取向與逆境因應(N=1033, r=.316)及意義建構(N=1033, r=.400)呈顯著正相關;避敗取向與逆境感受(N=1033, r=.266)、逆境因應中的消極處理(N=1033, r=.193)呈顯著正相關。
四、情緒調節的重新評估與逆境因應(N=1033, r=.339)、意義建構(N=1033, r=.407)呈顯著正相關;壓抑與逆境因應中的消極處理(N=1033, r=.118)呈顯著正相關;沉著冷靜與逆境感受(N=1033, r=-.168)呈顯著負相關,與逆境因應(N=1033, r=.430)及意義建構(N=1033, r=.428)呈顯著正相關。
五、逆境感受與恢復力(N=1033, r=-.255)、創新行為(N=1033, r=-.156)、創造力自我效能(N=1033, r=-.184)呈顯著負相關;逆境因應與恢復力(N=1033, r=.327)、創新行為(N=1033, r=.366)、創造力自我效能(N=1033, r=.362)呈顯著正相關;逆境意義建構與恢復力(N=1033, r=.338)、創新行為(N=1033, r=.314)、創造力自我效能(N=1033, r=.306)呈顯著正相關。
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健康風險評估中的樂觀化偏誤現象-台北市六所幼稚園家長對腸病毒問題之解讀陳麗萍 Unknown Date (has links)
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桃園市國民中學校長教學領導與教師學術樂觀關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Principal Instructional Leadership and Teacher Academic Optimism in Secondary Schools of Taoyuan City陳思年 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 桃園市國民中學教師知覺校長教學領導與教師學術樂觀為中高程度。
二、 個人背景變項中,男性教師在校長教學領導的知覺程度高於女性教師。
三、 學校環境變項中,職務性質及學校規模在知覺校長教學領導及教師學術樂
四、 兼任行政職務之教師在校長教學領導、教師學術樂觀的知覺程度皆高於其
五、 學校規模在「24班(含)以下」之教師,在知覺校長教學領導及教師學術
六、 國民中學校長教學領導與教師學術樂觀有顯著正相關。
七、 校長教學領導之「完善學習環境」與「凝聚教學目標」對教師學術樂觀有
關及後續研究者之參考。 / This study aims at exploring the correlation and prediction level of principal’s instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism, in terms of different variables such as teacher’s personal background and school environment.
To assess the relevance, I surveyed full-time teachers, part-time teachers, section directors and school deans in 29 public and private junior high schools in Taoyuan. Of all the 581 questionnaires applied, 512 are valid. These questionnaires are analyzed and presented by using descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression. The results of this survey are listed as follows:
1. The relevance between teachers’ perceptions of principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism is high-intermediate.
2. In the personal background variables, male teachers are more perceptive to principals’ instructional leadership than female teachers.
3. In school environment variables, the perception of principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism vary significantly, in terms of educational positions and the size of school.
4. Teachers in administrative positions have a better perception of principal’s instructional leadership and academic optimism.
5. Teachers in a small-sized school (equal to or less than 24 classes) are more perceptive to principals’ instructional leadership and have more academic optimism than those in a larger-sized school (equal to or more than 49 classes.)
6. There is a positive correlation between junior high school principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism.
7. Two factors in principal’s instructional leadership—a positive study environment and cohesive teaching objectives—are the two best predictors of teachers’ academic optimism.
Relevant suggestions are provided based on the study, and serve as references for educational administrations, junior high school administrators and subsequent research.
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衡量公帑節省價值評估中的風險移轉:樂觀偏誤估計方法之初步研究 / Measurement of Risk Transfer in Value of Money Assessment: Preliminary Study on Estimation of Optimism Bias何俞賢 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於財政負擔加重以及對政府服務效率之檢討,歐美各國逐步發展出以民間融資創建 (Private Finance Initiative, PFI) 之方式提供公共服務。為判斷由政府自辦或PFI 何者較具效益,英國政府提出公帑節省價值 (Value for Money, VfM) 評估。經考量專案全生命週期之成本,並調整風險與折現後,若公私協力較政府自辦在相同服務水準下所需成本較少,則稱其具備VfM。公私協力主要效益之一在於將部分建造及營運之風險由政府移轉予民間。因此,如何量化可移轉之風險對VfM的評估結果影響甚鉅。英國提出以「樂觀偏誤」 (optimism bias, OB) 量化由政府自辦須承擔的追加預算、延遲完工或利益短少之風險,並委託 Mott MacDonald 研究過去重大公共採購案件,得出樂觀偏誤之參考值,提供評估者合理估算樂觀偏誤的基準。本文研究英國的評估方式及經驗,針對 Mott MacDonald 之研究方法作進一步研討。接著以臺灣機場捷運建設案為例,計算其樂觀偏誤,並嘗試運用 Mott MacDonald 之研究方法加以分析。最後探討 Mott MacDonald 之研究方法在臺灣運用的適切性,且對樂觀偏誤之研究方法提出建議。
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國中生樂觀/悲觀傾向、課業壓力評估、課業壓力因應方式與學校生活適應之相關研究丁明潔 Unknown Date (has links)
為達成本研究之目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,加以研覽與分析,據之作為本研究架構的理論基礎。在實徵研究方面,以桃園縣公立國中一至三年級1224名男女學生為受試者,以修訂之「樂觀/悲觀量表」、「壓力評估量表」、「學校生活適應量表」及自編之「課業壓力因應量表」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。所得資料以因素分析、信度分析、描述統計分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及SEM結構方程模式等統計方法加以處理。依分析結果發現:一、國中生之樂觀傾向偏低,悲觀傾向偏高;二、國中生之初級評估結果高而次級評估結果普通;三、國中生最常採取的課業壓力因應方式為「積極情緒焦點因應」,其次為「消極情緒焦點因應」、「積極問題焦點因應」,而最少使用的是「消極問題焦點因應」;四、國中生之學校生活適應情形普通,而在各向度的適應上,以同儕關係適應最佳,學習適應最差;五、國中生之性別在壓力評估、各種壓力因應方式、及多數學校生活適應(學習、同儕關係、師生關係及整體)有顯著差異存在;六、國中生之年級在樂觀/悲觀傾向、次級評估、多數因應方式(積極問題、消極問題、積極情緒)及多數學校生活適應(學習、師生關係、心理適應及整體)有顯著差異存在;七、在各變項間之影響關係上,根據研究者所建構之因果路徑模式圖得知,國中生之樂觀傾向與積極壓力因應方式會導致較佳的學校生活適應情形;國中生之悲觀傾向會透過消極壓力因應方式導致較差的學校生活適應情形;國中生之次級評估結果及樂觀傾向可以預測積極壓力因應方式的使用情形;國中生之次級評估結果及悲觀傾向可以預測消極壓力因應方式的使用情形;若進一步進行影響強弱之分析,則會發現悲觀對學校生活適應不具有預測力存在,而樂觀則對學校生活適應具有高度預測力;積極因應方式對學校生活適應的預測力大於消極因應方式;次級評估對選擇使用積極因應方式的預測力大於樂觀;但次級評估對選擇使用消極因應方式之預測力則小於悲觀。 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the relationship between junior high school students’ optimism/pessimism tendency, academic appraisal ways, academic coping ways, and school-life adjustment; and the differences between junior high school students’ gender and grade differences in these four variables; at last, to find out the influence relation between these variables by establishing a structural equation model. The subjects of this research are 1224 junior high school students in Tao-Yuan. The measures used in this research include: OPI, appraisal scale, academic coping scale, and school-life adjustment scale. And, the statistic methods used in this research include: factor analysis, item analysis, descriptive analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and SEM etc.
The findings are as follow:
1.Junior high school students have median-low optimism tendency, median-high pessimism tendency, high primary appraisal, and median secondary appraisal.
2.The frequency of each coping way that junior high school students use most is “positive emotional-focused coping”, then “negative emotional-focused coping”, “positive problem-focused coping”, and “negative problem-focused coping”.
3.Junior high school students have median school-life adjustment, and in all parts of school-life adjustment, junior high school students have the greatest adjustment in “peer-relation” and the worst adjustment in “learning adjustment”.
4.“Age” and “gender” have significant differences in most of the variables.
5.High optimism tendency and positive coping strategy can affect junior high school students’ greater school-life adjustment, and pessimism tendency can only affect their school-life adjustment through negative coping ways; secondary appraisal and optimism tendency can be used to predict positive coping ways; secondary appraisal and pessimism tendency can be used to predict negative coping ways. Further analysis shows that positive coping ways have greater affection on school-life adjustment than negative coping ways; secondary appraisal has greater affection on positive coping ways than optimism and lower affection on negative coping ways than pessimism.
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過度自信與過度樂觀經理人對公司價值影響 / How overconfident and optimistic manager will affect firm value施維筑, Shih, Wei Chu Unknown Date (has links)
現實社會中,由於人並非如傳統學派所聲稱完全理性制定決策,自1980年以來即產生諸多傳統學派無法說明的現象,因此行為財務學派興起。本篇導入行為財務學的模型,探討當經理人具過度自信與過度樂觀特質時,經理人的特性會如何影響公司價值。研究假設當經理人為風險中立者,可達到公司價值極大化first-best value。若經理人為風險趨避,產生的效用成本將使其無法達成此目標,但此時經理人若具過度自信,則可抵消風險趨避帶來的公司價值減損,而達成股東所希望達到的公司價值極大。除此之外,根據Heaton(2003)模型所聲稱,過度樂觀的經理人無法達成公司價值極大,而本篇修改其模型,得出當公司經理人具過度樂觀特性,是有可能符合股東利益,而達到公司價值極大化的目標。 / In real world, people don’t make decisions depend on rationality. Therefore, there exists many facts that traditional researchers can’t explain since 1980’s and that’s why behavioral finance school arises. In this paper, we use behavioral finance models to discuss when managers are overconfident or optimistic, how their personality will affect the value of company. We find that when a manager is risk-neutral, he can maximize the firm value that we called “first-best value.” However, when a manager is risk-averse, the utility cost will be the huge obstacle to attain the goal. However, if the manager is overconfident, this characteristic will counterbalance the drawback that risk-averse will decrease company value.
In addition, according to Heaton’s (2003) model, an optimistic manager can’t maximize firm value. This paper modifies Heaton’s model and finds that when managers are optimistic, it is likely that a manager can meet shareholder’s needs and maximize the firm value.
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