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六標準差應用於工程專案管理的研究-以A公司為例 / A study of applying six sigma to the engineering project management-the case study of a company郭秋東, Kuo, Chiu Tung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用個案分析法,針對A個案公司兩個案例,其導入六標準差改善程序之界定、衡量、分析、改善、控制等五大步驟,透過實際個案之演練落實理論基礎,找出專案管理的核心流程,對於工程建廠在專案管理掌控能力的提升,將有所依循。 / Nowadays, under such a competitive environment in meager profit, every entrepreneur makes their efforts to improve business process management in order to intensify their competitive advantage. In engineering industry, to build up good business process management with efficiency, it depends on the performance of each stage of the project execution which includes evaluation, estimate, plan, design, procurement, construction, installation, supervision and operating test. Consequently, it can not only save manpower and simplify construction process also shorten schedule to under control of the cost, so as to enhance engineering quality and customer satisfaction to reap a planned profit after all.
Traditional engineering industry is accustomed to execute the project according to the stark processing and the previous experiences in each stage that only focus on post-evaluation audit, or the last financial data. Without making particular record and survey during the project execution, people cannot gain sufficient experiences efficiently which result in an excess budget, out of control schedule and poor design that happen continually. Therefore, by using Six Sigma improvement process technique is commonly used in current manufacturing business, we can find out the critical defect and solve each problem efficiently to lessen project gap. Thus, it can achieve a way of improving more efficiency and less cost as business model.
This research applies to Case Study which focused on A company that will use the procedure of Six Sigma as Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. Through a fundamental basis by real case study, it is easier to find out the vital process of project management. It will help industries enhance the capability of good manipulation of project management in setting up a plant.
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運用精實六標準差改善生產績效之研究 -以S公司為例 / The Study of Using Lean Six Sigma to Improve the Production Performance -A Case Study of S Company鍾依芸 Unknown Date (has links)
精實六標準差結合精實生產與六標準差的優點,具有減少浪費、加速流程、降低流程變異的功能,廣泛應用於製造業,是一套熱門的管理方法。本研究便以導入精實六標準差於個案S公司,運用DMAIC的手法配合精實生產的精神,探討現有流程可能存在的缺失。改善的焦點在首件前置作業流程,目的是要提升首件成功率進而改善生產績效。研究中發現工程師為首件前置作業的關鍵影響因素,是改善的主要標的;經過改善團隊重新規劃流程,利用標準化的作業程序,並提出一套在職訓練與資格認證的方案執行之後,一次首件成功率從75.10%提昇至86.15%,改善11.5%,平均首件花費時間減少2.32小時,改善率59.79%,結果顯示運用精實六標準差提升生產績效具有顯著之成效。 / The rapid growth of global medical device industry and technology of drug delivery system accompany with the increment of demand forecast. In order to fulfill the customer orders and requirements, the scale of the enterprise keeps growing and brings a serious of challenges: the higher level of customer requirements, the growing trend of small- volume- large- variety production, shortened time-to–market schedule. Time and efficiency have gradually become essential for the enterprise to retain competitive.
Lean Six Sigma combines the advantages of lean production and six sigma, it can reduce the waste and speed up the process as well as decrease the process variation through statistical approach, which is a popular management methodology and widely applied in manufacturing industry. The purpose of this study is to introduce Lean Six Sigma (LSS) to S company, trying to find the potential failure in current process via DMAIC steps and lean thinking. The improvement is focus on operation before first article pass, project goal is to increase first article pass rate. We find the engineer is key input variable during the process. After reorganized the process flow and implemented new On-Job Training (OJT) and qualification programs, the study result shown that first article pass rate has increased from 75.10% to 86.15%, the improve rate is 11.5%; the average waste time of first article has reduced 2.32 hours, the improvement rate is 59.79%. We can conclude that there is a significant improvement on production performance by applying Lean Six Sigma
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以六標準差改善流程提升手機組裝線生產力之研究 / A Study of six sigma improvement process to increase productivity of phone assembly line林育仕 Unknown Date (has links)
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混合線性模式的估計于國欽, YU, GUO-GIN Unknown Date (has links)
Y 是一N ×1的向量,其元素為應變數的觀測值
X 是一N ×P 的矩陣,其中的元素為已知數
β是一P ×1的向量,其中的元素為母體的參數(parameters)
ι是一N ×1的向量,其中的元素為隨機誤差(random errors)
同理,我們可求得有關β的標準差,建立βi ′s 的信賴區間,及作各種有關的假設
Y=Xα+ZU (ii)
Y 是一N ×1的向量,其元素為應變數的觀測值
X 是一N ×P 的已知常數矩陣
Z 是N × 的已知常數矩陣
α是P ×1未知的參數向量(固定效應)
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人力資源管理在變革中所承擔的角色與功能--以某跨國公司推動六標準差為例朱承平, Chu, Cheng Ping Unknown Date (has links)
1) 將變革人資與六標準差一並做研究,恐會備多力分,宜更加緊約,俾
2) 部分資料引用係次級資料宜加以改進。
3) 資料求證上因受到限制,致未能完全達到測試期求結果。
4) 應在財務成效外繼續研討組織變革與策略在變革上做更進一步研究。
5) 較偏重訓練對變革的影響,宜擴及至其他人資功能在變革過程角色
的研究。 / For the rapid growth and sustainable management purposes, Change has become an inevitable process in many businesses, however, the role of Human Resource to participate in managing change now is more prominent than ever from time to time, from the implementer in the earlier stage, gradually becomes the change facilitator and even now the partner during the strategic decision stage.
Globalization, new technology, the fast changing of human market infrastructure, and the need of quick response for market situation, enable the function and role of Human Resource to be more complicated, and this is main purpose for this study, to study the role and function of Human Resource on managing change.
1) It was rather difficult to integrate change ,sigma and Human Resource together to complete this thesis, and more logic process should be address.
2) Some data and literature are from sub level, should be improved.
3) It was a little regret due to the condition and limitation during the survey process, the accuracy of some result are below the expectation, should be improved then as we make the similar study.
4) Most result are based on financial performance, should be expanded to the organizational development and strategy.
5) Too much emphasized and focus on the impact of training,and some other HR functions like performance management,moral and motivation should be further studied.
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6σ管理系統中工作環境、專案領導人能力、團隊運作與專案績效影響之研究鄭少禎 Unknown Date (has links)
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中外企業推動管理變革差異之研究:以飛利浦與光寶引進六標準差制度為例 / The Empirical Studies in Domestic and Foreign Enterprises in Triggering Organization Change曾裕源, Tseng, Yu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對6 Sigma理論基礎先行探討,了解其活動之特性;而對推動的領導者風格及相關管理工具運用,除深入研究運作的理論基礎外,也檢討以策略為基礎組織規劃推論,以為完整企業成功變革之理論基礎與最佳實務之參考。
最後,以六標準差策略活動的推動對組織帶來最大化的效益,做為後續學術研究者,或任何企業追求最佳標竿實務的參考。 / Great emphasis is placed upon the complexity and turbulence of the business contexts within today’s managers need to manage changes and align their corporate strategy and policy deployment in a bid for sustainable future. The challenge of global competition, increasingly in its very velocity, paves the way in which any of the businesses must transcend the preconceived legacy system where the change occurs. Visionary leaders usually trigger each change management initiative throughout their hierarchical organization reforms by which applicable management foundations or practices are adapted to new situations. It prevents any business, only through systematically structured change management, from bogging down into the unrecoverable crisis situation, but rather realize their systematically determined patterns of business growth or faster adaptation.
This research explores the framework wherein Six Sigma theories and practices are set on the foundation around which the relevant management philosophy and tools are discussed. It is deemed as the most critical factor in which top management leaderships are heavily related to the business performance result and the extent of business excellence achievement.
Built upon the debatable issues of management theorems in the literature review, a number of business propositions are made from which we conclude both the foreign and domestic case companies in this research, in anticipation for constructing a best-fit organization change by virtue of Six Sigma way in a more comprehensive and empirical approach.
Last but not the least, the benefits result from Six Sigma management execution are presented in the concluding chapter, by which it will set the examples of the best practices for followers and practitioners in pursuit for Six Sigma philosophy.
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以六標準差方法提升組裝線生產力之研究 / Research of increasing productivity of the assemble line with six sigma way林志宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以六標準差改善手法的DMAIC步驟,來進行個案公司衛星廣播產品線UPA-ST組裝線的生產力提升。而在使用此方法之前,本研究則運用限制理論的思維來思考如何找出影響組裝線生產力的主要因素,因此本研究在界定的階段就發現了影響UPA-ST組裝線的生產力的關鍵因素主要有三項,第一項為瓶頸工站,第二項為工時變異大的工站,第三項則為組裝線未平衡的作業。針對各項關鍵因素,本研究透過數據的蒐集與分析來瞭解這三項關鍵因素如何影響組裝線的生產力,最後則透過了作業拆解與同步作業來提升了瓶頸工作站的生產力、透過了工站順序調動與合併來使組裝線能夠平衡、瞭解變異的來源與建立自主品檢流程來降低變異性大的工作站之變異,藉由減少這三項關鍵因素對組裝線生產力的影響,因此也使此條組裝線最後能增加產出與減少人力資源的投入,因而提升了生產力。 / Motorola used six-sigma way to shorten the quality difference in the middle of 1980s. Also, it became more competitive via six-sigma way. Then, the president of GE, Jack Welch, made much effort to popularize this way and implemented into this way to the daily process of GE. As a result, besides the meaning of statistics, current six-sigma also represents the set of systematic way to improve process. Further, some companies use it as strategies and operation ways. These cause the application of six-sigma way become more and more broad.
This research use DMAIC steps of six-sigma way to increase the productivity of UPA-ST ‘s satellite broadcast product line. Before using this way, this research use limitation theory to think how to find the major factors which would influence the productivity of the assemble line. Consequently, this research finds there are three major factors to influence the productivity of UPA-ST’s assemble line: the first is the bottleneck station, the second is the station which exists big variance of working time, the third is the unbalance operation of the assemble line. For each major factors, this research uses data collection and analysis to understand how these three major factors affect the productivity of assemble line. Finally, it increases the productivity via taking apart the operation and synchronous way; it makes assemble line balance via adjust the order of work station and combination; it reduces the variance of the working station which exists big variance via understanding the source of variance and building the autonomous quality-control process. Through reducing the productivity influence of these three major factors, it consequently make the assemble line increase the output and reduce the input of manpower to increase the productivity.
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臺灣電子零組件廠商品質策略的研究--以台達電為例 / The Case Study of Quality Assurance Strategy for Delta Electronics, INC. in Taiwan鄭子建, Cheng, Tzi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
從設計、材料、製造到管理的品質是追求卓越品質的關鍵成功因素,而卓越的品質產品是能夠留住顧客的重要因素之一。 本研究借由對個案公司的深入訪談與分析,整理近5年來品質績效資料及訪談的結果,依重要性與急迫性四象限分類,確認問題的所在,再作深入的設計、材料、製造及管理品質的要因分析。在面對未來更為競爭及多變的環境下,經由波特的五力分析模式,探討零組件產業的競爭環境,同時運用優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅的相互交叉,分析個案公司所在的產業環境,找出面對的問題與挑戰,以調整品質保證策略的方向。因本研究採個案研究方式,主要結論如下:
一、電子零組件專業製造廠商的品質保證關鍵成功因素為: 穩健性產品設計的品質工程能力、專業的製程工程能力及快速的改善效能、良好的供應商、變異小(5~6 sigma range)的材料、專業的一流管理及工程人才、及健全的品質系統。
三、品質保證策略是整體性的,要達到品質產品的目的,個案公司運用同步工程同時從設計、製造、材料及管理去努力。 個案公司的品質保證策略,是以六標準差(6-Sigma)為主要改善工具,精進設計及製程的DFx並相互檢討,並導入在品質系統中,以達到零ppm 的境界。
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建構六標準差與精實生產方式應用於服務業之整合模式 / Integration of Six Sigma and Lean Production System for Service Industry鄭欣如, Hsin-Ju Cheng January 1992 (has links)
六標準差(Six Sigma)為目前最受矚目與重視的品質活動,而精實生產方式(Lean Production System)係以及時化(Just-In-Time, JIT)及自働化(Jidohka)兩大概念,所發展出來的合理化生產系統。此二者俱以變異為基礎的思考(Variation-based Thinking),協助企業改善流程、提昇品質、生產力與競爭地位,其整合並被視為下一波管理思潮的新趨勢。
本研究鑑於研究缺口與實務發展之需,提出六標準差與精實生產方式應用於服務業之整合模式(Lean Six Sigma for Service,LS3)。本模式以精實生產方式減少內部浪費,並以六標準差導向顧客滿意之追求,不但兼顧企業內部與外部顧客之觀點,亦兼顧精實速度與六標準差之高品質。 / “Six Sigma” is one of the most popular quality initiatives recently. “Lean Production System” is the world famous production system developed and practiced by Toyota mobile company for a long time. It based on two concepts: “Just-In-Time” and “Jidohka”. Both two are based on the variation thinking to improve business process, enhance quality, production and competitive position. Besides, the integration of them is viewed as a new trend in the next management wave.
Moreover, regarding to the industry characteristics, service industry is quite different from manufacturing industry. Even though there are more wastes and improvement opportunities, the application of Six Sigma, Lean Production System or their integration in service industry is quite few neither in literatures nor practice.
This research proposes the Lean Six Sigma integration model based on the research gap and the practical need, and then adapt it for service industry. The model is named as “Lean Six Sigma for Service (LS3)” in this research. It balances the viewpoints of internal and external customers, and gives consideration to the Lean speed as well as Six Sigma high quality. Also, this research tries to contribute to the enhancement of management technology. / 目 錄
第一章 緒 論…………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景與動機………………………………………………………………1
1.2 研究目的………………………………………………………………………4
1.3 研究範圍與限制………………………………………………………………5
1.4 研究方法………………………………………………………………………6
1.5 研究架構………………………………………………………………………7
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………………8
2.1 六標準差………………………………………………………………………8
2.1.1 六標準差之發展沿革………………………………………………………8
2.1.3 六標準差之組織架構及人員角色…………………………………………17
2.1.4 六標準差之改進循環………………………………………………………21
2.1.5 六標準差主要之八大工具…………………………………………………27
2.1.6 六標準差之推行現況………………………………………………………29
2.1.7 六標準差之運作特點………………………………………………………30
2.2 精實生產方式…………………………………………………………………31
2.2.1 精實生產方式之發展沿革………………………………………………31
2.2.3 精實生產方式之構成要素………………………………………………34
2.2.4 精實生產方式之推展步驟………………………………………………40
2.2.5 精實生產方式之運作特點………………………………………………42
2.3.1 服務業之定義……………………………………………………………46
2.3.2 服務業之特性……………………………………………………………48
第三章 模式建構…………………………………………………………………52
3.1 精實六標準差應用於服務業之綜觀(LS3 Overview)……………………52
3.2 導引階段(Lead Phase)……………………………………………………………56
3.3 研究階段(Study Phase)……………………………………………………………65
3.4 流暢階段(Smooth Phase)…………………………………………………………70
3.5 維持階段(Sustain Phase)…………………………………………………………73
第四章 模式驗證.…………………………………………………………………81
4.1 問卷對象…….………………………………………………………………81
4.2 專家意見…….………………………………………………………………83
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………………84
5.1 研究結論……………………………………………………………………84
5.2 研究貢獻……………………………………………………………………85
5.3 後續研究建議………………………………………………………………86
附錄A 專家訪談調查函……………………………………………………………93
附錄B 專家訪談問卷內容…………………………………………………………94
表 目 錄
表 2.1 六標準差的發展階段………………………………………………………12
表 2.2 標準差換算表………………………………………………………………14
表 2.3 六標準差方法論DMAIC………………………………………………………22
表 2.4 六標準差設計方法論DMADV……….………………………………………23
表 2.5 六標準差「工具的21個整合步驟:研發流程」…………………………25
表 2.6 豐田生產系統之「實驗」……………………………………………………44
表 3.1 LS3之內容要項與工具……………………………………………………54
圖 目 錄
圖 1.1 研究流程圖………………………………………………………………6
圖 2.1 製程中心飄移1.5標準差的情形………………………………………13
圖 2.2 典型的六標準差組織圖.…………………………………………………17
圖 2.3 執行六標準差之八大步驟…….…………………………………………27
圖 2.4 六標準差之八大工具…..…………………………………………………28
圖 2.5 精實生產方式五大主要要素…….………………………………………36
圖 2.6 消除浪費要素……………………………………………………………37
圖 2.7 全面品質要素………………………………………………………………38
圖 2.8 人員準備要素………………………………………………………………39
圖 3.1 LS3運作架構圖………………………………………………………………53
圖 3.2 LS3運作模式之工具總覽……………………………………………………55
圖 3.3 導引階段之使用工具………………………………………………………57
圖 3.4 研究階段之使用工具………………………………………………………66
圖 3.5 流暢階段之使用工具………………………………………………………70
圖 3.6 維持階段之使用工具………………………………………………………74
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