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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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《水滸傳》之服飾研究 / Dress Research of "The Water Margin"

陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
《水滸傳》的創作從南宋初年至明代中葉,這四百多年來流傳的水滸故事,經過說書人的講演鋪陳、文人的潤飾增色,逐漸成熟完整,匯聚成一部精彩絕倫的通俗小說。小說設計了一百零八位英雄,這些好漢被賦予了不同出身、獨特相貌,以及各式穿著,繪製出一幅多彩多姿的水滸圖卷。《水滸傳》在人物登場時,往往以一套贊賦介紹人物從頭到腳的衣著,為讀者在腦海中畫出一個具體而鮮明的形象。由於「服飾」是一個人的「社會肌膚」,透過「服飾」我們可得知其身分地位、審美觀念、性格投射與所處的社會風尚,甚至能反映群體文化。《水滸傳》服飾琳瑯滿目,筆者透過文本的分析,將一百零八好漢的衣著,分為首服、上衣、下裳與足服、腰佩四類,逐一考掘形制內容、演化,宋、元、明三代服制與人物的穿用取向。其次探討服飾的質料與顏色,將質料分為棉麻、絲織、毛皮、金屬四類,研究服飾表現的物質文化;服色則採紅、青、白、黑、黃五色分述,闡發《水滸傳》服飾的穿搭美學。把人物服飾對應《水滸傳》的創作背景,瞭解小說反映出來宋、元、明三代紡織工藝的發達,帶動商品經濟活絡,形成豐富多樣的衣飾時尚以及崇奢僭禮的風氣。最後將服飾與人物形象結合探討,論述小說如何運用服飾勾勒《水滸傳》臉譜,研究服飾對人物外在的身分界定,與文本內在的書寫意涵。本論文從服飾的角度審視《水滸傳》,從中歸納出服飾是人物刻劃的途徑,是小說渲染情節的方法,也是社會風俗的具體反映,更是梁山好漢犯禁思想的表現,總結出《水滸傳》是通俗小說服飾書寫的轉型階段。 / The creation of The Water Margin went through a roughly 400-year span, starting from the beginning of Southern Song to the mid-Ming Dynasty. Stories of The Water Margin, performed, polished, refined and compiled by storytellers and poets, were made into one epic popular fiction, within which 108 outlaws, endowed with distinct backgrounds, appearances, and dress, made an animated landscape of Water Margin. The Water Margin introduces most of its characters’ complete outfits through a set of words of praise on their debuts, thereby portraying solid, bright images in its readers’ mind. Dress are socialized skin from which we tell one’s social status, aesthetics, projected nature, contemporary trends, and even collective culture from those of others’. The Water Margin presents 108 outlaws in a wide array of clothing which, in my textual analyses, was categorized into caps, garments, skirts and footwear, and waist ornaments. I explore the contents of their designs and transformations over time, and how people in Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties designed and decided their dress in terms of wearing and functioning. Next, I’d discuss the textile—categorized into cotton and gunny, silk, hide and leather, and metal, in order to study the material culture embedded in dress—along with colors—red, cyan, white, black, and yellow included, so as to elaborate on the aesthetics of dressing. Comparing dress with the social context of The Water Margin’s creation gives insight to the highly-developed textile crafting in Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasty, a crafting which promoted a booming commodity economy and thereby formed a miscellaneous dressing fashion and a luxury-worshiping, etiquette-violating atmosphere. Combining dress with the characters, I reason how each figure was shaped with what he or she wore, and study how one’s dressing defined his/her extrinsic identity and the textual implications inherited in the fiction. This thesis aims at scrutinizing The Water Margin through dress, concluding that dressing is a path to characters’ depictions, a manner with which the plot was embellished, a concrete reflection on social customs, as well as a representation of the 108 outlaws’ thinking of breaking prohibitions. The Water Margin, therefore, was at the stage of dressing depiction’s transformation in popular fictions.


胡漢之 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過特定之賽局設計,欲觀察廠商在相互整合之現象與原因。內文中之賽局有以下玩家:上游有一獨佔之中間財供應商,而下游有兩種不同類型共三家之最終財生產廠商,而其中一間下游廠商之技術優於其他兩家,其生產最終財之邊際成本較低。賽局之設計為一動態賽局,上游先決定是否進行垂直整合,下游將會觀察到上游垂直整合之意願,並將水平整合視為對上游釋放之友善信號,接著上游廠商將對水平整合之廠商,進一步進行垂直整合;若下游未因上游之意願而進行水平整合,則上游廠商將隨機選擇一間下游廠商進行垂直整合。 廠商於互動時,我們加入不確定性並加以計算並分析;首先是廠商間整合時存在不確定性,由於下游廠商之技術水準為一不透明資訊,換言之,無論是上游觀察下游,或者下游廠商間,皆不了解對方之技術水準,僅知技術水準佳與較差的下游廠商之比例與數量,因此在廠商整合時將面臨整合綜效與技術衰退之風險性;另外,在模型中,加入一整合失敗之懲罰額,當技術較差之兩間下游廠商相互水平整合時,將面臨整合失敗之風險。 經試算後發現,根據這樣的模型設定,若下游未水平整合,或者水平整合之雙方生產技術相異,將會排擠技術較差之下游廠商進行生產;此外,我們亦發現,若進一步分析均衡結果,我們發現,不同技術類型之下游廠商,水平整合之成功(失敗)率,以及兩間技術較差之下游廠商整合後之懲罰金額,皆將影響下游廠商水平整合之意願,若下游廠商不願意進行水平整合,上游廠商經衡量後,將不對下游釋放垂直整合之意願信號,此時廠商間之結構將維持原狀。 本文欲透過加入不確定性,試圖找出與前人研究之異同處;而透過本文之模型設定,我們發現了與前人相似之結論,亦即存在上下游之廠商結構中,將有可能出現廠商間完全分離(沒有任何水平或垂直整合發生)之現象。 / This thesis tries to find out the interaction between firms, especially when these firms face the decision of merging. We also try to figure out the reason why these firms try to merge than stay separation. Here we design a game with some specific conditions for firms to observe the process they merge and the outcomes. In this dynamic game, we design 2 layers, 3 kinds, total 4 firms to be the players of the game. Upstream firm has to make decision whether to merge the downstream firms. Then downstream firms try to merge horizontally after they receive the signal that they knows that upstream firm’s willingness to vertical merge. Here we have to kinds of downstream firms, the one who has better technology has lower marginal cost, in this thesis we assume the marginal cost to be zero. The game have 3 downstream firms totally, so the other 2 downstream firms have the same technology and have the marginal cost above zero. While the downstream firms merge horizontally, they face the uncertainty of the marginal cost changes and the rise of fixed cost, recognized as the failure of integrations. Then the upstream stick to its promise to vertical merge, it will tend to merge the downstream firm which had horizontal merge previously. The result is far beyond the expectation we had before we run this model. The inferior downstream firms will not join the game, even they won’t produce any when the superior downstream firms is vertically merge by upstream firm, no matter the downstream firms merge each other. More, the probability of success in horizontal merge will affect upstream firm to make the decision of vertical merge. The game has only two equilibriums in the end, one is all firms stay separately, and the other outcome is one inferior downstream firm will rule out from the game, and other firms will be merge to one firm and become the monopoly firm in the entire market.

台灣石化產業在土壤及地下水污染領域企業社會責任之探討 / The Discussion of CSR fot the Taiwan Petrochemical Industries in Soil and Groundwater Contamination Field

張魯鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣之石化產業欲著重於永續發展,就必須能落實企業社會責任,而環境議題(尤其是其中之土壤及地下水污染相關議題)是台灣石化產業在落實企業社會責任中最大的挑戰。 從石化產業之各利害關係人之角度(包括政府、社會、石化產業本身,供應鏈,資本市場等)分析,石化產業欲能在土壤及地下水污染領域落實企業社會責任,是需靠政府、社會、學術界及石化產業本身共同努力方能得之;政府及社會大眾可扮演監督、鼓勵及協助石化產業之角色;學術界可和石化產業共同研發相關技術或產品,共同創造經濟及分享經濟;石化產業本身亦可設置土壤及地下水污染專責人員或組織進行資訊揭露,並將企業社會責任內化及協助供應鏈做好土壤及地下水污染防治或整治工作。 目前台灣受土壤及地下水污染之場址有部分是石化產業相關之場址,若台灣之石化產業能在土壤及地下水污染領域落實企業社會責任,則對台灣的環境必定有正面的影響,而台灣石化產業之永續發展是指日可見的。

大学図書館と省エネルギー : ESCO 事業とその他の省エネルギー対策

GAMOH, Hidehiro, 蒲生, 英博 31 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.

聶華苓自傳性小說研究---從《失去的金鈴子》《桑青與桃紅》《千山外水長流》出發 / A study of Nie Hualing’s autobiographical novels

周秀紋 Unknown Date (has links)

從語言文化學的視角論札米亞京小說中「火」與「水」的概念 / Концептуальный анализ образов «огня» и «воды» в произведениях Е. И. Замятина

陳又宇 Unknown Date (has links)


陳建忠 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於國內住宅需求殷切,同時卻仍有大量空屋無人居住使用,顯示居住環境需求與供給間確存有極大的差異,以致公私部門不能利用有效財源作有效的投資。本研究為縮短供需差距,摒除已往研究偏重所得與需求關係的研究,建購所得型式及居住支出之居住環境需求理論模型,複於需求模型導入住戶規模因素,使所得、支出與住戶屬性並列為需求影響因素。其次,利用住宅現況調查資料,分析居住環境水準與相關住戶屬性之對照關係,並著手分析各居住群組之居住環境需求量,以提升分析可信度,對住戶群落予以細分及區隔居住環境群落,凸顯各種影響因素特性。本研究實證結果:居住支出增加、有業人口數愈多,家計負責人教育程度提高及年齡愈大,則其住宅面積及房間數數量愈多,而且其住宅座落與各種都市服務設施距離相對縮短,但國小、工作場所與市場則無顯著關係。 有關理論模型建購,係基於Stone-greay 函數符合需求模型相關假設,及效用之可分性、可加件原則,以儲蓄率自所得中另離析支出之需求模式,再由個人居住需求累計為住戶居住環境需求模型,進一步設定其最小居住環境需求量為Barten之人口規模函數。在實證分析方面,為了瞭解住戶居住環境水準,以次數分析、關聯分析就歷年發展、地區別、住宅權屬、家計負責人屬性分析其分組水準及分析頻度,並檢定住戶與居住環境的變數關聯程度,以擇定需求量迴歸分析的應變數組及自變數組,及就具有居住支出項的大量樣本進行住戶屬性及居住環境特性的群落分析,俾進行各群組需求分析。 本研究雖已跳脫以所得推導居住環境需求窠臼,惟由於資料及分析係援用政府既成問卷,造成研究領域受限,需再就研究之主題深入設計調查問卷。本研究需求函數係設定為直線,然而居住環境需求量與住戶屬性間若非線性關係時,則其相關係數偏低,且無法驗證兩者間之需求關係。住戶自變數(行業、職業、所得等屬性)間,並未檢定其是否已存在高度相關,無法達到自變數完全獨立之要求。居住環境設施具有共用之基本生活設備時,雖可測定其居住環境水準,但無法進行其需求分析。群落分析固然能分離居住環境群及住戶群,但易使迴歸分析模型內部分虛擬變數與其他變數形成共線而無解,而且本分析僅偏重實質居住環境需求,對於住戶非實質需求、偏好及社會文化群族傾向等因素,在經濟學之需求模型中均無法予以論證,有待識者續以作為研析之題材。 / The domestic housing are in great demand, but on the other hand lots of housing remain vacant. This phenomenon reveaIs there exists a significant difference between supply and demand for housing environments. Therefore, both public and private sectors are unable to make the most use of available funds to invest effectiveIy. The purpose of this study is to lessen the above difference. Prior studies stressed the importance and the relationship between income and the demand for housing. In this study,first the anthor build up a theoretic demand model for housing environments. This demand model is mainly relevant to no only income but also household expenditure. Secondly, the author converts the factor of household scale into the model. That makes income, expenditur,and household attributes serve as three major factors affecting this demand model. Then, applying data (housing status quo ) gathering from government statistics, the author analyzes the relationships between quantities of housing environments and relevant household attributes. FinaIly,the author analyzes the quanities of living environments for each Iiving cluster,which is specified and segregated, to explicate the property of each factor,thus to enhance the reliability of this study. The result of this study indicates that those household with more living expenditure,more emplyed employed persons, higher education and more age, will have more floor area and room number. In addition, the distances between their residenes and the variety of public service facilities are relatively shoty,but they are litte related with the elementary school, work place and market. Theoretically,this model has been built based on Ston-geary utility function which is suitable for certain hypotheses for demand model. And frOm the additivity and the separability of this utilty function, the author derives the demand mode, reIevant to household expenditure, for housing environments. Then the author integrates individual demand model into the household one for living environments, and further defines the least quantities for living environments as Barten's population scaIe function. In empirical performance, the author applies frequency analysis and Chi-square analysis to analyze physical Iiving environments,respecting the past 20 yeare, different districts, household tenure, and household attributes. Ih addition. the author examines the co-relations of those variables between dwelling units and household environments to determine dependent and independent variables for regression. Besides, a great deal of samples with household expenditure has been inspected by cluster anaiyis. Although this paper analyzes the demand function for housing environments on many factors instead of only on income (elasticity, the study is somehow limited since the data acquired from government tatistics.It would be more appropriate if we design a better questionnaire proper to this subject. Also, in this paper,the demand function has been defined as linearity,but if the demand quantities of living environment and household properties develop as a non-linear reationship, then the multiple coefficient of determination appears low,hence the demand relationship can not be tested between them.Moreover, the independent variables for resident themse1ves, such as industry,occupation, and income, have not been tested whether if they are highly related,thus these bariables do not fit in the requirement of complete classified into different living environment Ievels, their demands can not be anaIyzed. Likewise, cluster analysis can segregate living environment clusters and resident clusters, it is apt tO make some variables, especiaIIy those in those regression models with dummy variables, convert into the combination of other variables thus can not be explained. Ih summary,this study underlines the demand for physical living environments. To those factors, such as non-realistic demand, preference, and social/cultural inclinations, they can not be tested in the demand models of economic theories, nowadays. This challenge stiII needs more endeavors to make.


黃珮茹 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是在探討台灣與東協五國之間電機產品的產業內貿易情形。在第二章之中,首先採用World Trade Atlas資料庫及Asian Development Bank的資料,觀察東協五國(印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡和泰國)1999至2003年五年間整體經貿的變化情形;接著再針對台灣與東協五國之間的經貿結構情況作進一步說明。 在實證方面,使用World Trade Atlas資料庫中的資料,其中產品分類標準以國際商品統一分類制度(The Harmonized Commodity Description Coding System, HS)作為貿易商品分類的基礎。並選擇HS六分位的分類資料來做實證研究,觀察台灣與東協五國1999年至2003年五年間產業內貿易、水平產業內貿易與垂直產業內貿易程度及其變動過程,並從國家特性因子與產業特性因子兩個方面,針對產業內貿易、垂直與水平產業內貿易分別建立實證模型與研究假設。以Grubel and Lloyd (1975)所提出的GL指數為應變數,利用一般最小平方法(OLS)估計實證模型之參數,以探討產業內貿易、水平產業內貿易與垂直產業內貿易的決定因素。 由於本文分別由國家別及產業別兩種不同的切入點分析台灣與東協五國電機產品的產業內貿易、水平產業內貿易與垂直產業內貿易情況,得到國家別與產業別兩大類實證結果。就迴歸結果來看,本文所放入的決定因素所得的符號,並不完全和之前學者的假設相符,推論可能是由於電機產品本身特性或是未考慮的因素所導致。 最後則由本文的研究結果,提出建議與未來研究方向。

水丁香抗老化作用之研究 / Studies on the anti-aging effects of Ludwigia octovalvis

陳俊伊 Unknown Date (has links)
水丁香在台灣已被廣泛用作為香料和中草藥。目前已經被證實擁有許多生物活性,例如抗氧化、抗肝毒性、抗菌及抗癌等。在本研究中,我們利用兩種不同果蠅株w1118和Canton-S(CS)餵食兩種不同的飲食條件,分別為標準食物配方(15% yeast和15% dextrose)及卡路里節制(calorie restriction, CR)食物配方(5% yeast和5% dextrose),來評估水丁香水萃取物對果蠅老化的影響。我們測試不同水丁香水萃取物濃度(0.1% 及0.5%)的食物對於果蠅的壽命、食物攝取量、下蛋率、活動能力、學習記憶、氧化壓力和基因表現等影響。我們發現水丁香水萃取物在標準食物配方下對於兩種品系的母果蠅均有延長壽命的表現,但並不影響果蠅的下蛋率及活動能力,另外水丁香水萃取物明顯的延緩了老化過程中學習能力退化的情況。然而於CR食物中添加水丁香水萃取物,其延長果蠅壽命的現象則消失,顯示水丁香水萃取物延長果蠅壽命的現象可能透過卡路里節制相關路徑。水丁香水萃取物可增加果蠅抵抗paraquat所引發的氧化壓力,並且降低抗氧化基因如superoxide dismutase(sod1及sod2)、catalase以及果蠅類胰島素胜肽(Drosophila insulin-like peptide, dilp2及dilp3) mRNA的表現。 綜合以上實驗結果我們推測,水丁香水萃取物延長壽命可能的作用機制為:(1)透過卡路里節制的路徑。 (2)影響類胰島素生長因子的訊號傳導(Insulin/IGF-1 signaling)。(3)增加抗氧化壓力的能力。 / Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P. H. Raven has been widely used as a spice and herbal medicine in Taiwan. It has been proved to possess many biological activities, antioxidative, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-bacterial and anticancer properties, for example. In this research, Ludwigia octovalvis extract (LOE) was used in two different diet conditions, one is standard diet (15% yeast and 15% dextrose), and the other is calorie restriction (5% yeast and 5% dextrose). The effect of LOE on the lifespan of the flies was estimated using w1118 and Canton-S strains of Drosophila melanogaster. We also evaluated the effects of 0.1% or 0.5% of LOE on food intake, fecundity, locomotor activity, cognitive performance, anti-oxidative stress and age-related gene expression in flies under standard diet. Our results showed that LOE could extend the lifespan of female flies on both species without affecting the fecundity and locomotor activity. Intriguingly, LOE attenuated the cognitive decline in both male and female flies. The longevity effect of LOE, however, was vanished when the lifespan of the flies was examined under CR diet, suggesting that LOE may extend lifespan through a CR-related pathway. LOE also increased resistance of paraquat-induced oxidative stress and down regulated the mRNA expression of sod1, sod2, cat, dilp2 and dilp3 in the flies. In summary, our results indicated that LOE may extend lifespan through: (1) a CR-related pathway. (2) regulation of Insulin/IGF-1 signaling. (3) increase of anti-oxidative stress.


上田, 正文, UEDA, Masafumi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

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