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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡南芳 Unknown Date (has links)
金融控股公司法以迅雷不及掩耳的速度通過立法,不論被評為草率立法或財團立法,既成的事實暫時不能改變,如何為先天不良的金控法把關,是主管機關的職責。雖然行政院金融監督管理委員會組織法為我國金融監理一元化開啟新頁,如果金監會下的組織運作方式仍從舊有模式,例如對於新種商品業務要求「一式多份送審」的審核方式,只是形式化的審查,不但不能提昇效率,也不能發揮實質風險管理的功能。 金監會雖然肩負著金融監理新氣象的使命,但是在財政拮据、組織員額不能增加的情況下,原本不足的金檢人員和金檢系統在面臨更龐大的金融業務多元化的壓力下,有成效的監理模式如何建構是一大挑戰,有效企業監控體系應三足鼎立:一、主管機關之監理制度,二、市場規範機制,三、企業自律制度,三者缺一不可。不過在現有的金融環境下,企業自律的機制仍在混沌中,市場規範機制也沒有完全發揮功效下,三足缺了兩足,主管機關的監理制度就更加重要了。 雖然很可惜的在「行政院金融監督管理委員會組織法」中,並沒有增加員額的立法,因此人員不足的困境不能因此抒解,必須從加強企業自律、重新檢討內稽內核制度的執行、強化公司董監監控的職權等各方面來彌補。 二、重建健全的金融環境 金控法與金併法,都是為台灣問題金融機構找活路,透過盛行的併購,將虧損累累的金融機構與經營有績效的金融機構相結合,成為新的組織體。合併固然可以壯大聲勢擴張經營層面,但是讓非常好的金融機構去接收或合併已病入膏肓的金融機構,可能適得其反。

公司秘書制度與公司治理之研究 / A Study on Company Secretary within the Corporate Governance Framework

邱韻文, Chiu, Joanna Unknown Date (has links)
良好公司治理機制仍是全球經營發展趨勢,董事會之運作乃公司治理重要環節之一,亟需專業專責之公司秘書,俾利董事會能夠發揮其在公司治理上之重要功能。尤其是在金融危機後,先進國家日益重視公司秘書在公司治理架構中所扮演的重要角色,完善公司治理制度及發展,逐漸成為一間公司的公司秘書的職責範圍。 正所謂「他山之石,可以攻錯」,是本文蒐集英國、美國、香港、新加坡及中國大陸等國家關於公司秘書法令制度規範,進一步研究分析公司秘書在該等國家公司治理中所具有之地位,包括歷史、發展現況、責任、角色、法律架構等,以作為未來我國建立公司秘書制度之借鏡。 有鑑於目前我國尚未如前揭國家引進公司秘書制度,為推動公司秘書制度以促進良好的公司治理,協助董事會發揮職能並遵循相關法規;為此,本文借鑒前揭國家公司秘書制度及相關規範,提出我國公司秘書制度之具體建議,作為日後我國建制公司秘書制度之參考,引導我國公司秘書制度能與世界接軌,進一步強化我國公司治理上之績效。


江璧帆, Chiang, Pi Fan Unknown Date (has links)

壽險業公司治理成效與監理裁罰之探討 / A Study on the Corporate Governance and Regulatory Punishment of Life Insurance Industry

陳國華, Chen, Kuo Hua Unknown Date (has links)
從亞洲金融危機、美國安隆(Enron)案及世界通訊(WorldCom)案的弊案爆發,以及全球金融海嘯的影響,公司治理(Corporate Governance)議題的重要性廣受重視與關注,已成為企業永續經營的重要議題。以我國保險公司而言,主管機關透過法令規定、監理裁罰等外部監理機制,來督促並強化保險業公司治理的目標,而保險公司由上而下的建立內控文化,強化獨立董事、董事會等功能,以及落實內部控制制度等內部管理機制,以提昇公司治理成效並促進公司的穩定發展與經營績效,並能有效降低內控缺失之風險問題與監理裁罰之機率。 本研究整理2013年至2016年壽險公司遭裁罰案例,進行裁罰缺失態樣歸納分類,以探討公司治理成效與監理裁罰之關聯性,以及如何強化公司治理的有效性,達到降低壽險公司遭受監理機關裁罰的目標,以期作為提升公司治理成效之重視與具體改善的參考。

地方治理與系絡連結:以桃園市兩蔣文化園區為例 / Local Governance and Contextual Linkage:A Case Study of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs in Taoyuan City

梁依婷, Liang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
承載著國共兩岸之間的紛擾與記憶的兩蔣文化園區,歷經了戒嚴時期(1945年-1987年)、解嚴後的民主化、去蔣化的風波及後續的重啟再生,已從原先專為蔣氏服務的行館到現今為大眾所觀賞的景點,文化園區的發展脈絡見證由傳統由上而下的直接「統治」到多元參與的地方「治理」的過程。值得關注的是,文化園區的發展並非僅有政府、私部門及市民社會之間的互動,亦會受到外在政治系絡的影響。在園區的發展過程中,行動者之間的協力主要是以「信任」關係作為互動的基礎。同時,對於兩蔣文化是否具有一定的「共識」也是影響園區的鞏固及未來的發展。職是之故,本研究以治理理論作為主軸,藉由兩蔣文化園區的歷史發展軌跡,描繪出從統治到治理的過程,而根源於在地的兩蔣文化園區,應以地方治理模式進行理解其中各個行動者:公部門、私部門、地方團體及市民社會如何一同經營兩蔣文化園區,並輔以「鑲嵌理論」作為底蘊,探究園區的形成與治理互動關係。 / The Culture Resort of the Chiangs carried the troubles and memories of KMT and Communist Party of China between the two straits, going through the period of the martial law (1945-1987), democratization after martial law, de-Chiang-ization and subsequently restarting. Originally, the Chiangs’ Park designed for the Chiang’s family, now it becomes a public attraction; meanwhile, it reveals from the traditional top-down direct “government” to a pluralistic participation “governance” of the process. It is noteworthy that the development of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs has an interaction between the government, private sector and civil society. Besides, the political context affected the Chiangs’ Park in the development process. The “trust” relationship between each actor is the basic element for collaboration.At the same time; the certain “consensus” of the Chiangs plays an important role of consolidation and future development of the park.Therefore, this study uses governance theory as a spindle, with the historical trend of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs, depicting the process from government to governance. Addtonally, the Chiangs’ Park rooted in Daxi, I use local governance theory to analyze the various actors: the public sector, private sector, local communities and civil society in the operation of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs; finally, I use “embeddedness theory” as the foundation, to explore the park's formatiom and interaction relationships.

全球多層次愛滋病治理 / Global multi-level governance of HIV/AIDS

廖祐德, Liao, You-Tehoward Unknown Date (has links)

析論歐盟多層次治理中的境外治理—以歐盟地中海政策為例 / EU multi-level governance in external governance: the case of EU mediterranean policies

柯俊廷, Ke, Jiun-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟多層次治理由超國家歐盟機構、國家、跨國家網絡與次國家代表團體串聯而成,此四層次行為者緊密相關並互動產出歐盟政策。此模式進而延伸至歐盟境外治理,使得管制(regulation)增加,區域無政府狀態也漸趨向制度化(institutionalized)。三大同步進展的推動力導致歐盟多層次治理。其一,歐盟公民共享世界觀形塑出歐盟內部一致性;其二,歐盟中央化(centralize)成員國不能或不願治理之議題領域;其三,歐盟分裂化(fragmentate)其治理權威予跨國家網絡與次國家代表團體。歐盟境外治理以其周邊為主,其面向潛在會員國的擴大政策(enlargement policy)將區域和平共榮區大幅擴張,為國際關係史上的巨大成就。同時,歐盟對於非潛在會員國的境外治理行為模式漸受關注。此即會籍條件性(membership conditionality)與政策條件性(policy conditionality)的比較。   歐盟地中海政策即歐盟對於非潛在會員國境外治理的個案。相較於以中東北非區域或非洲區域為整體,地中海區域主義更加密切,並因而有其研究價值。歐盟作為成員國集體行動的代理人(agent),在歐盟地中海政策的推展中,也漸產生前述的多層次治理模式。本文對歐盟地中海政策網絡進行檢驗,並發現其與主權國家的外交政策的相異性。就低主權爭議性而言,跨國家與次國家層次有效迴避殖民遺緒爭議與干涉內政疑慮;就高政策滲透性而言,跨國與地方網絡易於串聯滲透至地中海區域公民社會、企業及地方代表機構之中,有助於促成文化同質性與共同生活經驗,並從根本上促進和平共榮區的目標;就低強制性而言,歐盟地中海政策中的共有制(co-ownership)精神,國家、跨國家與次國家層次的自願參與及水平式合作,都使得地中海夥伴國較以往更願意納入歐盟地中海政策的治理網絡之中。 / EU multilevel governance consists of supranational institutions, nation states, transnational advocacy networks and subnational representative bodies. The interplay of these four levels contributes to EU policies, and even EU external governance, which mainly focuses on its neighborhood. EU enlargement policy toward potential member states successfully expands EU area of peace and prosperity. Meanwhile, EU external governance in non-potential member states become systematic and obvious. EU Mediterranean policy is a case of EU external governance in non-potential member states. Compared to the development of regionalism in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) or Africa, regionalism across Mediterranean Sea is much stronger and thus worth more researches. EU promotes its Mediterranean policy in a way of multilevel governance as well, especially after Arab uprising in 2011 as EU starts to cooperate more with legislatures and non-governmental organizations in Mediterranean regions instead of depending on governments there. This thesis examines the networks of EU Mediterranean policy and figures out that they are different from diplomatic policies of sovereign states. First, they involve less sovereignty issues since transnational and subnational level effectively avoid post-colonial disputes and intervention concerns. Second, they are highly accessible because of their strong connections with civil society, enterprises and local representative bodies in the Mediterranean region. Third, they uphold principle of co-ownership and political pluralism and participants are thus more willing to join the policy networks.

兩岸協議治理研究:以兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)為例 / The study of Cross-Strait agreements governance: Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)

夏道維 Unknown Date (has links)
二十餘年來,兩岸之間經貿、社會與文教交流頻繁,雙方關係已呈現密不可分的趨勢。然而,由於兩岸的特殊情勢,導致政治與經濟、社會發展方向背道而馳,而在某種程度上呈現「制度缺失」的現象,無法將雙方交流互動所產生的合作或問題,以制度化方式予以規範及解決。2008年6月兩會重啟協商,迄今已簽署18項協議,所涉事務範圍廣泛,涵蓋經貿、金融、農漁業、社會、食品安全、核能安全等領域,均與台灣民眾之權益及福祉息息相關。然而,簽署協議並不意謂所規範之事項或欲解決之問題即能完善運作,重要的是,必須由治理層面看待協議內容,方能確實達成協議創立之目的。 然而,迄今探討18項協議之多著重於協議內容之簡述及分析為主,較少由治理層面予以系統性分析。有鑒於此,本文將透過以制度主義探討國際關係之首要理論:國際建制論(International regime)作為理論基礎,探討兩岸協議治理議題。在研究案例上,則選擇18項協議中,涵蓋層面最廣,影響最為深遠的兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement),希望在建制治理的相關概念與理論的基礎上,透過深度訪談及過程追蹤等研究方法,探討ECFA的治理成效。為達成此一目的,本研究建立一研究架構,就各項可能變數進行描述與分析,論述ECFA制度性治理內容,及建立評估治理成效指標等,以利對兩岸協議治理研究有初步貢獻,並可作為評估協議成效之實務參考。 / Since June, 2008, Taiwan’s Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and PRC’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) have reactivated the cross-strait negotiation. To date, they have held eight Chiang-Chen Talks, signed 18 agreements, and reached two consensuses. These agreements have established important framework and blueprint for cross-strait exchanges and aimed at the well-being of the people on both sides. However, those agreements signed do not guarantee the smooth implementation of policy born out of the talks. It is imperative that we should make a detailed analysis of the content of those agreements from the perspective of governance to help realize the goal of the agreements. Yet most research papers fail to develop a systematic analysis from the perspective of governance by merely emphasizing on the literal description and analysis of articles of individual agreement. Therefore, this research will employ international regime theory, which argues that international institutions or regimes affect the behavior of states and act as the main theoretical underpinning for investigating the issues concerning the governance aspect of those agreements. This research chooses ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) as the object of research, because it is the most important, comprehensive and influential agreement among the 18 agreements. In order to assess the effectiveness of governance element in ECFA, this research establishes a research framework which is capable of describing and analyzing relevant variables and set up evaluation indicators. Information was obtained through in-depth interview and process-tracing to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of above-mentioned research framework, and through study and analysis it has proven that this research framework can act as a reference for evaluating effectiveness of governance in agreements when put in practice.

社區政治: 社區組織的分裂、合作與分立

王貞元, Wang, Jen Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
自90年代北投溫泉公共浴場成功保存再利用後,北投的市民力量崛起、社區組織集結,社區組織開始在北投社區治理中扮演重要的角色。然而,最初為了推動北投溫泉公共浴場而成立的社區組織「八頭里仁協會」,隨著發展過程中兩次的組織分裂,另外兩個社區組織「北投生態文史工作室」、「北投文化基金會」相繼成立,形成社區中三大社區組織鼎立的狀態,彼此之間呈現多元的動態關係,因此,北投社區組織間將如何運作與互動,其所具體實踐治理結構,即本文的最終核心目的。 本研究係以社區治理作為論述基礎,以社區組織參與社區治理作為研究主體,觀察北投的社區治理,分析參與其中的社區組織「八頭里仁協會」、「北投生態文史工作室」、「北投文化基金會」,並以特定的社區議題「新北投車站歸鄉」、「復育北投石」及「北投空中纜車興建」作為組織互動分析的操作媒介,在不同議題中,透過議題網絡的建構,運用網絡分析途徑探討參與其中的社區組織,藉以分析社區組織間的互動關係。研究發現,三大社區組織間由於組織運作上的差異,及在社區發展過程中組織分裂與議題合作的基礎,使得北投社區中已有一定程度相關的人力和資源,會基於經驗的傳承或議題的需求,形成治理上的分流,進一步形成「議題型」與「計畫型」社區組織的差異,建構出社區的雙元治理結構。 / In a newly emerging pluralistic democracy, how grassroots organizations interact? They tend to compete against each other for limited resources, having different positions in one issue, and need to cooperate to pursue common goals. Most importantly, they are in a repeated-game scenario in which they need to face each other in a very long period of time. This setting gives them important incentives to coordinate their actions to avoid possible conflicts. By a case study in the Beitou area of Taipei, Taiwan, this thesis examines the dynamics between civil associations, specifically Peitou Li Zen, Beitou Ecology Cultural, and History Workshop, and Beitou Cultural Foundation. This research indicates an equilibrium of dual-pole structure in grassroots level: associations would divide themselves by either “issue-oriented” or “project-oriented” automatically: the former is ideology-driven while the latter is resource-driven. Such identity-division avoids confrontation in fighting for resources in the meantime facilitates division of labor among them, and thus stabilize their relationship.


游惠珍, Yu, Hui-chen Unknown Date (has links)
中國共產黨自1949年接替大陸之政權,奉行社會主義實行高度集中的計畫經濟體制,整個國民經濟就像一個大型工廠,導致國有企業經營績效一蹶不振。至1970年代後期,大陸體認市場機制之重要性,引進市場經濟,逐步開放國有企業之經營;而遲至1990年代後期,大陸才開始引進公司治理之概念。 就大陸近年來建立之公司治理制度,可看出其概念及具體措施是源自於國外成熟市場之制度。其本質較為偏向英美模型;而組織則採類似德國雙元制之董事會及監事會並存之架構。但由於大陸國有企業受限於國情、政治體制及政府態度之影響,導致大陸國有企業之組織雖已轉型為現代模型之公司,其體質仍存在許多問題。 以大陸國有企業改建為上市公司之股權結構觀之,主要為國有股、法人股及公眾股,各持股比例約佔流通在外股權之30﹪。而其持股比例與公司經營績效之關係,經多位學者研究,就理論而言,法人股之持股比例與公司經營績效呈現正相關;國有股與公眾股之持股比例與公司經營績效呈現負相關。因而主張國有企業改建為上市公司時,政府應減少對公司之持股,並將持股移轉予機構法人始有利於國有企業改建為上市公司之公司治理架構。然實務上,機構法人持股比例與公司經營績效呈現正相關之立論,須配以完善之市場監管制度以產生制衡機制,否則,當機構法人成為控制股東時,將能藉由移轉計價、金字塔結構等內部交易以剝削少數股東之權益。

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