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1.TT(教官チーム)による授業(「国際理解・人権・平和」の取り組み : 「TT (教官チーム)による授業」と「ディベートによる沖縄学習)(高校二年必修総合人間科)(<特集>総合人間科(第2報))加藤, 容子, 山田, 孝, 斉藤, 真子, 仲田, 恵子, 鈴木, 一悠, 川合, 勇治 15 October 1996 (has links)
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諸外国と日本の生徒指導との違い : 国際理解の一助として(生徒指導分科会)(共同研究 : 総合テーマ 教育活動の総合化 : 国際理解と平和の教育を軸として)鈴木, 克彦 15 August 1991 (has links)
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具SOAR結構化筆記功能之合作數位閱讀標註系統對於國小學生閱讀理解成效之影響研究 / A study on the effects of collaborative reading annotation system with soar structured note function on reading comprehension performance陳怡君, Chen,Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現: 1.在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」支援閱讀的學習情境下,採用「SOAR結構化筆記模組」支援數位閱讀學習,其國小學生的標註行為、閱讀標註瀏覽行為及SOAR筆記分數與閱讀自我效能並無顯著相關2.女性學習者的自我效能與閱讀理解成效具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性3.全體學習者的SOAR筆記分數與閱讀理解成具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性4.男性學習者的SOAR筆記分數與閱讀理解成效具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性5.對國小學生的閱讀理解成效具有顯著的提升6.對男性學習者與女性學習者的閱讀理解成效均具有顯著的提升7.對場地獨立型學習者與場地相依型的學習者的閱讀理解成效均具有顯著的提升。
最後,基於研究結果,本研究亦提出對教師及系統改良的建議,並提出幾個未來的研究方向,希望能對數位閱讀研究有所貢獻。 / Abstract
To cope with the digital reading era, self-monitoring to assist learners in grasping reading skills during digital reading, especially for the digital reading of elementary pupils with inadequate reading cognitive capabilities, perfect learning scaffolding is required for achieving good reading performance. There are many different mechanisms developed in annotation systems to assist in reading and help learners promote the reading motivation and reading performance. However, it is also discovered that the learning could easily focus on the quantity of annotation, but ignore the quality of annotation so that the reading comprehension performance could not be enhanced and the suitability of reading process and reading cognition in the learning process is ignored. For this reason, a reading annotation based “SOAR structured note module” for supporting effective reading is developed on the cooperative digital reading annotation system, allowing learners grasping the key points in the text during the noting process and helping learners promote the reading self-efficacy. It is expected to effectively advance the effective internalization and organization of learners in the reading in order to enhance the depth and performance of reading comprehension.
With one-shot experimental design, the effect of learners’ reading annotation browsing behaviors, annotation behaviors, and SOAR note scores on the reading self-efficacy and reading comprehension performance, under the reading learning situation with “cooperative digital reading annotation system” with “SOAR structured note module”. Besides, gender and learners with different cognitive styles are also discussed in this study.
The research findings are concluded as below. 1. Under the reading learning situation with the support of “cooperative digital reading annotation system”, elementary students applying “SOAR structured note module” to support the digital reading learning do not appear significant correlations between annotation behaviors, reading annotation browsing behaviors, SOAR note scores and reading self-efficacy. 2. Female learners’ self-efficacy and reading comprehension performance present remarkably and highly positive correlations, with the predictability of linear regression. 3. All learners’ SOAR note scores and reading comprehension performance show significantly and highly positive correlation, with the predictability of linear regression. 4. Male learners’ SOAR note scores and reading comprehension performance reveal notably and highly positive correlation, with the predictability of linear regression. 5. Elementary students’ reading comprehension performance is remarkably enhanced. 6. Both male and female learners’ reading comprehension performance is significantly enhanced. 7. Both field-independent and field-dependent learners’ reading comprehension performance is notably enhanced.
Finally, suggestions for teachers and system improvement are proposed, based on the research results, in this study, and several research directions are also proposed for research on digital reading.
Key words: SOAR structured note; cooperative reading annotation; reading self-efficacy; reading comprehension performance
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グローバル教育の内容編成に関する研究 : グローバル・シティズンシップの育成をめざして / グローバル キョウイク ノ ナイヨウ ヘンセイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ : グローバル・シティズンシップ ノ イクセイ オ メザシテ / グローバル教育の内容編成に関する研究 : グローバルシティズンシップの育成をめざして藤原 孝章, Takaaki Fujiwara 17 September 2015 (has links)
グローバル教育の内容編成について、グローバリゼーションとグローバル教育の関係性を述べたうえで、日本の国際理解教育および英米のグローバル教育を取り上げ、教科構造論とシティズンシップ育成論の視点から、教科融合型、教科統合型、教科超越型という、3つのカリキュラムとしての内容編成の可能性と、目標としてのグローバル・シティズンシップの育成を明らかにし、それに応じた筆者の3つの授業実践について論じた。 / The thesis is a study on the organization of discipline based contents of global education. Firstly, I describe about relationship between globalization and global education. Secondly, Analyzing education for international understanding in Japan, and global education in United Kingdom and United States of America, I make clear three approaches of the organization of discipline based contents which are multidisciplinary approach, interdisciplinary approach, and transdisciplinary approach. Thirdly, I identify the goal of global education is to foster global citizenship and examine three implementation on three lesson units which I practiced according to global education. / 博士(教育文化学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Education and Culture / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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閱讀認知策略鷹架對於國中生英語閱讀理解成效之影響研究 / The effects of the cognitive reading strategy scaffold on junior high school students’ reading comprehension林美秀, Lin, Mei Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
實驗結果發現,在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」之學習情境下,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之實驗組學習者的閱讀理解成效、平台瀏覽次數以及各類型策略標註數量皆優於控制組學習者;並且場地相依型學習者的閱讀理解進步分數優於場地獨立型學習者。也就是本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」所發展的閱讀認知策略鷹架能有效協助學習者提升其閱讀理解成效,特別是場地相依型認知風格的學習者。另外,無論是對高分、中間、或低分組的學習者而言,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之英語閱讀理解成效皆優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架;最後也發現認知有用性、認知易用性及學習滿意度三者之間具有顯著關連性。 / With the coming of the Information Age, digital texts are getting more and more popular. Compared to the traditional paper-based reading, nonlinear digital reading requires proper strategies or mechanism to help improve the shallow reading and short-term retention, which have been reported as the main disadvantages of digital reading. In other words, readers need inferential reasoning and comprehension monitoring strategies in order to keep concentration while reading digital texts.
A scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, therefore, was developed and combined into Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System (CDRS) in this study. It aimed to confirm whether the learners in the experimental group with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support outperformed the learners in the control group without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. Furthermore, this study also examined the effects of distinct cognitive styles of field independence and field dependence and learning capability between both groups on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction.
The experimental results present the following findings. First, the learners in the experimental group applying CDRS with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies outperformed the learners in the control group using CDRS without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies on English reading comprehension, platform views and annotation numbers of four different cognitive strategies. Besides, while reading by CDRS combined with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, the field-dependent learners significantly outperformed the field-independent ones on reading comprehension gain. Moreover, the learners in the experimental group, either with high, medium or low learning capability, remarkably outperformed the ones in the control group on English reading comprehension. Finally, significant correlations among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning satisfaction in both groups were found.
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影片標註聽力複習機制對於英語聽力理解的影響研究 / The Effects of Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism on Listening Comprehension陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來英語教學特別重視聽力對於英語學習的重要性,然而臺灣的英語教育仍以播放CD為最廣泛使用的英語聽力練習方法,無法因應個別學習者聽力上的個別差異需求,進行重聽段落的自我調整。隨著科技的進步,電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,本研究發展一影片標註聽力複習機制(Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism, VALRM),可輔助學習者依據自己的學習需求,進行英語聽力重聽段落的標註與重聽。為了驗證此一機制對於提升英語聽力的成效,本研究比較使用VALRM以及利用Youtube進行自主聽力複習機制(Self-Determined Learning Review Mechanism, SDLRM)的學習者,在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷是否具有顯著差異。此外,也進一步比較不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者(場地獨立型與場地依賴型),分別採用VALRM及SDLRM在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷上是否具有顯著的差異。
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盧曼社會系統理論的去主體化問題 — 從自我同一性弔詭與環境同一性弔詭出發胡育祥 Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文的目的是為盧曼社會系統理論中的一個難題提供可能的解決之道。此難題即為:社會系統既是去主體化的,又是主體化的。這個難題的出現,乃肇因於盧曼認為系統既是自我透明的,也是自我不透明的,既是環境透明的,也是環境不透明的。這兩種弔詭就是盧曼社會系統理論的自我同一性弔詭與環境同一性弔詭。因此,為了解決社會系統理論的去主體化問題,首先就必須解決自我同一性弔詭與環境同一性弔詭。對此,我們建議從盧曼與胡塞爾的比較開始。藉由此種比較以及隨之而來的清洗與重組,我們可以從他們那裡擷取有利於解決上述弔詭的概念與命題。這些概念與命題是:一、存在著諸系統;二、新的觀察概念:構造;三、社會作為內在於意識系統中的社會行動秩序,而溝通系統則作為內在於理解系統中的社會溝通秩序。 / This thesis is aimed at solving a dilemma in Luhmann's theory of social systems.The delimma is: social systems are both desubjectized and subjectized. This is because in Luhmann's theory, they are both transparent and intransparent to itself, and the environments are both transparent and intransparent to systems. These two paradoxes are self-identity paradox and environment-identity paradox. Therefore, if we want to solve the problem of desubjectization in Luhmann's theory, we must solve the self-identity paradox and environment-identity paradox at first. We suggest that it can begin with the comparison between Luhmann and Husserl. Through this comparison, and correspondingly, cleaning and recombination, we can take concepts and propositions which can be used for resolving the above-mentioned paradoxes. The concepts and propositions are: 1. there are systems; 2. new concept of observation; and 3. society as the order of social actions in a consciousness system, and communication system as the order of social communications in a understanding system.
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蒙特梭利語文教育與全語言教育對幼兒閱讀能力影響之探究 / The Comparison of literacy of young children who attended montessori or whole language education program張筱瑩, Chang, Hsiao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,幼兒閱讀能力,有「年齡」的差異,大班生優於中班生;幼兒閱讀能力有「教學法」的差異,接受蒙特梭利教學的幼兒在閱讀能力的表現上優於全語言教育的幼兒;在「年齡」與「教學法」的交互作用上並無顯著之差異。而單獨進行大班幼兒閱讀能力的差異檢定發現,大班幼兒在聲韻覺識上的表現呈現顯著差異,接受蒙特梭利教學的幼兒在閱讀能力的表現上優於全語言教育的幼兒,而在認字和閱讀理解上則無顯著差異;在中班幼兒閱讀能力的差異檢定結果,中班幼兒閱讀能力表現無論在聲韻覺識、認字量和閱讀理解上皆無顯著差異。此外,針對所有閱讀能力測驗結果進行相關分析後,發現聲韻覺識、認字量和閱讀理解兩兩之間皆具有顯著之相關,而在控制聲韻覺識變項之後,認字和閱讀理解呈現顯著的高度相關,而控制認字變項之後,聲韻覺識和閱讀理解之間的關係便消失了,足見認字在幼兒閱讀能力中所佔之重要角色。 / The purpose of this study was to compare the literacy of young children who
attended Montessori or Whole Language education program. Their literacy which includes word recognition, reading comprehension, and phonological awareness. The sample (n=58) consisted of the pre-kindergarten (age 4-5, n=26) and kindergarten (age 5-6, n=32). Schools were selected base on grossly similar school profiles on Taipei city. To control and match age, socioeconomic status (SES), the score of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised of the children whose attended different programs.
Results of the study showed significant difference on “age” and “education program” : The children in the kindergarten whose literacy was better than the children in the pre- kindergarten;the children attended Montessori education program whose literacy was better than the children attended Whole Language education program. Significant different on “phonological awareness” : The children in the kindergarten of the Montessori education program whose phonological awareness was higher than the children in the pre- kindergarten of the Whole Language education program, but no significant difference on “word recognition” and “reading comprehension”. The children in the pre-kindergarten between Montessori education program and Whole Language education program showed no significant difference on “word recognition” and “reading comprehension” and “phonological awareness”.
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模板屬性對瀏覽行為的影響-以線上遊戲為例 / The Impact of Template Attributes to User’s Behavior-Take Online Game as an Example陳妍樺, Chen, Yen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
面對大量習慣用嘗試錯誤方式去學習使用複雜線上遊戲功能的使用者,如果沒有一個好的網頁佈局設計,會妨礙讓使用者易於上手。本研究試圖綜合以往在電腦學習認知方面的模板比對理論、CoLiDeS Model、及資訊氣味等相關研究,增強對線上遊戲介面設計的了解。本研究設計一個線上遊戲介面認知的實驗,用「仙劍Online」多人線上遊戲的介面為實驗工具,運用眼動儀去觀察受試者的瀏覽行為。「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)皆為介面設計的重要因素;這兩項因素可能會影響受試者對任務難易的知覺判斷與瀏覽行為的Pattern。這些差異會顯示在任務的「間隔多久時間看到正確區域位置」、「凝視次數」、「凝視正確區域佔全部的比例」、任務的「完成率」與任務的「使用時間」等資料上。經過本研究驗證可以明確的知道「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)何者為設計者首要考量之因素,在學術上能加強對CoLiDeS Model的了解,提出兩階段修正的認知模式;在實務上幫助介面設計師進行更有效的頁面設計和實用的建議。 / A large amount of users practice the trial and error approach to learn to use complicated online games. This leads to low user perception of "easy to use" when the game lacks good webpage layout design. This study attempts to integrate previous studies on cognitive learning through computer including Template Matching, Information Scent, and Comprehension-based Linked model of Deliberate Search Model ( CoLiDes Model), to enhance the understanding on online game interface design. A cognitive experiment of online game interface was designed utilizing the multiplayer simulation game "Chinese Paladin Online" in an attempt to observe and record user’s browsing behaviors through the eye tracker. "Location of functional group " and "Icon" are important factor of interface design and affect user’s browse behavior pattern . These differences will appear in "Time spent", "Accuracy", "Frequency of fixation ", “ and "Time spent before first fixation on the correct position" of the tasks. We expect the results extended the CoLiDeS Model, enhanced understanding of the interface layout user cognition, and provided fruitful suggestions in how to further design on effective WebPages.
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書面閱讀與多媒體閱讀之比較--針對英文理解能力與策略運用 / Comparisons of paper and multimedia readings--EFL students' comperehension and strategies曾俊傑, Zeng, Zun-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
這個研究主要是觀察六十位以英語為外語學習目標的學生,他們在閱讀電腦光碟及閱讀書面時,如何使用閱讀策略?研究的方法包括出聲思考及實驗比較兩種方式。結果發現,使用資源型(resourcing)閱讀策略比傳統閱讀策略(local-meaning-getting, global-meaning-getting, monitoring/ regulatory reading strategies)來得多;但書面閱讀的閱讀理解能力表現卻比多媒體閱讀來得好。
透過這個研究,我們希望提供一些實證資料及有用的建議給語言學習者,讓他們利用電腦科技來成功地學習語言。 / Due to the advancement of computer technology, multimedia CD-ROM courseware is applied to foreign language learning. Will this brand-new media directly bring about an impact on reading strategies and indirectly make a contribution to reading comprehension? This is the main concern and interest of the study.
The study investigated how 60 EFL students used reading strategies in CD-ROM and in printed context. The research methods included think-aloud protocol and experimental comparison approach. It was found that resourcing strategies are used more than the traditional reading strategies, that is, local-meaning-getting, gtobal-meaning-getting, and monitoring/ regulatory strategies. However, the reading comprehension performance in paper reading is better than that in multimedia reading. Thus, language. learners should be taught not to refer to on-line resourcing strategies too much without exercising efforts themselves, but they can take much background knowledge from reading courseware to facilitate their reading. The instruction of reading strategies should be included in the teaching programs of language teachers. Traditional reading strategies ought to be regarded as a fundamental element in reading and can not be replaced by resourcing strategies.
Through this study, it is hoped that learning language with computer technology can bring a success to language learners by providing empirical data and useful suggestions.
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