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The rhythm of everyday life : a study on the impact of illegal music downloading and the life of adult women in Macau / Study on the impact of illegal music downloading and the life of adult women in MacauPang, Sam I January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Communication
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影音光碟盜版風險之研究-估計盜版國家容忍率周沂萍, Chou ,Yi Pin Unknown Date (has links)
1. 一國經濟、教育、科技水準愈高,影音光碟盜版率可能會愈低。
2. 音樂光碟盜版價格愈低,音樂盜版率愈高;音樂光碟正版價格的高低,對音樂盜版率無明顯影響。
3. 被列入特別301名單後的國家,部份國家影音盜版情形仍然嚴重,並無改善。
4. 東歐國家平均五年音樂光碟盜版風險容忍率:49.07 %;美洲國家:46.17 %;亞洲國家:43.78 %;西歐國家:11.22 %。亞洲國家平均五年電影光碟盜版風險容忍率:62.34 %;美洲國家:62.66 %。
5. 超過分類國家影音盜版風險容忍率的國家。其中音樂盜版最為嚴重的前十大國家為:巴基斯坦、巴拉圭、中國、秘魯、希臘、印尼、立陶宛、厄瓜多爾、烏克蘭、馬來西亞。電影部份,超過所屬分類國家容忍率20%以上有:玻利維亞、哥倫比亞、菲律賓、泰國、中國。影音盜版風險應積極管理之。
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網路外部性、軟體盜版與自由軟體吳崇仁, WU,Chung-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
第二篇文章為「存在網路外部性下廠商的最適軟體贈與策略」,主要是探討軟體獨占廠商同時面對家用與企業均存在盜版現象下,廠商如何透過免費贈與次級品質軟體的策略組合來使其獲利最大。當廠商在家用市場實施贈與品質比盜版好的軟體策略時,部分的正版市場被贈與軟體侵蝕而利潤減少,但也因為贈與軟體除替代盜版軟體外,因為不需使用成本,家用市場原來不使用軟體者將全部使用贈與軟體,使得總網路外部性增加因而增加企業市場利潤。因此,當網路外部性高時,廠商可能因企業市場獲利高過家用市場損失而使總利潤增加。所以當網路外部性大時,廠商利潤最大的策略組合為 (家用市場贈與,企業市場不贈與)。當廠商在家用市場實施贈與品質比盜版差的軟體策略時,免費軟體將取代部分盜版軟體,以及原來家用市場不使用軟體者,創造出最大的網路外部性使企業市場獲利增加。所以在實施贈與品質比盜版差的軟體策略時,廠商利潤最大的策略組合仍為 (家用市場贈與,企業市場不贈與)。而且因為贈與品質比盜版差的軟體不會減少家用市場利潤,而且創造出的網路外部性與贈與品質比盜版好的軟體策略下相同,因此當廠商考慮贈與軟體時,廠商在家用市場必定選擇品質較盜版軟體差的軟體贈與。
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青少年音樂盜版行為因素之探討李欣蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位科技的快速發展,消費者不當使用電腦的行為越來越多。像是不斷改良的MP3壓縮技術、低價且日漸普及的燒錄器、簡單易學的燒錄技術,都使得製作盜版或是從網路下載MP3變得輕而易舉。唱片業也因為實體的以及網路上的音樂盜版而遭受巨大的衝擊與損失。面對這重大議題,唱片業以及管理學界都想瞭解,究竟有什麼因素使得消費者從事音樂盜版行為? 是否又存在一些因素能促使消費者購買正版唱片? 而唱片界面對數位科技的變革,除了防制盜版,又該如何有效運用數位音樂的優勢,發展出理想的創新經營模式?
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中國數位盜版問題 – 媒體論述與美國特別301報告分析 / Digital piracy in China - an analysis of media discourse & the special 301 report白龍哥, DeNeve, Kai Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis explores the level of focus that major media outlets in both the US and China place on the emerging issue of digital piracy. By using a predetermined coding framework to perform a discourse analysis on intellectual property rights discourse in China Daily and The New York Times, it was discovered that each publication has a unique focus and amount of coverage on particular issues, and a noticeable discrepancy in coverage was established. The amount of digital piracy-related coverage in these two publications fluctuated between the years of 2007 and 2011, during which China hosted two major world events: The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Surprisingly, discourse related to digital piracy specifically was not noticeably affected by either world event; rather discourse has picked up in the previous two years in greater amounts.
China’s section of the USTR Special 301 Report was also analyzed using the same coding framework to determine what areas of focus were most significant within its pages. There was no noticeable correlation throughout the five years in topical focus between elite media discourse and the USTR Special 301 Report other than a significant correlation between the focus on economic-related issues in the Special 301 Report and China Daily. The influence of the Special 301 Report on media discourse was negligible, as were the reported digital piracy rates.
In terms of journalistic valence, China Daily articles were generally a lot more positive about all groups that were included in this study, while The New York Times was mostly critical of China. One common thread of valence that both publications shared was that they both focused increasingly on positive business developments related to digital piracy, such as major business deals between US entertainment content providers and Chinese distributors.
In terms of national image, China is trying hard to boost its impression amongst other countries by both publishing large amounts of positive articles in its international papers such as China Dailiy, but also through increasing amounts of consultation with public relations firms. A good record on the issue of digital piracy is not only important in maintaining China’s national image, but also in preserving its trade relationships with other nations such as the US, who have IPR-related topics at the core of their concerns.
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台灣地區影音著作盜版率之研究 / The study of audio-visual works' piracy rate in Taiwan.邱奕傑, Chiu,Yi-Jye. Unknown Date (has links)
目前所有的影音盜版研究,多著重在計算盜版率,探討盜版因素,盜版行為的心理與法制問題,皆還尚未針對影音盜版率,建構出可供學者推論的盜版率機率分配,及其他相關的數量研究,因此,本研究的主要實証方向,乃根據2004年經濟部智慧財產局(intellectual property office ministry of economic affairs,R.O.C)委託政治大學之消費者調查資料,就音樂CD、影音VCD/DVD兩部分,針對筆者有興趣之變項(性別、年齡、有無上網下載等),(1)分別建構各自的混合分配並了解其分配間的差異與趨勢, (2)探討消費者對盜版行為的態度,(3)了解消費者對喜好的光碟所願付價格之差異,(4)建立盜版率分配的信賴帶,以及(5)針對現有的調查資料進行盜版辨別。
最後,就查緝盜版與維護智慧財產權兩方面,實證分析提供政府相關單位作為參考的依據,以求擬訂周詳且完善的措施來防範日益惡化的盜版問題。 / With the development of computer technology and widespread of internet, the piracy problem goes more serious. The piracy situation makes much influence not only on the rights of international oblige societies but also the growing of the intellectual properties in Taiwan. Moreover, it becomes the rock on the road of international commercial negotiations. Beyond the serious situation in the mean time, more researchers and relevant organizations on the island are trying to pay more attention to this important issue. This research intends to understand several questions: How is the actual situation on the piracy problem? Are there any objective evaluation ways? Are there any effective policies to prevent it from going deeper? These questions lead to this research.
In the meantime, most of Audio & Video piracy research emphasized only on calculating the piracy rate, or the reasons, or the relevant psychological and law problems, but few on piracy quantitative studies. Therefore the mainly intention of this research is based on the data from the IPO(Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs, ROC), which is executing by National Chengchi University. As for the two parts concerning music CD and visual VCD/DVD, and the variables those I am highly interested including gender, age, education level, downloading or not.
The empirical study results show as below: (1)The piracy rate distribution corresponds with the Mixed Model, that mean that it have been proportionally mixed two degenerate distribution (while X=0 and 100) with the Normal distribution. (2) On the facets of distribution differences and trends analysis, not only music CD and visual VCD/DVD, the results of the research by Mann-Whitney test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test both reveal the rising tendency of overall piracy rate. The generation of 20~29 years old is the mainly pirate group, moreover, higher education grades group does the more pirating behaviors, and lower income group intends more unauthorized copying conducts. Furthermore, along with the development of internet technology, the infringement behavior is more serious on the network connectors than the non-network downloaders. (3) Under surveying the opinions of consumers about the piracy, regardless of whether music or movies, the deviation is more serious on male than female, under 30-year-old than above, low educated than high, low income than high, pirate than non-pirate, downloaders than non-downloaders. The problem locates not only the lack of the concepts and recognition on the intellectual properties rights, but also the scarce of moral or legal limitations on the unauthorized rebuilding or downloading. But in the other curious facet, although the higher grade educated groups got more equitable standpoints on the piracy discussion, but evidenced depend upon the collected data they are also mainly the group who did the piracy behaviors more. (4) On the price range that a consumer would like to pay for, most of the pirate consumer tends to pay low price to buy the A/V goods, most of the non-pirating consumer group tends to pay general price to buy ones, and no significant difference of these two groups with high price, (5) On the facets of confidence bands on the whole music CD and visual VCD/DVD pirating rate, because of the specialties of pirating data- the higher frequency while the piracy rate values 0 and 100, so that the upper and lower bound reveals at 0 and 100. Futhermore, the confidence bands obtains from the population distribution function, therefore it’s suitable for the goodness-of-fit test. The results met the Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample test. (6) On the data recognition facets, the logistic regression model of piracy is constructed in this research. Classification from the fitted logistic regression models, the results reveals 107 non-pirate are mis-judged to pirating behaviors, 186 pirating samples are neglected to non-pirate ones, the correct recognition rate goes high of 88 %.
Key Words:Piracy Rate, Mixture Models, Mann-Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Logistic Regression Model, Nonparametric Statistics.
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台灣著作權衝突的三個階段分析(1960-2002) / The Analysis of copyright conflicts in three Stages of Taiwan(1960-2002)卓冠齊, Cho,Kuan-chi Unknown Date (has links)
實證部分以1960-2002年間台灣著作權發展過程中三個衝突事件為例,包括1960年代的《大英百科全書》翻印風波、1980年代的「蘋果電腦侵權事件」,及1990年代跨國公司進入後的台灣流行音樂產業作為個案,具體驗證台灣著作權發展過程中,的確受到資本主義與國家機器及國際依賴關係的影響。最終以近年來網際網路發展蓬勃,連帶引出的著作權爭議作結,本研究除了對台灣著作權的政治經濟發展提出看法外,亦在結論中對知識/文化產業,及著作權規範的未來發展提出意見。 / Under knowledge-based economy, knowledge brings more value to human beings by spreading and then generating cultural properties. Although sharing is the essential characteristic of knowledge, there have been some arguments that knowledge is private and knowledge can be traded after the idea of intellectual property rights emerged. Does it mean Copyrights overtops “Copyleft”? In recent years, there have been more and more lawsuits related to copyrights such as Napster vs. RIAA in 1999 in the US, and IFPI vs. NCKU MP3 lawsuit in 2001 in Taiwan. Moreover, Microsoft, the worldwide leading software company, also faced US federal government’s antitrust violations prosecution, and rational price investigation by Taiwan government. All these cases indicate that copyright has caused problems all over the world.
This thesis regards both the knowledge and cultural products as the producing tools of information capitalism society. It also discussed the conflicts between Capitalism and state apparatuses when “knowledge” became “property.” By examining the context of political economy in intellectual property, the author achieved two conclusions. First of all, the copyright is not a moral issue but an economic one. Secondly, in international society, copyrights have been the weapon for powerful nations to control the powerless ones.
We cited three copyright conflicts in Taiwan from 1960-2002, including the reprint issue of Encyclopaedia Britannica in the 1960s, copyright violation case of Apple Computer in the 1980s, and the international pop music piracy disputes in the 1990s, the author made an empirical research to conclude that the development of copyright in Taiwan indeed was affected by the capitalism, the state apparatuses, and the international interdependency. This thesis ended with the prospective copyright issues originated from the burgeoning Internet industry. Not only did the research indicate some suggestions regard to the development of political economy in copyright, also made comments about the future development of knowledge/culture industry’s copyright regulation.
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時裝設計產業智慧財產保護之研究 / A study on the intellectual property rights in apparel design industry古詩苹 Unknown Date (has links)
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