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直效行銷經營策略之個案分析黃世澤 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,直效行銷產業在台灣變得更加活絡,各產業積極的投入使得此行銷通路蓬勃的發展。不論B2B或B2C的企業,只要擁有適合直效行銷通路的產品與服務,加上資料庫的應用,就可以根據企業本身具有的通路優勢,達到執行直效行銷業務的推動。消費者購買行為的改變與生活型態的多元化,促使了直效行銷成為行銷通路的重要選擇之一, 如今,消費者可以透過電子資訊科技的便利,輕鬆的坐在家中,利用製作精美的郵購型錄、電子郵件、網站購物、電視購物等多元媒體通路的提供,購買產品並享受免費鑑賞、免息分期付款、免運費等的優質服務;企業為爭取與客戶之間的積極互動,窮盡任何吸引消費者的行銷手法,致力於業務的成長與通路的多元性開拓,其中最重要的莫是建構資料庫。 「資料庫行銷」已經成為直效行銷的最有效工具。
(一) 經營直效行銷的關鍵成功因素
l 公司面:專注於企業本身獨特的公司形象與信譽的建立。
l 產品面:發展適合企業通路的獨特商品路線,採取「差異化」行銷。
l 顧客面:掌握資料庫的應用,紮實作好忠誠度行銷。
l 行銷策略面:強調品牌價質與核心競爭力來制定目標明確的行銷策略
l 通路面:慎選配合新通路,讓各通路都有明確定位,彼此互補合作
l 技術面:利用資訊科技來管理龐大的資料庫與運用,同時透過IT系 統的建構,讓物流、金流、與資訊流達到和諧的運作。
l 管理機制的制定:良善的管理機制可以幫助公司建立優良的企業形象,提升顧客的認同感。同時高階管理階層的支持是直效行銷/零階通路推動的一大助力。
(二) 未來的發展趨勢
l 直效行銷對消費者的注意力將市場佔有率移轉到顧客佔有率的擁有。
l 從型錄或單一媒體通路擴張為多通路是必然的趨勢。多通路整合行銷將成為直效行銷的未來趨勢潮流成功的多通路企業大都擁有「電子商務」、「店面」與「郵購」,尤其「電子商務」不可或缺。
l 「資料庫行銷」與「忠誠度行銷」是直效行銷非常重要的一環,欲成功經營直效行銷,良善資料庫的建立是必須的。
l 增加與顧客的互動機制,並重視其隱私權的管理與妥善合法的應用。
l 思考「經營競爭優勢規劃矩陣分析」,以發展出最適合企業的營運策略,並根據內、外在環境的變化適度的因應調整。
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運用衛星互動電視平衡城鄉教育資源落差之研究-以「魔速英語夏令營」遠距同步視訊教學為例 / Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"康志彬, Kang, Chih-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:互動電視、直播衛星、教育資源落差、遠距教學、數位學習 / Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"
This thesis was based on simultaneous distance learning made possible through “Interactive Satellite TV” and the “Magic English Camp” case-study to investigate development of the convergence of satellite television and distance learning. By evaluating this case-study of interactive virtual video pedagogy, the project intended to identify and understand how new technologies can “equilibrate” the digital divide between urban and rural areas. As an employee of ERA Digital Media Corporation, the author was able to take part in the preparation of The Magic English Camp event program and closely follow its evolution and outcome. In order to pursue comprehensive and objective results, this project required extensive research and work on journals, periodicals, publications etc. Furthermore, this project conducted "Participant Observation", "Literature Analysis" and "Secondary Research" methodology along with "Case Study Analysis" for both theoretical and practical concrete suggestions.
To sum up, the results of this thesis indicate the following: 1. continuously to use the “Interactive Satellite TV” can step-by-step to improve the educational resource disparity in urban and rural area. 2. Simultaneous Distance learning leveled the playing field for children in rural areas who were now able to benefit both from advanced educational material and the teaching of native English-speakers. 3. The effect of multi-media pedagogy is significant. Real-time instruction and simultaneous visual and audio pedagogy captured attention, motivated learning and increased learning efficiency. 4. It is easier to build the “Interactive Satellite TV system” that could be used repeatedly. With high speed mass data transmission as a characteristic and priority, satellite and internet made it possible to establish a “Simultaneous Distance learning Platform” thus making it more facile to access instruction for students without geographic limitations. Moreover, there are two suggestions for this research: 1. Combine the most of educational resources and to produce the synchronous video-information courses for the people. 2. To build up the distance learning platform for everyone students in the whole environment, and standardize the process to reach the goal of educational resources of equilibrium.
Keyword(s): Educational resources, e-Learning, Interactive TV, Satellite.
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台灣筆記型電腦產業垂直整合策略之研究周信成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以文獻探討為基礎,進行研究架構之發展,而在個案公司應具代表性的考量下,選擇產業內的領導廠商廣達、仁寶與緯創為研究對象。透過個案分析與命題發展,本研究獲得如下之結論:(1) 「穩定關鍵零組件之供應來源」與「配合公司整體發展之需要」為企業採取垂直整合策略的動機;(2)「零組件未來發展性」與「零組件關鍵性」將影響企業的垂直整合策略;(3)當企業之總體策略的佈局與觀點不同,將形成不同的垂直整合作為;(4)企業傾向於採取「非完全」垂直整合策略。此外,本研究亦發現,在以代工業務為主的產業中,當廠商的垂直整合程度越高,其經營績效越佳;因此,本研究建議在以代工業務為主的產業裡,若廠商自身的能力與資源許可,應盡可能地垂直整合上游關鍵零組件,以獲取較佳之經營績效。
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台灣地區個人用戶國際直撥電話市場行銷策略研究-以台湾固網為例賴弦五 Unknown Date (has links)
第三、因應「網路電話」加入戰場,對個案公司固然是威脅,但同樣也是機會。面臨此威脅,建議個案公司可將經營重心移往衝擊較小的行動電話撥打國際電話之市場。另外,若個案公司能夠掌握網路電話的「上市推廣契機」適度轉換用戶使用行為,如此在面臨網路電話「真正」進入市場所帶來的衝擊時,可以適時地滿足用戶「喜好創新服務之需求」,避免用戶面臨使用寬頻網路之情境時轉而選擇其他業者所提供之網路電話撥打國際電話而影響整體的營收。 / Because of lesser constraint and large market scale, when new fixed line operators enter the mature telecommunication market, they often focus on long distance telephone and international direct dialing market first. However, the marketing strategy of international direct dialing (IDD) is affected by many complex and specific factors in our country.
Because this is an exploratory research, we use case study method to do this research. We use in-depth interview method to visit TFN’s managers to get practical information of IDD marketing strategy. Furthermore, secondary information such as related thesis, magazines and reports are also used to get deeper understanding about this issue. Therefore, our study aims Taiwan Fixed Network Company (TFN), which stands an important position in Taiwan IDD market. The main purpose of this research is not only to investigate the IDD marketing strategy of TFN, but also to find out a comprehensive and competitive IDD marketing strategy decision model. We hope the decision model could help TFN to make its future marketing strategy and improve its market position. Besides, suggestions for the consequential changeable environmental factors: pre-selection and VOIP (Voice over IP) would be discussed in this research.
The findings of this research are as follows:
1. Excess supply of telecommunication service is the major industrial problem in Taiwan IDD market. The operators in this industry have similar cost structure, so their performance would certainly be affected by whether they can adopt applicable marketing strategies.
2. Fixed line operators should try to discover their customers’ inner thoughts and take it into marketing consideration, instead of doing marketing campaigns by their self-centered thinking. When operators face obstacles in marketing campaigns, they should study psychological side of their users and investigate users’ behavior to find proper prescriptions. By doing this way, operators can adopt best marketing practice to increase revenues.
3. The most difficult task for new fixed line operators is that users care less about IDD service. The way to succeed is to arouse users’ attention of IDD service, strengthen their recognition of TFN, and then use proper promotion activities to make them pass the usage threshold.
The contribution of this research comes from theoretical literature structure are as follows:
1. Review and analyze the marketing strategies of case company (TFN), and shows those items needed to be continuously strengthened in the future.
2. Facing the coming age of “pre-selection”, TFN should arouse users’ interests about the issue in order to increase users’ response rate before the launch of “pre-selection”.
3. VOIP is not merely a threat; it is an opportunity for TFN as well. Facing this threat, TFN should put more emphasis on the lesser-affected market, which are international calls via mobile phone. Besides, If TFN could make the timely market promotion of VOIP to shift users’ behavior moderately, TFN will absorb the shock of VOIP such as revenue plummet by satisfying users’ desire of innovative telecommunication service timely and preventing them from choosing the service of international calls via other internet phone operators, when the day VOIP “really” hits the shelf.
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中國三資企業增值稅率對地方吸引外資之影響李世聰 Unknown Date (has links)
中國在經過20多年來持續的經濟改革,已然成為國際直接投資的熱門地區。在外商評估赴中國各地區投資的眾多決定因素中,各地區的租稅優惠條件可能是其重要考量因素之ㄧ。因此,本研究的主要目的,在探討中國地方三資企業增值稅率對吸引外資之間的關係。利用2000-2004年《中國統計年鑑》提供的中國30個地區自2000-2004年的追蹤資料(panel data),本文主要研究結果為,就整體與東、中部而言,地方的三資企業增值稅率對吸引外資並沒有顯著的影響。但是,當中國西部地方的三資企業增值稅率愈低時,即會增加外商直接投資該地區的意願。也就是說,相較於投資於東部及中部區域,外商投資在西部區域,更注重當地政府所能提供的三資企業增值稅率優惠條件。另外,本研究也發現,中國的東、中、西部在吸引外資的決定因素上,存在著相當大的差異。 / After 20 years of economic reforms, China has become one of most popular host countries of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate whether or not the value-added tax rate plays an important role in the level of regional FDI in China. Using official provincial-level panel data during 2000-2004 from China Statistical Yearbook and empirical model, the main finding of this study is that in general the value-added tax rate does not affect the level of regional FDI. However, as categorizing all regions into eastern, central, and western areas and estimating the regression for respective area, the influence of the value-added tax rate on the level of regional FDI exists in the western area. In addition, the determinants of the level of regional FDI are quite different among three areas.
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論品牌內垂直非價格限制-以美國法為中心周振鋒, Chou,Cheng-Fong Unknown Date (has links)
按我國管制品牌內垂直非價格限制之法規,為公平交易法第十九條第六款。該條款性質屬「限制競爭法」領域,但體例上卻列於不正競爭法,似有失當。又,構成該條款之不法限制須有「有限制競爭之虞」之共通要件、且具「不正當限制」之個別要件。此二要件如何具體適用、相互間有何影響,則有檢討之必要。依公平會見解,此二要件判斷標準相若,並無法區分。在如此見解下,導致公平會於執法時僅對「不正當限制」為檢驗,忽略對「有限制競爭之虞」作進一步分析。而是否「不正當限制」又常以無法標準化之非經濟因素,如不公平地位、限制相對人經營自由,為審查重心,卻忽略了限制競爭法管制的基礎—競爭機能受損害。故本文除評論此不合理的現象外,並參酌美國法的執法經驗,提出本文對我國法往後立法與執法的建言。 / Intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints, including territorial and customer restraints, are regarded as those of the best ways that can help a manufacturer to make the distribution of his products efficient. These restraints can lessen or eliminate the intrabrand competition of single manufacturer’s products. Therefore, the downstream dealers could make more profits by raising price. As far as a manufacturer is concerned, these restraints can stimulate dealers’ will of promoting his products by providing showrooms, more service, personnel and so on. After all, the more quantity of a manufacturer’s products dealers sell, the more profits a manufacturer earns. Especially when a manufacturer has weak brand or is new in the market, a manufacturer imposing intrabrand vertical nonprice restrains can build its brand rapidly and easily. Besides, they can solve the problem of free-riding between dealers.
Although intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints have functions of improving distributive efficiency of manufacturer’s products, they are made by agreement between manufacturer and dealer to eliminate competition, and may break antitrust laws that preserve the mechanism of competition. In fact, most of the countries in the world have laws to regulate them. Unfortunately, there is no firm and convincible theory can explain whether intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints harm competition or not. Because of this situation, it’s hard for the antitrust bureau to form a standard of enforcing the antitrust law related to them. Especially in Taiwan, Fair Trade Act (FTA) was made in 1991, so the number of cases accumulated by antitrust bureau, Fair Trade Commission (FTC), is not enough to build a concrete guideline to solve the complexity of intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints. It may be helpful for us to see the foreign regulation toward intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints. Take U.S. antitrust law for instance, there are a long history of regulating experience, abundance of economic theories and essays related to antitrust law. Regarding this point, U.S. law perhaps is a good model to Taiwan.
Because intrabrand vertical restraints only effect competition of single brand, U.S. Supreme Court in Sylvania (1977) evaluates them by rule of reason. Under rule of reason, the plaintiff must show what damage of competition the restraint at issue has did. Because of being in heavy burden of evidence, the plaintiff is actually hard to win in any case. Later, many plaintiffs who want to get rid of the burden of evidence claim the restraint at issue as a per se illegal type such as parallel collusion, resale price maintenance (RPM), group boycott, but most of them fail.
According to Chicago School, intrabrand restraints (price or nonprice) in all circumstances is procompetitive and efficient. The economic theory of Chicago School has had great influence on antitrust decision of Supreme Court in past decades, so it is essential to introduce Chicago School for studying the U.S. antitrust law. Addition to economic theory, non-economic concerns such as protection of small retailers and consumers also have some effect on Supreme Court. But unlike economic theory, non-economic concerns are usually involved with moral and social values, and not only hard to evaluate with economic concepts but with each other. Therefore, Chicago School’s advocates like Bork and Posner claim in antitrust case a judge should ignore about non-economic concerns. It’s, however, still a dispute between scholars.
In Taiwan, regulating vertical nonprice restraints is Article 19(6) of FTA. Theoretically this Article belongs to antitrust law’s territory, but legislators put it mistakenly in ChapterⅢ “unfair competition.” Besides, there are two elements to meet Article 19(6), general and particular element. In other words, an illegal vertical restraint must meet “which is likely to lessen competition or to impede fair competition” called general element and “limiting its trading counterparts' business activity improperly by means of the requirements of business engagement” called particular element. According to the opinion of TFC, general and particular element can’t be distinguished from each other and should be judged by the same standard. Because general element is about the concepts of the market and competition and hard to investigate, in terms of the cost of enforcing laws, FTC will naturally judge Article 19(6) of FTA by focusing the particular element. But what’s “improper” in the particular element is not so clear and usually is involved with non-economic concerns such as the freedom of dealers’, the consumer’s rights of option. In fact, from seeing cases made by FTC, we can conclude that FTC usually put non-economic concerns in a key role in cases and ignore economic concerns. It’s a serious problem we need to discuss. After all, economic concern in the U.S. antitrust law is one of the most important reasons to punish the behavior of agreement. At the end of this thesis, we not only get a conclusion but present some advice of FTA and FTC by comparing with U.S. laws.
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外人來台直接投資之決定因素─就租稅面探討 / The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investmant and Taxation in Taiwan張輔仁, Chang, Fu Jen Unknown Date (has links)
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王世貞<墨蹟跋>研究陳唐祥明 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 王世貞既然捨得以一年的官俸,購買柳公權蘭亭詩文,為研究動機並探討王世貞在書學的地位,再從前人論文中尋找可以更深入的角度。
第二章 簡略介紹生平,<墨蹟跋>寫作的時間,非一時一地,以及現在傳世可見的王世貞墨蹟。王世貞博雅求真的書學態度,從鍾繇的季直表、虞世南的汝南公主墓誌銘稿、偽黃庭堅跋道服贊三跋可知。王世貞認為學書如學文,而有《王氏書苑》和《古今法書苑》二書。又從這二書學,與<墨蹟跋>可知其書學的涵養。
第三章 古雅是王世貞的書學主張,文必秦漢,詩必盛唐,書必魏晉,相為表裡的復古觀。因崇古而師古,師古乃能積學。鍾繇是古雅的典範,蘇軾是古雅的風神,作為推動古雅的審美觀點。
第四章 王世貞<墨蹟跋>筆下,僅選擇人數最多的明代,作為書風的介紹,概論明代的書風開始,再評論書家有:宋克、沈度、沈粲、祝允明、文徵明、王寵,各有不同的風格,展現明人尚態的樣貌。除此之外,還有以蘇軾和黃庭堅為樣貌的吳寬和沈周,綜合前人書風的徐有貞,遒縱怪逸的張弼和桑悅等人,在墨蹟跋中各有不同姿態。
第五章 王世貞<墨蹟跋>的價值,分三各方面作為說明,史料的整理和保存提供後人的引用;精闢的賞鑒能力,特別從墨色的角度,整理王世貞在墨蹟跋的觀點;文人的互動使得文化活動熱絡,書蹟的流傳有紀錄,對於真蹟成為墨寶更有歷史的價值。
第六章 學書者必臨池,古雅乃符合傳統筆法規矩,用筆合八法,法能兼姿,風韻姿態動人則藝術感染力強。王世貞高揭鍾繇為古雅的典範,高瞻遠矚與碑學者同為遠祖。蘇軾是古雅風神,王世貞對蘇軾的喜愛並非晚年憬悟,<墨蹟跋>筆下的欽佩最能直接說明。因文人的互動而帶動社會的影響力,王世貞以一己之力,關懷藝術的人生,流露出深度的寄託。
弇州四部稿 弇州續稿 鍾繇 古雅 季直表 古今法書苑
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外人直接投資與政治遊說 / Foreign direct investment and political lobbying余光弘, Yu, Kuang Hung Unknown Date (has links)
政府制訂政策時往往有許多考量,尤其是面對外人直接投資時,政府的政策規範常會因為國內發展情況不同而有所調整,本文嘗試站在政府的角度,以兩種情況討論關稅的訂定與開放外人直接投資的決策。首先,我們以Grossman & Helpman (1994) 之政治獻金模型為架構,考慮兩國廠商各種遊說的情況,藉以訂出最適關稅。我們發現,政府將會選擇兩國廠商一起遊說。其次,我們考慮本國政府可以開放外國廠商進入本國直接投資,同時我們假定外國廠商擁有技術優勢,進入本國直接投資後,對本國廠商會產生一技術外溢效果 (Spillover effect),使得本國廠商邊際生產成本下降。最後,我們比較上述兩種情況之下之政府效用大小,並發現本國政府越重視國內福利相較於政治獻金時,將會傾向開放外人直接投資。 / Since the domestic government can choose the optimal policy instrument to maximize the social welfare, this paper analyzes how a domestic government sets the policy about foreign direct investment. In the beginning, we use Grossman & Helpman (1994) political contribution model to endogenize tariff policy in a duopoly composed of a domestic firm and a foreign firm, where both firms affect the domestic government’s tariff policy via their contributions. It is found that the domestic government will choose both the domestic firm and the foreign firm apply contributions. Then, we consider a spillover effect when the domestic government decides to let the foreign firm with superior technology undertake foreign direct investment. Finally, we compare the government’s utility in the two situations above and find that the domestic government tends to open FDI when it puts much weight on the social welfare.
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罪魁禍首或代罪羔羊?外商直接投資與上海房地產價格波動的關係 / The Chief Criminal or Just a Scapegoat? The Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Real Estate Prices of Shanghai史庭寬, SHIH, TING KUAN Unknown Date (has links)
根據實證結果顯示,就長期關係而言,外商直接投資、物價、利率、匯率、收入,皆與房價呈現正向關係,股價則與房價呈現反向關係。就短期關係而言,影響房價的因素有外商直接投資、利率、收入、以及房價本身,以上皆與房價呈現正向關係;整體而言短期物價對房價沒有顯著影響,但就個別月份而言,落後兩期的物價指數與房價指數呈現反向關係;短期匯率波動對房價的影響相互抵銷,加總後的影響效果為零,而短期股價則對房價沒有顯著影響,宏觀調控脈絡下的「限外令」並沒能使房市降溫。總的來說,外商直接投資雖對房價有正向影響,但影響最劇的因素卻是匯率與利率,因此外商直接投資並非上海房價飆漲的罪魁禍首,亦不是宏觀調控政策下的代罪羔羊。大陸政府拿外資開刀,其目的不外乎是為了「殺雞儆猴」,借此達到抑制房價的目的。 / The real estate has become a burgeoning industry in Shanghai since the Mainland deceased leader Deng Xiao-ping made his remarkable inspection tour of the South in 1992. Due to the fast growing market and desirable profit, uncountable foreign capital has flowed into the real estate industry of Shanghai. Housing prices have soared and already drew the attention of the authorities, which causes the restraint on real estate investment. Does foreign capital matter to real estate prices? What economic factors cause the movement of real estate prices? The purposes of this paper are to investigate the relationship between foreign direct investment and real estate prices of Shanghai.
The empirical result shows: FDI, CPI, interest rate, exchange rate and income have significant positive effects on real estate prices in the long run. Nevertheless, stock market has significant negative effect. In the short run, however, FDI, interest rate, income and housing price itself have significant positive effects on real estate prices. In addition, overall CPI has no effect on real estate prices while some individual months of CPI have negative effect; exchange rate and stock market also have no effect on real estate prices in general. Furthermore, the policy of restraining foreign capital on real estate investment does not induce declining housing prices.
To sum up, exchange rate is the main reason that affects real estate prices of Shanghai. FDI is not the “chief criminal” nor a scapegoat, neither. Penalizing the foreign capital is simply a warning from the Mainland government to seize the “hot money” in the real estate market.
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