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教會系統對原鄉防救災影響之研究─以高雄市桃源區為例 / The influences of ecclesial system on tribal disaster preparedness: A case study of Taoyuan township in Kaohsiung呂偉麟 Unknown Date (has links)
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應用服務導向方法論於新巴塞爾協定之最低資本要求康世璋 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的專案開發過程中,商業需求的分析和解決方案的設計及實作是兩個明顯分開的步驟,一般來說,分析師收集並文件化商業需求,之後交給架構師及開發人員去設計並建構相對應的邏輯。服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA)是一種新興的分散式系統架構,它還包含了一些設計準則、樣式(pattern),以及技巧。從先前的經驗得知,傳統的開發流程像物件導向分析與設計(Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, OOAD)已不敷使用,加上對實作服務導向架構日趨龐大的需求,因此我們需要一種專門的開發方法論。
不僅如此,服務導向架構更強調商業分析與邏輯實作之間的關係,藉由Erl[7]所提出的服務導向分析與設計(Service-Oriented Analysis and Design, SOAD)方法中,我們得知一系列的流程及步驟,以及他所建議的指導方針。本研究即參考現有初步的服務導向分析與設計方法,以某銀行之信用風險管理系統為例,透過實際參與訪談及規劃,驗證現有的方法論,並加以修正及提出自己的想法。希望經由本研究所分析的流程,對於發展服務導向架構所需遵循的步驟及產出的XML文件能更加清晰及完備,並了解到採用服務導向架構所帶來的彈性,讓系統中的任一元件都能隨時替換,而不影響原有之功能。
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大陸台商ERP系統推動成功關鍵之探討倪自強, Ni,John Unknown Date (has links)
任何企業不論大或小,不論任何產業,都希望成長與獲利,這是企業存在的根本目的,而基本企業的運作,大多是以縱向的功能部門導向設置,例如營業部門,生產部門,開發部門,管理部門,財會部門,但是企業的運作卻是橫向跨部門的協同運作,所以有句話說企業管理靠的是制度,制度靠的是流程,流程靠的表單,把企業的制度流程表單整合起來就是一個企業的運作,但是怎麼樣的把企業的橫向制度流程表單整合呢?需要一個資訊化的平臺,也需要一個跨部門的資訊系統,所以就開始有了所謂的ERP(EntERPrise Resource Planing企業資源規劃系統)
企業在做資訊化建設的時候,包含很多部分與面向,從辦公室軟體MS OFFICE到郵件系統MAIL SYSTEM,從WEB網站建設到電子商務應用,或是知識管理KM,電子化流程WORKFLOW,客戶關係管理CRM,高階決策支援EIS的商業智慧BI,上下游供應鏈的整合SCM,現場製造管理MES,產品設計管理PDM。而ERP是所有資訊化建設牽扯部門與耗用資源最多,但又是最直接必須的基礎建設。但凡企業要公開上市或公開發行,在九大循環與內稽內控當中也強調了企業稽核管理的制度重要性,或是跨國海外的企業經營,更需要能夠以集團總部的管理角度,整合資訊,做出有效的決策,這都是ERP所扮演的角色。而在導入系統或是實施輔導過程的階段,更是要步步為營,讓ERP真正發揮協助管理的資訊平臺工具。中國IT教父柳傳志有一句名言︰上ERP是找死,不上ERP是等死。道出了企業變革之路必須經過的資訊化建設改造,才能脫胎換骨,精益求精。隨著無疆界的企業海外經營,如何善用系統工具,發揮效益也是現代企業打造企業神經網路必須面臨的新課題。
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數位熱浪來襲-亞馬遜公司個案研究 / The Upcoming Digital Heatwave - The Case Study of Amazon.com吳莉珍, Wu, Li Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究同時也對於亞馬遜與其他科技創新公司,例如蘋果、谷歌、微軟等,彼此之間既競爭又合作的關係進行分析與比較,期能對於這個既熟悉又陌生的國際品牌得以進一步了解。 / Amazon was once best known by its e-commerce and was indexed in category of retail sale in many stastistcs study. However in recent year development, Amazon is groupped in Technology Innovation category as well.
The objective of thi thesis is mainly to provide an overview on the development of Amazon through introducing to all about its company history, essential products, services and important competitors. Furthermore, the thesis would like to look into its product ecosystem and industry ecosystem that are formed because the new developed products and competition, as well as the trouble it is facing or will encounter in the future.
Among the products, Kindle, an E-reading device and later in tablet version as well, is one of the most import products in Amazon history. Kindle, serves as the channel between Amazon’s biggest and strongest E-commerce networks and modern digital technology products, such as streaming music and videos, it plays an significant role and worths a chapter to elaborate.
The thesis also examines the relationships between Amazon’s main competitors, like Apple, Google and Microsoft. The relationships can be described as cooperative and competitive at the same time. A chapter on this topic should be very interesting and hope by doing so we can know more about this global company that almost every body in Taiwan knows but does not understand it well enough.
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野黃芩素納米混懸液製備及其作為野黃芩苷活性前體的體內研究 Formulation development of scutellarein nanosuspensions as an in-vivo active, rapidly absorbed precursor of its glycoside scutellarin / by Xiao Yang. / Formulation development of scutellarein nanosuspensions as an in-vivo active, rapidly absorbed precursor of its glycoside scutellarin楊瀟 January 2014 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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Basel III和Solvency II 對法國銀行系統的影響 / The impact of Basel III and Solvency II on the French banking system董坤騰, Quentin, Duquesne Unknown Date (has links)
Basel III和Solvency II 對法國銀行系統的影響 / Following the 2008 financial crisis and the 2010 European Sovereign crisis, regulators and supervisors were urged to improve and reinforce the regulation of the banking system in order to prevent and assist banks from failing and provoking a system-wide crisis. Similarly some measures have been taken to regulate and reinforce the insurance industry in the EU.
Basel III accords have been set up as an emergency measure and response to the financial crisis that hit the world in 2008 following a liquidity crisis that has started in 2007. Basel II framework had never been made to resist a system wide crisis and was not anymore effective in regulating the banking industry following the important deregulations that happened in the 2000s.
Similarly to Basel, the primary goal of Solvency II is to prevent (with a 99.5% probability or 1 chance over 200) a company from ceasing payments and/or going bankruptcy. It has therefore introduced a complete framework relying as well on three pillars which have been adapted to the constraints and specificities of the insurance industry.
Bank-insurances which are companies offering both insurance and banking services are therefore subject to both regulations. Moreover despite increasing their offerings, bank-insurer have to adapt to a complex maturing environment. The future of their business strongly depends upon their strategic choices regarding growth, profitability and mandatory compliance to regulation. They need to start and/or accelerate their transformation strategy in order to take into account this changing environment. The regulations are becoming more binding and therefore questioning the model of a global bank (as the banks have to increase their level of required capital). Despite these challenges, they still have an important role to play on the French Market.
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保險業因應新版個資法之資安管理研究-以S公司為例 / Information Security Management for Insurance in Response to the New Version of Personal Data Protection Law-A Case Study of S Company謝正彬 Unknown Date (has links)
新版個人資料保護法,在歷經立法院多年之審議,於民國99 年4月27日三讀通過,並於同年5月26 日由總統公布;而行政院也在歷經一年多來與國內各界反覆討論後,正式公布「個資法施行細則修正條文」,並定於民國101年10月1日正式施行。
本研究的目的在以個人資料保護法為法令遵循為前提,探討多數保險業現行採行的ISO 27001資訊安全管理標準為基礎架構,蒐集分析國內外個人資訊管理系統(PIMS)規範,期望在滿足保險業業務特性下,透過個案公司規劃實例,為個案公司及保險業掌握資安管理制度的關鍵重點,強化個人資料保護防護作為,以符合個資保護要求。
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利用自由軟體建構森林資源調查WebGIS之研究柯景騰, Ko, Ching-Teng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以MapServer、Zope等自由軟體與自行開發之軟體工具,處理圖形與相關屬性資料,以建構符合OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)提出之網路地圖服務(Web Map Service,WMS)與網路圖徵服務(Web Feature Service,WFS)規格的WebGIS伺服端系統,並且整合各項森林資源表簿調查資料與圖籍資料,建構一包含森林永久樣區與樣木之空間與屬性資料的森林資源調查管理系統,以提供管理者經營管理與規劃之良好工具。 / There are plentiful forest resources in Taiwan because of the unique geographic location, climate and terrain. In order to acquire the information of distribution and storage of forest resources, the Forest Bureau sets up a lot of sample plots, and these sample plots will be fully surveyed every five years. Numerous data were collected, however only the coordinates of sample plots and the distribution of vegetation within those sample plots were recorded. It is not possible to perform map overlay analysis with the other map data because of lacking spatial data of sample plots.
In this research, a WebGIS (web-based GIS) system was developed entirely from free software including MapServer, Zope, Apache and PostgreSQL/PostGIS. This WebGIS system is based on the OGC OpenGIS architecture (WMS and WFS), therefore it is easy to share geospatial data with the other GIS systems for various applications. Furthermore, a forest resources management system was established, which integrates the attribute data from field investigation and generates spatial data of sample plots and sample trees automatically.
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Construction of Fuzzy Queues陳奕至, Chen,Yi-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 模糊等候,最佳化。 / Queueing models for analyzing the possible delay of tasks have
been studied for past several decades. Since then, the average
time spent in the system and the average time spent in queue have become two of the most fundamental quantities describing a
queueing system's behavior. In additional to the delay of tasks,
we consider the satisfaction of customers affected by several
factors in system. Since the satisfaction reflects the arrival rate and service rate, the arrival rate and the service rate seem more close to the fuzzy sets. We construct a fuzzy queueing model and introduce an optimization problem of a fuzzy queue. The objective of this optimization problem is to present an approach that analyzes the model and decide the optimal number of servers while minimizing the total cost which is a fuzzy set. As a result, we provide a solution procedure to compute the required performance measure in a service-oriented environment.
Keywords: Fuzzy Queue, Optimization
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應用集群分析於台灣政治版圖之研究─以十一屆至十三屆總統選舉為例 / The application of cluster analysis on the study of Taiwanese political map─using 11th, 12th and 13th presidential election as an example許育誌, Hsu, Yu Chih Unknown Date (has links)
有別於過往政治版圖建構乃依循整合歷屆選舉資料的政治特性為主,本研究將利用單屆選舉資料建構近三屆總統選舉之政治版圖,以探究政黨勢力強度與集群組成於各屆選舉之差異,並將其與整合資料所建構之政治版圖予以比較。其中,縣市政治版圖以凝聚分層法進行分析,鄉鎮市區和村里政治版圖則以K-means分析,而集群個數的選擇乃參據R-Square和Silhouette Coefficient。
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