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品牌涉入度、品牌社群認同度、社群意見對品牌延伸評價之影響 / The impact of brand involvement, brand community identification, and group opinion on brand extension evaluation范綱典 Unknown Date (has links)
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以可變形體物體之運動計畫及模糊規則實現人群模擬 / Simulating Virtual Crowd by Motion Planning for Reshapable Object and Fuzzy Rules張仁耀, Chang,Jen-Yao Unknown Date (has links)
群體運動在現今的電玩、動畫或電影中,有十分重要的應用;透過群體性的運動,可以表現出故事背景設定的張力。在群體運動的模擬中,除了個體本身的運動行為模擬外,重要的是如何呈現出群體運動的整體效果。過去文獻中多數的群體運動模擬系統,要能在群體運動中呈現出特定形狀的效果,多需花費大量的時間反覆調整個體的模擬結果;個體本身的運動行為模型,則多採用虛擬力場的方式,被動的影響個體的運動,較缺乏直觀設定行為模型的方式。本論文的目標是建立一套人群模擬系統,此系統包括兩個部份:第一個部份是使用者可根據個人偏好設定群體運動理想中的外觀形狀,使此系統在模擬前能根據所輸入的環境資訊,利用運動計畫的方式,自動產生形體形變的路徑,以做為維持群體外形的參考目標。第二部份則是改進人群模擬時個體與群體的行為模型。我們利用模糊數學的特性,來表示行為模型以語意表達時的不確定性,使個體的行為能表現出貼近使用者所需求的結果。我們提出了三種類型的模糊行為模型與對應的原生動作,用以表現個體與群體的運動行為。根據我們實做出來的系統及實驗顯示,透過這樣的系統,我們可以利用程序化的方式為電腦動畫師產生具有特定群體外觀的群體模擬,減少其在製作相關動畫所需要的時間與技術成本,同時也提供了直觀的方式建立人群的行為模型,增加行為的豐富性。 / The effects of crowd behavior are becoming indispensable in computer games and computer animation. In crowd simulation, beside the issue of simulating the motion for individual agents, the more important one is how to simulate a specific behavior of a crowd based on the motion of individuals. In order for a crowd to conform to a specific shape, most simulation systems reported in the literature require the users to spend a great amount of time in tuning the behavior parameters of each individual, governed by virtual forces computed according to inter-agent relations. In this thesis, we aim to build a system of crowd simulation consisting two parts: a path planner for a flexible shape and a motion controller with fuzzy logic. The path planner can search for a feasible path for a region of flexible shape allowing the user to set his preference on the shape of the crowd. The local motion controller for each agent is based on fuzzy logic rules that can be used to present the uncertainty of linguistic behavior models. We have proposed three types of fuzzy behavior models and their corresponding primitive actions. Our experiments show that, with this simulation system, we allow a computer animator to use an intuitive way to create specific appearance and richer.
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家電產品消費者態度衡量之研究--以冷氣機為例余立任, YU, LI-REN Unknown Date (has links)
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領導型態、認知方式群體績效的影響朱曉石, Zhu, Xiao-Shi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,包括研究目的、假設,并為名詞下操作性定義。
第二章 文獻評述,十對與本研究有關文獻,略作評述。
第三章 研究方法,說明研究進行的過程,採用的統計方法。
第四章 研究結果,檢驗變項的處理成功與否,假設是否獲得支持。
第五章 討論與建議,全盤檢討研究的成敗,討論處理不善對結果的影響,并提出
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解決案例式推論中多專家間知識衝突之模式探討 / A Solution Model for Knowledge Conflict among Multiple Experts in Case Base Reasoning陳信宏, Hsin-Hung Chen Unknown Date (has links)
針對此一現象,本研究發現欲解決其中之案例衝突,可以藉由群體決策和多評準決策領域中尋求解決之辦法,透過本研究一連串的文獻蒐集與探討,得到Nemawashi決策模式可以加以導入應用,因此,本研究嘗試引用案例式推論(Case-Base Reasoning)、Nemawashi 決策模式,提出一個整合多專家的意見和解決其案例產生衝突的方法。 / Expert system has been in speeding development since 1965. With the advent of the 21st century, the traditional expert system is encountering problems different from the past. With the rising complexity of nowadays problems, it requires valuable opinions from more professionals in the construction of expert system. The multi-expert knowledge can not only broaden the scope in which the system handles problems, but also enhance the system’s flexibility and efficiency. Thus, multi-expert system outsmarts the conventional expert system which is restricted by the voice of a single expert. Gaines and Shaw in 1989 commented that the expert system was better quipped with a group of experts than with one single expert.
Nevertheless, multi-expert system contains the problem of case conflict. To undermine the conflict, it is common for people to resort to experts’ judgments and their personal experiences. Consequently, the multi-expert system has the disadvantage of consuming time in the process of case selection. Moreover, the case selected out of this process may be unconvincing due to its overdependence on human decisions. As to the problem of case conflict, most of the researches related to multi-expert system do not propose other more objective solutions.
Focus on the problem mentioned above, this study tends to solve case conflict through the use of Group Decision and Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM). After the collection and analysis of data, the study finds out that Nemawashi Decisions are effective in handling the problem of case conflict. Thus, this study attempts to apply Nemawashi Decisions in Case-Base Reasoning in order to combine opinions from different experts and to solve the case conflict in the multi-expert system.
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以階層式動態編隊的方法計劃群體運動周旭騏 Unknown Date (has links)
群體機器人運動的自動產生,可以應用在可移式機器人群的路徑規劃或電腦動畫中虛擬人群的模擬上。文獻上研究對此運動計劃問題,多以分離式或集中式的方法來解決。分離法是把群體的計劃,切割為多個個別機器人的連續計劃。本論文採優先順序的分離法依序解決個別機器人的計劃;而個別計畫的方法係採用位能場與A*搜尋法,我們並針對群體運動的特性提出改進方案。分離法的搜尋由於受到前面計劃結果的限制,因此缺乏計劃的完整性;相對而言,集中法同時考慮所有機器人的組態,因此可以完整地搜尋整個群體機器人的組態空間。我們首先採用的集中法是以位能場為基礎的隨機路徑計劃法。此法雖然具備完整性,但在機器人數量多時,機器人間的碰撞機會太高,所以計劃所需時間通常較長。因此,我們設計了一個採用階層式動態編隊方式的集中式計畫法。階層式動態編隊就是以球形樹組織機器人隊伍,依照搜尋時的狀況,動態地進行隊伍的分離或合併。同隊伍中的機器人會維持一致的運動方向,因此減少了機器人間發生碰撞的機會,因而改善了計劃的效率。我們實驗比較分離法、集中法、與動態編隊法,並分析各種情況下適合的計劃方法,以提出使用建議。我們並且設計了一個平滑化路徑的方法,將計劃出來的群體運動路徑調整平順,以應用在電腦動畫的製作過程中,自動產生擬真的虛擬人群運動。 / The automatic generation of crowd motions can be used in planning the path of many mobile robots and in simulating the motions of virtual humans in computer animation. In the literature, there exist two categories of approaches to this problem: decoupled and centralized approaches. The decoupled approach divides the planning problem into several sub-problems, each of which is for a robot. In this thesis we have used a prioritized planning approach with an artificial potential field and the A* search algorithm to solve each sub-problem in a given order. This decoupled approach usually is not complete because later planning must be under the constraint of previous planned results. On the other hand, the centralized approach considers the configurations of all robots and can be made complete by searching the composite configuration space. In this thesis, we use the randomized path planner (RPP) with a potential field as an example of the centralized approach. However, this planner is not very efficient for a large number of robots because of frequent inter-collisions between robots. Therefore we propose a hierarchical dynamic grouping method to improve the centralized RPP method. The robots are organized as groups enclosed by a sphere tree structure that can split or merge dynamically according to the environment. The robots in the same group always move with the same direction. Consequently the collisions between robots decrease significantly during the search and the planning efficiency is greatly improved. We have designed extensive experiments to compare the performance of the decoupled approach, the centralized approach and the dynamic grouping method. We also analyze these approaches in various scenarios in order to illustrate their tradeoffs. In addition, we have designed a path-smoothing method and apply the planning result to a production process of computer animation.
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有限理性與市場微結構:以代理人基雙方喊價市場為主之個案分析曾仁傑, Zeng, Ren Jie Unknown Date (has links)
對於這樣的現象,本文首先提出三個疑問:第一、為何要探討個體的行為?第二、該如何研究個體的行為?第三、哪一種計算智慧工具或演算法才能合理表達個體的有限理性及行為?藉由市場設計觀點及真實市場例子,我們說明了個體行為在市場所扮演的角色和重要性。並透過多重個案的設計來分析討論不同市場型態與不同理性程度對個體行為所造成的影響。同時,透過 GP 的適應性演化運作方式及特性來建構並合理表達代理人的策略化喊價和學習行為。
因此,本文在 Chen and Tai (2003) 的雙方喊價市場架構下,透過分組模擬實驗與多重個案設計,探討增加代理人理性程度對市場效率及交易者策略行為的影響,而主要的核心是著重在深入探索代理人如何演化以及與對手如何共演化其自身的策略行為,還有因不同理性程度所表現出的行為差異。並藉由變動 GP 代理人群體策略大小來表達理性程度高低。對於理性程度與個體行為的探討分成二階段設計來進行:第一階段是針對個人的策略學習行為及因理性程度增加所表現的行為改變,並以第一階段的分析結果為基礎,第二階段進入兩位買方交易者的策略共演化行為,以及雙方理性程度同時增加所展現的策略互動行為。
最後,藉由 GP 演算法來進行代理人基的建模及模擬實驗與本文所建構的分析策略之結合,可發現一些關於個體行為的知識: GP 策略的共同特性,以及雙方的策略互動行為,還有理性程度對個體行為所造成的影響。同時,也能清楚認知到分析個體行為所會遇到的限制和問題。並確實讓我們對個體行為之研究有更進一步的了解與認識。
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Web 2.0中的群體智慧價值創造──以社會性書籤網站為例 / Web 2.0 Collective Wisdom Creation – Case Study on Social Bookmarking Sites翁榮暉, Weng, Jung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0時代強調由使用者貢獻內容,並藉由使用者的互動來創造群體智慧的價值。社會性書籤網站統合散佈在各處的網路資訊(尤其是由使用者所產生的部落格文章),承接內容的生產及閱讀,是網路內容價值鏈樞紐;另一方面,從媒體的角度來看,書籤網站可視為是web 2.0下的公民新聞守門人(引路人),以公民取代專業編輯,提供了一個完全不一樣的公民媒體運作方式。本研究針對社會性書籤網站中的內容評價推薦機制,探討其群體智慧運作情形:參考動物群體行為的運作原則,加上文獻的整理及實際案例的觀察,建構出社會性書籤網站推薦機制的模擬運作架構;並透過代理人模擬方法,來找出影響網站群體智慧運作的原則,及相關屬性設定對運作結果的影響。研究結果發現,社會性書籤網站的運作成效,可以分為篩選效果及文章更新效率,兩者之間具有魚與熊掌不可兼得的特性,並可藉由不同的閱讀策略安排來調整。基於web 2.0的特性,使用者同時扮演服務的生產者與消費者。因此,使用者閱讀文章時的閱讀策略安排,可視為是群體智慧運作中的工作分配策略。而群體智慧的運作原則中,正回饋效應可以提升篩選效果,判斷獨立性可以提升文章的更新效率,抑制與負回饋則可以使系統較為穩定。本研究除了為web 2.0網站的群體智慧經營提供具體的參考方針,多重代理人模擬的方法也可做為往後web 2.0相關研究及網站經營時的工具。 / The core spirit for web 2.0 is the contribution of users, and the creation of value through the interaction between users. Social book marking sites integrate all kind of contents on the Internet (especially those generated by users), and play the role of pivot between content production and consumption. From the aspect of media, social bookmarking site can be regarded as news gatekeeper (or gateway) in the web 2.0 era. This study focuses on the rating and recommendation mechanism of social bookmarking sites, trying to find out the effects of collective wisdom with regard to different operations. The principle of collective animal behavior and the existing operations of some social bookmarking sites are first surveyed. Then, an operational model of social bookmarking sites and its recommendation mechanism is built and used for subsequent simulation. / The research findings show that the performance of social bookmarking sites has a tradeoff between sifting effect and efficiency, and that the performance can be controlled through a job allocation strategy. The operation of 「positive feedback」in collective wisdom can lead to sifting effect, 「integrity and variability」 leads to efficiency, and 「negative feedback」, 「inhibition」 lead to system stability. This research is believed to provide some managerial guidelines for web 2.0 sites operation.
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台灣素食者的身分認同與角色實踐鄭克蘋 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣常被稱為「素食者的天堂」,但對身處台灣的素食者來說,社會互動與人際關的經營仍是在選擇了這種飲食方式之後,所必須面對的挑戰。本研究以質性研究方法,來探討台灣素食者對素食者身份的認同基礎,以及如何以素食者的身分去面對社會互動及經營人際關係。依據參與觀察和深度訪談之資料所得,本研究發現:(一)在認同基礎方面,素食者透過了文化意義的認同與社會群體的認同,以建立其自我之身分意識,並學習素食在日常生活中的實踐方式。同時,其身份認同基礎的文化意義,是游移於社會改革與自我成長的光譜之間,並偏向強調素食與自我轉化間的關連。(二)在實踐過程中,素食者往往會面對五種社會困境,分別是營養缺乏的困境、選擇受限的困境、缺乏樂趣的困境、喪失主動性的困境和道德象徵的困境。在面對這些困境下,素食者傾向以六種方式作為回應:事先宣告、個人化歸因、避免暴露自身感覺、自我貶低、自行準備自我滿足以及建構新的論述。本研究發現,這些現象正呼應了Kanter(1993)對少數群體(minority)處於多數群體(majority)處於多數群體(majority)中的經驗與行為之探討。素食者作為社會上,特別是共餐場合中的少數族群,其所遭遇的社會困境和回應模式跟女性做為少數在以男性為主流的企業中極為相似。(三)對於素食者來說,「素食者」絕非他們唯一扮演的角色。當他們同時是家人、伴侶以及朋友的時候,這些角色有可能會與素食者的角色產生衝突,其反應的模式除了受到少數族群的身分影響之外,互動的過程也受到既有關係中權力分配以及台灣飲食文化的象徵意義所影響。 / Taiwan often is perceived as a “paradise of vegetarian”. However, for vegetarians in Taiwan, they still have to face the challenges in social interactions and relationships with others after choosing vegetarianism. This research used qualitative methods to examine vegetarians’ identities experiences of social interactions and relationships with others in Taiwan. Based on data collected through participant observation and in-depth interviewing, the study found that: According to the results of observation and in-depth interview, the finding is: (1) In the identity aspect, vegetarians construct their identity and learn how to practice vegetarianism through cultural meanings and groups. At the same time, the cultural meanings vegetarian identify across a spectrum between social reformation and self growth, emphasize the relationship between vegetarianism and self growth. (2) In practice process, vegetarians are often in fire five difficult positions: short of nutrition, lack of choices, short of fun, loss of active status and morality sign. Vegetarian prefer to reply those positions by six methods: claim at the beginning, individual reasoning, avoid telling personal feelings, disparaging self, preparing and being satisfied by myself and finally constructing a new discourse. This result responds to research that Kanter studied the experiences of minority in the majority in 1993. Vegetarian are minority in society, especially in meal time. Their difficult positions and responses are similar to the situation women faced in the company when men are the majority. (3) For vegetarian, “vegetarian” are not the only role they are acting. When they act the roles like a family member, a mate and a friend, they may encounter conflicts between vegetarian and the other roles. Those responses might be effected by identity of minority, power distribution in the relationship and symbol of diet culture in Taiwan.
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公共組織變遷理論之建構-行政院組織法修正案分析 / The Theory of Public Organizational Change -- The Analysis for the Modification of Administrative Yuan's Organizational Law聶文娟, Nieh, Wen Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
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