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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際工程公司以轉型為目的之核心競爭力研究 / An examination of the core competence of an international engineering firm

劉國瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
企業之所以能在充滿競爭的環境中持續獲利,有賴核心能耐的持續累積與發揮價值。對於處在相同產業的企業體,核心能耐往往有相當類似的組合,但是競爭企業之間在各核心能耐的水準差異,則決定了競爭力的強弱。 本研究以核心能耐分析流程為基礎,從分析的結果推論企業轉型的方向,為企業提供一套嚴謹而具備理論依據的轉型策略制定方法。 為了評估公司核心能耐的分佈情形,並對未來發展方向提供一個宏觀的指引,本研究藉由問卷調查的方式找尋量化的數據,利用數量分析將主觀的問卷資訊萃取出客觀的結論與發現。問卷調查的對象分成企業內部與企業外部,對內針對企業主管級員工進行問卷調查,對外則在顧客問卷難以獲得的環境前題下,採用顧客滿意度調查問卷取代核心能耐問卷。 問卷的分析嘗試藉由年資差異分析、經歷差異分析觀察企業組織行為的特性。藉由核心能耐重要性-能力水準矩陣的策略意涵指引企業發展的方向,並為個案公司規劃出「能力提升計畫」與「新創事業部計畫」。 本論文最大的貢獻即在於提供了一套核心能耐的分析流程以及從核心能耐發展出來的策略指標,從問卷設計、基本分析到差異分析、重要性-能力水準矩陣分析。並以個案公司為例實際操作此一流程,提供企業在轉型的訴求下對自身核心能耐的衡量以及策略規劃。

台灣航太企業之組織核心能耐深化與培養 以寶一公司為例

曾煥明 Unknown Date (has links)
航太工業向來屬於資本密集、技術密集與勞力密集的產業,尤其在軍用機與商用客機兩者間基本差異相去有限之前提下,基於軍事機密保護的顧慮,航太製造業也就往往成為歐美各國積極保護且亟欲保留於本土發展的產業。 然而美國911事件與SARS等一連串事件的爆發,致使航空業業績大幅滑落,各航空業者為了維持營運,只能要求飛機製造商降價,以降低採購成本。但因為這段期間,歐洲原有的零件製造技術工人皆已年屆退休,在年輕一輩又紛紛投入尖端資訊產業的風潮下,沒有人願意進入類似所謂「黑手」的航太製造業,再加之各項原物料價格飛漲,在在使歐美各國的航太製造業面臨了無以為繼的斷層危機與虧損風險。積極的尋求外援,也就成為當下不得不之選擇,連帶也使歐美航太產業的保護政策出現了方向上的改變。而台灣過去IDF的成功製造經驗,自然也就成為歐美航太製造業從事外包,以彌補斷層與降低成本上之首選。研究個案所提及之寶一科技股份有限公司,即是在如此的時空背景下,開啟了一系列「知識創新管理」之課題。 以個案公司不具財團背景與國家資源挹注之有限資源下,欲跨足此一技術密集、資金密集之產業,無疑有其先天不足之嚴重限制,本論文透過個案公司之研究,詳細剖析其如何以低廉的設備及有限的資源,加入創意的設計與科學的方法,透過知識上創新管理的功能,製造出符合客戶品質要求之高附加價值產品,並進一步使公司由虧轉營之過程,藉以發揮「小兵立大功」的管理綜效。期待經由本研究能為知識創新管理的成功模式,提出可供辨識之特性與變項。 有關本研究之結論,詳列如下: (一) 技術知識特質雖然會影響組織創新活動的發展,產業結構與產品特質也扮演相當重要的角色。 (二) 資源有限也是促進公司進行知識創新的原因之一 (三) 員工同質性高的公司,在進行重大創新活動時,多會尋求外部知識的援助。

企業成長之核心能耐個案分析 / A case study on the core competence of business growth

廖祖欣, Liao,Chu Shing Unknown Date (has links)
管理大師彼得‧杜拉克(Peter Ferdinand Drucker)認為企業經營的二大目標在於追求生存及追求成長,然而組織在追求成長之前,應先透過完整的規劃分析程序,建立周詳的投入策略,確立發展方針和計畫,以降低或避免不必要的風險並降低資源和成本的浪費,確認公司核心能耐和建立公司為達目標所需要的核心能耐,才能奠定企業績效成長、永續經營的基礎。 工業4.0、Fintech3.0、物聯網不僅徹底改變了消費者的消費行為,更已開始重塑價值鏈。資訊通路代理商如果仍以品牌商和經銷商中間做為box moving的角色自居,在這一波產業和科技的巨大變化中,其存在價值將會明顯降低,更精確地說,也許某天這角色也有可能不存在了。 本論文研究將先確認在這樣的產業變化中,能傲立於全球數一數二的資訊通路代理商需要具備哪些核心能耐,進而審視個案公司是否具備這些核心能耐,並專注於分析個案公司核心能耐與企業成長之間的關係,並運用這些核心能耐尋求新的經營模式,讓個案公司可以在這波巨浪中突破成長,放眼未來。


陳勝宜 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀的世界裡,大量利用知識經濟的創新加上資訊網路的日新月異,使市場加快建立更具效率化的商業模式、平台和電子交易。金融業也不例外的在各相關領域裡依賴科技技術的創新,增加金融服務業的效率及競爭力。尤其,繼民國九十年七月通過的「金融控股公司法」的法令開放後,結合國內金融相關產業的金融控股公司紛紛掛牌上市,每家金控都積極努力在找尋新的藍海策略與建立不同的商業模式與提供跨國金融服務平台,以期在這一場激烈的合併戰役中勝出。在複雜的融資交易或是投資服務活動後面,金融業面對的是如何客制化和建立屬於自己企業專屬的金融服務平台,不僅僅是在金融專業形象建立或是產品服務的多樣化,更用以滿足各層次的客戶需求、加快交易服務和在市場上擁有獨樹一格的企業核心能耐。筆者深信,在未來新金融商品發行的速度上每家金控大都不至於有太大的落差,但唯獨在資訊平台的競爭距離上卻是可以拉大的。這裡面的原因不外乎是因為:1. 資訊平台的建置需要投入大量的人力及財務資源、知識的投入整合並且需要花費較長的時間,2. 金融商品的know-how可藉由資訊整合後更加系統化並在使用上更具效率性,3.建置兩岸三地或全球性的平台服務將是必須,因為在產業競爭全球化趨勢之下,客戶更需要的是跨疆界的金融服務。 本研究乃以A銀行金融產品開發部門PM參與導入外部技術的過程中,探討外部新技術及工具是否能成為銀行核心能耐一環。並發現此次外部技術已結合經內化過程的金融商品的know-how及業務規劃的執行方向的外化過程;並且經由此專案的執行,打破過去因組織界線而從未整合過的產品風險屬性共識,這也是在專案在執行之初並未預期到的回饋價值。所以從專案的執行過程,我們瞭解到執行專案的成員雖然包含公司各不同的部門,但唯有放棄原來組織的包袱,並極力尋求共識一起解決問題,才能在專案上取的極具價值的內化經驗與知識。

從能力觀點探討製造業服務化趨勢−以扣件產業為例 / An exploration of servitization from the capability perspective – cases of the fastener industry

王閔泰, Wang, Min Tai Unknown Date (has links)
如製造業欲實行製造業服務化概念,第一步總是最難決定。因此,這項研究的目的是提供台灣扣件產業對於製造業服務化概念,一個實際採行內容分析。本研究採用動態能耐和作業性能耐為主要兩大構面的一個研究框架,這是由Gebauer等人在2012)所發展的分析框架。本研究探討企業如何在開始抓住機遇,感測機遇和重新配置企業資源。這項研究希望能發現有關企業如何運營再結構化組織企業能耐以支撐企業戰略。對作業面能耐,重點在於企業文化,績效評估系統,人力資源,創新過程和組織結構。 動態能耐和作業性能耐作為本研究中的框架。動態能力可以分為三個部分,感知和形狀的機會和威脅,抓住機遇,通過加強和重新配置企業的無形資產和有形資產,以保持競爭力。在這項研究中,發現是該產品為導向的製造商只有在創建關鍵資源的價值和再分配融入企業文化。此外,產品為導向的生產廠家應建立在製造業和非製造業部門的評估程序。在另一方面,以結果為導向的製造商重新分配所有資源的組織中為他們的客戶提供卓越的使用體驗,還建立了一套服務面和非服務面衡量績效指標系統。此外,結果為導向的製造業會執行的品牌建立和通路經營的,支持企業戰略。此外,台灣扣件產業能夠了解自身擁有的能耐之餘,並知悉如何踏實地實行製造業服務化。 有兩個理由說明這項研究的標的,選擇台灣扣件產業。首先,扣件產業在台灣擁有完整從上下游完整供應鏈。其次,其中在台灣一些扣件製造廠商已經成功執行製造業服務化,以加強於非價格競爭的競爭力。研究結果可分為,從能耐的角度具體探討執行內容,產品導向的服務以及結果為導向的服務之間的實際經驗。此外,這項研究指出兩種類型的產品服務化系統之間的相似與相異的能耐。 然而,這項研究的限制是,它僅選擇扣件產業。未來的研究方向可能會選擇其他行業的情況下,試圖找出這些行業中,對於製造業服務化,所需要能耐的相似性及長期觀察下,能耐擁有是否改變。 / As manufacturer adopts servitization to add value by adding services on their current value chain, the first step is always the hardest one. Thus this research aims to offer Taiwanese fastener industry insights to develop servitization. Moreover, it studies and recognizes what the key capabilities are that companies should have. This research uses the dynamic capability and operational capability, which were developed by Gebauer et al (2012) as the analytic framework. This research explores how enterprises initiate in seizing opportunities, sensing opportunities and reconfiguring corporate resources from dynamic capability perspective. Within the interview, this research hopes to discover findings on how business operations support corporate strategy. The research interview focuses on corporate culture, performance measurement systems, human resources, innovation process and organizational structures of operational capability perspective. There are two reasons why this research is focused on Taiwan’s fastener industry. Firstly, the fastener industry in Taiwan has a complete supply chain from upstream to downstream with an industry cluster. Secondly, some traditional industries such as fastener industry have adopted servitization to enhance the competitiveness for non-price competition. The results of the interviews include the capabilities that servitized companies have with the capability framework. Furthermore, the findings include practical experiences between product-oriented service and result-oriented service from capability perspective. This research also identifies the differences and similarities capabilities between two types of product-service system. Dynamic capability and operational capability are used as a framework within this research. Dynamic capability can be divided into three parts, to sense and shape opportunities and threats, to seize opportunities, and to maintain competitiveness through enhancing and reconfiguring the business enterprise’s intangible and tangible assets. During this research, the findings were that that product-oriented manufacturers only integrate corporate culture in value creation and reallocation of the key resources. In addition, product-oriented manufacturers should establish procedures for evaluation on manufacturing and non-manufacturing departments. On the other hand, the result-oriented manufacturers re-allocate all resources among the organization for a superb usage experience for their customers and also establish a set of service and non-service performance indicators for measurement systems. Additionally, the result-oriented company executes brand building and operates channels to support corporate strategy. Also, the Taiwanese fastener industry can ensure their own company's capabilities and understand how to perform servitization practically. However, this research focuses on the contents of capabilities that the companies initiate for servitization. The restriction of this research is that it only chooses the fastener industry. Future research directions may choose other industries as cases and try to find out similarities of capabilities for servitization among those industries.

傳統建商邁向平台經營之個案分析 / A Case Study on the Transformations of Traditional Construction Company into Platform

黃偉倫, Huang, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
企業轉型是許多傳統企業必經的過程,往哪個方向去轉型,往往取決於企業經營者的決定,而像此篇研究所探討的A公司,所屬的產業是傳統營造與建築產業,A公司在經營的42年也因為大環境的改變,而歷經了二次轉型,經由不斷的改變商業模式,以維持企業的競爭優勢。在轉型的過程中,從原本的營造業跨足到建設業做產業價值鏈上的整合,A公司在台灣的營造與建設產業上,已站穩自己的腳步。 但面臨了整體大環境不佳的情況之下,營造與建設產業市場開始緩慢的在萎縮,此時不論是向上向下整合,對於A公司無法出現立即性的效益。而也在此時平台議題興起,許多傳統企業紛紛轉向平台經營。 當平台模式的出現,帶給了許多傳統產業價值鏈的破壞,例如:Uber 的出現,徹底的顛覆計程車產業原有的商業模式,但即便是運用平台的概念,與顧客接觸的渠道依然沒有改變,消費者還是跟以往的方式一樣搭程計程車。實體的銷售渠道在某些傳統產業中,還是佔了很重要的角色。這也讓傳統產業在轉型的過程中,比起從無到有的企業,來得更具有優勢。 此研究希望可以了解,傳統產業轉型平台時,是否已擁有特定的核心能耐,並與平台所需擁有的能力具有高度配適度、而這樣子的企業是否更適合去轉型成平台。除此之外,也進一步的研究,當傳統產業轉型時,該以何種方式進入平台,才可確保在新舊業務上有更好的協同效果。 / Enterprise transformation is a process that most traditional companies have to face. The type of transformation is usually decided by the person who operates the company. The traditional industry of Company A as discussed in this article is Building and Construction. Because of the changing environment, Company A has gone through Enterprise transformations 2 times by changing its business model to maintain competitive advantage in its 42 years running of business. During the transformation process, Company A has branched out its business from Building to Construction to integrate the value chain. Company A has a firm status in the Building and Construction industry. However, facing with an unsatisfactory overall business environment and the shrinking market of Building and Construction, Company A couldn’t make instant profit by neither forward nor backward integration. Meanwhile, the rise of the platforms forced enterprises to change the original business model of many traditional businesses. The presence of platform is undoubtedly a shock to traditional value chain. Take Uber for example, it has changed the business model of Taxi. Although Uber is based on the concept of the platform, it has not change the way to serve customers by providing transportation service. In some traditional industries, substantial sale channel still plays an important role and has more advantages than those virtual channels. This study aims to find whether the core competence of the traditional enterprise is correlated to the ability of running a platform, and whether such enterprise is better-off if transform to run through platform. Moreover, this study also seeks to find that by which way an enterprise use the platform when they set out to transform could create synergy in existing and new businesses.


劉武雄, Wu-Hsiung Liu Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 政府推動工程顧問機構成立三十餘年來,國內工程顧問業不斷累積技術資源,不斷擴充規模,至今工程顧問產業己初具規模,唯近年來國內重大建設陸續完成,環保意識提升,市場需求漸形飽和,加之又面對WTO的開放市場,工程顧問業正面臨經營困境,然而工程建設是國家社會進步的表徵,研究者親身經歷此歷程,深感工程顧問業對國家社會的重要性,因此本研究藉著資源基礎理論之構思,來探討國內工程顧問業中標竿個案公司,擁有的核心資源內涵為何?資源特性有那些?兩者共通的重要特性內容為何?透過深度訪談及定性研究,本研究所得到的初步結論如下: 一. 工程顧問業的核心資源能夠建構未來市場上的競爭優勢,其內涵重要項目依序為:業務經驗,專業技術能力,管理領導能力,人力資源,技術研發創新,團隊工作能力及組織記憶與學習等七項。 二. 工程顧問業的核心資源特性對競爭優勢產生非常強烈的影響性的重要特性內容依序為:價值性,不可替代性,內穩性,複雜性,不可分割性,不可移轉性等六項。 三. 工程顧問業的核心資源與資源特性,兩者對競爭優勢具強烈影響的共通的重要特性內容,其內容依序為:價值性,不可分割性,不可移轉性,不可替代性,擴充性,內穩性及複雜性等七項。 工程顧問業的核心資源建構累積時,對於資源特性的發展,應以符合核心資源與資源特性兩者共通的特性為發展目標,如此對於競爭優勢的取得必能有加成的效果。 關鍵詞:核心資源,資源特性,競爭優勢,工程顧問,核心能耐。


陳怡均 Unknown Date (has links)
食品業競爭激烈,眾多業者紛紛進入生技產業,在此歷程中發現擁有充沛的資源並非讓各大食品公司不敗的原因,因此希望可以藉由本研究瞭解食品業者如何適應環境,並發展出新的能力轉向生技領域。 研究目的有三:1.瞭解台灣食品業之廠商,面臨產業環境變化的思考方向,包含轉向動機及轉向策略選擇。2.以「動態能耐」觀點探討台灣「食品業轉向生技產業發展」之廠商轉型之過程。3.歸納「食品業轉向生技產業發展」之轉型歷程,並據以提出相關措施方向建議供產、官、學、研各界參考。 本文以多角化作為轉向之定義,並以Teece et al.(1997)提出之動態能耐架構分析研究個案轉向歷程。研究方式採用個案研究法以及質化研究法,深度訪談味全、黑松、卜蜂和金車四家企業的高階經理人,獲得以下五點結論: 1.食品業轉型至生技產業之動機是具有積極的思考方向,為了為提升企業價值而轉型。且食品業轉向之腳步較為穩健,會先仔細考量市場動向與缺口,再回頭評估自有能耐與方向,決定轉向之領域與方式。 2.食品業轉型至領域類似的食品生技產業,企業選擇的路線較為保守,少有其他領域的拓展。而食品業轉型至農業生技產業,所涉及的領域較廣,也比較勇於嘗試不同類型生技產業。 3.食品業轉向至生技產業之企業重新配置和轉化的動作相當頻繁,可以視情況隨時調整,適應企業及環境需求,具有靈活性及彈性,符合動態能耐之觀點。 4.食品業轉向生技產業時,因為與本業的共通性不多,大多歸類為非相關性多角化。在轉向過程中,原企業僅轉移部分共通的資源至新的企業或事業部門,如:財務性資源與管理能力,其餘資源大多為新企業從頭開始累積。 5.新企業在建構新事業的過程中,大多利用與外界的合作關係,迅速建立企業之能力,亦可快速學習與累積知識。

學校組織動態能耐評量指標建構與實證之研究 / The Dynamic Capabilities in Taiwan's Senior High Schools

黃貞裕, Eng, Cheng Joo Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是一個環境變遷快速的時代,組織必須隨時掌握外部環境與內部環境的變化,以快速回度環境與市場需求,維持其競爭優勢。因此,本研究主要目的即以動態能耐觀點為基礎,發展適用於學校組織動態能耐評量工具,進而以之做為評估學校組織動態能耐之工具,並對國內之高級中學與高級職業學校進行調查,以瞭解當前高中職之現況,並提出結論與建議。 在量表發展上,本研究以文獻分析與德懷術進行指標建構,完成後並以信度分析、探索性因素分析及二階驗證性因素分析來檢證其信度與效度。最後發展而成之量表共計七個層面,分別為行政整合、定位、科技應用、學習、創新、知識管理與策略彈性。研究結果顯示本研究所發展之「高中職動態能耐量表」具有良好之信度與效度,可做為高中職之動態能耐評量工具。在高中職之動態能耐現況部分,則採用調查研究法在進行,分層隨機抽取60所公私立高級中學及高級職業學校,共寄出996份問卷,回收有效問卷為690份。調查結果以t考驗、變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理。 本研究之主要發現有以下幾點: 一、高中職動態能耐量表具有良好之信度與效度,且可由七個層面47個細項指標加以評量; 二、高級中學與高級職業學校之動態能耐沒有顯著差異; 三、私立學校之動態能耐高於公立學校,在「位置」、「知識管理」與「策略彈性」等三個層面之差異達統計顯著水準; 四、成立歷史較悠久之學校具有較佳之動態能耐。; 五、規模太小之學校其動態能耐偏低,競爭優勢不如規模較大之學校; 六、偏遠地區之學校其動態能耐明顯低於都市與鄉鎮地區之學校; 七、男性學校教育人員之動態能耐知覺明顯高於女性學校教育人員; 八、年齡較大之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺顯著高於年齡較小者; 九、擔任行政職務之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺高於一般學校教育人員; 十、不同教育程度之學校教育人員其動態能耐之看法沒有顯著差異; 十一、資深之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺程度明顯高於資淺之學校教育人員; 十二、高中職在「科技應用」層面之表現最佳,而在「知識管理」層面之表現則有待改善。 根據以上之研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,以供未來量表應用、在教育行政機關決策、學校運作與未來研究時之參考: 一、對學校組織動態能耐量表應用之建議 1.應善用動態能耐量表做為組織進步之學校營運引導指標。 2.應進一步確認量表與模式之適當性。 二、對教育主管機關之建議 1.應隨時監控大環境之變化,擬定適當之政策並快速將訊息傳達給學校單位。 2.應致力降低偏遠地區學校與都市、鄉鎮學校之差距。 3.應適度調整公立學校與私立學校之教育資源分配,以使學生享有平等之教育資源。 三、對高級中學與高級職業學校之建議 1.應建立完善之資訊蒐集系統,以強化學校之動態能耐。 2.應增加學校成員參與行政事務之機會。 3.應加強行銷策略,以增進學校信譽資產之優勢。 4.應定時檢視學校之優勢與劣勢,以避免核心僵固的情況發生。 5.應建立學校之知識管理分享文化,以增進創新之能量。 6.應設法留住優秀與經驗豐富之學校教育人員。 四、對未來研究之建議 1.就研究對象方面,可擴大研究對象。 2.就量表施測方面,應佐以相關客觀資料與專家學者之評比進行結果分析。 3.就研究方法方面,在專家意見整合方面可改用焦點團體法或腦力激盪法;在意見調查方面可兼採質化方法。 4.就研究工具方面,可進一步進行量表之修正與驗證。 5.就研究內容方面,可研究動態能耐與其他變項之關係。 / The dynamic capabilities approach is promising in terms of future research potential and as an aid to management endeavoring to gain competitive advantage in increasingly demanding environment. Dynamic capabilities identifying new opportunities and help organizations organize effectively and efficiently in regimes of rapid environments changes. The term ‘dynamic’ refers to the capacity to renew competences so as to achieve congruence with the changing outer environment; the term ‘capabilities’ emphasizes the abilities in appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources ,and functional competences to make the requirements of a rapidly changing environment. The purpose of this study was to develop an inventory of dynamic capabilities that apply to the senior high schools and senior vocational schools in Taiwan. This research was conducted under two processes. At first, the fundamental indicators of the inventory were constructed under the groundwork of literature review and Delphi method. The inventory was examined with several statistical methods such as reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed that the self-constructed dynamic capabilities inventory was with good reliability and validity. Secondly, the inventory was sent to 996 senior high schools’ personnel in Taiwan and 690 valid questionnaires were returned and analyzed by SPSS For Windows 12.0 version at .05 significant level. Statistical method such as descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA were adapted to data analysis. Major findings include the following: 1. The dynamic capabilities inventory that constructed by researcher is with fine reliability and validity and could measure schools’ dynamic capabilities with seven dimensions. 2. There is no difference between the dynamic capabilities of senior high schools and senior vocational schools. 3. The dynamic capabilities of the private schools are significantly higher that the public schools. 4. Schools that with longer history have greater dynamic capabilities. 5. The small- scoped schools have less dynamic capabilities. 6. Schools that located in remote area have less dynamic capabilities than the schools located in the city. 7. The perception of dynamic capabilities of male school personnel is significantly higher that the female school personnel. 8. Elder personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the younger personnel. 9. Personnel serve in administration sections have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the personnel who are not served in administrative sections. 10. Educational background is not a decisive element to the perception of dynamic capabilities. 11. The senior school personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities. Based on the findings, several recommendations were made for the application of DCI-S, for the superior authorities, for the senior high/vocational schools as well as for further research.

ERP 系統應用效益研究-ERP 系統知識吸收能耐之管理 / Reap from ERP Systems -The Management of Absorptive Capacity in Post-ERP Implementation

許執賢, Hsu,Chih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
This study uses the concept of absorptive capacity to provide a framework for exploring benefit realization in the post-implementation phase of ERP systems. Success factors of ERP adoption such as: training, communication, process change, and integration extension are organized into two types of knowledge absorptive capacity: potential capacity and realization capacity. This study proposes that absorptive capacity is one of the key determinants of benefits realization from ERP implementation. Although the frequently mentioned factors training and communication are important activities for organizations to assimilate the knowledge of the system processes, these represent potential capacity that requires realization through refinement and execution of what has been absorbed. ERP adopting organizations wishing to continuously generate benefits need to both build potential absorptive capacity by investing in training and education and leverage realized capacity through extension of integration of the system processes. Through in-depth case study of four firms in Taiwan, this study verified the propositions about absorptive capacity in post- implementation of ERP systems. The results further revealed some findings: 1) More iterations of the cycle of absorptive capacity leads to greater benefits of ERP systems. 2) Knowledge retention is important for accumulating potential resources. 3) Provide some guidance of educational program planning. 4) Environment provided by companies can encourage assimilation of knowledge and full use of the ERP system. 5) Business training is necessary for IT professionals. These findings are helpful for managers to well assimilate and exploit knowledge. And furthermore, this study suggests that companies need to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit knowledge in a dynamic cyclical path to adapt to the changing business environment and sustain competitive advantage over the long term.

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