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藝文工作者的社會保障--以台灣現行制度及德國藝術家社會保險法為例之研究 / Artist Security--Taiwan and Germany阮曉眉, Juan, Hsiao-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
壹、 研究問題之提出
貳、 研究之範圍
參、 研究方法與流程
第二章 社會變遷下藝文工作者的生活處境與福利需求
壹、 藝文工作者的定義與分類
貳、 社會變遷與藝文工作者的生活處境
一、 封建瓦解與工業革命
二、 藝文工作者作為一種職業
三、 藝文工作者的福利需求
四、 社會變遷下台灣藝文活動與藝文工作者的衝擊
第三章 台灣現行社會安全體系下與藝文工作者生活保障相關之制度
壹、 概說
貳、 藝文工作者的職業災害保障
參、 藝文工作者的醫療保障
肆、 藝文工作者的老年保障
伍、 小結
第四章 德國藝文工作者保障制度
壹、 概說
貳、 藝術家社會保險制度的立法過程
一、 1976年藝術家社會保險法第一次草案
二、 1979年5月藝術家社會保險法第二次草
三、 1979年9月藝術家社會保險法第三次草案
四、 1980年藝術家社會保險法第四次草案
參、 藝術家社會保險制度實施後之修改
肆、 藝術家社會保險制度的主要內容
一、 被保險人
二、 給付內容
三、 財源
四、 組織
第五章 比較觀察與制度援用之可能性評估
第六章 結論
參考書目 / In 1995, every citizen in Taiwan is recruited into National Health Insurance, but the problem of which category of artists should be has at the same time raised. I investigate social and economic conditions of artists and find that artist security is not enough in Taiwan, even National Health Insurance taking into effect. I demonstrate that the inadequateness of artist security in Taiwan is not only because of policy failure, but also the consequence of social modernization and professionalization of artists.
To know the situation in other country, I introduce "Kunstlersozialversicherung Gestzt(artist social insurance)", which has executed from 1989 in Germany. From the Germany experience, I compare the difference and uniqueness of artist status between Taiwan and Germany. I also assess the possibility of quoting " Kunstlersozialversicherung Gestzt" in Taiwan. Finally, I argue for the attentation to the artists social and econmic security in Taiwan, that is to say, securing artist is also to promote culture in Taiwan.
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文化創意產業、國家與藝術家:華山創意文化園區的分析 / Cultural & creative industry, the state and artists:analysis for the case of Huashan creative park李宛真, Li, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文認為文化創意產業化的過程將引發行為者不同的價值取向,其原因為:一、精緻藝術與通俗文化的特性不同;二、創作前端與市場後端的需求與運作邏輯不同。而為了尋求文化與產業的永續發展,政府必須回應這種特殊的產業特性,扮演彈性的平台角色,一方面能夠觸動行為者的相互交流、理解與信任關係,使其自由溝通並跨界合作,誘發各種創新的可能;另一方面需要釐清空間的角色與功能,讓有效的補助與保護機制連結網絡關係及群聚效應。如此一來,這樣的制度環境能夠鼓勵創新,不因產值思維而壓抑創意,而創作前端與市場後端能夠充分活化與溝通,進一步完整價值鏈機能。 / The industrialized development of Huashan Creative Park was influenced by the social structure, composed of the state, the community of artists and the enterprise. These three factors played crucial roles within different phases. The Industrialization of culture and creativity resulted in tensions between discrepant values as well as policy modification within the transition, which displayed diverse positions toward spatial planning and industrial development from different factors. The tensional phenomenon not only altered the relationships of trust and contention among factors but also brought about functional change of the space-this cluster of art creation near the front end of value chain turned into a pop culture consuming park near the back end.
This paper argues that industrialization of culture and creativity will lead to dissimilar value orientations of factors because of two reasons:the first, distinct features of fine art and pop culture;the second, different needs and logic of creating front end and consuming back end of the value chain. In order to build up sustainable development of culture and industry, the government is suggested to deal with this kind of special industrial feature and take a role as a flexible platform. On the one hand, this platform should induce interaction, understanding, and trust between factors as well as generate free communication, synergies among multi-fields, and all possibilities of innovation, on the other hand, it can clarify the significances and functions of spaces as well as connect network and cluster effect to complete the function of value chain by an appropriate protective system and subsidies. As a result, this institutional environment can encourage innovation and interaction between creation and market instead of oppressing creativity due to output value requests.
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