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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務之創新經營模式 / An Innovative Business Model of Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service

蕭婉菁, Hsiao, Wan Ching Unknown Date (has links)
線上購物已成為現代人生活上不可或缺的一種購物工具,但透過網路購買服飾時,常常會有風險,例如:可能會買到尺寸不合或是不適合自己的服飾,因此為了解決這樣的問題,本研究希望提出一種創新的經營模式,透過手機應用程式讓消費者體驗「搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務」,提供消費者進行線上試穿,讓每個消費者都能在網路上輕鬆買到對的尺寸以及適合自己的服飾。 為了找出可行之商業模式,本研究透過市場需求分析及產業競爭分析,了解目前台灣線上購物市場之現況,並藉由質性以及量化研究來探討本創新提案之市場需求大小、目標客群以及現階段廠商對於本創新提案之看法與未來可能的合作意願。最後,經由前述分析,本研究提出了專屬於「搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務」的創新提案,其中包括消費者的使用方式、廠商合作模式、收費方式,以及未來可能推出之服務。 / As a shopping tool, online shopping has been an integral part of modern life but when consumers buy apparel through the Internet, there are often risks. For example, consumers may buy clothes, which are not right sizes for them, or they may buy clothes, which are not suitable for them. In order to solve this problem, this study wants to propose an innovative business model. When consumers use cell phone application called “Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service”, they can virtual try-on on the Internet. Every consumer can easily buy the right size and suitable clothes for them. In order to find a viable business model, I study the analysis of market demand and industry competitive analysis to understand the current status of Taiwan's online shopping market. Also, I use qualitative and quantitative researches to explore the market demand for innovative proposal for the target customers and know more about manufacturers’ cooperative willingness for innovative proposal in the future. Through the preceding description, this study presents an exclusively innovative proposal called “Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service”. It includes the using method for consumers, cooperation and charging methods for manufacturers, and some future services.

專業性社交媒體網站之探討 / Investigation of the professional social media

陳毅, Chen, Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在社交媒體(social media)網站如雨後春筍般出現的時代,作者以觀察「大型社交媒體的高滲透率,以及媒體由服務、迎合大多數人的喜好的型態,演進為提供更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態的現象」出發,選定籃球為本研究之專業領域,藉由開發專注於籃球領域的社交媒體網站---Basketball Addiction來了解使用者是否能如作者觀察媒體的演進般,社交媒體網站也會有更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態出現,而使用者在使用這樣的網站時能得到滿足,持續使用,甚至推薦給朋友。 在經過本研究問卷調查後,利用統計分析軟體PLS(Partial Least Squares)進行模型的分析,Bootstrapping進行假說的顯著性檢定。結果顯示,專注於特定領域的社交媒體網站在未來是有存在的可能的,Fulfillment構面的調查結果也顯示Basketball Addiction的確能滿足使用者「社交」及「專業」的期待。 / In the era of social media sites have sprung up, the author observed, "large-scale high penetration of social media and the phenomenon of the media have made services to cater to most people's favorite patterns evolved to provide more services closer to the various professional fields patterns. Select basketball as this research professional fields. Through the development of social media sites which focus on basketball professional fields --- Basketball Addiction to understand whether the social media sites can follow the evolution of media, such as like, there will be more social media sites provide professional services. In addition, author also wonder that whether users in the use of such sites can be satisfied, continuous use, and even recommend it to friends. After the survey, author uses PLS (Partial Least Squares) to analyze and verify the model’s reliability and validity, Bootstrapping to make significant analysis. The results show, social media sites which focus on specific fields can exist is possible. Also, the results of the latent variable --- Fulfillment show that Basketball Addiction indeed allows users to have to meet the expectations, "social" and "professional" in.

美麗人生:網路相簿社群的互動行為研究 / Beautiful life: Study on the interaction among Web-Photo-Album-Community.

龐惠潔, Pang,Hui-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
網路相簿社群是本地新興的網路現象,本研究透過參與觀察與深度訪談,針對TaipeiLink和無名小站網路相簿社群進行觀察,旨在探究相簿社群內成員的使用行為、群內互動,以及「容貌」對社群權位分配的影響與效應。 研究發現,使用者最常於網路相簿中從事「觀看」與「發表」兩種行動。使用者透過發表影像╱文字訊息,在網路相簿中建構個人所欲呈現的形象,再經觀看彼此認識,並作為互動基礎。其中,男性關注相簿主的容貌與身材,渴望獲取感官性的愉悅滿足,女性則對圖片細節,諸如打扮、情境、身邊人物多所注意,還會透過觀看連結自身經驗,從中獲取想像式參與的愉悅。 其次,網路相簿社群因人數眾多、連結不均,內部呈現鬆散的互動關係。使用者因此會另覓管道發展出小型群體關係,形成社群內尚有次社群存在,以及次社群內部關係緊密、外部關係疏離的情景。 再者,相簿社群內尚存有權位差異;相簿主的容貌、技能、生活風格與互動意願,都是影響使用者在社群內所能據居位置差異的關鍵。值得注意的是,這些特徵與使用者在實體世界持具的資本相關,因而呈現出「實體資本-->虛擬資本-->虛擬社群內的權位差異」間的轉換關係。權位差異終將助長群內(1)依附之風、(2)反權力行為,與(3)寒蟬效應的出現,最終會導致社群生態發生變化,成員參與行動出現轉變。 網路相簿的興起帶動新的互動方式興起,突顯了「容貌」和實體資本都將成為網路權力的來源。而這種憑藉影像相互認識的行為,雖賦使相簿主更多操控可能,但也使得觀看者可自由詮釋影像,甚至產生與相簿主悖逆的詮釋內容,進而演變為觀看者和相簿主對影像意義的爭奪,為網路相簿社群埋下不定的風險。


徐國峰, Hsu, Kuo-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
1999年,味全龍在三連霸後意外解散,徒留龍迷無限思念,時至今日,許多龍迷仍在各BBS站的龍隊討論板,尋找、分享過去曾有的記憶。只是隨著時空的變遷,與龍隊相關的消息大幅減少,儘管仍有前龍將在球場上征戰,但他們的今日表現也不再與龍隊直接相關。假使網路中的虛擬社群能夠成為龍迷記憶過往的處所,對龍迷而言,社群記憶的形塑過程為何?社群成員之間又存在著什麼樣的關係? 不同於過去虛擬社群之研究取徑集中於效果論、控制論的範疇,本論文試著從James Carey的傳播儀式觀點出發,從人類的固有行為,特別是儀式活動中,重新檢視社群記憶的產生與成員關係。研究對象為批踢踢實業坊(ptt)的Dragons板,研究分析之理論基礎包括了Maurice Halbwachs的集體記憶理論、Victor Turner的社會劇理論,以及Turner儀式研究的中介性與交融概念,研究方法為文本分析與深度訪談。 研究發現,奧運期間,針對徐生明爭議所引發的各個討論串內容,不僅彼此扣連,也互相影響著,使得討論串的主題發展,宛如社會劇中的情節更迭。在社會劇的修正行動中,龍迷則在討論串的字裡行間透露出對過去記憶的重組與召喚,目的時常是為了合理現狀、弭平對立與衝突。同時,由於社群管理者的管理態度與對自我職權的認識,讓參與者在取得社群身份,以及為文互動的過程裡,展現出類中介性的特徵,Dragons板也成為龍迷面對社會之不規律性與緊張時,自願而非義務結合的交融狀態。 從研究發現進一步延伸,「龍魂不滅」作為Dragons板的社群記憶,並非指成員之間的共同記憶,也絕非永恆不變。事實上,「龍魂不滅」應視為社群記憶形塑過程中的象徵性資源,此象徵不僅是儀式過程中成員行動的力量來源,象徵意義也可能在記憶重組與召喚的動態過程中,被賦予新的意義。另一方面,Dragons板所具有的類中介性,是龍迷遭逢危機與不安時的自發性結合;Dragons板所以能成為記憶社群,從儀式觀點,社群的參與宛如朝聖,社群的意義以及成員之間的關係,則是在選擇之後產生,也就是交融。


石旭本 Unknown Date (has links)
現存的作業環境維護技術,多著重於單一作業環境的維護。當作業環境數量增加時,維護多台電腦的作業環境變得困難而且耗時。而缺少維護作業環境日誌以及容量管理的能力,使得現存的作業環境維護技術的能力受到限制,無法對作業環境進行更進一步的維護與管理。 本研究主要目的,在於設計一套新的解決方案–COEMS(Client Operating Environment Management System),來解決現今多個作業環境的維護所存在的問題。COEMS結合現有的作業環境維護技術、網路儲存技術、裝置虛擬化技術的優點,將多個用戶端的作業環境集中於伺服器來進行管理與維護,克服傳統技術在維護多個作業環境上的困難,使得在網路環境中,維護多台電腦的作業環境的工作變得可行;並且利用Volume Management技術以及Copy-On-Write技術,來維護多台電腦的作業環境的日誌與資料分享,使得作業環境的維護比傳統技術更簡單更有效率。 / Many traditional techniques for operating environment maintenance concentrate on maintaining single computer separately. When there are many computers for maintaining, such way of maintenance becomes complex and costs lots of time. Because of the inability to log operating environment changes and manage volumes, these techniques are too limited to further maintain and manage operating environment. We propose a newly designed solution – Client Operating Environment Management System (COEMS) to solve the current problem of maintaining multiple operating environments. By combining the advantages of operating environment maintenance, network storage and virtualization techniques, COEMS manages multiple clients’ operating environments centrally in a server, solves the traditional maintenance problems and makes maintaining multiple computers via network feasible. Meanwhile COEMS uses Volume Management and Copy-On-Write techniques to maintain the log and share data from multiple computer operating environments, and makes the maintenance also easier and more efficient than traditional techniques.


陳禧遲, Chen,Michael Unknown Date (has links)
一個商業展覽通常需要投入大量資源,但只能在一定的地點、一定的期間內展現,如何有效地將展覽中最重要的資源 - 顧客關係,於展覽後繼續維持與發展? 這將是展覽服務業延伸展覽價值最重要的工作。 本研究從展覽的現場活動與參觀者互動開始,從互動中收集參觀者基本資料及各別需求,運用資料採礦技術來分析參觀者資料,並將結果做為進行顧客關係行銷與形成虛擬社群的依據。不同虛擬社群形成後,本研究使用異場域碰撞的典範轉移模式,試圖從腦神經模型中推演出人與人、社群與社群之間的互動關係,建構完成一展覽服務業的顧客關係管理參考架構。 關鍵詞: 顧客關係管理、資料採礦、虛擬社群、關係行銷、 異場域碰撞

探討Facebook、網路論壇、官方討論區不同社群成員在虛擬品牌社群互動關係之比較 / The relationship between users and website: An comparison of official website, internet forum, and facebook

王崇軒 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的應用,逐漸開始改變人們生活的範圍以及習慣,透過網路滿足各項需求,在網路上可以看到相當多主題和性質不盡相同的線上虛擬社群,例如:提供人們交誼聯繫的社群、或是讓人們對共同的興趣討論和分享資訊的平台。其中,企業利用此平台讓品牌與社群使用者溝通並提供社群使用者在社群內瀏覽資訊和分享交流以及人際互動。目前在網路上常見的虛擬品牌社群主要可分為三類,「品牌官方網站討論區」、「第三方討論區」以及「臉書品牌粉絲專頁」,擁有一個良好的資訊交流、成員之間互動以及品牌形象的溝通對於三種社群而言都是相當重要,且是社群成員參與的主要動機。 為了探究不同類型的虛擬品牌社群會不會因為本來組成性質的差異,造成社群成員在參與這些不同社群與品牌互動時,發展成不同的社群模式,進而企業影響品牌行銷策略。本研究選擇在台灣使用過不同虛擬品牌社群的使用者作為研究對象,進行量化分析。「品牌官方網站討論區」是由官方所主導,品牌的力量最強,「第三方討論區」是讓對有共同興趣的成員交流討論的社群,而「臉書品牌粉絲專頁」因為其成員來自臉書其參與社群的目的是和朋友維持社交友誼。研究結果發現不同的虛擬品牌社群的功能特性對於成員在社群內交流互動的參與行為有不同的影響,因此企業在研擬網路社群行銷策略時,必須針對各自特性做出最合適的決策。

疼痛記憶:虛擬影像之身體知覺探究 / Memory for Pain: Physical Consciousness of Virtual Images

陳品心, Chen, Pin Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
以身體知覺作為出發點,將疼痛經驗帶入虛擬影像中,藉此探討身體知覺的運作及兩者間的關聯性,蒐集相關文獻資料與實際作品的分析,深入瞭解如何在虛擬世界透過身體知覺建立自我存在,最後,以創作行動去探討虛擬影像與身體知覺,並以展覽的方式,藉由作品與人之間的互動,提供進一步的思考。 透過文獻資料的彙整瞭解關於身體知覺的形成、記憶經驗、身體知覺與「我的身體」、影像的演進、虛擬影像等加以蒐集與彙整,從中得知,進以瞭解虛擬影像中身體知覺的鍵結。接下來,透過相關案例的分析,與理論相互驗證,讓自己在創作的脈絡和歷程有更清楚的思維。最後,整理出自己對身體知覺及虛擬影像的觀點,進而執行下一階段的創作行動。 本研究以創作方式探討「身體知覺-虛擬影像」,透過擴增實境藝術的創作行動,期許觀者在體驗作品時,能透過虛擬影像,喚起個人的身體知覺的運作,進而引導觀者對虛擬與現實間的「自我存有」有更大的想像與討論。 / The motivation of this study is, by combining the pain experience with the virtual images, to explore the association among operations of physical consciousness, pain experiences and synthesized virtual images. The ways to use physical consciousness when building self-existence in virtual images are investigated by collecting relevant literature and performing analysis of empirical works. Finally, the overall concepts are implemented and realized in the form of an exhibition which facilitates the reflections of visitors after interacting with these virtual images provided in the exhibition. The overall research activity begins by compiling the pieces of literature. Specifically, to understand, collect, and aggregate the concepts of physical consciousness and its relationship with "My Body," memorable experience, image evolution, and virtual images. Next, via the analysis of the related cases and the mutual verification of the theories, the contexts and thinking of the process of artifact creation are clarified. Lastly, this research systematizes a unique and novel view of physical consciousness and virtual Images, which is helpful for the design activity in the next stage. Consequently, the main focus of this study is to explore the concepts of physical consciousness of virtual images in a novel way. By amplification of augmented reality art, it is anticipated that the audiences evoke physical consciousness operations of themselves in the exhibition and that the research results enable bigger imagination and discussion with virtual and reality “Self-existence.”

公部門虛擬代言的成效分析-以高捷少女為例 / The Analyses of Avatar Endorsement in the Public Sector – The Example of KRTC Girls

萬騏瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
近年政府推廣政策的過程中不斷借重創新思維,嘗試抓住民眾的注意力,政府必須將人民視為顧客,盡力提供服務使民眾滿意,換言之,企業型政府治理模式必然包含「治理」甚至是「政策推廣」相關概念,在公部門推廣政策的同時,我們時常看到政府向企業學習行銷手法推廣公共政策。本研究嘗試向企業行銷學習,藉由文獻回顧以及檢視公共政策行銷實例,從「移情作用、自我指涉、自我認同」三個面向,探討虛擬代言(avatar endorsement)如何應用在公共服務推廣,及促使民眾了解政府政策並使用公共服務的意願為何。 本研究以高雄都會大眾捷運系統目前執行的虛擬代言為討論主題,研究方法採用準實驗設計,由於過去研究指出高雄捷運旅運目的多半為觀光旅遊,因此受試者招募以年輕族群為調查對象,以了解當前虛擬代言能否提高年輕族群的喜好程度、使用捷運系統意願、購買相關商品意願、以及對捷運品牌的吸引程度,招募受試者後,採用配對分派方法進行實驗,以利進行實驗組與控制組態度變化比較。研究發現不同學歷的受試者對於虛擬代言的想法有顯著差異,而虛擬代言能有效提升外縣市的受試者對於該公共服務的吸引程度,只是對於既有的客群掌握則有待加強。 / In recent years, governments start to emphasize the importance of policy promotion and policy marketing. Under the belief of treating people as customers, the ultimate goal is to draw people’s attention and to increase their satisfaction on public services. Normally, the entrepreneurial-oriented governments would spend more time and efforts on “good governance” and “policy promotion”. As a result, when the governments want to promote certain policies, they often try to learn from the private sector on their marketing strategies. This study aims at applying the policy marketing strategies to promote public policies, particularly the effects of avatar endorsement strategy. Using the case of Kaohsiung metro system, this study focuses on three different aspects, the transference, self-reference, and self-identity, to explore how avatar endorsement worked with regard to public policy promotion, as well as to understand how it performed on increasing people’s willingness to receive more public services. This research adopts a quasi-experimental design to understand how the current avatar endorsement strategy affect younger generations on four different attitudes and behaviors, such as brand attitude, purchase intention, brand association, and attraction to the Kaohsiung metro. Results show that people with different educational levels have significantly different attitudes toward avatar endorsement strategy. In addition, the avatar endorsement strategy may effectively enhance the attractiveness of public transportation service toward the younger generation. Policy and managerial implications for the governments are discussed in the thesis.

遊戲直播平台獲利模式之個案分析-以Twitch直播平台為例 / The study on profit model of the game live streaming platform- a case study of twitch

戴欣晟, Tai, Hsin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的發展加上行動裝置的普及,導致人們觀看影音媒體的方式逐漸數位化,資策會2015年報告指出,72%台灣民眾每週至少觀看一次線上影音平台。4G時代的來臨,使得網路直播成為一種新應用,世界各地也逐漸興起一股網路直播平台的風潮,多數的直播平台雖然擁有很高的用戶流量,卻沒辦法成功的把這些用戶流量轉化為金流,高額的頻寬成本造成直播平台連年虧損。然而,Twitch卻能脫穎而出,以專攻遊戲直播市場,2015年營收高達13.6億美元,更被亞馬遜以9.7億美元將其收購。究竟直播平台應該如何獲利?如何驅動營收的成長?為本研究欲探討之問題。 本研究挑選專攻遊戲直播市場的Twitch 為個案,運用多邊市場結構的概念分析Twitch的獲利模式;運用社群遞增動態循環四構面-內容、忠誠、輪廓和交易活動,分析Twitch如何驅動營收成長。 本研究發現,Twitch多元的獲利模式依賴其平台所連接之多邊市場,並且對不同的市場採取不同的獲利模式。Twitch多元的獲利模式歸納為:訂閱、廣告和交易模式。另外,直播平台想要驅動營收的成長,則需專注於核心領域、提升平台內容質量和平台成員之忠誠度,才能夠有效驅動平台多元的營收成長。 / The way of people watching media are changing to digitalization. According to Taiwan Institution for Information Industry’s report in 2015, 72 percent of population in Taiwan watch media through online video platform at least one time in a week. Also, the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology (4G) makes the application of online streaming popular, which leads more and more online streaming platforms came out all over the world. In fact, many online streaming platforms are losing money year after year, due to the huge cost of the Internet Bandwidth and without a successful profit model to transform the high volume of users into revenue. However, Twitch, which focus on game live streaming market, are very successful nowadays. Twitch claims 43% of market share in the gaming content industry and earned $3.8 billion in 2015. Also, Twitch was bought by Amazon for $970 million in 2014. Therefore, this research chooses Twitch as a research target, and focus on analysis of Twitch’s profit model and how Twitch increases its revenue through theoretical method This research finds that Twitch’s successful profit model is due to its multi-markets. Twitch uses different profit strategies on different markets. Twitch’s multiple profit models can be categorized into Subscription, Advertising, and Transaction Models. In addition, Twitch increases its revenue by focusing on core market, increasing the quality of platform contents and the loyalty of platform users.

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