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誤認の適応性に関するエージェントベースモデル赤石, 仁, AKAISHI, Jin, 有田, 隆也, ARITA, Takaya January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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冷戰後強制外交在國際衝突的運用崔進揆 Unknown Date (has links)
強制外交(coercive diplomacy)的概念在一九七0年代由學者Alexander L. George首度提出,主張強制外交應屬於防守型的危機管理(defensive crisis management),亦有別於一般所謂的嚇阻(deterrence)與壓制(compellence)等策略。施行強制外交時,相關決策者透過威脅使用武力,或使用有限度的武力,以勸說對手停止或放棄現正從事的行動,並防止危機情勢的升高,及避免戰爭的發生。冷戰期間,美、蘇兩國的領導人對於該一策略的運用極為廣泛與普遍,甘迺迪政府對於古巴飛彈危機的處理便是著名的案例。冷戰結束,國際關係進入所謂的後冷戰時期,面對區域衝突、人道危機和恐怖主義威脅等問題,強制外交更常被相關決策者和國際組織所施行、採用,亦多次在國際間重大的衝突與危機處理過程中扮演著關鍵的角色,並展現其重要性和多元化的一面。因此,鑑於強制外交對於後冷戰時期之國際危機處理和衝突解決的重要性和必要性,本研究旨在透過強制外交相關理論的介紹與整理,以及後冷戰時期強制外交相關個案的研究分析,總結歷史的經驗與教訓,深入探討其施行現況與成效,並提出具體之研究發現與政策建議。期盼所得之研究成果能使吾人對於該策略有更深一層的認識與了解。
關鍵詞:強制外交、壓制、危機管理、後冷戰時期、區域衝突、人道干涉、反恐行動 / In the 1970s, Alexander L. George first introduced and defined the concept of coercive diplomacy. According to George, he claims that coercive diplomacy is a strategy of defensive crisis management. Besides, coercive diplomacy is also different from the strategy of deterrence or compellence. When policymakers and political elites decide to manipulate coercive diplomacy, they should employ threats and / or limited force to persuade opponents to call off or undo adverse actions, which are thought aggressive. Furthermore, the purpose of using coercive diplomacy is to prevent crisis situation from escalating or causing wars.
During the Cold War era, leaders of United States and Soviet Union used this strategy intensively. The Cuban missile crisis in 1962 can also be thought as a famous case of successful coercive diplomacy. When international relations enters into the post-Cold War era, coercive diplomacy still plays as important role in crisis management and conflict resolution. Policymakers of countries and international organizations, like the United Nations and the NATO, prefer to use coercive diplomacy to deal with regional conflicts, humanitarian intervention, and counterterrorism. Coercive diplomacy also demonstrates its necessity and significance of solving these problems.
In order to give us a comprehensive understanding of coercive diplomacy, this thesis focuses on theories of coercive diplomacy and case studies, especially the experiences after the Cold War. Then, in final chapter of this thesis, the author generalizes lessons and experiences come from the cases analyzed and studied. In addition, the author also tries to make conclusions about the efficacy of coercive diplomacy and thus tries to offer some guidelines for policymakers.
Keywords: coercive diplomacy, compellence, crisis management, post-Cold War era, regional conflicts, humanitarian intervention, counterterrorism
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憲兵與國家安全之研究張豪傑, Chang, Hao-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著蘇聯政權的解體,國際體系進入了「後冷戰時期」,此時,國際政治環境及全球(區域)安全局勢產生巨大的變化,衝突的本質和威脅的形勢不斷地更迭,更在二○○一年九月十一日美國紐約世貿中心雙子星大樓與五角大廈等地遭受恐怖份子攻擊之後,「國家安全」剎時再度成為全世界最主要且必須立即面對的課題,世界各國紛紛採取緊急因應措施與政策,積極調整戰略部署及加速國防、經濟等各項改革,以確保國家安全。 / 以往影響國家安全的來源,主要是敵國或他國的威脅,亦即國家安全是以軍事安全為核心。當國際進入「全球化」之後,軍事對抗已不再是國際關係中唯一的具體意涵,國家安全威脅的來源並非皆來自於外部,亦有國家內部產生之因素,於是各國安全的焦點開始轉向諸如經濟貿易、恐怖主義、天然災害、種族衝突、槍械與毒品走私、傳染性疾病、能源、環保問題,及晚近出現的電腦駭客入侵網路、資訊安全等「綜合性安全」方面,並逐漸成為國家安全的主體,而這些非軍事性的威脅因素,對一個國家的安全而言,甚至比敵國的軍事威脅來的更大。由此可知,針對國家安全內容或其優先順序,將會因為時代潮流變革與社會環境變遷而有所擴大與調整,更依各國國家安全政策的重要性律定優先順序,來保障國家整體安全。 / 在相對和平、穩定的國際安全環境下,多數先進國家開始裁減其軍隊規模,並在檢討裁軍的同時,反而增加軍隊在非軍事性任務的功能,以能適當因應未來戰爭與威脅的挑戰。新世紀的國家安全觀念不再狹隘的僅指向軍事領域安全方面,而是增加打擊跨國重大犯罪、毒品走私及支援國家緊急災難、防制恐怖活動、疫病傳播等各個層面,也就是說軍隊的主要功能是戰鬥,但軍隊存在的意義,更是將國家資源花費在建立與維護軍隊保衛國家整體安全的正當理由之上。因此,就軍隊而言,非屬戰爭性威脅的興起,意謂著軍隊在國家整體的安全架構下,必須確實執行且謹慎扮演支援性與輔助性的角色,協助國家遂行維護社會安全的任務。 / 長期以來,台灣的國家安全(國防軍事安全)主體係建立在對抗中共軍事威脅的基礎上,國家安全可以說與軍事安全的概念是一致的。惟隨著國際情勢與兩岸關係的變化,如今除了中共未曾稍減的軍事威脅外,經貿的磁吸作用與來自大陸、東南亞的毒品、槍械走私、人員偷渡入境及內部政治意識分歧等所造成的社會問題,甚或天然災害及潛在的恐怖攻擊等因素,無一不對台灣社會與國家安全帶來強烈的挑戰,這些對台灣安全深具威脅的因素,將嚴重影響台灣的生存發展。 / 憲兵為國軍部隊的一支,亦是國家安全體系中之一環,依據任務職掌及法令規章,執行衛戍作戰、特種勤務、軍司法警察勤務及戰地憲兵勤務,並協力治安維護,與依令支援災害救援與反恐應處等任務。回顧我國近代史與憲兵制度的發展可知,政府為求國家安全及社會安定,賦予憲兵法定身分與職權,執行各項維護國家安全的任務,並為了因應當前國家安全的需要,而交付其執行非軍事作戰之任務,所以憲兵的任務乃是跟隨著國家時勢環境的變化而改變的。多年來在維護社會秩序、查緝毒品槍械、走私偷渡與檢肅流氓等協力治安部分,及因應國家緊急危難,支援水災、震災、空難事件等災害救援工作與擔任反恐任務等,其成果可謂斐然,對保衛國家利益、保障軍事安全、提升國軍形象、確保軍人權益、擔負衛戍任務、支援軍事作戰、維護社會治安、以及促進軍民和諧等方面助益良多。由此可知,我國憲兵除於戰時可遂行作戰任務外,在平時則具有維護軍紀與社會秩序,及保障國家內部穩定等警察、警備性之功效,其角色定位不單純僅侷限在軍事上的戰力,更是承平時期國家內安機制的重要一環。因此,憲兵可說是維護民主法治、保障社會安定、鞏固國家安全的一支堅實力量。 / 我國憲兵為因應全球化時代軍事與非軍事行動之任務,基於國防政策之指導,必須建立一支彈性快速、高作戰效能以及能夠滿足多元任務的的現代化部隊,為達成「衛戍任務、特種勤務、維護軍紀、支援三軍作戰」,以及「適時支援國家緊急災難與防制反恐活動」之建軍目標,針對「台北衛戍區、各作戰區」憲兵所負之任務,考量敵情威脅與建軍資源等因素調整組織架構,並藉訂頒法令規章、編組專責部隊、建購科技裝備等各面向之精進,在「減少兵力、戰力提昇」的前提下,建構具「反空降、反劫持、反破壞」及「反恐制變、城鎮作戰」與「情報偵蒐、刑技鑑識」之多功能憲兵部隊,期能在確保國家安全的目標下,於平時擔負起打擊重大犯罪、支援國家緊急危難與防制恐怖活動的力量,更是戰時立即投入軍事作戰的勁旅,以開創新時代憲兵發展的契機,達成「建軍備戰」與「維護國家安全」之雙重使命。
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高度交通情報提供による交通行動変化の定量的分析と交通計画へのインプリケーション森川, 高行, 河上, 省吾, 倉内, 慎也 01 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:11450193 研究代表者:森川 高行 研究期間:1999-2001年度
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理解行動電話:流動的媒介與日常生活 / Understanding mobile phones: mobile media and everyday life曹家榮, Tsao, Chia Rong Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖探究行動電話於當代普及所帶來的影響。一直以來,網際網路及隨之而生的「模控空間」都被看作是我們這個時代最重要的媒介與文化發展。然而,晚近十年間的電子媒介技術發展卻顯示出,行動電話已然成為網際網路之外同樣影響人們日常生活甚鉅的一種媒介。甚至,如同Howard Rheingold所指出的,它已逐漸地改變了我們當下與未來的生活形式。循此,簡言之,本文的目的即在於,試圖理解行動電話所帶來的是什麼樣的生活世界,以及這又是如何可能的?在回答此一問題時,本文所採取的基本理論觀點與分析架構乃是一種試圖超越過去技術決定論的新取徑。亦即,立基於「人─技術─世界」相互關連的關係性基礎上,本文主張,人們日常使用與操作技術的實作實際上總是展開於技術物所形塑的結構脈絡之中,同時,此一結構脈絡本身卻也是由人們的實作過程「有方法地」反身維繫與再建構的。換言之,本文將說明,實際上行動電話普及所帶來的影響不僅僅導因於技術特性的結構作用,同時也是人們日常實作持續建構與維繫的結果。
總之,藉由這些觀察與分析,本文試圖指出行動電話造就的「結構」實際上也是實作建構的產物。然而,雖然本文主張人們實際上參與了框限著自身的「結構」的建構,但這並不意味著人們就必然只能如此生存著。相反地,從「人─技術─世界」的相互關連來看,既然我們的日常生活並非單純由「技術」所決定的、既然我們的生存樣態同樣也取決於自身的「實作」,本文在最後試圖說明的便是,我們也就總是有著「不必然如此」的可能性。藉由三個案例的呈現,本文說明了「多元」的行動電話使用與操作實作如何可能。些實作並不是意圖正面對抗、顛覆既那些與行動電話實作相關的既有「常識」與「預設」,但在其迴避、繞道、偏離與走出的各種形式中,我們卻能清楚地看到實際行動電話的使用與操作中,如何不斷地逾越了既有的軌跡與秩序。換言之,回過頭來,本文試圖說明的是,「理解」行動電話同時也意味著我們必須要在各種「捨」與「得」的權衡之中做出選擇。在每一刻的行動電話操作實作之中,我們不僅選擇了如何完成當下的秩序,同時也選擇了走向什麼樣的「行動未來」。這不僅是「如何生活」──亦即,如何使用行動電話的選擇──的問題,同時也是關於「如何存在」──亦即,在更根本的層次上成為什麼樣的存有──的反思。 / This thesis attempts to discuss the impacts brought by the prevalence of mobile phones. Although the Internet and the cyberspace have been thought as the most important media and cultural development of our age, the progress of the electronic media in recent decade has showed that mobile phones have also brought important structural changes in our life. Accordingly, what we want to understand is how mobile phones have changed our life world. In response to this question, the thesis adopts a new approach which goes beyond the traditional technological determinism. That is, based on the interrelationship of the “human-technics-world”, it proposes that the everyday technological practices always unfold in the context structured by our technics, and the structured context itself is also, at the same time, constructed reflexively by user’s technological practices.
First, the thesis indicates the structural changes brought by mobile phones as follows: (1) the “hybrid reality” emerging from the extending and mediation of mobile phones; (2) the “immediatization of time” and the “individualization of social space” resulted from the widespread use of mobile phones. Second, based on ethnomethodology, we explore how the user accomplishes the everyday “using” of the mobile phone skillfully and reflexively. The investigation shows that, for example, (1) the user, while using the mobile phone, depends upon the methods of “embodiment” and “translation”, and takes them for granted; (2) the accomplishments of the using practices actually are the products of the “cooperation” between the user and the members at the scene because the user is still “in” the present situation; (3) the using practices also show that the “individualized and immediatized connection” which emerges as the figure of our interpersonal relationship is not only due to the technical characteristics of mobile phones, but also the product of user’s skillful using practices. Third, although the thesis advocates that the everyday using practices reflexively construct the structural changes which in turn shape the practices themselves, it also attempts to point out that we still have the possibility of transgressing the given structural constraints. We explicate, by three cases, how different and multiple ways of mobile phone using are possible. These “variant practices” do not represent the opposition and the subversion of the given structure shaped by mobile phones, but indicate that we still could choose different ways of using, and different kinds of life.
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Estimation and Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Management System by Using Economic-Environmental Models in Taiwan / 台湾における経済環境モデルを用いた都市ごみ管理システムの推計と評価に関する研究 / タイワン ニ オケル ケイザイ カンキョウ モデル オ モチイタ トシ ゴミ カンリ システム ノ スイケイ ト ヒョウカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウWeng, Yu-Chi 23 March 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14561号 / 工博第3029号 / 新制||工||1451(附属図書館) / 26913 / UT51-2009-D273 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 松岡 譲, 教授 酒井 伸一, 准教授 倉田 学児 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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人智學啟迪下之華語文課程圖像 --宜蘭慈心華德福學校實踐經驗之敘說反思 / Picture of chinese language curriculum inspired by anthroposophy : a narrative inquiry with reflection on practice of I-Lan Ci-Xin Waldorf School謝易霖, Shieh, Yi-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果有助於理解人智學如何形塑華德福課程與教學踐行。研究顯示,統整課程之理解為教學統整重要基礎,教育實踐的究竟思考引領教師成長並為課程理解基礎。社群互動與共好的文化氛圍為課程發展基礎。華德福華語文課程在地轉化應持續關注教育本質、自我認同與對華語文之理解的內在辯證。 / Waldorf education in Taiwan is one of the influence and result of the 410 Education Reform (四一0教改). Ci-Xin Waldorf School in Yilan is the first to develop into a K-12 complete school system, which is a significant achievement. This study is an ethnography-like action research combining also autobiographical and reflective approach. The purpose of this study is to narrate the process and practice of curriculum delivery and transformation in Ci-Xin, to demonstrate the reality of language lessons and teaching in Waldorf School, to construct a systematic structure of language curriculum, and finally to study the ideal picture of being a teacher and of a school.
The methods that are applied in this study include participative observation, interview, documentation analysis, and reflection on personal experiences. With data from working groups in Ci-Xin School, my own reflective writings, and the opinions contributed by my colleagues, there are three points of views formed, which are "public knowledge", "my viewpoints" and "others' viewpoints". As the researcher is also a practitioner, two themes are formed through "narration". Firstly, based on action research, the study consists of the researcher’s narrative reflection of his own teaching and of the understanding and internalization of Waldorf curriculum. Secondly, as the thesis is essentially a case study of CiXin Waldorf School where the researcher works at, it concentrates on the Chinese language curriculum development and practice under Anthroposophy ideas and the emerging picture of curriculum system.
The conclusions are as following. Under Waldorf pedagogical ideas, language teaching and learning in primary school focus on oral stories, movements, rhythmic activities, and artistic exercises. In middle school, the emphasis is on the functionality, actuality, and rules of language. The relationship between biographies, historical stories and adolescence development is another importance. In high school, Chinese language courses together with other subjects and knowledges are integrated and synthesized into wide-ranged cultural learning and self-exploration experience. In terms of main lesson in Chinese language area, "Dream" is the main them for grades 1 to 5 to allow the children to immerse themselves in abundant fairy tales and myths. "Reality" is the focus for grades 6 to 8. Pupils at this stage learn a lot of grammar which represents the forms of the reality, and history which is the content of the reality. For grades 9 to 12, “Poetry and Thought” is the major learning in which the young people have a glance at the history of poems and of poetry and philosophy. As to learners’ experience, through the interaction between the subject and the world, they may grasp the metaphor of "journey", that is, to seek their own egos in the world and to explore the world through stepping out of themselves. The 12-year curriculum is the ''eternal paradise'' for learners. Each main lesson is ''a window to the world''. The inner world (microcosms) of each individuals and the universe of consciousness evolution are interweaving, which can be understood as "the unity of man and nature". The whole curriculum from primary to high school forms a picture of U-shape which reflects the "holy grail" experience of the learners. The concept of language teaching in Waldorf education as deduced from the research is that "Humans" are different from other species; "Each individual is a separate category" and therefore will develop his or her own unique language. A teacher originally is the "hero" in his or her own journey of learning and then transforms him/herself into "Christ" or "Buddha" who gives out him/herself in the class. A language teacher explores the outer and inner worlds and becomes a "bard" through sharing his or her creation on the way. The story of “Monkey King” can be a metaphor to demonstrate the evolution of language curriculum in Ci-Xin Waldorf school. This school is developed from an aesthetic community towards a community of truth seeking.
The result of this research helps to clarify how Anthroposophy shapes the curriculum and teaching practice in Waldorf education. It shows that the overall understanding of Waldorf curriculum forms the grounded foundation of teaching integration. And the philosophical thinking towards the nature of education guides the teachers’ self-development and understanding of the curriculum. Healthy community interaction and cultural atmosphere towards ''common good'' are the pillars of curriculum development. To support the contextualization of Chinese language courses in Waldorf education, we shall relentlessly pay attention to the intrinsic dialectic in the thinking about the nature of education, the formation of self-identity, and the understanding of chinese language.
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Olfactory cortex ventral tenia tecta neurons encode the distinct context-dependent behavioral states of goal-directed behaviors / 嗅皮質の腹側テニアテクタ神経細胞は、目標指向的行動において異なる文脈に依存した行動状態をコードする / キュウヒシツ ノ フクソク テニア テクタ シンケイ サイボウ ワ モクヒョウ シコウテキ コウドウ ニオイテ コトナル ブンミャク ニ イゾン シタ コウドウ ジョウタイ オ コード スル / 嗅皮質の腹側テニアテクタ神経細胞は目標指向的行動において異なる文脈に依存した行動状態をコードする塩谷 和基, Kazuki Shiotani 22 March 2021 (has links)
博士(理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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更年期症状を抱える女性に対するアクセプタンス&コミットメント・セラピーによる介入効果の検討 / コウネンキ ショウジョウ オ カカエル ジョセイ ニタイスル アクセプタンス & コミットメント セラピー ニヨル カイニュウ コウカ ノ ケントウ / 更年期症状を抱える女性に対するアクセプタンス&コミットメントセラピーによる介入効果の検討橋口 知輝, Kazuki Hashiguchi 22 March 2022 (has links)
本研究では,アクセプタンス&コミットメント・セラピーによる健康関連の生活の質の向上と更年期症状の重症度への効果を検討した。質問紙調査ならびに前後比較試験と一事例の実験デザインの3つの研究により検討した。その結果,ACTによる介入が健康関連の生活の質を向上させ,更年期症状の重症度を低減させる可能性が示された。本研究により更年期症状への介入の新たな選択肢を提示するとともに,ACTの適用範囲を広げることなった。 / 博士(心理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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"Odor-functions map" in the olfactory cortex subareas characterized by distinct behavioral state signals / 嗅皮質の「匂い機能地図」仮説 : 多細胞同時記録法でみえた、亜領域ごとに異なる匂い--行動状態応答パターン / 嗅皮質の匂い機能地図仮説 : 多細胞同時記録法でみえた亜領域ごとに異なる匂い行動状態応答パターン / キュウヒシツ ノ ニオイ キノウ チズ カセツ : タサイボウ ドウジ キロクホウ デ ミエタ アリョウイキゴト ニ コトナル ニオイ コウドウ ジョウタイ オウトウ パターン谷隅 勇太, Yuta Tanisumi 22 March 2022 (has links)
「匂い」は私たちの生活を豊かにする感覚である。しかし、匂い情報が最初に大脳皮質に届く場である嗅皮質において、高次情報がどのように表現・分配されているのかは、不明である。本研究は、匂いを手掛かり刺激とした行動課題遂行中のラット・マウスを対象に、4つの嗅皮質亜領域から神経活動を記録した。そして、各領域のニューロンが異なる高次情報を表現することを発見し、それぞれが独自の機能を発揮する仮説を立案した。 / The olfactory cortex (OC), which consists of some distinct subareas, receives both olfactory sensory signals from the olfactory bulb and top-down signals from higher-order regions. However, it remains unknown as to how each area of the OC encodes for sensory- and behavior-related information. We addressed this issue in rodents, particularly focusing on four subareas of the OC. Using electrophysiological recordings in the OC subareas with an odor-guided go/no-go task, we found that each area showed unique behavioral state signals that were predicted by the cue odors (i.e., moving to the reward port, waiting for the reward, and drinking reward state). / 博士(理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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