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將行動裝置運用在咖啡廳營運之商業計畫 / “Mobile Application: Caffeinated” Business Plan盧春麗, Siriyontakan, Thidarat Unknown Date (has links)
This is the business plan proposed by Caffeinated Co., Ltd., founded in Thailand by family Siriyontakan. The aim of this business plan is to elaborate on the idea of how to build up a business model around the passion of the co-founder, Miss Thidarat Siriyontakan, which are mobile application and coffee drinking.
Although the coffee industry in Thailand is not as big as in the United States or Japan, but the trend is going stronger each day. Consumers do not only consider coffee as energy sources to keep them awake, but they start to enjoy more of its rich flavor and the experience that comes with coffee drinking. This group of people is willing to pay higher to have better or unique experience. Hence, we can see more and more coffee houses starting up around the city competing against each other or trying to survive against big chains like Starbuck’s coffee shop.
The revenue margin of running a coffee shop is not as high as before as the competition is the market is getting higher, so our company is looking for an alternative business model to make profitable income in this industry.
As more and more consumers are moving towards the online platform to receive services or purchase products, there are many opportunities still available to tap on. That is the reason why our company is looking forward to create a service platform that brings convenience to consumers through their mobile phones and connect the local businesses with those consumers. We will develop a mobile application to help promoting local coffee houses to those coffee drinkers all around Bangkok and eventually around the country.
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不同網路購物涉入程度之消費者行為探討 / The Discussion of Consumers with Different Online-Shopping Involvement王筱薇 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 根據網路購物者之網路購物頻率、網購前搜尋行為、單月網購次數、單次網購金額與使用電腦、手機上網之頻率分出網路購物者三大集群,分別是「網購輕度涉入之手機上網愛好者」、「網購中度涉入之電腦上網愛好者」與「網購重度涉入之網路重度使用者」。
(二) 不同年齡分層對於網購涉入程度有顯著差異。
(三) 不同教育程度對於網購涉入程度有顯著差異。
(一) 針對「網購輕度涉入之手機上網愛好者」,網路商家可利用加強在社群網站之行銷,透過消費者與朋友間在網路社群之相互推薦、互動等行銷方法,增加其網路購物趣味性。加強手機版之網路商店頁面使用便利性,定期維護網路帳戶以加強網路購物安全性,便能增加其網購涉入程度,以提高其網路購物意願。
(二) 針對「網購中度涉入之電腦上網愛好者」,網路商家可將電視廣告與手機廣告結合實施互動優惠,使消費者增加手機上網購買意願,藉此開闢另一條網購通路。此外,定期維護網路帳戶以加強網路購物安全性,降低網路購物風險性。
(三) 針對「網購重度涉入之網路重度使用者」,網路商家可利用優惠團購、限時搶購等活動,保持消費者對於網路購物的趣味性;藉由開發創新的媒體互動方式,吸引消費者的好奇心,藉此創造消費者對於網路購物之新奇性認知。此外,網路商家可將電視廣告與手機廣告結合實施互動優惠,增加跨裝置實用性,並推出不同價位等級之商品以符合不同薪資收入程度消費者,並推出符合女性偏好之商品,以提高女性消費者之購買意願。
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行動裝置在IT產業未來發展之研究 / A Study on the Mobile Device Development in Information Technology Industry王智群 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業在國際將漸失去競爭優勢;
(二) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業人才面臨流失危機;
(三) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業發展行動裝置具可行性與潛力;
(四) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業投入行動裝置市場的必須針對消費者需求擬訂行銷決策;
(五) 行動裝置與物聯網結合運用之未來發展有可觀前景。
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智慧型行動裝置物聯網化全球網格地震速報系統 / The Global Grid Earthquake Rapid Alert System Using Smart Mobile Devices as IoT Devices楊偉智 Unknown Date (has links)
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多軸飛行器用於自拍情境之互動模式研究 / Exploring Interaction Modalities for a Selfie Drone陳建方, Chen, Chien Fang Unknown Date (has links)
「自拍」是時下特有的社群文化,使用手持相機或自拍棒輔助拍照多有限制。然而搭載相機鏡頭的多軸飛行器(Camera-equipped drone)日漸普及,未來將有機會成為新的攝影器材。
本研究由初步訪談並分類「日常生活中操作相機」之心智模型:(1)以自身為中心,指揮攝影師移動之操控者模式(User Mode),適合近距操作,如自拍;(2)使用者透過相機視角,取得觀測角度之觀景窗模式(Viewfinder Mode),適合取得遠距影像,如災區探勘;(3)以第三人稱同時控制攝影者與被攝者的導演模式(Director Mode),擅於處理人與鏡頭相對空間關係,適合已預想好全局構圖與分鏡腳本。本研究依上述分類討論文獻與商品之優勢與限制,探索「操作空間中任務擺放之相機(多軸飛行器)」的理想互動方法後,將「操作空間中的相機」互動切分為兩階段流程設計:(1)Positioning階段:以User Mode直視飛行器,指揮相機位置;(2)Fine Tuning階段:以Viewfinder Mode透過觀景窗取得影像並微調拍攝參數。
本研究將著重於Positioning階段之飛行器控制互動方法,透過探討使用者的空間認知,提出三種符合使用者心智模型之飛行器運動座標系(球狀、柱狀與修正之三維座標),結合智慧型手機操作的類指向輸入方法(Semi-Direct Pointing),並實作沉浸式VR多軸飛行器體驗模擬器「Skyfie」,並進行兩次使用者測試,模擬使用者在3D空間中指揮飛行器移動至指定位置進行拍攝,實驗結果證明本研究提出之三種座標系統皆比傳統三維座標容易操作,並於最後討論各運動座標系適用之情境。 / Taking Selfie is a brand new type of photographic behavior and has become a phenomenon on social medias. In Asia, many people love taking and sharing selfies in their daily life and have create several tools to take good selfies suck as a selfie stick or a portable tripod. In the meantime, camera-equipped drones are getting more and more popular today. We can envision a future where personal flying selfie bots are always with us.
Among the previous works and commercial products, the interaction techniques for controlling drone are mostly designed in drone-centric mode that require a longer training and are not easy for taking an anticipated shot. We investigate the user needs in taking selfies and propose an interaction technique that contains Positioning state and Fine Tuning state which are designed with user and viewfinder mode. Users can place a drone in a specified coordinate system by our semi-direct pointing technique and then compose the framing on the smartphone screen. We propose 3 coordinate systems for positioning stage and conduct two user studies in a simulated VR environment to validate the performance and user acceptances.
In conclusion, we find that all three coordinate systems are more user friendly compare to traditional Cartesian coordinate system considering the test results and implementation cost.
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一個新的庶民音樂創作經驗:智慧型手機上的配樂應用程式 / A New Experience of Music Creation for Plebeian: Musical Accompaniment Apps on Smartphone戴張戎, Tai, Chang Jung Unknown Date (has links)
為評估本創作軟體是否符合使用者需求,以實驗觀察法邀請38位受試者進行軟體操作與評估。分析結果顯示,近75%的受試者認為由音樂創作軟體所產生之主旋律與和弦彼此搭配良好且符合其音樂動機。在介面易用性評估方面,結果顯示有近90%受測者認為本研究所提出的音樂創作軟體具有簡單易用之特性且能夠協助其降低創作音樂之門檻。簡單且易用的音樂創作軟體在實務上之重要性不言可喻,不但可使非專業使用者達成自我創作音樂之夢想,更可讓其沉浸於音樂創作成就感之中。 / Music plays as an essential role in human life and it affects the listeners on a certain extent. However, a pleasing music is the production of musicians and is difficult to be created by novices without musical specialty. To lower the entry point of music creation, this thesis design and develop a music accompaniment system on Android with the characteristics of intuitive input and ubiquity for novices without professional music background.
The developed system consists of the following modules, main melody preprocessing (key determination and melody modification), music similarity retrieval, main melody post processing (music motif variance), chord accompaniment (Hidden Markov Model and mixing main melody and chord melody) and text processing (tone determination and pitch finding) to automatically match the accordance between melodies and chords that are inputted by patting or word.
Thirty-eight participants were invited for system evaluation using the observational experiment. Nearly 75% of participants perceived that the melody and chord matching fits their musical motivations, while 90% stated that they can rely on the system to easily produce desirable music. Our findings contribute to the essence of music creation that the system provides a simplified interface for novice being immersed in music accomplishments, similar to that of professional musicians.
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以圖文辨識為基礎的旅遊路線規劃輔助工具 / Tour Planning Using Landmark Photo Matching and Intelligent Character Recognition黃政明, Huang, Cheng Ming Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機的用途已從語音溝通延伸轉變為多功能導向的的生活工具。目 前多數的智慧型手機均具備攝影鏡頭,而此模組更已被公認為基本的標準 配備。使用者透過手機,可以輕易且自然地拍攝感興趣的物體、景色或文 字等,並且建立屬於自己的影像資料庫。在眾多的手機軟體中,旅遊類的 程式是其中一種常見整合內容與多項感測模組的應用實例。在行動平台上, 設計一個影像辨識系統服務可以大幅地協助遊客們在旅途中去瞭解、認識
知名的地標、建築物、或別具意義的物體與文字等。 然而在行動平台上的可用資源是有限的,因此想要在行動平台上開發有效 率的影像辨識系統,是頗具挑戰性的任務。如何在準確率與計算成本之間 取得最佳的平衡點往往是行動平台上開發影像辨識技術的最重要課題。 根據上述的目標,本研究擬於行動平台上設計、開發行動影像搜尋與智慧 型文字辨識系統。具體而言,我們將在影像搜尋上整合兩個全域的特徵描 述子,並針對印刷與手寫字體去開發智慧型文字辨識系統。實驗結果顯示, 在行動影像搜尋與文字辨識的效能測試部分,前三名的辨識率皆可達到的 80%。 / The roles of smart phones have extended from simple voice communications to multi-purpose applications. Smart phone equipped with miniaturized image capturing modules are now considered standard. Users can easily take pictures of interested objects, scenes or texts, and build their own image database. Travel-type mobile app is one example that takes advantage of the array of sensors on the device. A mobile image search engine can bring much convenience to tourists when they want to retrieve information regarding specific landmarks, buildings, or other objects.
However, devising an effective image recognition system for smart phone is a quite challenging task due to the complexity of image search and pattern recognition algorithms. Image recognition techniques that strike a balance between accuracy and efficiency need to be developed to cope with limited resources on mobile platforms.
Toward the above goal, this thesis seeks to design effective mobile visual search and intelligent character recognition systems on mobile platforms. Specifically, we propose two global feature descriptors for efficient image search. We also develop an intelligent character recognition engine that can handle both printed and handwritten texts. Experimental results show that the accuracy reaches 80% for top-3 candidates in visual search and intelligent character recognition tasks.
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旅遊資訊於行動裝置平台之設計分析林君萍 Unknown Date (has links)
電子連線與隨身行動裝置的興起,滿足了使用者希望能隨時隨地取得資訊的需求,而旅行者的資訊使用行為,恰巧符合此特性。一份資訊與介面設計良好的行動旅遊內容,不但可讓旅人減輕負擔,還可藉由行動連網獲取旅程中最即時的資訊。但目前應用於行動裝置平台上的旅遊資訊多偏向提供部分適地性服務(Location Based Service),亦即透過GPS等定位技術,確認使用者所在位置,進而提供相關資訊的服務,如主動提供當地加油、餐飲等各項資訊服務,此類適地性服務多為片段提供購物消費資訊,並非完整之旅遊資訊。本研究探討數位旅遊資訊內容該如何設計與呈現於具備影音、音樂、圖像、照相、電腦等多功能的行動裝置平台,以滿足使用者的資訊需求。研究首先提出一套行動旅遊資訊系統應包含的資訊內容與架構,然後進行雛型設計,最後評估測試此系統的適用程度。研究結果發現動態旅行的旅遊資訊,可在行動裝置平台尋得一個呈現的嶄新舞台。 / The integration of the internet and mobile devices satisfies the drsire of “information on the go”. This demand also matches the information usage behavior for travelers. A well designed mobile traveling information with convenient user interfaces helps them to get what they need at any moment while traveling through mobile internet. However, the current traveling information in mobile platform is usually location based services. The kind of services does not provide a complete traveling content but only small pieces of information. The thesis focuses on the design of an integrated digital content on mobile devices for the travelers. It includes the design of content structure, information display and user interface. The mobile platform targets on those who equipped with multimedia and 3G wireless communication ability. We propose a content planning and informative structure for traveling information. A prototyping system was first made to evaluate the concept of information design. Then the implementation and further evaluation was done by using the NOKIA N73 3G cell phone. The results show that personal mobile devices offering a new stage for the dynamic traveling information.
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以雲端支援架構建置RFID為基礎之個人化無所不在學習系統 / A cloud-supported framework for implementing RFID-based personalized ubiquitous learning system林彥志, Lin, Yen Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出一項無所不在的學習系統架構改變傳統數位學習之教育傳遞的方式,讓學習者能在任何時間、任何地點透過行動裝置,連結雲端上的學習系統便能自動取得數位化的教學課程及輔助教材等教學資源,並結合RFID標籤之唯一性及無線辨識功能,除了可感測、讀取周遭環境物件資訊以外,更作為學習者個人辨識登入的方法,進而驗證以取得個人所屬的學習課程或學習進度規劃等功能,創造個人化無所不在學習,期許改善目前數位學習在散播教育資源這塊領域,仍有不足之處所造成的數位落差。系統架構本身採用雲端運算作為後端開發技術,將系統、數位學習課程與資料庫分散在各地,以減少單一系統之資源負載量過大及頻寬不足等問題,讓學習者接受即需的教學服務。 / This paper proposes a ubiquitous learning system framework, in order to improve traditional e-learning method for delivering education. Learners could connect to the learning system on the cloud by mobile devices at any time and any place. It could automatically access digital educational resources such as learning courses and supplementary materials. Using the RFID tag for uniqueness and radio frequency identification function. In addition to context-aware and reading the information of objects around the enviroment. It also can be a personalised identify for learners to login and access one’s own function of learning courses or learning scheduling to create personalized ubiquitous learning. There is lack of education due to digital divide which calls for improvement of distributing educational resources. The proposed system architecture incorporates cloud computing for back-end development technology. In order to reduce resource overload of the single system and lack of bandwidth, distributing the learning system, e-learning course and database to several places enable learners to take on-demand educational services.
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以狩野品質模型探討排隊資訊透明化、服務品質和顧客滿意度的關係 / Application of Kano model to the relationships of queueing information provision, service quality, and customer satisfaction聶齊佑 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著現代人越來越忙碌的生活步調,排隊帶來的負面情緒影響也越來越大;對於企業而言,必須面對因為在消費的過程中等待,而造成顧客對於服務評價降低的現象。當許多研究致力於提出應對排隊問題的可行方案時,時代的推進帶來了行動裝置與網路的普及化,也因此出現了透過應用程式推播排隊資訊,藉此舒緩顧客負面情緒的解決方案。本研究串聯排隊心理、知覺管理…等不同的研究議題,在不同的消費情境中,透過狩野模型(Kano model)探索排隊資訊具備的服務品質,以及透過SERVQUAL的概念建構研究模型,驗證排隊資訊的整體服務品質與顧客滿意度之間的關係。研究結果發現排隊資訊具備的服務品質,多數歸類於魅力品質 (Attractive quality) 要素,一維品質(One-dimensional quality)要素則為其次,其中服務品質大多維持著一致性,但消費情境會對於特定幾項服務品質的帶來影響。研究模型亦驗證了排隊資的整體服務品質和顧客滿意度有正向關係。 / The aim of this paper is to discuss the impact of queue information provisions. As we observe the latest application of revealing queue information via mobile device to deal with the queuing management problem, this research intends to provide a new viewpoint of queuing information crossing different research issues. We develop research framework from four facets: (1) perception management, (2) queuing research, (3) Kano model, and (4) SERVQUAL. The research is divided into three parts. First, via Kano model we find the service quality of queuing information and categorize the service qualities into 6 categories. Second, we examine the relationships between the overall service quality of queuing information provision and customer satisfaction. Third, we are also concerned the impact of consume situation, so the hypothesis will be tested in the different simulated situation in experiment. According to the result, we discover that most queuing information provisions’ service qualities are attractive quality dimension and One-dimensional quality. Besides, the hypothesis of queuing information provisions’ service quality is accepted, which also proves the results which we find in the first part of this research by Kano model. Finally, this research examines the effect of consume situations on the queuing information, and we also have further discussion about the exception situation.
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