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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李加藤 Unknown Date (has links)
國內電視事業的發展,自中視與華視相繼成立後,早期由台視獨佔市場的局面,已轉變為鼎足而三互相競爭的態勢。但由於廣告市場總額與市場成長率皆有限度,無法出現奇蹟性的突破,因之,競爭的結果,除了造成市場佔有率的此消彼長,此長彼消有限的出入外,亦引起同業間的對抗行動,導致節目製作成本的高漲,使競爭所得成果,產生某種程度的抵銷,對電視業的前途,不無重大影響。 電視台為支應龐大的開銷及謀求爾後長遠的發展,全力行銷競爭的開源措施,既受市場的限制,而效果又殊難預作一定數量的控制,於是其經營方式乃加變通,除仍致力於爭取市場佔有率外,對如何提高節目製作效率,使管理趨於科學化,以節省開支的作法,格外重視。 事實上電視事業由於以前缺之競爭壓力,其經營方式不無缺乏效率與浪費之處,就中尤以節目製作管理的問題,隱藏若干有待商權改善的成因。在電視台講求「節流」之際,如能加以發掘,分析並提供解決建議,對電視事業的發展,將有裨益。本報告研究的動機與目的,即在於此。 根據上述動機與目的,本報告特就電視節目製作過程中最基本的錄影耗時情形,提供數量性的個案研究,分析其耗時特徵與影響因素,期能有助於各電視台,對其有限資源(包括影棚、器材設備、製作人力)的使用,作更佳的規劃與控制,提高其錄製管理效率。具體言之,本報告研究的主題內容有下列三個要項: (一)檢定錄製量壓力、節目類型及導播,是否為錄製耗時的主要工具性變數,並且為僅有的主要變數。 (二)以數量分析個別耗時因素(或變數),影響錄製耗時情形。 (三)推估個別導播製作各種類型節目,在不同的錄製量壓力下,耗時的常態及其變異情形。 本報告研究所需資料,全部根據華視民國六十一年一至三月份節目製作耗時的實際紀錄。運用統計方法,針對研究實用性目的,先對各項節目影棚內的耗時狀況加以描述,再就其耗時成因作解釋性的分析,進而建立函數模型,表達耗時率與其重要決定因素的對應關係。就實用價值的觀點,這些因素耗時後果的求出,在管理上具有重大的應用價值。 依上方法,認定主要的工具性變數有下列三項: (一)錄製量壓力: 在各種錄製耗時因素中,錄製量壓力為主要部份,經統計分析顯示: 1.錄製量壓力對總耗時率的影響顯著;對偶發變動的影響非常顯著;對不良率影響不顯著。 2.錄製量壓力越緊迫,必然造成棚內總耗時率的提高及偶發變動的增大。而因錄製量壓力的不良率後果,並無顯著差異,所以其較高總耗時的形成,完全是由於影棚內準備工作費時較久所導致。 3.連續性節目每週錄製量高於l80分鐘者,棚外準備匆促,棚內總耗時率增高急劇。 4.連續性節目每週錄製量低於l80分鐘者,錄製耗時降低較為有限。 5.錄製最壓力越緊迫,偶發事件越難預防,使用影棚需要寬排偶發變動時間,因此影棚生產力亦將受影響。 (二)節目類型: 因節目類型之不同,導致下列錄製耗時的變異: 1.戲劇性節目中,電視劇型節目的錄製耗時,一般均較高,且錄製量壓力加大時,耗時率隨之急劇增高;而舞台劇型節目,因其製作較為單純,不良率極低,錄製耗時短而穩定。此型節目,即使錄製量壓力加大時,其錄製耗時並不隨同急劇增高,而呈緩和上升狀態。 2.非戲劇性節目中,現場綜藝節目,因其製作遠較戲劇性節目簡單,耗時較少;音樂節目,由於要求格調較高,特殊技巧的配合等頗為複雜,其不良率與總耗時率皆冠於其他節目;知識性節目,主在介紹現實生活智識,製作方式,多為傳統講授或座談,其耗時最少。 (三)導播: 本報告對耗時函數模型的設計,是以各項節目製作耗時經銷除每次製作的偶發變動,得出其耗時常態,而將其成因歸屬於「錄製量壓力」、「節目類型」及「導播」三個因素,並經析離前兩項因素的影響後,把剩餘的變異歸因於「導播」。 不同的導播,有不同的耗時特徵,對於錄製耗時顯然偏高或偏低的導播,進一步運用「工作研究」方法,加以個別瞭解、比較與分析。找出差異原因,分別誘導改進使減少耗時,在管理作業上,具有積極意義。本報告內對各個耗時差異比較顯著的導播,一一列舉其耗時資料並予詳細說明的用意,即在於此。 依上個案研究的結果,受對中華電視台提供下列建議: (一)連續性節目每週播出需要量高者,宜提前錄製。 (二)每次錄製淨長與每週錄製次數,宜針對導播特性,作不同的安排。 (三)舞台劇型節目的錄製,宜增加其每次錄製量,以減少拆搭次數,提高影棚生產力。 (四)影棚使用的規劃,宜運用實際耗時資料,作更精確的安排。 (五)影棚使用的控制,宜運用耗時日報資料,重點追查,避免錯誤重蹈。 (六)對耗時顯著偏高或偏低之導播,宜進一步用「工作研究」方法,比較分析其原因,以期積極增進錄製效率。 (七)建議定期繼續辦理綠製耗時分析,並應用貝伊氏方法(BAYESIAN METHOD),以綜合其分析結果,作為估計錄製耗時的基礎。 (八)建議進一步取得國內外電視向業的錄製耗時資料,著手比較分析。 本報告共分五章,第一章為導論,說明研究的動機與目的,研究的範圍與限制,及研究的構想與設計等。第二章為電視節日錄製情形的探討,及排檔耗時狀況的描述。第三、第四兩章係分別對戲劇性節目與非戲劇性節目錄製耗時的因素分析。第五章為結論與建議,扼要說明研究結果並提出具體建議。


王韻儀, WANG, YUN-YI Unknown Date (has links)
全文共計一冊,約五萬字。分為五章十節。 本研究主旨在於組織、結構的觀點,採討影響電視節目製作的各種內和外在因素。 影響因素包括了:(一)時間。(二)團隊精神。(三)演員。(四)法規。(五) 經費。(六)組織內因素。(七)宣傳。(八)節目策略。(九)回饋。(十)廣告 。(十一)收視率。 論文中主要比較各類因素影響的程度,並分析其影響的層面及造成的結果。此外,各 種類型的戲劇節目(如親情倫理、武打、古裝、推理科幻劇)以及不同工作性質的電 視工作人員(如製作人、編劇、導播……)所面臨影響因素是否有所差異,亦在論文 中做了一番分析、比較。

留念 / Stay

陳克威, Chen, Ko Wei Unknown Date (has links)
「一部劇情片的完整拍攝練習」是創作「留念」的主要目的,我想完成一部劇情片,並透過直接參與其前置、拍攝與後製來總結我個人在學校裡對於影像創作的學習歷程,畢竟作為一個足以畢業的代表性成品,我想不管它是一篇論文或是一個作品,除了需要有一定程度的質量外,也必須回應該學習者過去的研究領域或生涯,因此對於我而言,既然過去主要在鑽研的都是影像創作實務,那麼如今也應該用創作來完成畢業作品。在這樣的背景下,本論文可分為兩大部分,前半部分主要為導演的創作闡述,涵蓋故事大綱、主題、敘事策略設計等等;第二部分則為實際上的製作報告與心得。 由於「留念」仍為一影像作品,建議後續研究者欲以此為參考文獻時,可以影像作品為主,本製作報告為輔。

《巨獸》之電影製片製作管理技術報告 / Production management report for the execution of the film“ Once upon a time in kinmen”

林妤珊 Unknown Date (has links)
本個案《巨獸》為一30分鐘長的劇情短片,是為因應文建會「敘事短片攝製獎助」對於原創性與攝製能力的要求而企劃的製作案。故事背景設定在民國53年--「八二三炮戰」結束六年後,以持續於金門、廈門兩地間展開的心戰喊話為題材,是首部以金門地區「播音牆」為主題的短片。   本報告撰寫人以親身參與方式首次擔任製片,實際投入《巨獸》一案從開發企劃、前製期、製作期到後製期的各項製片工作與決策中。在面對預算不足以及拍攝時間有限的壓力下,如何節省時間和金錢但不犧牲影片質感,就必須制定有效的策略和妥善地規劃來加以因應,並對各項製作環節進行嚴格把關。因此本個案嘗試從電影產製流程中著手導入製作管理的概念來提升效率及維持品質,建立學生與專業製作團隊的成功合作模式,並將實作經驗提出檢討與建議。   實際操作結果發現,本片在影像品質、演員演出、場景設定和美術表現各方面都符合預設的製作標準,意即本片確有落實對於製作品質的控管。然而就製作成本、拍攝時間與進度的掌控來看,則未達成預定目標。進一步探究原因,本片在製片經驗不足的情況下,導致影片前後製作流程無法產生順暢的扣連,不斷回頭銜接上下環節導致時間未能有效控管,而意外狀況頻仍除了造成預算控管失當,也突顯影片拍攝的高度變動性以及事前準備的不足。   因此這樣的經驗得以發現,製片的工作不能徒具理念,也應具備專業的知識,對整體流程有全知性的視野,同時也必須時時刻刻切換至不同對象或單位的立場,經由不厭其煩的溝通協調,將管理化為實際的互動,才能有效地落實製作管理的概念。此外,製片更應回歸到劇本發想階段推行「產銷一體」的概念,尋求目標觀眾與開發劇本賣點,同時審慎評估題材的拍攝時機,是否可與社會議題或潮流接軌,從中思考行銷的著眼點與可製造的新聞話題,則更有助於行銷宣傳的推展。

台灣電視新聞鏡面設計改變之研究 1962-2005

位明宇, Wei, Ming-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
看電視新聞,到底看哪裡?除了聽聲音之外,我從電視新聞鏡面裡,可以看到什麼我想要得到的訊息?有天氣、有時間、有不斷在往左跑的跑馬燈、有新聞大標、新聞說明、和播報這一則完全無關的新聞畫面、新聞標題、還有讓人誤解的新聞鏡面(以為下大雨或失大火了);同一個主播忽換左,忽然右,甚至轉來轉去,一會兒坐一會兒站,台灣電視新聞鏡面,繽紛萬千。   這些繽紛萬千的鏡面,產生的原理原則為何?影響產生的動機又是什麼?從1962年台視成立開始,到2005年有線電視多樣的鏡面,電視鏡面又做了什麼樣的改變?形成的生態為何?生態改變的當中,主要環境是如何形成?   透過資料的整理和深度訪談,發現,「競爭」是左右鏡面一項重要的因素;台灣鏡面發展的五個時期,與「競爭」息息相關,三台時期因為競爭因素,開始創造辦公室背景、單雙主播播報;1993年有線電視法通過後,也因為SNG和跑馬燈的廣泛運用,鏡面開始出現不同的元素;到了2003年,更因為媒體環境的激烈競爭,讓新聞鏡面不只充滿服務的元素,更多促銷自己與主播特性明顯的鏡面。只要可以「預告新聞」「留住觀眾」的任何元素,都可以塞進鏡面裡:一則新聞兩個鏡面以上、鏡面像四格漫畫一樣說新聞、把鏡面變成火焰或任何主題等,整個電視鏡面,滿滿都是訊息,超過九個以上的資訊,要在鏡面出現的一分鐘以內,讓觀眾吸收。   這樣繽紛鏡面的生態,主要來自於科技支援下的巿場競爭,因為收視競爭,製作人就必需「創造」新的鏡面元素(像是天空標、訊息框等),而新的鏡面元素呈現之後,只要收視率不出現下降的趨勢,各台迫於競爭壓力,開始形成「模仿」與流行,而一旦模仿與流行成為趨勢,製作人或主管,又得為了收視率開始想辦法,創造新的鏡面元素。   所以,在本研究,整理出電視鏡面的改變趨勢與時間進程,分析目前電視新聞鏡面的構成元素與產製流程,透過資深電視人的訪談,找出電視新聞鏡面的設計原則、動機與生態系統,希望透過本研究,除了提供業界人士鏡面的缺失和思考的方向以外,能夠為將來鏡面研究,累積資料數,進而發現閱聽人接收端對鏡面的接受程度與態度。 / What do we look at on TV news reports? In addition to audio presentation, what else is presented on the television? Weather reports, current time, continuously updated crawls, news title, news content, as well as the scene, title, and confusing television graphics of a piece of unrelated news (such as about a sudden downpour or a fire accident). The anchor changes his camera angle from left to right, right to left; being seated in one second, and standing in another. The television graphics in Taiwan are really versatile.   What is the principle and rule for the production of these versatile graphics? And what is the motivation behind the production? From the establishment of TTV (Taiwan TV Enterprise, Ltd) in 1962 to the development of versatile graphics on cable TV channels in 2005, what has been the change of television graphics and background of the formation? And how the main environment was formed amid the change of the ecosystem?   Through data collection and in-depth interviews, it was discovered that “competition” is an important factor for television graphics. There are 5 stages of the development of television graphics in Taiwan, all of which are closely related to competition. During the 3-channel stage, the background of an office, single and duo anchor reporting were innovated. After the CATV Law was passed in 1993, due to the extensive applications of SNG and crawls, different elements of graphics were created. By 2003, under the intensive competition in media, television graphics were not only filled with multiple service elements but also self-promotion messages and features of the anchor. Any element that “previews news” and “retains the audience” can be stuffed into the graphics. A piece of news may contain more than 2 graphics in 4 boxes, like a comic book. The graphic can be a fire or any theme, making the whole television graphic filled with messages. Sometimes, more than 9 messages are presented to the audience in just one minute.   This ecosystem is mainly attributed to the competition in the market supported by technologies. Because of the competition for reception, producers have to "create" new graphic elements (such as sky bar, message boxes). And when the new elements are presented, as long as the rating does not decline, bowing to the pressure of competition, every channel starts to "imitate" and prevail the creation. When it has become a popular trend, TV producers or managers have to brainstorm again for new graphic elements.   Therefore, this study organized the trend and evolution of television graphics and further analyzed the elements and procedure of production of the current television graphics. Through interviews with senior television producers, it aimed to find out the design principles, motivation, and ecosystem of the television graphics. It was hoped that the study could provide the industry with the flaws of television graphics and a direction of thinking as a reference, accumulate data for future studies, and further discover the degree of acceptance and attitude of the audience toward television graphics.

探討城市行銷與鼓勵影視產業之關聯:「少年PI的奇幻漂流」之個案分析 / Strategies of Feature Filmmaking in City Marketing: A Case Study of "Life of PI"

林依融, Lin, Yi-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年「韓流」席捲整個亞洲之後,電影製作/影視製作就成為熱門的城市行銷手法,透過電影拍攝,不但可以將城市意象傳播至世界,也可以提升地方產業的發展。在這樣的潮流下,臺中市政府更邀請李安導演及國際劇組來臺拍攝「少年PI的奇幻漂流」,透過影片的拍攝及播送進一步行銷城市。然而,一般討論電影製作以及城市行銷間的關係時,多數會將焦點放在「影視觀光」以及「地方行銷」上;而「少年PI的奇幻漂流」這樣一部在臺中拍攝但完全沒有任何臺中場景的電影,卻讓臺中市與這部電影產生了緊密的聯結,也在李安導演獲獎無數後,讓臺中受到了許多國際媒體的關注。簡而言之,「少年PI的奇幻漂流」是一個不靠電影場景置入而成功達到城市行銷目標的個案,但臺中市政府如何透過鼓勵影視產業發展達成城市行銷目的?本研究即著重於探討臺中市政府在此個案上所採取的各項策略。 / Since 2000, the craze of “Korean Wave” has overwhelmingly swept across Asia, filmmaking became a popular city marketing approach to broadcast and transmit the city image to the world, also to promote the local industry development. Following this trend, Taichung City Government seized the opportunity to invite and cooperate with Ang Lee and the production group of “Life of Pi” since 2010 to 2013 to market the city. However, when discussing promoting filming activities as one of the strategies to reach the city marketing goal, most of the perspectives and literatures were focusing on film tourism or place marketing. That means, most of the city marketers focus more on whether the sceneries of the target city are broadcasting through the films or not. By contract, “Life of Pi” is the film which produced and shoot in Taichung but none of the sceneries from Taichung City were disclosed in the story. Nevertheless, the film and Ang Lee had indeed linked the international media exposure and attention to Taichung City while they won numbers of film awards included the Academy Awards. To put it more specifically, this is the case which successfully reached the city marketing goal without manipulating any “product-placement” strategy. But what did the city government do to reach the goal? This research aims at analyzing the strategies which Taichung City Government took by coordinating and supporting “Life of Pi” to reach the city marketing goal.

Xketch-線稿式原型設計工具於行動應用開發之研究 / Xketch - A Sketch-Based Prototyping Tool for Mobile App Development

徐嘉駿, Hsu, Jia Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
行動應用程式App開發時相當注重於使用者體驗。利用原型進行測試以收集使用者回饋,根據回饋改善原型再進行原型測試,此過程稱之為Iterative Design Process。本研究從前測與訪談中得知設計師偏好使用線稿式的設計手法做出紙面原型,經過數次上述的循環後再轉換成互動式原型;在反覆設計/重構原型與進行使用者測試的過程中,累積了許多的資料需要被記錄與分析,但目前尚未有服務能支援Iterative Design Process中各個階段的需求。 本研究提出了一套能加快設計流程的線稿式原型設計工具「Xketch」。在原型設計階段,設計師可透過繪製筆畫指令的方式生成元件與設定頁面、元件間的互動行為;當原型設計完成後可以直接發佈給受測者。在原型測試階段時,系統會同步記錄受測者的操作過程與think-aloud口述資料。最後,將收集到資料透過時間軸介面重現以協助團隊分析與討論。本研究認為Xketch能有效幫助行動應用程式App的開發過程,加速Iterative Design Process的循環。 第一版Xketch的開發目的著重於原型設計階段,設計師可利用筆畫指令生成對應的元件與互動行為,並透過Storyboard設定與檢視原型的使用流程。受測者認為Xketch整體的操作簡易、容易學習,也相當認同使用線稿圖案作為筆畫指令的概念,並認為Xketch能有效幫助設計師快速製作出互動式原型。最後,本研究將分析受測者操作記錄並搭配訪談回饋總結Xketch的實驗結果與討論,探討未來Xketch在原型設計的改善方向。 / Iterative Design Process plays a great role for developing mobile applications with great user experience. Designers create prototypes to collect user feedback and use those feedbacks to improve designs and prototypes for further iterations and testings. From our initial studies, we found out designers tend to use sketch based paper prototypes as their initial prototyping method. Designers go through rounds of paper prototyping, testing and iterations, before moving on to create digital interactive prototypes. During this process, there are a lot of information needs to be recorded and analyzed for the iteration loop. However, no integrated service yet can streamlined designers’ process of creating prototypes, recording testing sessions, and analyzing results. We developed “Xketch”, a sketch-based mobile application development tool for iterative designs and testings. First, designers can use the sketching interface on Xketch to rapidly prototype UI modules and interactions. Designers then can distribute the prototypes through Xketch to testers. During testing sessions, Xketch’s testing environment will record user behavior data and think aloud audios. At last, the collected data will be presented on Xketch’s timeline interface for feedback analysis. We envision Xketch to streamline and optimize the iterative design process when designers design mobile applications. The first version of Xketch contains major features for the prototyping phase. Designers can use simple sketching gestures to generate corresponding on-screen UI modules, and configure interactions of those components. Moreover, designers can also create and review interaction flows through storyboard settings. From our testing for Xketch, participants indicate that Xkecth is easy to use and learn. They also found the concept of using sketching gestures to generate on-screen UI module intuitive. Overall, participants think that Xketch can help them create prototype rapidly and intuitively. To improve for Xketch, we recorded participants’ usage behavior and accompanied with user interviews to give us a holistic view on the future iterative direction for Xketch.

台灣節目製作業商品化歷程分析:一個批判政治經濟學的考察 / The Commodification of TV Program Producer in Taiwan-from an Critical Political-Economy Perspective

張時健, Chen, Chang-Shih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣電視產業中,商品為何、商品的特性、商品的生產過程,以及與生產結構間的對應關係。本研究採行批判的傳播政治經濟學視野,對台灣四十餘年來的電視事業進行考察。研究結果指出,電視事業中的商品,首要應為節目本身,而台灣的電視節目的首要消費者,是廣告業主而不是觀眾。同時因為國民黨時期無線三台特殊的經營體制,形塑本地節目製作業的特性:規模小、業務人員為公司主要人力。導致台灣節目的廉價化與廣告化,不論在三台寡占市場時期,或衛星電視頻道百家爭鳴時期,皆是如此。 / My objective is to find out the commodity in TV industry in Taiwan, and figure out the characteristics of the commodity, the production process, and the relationship between the commodity and the production structure. Therefore, I studied the TV production process in Taiwan for 40 years from an critical political-economy perspective. At the end, I figure out that the commodity in TV industry is programmers, and the very first consumer of this commodity is advertisers rather than audiences. Because of the special operate model of three main TV broadcasters protected by KMT, TV program producers are small and poor, and they spend too much time in maintain the relationship with advertisers and TV managers. After all, TV program in Taiwan looks like advertisement and the quality of it is low end. No matter the market is monopolized by the three main broadcasters, or opened for hundred of satellite channels, the circumstance are all the same.

結合電子電路與觸控平板之原型設計工具 / Designing a visual programming toolkit for prototyping electronics with mobile devices

林廷達 Unknown Date (has links)
近年互動設計、產品設計、設計思考等學門,無不重視原型設計,透過使用者快速的測試回饋,反覆修正,使產品更符合使用者的需求。如今科技產品不斷推陳出新,與無所不在運算的普及,科技產品以及感知互動的服務與日俱增;設計團隊須了解電子電機相關技術,以完成各種測試原型。但對於一般的設計師而言,必須額外費時學習電路設計、焊接與程式設計等專業技術,已成為原型製作的一項門檻。 許多研究學者注意到這樣的需求,針對不同的使用族群發展各種電子電路創作工具,希望降低互動產品的創作門檻,舉凡Arduino、Phidgets與Gadgeteer等,但使用者仍須具備基本電路知識或參與訓練課程;近兩年推出的Littlebits與Atoms選擇捨去電路設計、焊接與程式設計的過程,讓沒有電子電路經驗的使用者也可輕易使用,卻降低了創作時的彈性,侷限了原型製作的變化性。 本研究將針對非電子相關背景的設計師,設計一套電子電路創作工具 「Rapid Prototype」,藉由分析過去電子電路創作工具的使用族群與設計思維,結合電子電路物件與智慧型載具,設計一套圖型化編輯器,透過物件順序的編排,及物件行為的選擇,快速製作出原型產品,降低設計師學習門檻及提昇創作自由度。 本研究原型設計工具,有以下功能: • 增加智慧型載具的支援:智慧型載具提供圖型化的編輯器與電子電路互動模組結合增加製作彈性。 • 降低學習門檻:降低電子電路相關知識需求,且透過圖形化編輯比傳統程式語言更容易學習。 • 擴展創作空間:核心物件與行動載具無線溝通,減少距離限制。 • 分析使用經驗:分析使用者在電子電路互動模組的使用經驗與操作,作為未來電子電路原型製作工具的參考。 / As the demands for interaction design with electronics increase, it is necessary for design groups to understand the technology related to electronic and electrical engineering in order to produce different kinds of prototypes. However, there is a large gap between concept design and prototyping. Designers have to spend a lot of time to learn electrical circuit design, welding, programming, and other professional skills. More researchers have noticed the aforementioned demands and have thus developed various creative tools for use by different groups working in this field in the hopes of lowering the degree of creativity required for interactive products. This has already been seen in Arduino, Phidgets, Gadgeteer products and so on. These toolkits are target on developers that have basic knowledge on electronics and programming. In the last two years, meanwhile, Littlebits and Atoms have decided to abandon the need for designing electrical circuits, welding, programming, and other sophisticated processes. Instead, they have opened the way for young people to be able to use their tools easily, despite the fact that doing so has also limited flexibility in terms of the creativity and variability of prototypes. In this thesis, we present RapidPrototype: a tool for designers without electronic engineering backgrounds and programming skill. By using RapidPrototype, users can transform their creative ideas into a workable prototype easily and quickly. In addition, the study sought to determine how RapidPrototype combines with electronic and electrical circuit objects, visual programming toolkit, and tools that practically meet designers’ demands to enhance the degree of freedom in terms of creativity and lowering the basic skills demanded.

話題製作人: 從調適性新聞看使用者創新模式 / Topic News Producer : From Adaptive News of User Innovation Model

方效慈, Fang, Hsiao Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
創新於本世紀中為各大企業爭相研發或追求的珍貴資產,但此珍貴資產之所以致能領先市場、使企業居於永續的市場領導地位則是各個產業所致力研究的範疇。如何能達到永續的市場領導而居於市場不敗之優勢 ? 是須要透過具有符合市場劇變的創新?而其創新又須要具有如何的特性或是與時代性相關的演化性 ? 另,市場劇變的因素是否又與使用者以及代表新科技的載體有著密不可分的關係 ? 本研究將以一個現今仍居領導地位的網站實例來分析其致勝的原因,並且以質性研究的方法進行層層的頗析,揭開網路服務的神秘面紗。 網路服務的世界,豐富且多樣化,因此本研究將創新的研究範圍聚焦於新聞自製性內容的「話題新聞」為主軸,透過「話題新聞」的守門人:話題製作人,並且對應於創新三大構面:內容、載體與商業模式,進而探討其不斷創新是須要具有調適性的特質。而若以創新理論的精神為內涵,又同時須結合網路之「使用者為大」的雙重考量下,研究則以Henry教授的開放式創新與von Hipple教授的使用者創新,並為核心理論的依據。至此,本篇研究的架構清晰易見。 經由親身參與的田野調查與近期的資料蒐集,本研究將透過網路服務的特性與使用者溝通的互動方式,整理後發現其特殊的共創過程與調適性的特質。研究中更將揭露自製性內容的共創對於載體的影響,並且對應於資訊傳播模式的演化,爾後延伸至商業模式的多所變化。最終,希望透過本研究能提供台灣傳統新聞媒體及企業界創新的具體參考,不僅在理論面向得以印證及延伸,更於實務面提供操作的執行方向。 關鍵字:使用者創新,開放式創新:內容、載體與商業模式,調適性,新聞製 作,資訊傳播,經濟活動,話題新聞,製作人,行動研究,質性研 究。 / Innovation is the precious asset in this century for all the companies to seek, study or develop as it is the way to win or sustain the leading position where the enterprises are eager to reach. However, how to continue the innovation so as to retain the leadership? Or which attributes or evolutions the innovation should have to react to the market change? How the factors of market transformation correlate with the users and high-tech (electronics) devices? This study will use a global leading website as a sample and explore the elements of its success through the qualitative research method. The internet contains the diversified services. Thus the research selects the news reproduction as the main study subject. By observing the daily operation of the “Topic News” gatekeepers, Topic News producers, and analyzing three dimensions of innovation: contents, devices and business models, the study figures out the fact that the constant innovation should possess the characteristic of Adaptability. Furthermore, considering both the essence of Innovation theories and the internet user behavior, the study cites Open Innovation by Prof. Henry and User Innovation by Prof. von Hipple as the core theories to support the whole research. By participating in the field investigation and collecting the recent data, the study discovers the particular procedure of co-producing contents as well as the characteristic of Adaptability through researching on the internet service and its communication and interaction with the users. The study further reveals the impact which the reproduced content makes on the devices themselves, evolution of the information dissemination and even the types of the business models. The ultimate objective of the study is not only to prove the truth of the theories but also to contribute several suggestions and references towards the traditional news media and the enterprise innovation on the execution and operation directions. Key words : User Innovation, Open Innovation, Content, Devices and Business model, Adaptive, News re-production, Dissemination of information, Economic Activity, Topic News, Topic News Producer, Action Research, Qualitative Research.

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