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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

行銷動態能力、行銷生產力、潛規則與績效之關係─以大陸台商為例 / The relationship among marketing dynamic capability, marketing productivity, hidden rules and firm performance - Taiwanese companies in China

郭斯敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大陸台商為研究對象,欲了解行銷動態能力、行銷生產力以及地主國市場之潛規則對競爭優勢及績效之影響。本研究以行銷動態能力為出發點,探究企業欲創造競爭優勢及績效所應考量之中介變數,以及當企業在進行海外直接投資時,所面臨之環境所帶來之調節效果,來建立本研究整體架構。由於研究對象為大陸台商,為提升問卷回收效率及效果,本研究樣本架構採用便利抽樣及滾雪球之方式, 主要發放對象為大陸台商高階經理人,涵蓋國立政治大學台商班、EMBA班、校友會、研究人員相關人脈,整體回收對象擴及製造業及服務業,總回收份數為67份,扣除填答不完全者,有效問卷共63份。本研究以成對樣本t檢定及迴歸模型驗證假說,研究結果發現行銷生產力在研究架構中具有重要中介意義,行銷動態能力不僅被視為能耐,更能轉化為台商的行銷資產,並且透過行銷資產的投入,愈能有效運用其資產以產出有效果之行銷生產力,愈能提升其競爭優勢與績效,且潛規則的調節效果,更凸顯行銷生產力的重要性,台商應更重視政治利害關係人所帶來的影響並應加以管理,當台商同時能夠愈有效利用潛規則顯性管理工具管理社會-政治利害關係人時,愈能夠強化行銷生產力提升競爭優勢與績效的效果,且政治利害關係人對台商造成經營上的影響程度,顯著高於非政治利害關係人所造成之影響,因此台商應將管理工具資源投入較高比重上放在政治利害關係人之管理上。

以雲端運算之概念建構資料採礦中關聯規則與集群分析系統 / Construct a concept of cloud computing and data mining system with association rules and clustering analysis

賴建佑 Unknown Date (has links)
雲端運算和資料採礦已成為這二十一世紀的重要發展方向,綜觀現今各個生活層面,已漸漸的融合雲端計算的技術,故結合雲端運算已是一種趨勢。簡而談之,雲端運算是一種讓使用者更加地快速、便利又省成本的一種技術。而資料採礦方面,也已從先前的專門挖掘數字型態的資料,到現在多元的挖掘,像是文字、圖像採礦。資料採礦雖然比雲端運算發展的早,但是其功用是可以相輔相成的,有鑑於此,本研究係要發展出一資料採礦分析系統,使得使用者方便又簡易的操作。並針對特定的資料採礦分析方法-關聯規則及集群分析去研究,並利用Apriori 演算法及K-means方法,和Microsoft Excel VBA和R軟體共同結合出此資料採礦系統。

結合本體論與案例推理之合理使用推薦 / Ontology-supported case-based reasoning for a fair use recommendation

楊協達, Yang, Xie Da Unknown Date (has links)
網路的發達使得數位內容的流通更加的便利,數位內容擁有者為了避免資料被任意散播,而採用DRM(Digital Rights Management)系統來保護自身的權利。然而DRM系統是採用限制的方式來控管資料的使用,並沒有考量到合理使用的設計,其中主要的原因在於合理使用的規範難以設計且用電腦落實,時常會有一些情況需視個案而定。 本研究希望透過結合本體論推論與案例式比對的來解決合理使用規範難以制定的問題,利用本體論與規則語言進行推論做合理使用判斷,當本體論與規則語言無法判斷時再進行案例式比對,經由案例庫中的合理使用案例,我們可以明確的給予使用者在對數位內容操作上是否為合理使用的依歸,若沒有相符的案例,依舊可以給予使用者一個迫近預期的合理使用建議。 / Thanks to the development of network, it is much more convenient to spread digital contents; nevertheless, digital content owners can only use DRM (Digital Rights Management) system to protect their personal data from unapproved spreading. However, the fair use design is barely taken into consideration in the DRM system since it only uses limit principles to control data-spreading. The main reason is that fair use policy is not only hard to design but also hard to be universally practiced on computers. Furthermore, there are always rooms for fair use cases beyond a general model description. This research aims to combine the advantages of ontology reasoning and case-based reasoning (CBR) to solve the problem of defining and enforcing fair use policy. Applying ontology and the rule language is the first approach to infer fair use decision; following is the CBR. This means that if ontology is not able to infer a fair use through its enforceable policy, then we apply CBR technique by compared with previous fair use cases established in our case base. Therefore, we can always derive a fair use or not fair use decision. Otherwise, we propose a recommendation for how to achieve a fair use or avoid not a fair use.


KUSAKARI, Keiichirou, 楼井, 敬大, SAKURAI, Takahiro, 草刈, 圭一朗, 酒井, 正彦, SAKAI, Masahiko, 坂部, 俊樹, SAKABE, Toshiki, 西田, 直樹, NISHIDA, Naoki January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

戦争倫理学における功利主義的思考 - 現代功利主義からの議論の検討 -

伊勢田, 哲治, Iseda, Tetsuji January 2006 (has links)
No description available.


李芸慧, Lee ,Yun-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本文以「兩性工作平等法」中有關於「母性保護」規定為研究重點,探討此政策對於我國台灣地區(不含離島地區)公務人員是否有發揮其預期的效果,以回溯過程評估、回溯結果評估了解其目前執行的實際情況如何?與公務人員所常用的「公務人員請假規則」相比,是否有相似、相互影響的情形?「母性保護」對於公家機關的意涵為何?以及許多曾經使用母性保護規定的公務人員,他們對於母性保護有什麼樣的看法,藉由指出其缺失部份加以改進。 作者所使用的政策評估標準採用William Dunn的六大政策評估標準,「效能」、「效率」、「公平」、「充分性」、「回應性」、「適當性」、「公正性」來作為設計深度訪談問卷的依據。訪談對象以台灣本島地區正式公務人員為主,以立意抽樣選出十八位,比較男女、主管與部屬、地區差異之間的看法,作一歸納比較。 女性員工在懷孕、生產、育嬰時所遇到的困擾,是否因為兩平法的規定受到改善?亦或是影響有限?對於兩性工作之平等是否有促成實質上的助益?本研究將藉由訪談公務人員來了解「兩性工作平等法」有關母性保護規定的實施情況,並且在結論部分提供未來政策的建議。


NISHIDA, Naoki, SAKAI, Masahiro, SAKABE, Toshiki, KUSAKARI, Keiichirou, SUZUKI, Sho, 西田, 直樹, 酒井, 正彦, 坂部, 俊樹, 草刈, 圭一朗, 鈴木, 翔 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

使用本體論與規則執行企業隱私保護規範 / Using ontologies and rules to enforce enterprise privacy protection policies

郭弘毅, Guo, Hong Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在今日愈來愈普及的電子商務方面,客戶資料的搜集來源更加廣泛,對於個人資料外洩的影響將非常嚴重,可能帶來個人財務上或者公司信譽上的重大損失。本研究期望可以建構一個在企業內部(backbone)架構的環境中,透過語意網(Semantic Web)中的本體論(Ontology)和規則(Rule)的加入,希望實現具有語意的個人隱私保護規範架構,實現在語意層級上的隱私權政策安全控管。找出並且驗證以Ontologies+Rules為規範的表達與管理的架構的優勢,以確保各企業伺服器平台在收集客戶個人資料時能夠遵守最初協商後的承諾。最後本研究可以透過第三方平台的架構來加以落實個人資料的流通、分享、與保護。 / In today's increasingly popular e-commerce, ways to collect personal data of customers are is more extensive, and the impact of data disclosure will be very serious, maybe it will cost heavy losses on personal reputation or the credit of companies. We hope to build a in-house (backbone) structure of the environment through the semantic web in the ontology and rules, hoping for enabling the semantics of personal privacy protection normative framework to achieve the privacy policy on the security control. We will identify and verify Ontologies + Rules to regulate the expression of the advantages of the structure and management to ensure that the enterprise platform servers will obey the usage of personal data after their initial consultation commitment. Finally, we propose a third-party platform to enforce data sharing and protection of personal data.


葛世豪, Ko, Shih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
銀行個人金融中,信用卡產品的競爭相當激烈,而為了吸引持卡人消費,行銷人員也設計了許多的信用卡行銷優惠。現有銀行的資訊部門為了滿足新行銷方案的設計與行銷方案優惠的判斷,採取的作法是在現有的系統上不斷的新增外掛程式,來滿足新的需求,但這樣的作法會產生許多問題,每當一個新的行銷優惠方案產生後,就必須在現有系統上新增外掛,不但可能會危及現有系統的穩定度,同時這些外掛的系統會造成系統的複雜度,增加維護與修改的困難度與成本。 本研究運用邏輯符號以及物件導向的觀念,分析行銷人員設計信用卡行銷優惠方案,提出規則模型以及事實模型。規則模型提供了一套通用的邏輯符號架構,並將邏輯的表達透過XML的標準,轉化成電腦可處理的形式;而事實模型架構出通用的事實模版架構,提供在事實與實際資料庫對應上的處理標準。並透過以規則為基礎的推論機制,建構出實際的系統,來驗證研究的可行性。希望透過本研究的規則模型以及事實模型架構,將行銷人員的知識結構化與知識儲存,達到邏輯符號的可重複使用性與可延伸性,並提供了系統未來修改與延伸的彈性與準則,改善過去新增行銷優惠方案時,就必須增加外掛系統的問題。 / Competition for credit card is sharp in personal finance of banking and financial service industry. In order to attract customer to use credit card, the marketing staff designs lots of marketing campaigns. But for information system department of the bank, it takes more effort to manage and process these campaigns. The approach that the information system staff uses is to create lots of plug-in systems. But this approach harms the stability of the system architecture and increases the complexity of maintenance and cost. In this research, we use the concept of symbolic logic and object-oriented concept to analysis how the marketing staff designs the credit card campaigns and provide the rule model and fact model. The rule model provides standard symbolic logic architecture and uses the XML standard to transform logic symbols into RuleML. The fact model is a standard architecture and provides the mapping between facts and database. And we build a prototype rule-based system to validate the feasibility. The research contributes to construct and store the knowledge of credit card marketing campaign of the marketing staff by the rule model and the fact model. And the rule-based system in this research also provides flexibility and modifiability in the future to reform the drawback of original plug-in system approach.

探究反向收購公司之財報品質於上市規則修訂前後 / Examining the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms prior and post listing rules revision

郭容華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討借殼上市公司之財報品質是否與差異一般上市公司有明顯差異,分析中國借殼上市公司財務報表品質是否較其他公司差,並進一步驗證借殼上市規則修訂是否對公司之財報品質造成顯著影響。研究樣本以2005年至2015年在美國紐約證券交易所(NYSE)、全美證券交易所(AMEX)與那斯達克證券市場(NASDAQ) 159家借殼上市公司為研究對象,並以相同產業、相同公司規模配對159家一般上市公司。本研究以裁決性應計項目作為財報品質的代理變數,並將借殼上市公司拆分成中國借殼上市公司及非中國之借殼上市公司,再加入規範修訂因子,藉以衡量中國借殼上市公司於修訂借殼上市相關規範後財報品質提升幅度是否大於非中國之借殼上市公司。實證結果顯示借殼上市的財務報表品質明顯差於配對公司,且中國借殼上市公司的財務報表品質明顯劣於非中國之借殼上市公司。在加入借殼上市規則修訂因子後,借殼上市公司財報品質改善幅度明顯大於配對之一般上市公司;比較中國借殼上市公司、非中國之借殼上市公司及配對公司在借殼上市規則修訂前後本身財報品質變化,發現三類公司前後財務報表品質皆有顯著提升,然而在提升幅度上中國借殼上市公司與非中國之借殼上市公司並無顯著差異。 / Based on a study sample consisting of 159 reverse merger firms and their matching U.S. public companies (according to industry and firm size) listed in NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ from 2005 to 2015, we study the impacts of the 2011 listing-rule revision on the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms in the US. More important, using discretionary accruals as the proxy of financial reporting quality, we ask if the financial reporting quality of Chinese reverse merger firms is worse than the non-Chinese reverse merger firms. Our empirical results show that the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms is out-performed by their matching U.S. counterparts, and the financial reporting quality of Chinese reverse merger firms is, in general, inferior to the non-Chinese reverse merger firms. Post the 2011 listing-rule revision, we find that the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms is better than their matching U.S. firms after controlling for the regulatory factor; in particular, we find that the China reverse merger firms, the non-Chinese reverse merger firms, and the matching U.S firms, all exhibit significant improvements in their financial reporting quality. However, this incremental gain in financial reporting quality seems indifferent between the China reverse merger firms and the non-Chinese reverse merger firms.

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