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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳錦棕 Unknown Date (has links)
由於數位電視產業的發展,將來每個家庭都會利用電視使用數據化的資訊服務,並且使得資訊管理的議題從企業轉向家庭。目前現行的國際標準有歐規的DVB-MHP以及美規的OCAP,均係試圖整合目前所有平台的標準,並且讓整體產業的各環節有最佳的技術解決方案。本研究採取訊息方式(Message-oriented Middleware, MOM)和WebSevices來設計社區機頂盒(set-top box, STB)的管理平台,並且藉由本研究所定義的商業模式(Business Model),來導入相關的理論設計,建置以服務為導向的STB管理平台,讓STB得以加強其內容服務與分享網際網路的資源。

創新生意模式 – 案例分析 LINE / New Business Models of Innovation – Case study of LINE

李儒婷, Lee, Sabrina Unknown Date (has links)
創新生意模式 – 案例分析 LINE / As more people around the world start using smartphones, instant-messaging apps are emerging not only as an alternative to conventional mobile text-messaging, but also as a social network that could replace some of the roles played by Facebook Twitter and others. One of the fastest-growing messaging apps in the world is LINE, developed and operated by Tokyo-based LINE Corp. Just over the past year, LINE has seen the number of its users surge nearly fourfold to more than 500 million. In this paper, we will discuss the reason why LINE become so popular, and how is it new business model work. The main reason LINE become so successful is that LINE grasp the essential needs of users and it also look deeply insight the market. Each function LINE had was not innovative at that time, just like games, photo-sharing, and a Facebook-like home page and timeline, however a lot of people would find it convenient if one app can let them experience many different things, then it combine all the function to become a successful LINE. It also created a new way to communicate for boring text message. It create its virtual stickers often featuring cute and quirky cartoon characters that people can send as messages which change users communicate behavior to use stickers instead of text. By these cute character it also create new business model. The company’s revenue comes from the sales of virtual stickers as well as virtual items sold in games. Also generate with game title, which design with LINE character. The app also makes money by charging businesses that use official Line accounts to distribute promotional messages. In the future, LINE's ambition is to becoming a broader platform for social network and entertainment. The communication app category is crowded and competitive; therefore the company has to create its irreplaceable value to stand stable in this number one position.


楊秋蘋, YANG, GIU-PING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究約有五萬字,共分為研究動機、文獻探討、研究方法、資料分析與結論等五章 。 研究動機源自於曾參與觀察三家電視台國會記者採訪過程,禸感於立法院第七十九期 的議事多元化,而不知電視媒介的處理方式是否因應改變。 文獻探討是以「媒介建構社會事實」及「訊息來源人物的新聞處理」此兩個概念作為 衍伸。落實到研究問題則為: 1.不同屬性的立委之間。不同屬性立委與官員之間、及總體立委與官員之間,其電 視新聞議題及新聞處理方式有何不同? 2.不同屬性的立委之間。不同屬性立委與官員之間、及總體立委與官員之間,其電 視新聞處理方式比對客觀事實有何不同? 本研究以系統分層間隔抽樣,分析三台自2月24日至7月17日期間之立法院院會 及委員會新聞,共計有117天,以出現在新聞中直接或間接說話的訊息來源人物( 立委與官員)作為分析單位,新聞內容再比對立法院公報及新聞稿的記錄,以了解其 間的差異。

限量訊息策略與消費者獨特性需求對購買意願之影響 / The Strategy of Signaling Limited Edition, Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness, and Purchase Intention

陳穎萱, Chen, Ying Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
市場上有非常多種利用「限量」來吸引消費者的方式,例如許多品牌會找來藝術家合作推出限量聯名商品,如村上隆為 LV 設計的限量櫻桃包;也有像SWATCH手錶一樣每款手錶皆用限量發行方式,引發搶購與收藏熱潮,成功地提高了商品附加價值;此外,也有廠商利用不同節日與紀念日,趁勢推出限量商品供消費者收藏與選擇。 本研究希望從訊息面、廠商面、消費者特質面三個面向來探討限量商品對購買意願之影響。本研究主要探討的目的有三:第一部份欲了解限量商品在訊息策略上有些甚麼樣的策略模式和手法是會影響消費者知覺價值和購買意願;第二部份欲了解發行廠商的信譽,是否對限量商品推出的成效有所影響;第三部份欲探討消費者端的個人特質如獨特性需求是否會影響對限量商品的購買意願。 研究發現,「限量訊息明確度」與「購買意願」間有直接正向關係;「限量訊息明確度」與「知覺品質」有正向關係;「發訊者信譽」與「知覺價值」有正向關係;而「消費者獨特性需求」程度與對限量商品「知覺價值」有正向關係。本研究最後根據分析結果,提出整體行銷建議供相關業者參考。

Two essays of the information impact on the valuation of closed-end funds

廖憲文, Liao,Hsien-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為兩部分,第一部份為以台灣之封閉型基金探討訊息事件下之投資者敏感性與市場效率性。第二部份為以東南亞六家國家基金探討投資者過渡反應之現象同時研究訊息分類後之訊息效果。 / This dissertation studies investors’ sentiment to dramatic public information events and the news effect on the valuation of closed-end funds. There are two main issues included in this dissertation. For the issue of investors’ sentiment, we employ domestic closed-end funds from Taiwan to test how political information events affect fund share price and net asset value. The political information events employed are the 1996 and 2000 presidential elections in Taiwan, including prominent political events ahead of the elections. For the other issue of news effect on the valuation of closed-end country funds, the six Asian country funds listed on the New York Stock Exchange are employed and the country-specific news are culled from the headlines shown on the front page of The New York Times. For investors’ sentiment, we examine how dramatic political news and events affect closed-end fund data, fund price, and net asset value, using a sample of Taiwan data. We use data from Taiwan, because its stock market has been repeatedly affected by political events. We develop a theoretical model to show how information shocks would affect the discounts on closed-end funds. In designing the model, which is tested below, we start by assuming that the information shock is consistent with market efficiency. Our empirical results show that, even though this assumption is corroborated by three out of four events, the remaining one event in four induces changes which are inconsistent with market efficiency. This provides support for the theory of the preponderance of investors’ sentiment. The results also show that the return on fund share prices and the return of net asset value (NAV) move in the same direction and the impact of information shocks to the return of fund share price and return of NAV have mostly the same sign. Although the results from domestic funds, with fund share prices and NAV that are valued in the identical market, tell us that there exists investors’ sentiment, we intend to resolve what the information effects are on the valuation of closed-end country funds that have fund share prices and NAV valued in two different entities/markets. We use a sample of six Asian country funds, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, to test whether salient country-specific news affects investors’ reaction around the Asian financial crisis period. Our results show that in regular weeks, fund share prices react less to changes in fundamentals. In weeks with salient news appearing on the front page of The New York Times, fund share prices react much more than those in regular weeks. We also find that economic news affects the adjustment process of fund share prices more significantly before and during the Asian financial crisis periods. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that news events play a role in the magnitude of investors’ reaction to changes in the fundamental values of closed-end country funds. As to the reaction of volume to news, the results show that news effect is significant in full sample period. For the reaction of volume to categorized news, economic news is significant in full sample period. In sum, the results from either domestic funds or country funds all show that news events/information do play a role in individual investors’ sentiment. The phenomenon is more conspicuous during a financial crisis period.


陳芳宇, Chen ,Fang-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
從八十年代開始,台灣的新上市公司即呈現快速成長趨勢,然而當公司希望透過直接金融的方式在市場上融資時,投資人可能會因為不了解新上市公司的營運狀況而裹足不前,對體質佳的公司募集資本的過程造成阻礙。本文的研究目的即在探討是否能夠透過一些訊號機制來傳遞出公司體質較佳的訊號,以提供投資人在選擇投資標的時的一個參考依據。 根據本文所蒐集民國85年至92年間123家新上市公司的實證資料顯示的結論如下: 1、在123個實證樣本中,有81.3%的公司有超額報酬的現象,平均的承銷價低估程度為4.61%,明顯呈現大於零的情況,可以看出在台灣新上市股票市場的確有承銷價低估的狀況存在,並且情況相當的普遍。 2、當多個公司未來的現金流量變動程度均相同下,承銷價折價幅度越大的公司,其公司的體質越好。 3、當多個公司的內部持股比例均相同下,公司的價值越高者,其未來的現金流量變動程度也越高。 4、當多個公司的內部持股比例均相同之下,承銷價折價幅度越高的公司,其未來的現金流量的變動程度也越高。 5、當多個公司內部持股比例均相同之下,承銷價折價幅度越高的公司,其公司的價值也越高。 另外,就整體的迴歸分析判斷,公司內部持股與承銷價低估程度對公司價值有正向的相關性,與Grinblatt & Hwang的理論不謀而合。


顏志達 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統最適所得稅文獻忽略了勞動市場訊息不完全對租稅設計造成的影響。有鑑於此,本文建立一個勞動市場同時存在逆選擇以及道德冒險的模型來探討最適所得稅制訂。其中雇主採取分紅契約來篩選高、低能力的員工。在本文的架構下,我們發現:當勞動市場存在逆選擇問題時,享有訊息租的是低能力者而非傳統的高能力者,此一性質導致雇主篩選員工的目標與政府所得重分配的目標背道而馳。這項結果將使得最適所得稅制具有以下兩個性質:(1) 在忽略勞動誘因的情況下,最適所得稅制下高能力員工的邊際稅率等於1,換言之,政府將有誘因破壞廠商篩選員工的機制,而達到所得重分配的目標;(2) 在考慮勞動誘因的情況下,最適所得稅制將在所得重分配、勞動誘因與社會保險間取得協調,此時,最適所得稅制下高能力員工的邊際稅率將介於0與1之間。換言之,傳統最適所得稅制下高能力者所面對的邊際稅率為零的性質將不再成立。


謝依君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的希望找出現階段國內電子報網頁介面設計的基本概況及發展情形,並期望了解電子報介面編排是否受到傳統版面編輯取向的影響?又是否受限於網路媒體訊息設計的慣性及特質所影響?而影響所及,電子報介面編輯與傳統的報紙版面編輯間又有何異同之處?未來電子報介面設計又是否會朝向某一趨勢或形式發展?這些問題都是目前電子報階段性介面發展的重要內涵,本研究將一一加以探討。   本研究鎖定了符合「刊行於全球資訊網上,由此一新聞或專業性組織自行產出新聞資訊,並定期於每日至少更新一次」的電子報做為研究樣本,最後一共成功訪談到23家電子報的介面編輯人員,進行問卷普查及深度訪談。希望藉由一連串針對電子報首頁及頭條新聞頁介面元素概況的問卷普查,幫助我們了解現階段國內電子報的介面設計概況,並藉由與電子報編輯間的深度訪談,進一步探究電子報介面編排的過程及考量。   研究結果發現,電子報介面編輯設計的確存有許多與傳統平面報紙相似之處。就文字方面論,電子報介面普遍有新聞標題及內文設計;而且文字資訊的使用頻率,明顯高出圖像資訊。就資訊化圖像方面論,新聞照片出現在電子報首頁的比例最高;而具統計性的資訊圖表,也以首頁居多。就整體介面內容論,電子報介面也有類似分欄的塊狀設計,用以區分資訊類別;而廣告設計也是電子報首頁介面的重要元素之一。   然而,研究結果同時也發現,在電腦訊息設計等新傳媒科技等影響下,電子報的介面設計也存有許多不同於傳統平面報紙版面編輯的新象內容。以文字資訊論,現階段電子報介面上的文字走向一律為由左至右的橫排方式;而且新聞標題還增加了向內或向外的鏈結功能。以資訊化圖像論,目前新聞照片的比例雖然不高,但示意用的資訊化圖像卻屬相當普遍的介面設計。以整體介面設計論,報頭設計與可供點選的目錄群普遍有重覆出現在所有介面的傾向;資料庫的搜尋設計也延伸了網路媒體資訊的深度與廣度;如信件區、討論區、留言版等與讀者溝通的管道則是電子報介面設計必備的內容;並有相當高的比例採用了主色調的全彩設計。   而電子報介面設計未來的趨勢發展則應朝更便利、更易使用的角度發展,儘量減少讀者的使用成本,加強網路間互動層面的深度與廣度,提升寬頻網路的傳輸效能,以提供更多元的電子資訊、商務服務。另外還可與其他媒體相輔相成,增設更多的加值服務內容,充分運用網路媒體的特質及利基。   總之,媒材的型式特質與其介面上的設計模式間,甚至與讀者的閱讀習慣及模式,勢必都存有互為因果的影響關係,電子報所具備的互動、即時、資訊無限延伸、介面無限擴張、全球化等網路媒體專屬的特質,一方面體現於介面設計的模式及編排上,一方面也深受介面設計模式的影響,而這一切更隨時牽動著讀者的使用習慣以及電子報未來的發展方向。因此本研究希望能藉由對電子報介面設計的趨勢分析,為現階段電子報的介面發展歷程留下些許記錄,或許能為未來相關領域的研究提供一二參考。


陳政裕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討華人真實自我的內涵為何。由於「真實自我」在華人研究中較少受到關注,因此我們先藉由Goldman與Kernis(2004)的真實自我量表為架構,來了解華人真實自我,隨後參考預試結果及社會取向自我實現者的概念來編製華人真實自我量表,之後的實驗中為了反應華人重視關係的傾向,則加入「關係」變項的考量。研究1A使用問卷調查法,主要希望了解自編之華人真實自我量表與其他量表之關聯。結果發現自編的華人真實自我量表的內涵包含了兩個成分:「真實表達」與「彈性圓融」,概念上比Kernis的真實自我量表更為多元、複雜。研究1B為2(觸發我:相依我 vs. 獨立我) x 2(親密程度:高 vs. 低) x 2(接受程度:高 vs. 低)x2(訊息:正向vs.負向)四因子混和設計,主要依變項為具真實自我的程度。結果顯示面對自我訊息時,對親近他人給予的訊息有較高接受程度的個體是較具有真實自我的;而對陌生他人所給予的負向訊息時,接受程度越低者越具真實自我。研究二則為2(觸發自我:獨立我vs.相依我)x2(親密程度:高vs.低)x(調整程度:高vs.低)三因子受試者間設計。結果發現觸發自我的主要效果,被觸發相依我的個體傾向認為他人較具真實自我。分析結果也出現三因子的交互作用,被觸發獨立我的個體,認為在面對較陌生的人時,出現低調整程度是有真實自我的表現;面對親近他人時,不論如何反應皆可被視為是真實自我的展現。整體而言,本研究顯示華人的真實自我較為複雜、多元的,會隨著不同的「關係」來決定如何行為反應,而這樣的調整變化仍被視為是真實自我的展現。 / The present research was designed to investigate the Chinese authenticity. Kernis (2003) defined authenticity as “the unobstructed operation of one's true or core self in one's daily enterprise”. However, the topic hasn’t been explored in Chinese culture. Therefore, based on the Authenticity Inventory ( Goldman & Kernis, 2003) and the concept of social-oriented self-actualizers proposed by Yang (2003), we developed the Chinese authenticity inventory first, then conducted experiments to explore the concept of Chinese authenticity. The purpose of study 1A was to check the correlations between the scale of Chinese authenticity and other scales to establish the validity of the scale. The result showed that Chinese authenticity has two major components: “authentic expression” and “flexibility”. In study 1B, one hundred and six participants were assigned to a 2 (prime: independent self vs. interdependent self) x 2 (evaluation: positive vs. negative) x 2 (guanxi-closeness: good friend vs. acquaintance) x 2 (acceptance: high vs. low ) mixed design. The main dependent measure was the degree of authenticity. The result indicated that low acceptance of negative evaluation from an acquaintance would be considered as more authentic. In study 2, one hundred and twenty-one participants were assigned to a 2 (prime: independent self vs. interdependent self) x 2 (guanxi-closeness: good friend vs. acquaintance) x 2 (the degree of compromise:high vs. low) between-subjects design. The result showed a significant three-way interaction, participants who were primed with independent self would rate behavior that showed low compromise to an acquaintance as more authentic. To sum up, this present study indicated that Chinese authenticity is more complicated than Kernis (2003) was defined. Chinese people often take “guanxi” into consideration when they decide how to act in different situations, and this doesn’t violate their concept of authenticity.


蔡宜靜, Tsai, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻探討干預政策影響匯率的管道主要有三個:貨幣管道、資產組合管道與訊息管道。在沖銷干預不改變貨幣基數下,無法透過貨幣管道影響匯率;而過去文獻中對於資產組合管道之實證結果非常不一致,因此,Mussa在1981提出訊息管道認為央行目前的沖銷干預政策可能隱含未來的匯率與貨幣政策進而改變市場參與者的預期而影響目前的匯率水準。 Lewis (1995)使用1985年至1990年美國公開的外匯干預日資料估計一個兩變數的VAR模型,探討干預與貨幣政策之間的關係。同時檢定現在的外匯干預是否隱含未來貨幣政策的改變以及貨幣政策的改變是否引起央行採行逆勢操作的干預政策。Lewis的研究結果顯示,此兩個假設皆成立,表示外匯干預可能預測未來貨幣政策的改變以及貨幣政策的改變也可能使央行進場干預匯率。此外,Lewis也利用衝擊反應函數估計不同貨幣政策變數的衝擊對匯率的影響,發現非借入準備 (nonborrowed reserve) 的衝擊對匯率的影響較M1顯著。 本文參考Lewis的分析架構並且使用台灣資料進行實證分析並進一步估計一個三變數的VAR模型欲探討干預與匯率之直接影響效果。結果發現訊息管道與逆勢操作政策皆存在,且干預對新台幣兌美元的影響較日圓顯著;在貨幣政策變數上,非借入準備對匯率之影響較M1顯著,此結果與Lewis相符。

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