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複評量者一複評量法預測團體領導者產生張幼恬, ZHANG, YOU-TIAN Unknown Date (has links)
評究程予係:三階段評量者訓練,二梯次(每天兩次)評量程序,三梯次(每次7 小
以單因子變異度分,X2 考驗、積差相關、信度考驗,分析結果顯示:
1.評分者間信度在.62 至.95 間,與過去文獻相符。
評分者內信度在.17 至.40 間,與過去文獻有一玫趨向。
異分析P 於.05,X2 考驗P 小於 .05)。
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檔案評量在高中英文課之實施鄧素琴, Teng, Su-chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質的分析法,涵蓋 : (一) 學生對自己的檔案作品之感想;(二) 學生對檔案評量之認識及評價;(三) 檔案評量對學生在學習英文之助益;(四) 提供學生自主學習之機會。
本研究結果如下 : (一) 學生對自我作品之肯定;(二) 發現檔案評量對學生之影響;(三) 獲得一些教學上的啟示。簡言之,本研究提供了檔案評量在教學上之另一選擇,對學生及老師而言,導引出評量及教學的方向。 / The purpose of the study is to show how portfolio assessment can be implemented in an EFL senior high school classroom and to provide an alternative assessment for senior high school English teachers.
In this study, both qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted. Research data were collected from classroom observations, questionnaires, interviews and student portfolios. The results not only revealed the students’ improvement in a range of skills but reflected change and growth over a period of time. The study showed that portfolio assessment provided students with self-directed learning, created an interaction for instruction and assessment and offered opportunities for peer-supported growth. As for future implementation, portfolio assessment is not an educational panacea; rather, it is a promising alternative assessment procedure, and instructors must fully realize both its strengths and weaknesses for proper implementation. In conclusion, the study found that portfolio assessment linked assessment more closely to classroom activities. In addition, the students’ participation and academic achievement were satisfactory.
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國小學生數學學科知識結構評量之研究蔡佳燕 Unknown Date (has links)
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展覽總結式量表之建構 / Developing an Exhibition Summative Evaluation Measurement吳珈瑤 Unknown Date (has links)
商業策展公司每年舉辦的藝文展覽數量不斷增加,然而受限於人力與資金,展覽評量尚未發展成熟,然而展覽做為一種藝術的呈現方式,評量有助於策展團體了解觀眾對於展覽的評價、展覽成效以及在市場上尋找自身利基,建立獨特的品牌形象。商業策展公司評量方式以參觀人數以及發放意見調查表為主,然而目前市面上觀眾意見調查問卷的評量面向標準不一,無法完整評量一個展覽的成效,且忽略觀眾在展覽中的體驗評量。因此,本研究以Lauterborn 4C四項要素以及Schmitt策略體驗模組(Strategic Experiential Modules, SEMs)理論,發展出一個結合觀眾的展覽認知與展覽體驗的展覽總結式量表。本研究以時藝多媒體舉辦的《米羅特展》以及寬宏藝術舉辦的《失戀博物館》為研究案例,回收問卷490份,有效問卷回收475份,並依照Devellis量表分析步驟,包括題項刪減(item purification)、建構效度分析(construct validity analysis)與信度分析(reliability analysis),建構展覽評量量表,最終發展五大評量層面,包括消費者需求與欲望、物超所值、雙向溝通、感官與社群關聯與行動力以及相對應的九大評量面向和評量子面向。 / In Taiwan, Curatorial companies hold more and more art exhibitions every year. Owing to the lack of human and financial resources, exhibition evaluation hasn’t developed maturely enough. However, exhibition is one of the ways of presenting art and evaluation would help curatorial team know how audiences evaluate the exhibition, what the exhibition’s effects are, and what the company’s brand image is in the market. Nowadays, curatorial companies use the number of visitors and evaluation questionnaires as the way of exhibition evaluation. Nevertheless, the evaluation questionnaires cannot assess the whole parts of exhibition’s effects and ignore the assessment of what the audiences experience in the exhibition. Therefore, this study uses Lauterborn’s 4C elements and Schmitt’s strategic experiential modules to develop the scale that combines audience’s cognition and experience in the exhibition. As for cases, the study uses Joan Miro Exhibition Women, Birds, Stars, held by Mediashpere and Museum of broken relationship, held by Kuang Hong Arts. And follow Devellis’s scale development steps, including item purification, construct validity analysis and reliability analysis to construct summative exhibition scale. Finally, the scale develops five parts, including consumer needs and wants, cost, communication, sense and community and action and the related nine layers and sub-layers.
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企業社會責任及其評量機制之研究 / A Research on Corporate Social Responsibility and its Rating System楊資華, Yang, Helen Unknown Date (has links)
貳、提出西班牙Leadtad Foundation 對非營利組織的九項評估標準也可作為評量企業社會責任的參考
三大構面為規範遵循、市場力量及與非營利機構成為夥伴。 / Five years ago, when I first read the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR), I was surprised and very much impressed. In the autumn of 2005, I went back to National Chengchi University for my EMBA degree, and since then, I have learnt that corporates in Europe and America have begun their CSR practice in 1984. In addition, our neighbouring Asian countries including Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and even Mainland China began CSR practice starting from 1995. These Asian countries now have their own-designed CSR Investment Index and Social Investmnent Fund.
However, in Taiwan, we still do not have our own-designed CSR Investment Index or Social Investment Fund. For the CSR Rating, only two magazines—Common Wealth and Gloval Views are doing questionaire investigation. I sincerely hope that Taiwan will very soon have its own developed CSR rating system, CSR Investment Index and Social Responsibility Fund. As the matter of fact, Taiwan’s research and design as well as manufacturing technologies are on ahead of its neighbouring developing countries and chase after the developed countries in the West. For CSR practice, I expect Taiwan will also chase after the Western countries’ performance and even become the leader among the countries.
The four research purposes of this essay are as follows:
1. A research on updated CSR practice in Taiwan and around the world.
2. The Nine Standards of Transparency and Sound Practice from Leadtad Foundation in Spain may be used as the reference for CSR rating system.
3. Submit annual-- average –corporate-- value increase rate will be one of CSR rating method.
4. Suggest three CSR development frameworks for CSR practice.
The three frameworks are as follows:
1. Follow the local and global laws and regulations regarding CSR.
2. Market influence to CSR.
3. To be partner with non-profit organizations for CSR practice.
Finally, I would like to thank Professor Eric C. M. Wu, Professor M. S. Jiang, Professor Peter Huang, Professor Jason Wang, and Professor C. Y. Hsu for their guidance. Once again, my sincere appreciations to Delta Electronics, Department of Investment Services of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Gretai Securities Market, Taiwan Mobile, Chunghwa Telecom, Lite-0n Group, Himalaya Foundation, Business Council For Sustainable Development, Taiwan, Global Views Magazine and Common Wealth Magazine for their either acceptance of interviews or providing information materials.
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台北市國中英語教師對多元評量信念之研究 / A Study on Junior High School English Teachers' Beliefs in Multiple Assessments許馨方, Hsu, Hsin-fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討多元化評量在國中英語科實施之情況。教育部於民國93年所提出之「國民小學及國民中學學生成績評量準則」提及,學生的成績評量可參酌建議之十二項評量評定之。本研究藉由問卷設計及訪談的方式進行,旨在了解目前國中英語科老師對多元評量功能的信念,常使用之評量方式,以及評量最常遭遇之困難。其中問卷調查是匯集143位台北市公立國中英語科教師之意見,以統計軟體SPSS 10.0進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費法事後分析,並訪談其中5位自願受訪的老師,以質性資料補充說明,獲得結果簡述如下:
1. 國中英語科老師對多元評量功能上的信念,抱持正面的看法;
2. 國中英語課堂上最常採用的三種評量方式依序為:紙筆測驗、作業、口試;教學年資不同的老師,對測驗的選擇有顯著性的差異;
3. 國中英語科老師在實施多元評量時,最常遭遇的困難依序為:學生程度差異大、班級人數多、施測費時;性別、教學年資、以及是否參加過與多元入學相關的研習,對於實施多元評量時的困難,造成顯著性的不同差異。
最後依據所得的結論,對教育相關單位提出具體建議,希望能做為未來落實多元評量的參考。 / The study aims to investigate the implementation of multiple assessments (MA) in the English classes in junior high schools. The MOE proposed the Guidelines of Assessments for Elementary and Junior High School Students in 2004, suggesting 12 modes to evaluate students’ performances. The researcher endeavored to find out junior high school English teachers’ beliefs in MA, the assessments practiced most often in class, and the difficulties hindering teachers in employment. Both questionnaire and interview were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data from 143 English teachers in public junior high schools in Taipei City. Statistic computerization, including descriptive statistics, the independent sample t-test, and ANOVA with Scheffe as the post hoc test if needed, were analyzed, and the findings were presented briefly as follows:
1. In general, junior high school English teachers hold a positive attitude toward the functions of MA;
2. The most common used assessments, in order, are: paper-and-pencil tests, homework, and oral tests; teachers with different seniority reflect significantly different choices of MA in use;
3. In applying MA in class, junior high school English teachers are most hampered by the divergent levels of students in the same class, the large class sizes, and a time consuming; the variables, such as gender, seniority, and workshop-attendance, make significant difference when teachers are encountered with different difficulties in applying MA in class.
Finally, based on the findings in this study, some suggestions were made for educational authorities concerned to develop a more mature environment for practicing MA in the future.
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中小企業如何規劃績效評量系統(PMS)?以台灣一中小企業為例做分析 / How do SMEs organize the performance measurement systems (PMS)? – Taking a Taiwanese company as an empirical case陳盈珊, Chen, Shandi Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業如何規劃績效評量系統(PMS)?以台灣一中小企業為例做分析 / The paper wishes to provide another angle of study in the performance measurement system (PMS) in SMEs by using a case. The topic was inspired by literatures that focus on PMS in SMEs. As widely understood, the importance of PMS has grown in the last 30 years and there were many PMS models. Yet, applying these PMS models to SMEs is still in doubt.
This paper is interested in how SMEs implement their PMS without using any PMS models. In Taiwan, SMEs refer to enterprises with less than 200 employees. However, here in this paper we apply the U.S. definition, company with less than 500 employees, as our standard. The chosen company we studied has nearly 500 employees up to the end of 2013.
In one literature - Performance Measurement System in SMEs (2005) - it concluded ten dimensions of PMS characteristics commonly used by popular PMS models. In order to examine the robustness of the PMS in the case company, these dimensions are used to make comparison. The result shows that the case company constructed a quite robust PMS by applying these dimensions. However, since there’s limited resource for SMEs to implement models, we recommend SMEs to use these dimension to examine their PMS instead of trying to find out the best model.
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自我之運作與回饋型態對自我評量、歸因及社會比較的影響。 / OMIT王美玲 Unknown Date (has links)
運作的自我(working self-concept)認為一個人的自我知識,就結構而
邀請受試做自我評量及回答一份有關歸因及社會比較的問卷。 研究結果
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專利之品質與價值評量方法—以TFT-LCD產業為例 / The Evaluation Method of Patent Quality and Value-Center on the Industry of TFT-LCD潘治良, Pan ,Chih Liang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,提昇專利品質的觀念已在企業間蔓延開來,而擁有一套能夠有效衡量的分析評量工具,為企業評估專利價值的先決條件。目前坊間評估專利價值較普遍的方式為CHI Research所發展,以「專利引證資訊」及「專利數量」作為公式的計算基礎。然而專利之品質要素並非現行專利分析公式及其指標所能完全涵蓋及內化,與商業價值亦無直接對應關係。為了改善上述之問題,本研究試圖從實務的觀點出發,找出並分析品質優良之專利說明書,其共通之特色為何,以及如何評估專利實際替企業創造的利益。本研究擬就下列問題進行討論:
本研究之架構乃由現有理論基礎配合產業實務,首先將專利之評估方式分成「品質」及「價值」兩階段。接著以TFT-LCD產業之著名訴訟專利及廣視角技術作為研究對象,討論擁有優良品質之專利其特色為何。再連結產業結構、價值鏈、供應鏈、產品結構、技術結構、營收結構等市場面議題以實證專利之價值,並分析探討本研究之專利評量模型可行性。最後,針對提出之問題歸納出研究結論,給予學界及產業界一個專利評量之方法參考。 / In recent years, the concept of improving patent quality is spread over companies and cooperations. Analysis system, as a tool for effectively measuring patent quality, is the prerequisite of patent evaluation. The most general way of patent evaluation is developed by CHI Research, which bases on the information of “patent citation” and “patent quantity” for formulas. However, the essential factor of the patent quality can not be suitably presented by the foregoing indices and formulas. Furthermore, there is no direct relationship between the commercial value and such evaluation process. In order to improve the evaluation process, this research focuses on analyzing the common characteristics of high quality patents and how to value the actual commercial profit earned by patents, form the points of views of practice. Therefore, the objects of the research were to answer the questions as the follows:
1. Are the existing patent evaluation methodology which base on the information of “patent citation” and “countable indices in patent disclosure” dependable.
2. How to define and evaluate “patent quality” and “patent value” respectively.
3. What is the essential factors and evaluation process of patent quality.
4. What is the evaluation process of patent value.
5. The feasibility of patent evaluation model initialed from the industrial structure.
This method of the research combines current theory and industry practice. First, the evaluation process is devided into two steps: “quality” and “value”. Then it takes TFT-LCD industry for example, by analyzing a famous litigation patent and VA technology to discuss the common characteristics of high quality patents. Then, from the business point of view, the research links with several indices such as industry structure, value chain, supply chain, product structure, technology structure and revenue structure to derive the patent value. The feasibility of patent evaluation model by this research will also be discussed. At last, the research summarize the result to present an evaluation methodology of patent quality and value, which may be a useful reference to industry and the academia.
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非營利組織財務評量指標合適性與組織運作差異效應之研究 / Research of NPO financial index suitability and difference between organizational operation effects.吳龍三 Unknown Date (has links)
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