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漢語山西方言声調の研究八木, 堅二 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第18725号 / 文博第683号 / 新制||文||617(附属図書館) / 31676 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 木津 祐子, 教授 平田 昌司, 教授 池田 巧 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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日本語接辞にみられる否定の意味的多様性とその体系的分類久保, 圭 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第20465号 / 人博第815号 / 新制||人||195(附属図書館) / 28||人博||815(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 谷口 一美, 教授 服部 文昭, 教授 河﨑 靖, 教授 山梨 正明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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ベトナム語南部方言の形成過程に関する一考察近藤, 美佳 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第20466号 / 人博第816号 / 新制||人||195(附属図書館) / 28||人博||816(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 齋藤 治之, 教授 服部 文昭, 教授 河崎 靖, 准教授 清水 政明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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スワヒリ語マクンドゥチ方言の文法:名詞と動詞を中心とした記述と分析古本, 真 26 November 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第21408号 / 文博第779号 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉田 豊, 教授 吉田 和彦, 准教授 千田 俊太郎, 教授 米田 信子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM
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清末中国のキリスト教系学校における英語教育史研究: 入華宣教師による言語観と教育理念をめぐって張, 尋 25 September 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第24915号 / 人博第1089号 / 新制||人||255(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 西山 教行, 准教授 石岡 学, 准教授 小野寺 史郎, 准教授 新居 洋子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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台灣原住民族語言能力認證制度之評估李台元, Li, Tai-yen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文第一章說明研究緣起與相關問題點。第二章描述族語能力認證實施過程的背景。第三章探討與本研究相關的理論與文獻,以利於理解族語能力認證在語言規劃和語言政策範疇裡的意義。第四章為研究設計,描述內容包括對首屆認證考試題庫中的詞彙進行分析的方法,以及對首屆認證考試的內容進行量化研究的問卷設計與資料分析方法。第五章為研究結果,提出各族認證題庫的詞彙、各族語言能力、各族語言使用情形、以及各族對族語認證制度的態度等四個層面的調查結果,並加以分析與討論。第六章為結論與建議。研究結果發現,首屆族語能力認證的擬定與實施,大體獲得各類受試者的肯定,為往後認證制度的規劃、執行與評鑑奠立了基礎。整體受試者並認為族語認證工作最重要的意義在於挽救族語流失,本研究因而建議往後的認證制度可朝此方向推展,以帶動更廣泛的族語學習與族語復振。本論文的主要貢獻在於為族語能力認證及相關語言規劃的評鑑步驟,建立初步的模式。 / This thesis aims to evaluate the planning and the first implementation of the Accreditation of the Aboriginal Languages Proficiency (AALP), which is directed by Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, with the view of promoting the education of aboriginal languages in Taiwan.
There are six chapters in this thesis. Chapter One describes the purpose of this study and presents some related problems. Chapter Two presents the backgrounds of AALP. In Chapter Three, the related theories and studies are reviewed and discussed. Chapter Four depicts the research designs, including the methodology to evaluate the vocabulary test in the first AALP, questionnaire design to elicit subjects' opinions about the policy of AALP and its first implementation, and methods for data analysis. Chapter Five reports the results in terms of vocabulary analysis, language proficiency, language use, and language attitudes toward AALP. The last Chapter offers conclusions and suggestions.
One of the major findings lies in that AALP is widely recognized, and the results of its first implementation may serve as a guideline for its future implementation. It is also believed that AALP may help to revitalize aboriginal languages in Taiwan and thus reverse the language shift related. Therefore, it is suggested that AALP should be continued by following the current model.
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漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤之心理語言學研究 / A Psycholinguistic Study On Aphasic Tone Errors In Mandarin陳倩□, Chen,Chien-Shien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對失語症病人在聲調方面表現,做聲調錯誤頻率分佈、語境影響錯誤、以及錯誤方向種類之分析 然後將整失語症病人聲調表現的分析跟心理語言學語言產出機制作連結。
本研究結果顯示,漢語失語症病人聲調表現上第四生錯誤雖然最多,但第四聲在漢語裡原本出現的頻率就最高,所以第四聲不應被認為對失語症病人最為困難。而第三聲雖然在漢語裡出現頻率最低,卻佔了失語症病人聲調錯誤頻率第二高位,因此我們判斷第三聲對失語症病人來說是最為困難的聲調。第二,我們發現漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤受語境影響比正常人低。第三,漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤裡,語境影響語誤之方向性中,錯誤來源在語誤出現前類型較多。第四,我們發現Dell的連續模型(connectionist model),可以解釋失語症病人在聲調錯誤類型偏好原因。 / Naturally occurring speech errors have been used as evidence for testing the psychological reality of phonological units. A number of researchers start to look at evidence from aphasic speech for testing linguistic representation so the phenomena of aphasia provide tests of the validity of certain aspects of linguistic theory.
In this thesis, tone errors made by aphasics were examined and related overall analyses to psycholinguistic models of speech production. In light of the analysis of tone frequency in Mandarin written texts and oral data and tone errors produced by aphasics, relating issues concerning the research questions we put forward were elucidated. First, it seems that tone 4 is the most problematic tone for the aphasics in terms of error rate since tone 4 occurs the most often in errors. However, tone 4 errors intrinsically will occur more that other three tones because of its highest incidence in Mandarin. Thus, tone 4 may not be taken as the most difficult tone for aphasics merely from its high error rate. Second, the results indicated that non-contextual errors constitute most of the aphasic errors. Third, it has been shown that perseveration is a cross-linguistic feature of aphasia. Fourth, Dell’s connectionist model is proved to be able to account for and make predictions about the error patterns found in both aphasic and normal speech.
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語境限制與第二語言能力對雙語詞彙觸接的影響:日中雙語者的眼動研究證據 / The influence of contextual constraint and L2 proficiency on bilingual lexical access: evidence from eye movements of Japanese-Chinese bilinguals翁翊倫, Weng, Yi Lun Unknown Date (has links)
過去學者們對於雙語詞彙觸接歷程持有兩種相異的觀點:選擇性觸接假設(selective access hypothesis)認為雙語者在進行詞彙觸接時,只有符合語境的目標語言才會被激發;非選擇性觸接假設(non-selective access hypothesis)則認為雙語者的兩種語言表徵會同時被激發而產生競爭或促進效果。至今已有眾多研究結果支持雙語詞彙觸接歷程為非選擇性,然而,這些研究大多採用促發典範(priming paradigm)忽略語境在雙語詞彙觸接歷程所扮演的角色,且多數實驗中的受試者二語能力皆相當流利,對於二語能力個別差異對詞彙觸接歷程的影響也尚未清楚。此外,以非拼音文字系統為研究對象的相關雙語研究也不多。因此,本研究旨在從非拼音文字的角度探討語境限制及中文能力在雙語詞彙觸接中所扮演的角色,實驗操弄語境限制程度(高限制、低限制)及詞彙類型(同形同義詞、同形異義詞、中文單義詞),以日中雙語者為研究對象,控制句子語境呈現中立或偏向目標詞中文語意,使用眼動實驗來即時記錄受試者在進行詞彙觸接的過程,檢視中文能力對跨語言同形詞效果在高、低限制語境下的影響性。此外,本研究也分別以高低分組與眼動表現兩種方法當作中文能力指標進行分析,並將結果進行比較,以瞭解何種中文能力指標能夠較準確反映出受試者在閱讀中文篇章的能力。
實驗結果顯示,雙語詞彙觸接歷程為非選擇性,中文能力和語境限制能夠對詞彙觸接歷程造成影響,使得跨語言同形詞效果產生消長。首先,在高低分組結果方面,中文能力指標和各效果主要在晚期詞彙處理階段產生交互作用,高程度組在高限制語境下觀察到形同異義效果,低限制語境則沒有看到任何效果;低程度組在高、低限制語境下皆觀察到顯著的形同義同效果。另一方面,以眼動表現作為中文能力指標的分析結果中,則清楚中文能力在早期詞彙觸接階段就已經和語境限制、跨語言同形詞效果產生影響性,顯示眼動表現能夠視為測量中文能力的指標之一。總而言之,不同的分析結果皆反映雙語詞彙觸接歷程為非選擇性,語境與中文能力在語意提取歷程中扮演重要角色,中文能力較好的雙語者在早期詞彙觸接階段就會受到語境限制影響,而中文能力較低者則是在晚期階段受到語境影響。 / For decades, psycholinguists have disputes on the organization of the two language systems of bilinguals’ brain and how they retrieve lexical representations. The selective access hypothesis predicts that two languages are independent in the brain and bilinguals activate only one lexicon at a time while reading or speaking. Alternatively, non-selective access hypothesis predicts that two languages share an integrated conception representation, so representations from both languages are accessed simultaneously during comprehension. So far, many bilingual studies have demonstrated that bilingual lexical access is non-selective. However, these studies usually used priming paradigm such as lexical decision task which words are presented in isolation, ignoring the role of context in the bilingual lexical access processing. According to the monolingual literature, it is clear that lexical ambiguity resolution is influenced by the surrounding sentence context. While most of the previous studies investigated highly proficient bilinguals, the same question about non-selective access could also be asked of less proficient bilinguals. Moreover, most of results are based on alphabetic writing systems such as English-French or Dutch; only few of them examined the non-alphabetic systems. Besides, since bilingual experience is dynamic and poses a challenge for researchers to develop instruments that capture its relevant dimensions. The present study also examined the result of language proficiency from class level and eye movement indexs to confirm which one is more accurate.The present study aimed to examine whether Japanese-Chinese bilingual lexical access is non-selective and whether the context and L2 proficiency modulate the word recognition processing. Experiment manipulated contextual constraint (high or low constraint) and target word types (cognates, interlingual homographs, or Chinese words), using eye movement recordings to investigate the effects of contextual constraint for bilingual lexical access when reading Chinese sentences by Japanese-Chinese bilinguals, L1 and L2 proficiency were measured.
The results support the non-selective hypothesis. Both sentence context and L2 proficiency could affect the bilingual lexical access. According to class level analysis, L2 proficiency has significant interaction with other effects in the late processing stage. The eye movement measures that reflects early processing of target words showed significant interlingual homograph interference and cognate facilitation in the higher proficient bilinguals. However, only cognate facilitation was observed for high-constraint sentences in the lower proficient bilinguals and no effect was founded in the low-constraint sentences. On the other hand, the eye movement index analysis showed L2 proficiency has significant interaction with other effects in the early processing stage, demonstrating the L2 reading proficiency can be measured by eye movement index. In summary, both sentence context and L2 proficiency can modulate bilingual lexical access. The early process is non-selective and bilinguals with more L2 proficiency could make use of sentence context in the early process than less L2 proficiency when reading L2 sentences.
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以台灣學習者需求分析為根基之教材分析研究 -以韓文系會話教材為中心 / A study on textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis-focusing on Korean conversation textbooks for Korean language department李榮敬, Lee, Yeong Kyung Unknown Date (has links)
在第二章,首先提出本論文所設定的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。 本論文以分析出‘教材的各部分多麼符合學習者的需求’為重點來設定了‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。此點為本論文所提出之‘韓語會話教材分析標準’與先行研究所提出之教材分析標準不同之處。而本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’略分為‘外在構成分析標準’及‘內在構成分析標準’,而內在構成分析是由‘學習目標與構成分析’、‘學習資料分析’、‘學習內容分析’以及‘學習活動分析’來構成的。接著提出本研究所使用的‘學習者需求分析問卷’之問題組成。‘學習者需求分析問卷’是由本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’當中需要查出學習者需求之項目為中心來構成的。
在第三章,先分析出使用‘學習者需求分析問卷’來進行的問卷調查結果,進而以此分析結果及在第二章所提出的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’為主要根基來進行‘學習者別教材分析’。藉此得知本研究的問卷對象,也就是國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生針對現用的會話教材具有什麼樣的想法並且想要什麼樣的會話教材。加上,也可得知國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生共同在使用的『재미있는 한국어』1~6冊多麼符合兩個具有不同特性的學習者集團之需求。
透過教材分析結果而得知外在構成上的‘學習情境’及‘原文翻譯’方面都符合兩個學習者集團的需求,但是‘文法索引’方面皆不符合兩個學習者集團的需求。還有‘說明語言’及‘教材相關附屬物’方面大致上比較符合補習班學生的需求。而藉內在構成分析而得知 ‘會話功能’方面皆符合兩個學習集團的需求。還有‘主題’、‘學習活動方式’以及‘練習題類型’方面相對傾向於符合韓語系學生集團的需求。而‘發音’、‘文法’、‘詞彙’及‘文化’方面比較傾向於符合補習班學生集團之需求。
不過本研究之有限之處在於問卷對象被侷限於國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立補習班學生。還有本論文以所分析的教材為基準,僅提出韓語系學生專用會話教材之開發方向,具體的開發方案或單元構成模型,有待後續研究。 / The aim of this study is to propose a methodology for textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis and to present the basic data for developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. The structure of this paper is as follows:
Chapter 1 states the need and purpose of this study and provides a review of related literature. Existing literature can be classified into 3 topics: ‘the standards for Korean textbooks analysis related studies’, ‘Korean learners’ needs analysis related studies’ and ‘studies that covers both Korean textbooks analysis and Korean learners’ needs analysis’. In addition, subjects and methodology of this study are also presented in chapter 1.
Chapter 2 presents ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ and the construction of the questionnaire applied in this study. This study has set the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis focusing on analyzing to what extent a textbook meets the needs of the learners. This is what distinguishes ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ set by this study from the other standards for Korean textbook analysis presented by existing studies. We classify ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ into ‘the standards for the analysis of external structures’ and ‘the standards for the analysis of internal structures’. Internal structures analysis consists of ‘lesson goals and unit structure analysis’, ‘learning materials analysis’, ‘learning contents analysis’ and ‘learning activities analysis’. ‘The questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ applied in this study is mainly composed of chosen questions among ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ that needs to acquire learners’ needs for analyzing.
Chapter 3 analyzes the result of ‘the questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ and conducts ‘textbook analysis by different learners’ based on both ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ mentioned in chapter 2 and the result of the questionnaire. Through this analysis, we show the general opinions of the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. We document their opinions on the current conversation textbooks as well as the desired features of conversation textbooks from their perspective. Furthermore, we demonstrate how『재미있는 한국어』volume 1~6, which are used by both the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of the anonymous private institute, meet the needs of these two groups of learners with different characteristics.
Our result shows that in the external structures, needs in both ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects are met in both groups. Needs in the ‘grammar index’ aspect, on the other hand, are not met in either group. In the ‘explanation language’ and ‘textbook appurtenances’ aspects, the textbooks coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute in general. Looking at the internal structures, ‘communicative functions’ presented in the textbooks tends to meet the needs of both groups. Besides, ‘themes’, ‘way of activities’ and ‘type of activities’ presented in the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of Korean language majors in general, while in ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’ and ‘culture’ aspects, the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute on the whole.
Chapter 4 offers suggestions on developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan based on the analyses of chapter 3. The suggestions are divided into two parts. First, ‘suggestions for the external structures’ improvement’ consist of ‘explanation language’, ‘index’, ‘textbook appurtenances’, ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects. The composition of ‘suggestions for the internal structures’ improvement’, on the other hand, is ‘theme’, ‘communicative function’, ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’, ‘culture’ and ‘activity’ aspects.
Chapter 5 summarizes the content of this study and states the significance and the limitation of this study. The significance of this study is that it has proposed the methodology of Korean conversation textbook analysis based on learners’ needs analysis, which is different from existing studies that have conducted learners’ needs analysis and textbook analysis separately. Furthermore, this is the first study that has not only analyzed Taiwanese learners’ needs about Korean conversation textbook but also analyzed textbooks based on those needs analysis, which provides basic data for developing textbooks for Taiwanese learners. Moreover, no study to our knowledge investigates Taiwanese learners’ needs or thoroughly analyzes Korean textbooks used in Taiwan, which is why this study bears big significance.
The limitation of this study, on the other hand, is that the target of the questionnaire has been limited to the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. Another limitation of this study is that it has only suggested certain directions on the development of conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. Detailed development plan or specific models of unit structure rely on future research.
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二十世紀末至二十一世紀初圖瓦共和國國家語言政策 / The state language policy in the Tyva Republic at the end of the 20th c. - the beginning of the 21st c.魏岑芳, Wei, Tsen Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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