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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣客語分類詞諺語:隱喻與轉喻之應用 / Classifier/Measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka: metaphor and metonymy

彭曉貞, Peng, Xiao Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文應用隱喻與轉喻之理論觀點,探討台灣客語分類詞諺語之認知語意機制如何運作。首先,根據Kövecses and Radden (1998) 從認知語言學角度所提出的轉喻理論,分析台灣客語分類詞諺語中的轉喻類型。接著,本論文分析台灣客語分類詞諺語中隱喻機制的運作,結果發現普遍而言,隱喻都是以轉喻為基礎。此外,本研究針對Radden (2003) 所提出以轉喻為基礎的隱喻之四種來源分類提出修正。 除了呈現認知語意機制,文化制約之世界普遍性及台灣客家文化之特殊性也在台灣客語分類詞諺語中展現出來。最後,透過Lakoff and Turner (1989) 所提出的生命物種之大鏈隱喻,我們了解諺語所表達的最終概念是以人為中心,而且諺語通常帶有勸世的功能。簡言之,本論文藉由探討認知語意機制如何在台灣客語分類詞諺語中運作,呈現人類認知過程以及展現台灣客家文化。 / This thesis aims to explore how the cognitive mechanisms are operated in the classifiers and measure words in Taiwanese Hakka proverbial expressions, in particular metonymy, the interaction between metaphor and metonymy, idiomaticity, and cultural constraints. Since human conceptual system is fundamentally metaphorical in nature, classifiers, representing conceptual classification of the world, are found to manifest metonymically and metaphorically. First, based on the metonymic relationships proposed by Kövecses and Radden (1998), cases involving metonymy are carefully spelled out. Then, cases involving the interaction between metaphor and metonymy are elaborated. The metaphors activated in these cases are generally grounded in metonymy, which evidences that metaphors generally have a metonymic basis (Radden 2003). Apart from displaying cognitive mechanisms, the classifier/measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka exhibit Taiwanese Hakka-specific cultural constraints and near universality in conceptual metaphors (Kövecses 2002). Cases which are more specific to Taiwanese Hakka are semantically more opaque whereas cases which are more near universal are semantically more transparent (Gibbs 1995). Furthermore, through the GREAT CHAIN METAPHOR proposed by Lakoff and Turner (1989), we know that all the proverbial expressions are ultimately concerned about human beings. Moreover, proverbial expressions tend to carry pragmatic-social functions, conveying exhortations. In brief, the cognitive mechanisms of metonymy as well as the interaction between metaphor and metonymy are pervasively found in classifier/measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka. Through unraveling the conceptual mechanisms associated with classifiers and measure words in Taiwanese Hakka proverbial expressions, this study betters our understanding of human cognition in general and Taiwanese Hakka culture in particular.

英美學生華語時間表述方位詞之第二語言習得 / L2 Acquisition of Spatial Words in Chinese Time Expressions by English-speaking Learners

吳品嬅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討母語為英語之外籍學生華語時間表述方位詞之第二語言習得,藉由實證研究發現結果,瞭解外籍學生之時間表述方位詞習得順序,進而歸納出所可能出現之偏誤及其他影響因素。其主要研究議題包括「時間表述方位詞之習得順序」、「母語對外籍學生習得之影響」、「不同程度學習者可能出現之偏誤類型」、「習得發展之趨勢」、「理解層面與應用層面之差異」。本研究採取質性研究方法,以六個月時間觀察外籍學生之第二語言習得。研究對象主要為三名來自初級、中級及中高級之英美學生,每個月進行一次測驗,共計六次。測驗題型含兩大類:「文法選擇」及「看圖說故事」。   研究結果顯示,對母語為英語之外籍學生而言,「上下類」表時結構較「前後類」表時結構容易習得,因其母語並無「上下類」相應用法,導致出現偏誤次數較「前後類」來得低。而分析四個方位詞時,亦發現「下>後>上>前」之順序,說明了對母語為英語之外籍學生而言,表「未來」概念之方位詞較為容易掌握。其次,外籍學生易出現之偏誤類型可分為「錯序」、「誤代」、「誤加」、「遺漏」四大類,其中,初級程度出現偏誤以「誤代」為主,中級程度則是以「誤加」出現次數較多,而中高級程度雖是以「誤代」為主,但出現次數明顯降低許多。第三,由測驗結果可看出,外籍學生在理解及應用層面之發展不一,學生在理解層面掌握較快,應用層面則是相對較晚。   本研究同時依據實證結果提供教學活動設計,並提出相關教學建議,以作為日後教師教學時之參考。 / The purpose of the thesis is to conduct a qualitative study to investigate the L2 acquisition of spatial words in Chinese time expressions by English-speaking learners. The major issues addressed include: the acquisition of Chinese spatial words, L1 transfer, L2 error types, L2 learners’ developmental sequences, and differences between comprehension and production. Three subjects were selected from different proficiency levels: beginning, low intermediate, and intermediate. Each subject was observed and assessed monthly for six months. A comprehension task (i.e. a grammatical judgment task) and a production task (i.e. a picture-cue description task) were employed to examine the subjects’ L2 acquisition of Chinese time expressions and their responses were compared with the findings obtained from 12 native controls. The overall results are as follows: First, for English-speaking learners, the shang-xia ‘up-down’ type of time expressions was easier than qian-hou ‘before-after’ type. This is because there are no corresponding “up-down” expressions in the subjects’ mother tongue. Moreover, a hierarchical sequence of L2 time expressions was found: xia ‘down’> hou ‘after’> shang ‘up’> qian ‘before,’ implying that future time expressions were less challenging than past time expressions. Second, it was found the subjects’ common errors included “wrong omission,” “wrong addition,” “wrong substitution,” and “wrong word order.” The beginning and low-intermediate L2 learners’ major errors were of the “wrong substitution” type, but the intermediate L2 learner’s error was of the “wrong substitution” type. Third, there was a significant difference between the subjects’ comprehension and production. The subjects performed better on the grammaticality judgment task than on the picture description task. Finally, given the developmental order found in the present study, a lesson plan is designed for teaching Chinese time expressions to foreign students in the L2 Chinese classroom.

清末法律繼受下立法用語之研究-以刑法為中心 / A research on legal language in the reception of law during the late Qing Dynasty: focus on the criminal law

黃名秀 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以法制史料為基礎,回顧清末變法修律的歷程,嘗試透過各種法制素材,還原當時樣貌。並於歷史考察的過程中,探索當時時代背景下所面臨的外在環境,思考當時以日本為師的可能原因。 其次,本文嘗試整理、分析清末新刑律草案的用語,並將之置於傳統中國律典的發展脈絡,以及中日文化交流的過程下,探討其詞語特徵。 最後,針對立法當時來自地方督撫上奏意見所提到的語言問題,本文嘗試以構詞和語法的觀點,提出不同面向的思考。希望透過清末變法修律過程中所遭遇的語言問題,探尋可供現代借鏡之處。

言語相互行為とアイデンティティー構築 - 第二言語教育への応用を考える -

池田, 佳子, IKEDA, Keiko 31 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

東勢客語變調研究 / Tone Sandhi in Dongshi Hakka

邱昀儀, Chiu, Yun-yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要從句法(Syntax)與音韻(Phonology)的介面關係來探討東勢客語的陽平、陰平及陰去變調現象。本研究以語料庫為根據,觀察東勢客語變調的主要型態,並從句法與音韻的介面來定義變調範域(Tone Sandhi Domain),包括音步(Foot)、音韻詞組(Phonological Phrase)、語調詞組(Intonational Phrase)等等。本文也發現變調規則必須以循環模式(Cyclic Mode)運作,而且三個變調規則的屬性皆不相同。陽平變調受音步規範、陰平變調較受音韻詞組規範,而陰去變調則不受音韻結構限制。 / This thesis explores the Yangping, Yinping and Yinqu Tone Sandhi Rules (YATSR, YITSR, YQTSR) in Dongshi Hakka from the perspective of the interface between syntax and phonology. According to a Dongshi Hakka Tone Sandhi (DHTS) corpus, this thesis presents the predominant tonal patterns of these rules, and defines the tone sandhi (TS) domain at the interface between syntax and phonology, including foot, phonological phrase, intonational phrase and so on. This thesis concludes that tone sandhi rules must apply in a cyclic mode, and that the three rules are subject to different prosodic structures. YATSR is conditioned by the foot, YITSR is better defined by the phonological phrase, while YQTSR is not structurally-bound.

外語教室中外國教師調整語之探討 / An Investigation of Foreigner Talk in EFL Classroom

孫于絜, Sun,Yu-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
當母語者與非母語者在進行溝通時,母語者通常會使用較為簡化的語言形式,此種語言形式研究者稱之為「調整語」。本文旨在探討在台灣的成人美語教室中,外籍教師針對不同程度的學生,使用調整語的情形,文中主要從「句法」與「言談功能」兩個角度分析外籍教師的語言使用。 有三位教授中、高級美語會話的外籍教師參與本研究,每位教師於不同層級的課堂各接受兩次錄音,總計收集到18小時的錄音語料,351頁的逐字稿,全數經過分析比較後,主要發現如下: (1) 外籍教師之語言平均句長並未隨著學生程度越高而有顯著增加。外籍教師在中級教室之平均句長為8.197,在高級教室為8.388,p>0.05。此結果顯示,當學生程度到達中級以上,「句長上的調整」似乎不再是外籍教師採用的調整方式。 (2) 外籍教師之語法正確率在兩個層級都非常高。外籍教師在中級教室之語法正確率為99.81%,在高級教室為99.79%,在兩個層級都僅有10個錯誤句子,透過錯誤類型分析,發現中級教室中出現較多句法層面上的錯誤,而篇章層面的錯誤則全出現在高級教室中。 (3) 外籍教師之言談功能會隨學生層級不同而有調整。外籍教師在中級教室中給予較多主動的語言輸入、提供較多的發問,主要功能為傳輸語言知識;在高級教室中,教師減低發言的比例,使用較多的回饋功能。 綜合以上研究結果發現,英語為母語之外籍教師在上課時面臨不同語言程度的非母語對話者有不同的語言調整方式,在中、高級程度的班級上,「句法上的調整」不再是外籍教師的主要考量,而轉向採用「語言功能上的調整」,在教學應用上,儘管隨著學生層級的增加,外籍教師減少了「主動語言輸入」功能,而採用較多的「語言回饋」功能,但整體而言,學生發言的比例仍然偏低(中級教室9.93%;高級教室12.15%),教師應給予學生更多的口語練習機會,採用更多的回饋機制,以增加學生之溝通能力。 / When addressing to non-native speaker, native speakers will modify his speech to what he thinks is simpler and easier for the non-native listener to comprehend. Such simplified register is referred to as “Foreigner Talk.” The present study aims to explore both the syntactic and discourse characteristics of FT in Taiwan’s adult English classrooms. Three measurements (1) syntactic complexity (2) grammaticality and (3) discourse functions are adopted to investigate if the interlocutor’s language proficiency affects the foreigner teacher’s language use. The data were collected from 18-hour recording of three English native speakers’ utterances in intermediate and advanced classrooms. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) In terms of syntactic complexity, the mean words per t-unit at both levels are very similar with 8.197 at the intermediate level, and 8.388 at the advanced level. The result of t-test (p>0.05) also indicates that no significant difference is found concerning the language complexity between the two levels. It is suggested that the adjustment of language complexity may only resort to students with lower proficiency. Once the student’s proficiency goes beyond a specific level, the length of teacher’s utterances will keep in a fixed range. (2) In terms of grammaticality, over 99.79% of the foreigners’ utterances are grammatical sentences in both language classrooms, showing that the foreigners’ language form is quite accurate. By analyzing the 20 ungrammatical utterances, it reveals that the foreigner teachers are more likely to utilize the syntactic adjustment for the lower level learners and conserve the discourse adjustment for the more advanced ones. (3) In terms of discourse functions, Sinclair and Coulthard’s model (1992) is modified to categorize the functions of the foreigners’ utterances. It is found that the distribution of the functions varies with the development of the students’ language ability. The foreigner teachers use significantly more initiation functions to the intermediate students and provide much more responsive functions for the advanced students. Based on the findings of this study, some pedagogical implications are addressed. It is suggested that teachers should pay more attention to their language use and consider if their adjustments of language really enhance language learning. In order to increase the learning potential, teachers are recommended to employ more judicious silence, to reduce the percentage of teacher-initiated utterances and to resist the temptation to interrupt. Also, teachers should realize that they are not only an instructor but also an interlocutor for their students at the same time. By realizing the dual roles as being a language teacher, the teacher can make language class less artificial and help learners to overcome the gap between communication in and outside the classroom.

Report on the Training for "the Program for Japanese Teachers of English in America"

佐藤, 愛子, SATO, A. 20 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

考試導向的學習情境下試題預覽學習單對提升國中生英語學習動機與學習成就之效益 / The effect of the test-question preview worksheets on promoting junior high school students' English learning motivation and English achievement in a test-oriented learning context

張琬琪, Chang, Wan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
動機雖被認定為影響第二語言及外語學習的因素之一,然而如何在考試導向的學習環境下提升學生內在或自主性英語學習動機的相關研究並不多。本研究依據自我決定理論(the self-determination theory)來設計學習單,用以輔助學生學習學校的一般英語課程,來探討自我決定理論在現行教育環境下使用的效益。此外,學習單的使用是否能幫助學生的成就表現優於其他學生也一併研究。 參與本研究的對象為台灣北部一所公立國中八年級兩個班的六十位學生。這兩個班級有相似的社會背景及英語成就表現,並隨機被指定為實驗組與控制組。實驗組可在考試前預覽印在學習單上的試題,而控制組則直接參與考試。本實驗歷時七週,蒐集資料的工具包含問卷、學習單和該學校所舉辦的英語成就測驗(英語段考)。研究方法含量化及質性分析,主要探討學習單對學生的三個英語學 習動機元素(autonomy, competence and relatedness)及英語成就表現的影響。 研究結果顯示高成就學生的主動性(autonomy)及中等成就學生的主動性(autonomy)、自我感知的英語能力(perceived competence)以及與同儕、老師間的相關性(relatedness)有提升。然而,低成就學生的三個英語學習動機元素則下降。另外,實驗組在該學校所舉辦的英語成就測驗的表現和對照組相比並無明顯差異。本研究最後對使用學習單提升學生內在或自主性學習動機在實際教學上的應用提供建議,以作為參考。 / Although motivation has been viewed as an important factor that affects second and foreign language acquisition, there isn’t much research investigating how to promote students’ intrinsic or more self-regulated motivation to learn English in test-oriented classroom settings. This study explores this area by complementing students’ regular English classes at school with the worksheets designed based on the self-determination theory. Furthermore, it also investigates whether students with the aid of the worksheets would outperform those not using the worksheets academically. For this research purpose, two classes of 60 eighth-graders in a public junior high school in northern Taiwan took part in this study. The two classes with similar social background and English academic performances were randomly classified into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was given a chance to preview the test questions which were printed on the worksheets distributed to them as the complementary material before the tests. The control group, on the other hand, was given the tests directly without the chance to preview the test questions. The experiment lasted for seven weeks, and the data were collected through three instruments, a questionnaire, the worksheets, and a school administered-achievement test. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted to probe into the influence of the worksheets upon the participants’ three motivational components, namely autonomy, competence, and relatedness as well as their academic performance on the achievement test. The study results indicate that the worksheets could help promote the high achievers’ autonomy and the middle achievers’ autonomy, competence perception and relatedness, but they did not exert positive effects on the low achievers. Furthermore, the experimental group didn’t outperform the control group on the school-administered achievement test. Some pedagogical implications were presented at the end of the thesis.

風月與風教:李漁與袁枚小說之研究 / The study of Li Yu and Yuan Mei's novel

陳靖怡 Unknown Date (has links)
李漁與袁枚有其性格上的相似處,二家的園林之好、口體之奉、山水之樂、美色之貪、交游之廣、作品之多等,頗為相近。李漁與袁枚之小說針對同一主題觀念,可以找出相同的故事情節,二家的作品有其思想上的共通性,然而兩人卻無影響的關係。 儘管其人格與小說思想底蘊有其重疊性,不可否認的是,如同世界上沒有完全相像的兩個人,且因著作家選擇文類所建構的語境不同,二家亦有所差異,本論文透過李漁與袁枚小說之文本細讀,考察李漁與袁枚小說中的異同。 第一章緒論,共分三節:第一節回顧前人之研究。第二節談李漁與袁枚的歷史形象、文學評價、社會聲譽,論李漁與袁枚的道德、文學、人品,考察文如其人之落差。第三節說明論文研究的範圍為李漁小說《連城璧》、《十二樓》,與袁枚小說《子不語》全書二十四卷及續卷十卷。 第二章從官吏與友倫談李漁與袁枚小說中男性形象之異同,辨証風教與風月的關係。雖然李漁不曾為官,袁枚則在壯年辭官,但二家小說中均有許多篇幅在談他們對官場的體會認識。而李漁與袁枚都是交游廣闊的文人,二家小說中的友倫關係與傳統儒家概念有其繼承與創新。 第三章探析李漁與袁枚小說中的情愛世界,從二家小說中脂香粉膩、偎紅依綠的風流韻事,來剖析原欲、貞節、改嫁、妒妻悍婦、子嗣家業、男風現象等情欲書寫,映現風月與風教的關係。 第四章談李漁與袁枚小說借助宿命因果的觀念和做法,與神鬼的力量,表達其對家庭倫理、社會規範的勸懲教化,而希冀透過小說流傳以維持世道之心,正是李漁與袁枚小說所折射出的風教。   第五章結論,李漁與袁枚在小說創作中展現出不同流俗的用心思考,在風月與風教中有其世俗性,具有正情之外的閒情,表現出一種自甘油滑的生活態度,正統文人視之為左道邪說,然其世俗性正是城市知識分子的一種文化符號。

台灣中學生對英語字彙語意之操控使用研究--以五個常用動詞為例 / The Manipulation of English Word Meaning by Senior High School Students in Taiwan : Taking Five Most Frequently Used Verbs for Example

楊心蕙, Yang, Xin-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
字彙在英語教學上佔有重要地位。因為字彙中的形式、語意和功能用法非屬於一對一之關係,所以常會造成學習者使用上的困擾,進而阻礙溝通。此篇論文主要在探討學習者對於語意之使用情形,希望可以找出以中文為母語的學習者在形式-語意連結上的共通點和所遵循的規則,以及連結背後之影響因素。 在方法上,因為強調學習者的真實使用情形,故以task填寫的方式進行語料蒐集。以同時程的研究方法來尋求同樣母語背景學習者之interlanguage共同特色。動詞因為在句子中佔有重要地位,故此研究以動詞為例來深入做探討。而選用bring, get, give, make, take等五個動詞,乃因為其出現頻率高、搭配性高,且部分語意互通之特性。task的設計則是藉助英語為母語者之語料庫,從中蒐集高頻率的語意和搭配詞等,加上國立編譯館前四冊課本之資料,來融入task的設計。受試者為台北地區中等程度學校之高三學生。採用英語在校成績、英語自我評鑑、英語程度測驗等標準,將受試者做英語能力上的分類,以便更清楚區分不同造成語意使用表現之影響變因。個人資料表也提供了受試者的基本英語背景、對英語字彙學習之看法,供做背景與表現之研究。 研究結果顯示,在受試者當中存在一個對該五個動詞使用上的偏好順序。此結果證明同樣母語的英語學習者的確有共享之interlanguage知識特點。從四個task的表現,可看出搭配詞的使用、上下文的語意推測是學習者表現不佳之處。而英語程度較高、來自社會組、來自較高排名之學校的受試者,會有較佳的語意使用表現。另一個結果顯示,出現頻率、核心語意和母語轉借為影響形式-語意連結的三個重要因素。而學習者因為程度不同,也會有不同之遵循規則。如程度較高的學習者偏重在英語的知識上,出現頻率和核心語意會互相競爭,成為影響學習者語意正確使用的最重要因素。程度較低的學習者則偏重在中文的知識上,即把母語知識轉借到英語的使用上。而且不同程度學習者表現出英語學習發展上不同的階段和歷程,程度越高的學習者,其英語上的知識越接近以英語為母語者。此外,在此研究中,開始學習英語的年紀和學習時間長短並非主要影響學習者語意使用表現之因素。喜愛英語及對自身英語有較高自信的學習者相對的有較佳的語意使用表現。而在英語字彙學習上,學習者一般仍注意字彙本身的形式,如拼字、發音,多於字彙之豐富語意及使用。雖然較多的學習者在用英語表達時,偏好先在中文中找到合適的字再轉換成相當的英文接在英語中找到合適的字來表達的學習者有較好之語意使用表現。 最後,把研究分析所得之結果,運用在教學活動上。透過語料庫的使用和語意網路圖的呈現,期望能進一步釐清語意之間的關係,也加強學習者對語意的正確使用。 / As Wilkins (1972) states that "Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed" (p.111), vocabulary plays an important role in the learning of a foreign language. However, the form, meaning, and function of vocabulary is not of a one-to-one correspondence. The mismapping often leads to misunderstanding and blocks communication. The study tries to explore how English learners in Taiwan manipulate the form-meaning mapping, and what the factors are to influence the mapping. From the aspects of lexical meaning, frequency, collocation, and L1 transfer, verbs are given as an example to be investigated from both the on-line corpus of native speakers, BOE, and the corpus of Chinese learners of English, obtained from four well-designed tasks. The five verbs selected are common and frequently used, but the usages are confusing for English learners. To investigate the verbs can help learners clarify the usage of the basic verbs in English. Subjects are 3rd graders from senior high schools of medial in the ranking of academic reputation in Taipei. Based on three criteria, the subjects are classified into three different levels to see the influence of variables. In addition, a subject background sheet provides the subjects' background of English and attitudes towards English vocabulary learning. From the analyses, we find that there is indeed a preference order of the five verbs among subjects with the same mother tongue. Among the tasks, collocation and the meaning inferring from contexts are difficult for the subjects to deal with. Subjects of higher proficiency level, from social science group, or from school of a higher academic reputation have a better manipulation of the five verbs. When doing the form-meaning mapping, three factors, that is, core meaning, frequency, and L1 transfer, do influence the performance. Learners with higher proficiency levels rely much on L2 knowledge, thus core meaning and frequency have a stronger preference over L1 transfer in the form-meaning mapping process. Learners with lower proficiency levels usually make use of L1 knowledge to map the L2 form with L1 meaning, thus there is more negative transfer from L1. The performance of the three proficiency levels represents the different developmental stages of interlanguage. The higher proficiency level one hs, the more his knowledge is close to the target language (L2). In the research, we also find that an earlier age and a longer period of learning do not necessarily ensure a better English ability. Furthermore, subjects who have more interest and stronger motivation to learn English generally have a higher proficiency level. In vocabulary learning, subjects often pay attention to form rather than usage and function of vocabulary. As for the process of self-expressing in English, subjects tend to make sure the words wanted in Chinese and then translate them into English. However, subjects who directly look for words wanted in English have higher proficiency levels and better performance in English. After the analyses, the results are applied to teaching activities. With the use of corpora and semantic networks, further clarification of the relations among word meanings, and enhancement of the correct use of word meanings are expected.

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