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香港廣州話變調調查硏究林建平, 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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日本人学習者による韓国語の音声運用に関する研究 --学習者の動機づけと韓国語の音声運用上に見られる特徴--朴, 瑞庚 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第18368号 / 人博第681号 / 新制||人||163(附属図書館) / 25||人博||681(吉田南総合図書館) / 31226 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 壇辻 正剛, 教授 齋藤 治之, 教授 服部 文昭, 教授 小倉 紀蔵 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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モーリス・メルロ=ポンティの言語哲学―「客観的思考よりさらに根本的な理解と反省」をめぐって―佐野, 泰之 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第21168号 / 人博第840号 / 新制||人||202(附属図書館) / 29||人博||840(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 佐藤 義之, 教授 安部 浩, 准教授 戸田 剛文, 准教授 青山 拓央 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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人間言語の漸進進化モデルの構築―レキシコンの成立過程を中心に―藤田, 遥 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第23966号 / 人博第1018号 / 新制||人||240(附属図書館) / 2022||人博||1018(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤田 耕司, 教授 谷口 一美, 准教授 守田 貴弘, 教授 池内 正幸 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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華語班外籍生對華語中心滿意度調查:以中部四所大學華語中心為例 / Surveying Sense of Satisfaction Among International Students Studying in the Mandarin Chinese Centers:Examples From Four University-Affiliated Language Centers in Central Taiwan趙恩妮, Chao, En Ni Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣學習華語的外籍學生人數不斷增加,在今年已超過一萬五千人 。世界各國學生來台除了希望能夠在華語課程精進語言以外,更希望透過與母語人士接觸,及浸淫在中華文化下,使學習能夠更加貼近。華語中心是外籍學生對外的重要窗口,而華語中心裡的行政人員便扮演相當重要的角色。除了處理語言課程相關事務之外,也帶領學生參與課外的活動,其中包含與學生大量與密切的互動。外籍學生在目的語環境中生活,除了課堂上接觸華語,生活也與華語息息相關。截至2013年全台灣已有三十四所教育部有案登記之大學附設華語中心 ,本研究認為具有優良服務品質的華語中心才能達到外籍生就讀前的期望,外籍學生對於華語中心行政人員之滿意度影響亦其續讀意願。本研究擬針對台灣中部四所大學附設華語中心進行問卷調查。再以統計方式檢測外籍學生對華語中心行政人員的滿意度,本研究期結果能成為外籍學生在挑選學校時的參考之一,也讓大眾了解外籍學生對華語中心的看法,除此之外,也更重視華語中心行政人員之價值。
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結合繪本與批判性思考於臺灣高中英語教學: 以桃園市某公立高中為例 / Combining Picture Books with Critical Thinking in a High School EFL Classroom in Taiwan: A Case Study of a Municipal Senior High School in Taoyuan City沈郁汝, Shen, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討教學者以及學習者對使用繪本學習批判性思考能力的想法,並且了解學生使用Law於2012年提出的六個策略 學習批判性思考能力後有何看法。此外,本研究也整理教學以及學習過程中遇到的困難,同時間提出如何調整教案以解決問題。
本研究採用質性個案研究。研究對象為某高中二年級的四十四位學生。這些學生為研究者某一任教班級。他們透過兩本繪本進行為期八週的批判性思考課程。本課程的核心為四項能力:(1) 能把各類訊息加以比較、歸類、排序、(2) 能根據上下語境釐清不同訊息間的因果關係、(3) 能分辨客觀事實與主觀意見和(4) 能評估不同資訊,提出合理的判斷或建議。研究者透過課室錄影觀察、學習單、學習/教學日誌和焦點團體訪談等蒐集資料。
本研究顯示遵照台灣普通高級中學英文科98課綱,教師可以將批判性思考納入繪本閱讀課程中,並創造一個良好的學習環境,培養學生成為有素養的公民。此外,本研究亦提供教師教學現場以及未來研究方向之建議。 / This study aims to examine how the teacher and students respond to cultivating critical thinking skills through picture books and to the six strategies suggested by Law (2012). Besides, it also explores what problems occur in the teaching/learning process and how to adjust the lessons to solve the problems.
This study adopted a qualitative case study design. The participants were forty-four eleventh graders in one class taught by the teacher researcher. They learned critical thinking through two picture books in an eight-week study. The foci of the teaching were the four critical thinking skills, namely, (1) being able to compare, classify and sequence various information, (2) being able to identify the causal relationship between information based on the context, (3) being able to distinguish facts from opinions and then one advanced ability, and (4) being able to assess different pieces of information and propose reasonable judgments or suggestions. The students’ and the teacher researcher’s responses were collected from video-taped classroom observations, worksheets, learning/teaching logs, and focus group interviews.
The important findings are listed as follows. First, picture books were helpful in the enhancement of critical thinking skills, the improvement of English skills and a high level of learning motivation. Second, the nature of illustrations in picture books resulted in some comprehension problems, which could be solved through a multi-sensory approach and teachers’ purposeful guidance. Third, the six strategies recommended by Law (2012) assisted the students a lot in promoting critical thinking skills. It is noted that when implementing these six strategies, the teacher were advised to give sufficient wait time for students, join students’ discussion, and select picture books with real-life themes and suitable difficulty levels. Fourth, interactive read-alouds and questioning the author were also proved to be useful strategies for high school students to develop their critical thinking through picture books.
This study suggests that following the 2010 New Guidelines of English Curriculum in Taiwan, teachers can integrate critical thinking skills into picture book reading and create a good learning environment for students to become productive citizens. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies were presented as well.
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開發中國家之中文學習探討 / The Exploration of the Chinese Language (Mandarin) in a Developing Country- Saint Lucia莫楷人, Modeste, Karen Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this business plan is to perform a feasibility analysis of establishing a language school, Academy for Chinese Language (ACL) in a developing country, Saint Lucia. The ACL expects to captivate the interest of students, professionals and regular clients by offering a broad range of Chinese courses. The ACL intends to capture a strong market share .The need for learning mandarin is unquestionable. Knowing Chinese and another language such as English may give one a competitive edge for an important position in a firm. It may open windows of opportunities for an exciting career, be able to communicate better with peers and do business on a global scale. The incentives for learning Chinese is not always money driven. Moreover, it enhances academic progress in other subject areas, cognitive learning skills, aids in cross cultural understanding and global awareness and provides a deeper understanding of different communities and societies.
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台北市成人美語補習班消費者行為研究李家明, LI,JIA-MING Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機:(1) 近年來台灣不斷朝著邁向自由化、國際化的方向進行, 外語人才
尤其以美語需求迫切。(2) 我國國高中的美語填鴨式為主,未能給予學生在畢業之後
之補習班。資料收集包括初級料及次級資料。問卷共發出840 份,回收有效問卷185
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方言族群語言認同與大眾媒介使用之關聯性研究----以閩南語語族為例方念萱, FANG, NIAN-XUAN Unknown Date (has links)
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Cognitive-Semantic Mechanisms Behind Heart Idioms / 英文中"Heart"成語之認知語意機制王信斌, Wang,Hsin-pin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從認知語意學的角度來探討英文中 “Heart” 成語所牽涉到的認知語意機制,並以Lakoff (1993)所提出的當代隱喻理論、Kövecses & Radden (1998)從認知語言學角度針對換喻所做的研究以及Ruiz de Mendoza (2003)所提出來的隱喻和換喻的三個交互模式為基礎,進一步探討 “Heart” 成語的字面語意如何透過這些機制衍生出其象徵語意。此外,本論文也對收集到的七十七個 “Heart” 成語進行重新分類以修正Niemeier’s (2003)在 “Heart” 成語分類上所產成的謬誤。
研究分析發現七十七個 “Heart” 成語所牽涉的認知語意機制包括Lakoff (1993)提出的五種隱喻類型以及Kövecses & Radden (1998)提出的十五種換喻類型其中的六種,而七十七個 “Heart” 成語的字面語意與其象徵語意之間的連結則無法僅僅透過Ruiz de Mendoza (2003)所提出來的隱喻和換喻的三個交互模式進行建立,而必須加上本研究另外發現的四個新的交互模式才能完整建立起七十七個 “Heart” 成語的字面語意與其象徵語意之間的連結。 / Based on the contemporary theory of metaphor by Lakoff (1993), a cognitive view toward metonymy by Kövecses & Radden (1998), and models of how metaphor can interact with metonymy by Ruiz de Mendoza (2003), this thesis makes an effort in exploring the cognitive-semantic mechanisms behind the 77 heart idioms collected for this research. Although Niemeier (2003) has tried to explore the metaphorical and metonymic bases for the heart idioms in English, her analysis is not satisfactory and can not meet the goal of this current research. A recategorization of heart idioms is therefore performed to encompass all the features exhibited by them before the cognitive-semantic analysis is proposed.
The analysis of heart idioms discovers that a full explanation of their figurative meanings requires the activation of all the five types of metaphor proposed by Lakoff (1993) and six out of the 15 types of metonymy-producing relationships proposed by Kövecses & Radden (1998). Furthermore, to fully account for the figurative meanings of heart idioms, the analysis also proposes six interaction models of between metaphor and metonymy, two of which are proposed in Ruiz de Mendoza (2003) and four of which are discovered by the current study.
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