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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

點石「成」金── 創新教學策略的運用與國中高年級學生成語學習成效之研究 / Application of Creative Teaching Strategies and the Effectiveness of Idiom Learning of Senior Middle School Students

孫于蘊, Sun,Yu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本文是創新成語教學的行動研究,目的在透過創新教學的實際行動,提高學生學習成語的興趣,並使學生能了解成語的真正意涵,進而能正確的運用成語。本研究活動進行時間為民國104年(一學年),以研究者任教學校內、常態分班下的某一九年級班級全體學生作為研究對象,並利用創新成語教學問卷調查表、成語前測、座位觀察表、成語學習狀況調查表、創新成語教學活動後測為研究工具,與觀察法、前後測、問卷調查法、訪談法的研究方式進行研究。由研究者統計分析後, 此次的研究結果: (一) 創新的成語教學方式能提高學生學習成語的興趣 (二) 創新的成語教學方式能使學生了解成語的真正意涵 (三) 創新的成語教學方式能提升學生的成語運用能力 本研究最後根據研究結果提出相關的建議與省思,以及研究發生的困難。所得研究結果可供未來教學與相關研究參考。

戰爭動詞在報紙媒體上之隱喻使用 / Metaphorical Use of War-Related Verbs in Newspapers

陳奕蓁, Chen, I Chen Unknown Date (has links)
隱喻研究能夠幫助我們了解人類的認知模式,觀察人類運用身體經驗學習抽象概念的過程。戰爭隱喻與人類生活經驗密切相關,過往研究顯示至少有七種概念會運用戰爭隱喻來凸顯事件競爭的本質,但是過去研究無法說明戰爭隱喻涵蓋的概念種類,並且缺乏有效的語言證據來證明隱喻映射的豐富程度。因此本研究將從來源域的角度出發,以語料庫為本,透過戰爭動詞在報紙媒體上的長期使用情形討論戰爭隱喻的使用分布及詞彙語意顯示之意涵。 本研究分析戰爭動詞在台灣報紙媒體上的隱喻使用情形,研究結果顯示戰爭隱喻的主題分布與事件概念性質相關,特別是體育、財經、政治等三個主題大量運用戰爭隱喻,顯示追求競賽勝負、利益和權力的概念都常用戰爭加以描繪。在語意梳理後則得到台灣報紙新聞使用的六個主要戰爭隱喻:追求愛情是戰爭、治療病體是戰爭、資安防護是戰爭、投資交易是戰爭、政治競爭是戰爭、競賽活動是戰爭。政治競爭、競賽活動和投資交易的語料數量與主題分布成正比,資安防護是因應網路時代來臨而產生的新興目標域,最後治療病體及追求愛情則是反應人類對於肉體以及精神上維持滿足的生存需求。至於各隱喻共同使用的概念元素顯示戰爭行動以參與者和交戰過程的描述最為重要。最後由其他隱喻詞彙分布和語意關係的比較,可以發現表達戰時攻防行動的詞彙最多,除了再次證明行動的重要性,也強調行動過程的攻擊性和結果。而大量使用近義詞、反義詞象徵漢語對描述競爭細節的需求。 最後,本研究針對以上發現對華語教學提出教材編排、教學設計與詞彙教學之建議,認為隱喻教學有助學生習得新詞彙,且透過詞彙網路的概念連結可提升學習效率。建議未來可針對口語語料進行調查,並分析語意之外的言談篇章要素,同時落實戰爭隱喻之教學設計用於課堂實際教學,以檢視教學成效。

澳門粵語高升變調的社會語言學研究 :以"澳門"的"門"字為例 = ;A Sociolinguistics study of high-rising tone Sandhi in Macau Cantonese : the analysis of "MUN" in OU-MUN / Sociolinguistics study of high-rising tone Sandhi in Macau Cantonese : the analysis of "MUN" in OU-MU

朱文君 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

湖北黃岡 (黃州)方言連讀變調及詞庫構成=Lexical tone Sandhi and the lexical organization of Huanggang dialect / Lexical tone Sandhi and the lexical organization of Huanggang dialect

鍾思琪 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

性別語言分析 : 張愛玲《半生緣》的男女對話

雷嘉瑩, 01 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

瑪格麗特艾德伍德《女僕的故事》中的語言力量 / The Power of Language in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale

黃方怡, Huang Fang-I Unknown Date (has links)
語言是人們用以思考與表達思想的媒介。長久以來,人們相信語言為溝通的工具,可以傳達個人思想。但是由後現代的角度看來,語言一旦被使用,就具有自己的生命。一段文字的意義不再固定於創作出該段文字的人原本所要表達的意思,而在於聽者與讀者對於該段文字所產生出的不同的解碼。 本論文旨在討論艾德伍德《女僕的故事》中的語言力量。藉由探討小說中不同立場對語言的使用,希望能夠印證話語/語言絕不可能中立的看法,話語總是含有價值判斷的。而且,話語本身就是不同立場角逐的領域;只有權力最大的一方,才能輕易掌握發言權,並得以以最顯著的音量發聲。而這也是為何發聲是如何重要的事,只有發聲,才能表達自己的立場,也才能替自己爭取權益。 本論文分為六個部份:除了導論和結論外,第一章、第二章和第三章分別討論小說中三種不同的聲音,它們亦代表三種不同的思考模式;第四章討論小說作者艾德伍德本人的加拿大經驗對她的思考與寫作 (皆為使用語言的過程) 所產生的影響。話語在小說中不僅是被用以壓迫人的工具,但亦為受壓迫者得以反壓迫的方法,因為話語是具有強大力量的。 Table of Contents Acknowledgement………………………………………………………iii Chinese Abstract…………………………………………………………v English Abstract…………………………………………………………vi Chapter Introduction………………………………………………………1 Chapter One: Discourses of the Republic of Gilead…………………17 Discourses of Sexuality in Gilead ……………………………… 18 Althusser's Ideology and Language of Gilead ……………………26 Chapter Two: Offred's Story: A History of Wome …………………42 Offred's Language and Her Subjectivity …………………………45 A History of Women……………………………………………56 Chapter Three: The History Notes: Pieixoto's Story…………………62 Pieixoto's Appropriation of Offred's Tale…………………………64 A History of the Dominant Males ………………………………66 Chapter Four: The Canadianness in the Novel………………………73 Conclusion ………………………………………………………82 Bibliography………………………………………………………88 / Language is a medium by which people think and express themselves. For a long time, language was seen as a tool used by people to communicate and reveal thoughts. In postmodern time, language is viewed as having its own life. Once a speech or a statement is produced, it is beyond the control of the producer. It is, instead, in the hand of the listener or the reader. My thesis aims to discuss the language power in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. By analyzing the novel's three different language systems, I hope to demonstrate that language is never value-free and that it is always by someone and for someone. Moreover, language is itself a place where different positions struggle with each other. Only the most powerful people can dominate language as they wish and express themselves loudly. This thesis will be divided into six parts: introduction, three chapters dealing with three kinds of language systems underpinned by different thinking, a chapter dealing with the influence of Atwood's Canadian experience on her thought and language, and the conclusion. In the novel, language is not only used as a tool to oppress people, it is also used as a weapon to resist and subvert the oppression. This is all because there is power in language.

閩南語神經性構音障礙病患子音時長之聲學研究 / Consonant Duration in the Speech of Taiwanese Neurogenic Dysarthrics: An Acoustic Study

郭令育, Guo, Ling-Yu Hugo Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在比較台灣閩南語常人、弛緩型(flaccid dysarthrics)、與痙攣型(spastic dysarthrics)神經性構音障礙病患子音絕對及相對音長之差異,並探討此病態語音在了解說話運動系統之特徵以及了解語言產製過程上可能的暗示。 結果顯示神經性構音障礙病患的子音絕對音長顯著長於常人受試者,但兩組病患延長的型態並不相同。首先,弛緩型病患子音音長顯著長於痙攣型病患;再者,以子音的帶音與否、發音位置、發音方法這三個向度來看,弛緩型病患之子音音長展現了全面性的延長,而痙攣型病患則產生了選擇性的延長,其子音之延長,大多集中在有聲子音上,這些差異乃因兩組病人病理狀況不同所致。 另一個結果則顯示,雖然神經性構音障礙病患,在子音音長呈現了延長的狀況,但在子音間相對音長次序上,仍保持到某種程度的完好,可是,子音雖保持一定的次序,但彼此間音長的差值及比值卻也發生了改變。而子音在音節中的所佔比例卻又和正常人無異。 因此,本文推斷,在常人子音的產製上,是要求精確的絕對音長,而且子音間音長亦要保持一定的相對關係;但若因病變致使說話者無法同時兼顧二者時,說話者會選擇犧牲絕對音長,而仍保持子音音長間的相互關係。這可能是語言產製與感知的一些經濟原則(principles of economy)互動所導致的結果。此外,構音障礙病患表就子音在音節中的相對時長這個向度上,和常人無異,這可能是語言文法與生理限制二項因素互動所致。 / This study aims (1) to investigate the absolute and relative timing of consonant duration in Taiwanese neurogenic dysarthric speech by means of acoustic measurements, (2) and to explore their implication on the characteristics of motor system and on the status of timing control in speech production. The results show that absolute consonant duration in flaccid and spastic dysarthric speech are significantly longer than that in normal controls. However, the "lengthening" phenomena display different patterns in flaccid and spastic groups. First, for the patients with the same degree of muscular dysfunction, the flaccid dysarthrics lengthen the consonant duration significantly greater than the spastic ones do. Second, whereas absolute consonant duration in flaccid group shows overall lengthening regardless of voicing state, stricture type, and place of articulation, that in spastic group displays selective lengthening. Besides, though the absolute consonant duration is lengthened in dysarthric speech, the durational opposition between consonants is more or less distinct. However, only the durational ranking between consonants (external timing relation) is maintained in dysarthric, but the durational distance or ratio between consonants (internal timing relation) is modified. Relative timing of consonant duration, that is, the consonant-to-syllable ratio (cs-ratio) within a syllable remains intact in dysarthric speech even though the segmental duration is lengthened. Lengthened absolute consonant duration in dysarthric speech is accounted for by the neurological deficits and compensatory effects. Longer absolute consonant duration in flaccid than in spastic speech is attributed to slowness and weakness without spasticity of speech musculature in flaccid dysarthria. Overall lengthening of consonant duration in flaccid group results from the entirely-impaired cranial nerves innervating speech musculature, whereas selective lengthening of consonant in spastic group is ascribed to spasticity and the selective pattern as well as directionality of neuromuscular impairments in spastic dysarthria. The reserved durational ranking between consonants in dysarthric speech may result from the compromise of principles of economy in speech production and perception. The normal-like CS-ratios in dysarthric speech stem from the interaction between biological constraints and the grammar of a language. Based on the data collected from dysarthric speech, this study discusses the temporal variance as well as invariance in speech motor system and the status of timing in the grammar of a language. The importance of principles of economy in speech production and perception is also indicated.


黃啟鑫, Huang, Chicco Unknown Date (has links)
在Rosinski, Golinkoff, & Kukish(1975)提出字圖作業(picture-word task)之後,許多研究者紛紛使用此類作業來探討圖形唸名與字彙閱讀間的關係。過去許多研究在字圖作業上觀察到混淆字的呈現會影響圖形唸名的速度,這種效果稱為語意干擾(semantic interference),研究者亦提出了各種圖形唸名歷程的模式解釋來說明語意干擾效果的成因,同時藉由觀察其他變項對語意干擾效果的影響來區分各個模式的正確性。本研究將操弄混淆字與目標圖間的字形相似性、字音相似性以及不同的刺激呈現時距(SOA)來觀察語意干擾效果及影響因素。實驗一對混淆字與目標圖間字形相似的操弄僅在呈現時距為零時觀察到字形相似可以降低語意干擾效果;實驗二利用相同的作業形式操弄混淆字與目標圖間的字音相似性,未發現字音相似性的促發效果,但仍可觀察到語意干擾效果;實驗三同時操弄字形相似與字音相似變項,但亦未能得到形音的促發效果;最後的實驗四試圖以定義-命名作業(definition-naming task)將字圖唸名作業的效果推展到其他同樣使用文字為混淆刺激的類叫色作業(Stoop-like task)之上,結果發現語意干擾效果在不同的作業間具有普遍性。除此之外,在四個實驗中都可看到與圖形名稱完全相同的混淆字都有很強勁的促進反應效果。整體而言,本實驗以中文材料驗證了完全相似字的促發效果及語意干擾字對圖形唸名的語意干擾效果,但並未能觀察到字形及字音的相似性是否能有效降低語意干擾效果的結果,研究者將在討論中說明可能的解釋原因。

規範與邏輯Hans Kelsen晚期規範理論之研究

王鵬翔, Wang, Peng-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

清代常州學派的論語學 / The Confucian Analects of the Ching Changchow School

劉錦源, Liu, Chin Yuan Unknown Date (has links)

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