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皇侃之經學陳金木, CHEN, JIN-MU Unknown Date (has links)
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吳稚暉與國語運動詹瑋, ZHAN, WE Unknown Date (has links)
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The role of phonemes and syllables in child phonology: Evidence from psycholinguistic experiments in Mandarin廖昭媛, Liao, Chao-yuan Unknown Date (has links)
國 立 政 治 大 學 研 究 所 碩 士 論 文 摘 要
研究所所別: 語言學研究所
本文目的是想瞭解兒童在聽辨語音相似性,對於音位和音節的敏感性。本研究的受試者是41位操持國語的學齡前兒童。其中二十一位兒童參與非詞語音分類實驗(the nonword classification task)。兒童首先要學習兩個雙音節的標準語音,然後他(她)要依據聽覺上的相似性來歸類稍候聽到的測試音。他們需要要判定測試音聽起和哪一個標準音聽起來比較相似。結果顯示兒童在音位相似性或是音節相似方面的表現並無顯著的差異。另外二十位兒童皆下來進行非詞語音聽辯的實驗(The word-pair judgment task 1 and 2)。在測試工作(一),兒童要聽辨一對兩個雙音節的非詞語音,在前面的部份聽起來是否相似。結果顯示,兒童在音位和音節相似性,音位和最多相性似上的表現皆有顯著的差異性。在測試工作(二),兒童也是要聽辨一對兩個雙音節的非詞語音,在後面的部份聽起來是否相似。實驗的結果和測試工作(一)相同。整體上而言,要解釋在兒童聽辯語音上的表現,除了從「數量」方面的考量,更可以從語音本身結構上上的差異性來討論兒童對與音位和音節的敏感性。此外,在本文的實驗裡,並未發現相似因的位置會造成兒童在聽辯語音上的差異。 / Abstract
This paper investigated the role of syllables and phonemes in Mandarin speaking children in terms of the sensitivity to the syllable correspondences and phoneme correspondences. In the first experiment, the nonword classification task, 21 kindergarteners were recruited. The child had to learn two disyllabic standard sounds. Then, he/she was presented with a test nonword and had to classifiy the test nonword to one of the two standard sounds if the test sound and the standard sound are sounded alike at the beginnings. The results in the nonword classification task have shown that the young children did not show the significant reliance on the type of the syllable correspondences. In the two further experiments, the word-pair judgment task 1 and 2, another 20 kindergarteners were recruited. The children were asked to judge whether two test words are sounded alike at the beginnings. The results in the word-pair judgment task 1 indicate that syllables are treated as a structural unit and phonemes are belonging to the lower level of the syllabic constructs. The children’s responses tend to reflect the effect of the syllable structure in the language process rather than the effect of the size of shared units. In the word-pair judgment task 2, the child has to judge whether the two test words are sounded alike at the ends. The results also indicate that children’s performance should be viewed in terms of syllable structures. Besides, the location of the shared unit did not play a role when children judge the similarity between the speech sounds. Children performed equally the same when the shared units are either at the beginnings or at the ends of words in the present study.
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有沒有關係有關係?—語意訊息對記憶重組錯誤形成的影響劉慧美, Huei-Mei Liu Unknown Date (has links)
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由《左傳》、《國語》看《史記》人物形象的特出--以吳越爭霸相關人物為例陳雅萍 Unknown Date (has links)
的確,若細論《史記》對後代文學所產生的影響,可謂有眾多方面:散文則前有唐宋古文八大家之力倡,後有繼於明代歸有光,乃至清桐城、陽湖派的實踐;而唐宋以降之傳奇、演義更繼承了《史記》的史傳文學精神,故對於小說之影響也是不言可喻。而從《史記》當中許多動人而張力十足的故事加以改編的戲曲雜劇等更是不勝枚舉,其對我國戲劇題材的沾溉亦相當深遠。因此,身為歷史學家的司馬遷無疑已在我國文學史上扮演著舉足輕重的角色。所以劉大杰氏推崇其為「偉大的歷史家,同時也是傑出的散文家,優秀的史傳文學家。」 誠為的論。
自東漢王允以降,歷代多有將《史記》視為「謗書」之論;而班固又謂其「是非頗謬於聖人」 。由是觀之,司馬遷寫作《史記》似乃為一己發憤之需。然則《史記》之立論行文果有如此偏頗之憾?為了尋求這個問題的解答,除了直接以《史記》「太史公曰」的論贊部分著手之外,整理史料更會是一個重要而可行的方向。故本文意欲從史料整理開始,藉由和《史記》原文作比對、檢視,來看看司馬遷當初在運用這些史料時,是以怎樣的角度加以揀擇、又如何鎔裁鍛造人物形象。除了身為一位專業史學家客觀判斷,將史料予以合理的取捨增減外,更希望能另闢蹊徑,看看司馬遷個人的、情感的取捨原則,藉此還原尋求出司馬遷的寫作立場及創作意識,並試圖為這些現象或趨勢提出合理的解釋與分析。
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台灣高中學生英語字彙學習策略之探討 / An Investigation into Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Senior High School Students in Taiwan王玉華, Wang, Yu-hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果如下:(一)最常使用的是認知策略,最少使用的是社會策略。(二)學生偏愛機械記憶或與拼字及發音有關之策略。(三)學生的策略使用和其字彙成就表現有明顯相關。(四)字彙學習成就較高者與字彙成就學習較低者在策略使用上亦有明顯差異。高字彙學習成就者較喜重複念誦記憶單字的策略,並傾向於有上下文的情境中學習單字;低字彙學習成就者偏愛重複書寫的策略,並傾向學習孤立的單字。 / This study investigated the vocabulary learning strategies used by senior high students in Taiwan. The aim was (a) to investigate the frequencies of different vocabulary learning strategies use; (b) to find out the most and the least frequently used strategies; (c) to explore the relationship between strategy use and vocabulary size; and (d) to identify the differences in strategy use between good and poor learners.
A total of 271 senior high students in northern Taiwan participated in the study. A vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire and a Vocabulary Levels Test were administered to the participants as instruments. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS version 10.0, including descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlations, and independent-samples t-tests.
The results are summarized as follows. (1) Cognitive strategies were reported as the most frequently used strategies while metacognitive and social strategies the least frequently used strategies. (2) Students favored strategies related to “rote repetition” or “the form of a word.” (3) Students’ strategy use was significantly correlated with their vocabulary size. (4) There was a significant difference in strategy use between good and poor learners. Good learners tended to learn words in context while poor learners tended to learn words in isolation.
The findings of the study suggest that teachers should introduce students to a variety of vocabulary learning strategies, especially deep strategies and strategies related to context.
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An Optimality Theory Approach to Reduplication in Formosan Languages呂順結, Shun-chieh Lu Unknown Date (has links)
就Ca-重疊而言,本文認為固定的元音[a]乃是由於「預先指明」(pre-specification)的結果,也就是其在底層形式就已經連結到重疊成分音節的韻母,本文並說明以「無標記浮現」(The Emergence of the Unmarked)來解釋固定音段(e.g. Chang 1998)的理論有其缺點。
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中文新聞標題自動生成之研究 / A Study on the Automatic Generation for Headlines of Chinese News Articles江珮翎, Chiang, Pei-ling Unknown Date (has links)
研究者針對標題的自動生成提出了幾種特徵值考量,包括候選詞權重值,訓練標題-文本詞彙,標題長度的關係及詞組間距。本論文之研究分為兩階段,第一階段為訓練階段,將文件做前置處理與斷詞,接著訓練標題-文本詞彙與統計文件標題長度的機率。第二階段為執行階段,分析新文件之候選詞權重值,並參照訓練階段之標題-文本詞彙與標題長度之機率值參考表,考量詞組間距後自動為文件產生標題。本論文所採用的訓練文件集來源為1998年至1999年五種報紙,涵蓋不同主題,共84,211篇文件,而測試文件的實驗分為Outside Test與Inside Test兩部分。
研究者為實驗結果進行兩種評估,一為電腦評估,將自動生成之標題與記者所擬訂的標題比對後,計算出求準率、求全率與F1。Outside Test求準率為14.21%、求全率為11.43%、F1為12.67%。Inside Test求準率為15.84%、求全率為12.94%、F1為14.21%。實驗結果顯示,正確率方面與其他文獻之英文文件標題的生成結果(F1=3.2%~24%)相近,但與實際標題仍有差距,因此,在未來工作上,仍有很大的發展空間。二為人為評估,讓使用者在閱讀自動生成之標題後,加以評分。自動生成之標題的流暢度還算不錯。然總結來說,本論文之研究尚屬初始階段,盼未來能更加成熟,並可有更進一步的創新與改進。 / As the number of digital documents on internet is growing up, analysis and organization of documents become quite important. In this thesis, we propose an approach for headline generation of documents. We can try our best to transfer the document data into information in some sense using the proposed approach. We review literature about the related topics, and present a different approach to deal with Chinese documents rather than English documents.
We propose some approach to Chinese documents headline generation. The thesis is separate two steps, one is training step, and the other is execution step. On the first step, the documents were preprocessed. Secondly, we trained the probability of headline-text words, and headline’s length. And on the execution step, we analyzed scores of headline candidates and gap, then referred to the probability of headline-text words, and headline’s length, finally we automatically generate headline for documents. The training documents are selected from a test collection for information retrieval, CIRB. Totally 84,211 Chinese news articles published between 1998 and 1999 are selected. Testing documents has two parts, one is for outside test, and the other is for inside test.
We conducted two evaluations, one is the automatic evaluation using metrics of presicion, recall and F1; the other is the human assessment. The precision of outside test is 14.21%、recall is 11.43%、F1 is 12.67%. And the precision of inside test is 15.84%、recall is 12.94%、F1 is 14.21%。The automatic evaluation result shows the accruacy is still not good enough, and the human assessment evaluation shows our approach can produce human-readable headlines.
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The Study of Cooperative Learning in the EFL Conversation Classroom in Commercial Vocational High School呂素卿, Lu Su-ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討合作學習對商職學生英語口語表達能力的成效及商職學生對合作學習應用在英語會話課的看法。研究對象為商職二年級兩班學生共八十名,其中一班為實驗組41人,授以學生小組成就區分法(STAD), 小組遊戲競賽法(TGT), 及共同學習法(LT)三種合作學習法;另一班為控制組39人,授以傳統授課法。兩組所使用的教材相同,由研究者安排教學活動並親自授課。教學實驗為期一個學期。資料蒐集方式包括兩次學期成就測驗為前、後測,問卷調查表、及訪談。資料分析方式為量化的描述性統計及質化的內容分析法。歸納研究結果摘述如下:
根據上述研究結果,提出教學上涵義的探討,及對未來研究提出建議。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate how commercial vocational high school students perceive cooperative learning in terms of English oral performance, learning attitudes, social development and lowering of anxiety in speaking English. There were totally 80 students involved in this study. The experimental group was taught in cooperative learning for one semester with the methods of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT), Learning Together (LT). The control group was taught in the traditional instruction.
This study collected data from oral tasks, scores of pretest and posttest, questionnaire, and student interview to achieve methodological triangulation. The reliability and validity of the collected data were ensured by combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to analyze the data.
The major findings of this study suggested that cooperative learning helped significantly to enhance the commercial vocational high school students' English oral performance , learning attitudes, social development and lowering of anxiety in speaking English. Besides, the problems of cooperative learning that emerged in students' responses and the researcher's observation was stated in the conclusion.
The study suggested that cooperative learning be integrated into the vocational high school English instruction in Taiwan. Pedagogical implications for the application of cooperative learning in EFL teaching were proposed. Finally, suggestions for future studies were recommended.
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以學名結構為基礎之UML資料模型和XML之轉換模式 / A Generic Construct based Transformation Model between UML Data Model and XML郭宛毓, Wan-Yu Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)已經快速成為網際網路上資料交換的標準,其架構適合用來描述複雜的資料結構並提供XML文件驗證的機制。要交換XML文件,就必須使用綱要語言來制定XML語彙,因而由此衍生出XML綱要設計之問題。在本篇研究中,將研究UML資料模型與XML綱要之間轉換的議題並發展一個可進行雙向轉換的模型。此轉換模型包含二部份,一是從UML資料模型結構轉換為XML綱要結構,一是從XML綱要結構反向轉換為UML資料模型結構;這二個模型將分別探討XML DTD (Data Type Definition)及 W3C XML Schema二個主題,將這二個子模型分別從語法及語意轉換之層面切入進行一連串結構轉換規則之延伸及建立。在XML綱要結構反向轉換為UML資料模型結構之模型中亦包含二個子模型,分別由XML綱要結構建立轉換之規則。我們建立此轉換模型之目的在於使UML資料模型結構及XML綱要結構間之轉換方法更為明確、簡單及容易使用,並透過系統實作來驗證其可行性。 / The (eXtensible Markup Language) XML is fast becoming the standard data exchange across the Internet. It is suitable to describe complex-structured data. It also provides a validation mechanism to validate vocabulary used in the XML document. In order to exchange XML document, XML vocabulary needs to be defined. As a result spread out the issues of XML schema design from here. In the research, UML data model and XML schema transformation issue have been studied to develop a bi-directional mapping and transformation model. We design the bidirectional mapping and transformation model in two parts. One is from UML data model to XML schema; another is from XML Schema to UML data model. Each part has two explored subject, including XML DTD (Data Type Definition) and W3C XML Schema. We develop a sequence of transformation rules from the viewpoints of syntactic and semantic transformation. These are also two parts in the transformation model of mapping from XML schema to UML data model. We develop transformation rules from the viewpoints of generic XML constructs step by step. We build up the transformation model to make transformation method more generic, genuine, systematic, explicit, simple and easy to use. Besides, we implement a transformation editor to validate the bi-directional transformation model.
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