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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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加拿大難民政策之研究 / The Study of Canada Refugee Policy

陳孟綺, Chen, Mong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
難民問題是一個國際性問題,難民是指居住在自己國籍國家以外,無法或不願返國的個人,由於種族、宗教、國籍、特定社會成員身分,或政治立場遭迫害而有所恐懼。由於難民對移入國造成政治、經濟、文化、社會、教育、安全等方面的衝擊,政府必須規劃難民政策並制定相關法規來因應難民問題。加拿大每年收容難民約25,000人,約收容世界上難民的10%,加拿大在2002年制定「移民及難民保護法」等法規,建立了完整的難民政策,並與聯合國難民署及國際移民組織等單位進行合作,共同協力來解決難民的安置問題。加拿大落實人權治國理念,積極參與國際事務,實質進行難民庇護措施,政府與民間共同合作提供難民保護及協助,並因時制宜的對其難民政策進行調整,以利其國家未來發展。本文以加拿大的難民歷史沿革之架構出發,就加拿大難民政策發展歷程、接納難民現況及難民政策實踐及改革措施作一整理,文末筆者以其研究發現提出建議及結論。 / Refugee problem was recognized as an international issue. The term of “refugee” has been perceived as people who face systematic discrimination on the bases of ethnicity, religion, nationality, and membership in a specific social group with “fear of persecution”. The problem of refugee has fostered an intense debate regarding what changes of political, economic, cultural, educational and secure environments are necessary in refugee-receiving countries to provide effective solutions. In Canada, there are about 25,000 people entered to seek asylum every year – with approximately 10% of all refugees worldwide. In order to deal with refugees’ settlement issues, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act came into effect in 2002. In addition, the Canadian government's effort in cooperating with UNHCR and IOM enables refugees to stay in safety. The dissertation presents historical overview of issues of refugees and provides critical review and discussion on refugee policies in Canada. In the end, the author proposed her personal conclusion and suggestion through the research.

我國性交易管制政策之研究-以臺北市警察取締為例 / The research of the Sex-Trade Regulation Police-A case study of law enforcement of Taipei City Police Department

林俊燁 Unknown Date (has links)
社會秩序維護法第80條之規定,是我國目前性交易管制政策之法源依據,該條文係採原則禁止、例外許可之管制原則。然就憲法保障人權之基本精神而言,性交易開放與否關係著憲法保障人民之工作權、生存權、性自主權及隱私權等。本文將從憲法保障人權的角度出發,以各號有關於工作權、性自主權、隱私權等大法官解釋,檢視當下我國社會秩序維護法對於性交易之管制是否符合時宜,是否有侵犯人權及違反比例原則之虞。 在論文章節安排部份,第貳章除了蒐集相關文獻外,另以大法官釋字第666號解釋為主軸,結合各學者的看法及其他大法官協同意見,進一步對解釋文做說明。之後再針對釋憲及修法前後警察機關對於性交易案件之取締方式及外國性交易管制政策做比較,分析評估性交易合法化是否有違社會善良風俗,社會善良風俗的定義是否一成不變;第叁章部分則依研究目的、研究問題及研究倫理擬定訪談大綱,並律定訪談過程及對象;第肆章部份則以親自訪談方式,針對性工作者及基層實務警察人員進行訪談,請受訪者對於當下性交易管制政策,分別就工作特性、執法取締、人權保障及其他建議等四部分提出看法;第伍章結論部分,除了提出本研究之發現外,並評估開放性交易之可行性及對我國當下性交易管制政策提出修法的建議。 從事性交易之性工作者,大多數為面臨龐大經濟壓力的弱勢婦女,法令的禁止只會迫使她們淪為制度性剝削的受害者。我國政府針對性交易行為,應擬定適宜的管制政策,以有效的管理政策替代執法取締,如此一來,才能體現我國憲法保障人權之基本精神。 / Our regulations on sexual trade is based on Social Order Maintenance Act (abbreviated to SOMA), which adopts the principle of what in main provisions are prohibited yet the exceptional causes are permitted. Regarding the Constitution of R.O.C on citizen rights , such as work, sexual autonomy, and privacy, however, such ideas above are all referred to whether the permission of sexual trade is OK or NOT. We will look into some regulations of sexual trade, via bits of Grand justice interpretations, to determine if SOMA would be appropriate now days and if it would defy the principle of proportionality and human rights, from the aspect of the Constitution that ought to secure Human rights. Besides collecting related materials, we will further explain the No.666 Grand justice interpretation by combining some scholars’ researches and opinions and some Concurring opinions, and that would be demonstrated on Chapter 2. Secondly, we’ll analyze whether the legalization of sexual trade would be against the social convention, or whether the definition of public order and good morals is permanent. On chapter 3, we’ll establish the main structure and distinguish those who necessarily receive our interview in line up with the cause, problems and ethics of researching. On Chapter 4, we’ll interview the police officers and sexual traders in person to absorb their opinions on by-then regulations, clampdown, human rights of sexual trade and their recommendations. In the final part of the essay, in addition to proposing our discoveries, we will put forward our suggestions on the revision of by-then sexual trade regulations and evaluate the possibilities of validation of sexual trade. Those who feed on sexual trade mostly are afflicted from enormous economic pressure and the ban on sexual trade of regulations make them institutionally deprived. In order to exert the spirit of the Constitution that ought to secure human rights, we advise the government need to enact appropriate laws and rules focusing on sexual trade behavior to effectively replace the clampdown.

明治時期的神佛分離‧廢佛毀釋運動 ─以真宗門徒的反對運動為例─ / The Separation of Shinto and Buddhism and the Anti-Buddhist Movement in the Meiji Era:focusing on the Opposition by the Shin-Buddhist Followers

徐欣瑜, Hsu, Hsin Yu , Unknown Date (has links)
日本於明治時期,由於維新政府所奉行的神道國教化政策,而引發大規模的的佛教排斥破壞運動,史稱廢佛毀釋運動。事件的開端,起源於慶應四年(明治元年、一八六八)政府所頒布的「神佛分離令」。而政府之所以採用神佛分離政策,是因為在明治維新這個動盪的時期,政府的核心領導人物為了樹立以天皇為首之中央集權國家的政治體系,便採用有力的國學者、神道家之理論,來作為強調天皇其神聖的宗教威信、鞏固天皇的正統性及權威性之根據。 然而,當時如此雷厲風行的廢佛毀釋運動,使其衰退的是真宗信仰地區強烈的抵抗運動。而淨土真宗界的僧侶集結信徒發起護法一揆,起身反抗的原因,是出自於對廢佛行為的抗議、僧侶守護自身的生活權、農民對新政策的不了解,或是排擊基督教等因素。 本論文的第一、二章,將針對神佛分離‧廢佛毀釋運動之生成背景做探討。並說明從織豐政權到江戶幕府,權力者是如何打壓宗教勢力,以及論述相關宗教政策制定的意圖及內涵。此外,江戶時代排佛論興起,在此將試舉幾位代表性的排佛論者的論點加以闡述。再者,早在江戶時代,就有部份尊儒排佛的地方大名,積極的整頓領內的寺院神社,尤其以水戶、岡山、會津、長州最為興盛,因此將透過上述四個例子,來瞭解維新以前廢佛毀釋的實際狀況。在經過幕末的動盪時代,甫成立的維新政府在宗教方面,積極推動一連串神道國教化的政策。第三章將探討當時的各項政策,來說明各項政策所蘊含的意圖以及其帶來的影響。第四章的部份,將以真宗信仰繁盛的三個地區,在面對明治政府所施行的新政策時,所發起的護法一揆為例,來一窺其中所蘊含的群眾運動以及宗教運動的性格。 / In the Meiji era, because the Meiji government made Shinto a state religion, opposition and destruction of Buddhism occurred on a large scale in Japan, the so-called Anti-Buddhist Movement (Haibutsu Kishaku). It began in Keiō 4 (Meiji 1, 1868), the time the government announced the Ordinance Distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism. The government applied the separation of Shinto and Buddhism because in the chaotic period of the Meiji Restoration, to build a political system, a centralized government in which the emperor was the top, core leaders adopted authoritative Japanese classical (Kokugaku) scholars and Shinto scholars’ doctrines to enhance the emperor’s religious prestige, legitimacy and authority. As the fierce Anti-Buddhist Movement occurred, it was the strong opposition held by the Shin-Buddhists that weakened the Anti-Buddhist Movement. The Shin-Buddhist monks and followers staged religious revolts for protests against anti-Buddhism, monks’ claims on rights of living, peasants’ unfamiliarity with the new policy, strikes against Christians, etc. Chapter 1 and chapter 2 in this thesis are concerned with the background of the separation of Shinto and Buddhism and the Anti-Buddhist Movement, the illustrations of authorities’ oppression of religion from the Oda-Toyotomi period to the Edo period, and the demonstration of the purpose and the meaning of these religious policies. Besides, anti-Buddhism developed in the Edo period. Some representative anti-Buddhist scholars’ doctrines are examined here. In addition, in the Edo period, some chiho-daimyo who praised Confucianism and opposed Buddhism reorganized Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines in their domains actively, and this occurred very often in the Mito Domain, the Okayama Domain, the Aizu Domain and the Chōshū Domain. The above four cases are examined here to understand the real situation of the anti-Buddhism before the Meiji Restoration. After the chaotic last days of the Edo period (Bakumatsu), the new Meiji government adopted lots of policies to make Shinto a state religion. Chapter 3 is concerned with the analysis of each policy to demonstrate the purpose and the effect of each policy. Chapter 4 is concerned with the examination of religious revolts staged by people who lived in three places where the Shin-Buddhism was popular and faced new policies adopted by the Meiji government to analyze characteristics, mass movement and religious movement, of those religious revolts.

勞動領域勞工隱私權之研究—以求職階段為中心 /

姚妤嬙 Unknown Date (has links)
在勞工進入職場工作前之面試階段,雇主為了解求職者個人背景,以判斷前來應徵者是否為企業所需之人力,而有向求職者詢問、要求填寫資料表或問卷甚至是企業照會的行為;在勞動關係中,雇主為確保受僱勞工是否依約履行勞務,則會有監視其員工工作情形之行為。上述雇主之行為應受憲法上關於營業自由以及財產權之保護。然依據司法院大法官所作出之多號解釋,隱私權在我國亦為憲法所保障之基本權利,而勞工作為權利主體,不論其係身處於求職或在職階段,亦應當享有隱私權之保護。是以雇主縱使是為了維護其營業自由與財產權,但所為之詢問與監督行為應仍受一定界線之限制,否則將構成勞工之隱私權,從而雇主之行為於何等範圍內始不至於過當該基本權衝突問題應如何處理便是核心關鍵。   為衡平會員國間關於資料保護水準之落差,歐盟理事會通過了個人資料處理及自由流通保護指令,依該指令所成立之資料保護小組針對就業領域雇主處理受僱人資料之問題提出意見書,強調雇主於行為時應注意終局性原則、透明性原則、合法性原則、比例原則、正確性原則、安全性原則以及專責人員專業意識原則,此外針對僱傭關係中當事人同意之問題,亦表示應作為最後手段。   德國近期於2009年所修正之聯邦個人資料保護法,於第32條增列針對僱傭關係中蒐集受僱人資料之專責規範。依其規定,雇主僅於受僱人之資料係成立、履行或終結僱傭關係該目的所必要者始得為蒐集、處理或利用之行為。且對於在僱傭關係中基於犯罪嫌疑之揭露所為之資料蒐集行為訂有嚴格之要件限制。實務上亦有豐富且詳細之判決在處理關於受僱人資料蒐集的問題。   觀察歐盟指令、德國聯邦個人資料保護法以及國內與勞工資料蒐集有關之法規範,本文認為在僱傭關係中倘雇主欲為勞工個人資料之蒐集、處理或利用,應符合以下要件:(1)基於僱傭關係成立、履行或終結之目的所必要,(2)符合個人資料保護法之法定事由,(3)踐行告知義務並且(4)注意誠信原則、比例原則與不當連結禁止原則等等的上位基本原則。而在針對求職階段之實際個案操作上,具體而言應考量以下之判斷標準:1.勞動關係之特殊性。2.雇主須是基於挑選得勝任應聘職務優秀人才之正當目的。3.詢問之事項須與應聘職務有核心、重要之關聯。4.於雇主本身具有特殊性時,得詢問與該特殊性有關之事項。5.倘求職者於締約前已知悉其所具備之情狀將對於契約之履行產生重大障礙,縱使雇主未為相關之詢問,求職勞工仍應負有主動告知義務。透過上述要件及判准之檢驗,應得為雇主之合法權限劃出適當之範圍,從而落實勞工隱私權之保護。

我國職業災害勞工保護法之研究-以相關補助為討論核心 / Research of protection for workers incurring occupational accidents act in taiwan-focus on the related subsidies

蔡寶安, Tsai, Pao An Unknown Date (has links)
從經濟社會文化權利國際公約第7條規定來看,締約國必須確認人人有權享受公平與良好之工作條件,尤須確保安全衛生之工作環境,此乃屬於天賦人權之一種,亦為公約締約國之義務;另我國立法院於98年3月31日三讀通過「公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法」,使該公約條文內化成為我國之法律,因此如何建立一個安全無虞的職場工作環境尤為重要,就職災的預防、補償及重建,雖有先後順序之別,然一旦發生職災後,後續之經濟上之補償及重建亦同屬重要。故本篇論文除討論職業災害補償相關議題外,首要討論的是職業災害勞工保護法之法律上定性為何,此一問題,將會涉及各種法律制度間競合問題,故應優先解決之。 另深度研究職災勞工申請職業災害勞工保護法之各項補助、津貼等亦發現數據背後之意義,另從訴願、行政訴訟之個案研究,以及經由深度訪談職災勞工、雇主及從事輔導職災勞工之各縣市職災個案管理員後,得出下列結論及建議事項: 一、職業災害勞工保護法定位問題、罰鍰制度再思考 二、各項行政流程簡化 三、行政機關應強化聯繫功能 四、職業災害勞工保護法之各項給付種類、等級應修法增加 五、職業災害勞工保護法未來走向


高振格 Unknown Date (has links)
近年由於資訊社會快速變遷,相關產業不斷改革,個人資料侵害事件頻傳,個資議題逐漸受到重視。為了修正難以跟上社經發展腳步之「電腦處理個人資料保護法」,民國99年5月26日公布了新修訂的「個人資料保護法」,卻引起極大的爭議,至該法公布至今已逾兩年卻尚未施行,造成電腦處理個人資料保護法的闕漏遲遲無法獲得填補。個人資料保護法所牽涉者,不僅為個人資訊權的保障,由於個人資料保護意識已在國際間抬頭,若個人資料保護水準未合乎適足標準,我國在蒐集外國個人資料時會受到限制,恐怕會危及我國在國際間資訊傳遞的便利性,如此資訊傳遞將成為我國企業於國際競爭上的劣勢,是我國個人資料保護法制的確立實至關重要。   本文嘗試先就「個人資訊自決權」的角度,申論本次電腦處理個人資料保護法的修法內容之利弊,並以歐盟之「個人資料保護指令」、經濟合作發展組織之「隱私保護與個人資料跨國交流指導原則」以及亞太經濟合作組織之「隱私保護架構」所揭櫫之個人資料保護原則,探討「告知原則」、「同意原則」、「選擇退出制度」以及「敏感性個人資料之保護」等議題,論其對個人資料保護法相關規定之影響。最後,再針對個人資料保護法施行窒礙之相關爭議規定,提出修正或配套意見,期盼我國個人資料保護法制得以完善。

論金融消費爭議處理機制之相關法律問題 −以歐盟境內相關制度為參考 / A study on legal issues relating to financial disputes resolution − reference to the systems in the EU

鄭珮玟, Jheng, Pei Wun Unknown Date (has links)
近年隨著經濟發展,金融商品之設計日新月異,逐漸打破以往銀行、保險、証劵等行業之區分,金融業者對於其服務逐漸朝向一元化發展。而為因應金融產業之變革,金融監理似乎亦有朝向一元化之趨勢,因此相關監理層面之整合即為客不容緩之要事。 惟我國於金融消費者保護法通過施行前,對於金融消費爭議之各種處理機制尚未統之,因此有管道多元而使消費者無所適從,社會資源浪費、處理程序過長以及品質無法監管等種種問題。而此一問題,於2008年雷曼兄弟倒閉,引發國內多數投資人之損失,並於尋求救濟時產生許多爭議,使前開缺失一一浮上檯面。 本文介紹歐盟替代性紛爭解決機制(ADR)之發展,包含調解人與公評人之相關準則與原則。以及歐盟專門處理金融消費爭議之平台(FIN-NET)之運作方式,並統整FIN-NET各個會員間之制度,觀察其制度內容及差異,進行歸納統整。再以歐盟主要國家,德國、英國與法國之金融消費爭議處理機制為主,對於各國之其制度加以介紹,並進行制度面之比較分析。並藉此評析金融消費者保護法之爭議處理機構。 最後本文認為,我國之爭議處理機構制度上已相當完整,除將各個產業整合由單一爭議處理機構處理外,亦已改善過去部分機構欠缺法律基礎而無資料調閱權限,以及無法中斷時效等之缺失。如同歐盟之多數國家,消費者均無需付費值得肯定,惟若制度運作後濫訴及客訴黃牛之情況嚴重,可仿效歐盟各國向消費者收取部分費用,並給予金融機構每年前三個案件無需收費之優惠。另外,評議有關一定金額拘束力之設計方式,與英國之制度仍有不同,將可能導致評議機制欠缺實效。再者要求消費者親自陳述意見與親自參加調處,雖違反代表原則,然既係在避免有客訴黃牛之情況故尚可容許。且違反資料調閱權之效果倘能有實體法上之效果或許更能幫助紛爭之解決。而能增加當事人對爭議處理機制之損害賠償請求權,惟於違反金保法之人員有故意或重大過失時爭議處理機構對之有內部求償權。最後,仍欠缺就爭議處理品質面之監督機制,亦仍有改善之空間。

金融消費者保護法對銀行保險業務影響之研究 / Study on the impact of the financial consumer protection act to bancassurance in Taiwan

黃愉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
我國金融消保法於2011年制定,是以保護金融消費者權益,公平、合理、有效處理金融消費爭議事件,以增進金融消費者對市場之信心,並促進金融市場之健全發展為目標。同樣的,因金融消保法將散落在各金融法規的廣告、業務招攬、營業促銷活動、說明義務、適合度評估統合規定,並創立一元化的金融消費爭議處理機制,帶給金融市場相當大的影響。 我國銀行保險業務,近年來快速發展,於適用金融消保法時,會給銀行保險業務帶來什麼影響?本文主要是藉由銀行保險業者履行廣告、業務招攬、營業促銷活動、說明義務、適合度評估之義務時,比較銀行保險業務原先所適用的法規範,以及適用金融消保法後產生的差異,探討對銀行保險業者的影響。然而,然而,因為銀行保險架構採取保險人或銀行保經代為經營主體的二方合約和三方合約經營模式,導致了銀行通路的責任問題,而且於銀行保險發生爭議,要保人使用金融消費爭議處理機制並選擇申訴對象時,會將這個問題展現得更加明顯。 金融消保法確立了廣告招攬促銷擔保責任、說明義務、適合度評估是金融服務業者應履行的法定義務,運用於銀行保險業務,不論在保護要保人方面,或是在維持銀行保險業務安定性的方面都帶來正面的影響。然而,因為金融消保法的要求更加完備和全面,所以銀行保險業者履行這些義務時,會對其業務、財務造成負擔,進而影響其營運,這是必須正視的現象。再者,銀行保險爭議發生時,要保人無法以銀行為申訴對象向其求償,使銀行有權責不一致之情形。因此,金融消保法作為提供給各金融服務業者和金融消費者適用的整合性法律,若採取傳統的分業經營規範方式,將會產生許多適用上的問題。 所以,本文除解析金融消保法對銀行保險業務的影響層面外,還探討金融消保法規定分業經營所產生的問題,並得出結論認為金融消保法跨業經營規範之制定將會使銀行權責得以相符,也會讓金融消保法更能符合實務的需求。

論我國稅捐稽徵法第12條之1【實質課稅原則】之適用界限-以法學方法論與【納稅者權利保護法】意旨為分析方法 / The Study on the Demarcation of Substance-Over-Form Principle of Tax Collection Act Article 12-1

馮浩庭, Feng, Hau-Ting Unknown Date (has links)

成年監護制度之研究 / The study of adult guardianship

蔡佩伃, Tsai, Peiyu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國97年5月23日總統公布民法總則編修正條文第14條、15條,增訂第15條之1及第15條之2,民法親屬編第4章監護與輔助制度之新規定,以及法院實務運作為探討重心,輔以分析比較大陸法系國家--德國成年照護制度與日本成年後見制度,以及英美法系國家--英國2005年意思能力法案與美國2006年統一代理權授與授權法之制度,以針對我國學者對於新成年監護制度之見解與目前實務運作所產生之問題為之探討,以提出以下結論與建議:一、基於尊重本人自主權之理念,未來應制定意定監護制度。二、法定監護制度之修正:(1)意思能力之判斷原則應有明確規範,並以英國2005年意思能力法五項指導原則為判斷守則。(2)不應一律剝奪受監護宣告人之行為能力。(3)監護聲請權人應增列未成年監護人、同居人與同性生活伴侶。(4)受破產宣告之人雖不可為財產管理之監護人,但可為身上照護之監護人。(5)監護事務方面,關於重大醫療照護等身上監護事項應明文規定交由法院審查。(6)受監護人之自主權與保護受監護人之利益應有所平衡。(7)建議增列繼任監護人,以及解決監護關係相對終了,因監護人無繼承人時,無人管理受監護人財產移交與結算事項等問題。(8)輔助宣告方面:因輔助人只有同意權無代理權可代受輔助人行使所物返還請求權,為保護受輔助人,可由法院賦予輔助人行使特定財產行為之代理權。(9)最佳利益原則:法院應鼓勵受監護人參與監護事務之決定,並考量受監護宣告之人過去、現在願望與感受,以及受監護宣告之人之價值觀和信仰如何影響其決定,亦即受監護人即便現在欠缺意思能力,其意見仍應予以尊重。三、監護監督制度是監護制度成功與否之重要機制,鑒於國外成年監護制度均設有監護監督機構,以支援法院為監護監督工作,又考量監護品質之維護,我國未來應設立協助法院監督之機關。 / This research is intended to study the amendments of Civil Code, Article 14, Article 15, Article 15-1, Article 15-2, and Section 2 Guardianship and Assistantship over Adults of Chapter IV announced by the President on May 23, 2008, and to investigate the adult guardianship cases. Furthermore, this research chooses four advanced countries--Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States to compare and analyze their legal systems of adult guardianship. Those countries’ adult guardianship legal systems and the scholars’ viewpoint provide the following conclusions and suggestions: First, according to the underlying philosophy of respecting decision-making power of the ward, we should establish the voluntarily nominated guardian model. Secondly, the Adult Guardianship Act should be amended:(1) A definite standard for a person’s capacity of evaluation should be clarified. We can adopt the UK Mental Capacity Act 2005, the five statutory principles to help evaluate if a person lacks capacity. (2) The Act should not deprive a person of all his legal capacity, when once a person is declared incapacity by the family court. (3) The Act’s applicants should include minor guardian and civil partnership. (4) Guardians who are bankrupt will no longer be allowed to act as guardians for property and affairs but can still act as guardians for personal welfare. (5) The ward’s personal welfare decisions on serious healthcare and treatment should be put before the family court for approval. (6) The act should aim to balance an individual’s right to make decisions for themselves with their right to be protected from harm if they lack capacity to make decisions to protect themselves. (7) The guardian’s authority terminates when the guardian dies. However, a problem will arise from it. The problem is that if the guardian does not have a successor, the guardian cannot transfer the ward’s property to a new guardian. To solve the problem, adopting a successor guardian may be a good method. (8)The assistance (advisory) system:Because assistants do not have authority to take actions to ask the third person to give back the person’s property, the authority should be granted to assistants by the family court in order to protect their interests. (9) Best interests: The family court must consider the ward’s past and present wishes, feelings, beliefs and values that would be likely to influence his/her decision if he or she had capacity. Thirdly, monitoring guardian system can help adult guardianship system to operate successfully, and protect those wards. Many countries such as Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States are all devoted to developing their monitoring guardian system. In taking the quality of the adult guardianship into consideration, our country should establish monitoring guardian system in the future.

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