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A銀行特別股私募對A銀行與B金控公司之影響與意義 / The impact and implications of the private placement- preferred shares on private placement by A Bankwith B Holding Company林雅玲, Lin, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文將循序分析B金控異於一般投資者的逆向併購邏輯及過程,並由A銀行私募特別股對B金控的影響與背後意義來佐證「一大成功的認購策略」之論點。 / The “Second Financial Reform” has remained a hotly debated issue in the market. According to the government, however, the private placement of the preferred shares of A Bank is considered to be a “successful example” of the reform. The ill-performing A Bank, troubled by bad loans in recent years, became a second high priority target for the Second Financial Reform. It was among of the at least six government-controlled financial institutes to be reduced to by the end of 2005. The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has played a guiding role, catalyzing B, a holding company based on consumption financing, to acquire A Bank with a bid which was 10 billion higher than the base price. The core issues of this essay include the reasonableness of the base price of preferred shares, the features of preferred shares and the impacts and implications of private placement.
It might be too early to say whether the price of preferred shares acquired by B Holding Company is high. However, the company started a different way of thinking by treating the funds it put into the acquired bank as its own”. The acquisition, one of the few in history, would not have materialized without a strategy as distinguished from the regular money counting ideas. Not only the did acquisition of A Bank by B Holding Company through financing cost its original shareholders nothing, it also allowed the company to have the 1.28 –trillion-worth bank by spending only 658million per annum for the next three years. The holding company later formed a strategic alliance with the financial institutes in the U.S. and Japan for supply of funds to improve its financial structure, which was undoubtedly a “very successful acquisition strategy” for the company.
This essay conducts a step-by-step analysis of the company’s logic and process of the acquisition as contrary to the general investment mindset and supports the viewpoint of “very successful acquisition strategy” by discussing the impacts and implications of private placement of preferred shares by B Holding Company on A Bank.
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臺灣電信產業資本結構決定因素之研究 / The Determinants of Capital Structure of The Telecom Industry in Taiwan林志隆, Lirn, Jyh Lurng Unknown Date (has links)
By use of traditional regression analysis, this study investigates the explanatory power of several factors on the capital structure of the three biggest telecom companies in Taiwan. The study extends empirical work on capital structure through Granger causality to determine whether it is, for instance, the firm size that affects the choice of capital structure or a firm's choice of capital structure that affect its firm size. In the traditional regression analysis, confirming the pecking order model, more profitable firms have lower debt ratio. Consistent with most literatures, collateral value of tangible assets has a positive effect on debt ratio. The effect of firm size is ambiguous. Results of Granger causality between variables have different implications for the selected companies. Overall this study provides some useful information of capital structure of the telecom industry in Taiwan.
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國內上市公司資本結構決定因素之研究 / The Determinants of Corporate Capital Structure: Taiwan Evidence王瑛璋, Wang, Yin Chang Unknown Date (has links)
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租稅對公司財務結構影響之分析鄭素卿, Zheng, Su-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
自一九五八年Modigliani-Miller 在美國經濟評論雜志發表其否定傳統理論命題以來
,M-M 理論一直為公司財務論爭之核心。其主要論點有二:(一)廠商之市場價值與
風險因素之後,M-M 命師已受到頗大挑戰。
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兩稅合一對公司資本結構決定因素之影響劉明衢, Godman, Vito Unknown Date (has links)
規模較小之公司的負債比率下降程度較多。 / The past researches on corporate financing structure can be divided into two lines, one in the corporate financing theories and the other in the determinants of corporate financing decisions. After the tax integration, the research whether the adoption of tax integration has a significant impact on corporate financing structure have become a mainstream.
The study investigates three issues. The first is to investigate whether the debt ratio decreases after tax integration. The second is to investigate the effect of effective tax ratio, dividend payout ratio, profitability on the debt ratio. The third is to investigate whether the effect of tax regime change on the debt ratio is difference between effective tax ratio and firm size.
The empirical results show follows: (1) After tax integration, the firm’s debt ratio decreased. (2) Effective tax ratio has positive relation with debt ratio no matter before or after tax integration. After tax integration, the degree of effective tax ratio effect on debt ratio declined. (3) Dividend payout ratio has negative relation with debt ratio no matter before or after tax integration. After tax integration, the degree of dividend payout ratio effect on debt ratio declined. (4) Profit ratio has negative relation with debt ratio no matter before or after tax integration. After tax integration, the degree of profit ratio effect on debt ratio increased. (5) After tax integration, the decline of debt ratio for company with higher debt ratio is more than the decline of debt ratio for company with lower debt ratio. (6) After tax integration, the decline of debt ratio for small firms is more than the decline of debt ratio for large firms.
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資本市場發展對企業資本結構與總體經濟因素關係之影響林郁函 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以所有上市公司為研究對象,其中扣除產業特性較不相同之金融產業,探討在不同程度之資本市場發展的限制下,企業資本結構與總體經濟因素之間的關係是否有所改變,此外以變異數拆解(Variance Decomposition)拆解出在不同時期企業資本結構主要受公司內部因素影響較大,或者主要由外在環境因素主導。最後探討因公司本身因素而導致融資受限之企業,其融資決策與負債比率之關係。
1. 台灣資本市場發展歷經轉折,經Cusum Test測試出轉折點為 1992年,在轉折點之後,台灣資本市場展趨於健全,企業融資較不受到限制。
2. 轉折點之前,企業融資受限,其負債比率與總體經濟因子呈現正相關,亦即呈順循環。
3. 轉折點之後,企業融資較不受限制,其負債比率與總體經濟因子呈現負相關,亦即呈現逆循環。
4. 經由變異數拆解發現,轉折點之後,總體經濟因子對企業資本結構之影響性增加,表示企業在不受限制的環境下,比較能順應外部環境的轉變而改變其資本結構。
5. 因公司本身因素而融資受限的公司,其負債比率與總體經濟因子間呈現正相關,亦即呈順循環。而融資較不受限之公司,其負債比率與總體經濟因子呈現負相關,亦即呈現逆循環。
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企業國際化與經營績效之研究—以台灣上市公司為例馬冠裕 Unknown Date (has links)
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產業最適資本結構之研究--以資訊電子業為例黃重裕, Huang Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與研究限制 7
第三節 研究架構 10
第貳章 文獻探討 11
第一節 資本結構理論 11
第二節 國內實證文獻 38
第三節 國外實證文獻 50
第參章 研究設計 62
第一節 研究假說 62
第二節 資料蒐集與樣本 71
第三節 研究變數的操作性定義 74
第四節 研究方法 82
第肆章 實證結果分析 87
第一節 樣本資料基本統計分析 87
第二節 相關及簡單迴歸分析 89
第三節 多元迴歸分析及檢定 97
第四節 最適資本結構分析 103
第伍章 結論與建議 112
第一節 結論 112
第二節 建議 118
參考文獻 121
中文部分 121
英文部分 124
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股票報酬決定因素及股票報酬與盈餘間關係之研究 / The Determinants of Stock Returns and the Relationship between Stock Returns and Earnings彭火樹, Peng, Huo-Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分析民國71年7月至85年5月股票上市公司資料(排除金融、保險、及變更交易方式的公司)。因民國79年股價指數從2月的最高點12,495急遽下滑至10月的2,560,故分析上將79年度予以排除。在71年7月至78年12月的時段中,整體市場因素(RM-RF)不能解釋股票報酬的變異。此點發現與台灣早期研究的結論一致。其他變數顯著者僅有與規模有關的因素(SZSMB),或與負債比率有關的因素(DEHML),其中以 SZSMB的解釋能力最強。在民國80年1月至85年5月的時段中,所有模式中整體市場因素( RM-RF)的係數皆顯著,並且是所有因素中最顯著者。這點發現與前時段(71年7月至78年12月)的結果有很大的不同。其他的變數顯著者,有代表成長機會的BMHML(與淨值市價比有關的因素)、EPHML(與益本比有關的因素)、或CPHML(與營運現金市價比有關的因素),及代表利率結構有關的風險因素TERM(與利率期間結構有關的風險溢酬)、或DFT(與利率違約風險有關的風險溢酬)。其中以(RM-RF)、EPHML、CPHML及TERM的風險組合最能解釋股票報酬的變異。
再者,關於成長機會與ERC關係之測試,經以公司成長機會大小為虛擬變數放迴歸式中,結果顯示,代表成長機會的虛擬變數之系數時而為正,時而為負,且大都不顯著,故成長機會大的公司之ERC大於成長機會小的公司之ERC的假說,未獲得實證的支持。 / Earlier studies (Chen 1990; Chiu 1990; and Wang 1992) found that systematic risk (β) could not explain the variance of stock returns in Taiwan. The findings were inconsistent with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). One of the major purposes of this paper is to examine the factors that have higher explanatory power of stock returns.
To test the hypotheses, this study uses the data of Taiwanese listed companies covering the period from July 1982 to may 1996. The 1990 data are excluded because the stock market index climbed to a record high of 12,495 in February 1990 and then fell sharply to allow level of 2,560 in October 1990. The "crash" might cause structural changes in stock market, so the analyses are conducted separately for the periods before and after the crash, namely the prior-crash period (from July 1982 to December 1989) and the post-crash period (from January 1991 to May 1996).
The empirical results show that for the prior-crash period the overall market factor (market returns minus risk free rate, RM-RF) can not explain the variance of stock returns. The findings are consistent with those of previous studies. However, we find that the factor-related to size (SZSMB) and the factor related to debt/equity ratio (DEHML) have significant association with stock returns. Furthermore, SZSMB has higher explanatory power. In contrast, the overall market factor is the most significant factor for the post-crash period. Other factors that are significant consisted of (1) proxies for growth opportunities, including book-to-market equity (BMHML), earnings/price ratio (EPHML), and cash flow/price ratio (CPHML), and (2) the factors related to interest structure, including term structure (TERM) and default risk (DFT). Among these factors, the set of RM-RF, EPHML, CPHML, and TERM explains the variance of stock returns most.
Another purpose of this paper is to use the aforementioned findings to study the relationship between stock returns and earnings. The results show that the earnings response coefficients based on the most explanatory factor portfolio of each period are positive and significant, and are greater than those based on the traditional systematic risk (β).
The tests for earnings quality hypothesis indicate that the coefficients of the dummy variable proxies for big companies are insignificant. The earnings quality hypothesis is not supported.
The tests regarding the relationship between growth opportunities and earnings response coefficients show that the coefficients of the dummy variable proxies for high growth companies are unstable. The hypothesis that the earnings response coefficients of high growth companies are greater than those of low growth companies is not supported by empirical evidence.
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