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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鄧秀娟 Unknown Date (has links)
由於政府呼籲企業南向投資,以分散過度依賴大陸的風險,加上大陸宏觀調控限縮對台商放款、部分地區實施限電等措施,已使台商產生危機感,而轉向越南投資以分散風險。由於越南已成為全球鞋類十大加工及出口國之一,加上美國已於2001年12月10日給予越南NTR優惠法案,帶動另一波的越南投資熱,其中以紡織及鞋類等產業因考量美國給予越南最惠國待遇,可藉由優惠關稅配額進入美國市場,將有助於台商在越南之生產與銷售,因此,紛紛加碼投資越南。由於台商海外投資仍需銀行之融資配合,而海外貸款所涉及之法律、國家、政治等風險較國內貸款複雜,對於海外貸款之利弊及可行性,實有加以探討之必要。 本文個案係以C銀行往來多年之優良客戶-A公司在越南平陽省之鞋廠建廠融資案為例,個案中之C銀行於越南並未設立分行,因此擬請越南當地銀行-F銀行胡志明分行作為擔保品代理行。本論文研究結果為,為規避無法將越南擔保品設定予C銀行之限制,而規劃出『擔保品代理行』作為抵押權人之融資架構,並未獲越南國家銀行認可,主要原因在於F銀行胡志明分行並非實際貸款銀行。而從整個個案之研究當中,不僅是對融資架構之探討,更由包括對越南投資環境、法令規章及授信評估等分析當中發現,承作海外貸款案件,不僅有其利基,亦有其風險存在。主要利基包括承作海外貸款案件可積極拓展銀行業務,滿足客戶海外投資之資金需求,進而提供更多元化之服務;可透過參與海外聯合貸款方式,與世界知名之企業建立往來關係;可分散授信風險於不同的國家及不同的產業上。主要風險包括國家風險較高;法律問題複雜,需透過專業律師來處理相關之合約及設定等法律問題;且不見得有律師出具符合銀行利益之法律意見,就能保證完全沒有法律上之風險,尤其是在一些較落後的國家,法治系統並不健全,通常較保護其國內債務人,至於外國債權人想要獲得勝訴求償,並不容易,故仍有訴訟上之風險存在。 對本文個案之承作方式,建議改以聯合貸款方式,或由越南當地銀行出具保證函或開發擔保信用狀方式或以信用貸款方式承作。另外,由於越南係一新興開發中國家,有其潛在之投資利基,不管是基於越南之投資環境、國家的政策目標、為跨國的台商企業提供更完善的海外服務、或是拓展海外業務以提升銀行競爭力等因素,越南實有開設分行之利基所在。


陳思瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
國內首家專營住宅抵押貸款保證保險公司-美商聯合保證保險股份有限公司(United Guaranty, UG),已獲得主管機關核准,於民國93年7月20日成立分公司,從事住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務。購屋者可因購買住宅抵押貸款保證保險,而使銀行願意提供高貸款成數的貸款服務,如此購屋者可降低自備款,而銀行的信用風險亦可得到保障。然此類保險業務對保險公司而言風險極大,若遇上經濟蕭條、失業率高漲時,損失率將快速提高,例如:美國於1930年代出現經濟大蕭條,許多產險公司因住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務理賠金額過多而紛紛倒閉,致使美國監理機關規定保險公司承作住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務需採單一險種(mono-line)的方式經營;再者,我國雖於民國54年奉准試辦「住宅抵押貸款償還保證保險」業務,其辦理目的在配合政府實行國宅政策,並協助個人在財力範圍內自置住宅,之後太平產險於民國86年推出「1090專案」,雖有一定的業務量卻也造成不少流弊,使保險公司承擔極大風險,故國內保險監理機關對住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務的態度趨於嚴格。 本文主要在探討住宅抵押貸款保證保險於我國保險法上之適用,及其於實務上運作已發生或可能發生的問題。保險法雖於民國81年增訂保證保險專節,使保證保險有法源依據,但由於規定過於簡單,故我國保險學界與實務界對其定位有相當分歧的看法,住宅抵押貸款保證保險屬保證保險的一種,故藉由探討保證保險的法律性質與定位,以釐清住宅抵押貸款保證保險可能產生法律適用上的疑義。而對於住宅抵押貸款保證保險的實務運作,則是藉由介紹國外住宅抵押貸款保證保險發展與趨勢,針對國內當前金融環境與風險管理的角度,試著提出對國內住宅抵押貸款保證保險發展方向與監理方向上之建議。


孫創洲 Unknown Date (has links)
現金卡在我國發行以來,曾蔚為風潮,但亦曾掀起巨大的金融風暴,對我國經濟發展造成重大負面影響。現金卡市場發生之問題,乃在於現金卡本身因強調申請便利性而無須擔保,導致須以高利息分攤呆帳風險,使得現金卡之使用人之金利負擔過高;再者我國各發卡銀行為爭奪現金卡市場而進行惡性競爭,導致發卡審核機制薄弱,對現金卡使用人人僅強調貸款便利性,卻不強調其高利率負擔,使得現金卡使用人往往難以正確評估其還款能力;而各銀行對於無法回收之貸款債權呆帳,亦往往出售予資產管理公司,由其進行債權回收,然銀行委託之資產管理公司良莠不齊,故時有暴力討債等情形出現,對於社會治安造成危害。而上述問題之根本原因,係在於現金卡之發卡銀行與使用現金卡之消費者之間,在經濟地位與獲取資訊能力上存在巨大之差異,故在現金卡契約之締結上,銀行或以經濟上之優勢制定有利於銀行之定型化契約條款迫使消費者接受,或以資訊獲取上之優勢使消費者無法正確判斷締約之利弊得失,使消費者難以立於與銀行平等之地位而締結公平合理之契約。 本文之主要目的在於由消費者之立場出發,釐清當事人間之權利義務關係,一方面透過現行法之法解釋運用,一方面參考國外之市場發展與立法例,以減少消費者與銀行間之落差,加強消費者之地位。故本文首先透過探究消費者信用以瞭解消費者信用之整體發展與相關法制,並進而研究由消費者信用市場中所發展出來的日本「無擔保小額貸款」之起源與所生問題,再透過對於臺灣現金卡市場所生問題之研究,以求瞭解卡債問題等之癥結為何。而為釐清現金卡契約中當事人之合理權利義務,本文亦透過各外國立法例之介紹、我國相關法令之解釋運用,以及各銀行契約條款之檢討,以求架構出合理之契約內容。 此外,本文於介紹外國立法例以及解釋運用我國相關法令以求架構合理契約內容之時,亦同時針對目前之問題,整理出現金卡規制之整體方向。依本文第五章及第六章之內容歸納整理而言,本文認為現金卡之規制上應注重強化消費者之締約地位,依目前我國法制之發展現狀,其整體方向包括:1. 契約締結時貸款授信判斷正確性之確保;2. 透過利率以及各項費用之規制避免業者暴利及減輕消費者負擔;3. 契約締結後禁止不當催收行為以保障消費者之生活平穩。透過上述三部分的法規制之整理論述,希望能進一步加強消費者之締約地位,以消除銀行與消費者間經濟地位以及資訊獲取能力之落差,以期銀行與消費者能締結合理公平之現金卡契約。而透過本文對於現金卡契約之當事人權利義務之分析、外國立法例之介紹、我國法令之解釋運用,以及強化消費者締約地位之法規制整理,除冀望能對於現金卡之卡債風暴之解決有所助益之外,對於日後現金卡此等金融商品之整體法規制之發展規劃亦希望能有所貢獻。

台灣聯合貸款宣告對股價之影響~不同聯貸資金用途效果之探討 / The Effect on stock price upon announcement of syndicated loans in Taiwan ─ the study on the effect of different purposes of syndicated loans

林事達, Lin, Shi Da Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的是在探討,當企業決定其融資方式,改變資本結構後,究竟是否會造成投資人對該企業經營獲利前景的改變,而反應在企業的股票價格上,尤其在「不同聯貸資金用途」上,是否會改變投資人、股東對於該企業風險程度的認定。本文利用事件研究法(Event Study Method)進行分析,研究期間自2005年至2007年止,針對台灣上市(櫃)公司完成聯貸簽約資料,刪除估計期未滿160天者後,有效樣本共140筆,其中營運週轉金(Working Capital)資金用途者有36筆;借新還舊(Refinancing)資金用途者有71筆;資本支出(Capital Expenditure)資金用途者有33筆。 本研究之實證結果發現,若資金用途為營運週轉金者,於聯合貸款宣告後,並沒有顯著異常報酬差異;若資金用途為借新還舊者,於聯合貸款宣告後,具有顯著的正向異常報酬差異;若資金用途為資本支出用途者,於聯合貸款宣告後,具有顯著負向異常報酬差異。 關鍵詞:聯合貸款、事件研究法、異常報酬 / The main purpose of this study is to discuss whether investors will change their anticipation on the perspective of a company, which is reflected on its stock price when the company decides on its financing method and thus changes its capital structure, and especially whether investors and shareholders will change their recognition on risk-taken levels of the company in light of different purposes of syndicated loans. This study employs Event Study Method and focuses on the listed and over-the-counter companies in Taiwan dated from Year 2005 through Year 2007. The valid sample size amounts to 140 companies after removing those companies whose estimation period is less than 160 days. Of the 140 sample companies, 36 are working capital related, 71 are refinancing related, and 33 are capital expenditure related. The empirical results of this study indicate that, upon announcement of syndicated loans, there are no significant positive abnormal returns if the loans are used as working capital, there are significant positive abnormal returns if the loans are used as refinancing, and there are significant negative abnormal returns if the loans are used as capital expenditure.

大學生家庭社經背景對其工讀行為之影響-以政大社會科學學院為例 / Impact of undergraduate students' social and economic background on their working decisions--evidence from college of social sciences at National Chengchi University

謝玉燕, Hsieh, Yu-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要是為探討國立政治大學大學部學生家庭社經背景對其工讀行為之影響。對於本研究的進行,研究者將探討「家庭社經地位」、「其他背景變項」、「助學貸款」與「工讀行為」等變項間的關係。 本研究以九十七學年度第二學期社會科學學院二至四年級大學部學生為調查對象,以問卷調查法蒐集資料,有效問卷434份。研究工具為自訂「政治大學社會科學學院大學部學生家庭社經背景調查問卷」,所取得之資料以Probit模型檢定,使用Limdep 7.0套裝軟體進行資料分析。 在敘述統計部分,樣本資料中,以社會系學生有工讀行為之比例最高,而財政系學生工讀之比例則相對最低;若以年級區分,三年級學生有工讀行為之比例遠高於二年級與四年級學生;在性別上,女生工讀之比例高於男性。經進一步分析,父親教育程度為專科或高中職者,該大學生打工比例占樣本數八成,母親教育程度在國中小以下者,該大學生打工比率最高,占86.89%;父親目前失業或退休者,其子女打工比率最高,為81.54%,而母親則不論是家管、工作中、失業或退休,大學生工讀行為占樣本比例,均高達7成。家庭月收入在3萬以下者,大學生工讀比例為90.20%,在家庭結構上,單親家庭之大學生工讀比例略高於雙親家庭,而手足總數超過4人者,工讀比例均為100%。申請助學貸款者,工讀比例為93.62%,調查並發現,有75.12%的樣本曾有工讀情形;依據曾打工之樣本進一步分析,在打工地點上,校內與校外所占比例相當,在對學業成績之影響上,60.74%認為無影響,持正面影響與負面影響之樣本,均近2成。 經由Probit模型估計後發現:在家庭社經地位中,父親教育程度為專科或高中職者,對大學生工讀行為有顯著的正向影響;母親教育程度則除了大學之外,博碩士、專科與國中小者均對大學生工讀行為有顯著的正向影響;父母親就業現況對大學生工讀行為無顯著影響;而家庭月收入在3萬元以下者,對大學生工讀行為則有顯著正向影響。 其他背景變項中,社會科學學院大學部各系所中,僅民族系對學生工讀行為有顯著的正向影響;而二年級對工讀行為有顯著的負向影響;性別對於工讀行為,在統計上並無顯著影響,手足總數在對大學生工讀行為上也呈現顯著的正向影響。 而在助學貸款方面,經過分析亦發現,對大學生的工讀行為有顯著的正向影響。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of family social and economic background of undergraduate students from National Taiwan Chengchi on their working decisions. For the proceed of this study, the researcher will probe about the relationship among the variables of “family social and economic background, “other background variables,” “student loan,” and “working decisions.” This study has based on the undergraduate students from sophomore to senior year with the College of Social Science at the second semester of 2008 academic year as its target, and questionnaire method is used to collection information, with 434 valid questionnaires retrieved. The research tool is of the self-produced “Family Social and Economic Background Questionnaire of Undergraduate Students from College of Social Science of National Chengchi University,” and the information obtained will be verified with Probit model, using Limped 7.0, software to conduct information analysis. In terms of descriptive statistics, it is found, from samples information, that students from department of sociology are given the highest ratio of working decisions, while those from department of finance are found with the lowest ratio. If it is classified in terms of year, the ratio of junior students with part-timing behavior is found far higher than those of sophomore and senior year; in terms of gender, the ratio of female students with part-timing behavior is relatively higher than those of male students. With further analysis, it is found that if the students whose fathers are found with educational background of junior college or high school the ratio of those students with part-timing behavior would have amounted to 80% of the samples, and if those students whose mother are found with educational background below junior high and elementary school the ratio of those students with part-timing behavior accounts the highest, amounting to 86.89%. As for father who are currently retired or unemployed, the ratio of their children is found with the highest part-timing behavior, amounting to 81. 54%; as for those students whose mother works as housewife, or who are with employment, unemployed, or retired, the ratio of university students who are part-timing among the samples has average reached 70%. For family with income less than NT$30,000, the ratio of student with part-timing behavior reaches 90.02%; in terms of family structure, the ratio of university student from single-parent family who part-times is slightly higher than those from dual-parent family; as for family with siblings over 4 people, the ratio of part-timing behavior is entirely 100%. For those students who apply for student loan, their ratio of part-timing behavior is 93.62%, and it is fond from the investigation that 75.12% of the samples are given with part-timing behavior; based on the samples with part-timing behavior for further analysis, it is found that the ratio of part-timing location within and outside the school is relatively the same; as for effect on their academic performance, 60.74% of the students believe that it does not effect at all, with about 20% of the samples that hold either positive and negative effect. It is found from the estimation of Probit model that if the educational background of the student’s father is found either with junior college or high school it would, in terms of family social economic status, render positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the student. Aside from educational background of the student’s mother who is found with college education, their educational background with either Ph.D, master, junior college, junior high, or elementary school, it would render with prominent positive impact on the part-timing behavior of students. As for current employment of the parents, it would hardly render any significant on the part-timing behavior of the student; for family whose monthly income that is less than NT$30,000, it would render with positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the student. Among other family variables, it is found that only the Department of Ethnology renders with positive impact on the part-timing behavior of students among each of the undergraduate students from the College of Social Science; sophomore year renders with significant negative impact on the part-timing behavior of the students. As for gender on part-timing behavior, it does not provide any significant impact statistically, while the number of total siblings has exerted prominent positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the students. In terms of student loan, it is found, after analysis, that it would exert rather significant and positive impact on part-timing behavior.

以微型貸款做為減貧策略—將一個持續進行的方案進行個案研究 / Microfinance as a poverty reduction strategy—a case study of an ongoing program

王之燕, Wang, Prudence Unknown Date (has links)
Combating poverty is a global issue. In the past, anti-poverty strategy heavily rely on in-kind and in-cash social assistance, until microfinance model had proved remarkable saving outcomes, and then its ideology had swept the world. After the concept of Grameen Bank is widely recognized by Taiwanese, fostering small business and fostering self-reliance to create a cycle of sustainability pave an innovative thinking for social assistance models, and modify the conventional social welfare paradigm. The aforementioned factor thus brings about the origin of Taiwan’s Microfinance Program. This research interviewed the program stakeholders to conclude strategies to improve cost-effectiveness, as the program performances, judged by most program stakeholders, remained unsatisfied for a while. The research consistently addresses the aforementioned issues in terms of bank design, borrower characteristics, and bank supportive services; then, the research paper draws a conclusion and recommendations to improve the program performance.

國際聯合授信之研究-以國際聯合貸款為例 / The legal aspect and practice of international syndicated loans

陳哲斐, Chen, Zher Fei Unknown Date (has links)
聯合貸款指的是兩個或兩個以上金融機構,使用共同的文件對同一申請人定下由相同條款及條件(terms and conditions)所構成的契約,並選定某一共同代理機構以管理該契約事宜。由於發生聯合貸款的場合,多半是因其金額龐大,非單一金融機構所能承擔其風險者。因此,乃聯合數家金融機構,使用彼此同意的共同文件與申請人簽下貸款契約。由於我國銀行在國際聯合貸款市場的佔有率並不高,在現今進入國際化,自由化的時代,筆者即欲以目前國際聯合貸款市場的實務操作與法律問題為探討的對象,提供我國銀行未來的國際化的參考。

我國建築融資與購屋貸款放款條件之研究 / Construction Loan and Mortgage Conditions in Taiwan - the Behavior of Land Bank of Taiwan

江百信, Chiang, Bie Shing Unknown Date (has links)
隨著房價的高漲,建築融資與購屋貸款已成為房地產供需雙方重要的資金來源,但是在國內相關研究不足的情況下,許多存在於不動產金融領域的說法或現象一直無法獲得澄清,使得在探討如何改進我國不動產融資問題時增加許多困難,本研究的目的即在探討我國銀行決定建築融資與購屋貸款放款條件時考量的因素及對擔保品估價的合理性,並將本研究的研究結果提出建議,作為政府與銀行不動產融資政策的參考。   本研究以臺灣土地銀行貸放案例為實證資料,研究結果指出,不論建築融資或購屋貸款,標的物價格皆為銀行決定融資額度的最主要原因,而借款人償還能力所受到的重視實在相當有限。此一實證結果說明了我國銀行放款重視標的物的保守心態。而且如預期般,此種過分強調按標的物價格放款的結果,造成徵信放款人員為了確保債權收回或爭取優良客戶,而將借款人所提供的標的物價格壓低或提高的現象,值得銀行與相關單位注意。   從以上研究結果,本文建議政府應改善整體金融環境,協助銀行建立完整的徵信制度,消除銀行放款只看擔保品的保守心態,加強重視借款者的信用與償還能力,並儘速建立估價師制度,使借款者權益與銀行的債權獲得合理的保障。而政府如何協助銀行開發資金,建築經理公司如何提昇專業能力,增加銀行資金的流動性與降低放款時的風險,從而提高貸款額度並降低放款利率,將是政府、銀行與建經業者三方面應共同努力的方向。

聯合貸款與一般借款的互動影響關係 以台灣市場為例 / The Interaction of Syndicated Loans and Bilateral Loans Evidence from Taiwan market

黃吉米, Huang, Chi Mi Unknown Date (has links)

審計委員會會計專家、盈餘品質與聯貸利差 / Audit committee with accounting experts, earnings quality and syndicated loan spread

王譯萱 Unknown Date (has links)
董事會是公司治理之核心,設置審計委員會為其職能,確保盈餘品質與財務報導。因此,為了解審計委員會的專業性對盈餘品質與聯合貸款之影響,本研究選取2000年至2012年美國上市非金融業公司作為研究樣本,以聯貸利差作為衡量聯合貸款契約特性之變數。首先探討盈餘品質對貸款利差的影響,再進一步考量審計委員會的會計專業對於盈餘品質與聯合貸款有何影響。研究結果發現,企業的盈餘品質與貸款利差呈負向關係,顯示當公司的盈餘品質好的時候好,能取得較低的聯貸利差,且當審計委員會成員具有會計專業時,其現象會更加明顯。 / Board of directors is the core of corporate governance, and one of the main functions of board of directors is to establish audit committee to ensure the company’s earnings quality and financial reporting. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect of audit committee with accounting experts on the loan spread in the syndication loan market. This study is based on a sample of US companies during 2000-2012. The results show that earnings quality is negatively associated with loan spread, and this is more pronounced when the proportion of accounting experts on the audit committee is higher. Keyword: Audit

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