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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以保險通路觀點探討個人資料保護法告知義務之適用與差異性 / A Study on Notice Duty of Personal Information protection Act in Taiwan: The Insurance Distribution Channels Perspective

胡雅筑, Hu,Ya Chu Unknown Date (has links)
新版個人資料保護法大幅擴張了適用範圍,其中一項修正重點在於告知義務及當事人書面同意;為保障當事人程序參與權,向當事人蒐集個人資料時,應明確告知當事人第8條所規定事項,使當事人在了解資料處理相關事項後,才有辦法做出是否進入該資料處理程序的決定。該條規定妥善的保障了當事人的資料處理程序參與權,卻亦導致金融業大規模的作業風險。 保險業是個大量牽涉到蒐集、處理或利用個人資料的產業,不同的保險行銷通路會產生各式各樣的交易模式;若藉由任何保險通路招攬保險時,均須進行第8條告知義務,將大幅增加業者法律遵循成本、作業風險,並可能造成當事人受重複告知的困擾。是以,本文目的在於探求個人資料保護差異性之空間,藉由業務員、電話行銷及銀行保險等三種保險行銷通路出發,探討不同通路下差異性適用個資法之可能性,進而再分析不同通路下蒐集個人資料時告知義務之程度差異。 本文檢視了保險核心原則、英國資料保護法及德國新保險契約法等外國立法例後發現,向當事人所揭露之資訊應根據交易情形之不同而有差異性存在;此外,根據各通路相關規範之規定,本文認為不同保險行銷通路在適用個資法告知義務時應有程度上之差異。藉由業務員通路招攬保險而蒐集當事人資料時,由於符合個資法第8條第2項第2款「履行法定義務所必要」之蒐集,應減輕業者告知義務;然而,電話行銷通路應提供要保人相對充足的保障,故向當事人蒐集資料時,仍應回歸個資法第8條第1項告知義務;而根據現行銀行保險相關規範,透過銀行通路招攬保險時,除了金控公司蒐集當事人之姓名與地址外,其他資料依然要回歸適用個資法之告知義務。金融業是個受到高度監理的行業,在個資法修正施行前,已有許多牽涉到蒐集、處理或利用當事人資料之既有規範,為了能有效達到個資法第1條之目的,本文建議應確定個資法「法定義務」之範圍,並具體定義第8條第2項第5款之「當事人明知應告知之內容」。

影響中學生升學發展之家庭因素 / Studies of Family Factors Affect the Development of Junior High School Students

賴柏翰 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資本的培養,仍須回到最根本的「教育」問題。隨著家庭結構改變和社會專業化分工的影響,學校和家庭外的社會化機構對於學生教育學習和成長的過程雖已扮演更加重要的角色,然而,我們亦不能忽略家庭教育對於學生教育表現的重要影響力。本文利用中研院台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS資料庫)中,第一波(2001)、第二波(2003)國中生調查問卷和第三波(2005)高中職五專學生問卷資料,並利用複迴歸模型 (multiple regression)和Probit機率模型 (probit probability model)進行分析,並將升學發展成果分為考上公立普通高中和未考上公立普通高中兩大類,探討影響中學生升學發展成果之因素。研究結果發現,父/母親教育程度、財務資本、文化資本、母親教育參與和教育期望對於考上公立普通高中之機率有顯著的正向影響,而婚姻狀態、手足數目、社會資本和城鄉別則對考上公立普通高中之機率有顯著的負向影響。

資料採礦在網路消費行為預測模型之應用 / The Application of Data Mining on a Model of Online Consumer Behavior

曾仁人 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步、經濟演進,現代人生活日趨緊湊,為因應快速之生活步調,網路購物行為孕育而生,其伴隨而來的廣大商機已成近年熱門議題,中央通訊社更曾報導資策會預估2015年台灣網購市場產值可達7,645億元。因此本研究將利用行政院國家科學委員會之傳播調查資料庫,第一期第二次「網路行為調查與偵測」資料,探討網路消費者的個人特質與購買習性、消費力及資訊搜尋習性之關連,並分別建構預測模型。建構模型所採用之技術為羅吉斯迴歸、C&R Tree、Quest、C5.0和CHAID,再經由準確預測率(Overall Accuracy)從中挑選出最適模型。   依據研究結果可知,現實環境人際互動較差之消費者,網購購買習性佳;沒有小孩且平均每月收入6萬元以上至10萬元的消費者,網購消費力大;且網路資訊擷取頻率與網購吸引力對於網購資訊搜尋習性有顯著影響。最後,藉由前述結果建議,販售社交商品,藉以提昇現實環境人際互動較佳之消費者網購購買習性;搶攻高價位單品市場,吸引無經濟負擔者目光;針對潛在客戶,利用論壇網站進行廣告宣傳。

法定公司所得稅稅率政策之決定因素-國際租稅競爭或國內政治運作? / Determinants of tax rates in corporate income taxation -international tax competition or domestic political influences?

翁逸珊 Unknown Date (has links)

應用資料採礦技術於電影市場研究 / Application of Data Mining Techniques to Film Market Research

蔡依庭, Tsai, Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
就當前電影市場的現況來看,電影發行成本的節節升高,顧客需求的複雜多變,再加上電影消費集中化趨勢越趨明顯的事實,不論是從電影發行公司或是電影映演事業的角度來看,如何透過對於市場顧客需求、行為的解讀,清楚分隔市場,並為不同市場區隔設計不同的產品及行銷組合已經成了電影工業刻不容緩的課題。 有鑑於此,本研究透過應用資料採礦之技術,選用四個決策樹(C&RT、QUEST、CHAID、C5.0)、邏輯斯迴歸以及類神經網路等方式進行模型建置,由於決策樹CHAID對於「是否去電影院看外片或國片」及「是否去電影院看電影」兩種不同的目標變數,其不論是在整體預測正確率、準確度、反查率,皆是高於其他模型,故最後兩個目標變數皆選擇CHAID此一模型,而目標變數為「是否去電影院看電影」之CHAID模型表現也較好,故主要以其結果為主。 透過目標變數為「是否去電影院看電影」之CHAID模型,共獲得十三項影響「是否去電影院看電影」之相關變數,並根據分析結果,將電影市場顧客區分為最高貢獻顧客、一般貢獻顧客及低度貢獻顧客三類,將其歸納出並找出三種不同貢獻程度的顧客族群特性,而三種不同貢獻族群在「年齡」、「教育程度」、「娛樂文化支出」、「居住地區」、「是否上網瀏覽資訊網頁」、「是否上網蒐集資訊」、「是否會收看電視外片」、「是否看電視歐美影集」、「是否會說英文」、「是否上網線上觀賞影片」、「經濟富裕」、「即時行樂」均呈現顯著的差異,故本研究以不同貢獻程度族群特性為主,以看外片或國片之族群特性為輔,作為行銷策略建議之依據。 / Considering the current film market, the publication cost of a film is steadily increased. Meanwhile, customers have complicated requirements, and the trend of concentrated film consumption is gradually clear. For the perspective of both film companies and film broadcasting business, clear market segmentation after understanding customers’ needs and interpretation of customer behaviors to design different products and marketing combination for different markets are of great urgency for the general film industry. In view of this, the study aims to using four Decision Trees(C&RT, QUEST, CHAID, C5.0), Logistic Regression, and Artificial Neural Network to construct the model by applying Data Mining technology. Since Decision Tree-CHAID is excellent in the forecast accuracy, precision, and recall rate as compared to other models for response variables of going to the movies and going to foreign movies or Taiwan movies, the CHAID is adopted in this research for both response variables. The CHAID is more excellent for the response variable of going to the movies than the other, so use it as the main result. Through using Decision Tree-CHAID, this study identified thirteen factors that have greater impact on going to the movies. Based on the analysis results, this study induced the characteristics of three customer groups-the highest contribution customers, regular contribution customers and low contribution customers. Three different contribution groups shows significant differences at age, education, entertainment expenditure, living area, internet surfing, collecting information from internet, watch foreign movies, watch foreign drama, speak English, watch on-lines movies, affluent, and seize the day. This study mainly based on the characteristics of the three different groups, and group characteristic of going to foreign movies or Taiwan movies as auxiliary, to provide the marketing portfolio strategy recommendations.

應用資料採礦技術於數位相機產業消費者行為研究 / Applications of Data Mining Techniques on Consumer Behaviors in the Digital Camera Industry

陳雨農 Unknown Date (has links)
數位化科技帶給人們生活莫大的便利,科技的日新月異,現代人已經很少再像過去一樣靠著寫日記描繪出生活的點點滴滴,而是利用「拍照」來留下想要回憶的時刻,而數位相機正是現代人記錄生活的道具。根據產業情報研究所預估,2009年全球數位相機出貨量約為1.2億台,而過了2010年後,數位相機將會有穩定上升的成長率,本研究找出購買數位相機的消費者個人特色,深信藉此對於行銷上會有很大幫助。 本研究使用使用4種模型建置方式,分別為C5.0、CART、類神經網路和K-means模型,從模型結果中找出數位相機在市場上消費者的共通特性,並依照這些特性擬訂不同的行銷手法。 經由分類矩陣比較3種模型之優劣,最後建模結果顯示C5.0模型為三者模型中的最佳,所以本研究選定C5.0為最後的解釋模型。C5.0選出前10項影響「是否購買數位相機」的重要變數,分別為「搜尋資訊」、「樂活自足」、「網路購物」、「初戀」、「出國旅行」、「年齡」、「家庭月總收入」、「收聽網路電台或音樂」、「個人月可支配所得」、「實用特性」,本研究依據數位相機的產品、價格、通路、推廣等項目提供行銷組合分析。另外,將K-means模型分成三群後,樂活務實群和資訊達人群中,受訪者購買數位相機比例分別為48.17%和49.11%,因此參考此兩群的受訪者特性和C5.0的結果,找出會購買數位相機者的特質,針對這些特質制訂一些行銷策略,希望可以提供給數位相機廠商或其他研究者參考。

台灣機車製造商行銷策略-資料採礦應用 / Taiwanese motorcycle manufacturers marketing strategies: Data mining application

吳晢楷 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地狹人稠造成台灣機車的使用率相對於其他國家要來的高,因此許多機車製造商如雨後春筍般的出現成長來應付一般消費大眾的需求。但是藉由資料可以發現,台灣機車的銷售量是以負成長的速度前進,除此之外台灣並無世界知名品牌來支持未來銷售。此研究目的於使用SPSS Clementine 12.0找出購買機車行為重要之變數。變數分為兩群;一群為基本人口資料變數,另一群為消費者購買行為變數。藉由此兩群變數可建立統計模型: CHAID,,類神經的準確率相較於Logistic regression,C5.0和C&RT要來的高,因此此兩種模型可成為之後解釋之基準。 透過CHAID,“資產規模”、 “婚姻狀況”、 “物美價廉”、 “節能減碳”、和 “時尚流行”為五種重要變數。接下來透過三陽機車和哈雷機車case study將可提出行銷策略上建議。

台灣期貨商經營效率之研究 / A Study of Operating Efficiency of Futures Commission Merchants in Taiwan

劉純斌, Liu,Chun-Pin Unknown Date (has links)


張義宏 Unknown Date (has links)
銀行保險對我國壽險公司日益重要,在2003年時新契約保費收入高達25%都是由其所貢獻。但造成銀行保險對我國壽險公司日益重要的因素,究竟是因其對我國壽險公司經營效率產生正面之影響,抑或大家只是一窩蜂地搶進?因此,本研究將透過實證分析,探討銀行保險對我國壽險公司經營績效之影響。 本研究首先採用資料包絡分析法進行效率分析。之後,再以Tobit迴歸分析影響人壽險公司之經營效率因素為何。 經營效率上,我國整體壽險公司之總生產效率沒有達到該有的一半。進一步分析總生產效率,發現配置效率比技術效率來的無效率。技術效率則呈現上升的趨勢。如進一步分析其上升之因素,發現是純技術效率與規模效率上升所造成。 在Tobit迴歸分析指出銀行保險確實對壽險公司之經營效率有所助益。產品集中程度與經營效率無顯著關係。市佔率與總生產效率、技術效率以及規模效率呈現負相關,可見我國壽險公司會因其市佔率高而導致其提升經營效率之誘因下降。外商公司在規模效率與配置效率低於本國公司,原因在於對我國市場之不熟悉。是否為金控公司子公司,因限於時間因素,對我國壽險公司之經營效率影響尚不明顯。最後,東南亞金融風暴、地雷股事件等造成市場利率走低,故投資資產比率與技術效率呈負向關係。另外,總資產規模與各項效率呈現顯著正相關,代表規模愈大的公司愈能有效率地經營。 / Bancassurance, which caused new policy’s premium to reach to 25% in 2003, has become more and more important to the life insurance industry in Taiwan. But what made it so significant, its positive effect upon increasing the operating efficiency of the life insurance industry in Taiwan, or the irrational people who just swarming into it? Thus, this research tests how bancassurance influence the life insurance industry in Taiwan. This study uses Data Envelopment Analysis to measure the operating efficiency, and Tobit regression to test what were the facts that influenced operating efficiency of life insurance industry. As for the life insurance industry in Taiwan, not even half of the overall efficiency was reached to what it should be. To analyze further to overall efficiency would come out the conclusion that allocative efficiency was less efficient than technical efficiency while technical efficiency was trending up. The rising of pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency was found out to be the reason of ascension after profoundly analysis. Tobit regression supports that bancassurance is positive related to operating efficiency of life insurance industry. The product fucus or diversification is not related to operating efficiency. Market share has negative relationship with overall efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency, which indicate that the inducement of increasing operating efficiency of the life insurance industry could be lowered due to their high market share. Scale efficiency and allocative efficiency is lower in foreign companies than in domestic companies for that foreign companies are unfamiliar with the market of Taiwan. There is no relationship between subsidiaries of holding company with operating efficiency yet because of the time-limited. At last, due to the financial storm in South-east Asia, the event of accounting fraud and etc, the market interest rate was trending low, and then made the ratio of investment assets to the total assets to be negative related to technical efficiency. Furthermore, the positive relationship between scale and efficiency represents that the larger the scale of a company is, the more efficient it can be in running business.


胡家熀, HU,CHIA-HUANG Unknown Date (has links)
美國全國保險監理協會為了確保產險公司的清償能力,及當產險公司資本比率低於某一定比率時監理機關可以實施某些管制措施,而於1994於產險業實施風險基礎資本額(RBC)制度。但由於提供金融服務的功能性障礙逐漸降低,以及產險產業的競爭日趨激烈。因此,產險公司必須在清償能力和效率目標間找出一個平衡點,在符合成本效率的情況之下持有適切的非風險性資產並提高股東權益比率。因此,本研究主要在探討RBC之實施是否會對美國產險公司之成本效率帶來影響。 本研究以美國產險業的RBC實施年度,也就是1994年為分界,檢測372家美國產險公司在1990至1998年間成本效率之趨勢變化。 研究結果指出,在RBC實施之後,產險公司的成本效率及配置效率都有明顯的下降趨勢,但技術效率卻沒有太大的變動趨勢。此外研究結果也顯示產品集中程度與成本效率及配置效率呈顯著負向關係。市佔率與成本效率、技術效率以及配置效率呈現負相關。股份公司在成本效率與配置效率高於相互公司。另外,總資產規模與各項效率呈現顯著正相關,代表規模愈大的公司愈能有效率地經營。研究結論顯示RBC實施之後,產險公司為因應RBC之要求,可能會調整風險性之投資,但也導致產險業者成本效率及配置效率之降低。 / The risk-based capital (RBC) requirements developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) were intended to raise the safety net for insurers and to provide regulators with the authority to intervene when capital falls below a minimum standard of capital adequacy that is related to risk. Since the less functional barrier of financial service and the greater competition among the property-liability insurers which forced the property-liability insurers to find a balance between solvency and efficiency so that the insurers can have enough cost efficiency and keep maintaining adequate non risk assets as well as rising shareholders’ equity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the cost efficiency change after property-liability insurers applied RBC standards. To do this, we examine 372 property-liability insurers’ data from 1990-1998 and compare the efficiency change before and after 1994, the RBC standards effective year. This study applies Data Envelopment Analysis and uses the grand frontier approach to measure the cost, allocative and technical efficiency. The statistical results reveal that after applied RBC standards cost and allocative efficiency had significant decline, but no change in technical efficiency. The Tobit regression statistical results indicate that the product concentration has a negative effect on cost efficiency and allocative efficiency; and the market share has a negative relationship with cost efficiency, technical efficiency and allocative efficiency. Cost efficiency and allocative efficiency of incorporate companies are higher than that of mutual companies. Furthermore, the positive relationship between the firm size and efficiency suggested that the larger the size the better efficiency. Overall results imply property-liability insurers may be forced to adjust their investments risk, however, such adjustment might be contributed to less cost and allocative efficiency after applied to RBC standards requirements.

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