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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國高中職軍訓制度之研究 / none

左敦雲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文論述之主題為「高中職軍訓制度」,自99學年度起,高中職校「國防通識」正式更名為「全民國防教育」課程,至此軍訓制度改革將進入嶄新的階段。全文分三部份:首先,以「文武合一」的核心概念來觀察審視中華文化與六藝教育,說明軍訓制度的「精神」、「內容」及其「形成」,先從古代生存需要及文化思想來掌握此一制度的發生情形,作為論述高中職軍訓制度的背景說明。其次,以「軍訓教育之現況」為概念,就「制度」和「功能」這兩部份加以論說,其目的欲藉由不同時期軍訓教育的不同面貌,「導向」到「全民國防教育」本身,來論說高中職軍訓制度的發展軸線,從早期「反共復國」轉向「校園安全」及「生活輔導」,突顯出軍訓教育存在校園的意義及改變。最後則是軍訓制度改革的問題,說明現階段全民國防教育的挑戰,另一說明軍訓教育制度須具備明確法源依據,實有其必要性,而此一必要性正是軍訓教育制度在長期定位模糊下所產生的諸多問題仍未解決。希冀透過以上的論述,描繪出具有「轉折」的我國高中職軍訓制度樣貌。 關鍵詞:學生軍訓、國防通識、全民國防、文武合一教育


方東台 Unknown Date (has links)
從七0年代到現在,學生軍訓總是在許多教育問題中成為備受爭論的議題,它給予部分人士黨國不分、意識形態包袱的主觀成見,即使在台灣已邁向民主鞏固的此刻,仍未能還其文武合一的真實面貌! 國家安全的重要性、急迫性,特別在台灣地區完成政黨輪替的民主化進程中,格外顯著。國防通識教育(國防教育)在協助青少年認清局勢,瞭解軍事武備的國防共識上有正面積極的作用。民主化的可貴讓我們得以重新檢視文武關係的發展趨勢,以因應未來可能的武力威脅。 本文以東西方文武關係理論--文武合一為架構,闡明學生軍訓的演變歷程,並探究其所遭遇的挑戰,包括意識形態、法令不明確以及中共強化學生軍訓等因素。作者嘗試將蛻變後的學生軍訓定位為「國家安全與學生校園安全」經世致用科學(廣義的軍事社會學),也提出一些革新、精進的建言,讓國家安全的重要課題真正落實在普及化的國防通識教育之中。 / Since 1970, military education for students has been a controversial issue among education problems. It gives an objective point of view in ideology so that the reality that it’s the combination of civil and military can’t be revealed, even at this moment when Taiwan is right on the way to the consolidated democracy. National security are most important and urgent, especially during the process of the take-over of political parties here in Taiwan. Therefore, education of national defense plays an active and positive role in helping teenagers make out the situation and understand armaments and military provisions. In addition, the value of democratization enables us to re-examine the trend in the development of Civil-Military relations so that we are able to deal with the possible menace by force. This thesis is based on the worldwide theory of Civil-Military relations – the combination of civil and military, clarifying the processes of changes in military education for students and exploring the elements in challenges it encounters, including ideology, vague regulations and the strengthening of military education for students by Mainland China. Also, it is the first article that names military education for students as military sociology for national and campus security, after its transformation. What’s more, it offers advice and suggestions for reform and progress, making it possible for national security to be really carried out in universal education of national defense.

女性軍訓教官親子關係與生活滿意之研究-以臺北市軍訓教官為例 / A study on parent-child relationships and satisfaction in life of female military instructors-focusing on those working with Taipei City government

林石麟 Unknown Date (has links)
女性軍訓教官具有陽剛之軍人身分被要求凡事以服從為天職,工作性質、負荷與男性軍訓教官並不因性別而調整工作內容。再者為迎合學校及家長的期望,軍訓教官不但擔任許多非制度面的角色,工作量也與日俱增。然女性軍訓教官仍需肩負較多的家庭責任,換言之,其除了職場的工作壓力之外,在家庭中亦承擔傳統觀念對女性角色的期待壓力。因此,女性軍訓教官之家庭親子關係與生活滿意情形值得深究。 本研究採質性研究深入訪談法,以臺北市政府教育局所屬已婚且育有子女的12位女性軍訓教官為訪談對象,經歸類分析所得研究結果發現如下: 一、權威管教,嚴母慈父 已婚育有子女之女性軍訓教官受到傳統權威管教方式,其每天忙於工作與家庭生活,通常會以恩威並濟方式管教子女,對子女的要求較高。 二、工時延長,影響生活 女性軍訓教官工作時間長,宿舍管理及24小時備勤使得同時面對不可預測的角色衝突之煎熬及壓力,對於已婚育有子女的女性軍訓教官的家庭而言壓力相對是重的。 三、母職天性,家事吃重 在現實生活雙薪家庭中的母親不僅是家事的主要勞動者,同時也扮演教養子女的主要角色。研究發現「女為主,男為輔」仍是受訪女性軍訓教官家庭中家務分工的主流模式。 四、轉化學生,互動良好 女性軍訓教官大部份進入學校場域是基於對「女教師之認同」,最大的成就就是感受到學生喜愛,輔導學生心智轉換變好、協助學生處理問題或幫助找到問題的解決方法,讓學生恢復到正軌。 五、升遷機會、隨緣以對 本研究發現從受訪女性軍訓教官發現其對升遷的看法是隨緣順其自然;而服務年資較短者及尚未晉升中校階級對升遷是不抱希望,這顯示女性軍訓教官對於升遷認為是沒有機會的。 六、重視休閒,休憩為主 女性軍訓教官休閒生活是在家休息為主,有些於假日從事親子戶外活動,少部分寒、暑假視經濟條件情況規劃全家出國。其休閒知覺自由度並不低,在休閒需求方面,具有較高的認同感。 根據以上研究結果,提出具體建議如下:(一)推動軍訓教官師資合格化,降低工作不確定感;(二)拔擢優秀人才,提高工作滿意;(三)適度運用校內人力,營造合諧組織氣氛;(四)開設選修課程,提昇學生生活輔導成效;(五)提供協助幼兒托育,降低育兒情緒壓力;(六)加強女性軍訓教官之支持系統,減少家庭與工作的衝突;(七)重視親子溝通品質,維持良好的關係;(八)積極參與在職進修,增加工作成就感;(九)釐清善用替代角色,提升家庭幸福感;(十)積極生涯規劃,爭取自我實現。 / Due to their virile military status, female military education officers are required to obey orders as part of the profession; their assignments and burdens are never adjusted because of gender difference. Moreover, to meet expectations of school authorities and parents, military education officers in general have to assume roles that may not be specified in the system, thus increasing their daily work. Female officers, however, need to take more familial responsibilities. That is to say, they must face the pressure from work place as well as the pressure from family, caused by traditional expectations of female roles. It is, therefore, worthwhile to investigate the familial/parent-child relationship and life satisfaction of female military education officers. This study adopts qualitative research method and interviews, in depth, 12 female military education officers working in schools supervised by Department of Education, Taipei City Government, who are married and raising children. After categorization and analyses, the findings are listed as follows: I、 Discipline through authority—strict mother vs. kind father Owing to the traditional training and requirements by profession, plus a busy schedule imposed upon life and work, married female officers mostly resort to authority and favors at the same time when disciplining children, thus appearing to be more demanding. II、Prolonged working hours—familial life affected With long office hours as in school dormitory management or on duty around the clock, female officers have to tackle pressure resulting from unpredictable role conflicts, which is comparatively intense for subjects’ families. III、Family as focus—housework amassed In actual life, the mother in a double-income family not only does most housework, but also plays a major part in bringing up children. This study discovers that “female as primary, male secondary” remains the prevalent model for housework sharing in subjects’ families. IV、Transforming students—positive interaction encouraged Most female military education officers applied to assignments in school settings because they identified themselves with “female teachers.” And their greatest sense of accomplishment comes from being liked by students, success in counseling, assisting students in solving problems or finding solutions to problems, and helping them get back to enjoying their student life. V、Promotion opportunities—whatever turns up is accepted According to this study, the interviewed female officers’ attitude toward future promotion may be summed up as “whatever turns up is accepted.” The juniors with few years of service and those not yet awarded the rank of major do not consider themselves hopefuls, which may indicate that most of them do not believe they stand a chance in promotion. VI、Leisure is emphasized—relax at home When off duty, most female officers stay at home and relax; some may participate in outdoor activities with children on holidays, and depending on financial circumstances, few may take a family trip overseas during winter or summer vacation. While the subjects show considerable leisure awareness, they display high conformity regarding leisure requirements. Based on study findings, concrete suggestions are listed as follows: (1) military education officers are certified and legalized as regular teachers to reduce work instability (2) excellent personnel are promoted to guarantee job satisfaction (3) human resources from other departments are properly utilized to cultivate a harmonious working environment (4) relevant electives are offered to enhance student counseling (5) daycare is provided to reduce child-raising pressure (6) the support network for female military education officers is facilitated to minimize conflicts between family and work (7) quality of parent-child communication is emphasized to maintain good relationship (8) sign up for training in job to uplift sense of achievement (9) substitute roles are clearly defined and properly utilized to improve familial relations (10) career planning is strongly recommended for self-realization.

強人威權體制下的青年組訓-以中國青年反共救國團為中心的探討(1952-1959) / Strongman authoritarian regime under the Youth Training - The China Youth Corps as the center of the study (1952-1959)

張以牧 Unknown Date (has links)
國民黨在1950-1952年進行黨的改造,改造後的國民黨不旦逐漸形成強人威權體制,更在穩固青年這塊社會基礎的需求下成立救國團。成立後的救國團在表面上是國民黨的外圍青年團體,然而實際上則是由蔣經國主導團務,以貫徹強人的意志。 由於國民黨重視知識青年甚於社會青年,因此成立後的救國團在工作上也較偏重在學校的組訓。1950年代的救國團在工作上主要是透過在校軍訓、寒暑假青年營隊、愛國教育三方面來施行。這三項工作皆是以針對知識青年為主。 於在校軍訓上,蔣經國改變原本國防部的規劃,將軍訓的性質由軍事性的養成預備幹部轉以政治性的組訓高中以上全體學生,以使軍訓能順利與其他團務工作相配合,來達成灌輸愛國教育以及穩定學校的功能。然而軍訓的施行卻不甚順利,在設備、教官等問題以及遭受《自由中國》的批判下,蔣經國遂於1960年放棄軍訓的辦理。 另外在寒暑假青年營隊中,救國團一改組訓全體學生的方式,而是透過開放報名或是自行甄選來選拔優秀知識青年或社會青年加以組訓,希望透過性質以及內容不一的營隊來培養各種專業人才。另外在營隊中則透過愛國教育的共同課程,使救國團所想傳達的意識型態能透過較為娛樂的方式傳播。 救國團的愛國教育除了透過軍訓以及寒暑假營隊實施外,也透過文教宣傳以及大型愛國活動來散佈。這兩項工作的對象主要也是知識青年,然而在動員能力上高中以及大學則有差別。尤其在愛國活動中救國團在高中能透過校長來動員學生,在大專方面則往往是知青黨部的社團代表起頭,顯示救國團在高中較大專有更強的動員能力。

校園毒品防制人力之研究 : 從軍訓教官到學務創新人力 / Research on the labor force of campus drugs control : from military training instructors to new innovative labor force ( in the office of student affairs)

陶睿智, Tao, Jui Chih Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,毒品氾濫問題日益嚴重,而毒品犯罪亦成為社會最關注的焦點,甚至衍生毒品危害及黑幫勢力入侵校園等校園危安事件,導致學生藥物濫用案件逐年攀升,而施用毒品年齡層亦有下降的趨勢,再加上臺灣人口成長趨緩,社會面臨少子化的危機,如何有效防制學生藥物濫用,不論在社會治安維護,或是經濟發展面向,甚至於國家安全層面,已成為刻不容緩的重大國安議題。 而國內毒品濫用狀況日趨複雜,常見報章媒體報導青少年群聚在PUB、KTV及汽車旅館等場所集體轟趴嗑藥,或是販毒集團利用學生擔任藥頭角色,透過類似「老鼠會」的運作模式,引誘同儕加入吸毒或販毒行為,更甚者如黑道勢力入侵校園,幫派角頭以毒品控制青少年從事暴力討債或性交易,使青少年藉此換取金錢及毒品等危害社會治安及校園安全案件, 在在顯示我國青少年藥物濫用情形持續惡化。 隨著台灣快速地發展,由傳統社會拓展到工業社會,如今又逐漸進展至網絡社會,並朝向全球化的趨勢發展之中,社會組織結構產生非常急遽的變化,傳統的道德倫理觀念已不復存在,而青少年在生理及心智方面未臻成熟,進而衍生許多負面問題,如飆車、狂野派對等偏差行為,導致吸食毒品人口年輕化、吸食毒品種類多樣化。近年我國毒品問題確實產生相當變化,不僅是青少年藥物濫用問題,也包括新興合成毒品之盛行、毒癮者傳染愛滋病與其他傳染病等公共衛生議題,而毒品防制措施雖持續精進,唯國內毒品問題仍然嚴重,吸食毒品人口並無減少,而施用非法藥物人口也早已侵入青少年階層。


張舜華 Unknown Date (has links)

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