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區間型模糊數的迴歸分析與應用 / Fuzzy Regression Analysis and Application of Interval Fuzzy Random Variables陳建宏, Chen, Chien Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討兩個區間型模糊數之間的直線對應關係。主要的方式是以最小平方估計法(least squares estimation)分別求出區間型模糊數上、下界所對應的迴歸方程式,以該迴歸方程式所求得的上、下界,做為所估計區間型模糊數的上、下界。
解釋係數是最常被用來判別迴歸模型優劣的參考數值。有鑑於區間型模糊數的模糊特性,傳統迴歸分析的解釋係數並不適用於模糊線性迴歸關係。本研究提出模糊覆蓋率的概念,來判別兩個區間型模糊數之間線型迴歸關係的優劣。最後以中華民國80年到96年間製造業平均月工時對應平均月薪資為例,說明模糊覆蓋率在實務上的應用。 / The aim of this paper is to discuss the linear correspondance between two interval fuzzy random variables. We construct the regression equations of the upper and lower bounds of some interval fuzzy random variables, respectively, by the least squares. The upper and lower bounds of the estimated interval fuzzy random variables are derived by the regression equations of upper and lower bounds, respectively.
The collected upper and lower bounds are all crisp data, not fuzzy ones. In this paper, the interval fuzzy random variables discussed are constructed by crisp upper and lower bounds. In order to increase the reprsentative of the interval fuzzy random variables, we need to minimize the errors of the estimated upper and lower bounds. Applying the least squares along with the conventional regression analysis to construct regression lines of upper and lower bounds, respectively, should be the better way to minimize the errors of the estimated upper and lower bounds.
However, the errors of the upper and lower bounds estimated by the least squares are the least according to the arithmetic mean value. The more discrete the data we collected , the less representative of the arithmetic mean value is. That will also affect the accuracy of the estimated interval fuzzy random variables. This is what we are worried while we take the least squares as an tool to analyse the interval fuzzy random variables.
The coefficient of determination is a reference value which is mostly often used to distinguish the accuracy of the conventional regression model. In the view of the characteristics of fuzzy regression model, the conventional coefficient of determination cannot properly explain the fuzzy linear regression model. In this paper, we propose the fuzzy coverage rate to distinguish the accuracy of the fuzzy linear regression model between two interval fuzzy random variables. Finally, we give an example about the mean monthly working-hour and the mean monthly salary of the manufacturing industry in Taiwan from 1991 to 2007, demonstrating the application of the fuzzy coverage rate in reality.
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客戶篩選與獲利預估之探討- 以某公司為例 / The study of customer selection and profit estimation –Q company as an example詹吉鏞, Chan, Leo Unknown Date (has links)
1. 迴歸模型可提供獲利的大概方向,但無法得到獲利預測的精準值。
2. 迴歸模型在一段時間後,須重新檢視其適用性或者加入後續的客戶經營績效重新更換新的迴歸模型作為新的判斷之用,才能更接近目前的營運狀況。
迴歸分析 / In order to evaluate cost performance, companies generally analyze individual customers’ business performances to gasp a main idea. However, most companies are unable to screen out specific customers afterward based on the results. This study hopes to provide companies a way to screen clients with higher credibility and estimate likely profits generated from different clients.
Many Master degree dissertations in the past have touched topics related to evaluating customers’ profitability. Yet, there are not many papers defining figures throughout the evaluating process. Many ongoing research papers are in view of constructing profit models that emphasis on evaluating marketing and strategy analysis, while papers on in-depth customers’ business performance are comparably less and more difficult to conduct because actual information on business operation arerather difficult to obtain, and even with information at hand, the adequacy of the data must be taken into concern. Fortunately, I was able to acquire the relative data on appointed companieswithin a specific time interval, allowing me to study further into evaluating customers’ profitability. Hence, this study will be use existing data along with statistical analyzing tools to estimate return profits.
This thesis investigates the server industry, including respectively four groups, the brand owner, network operators, system integrators and carriers- the main customers of this industry.
The case studied in the thesis is an ODM server manufacturing foundry, which currently hasbusiness interaction with all four groups of customers. Taiwan's server industry is mostly confined to playing a role in ODM or OEM, whereas its contribution of server systems builds up to more than 40% of the production worldwide, excluding the barebones and motherboard components, where some customers require the final assembly to take place overseas, or to directly embed the motherboardinto the hardware rack of a specific data base.Accumulatingthese productions as well, Taiwan produces over 90% of the world supplies.
With a growing set of customers,how to select customers now becomes incredibly important. With alimited amount of talented human capital, it is difficult to pick out a profitable customer to cooperate with. The case studies the actual operation of the server division of the company every month for the last five years, and uses it as the basis for further customer screening. In this study, we use the profitability of each customer as dependent variable, and manpower input and net profit contribution that significantly affect profits as independent variables. Using customer characteristics as dummy variables, we construct a model with multiple regression analysis identifying different customers’profitability, and compared it with actual operating conditions. Next, we used the regression analysis model we obtained on forecastingfuture profitability; finally, we explored how many existing customers and new customers can meet the screening criteria.
The study found that selecting different amount of customers’ firms will result in a different regression model, but if there are a closeamount of major clients, its results of the expected profit will be very similar in reality in terms of direction. However, deviation in terms of forecasting profits can be more reasonably larger.
Finally, the study can be summarized as follows:
(1) the regression model can provide direction about profit, but can not precisely predict the value of exceeding profit.
(2) after a period of time, it is required to re-examine the regression model, adding the follow-up information on new business performance, to ensure its applicability of evaluating current operation situation.
Customer selection
Profit estimation
Regression analysis
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國內銀行存放款成長率與資產品質之相關性研究 / The research on causality analysis between deposit and overdue loan ratio of bank and asset quality in Taiwan張振芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣教育改革二十年(1994-2013)高等教育科系別教育報酬率之分析─分量迴歸分析之應用 / Higher Education Disciplines Returns to Education in Taiwan王書敏 Unknown Date (has links)
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洗面皂市場區隔與產品定位之研究--以台北市為例李明河, LI, MING-HE Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣之外匯零求與外匯管理制度曾思洵, ZENG, SI-XUN Unknown Date (has links)
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經濟發展與就業成長----台灣之實證研究黃仁德, Huang, Ren-De Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣、日本、南韓筆記型電腦產業績效分析與比較廖國翔 Unknown Date (has links)
接著對台、日、韓進行比較分析,得到以下結論:(1)台、日、韓三國的經營績效,以日本最優、韓其次、台最差;但日、韓的整體效率值逐年下滑,而台灣有逐漸改善的趨勢。(2)三國於2000~2001年間生產力皆下降,這與全球景氣蕭條及九一一事件有相當的關聯;2001~2002間由於無線上網的新技術致使消費性機種熱賣,因此於該期間,生產力呈提昇現象。(3)由Tobit迴歸分析得知存貨週轉率、總資產週轉率與經營年限對效率值有正向影響。 / In the recent years, Taiwanese Notebook manufacturers last the past years, extensions to make productive values and production grow up enormously. Due to the low price trend and global business trend stagnancy, resulting to profitability be not as good as the before for this industry. It deepens to operate and complete hard for the domestic manufacturers. At the same time, only the manufacturers that seizing operating the performance will maintain completing advantage to deal with highly completing enviornment. At the same time, South Korea has already got over from the shadow of 1998 crisis; and took along the most global productive country of TFT-LCD and DRAM; going into the market of frivolous type and join a battle of OEM/ODM orders. Japan owns global excellent design and capability of innovation and self-made ratio is still high. Therefore, Japan and South Korea are constantly Taiwanese major rivals.
Firstly, it estimates how Taiwan Note Book manufacturers operate in 2000 to 2003 by Data Envelopment Analysis;In order to making up DEA not undertaking time-series analysis, using Malmquist Productivity Index to analyze; utilizing Tobit regression to analyze the factors that producers operate inefficiently. It gets the following conclusions:(1) In these four years, average technical efficiency is taken on rising year by year, and large scale producers do not imply better operating efficiency. (2) In these four years, the productivity is also rised year by year. This is due to technical change. (3) In Tobit regression analysis, there is a positive influence that inventory turnover, total asset turnover and brand affect efficiency; there is a negative influence that TCRI affects efficiency.
This study gets the following conclusions;(1) For Taiwanese, Japanese and South Korea’ operating performance, Japan is the excellent, South Korea is the next, Taiwan is the worst. But Japanese and South Korea’ overall efficiency is worse year by year; Taiwan operating performance is gradually improved. (2) These three countries’ productivity decline from 2000 to 2001. It is concerned with global economic recession and 911 incident. The productivity is raised from 2001 to 2002. It results from WLAN type to sell briskly. Turnover ratio of inventory and turnover ratio of total asset tighter operating years all have a positive influence on efficiency.
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以公司治理、相對盈餘管理與財務比率建構企業預警模型陳書偉 Unknown Date (has links)
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住商混合使用對房價之影響-台北市經驗 / The impact of mixed land-use on housing price:Taipei experience楊珮欣, Yang,Pei Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在大眾運輸導向(Transit-Oriented Development, TOD)所推行的捷運站區土地混合使用政策的背景下,本研究探討住商混合使用對於住宅房價之影響。本研究之研究假設有三:第一,不同空間尺度的混合使用,會對房價形成不同的影響;第二,其他土地使用種類越多,住宅房價越高;第三,商業使用之量體大小,對於房價形成不同的影響。本研究以台北市住宅為研究對象,研究時間為2001年,樣本數670 份。分析工具包含運用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information Systems, GIS)進行空間變數處理,以及多元迴歸分析(Multiple regression analysis)進行統計分析。研究成果驗證研究假設,於同棟及同街廓的空間尺度中,住商混合對住宅房價造成下降的影響,而相鄰街廓的住商混合使用使得住宅房價提升;且相鄰街廓混合使用種類越多,住宅房價越高。研究結果可做為政府擬定土地使用管制計畫之參考。
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