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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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在社運/商業中:2009年同志遊行「TILA束胸團隊」的動員經驗 / The social movement or the business: the mobilization of TILA Breast Binder Group in 2009 Taiwan LGBT Pride

邱靖雲, Chiu, Ching Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本文從台灣同志遊行商業化、女同志束胸內衣市場擴張以及晶晶書庫的發展脈絡,探究2009年「TILA束胸團隊」在同志遊行中的動員經驗:它何以成行、行動者從何而來,又,此過程中的商業及運動意涵是如何複雜地彼此交織,這些討論可幫助我們理解「同志遊行何以參與人數愈來愈多」、「遊行群眾從何而來」的問題。   透過次級資料蒐集、與束胸品牌業者及團隊成員訪談,本研究發現,晶晶書庫作為一個同時參與同志消費市場與同志運動發展的特殊角色,在束胸市場蓬勃成長階段投入品牌經營,催生了2009年的TILA束胸團隊;它透過微觀人際互動、在特定平台散播資訊、兼差報酬的誘因,成功動員/招募女同志、異性戀、跨性別認同者,以走秀模特兒之姿進入遊行隊伍,以中性、T形象外型展示其束胸的身體。   進一步瞭解其他束胸業者的遊行動員經驗,可發現他們早已有相當程度能力,以其長期累積的市場知名度,透過網路平台等媒介,成功吸引群眾走入遊行。晶晶及這些業者更早已在遊行以外的活動、同志組織中,以贊助等方式發揮其影響力。當有愈來愈多同志店家出現、主動號召群眾走入遊行,將促成遊行人數的增加。因此,同志遊行在某種程度上反映了台灣同志消費市場現況,其人數眾多的背後必有相對應的消費市場支撐。


岩津, 弘太郎, 山田, 純生, IWATSU, Kotaro, YAMADA, Sumio 20 December 2006 (has links)
No description available.


井上, 貴行, 沖田, 実, 高橋, 裕司, 原田, 裕司, 鈴木, 重行 20 February 2007 (has links)
No description available.


王志仁, Wang, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
在產品品質差異越來越小、高度競爭的市場中,運動賽會提供了企業絕佳的市場商機,運動贊助策略的應用,實現了企業突顯品牌形象、接觸目標顧客、壟斷市場及成為良好公民等行銷目標之理想,即運動贊助已成為企業促銷四大管道之外的第五項元素。 本研究從消費者的角度來瞭解企業運動贊助安麗盃女子花式撞球錦標賽之效益,而根據研究目的與文獻探討的結果,選擇透過消費者對於該運動的態度、消費者對於贊助事件本身的態度以及消費者本身認知該贊助企業與贊助運動的適配度,來探討上述變數對企業投入運動贊助後形象效益的影響,並試圖瞭解形象效益在架構中所扮演的中介角色其對購買意願效益所產生的影響。 本研究針對2006安麗盃現場觀看民眾進行問卷調查研究,經過實證分析結果,其結果顯示: 1、當消費者越支持該贊助事件時,贊助企業越能藉由此贊助來提升 企業形象。 2、當消費者認為贊助企業與所贊助活動之間的配適程度越高時,贊 助企業越能藉由此贊助來提升企業形象。 3、當消費者認為該贊助企業的形象越佳時,對於其產品的購買意願 也越高。 由研究結果發現,消費者對該贊助事件的態度以及消費者認知贊助企業與所贊助活動之間的配適度都會影響到企業的運動贊助形象效益進而對購買意願效益產生影響;因而對組織而言,在運動贊助的策略制定上,應將消費者對於該贊助事件的態度以及其所認知的適配度一併納入考量,進而能夠達到期望的運動贊助效益。

以可變形體物體之運動計畫及模糊規則實現人群模擬 / Simulating Virtual Crowd by Motion Planning for Reshapable Object and Fuzzy Rules

張仁耀, Chang,Jen-Yao Unknown Date (has links)
群體運動在現今的電玩、動畫或電影中,有十分重要的應用;透過群體性的運動,可以表現出故事背景設定的張力。在群體運動的模擬中,除了個體本身的運動行為模擬外,重要的是如何呈現出群體運動的整體效果。過去文獻中多數的群體運動模擬系統,要能在群體運動中呈現出特定形狀的效果,多需花費大量的時間反覆調整個體的模擬結果;個體本身的運動行為模型,則多採用虛擬力場的方式,被動的影響個體的運動,較缺乏直觀設定行為模型的方式。本論文的目標是建立一套人群模擬系統,此系統包括兩個部份:第一個部份是使用者可根據個人偏好設定群體運動理想中的外觀形狀,使此系統在模擬前能根據所輸入的環境資訊,利用運動計畫的方式,自動產生形體形變的路徑,以做為維持群體外形的參考目標。第二部份則是改進人群模擬時個體與群體的行為模型。我們利用模糊數學的特性,來表示行為模型以語意表達時的不確定性,使個體的行為能表現出貼近使用者所需求的結果。我們提出了三種類型的模糊行為模型與對應的原生動作,用以表現個體與群體的運動行為。根據我們實做出來的系統及實驗顯示,透過這樣的系統,我們可以利用程序化的方式為電腦動畫師產生具有特定群體外觀的群體模擬,減少其在製作相關動畫所需要的時間與技術成本,同時也提供了直觀的方式建立人群的行為模型,增加行為的豐富性。 / The effects of crowd behavior are becoming indispensable in computer games and computer animation. In crowd simulation, beside the issue of simulating the motion for individual agents, the more important one is how to simulate a specific behavior of a crowd based on the motion of individuals. In order for a crowd to conform to a specific shape, most simulation systems reported in the literature require the users to spend a great amount of time in tuning the behavior parameters of each individual, governed by virtual forces computed according to inter-agent relations. In this thesis, we aim to build a system of crowd simulation consisting two parts: a path planner for a flexible shape and a motion controller with fuzzy logic. The path planner can search for a feasible path for a region of flexible shape allowing the user to set his preference on the shape of the crowd. The local motion controller for each agent is based on fuzzy logic rules that can be used to present the uncertainty of linguistic behavior models. We have proposed three types of fuzzy behavior models and their corresponding primitive actions. Our experiments show that, with this simulation system, we allow a computer animator to use an intuitive way to create specific appearance and richer.

以統一的觀點規劃自主式數位演員之多種運動能力 / A unified approach to the motion planning of an autonomous digital actor with multiple motion abilities

李岳澤, Li,Yueh-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
讓數位演員能夠在虛擬場景中自主的規劃路徑並且移動,一直是一個富有挑戰性的問題。近年來已有相當多與此相關的研究,數位演員已能夠在高低起伏的分層地形中做路徑的規劃。我們的目標是除了能處理更一般化的場景外,對於場景中障礙物的定義,也會隨著數位演員的能力而有所不同。本研究為數位演員所擴充的新的能力包含了翻越過障礙物的能力以及搬移障礙物的能力。在以往藉由搬移障礙物而抵達目的地的研究中,都是以先決定欲搬移障礙物的順序,再為數位演員以本身擁有的運動能力規劃出一條合理且無碰撞的路徑。而本研究的特色則是將搬移障礙物這項能力與數位演員其他的運動能力一併考量,將各種運動能力以一致的觀點來規劃數位演員的行走路徑。我們將以數個模擬的例子說明此運動計畫器的有效性。 / Enabling a digital actor to move autonomously in a virtual environment is a challenging problem that has attracted much research attention in recent years. Many researches have been also to generate the motion of a digital actor in an uneven layered environment. In this thesis, we have extended our previous work to enable the digital actor to have the ability of jumping over a barrier and the ability of manipulating obstacles in order to make room for passing. Most previous work in generating manipulation plans for obstacles must first decide the order of manipulation and then manipulate obstacles in accordance with the sequence. In this thesis, we design a motion planner that can take all motion abilities of the digital actor into account in generating a collision-free path in a layered environment cluttered with various types of obstacles. This planer takes a unified view to consider all types of motions including manipulating objects that could change the system configuration. The experimental results will be demonstrated with several simulation examples to show the effectiveness of the system


UNO, Yoji, TAJI, Kouichi, OTANI, Masashi, 宇野, 洋二, 田地, 宏一, 大谷, 将司 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

重新審視泰國民主:論社會媒體對政治運動的影響 / Rethinking Thai democracy: the impact of social media on political movements in time of political conflict

那培農 Unknown Date (has links)
N/A / Thailand has experienced political instability since 2005 until present. The political conflict has divided people into two factions, the supporters and the opponents. First faction is the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD). On the other side, the political movements of the anti-government faction are led by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC). Social media such as Facebook, Line and YouTube have become the new tools for communication which are used to create change in social movements and political movements around the world. The new tools have revolutionized the social movements’paradigm and theory. This research thus aimed to study social media by focusing on the relationship between Facebook platform and Thai political movements. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were applied in this research as the tool to find an answer of the main question. The total amount of 1,500 survey questionnaire samples were distributed to respondents nationwide, and Pearson’s chi-squared test was applied to examine the relationship between social media (Facebook) and political movements. Finally, a result of the study showed that Thai people had different democratic ideologies, and that conflict of ideas had been accumulated and turned into the bedrock of political turmoil in this era. Moreover, it was found that Facebook was an amplifier, connector, and accelerator for political movement. Having Facebook as the new communication tool, Thai people in the society were encouraged to participate political movements rather than individual group or class movement presented in Thai history before. Social media such as Facebook linked cyber space and public space together through the new method of idea and information distribution and people mobilization. This motivated citizen to demonstrate on stress occupying government buildings and department stores. Therefore, political reconciliation should be concerned with democracy from the Thai society perspective rather than the Western one.

大學時期表現及選秀順位對於職業生涯績效預測能力-以NBA為例 / The prospectus ability from college stats and draft position to professional career performance - using NBA as an example.

魏子安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試探討美國大學籃球選手使用NBA官方效率衡量方法,計算並比較美國大學選手兩個時期其中之關聯,並期望找出最能預測NCAA籃球選手進入NBA之關鍵成功因素,以及探討選手大學表現與其預職業生涯表現之關聯性。本研究使用1996-2000年期間,208位參與選秀進入NBA的球員當作觀察對象,並以其進入NBA後10年之表現,作為評估其職業生涯之表現。 研究結果發現球員大學表現以NBA官方效率公式所計算之效率值越高,選秀順位就越前面,尤其選手的得分與阻攻影響選秀順序最大,得分越高與阻攻次數越多,選秀順位就越前面。其次,大學時期的表現與進入職業以後的表現不論用NBA的效率值,或Hollinger 的效率值都有顯著正相關。就整體而言,大學時期的養成表現,確實可預測球員職業生涯的績效。

子どもの心が動く健康教育をめざして : 大学との連携(養護)(教科研究)

佐藤, 喜世恵, 加藤, 容子 08 November 2002 (has links)

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