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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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趙慶河, Zhao, Qing-He Unknown Date (has links)
本論文內容概要如下: 前言,敘及本人撰寫此論文之動機及所懷抱之希望。對梁漱 與鄉建運動的關係有 所闡述。 第一章內分三節,分別從背景、誕生、擴展三方面探討整個鄉建運動的概略,以明 瞭梁漱 在其中所居之地位。 第二章內分三節,敘述梁氏早年生涯,並探討其青年時期思想沈潛演變之經過,從 環境、教育、性格、交友等層面瞭解梁氏投身鄉建事業的關鍵所在。 第三章內分四節,第節敘述與梁氏鄉建事業有關的一所學校,分別是:第一節曹州 高中,第二節廣東省立一中,第三節河南村治學院,第四節山東鄉村建設研究院。 梁氏藉興學為鄉建事業的準備,每個學校代表他每個階段的主張。 第四章內分四節,重點在明白梁漱 的整套鄉建理論。從比較東西文化開始,進而 思索中國自救之道,再而提倡創造新文化,終而以成立新的鄉村組織為歸依。梁氏 對鄉村問題的解決層層深入而前後一貫,本章基於此立場檢討其得失與理論之是否 周全。 第五章內分六節,敘述梁氏在山東的鄉村建設事業,以鄒平試驗區為主,其要項分 別有:鄉農學校、自衛組織、合作事業、農業改良、及風俗衛生改良等。 結語,以整體的觀點來看梁漱 的鄉建事業,依此以明白其功過是非。 #2810108 #2810108


蔡岳璋 Unknown Date (has links)
陝甘寧邊區的農村教育是中共教育理念一次大規模試驗,這些理念和作法一部分源自於國內當時教育思潮,一部分則是來自中共過去在農村中所累積的教育經驗。受到平民教育運動的影響,中共的農村教育將兒童和成人的教育置於同等重要地位,發展出一套小學教育和社會教育並行的教育體系; 根據長期的農村教育經驗,中共則是針對農村中教育資源不足、農民工作忙碌的特殊環境,設計了諸如「識字班」、「冬學」等革命性的教育措施。中共對於普及教育有著極高的熱情和企圖心,不過受限於陝甘寧邊區先天的環境條件,自始陝甘寧邊區的農村教育便充滿了困難,一九四○年以後更因為局勢的惡化,使邊區教育呈現倒退發展的趨勢。值得注意的是,即便是在環境條件明顯不足的情況下,中共也依然沒有放棄普及教育的理想,一九四○年開始的「新文字運動」和一九四四年的「民辦公助」都是為了因應時局所推行的措施。從陝甘寧邊區農村教育推展的過程中,我們同時看到中共的理想性格和務實、彈性的行事風格,兩者同樣令人印象深刻。


曾靖芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以隸屬於俄羅斯聯邦架構中的韃靼共和國和車臣共和國作為分離運動比較研究的兩個案例,進行民族分離運動相關問題的探討,包括民族分離意識興起的原因以及影響分離運動往不同路徑發展的因素。由於俄羅斯屬於前社會主義國家,國家體制曾經歷轉型的過程,因此除了具有一般民族問題的特質外,還必須將多重轉型的特殊性列入考量。 除了原生差異與政經利益考量的工具性訴求外,社會主義國家特有的聯邦制與本土化政策也促使民族意識興起,創造了潛在的民族分離團體。當中央的控制力有了鬆懈的跡象,分離意識便有了發揮的空間,分離運動隨之爆發。 韃靼共和國與車臣共和國分離運動的比較研究證明,作為動員基礎的原生性條件以及工具性訴求僅是影響分離運動發展的次要因素,由於領導人的動員可以決定分離運動發展的方向,因此領導人的策略抉擇才是影響分離運動發展的關鍵因素。而在蘇聯末期政治不穩定的局勢中,由誰來主導分離運動的發展相當程度受到莫斯科、原共和國執政者與民族主義力量三角關係的影響。 韃靼共和國的分離運動由立場溫和的夏米耶夫主導,在不斷的妥協談判後,最終以雙邊條約的方式界定與俄羅斯聯邦的關係,創造了「韃靼模式」,分離運動得到平息。相較之下,車臣共和國的分離運動在杜達耶夫激進的領導風格下一步步朝向完全獨立與脫離俄羅斯聯邦的方向發展。如此極端的立場當然不容於莫斯科。為了維護俄羅斯聯邦領土的完整性,莫斯科最後發動戰爭來解決車臣問題。在整個分離運動的發展過程中,領導者的策略決定了分離運動的發展,可見領導者的路線抉擇才是影響分離運動發展最關鍵的因素。 / This thesis focuses on national separatism in former socialist countries and takes Tatarstan and Chechnya for a case study. My research seeks to answer several questions, such as where did the separatist group originate from? Why did nationalist movements explode? How to explain different attitudes towards secession? I argue that primordial attachment and instrumental consideration about interests are the important causes shaping separatist groups. In the cases of former socialist countries, however, it is necessary to take the institutional factor into consideration, that is-ethnic federalism and korenizatsiya. All these elements combined to create the potential secessionist groups. Once the coercive controls formerly imposed by the central authority were removed, the previously repressed national groups inevitably reemerged and led the secessionist movement. The comparative analysis of the secessionist movements in Tatarstan and Chechnya proves that primordial and instrumental factors can only explain the emergence of secessionist movements, however they are of little significance when it comes to explaining the divergent paths of the movements. What matters more is the leadership’s strategy. The crucial problem is who will lead the secessionist movements? In the chaotic years leading up to the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was the triangular relations among Moscow, republican leadership and secessionist movement that determined the exact leader of the secessionist movement. In our cases, the moderate Shamiev led Tatarstan’s separatism by negotiation and was able to reach agreement with Moscow on a new Sovereignty Treaty. This pattern later came to be called the “Tatarstan Model”. After that, the secession in Tatarstan quieted down. In sharp contrast, Dudaev pursued a radical strategy and sought Chechnya’s complete independence from the Russian Federation. To defend his integrity of territory, Moscow dispatched Russian troops to quell this separatist republic. Leadership strategy thus determined the outcome of secessionist movements, and the choice of leaders proved crucial in the whole process.

明星球員與球團特性對球隊態度、滿意度及忠誠度之影響-以中華職棒La New熊隊為例

張肇鐘 Unknown Date (has links)
名人代言的行銷方式,在各產業中都經常看到。2005年底,旅美球星陳金鋒以3年三千萬的高額年薪被La New球團簽下,創下中華職棒有史以來的紀錄,而這股「金鋒熱」也造成La New熊隊相關產品瘋狂熱賣,引起大眾廣泛的討論。本研究除了探討球團因素對於球迷觀看行為的影響,並將以品牌管理的觀點,來探討明星球員(成份品牌)與球隊(主品牌)的影響效果。 過去文獻指出,消費者對於較熟悉或高知名度品牌的產品會有較高的品牌態度與購買意願,並且對於其態度與滿意度都會造成影響。若有一個具知名度的明星球員加入球隊,應會對其球迷產生一定程度的影響作用。此外,相關文獻也指出,球迷對於職棒的支持會受到球隊戰績與各項行銷相關活動的影響。 本研究以中華職棒中的La New熊隊為例,在電子佈告欄(BBS)中的各棒球板,以網路發放問卷的方式獲取資料,藉以分析探討明星球員特性(可信度與適配度)、球團因素(知覺戰績與知覺行銷努力)對球隊態度、滿意度以及參與程度的影響,並進一步了解對球隊忠誠度的影響。 研究結果顯示:在球迷態度方面,會受到明星球員可信度、適配度、知覺戰績、知覺行銷努力的正向影響。在球迷滿意度方面,會受到適配度、知覺戰績、知覺行銷努力的正向影響。在支持球隊參與程度方面,會受球迷知覺戰績的正向影響。在忠誠度方面,會受到其態度、滿意度、支持球隊參與程度的正向影響,此外,隨著球迷所得的增加,態度對忠誠度的正向影響會增強;滿意度對忠誠度的正向影響會減弱。 本研究最後針對研究結果提出管理意涵以做為實務界參考之用;並提出後續研究建議,以提供未來研究者在職棒行銷相關領域上一個研究方向。


李建弘, Lee, Chien-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文是關於臺灣讀經運動之研究。讀經運動始於1990年初,由台中師院王財貴教授發起,發展至今已有十多年,估計參與過之學童數超過百萬,活動遍及全臺灣各地,甚至蔓衍至世界各地的華人社群。讀經運動雖然以讀最有價值的書為訴求,在實質上是民初以來儒家發展的新階段。包括主要的推廣者王財貴,乃是知名新儒家學者牟宗三的學生,實際的讀經活動中則以儒家經典為主皆說明這是以儒家為主的運動。此論文之預設是視經典為宗教傳統的一個重要現象,儒家為華人之重要宗教傳統,它提供華人意義和作為華人之世界觀。 首先藉由歷史發展,說明讀經運動與1912年教育總長蔡元培廢止讀經,1935年和1953年等讀經問題之關聯。這些歷史說明儒家經典從被視為宗教經典,轉變為「文化」傳統的歷程,它是知識分子有心的造作,加以反宗教的潮流和時尚下完成,而政治力的介入和運用,使得儒家的發展憑添變數。其次,簡述推廣者之主要推廣歷程和理念,敘述讀經發展成社會運動的轉折、建立組織的過程以及讀經運動的現況,並且指出這些過程或現象與宗教的關聯,以及其全省分佈之狀況,接下來則證明讀經運動以儒家經典為主,而經典的定位問題與儒家之宗教性有關,最後,指出當代讀經運動的推廣者與支持者,對儒家經典的建構,以及讀經活動與社會規範、儒家的宗教定位等之關聯。 經由描述當代讀經運動的發展歷程,反映出儒家傳統如同各宗教傳統一般,有類似的特徵,包括有(一)儒家經典成為善書,推廣讀經被視為善行。(二)有著聖人和聖典。經典被人們認為必然蘊含倫理道德。(三)經典代表秩序感,有永恆和全面的知識內涵。(四)、讀經有其經驗層面等。華人社會各宗教團體或人士之投入,即在於儒家傳統乃是華人之世界觀,它提供華人意義,如同盧克曼宗教社會學意義下之隱形宗教,儒家傳統是華人宗教之底色。因此,儒家傳統於宗教研究中,有必要以別於單一傳統等相關概念加以理解,儒家傳統在華人之宗教生活中扮演重要的角色。 / This thesis is about a Confucian movement which is called “Du Ching “(讀經) in Taiwan. Du 讀 means reading literally. In actually, Du ching include reciting, memorizing, chanting etc. Du ching movement which started by a professor Wang tsai guei (王財貴)in Taichun about 1991. The movement developed to the whole Taiwan in a decade and over millions of pupils had attended it. “Reading the most valuable book” is Professor Wang’s appealing slogan though. Actually, almost all of the pupils who attend the movement use Confucian scriptures. Beside, Wang is the famous Confucian scholar Mou Tzung san’s follower. So, this movement can be seen as a Confucian movement. My assumption is Confucianism which is a religion to Chinese. As a world view to Chinese, Confucianism provides meanings. First, I will show the history of Confucian scripture’s changing in 1900s. In the history, people can find how the scriptures was shaped by Confucian intellectuals by intention from religious texts to cultural texts. The politician influence made this changing violently. Second, I describe the ideas of Professor Wang about du ching and the movement’s key process. To show how did people organize themselves to promote Confucian scripture? And what are people’s practicing about the scriptures? Lastly, I will point out the du ching movement’s promoter and supporter’s idea about Confucian scriptures is part of imaginations. The imagination is connected to the social order and people moral state. The core of the imagination is Confucius not the scriptures which some students think of. By the history what Confucian scripture met in early modern era and the du ching movement in modern Taiwan, it reflects Confucianism as well as the other religions, it has the same character. It comprises Confucian scriptures and classics as moral books, sainthood holly books, moral and order phase, as if an encyclopedia, experimental phase etc. In summary, Confucianism is the worldview of Chinese. It is the basic tone of Chinese religious life, as the sociology Thomas Luckmann said “ the invisible religion”. However, Confucianism still plays an important role in Chinese communities globally.

民主化下台灣的社會運動外部策略研究 / The Study of External Strategy of Social Movement in Taiwan's Democratization

范碩銘, Fan,Shuo ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的問題意識為「為什麼國家體制有時無法成功消弭社會運動的風潮?」為了處理這個問題意識,本文採取一個「策略-關係」途徑的研究方法,並假設「社會運動若能於特定結構之下運用得宜的策略,即能持續生存發展」。因此,本研究探討台灣民主化過程之下一種特殊型態的「指向國家核心的社會運動」,分別是「反核四抗爭運動」以及「紅衫軍反貪腐倒扁運動」。 在本研究的第二章與第四章內容分別描述了這兩個特殊的社會運動興起背景以及台灣民主化的進程;而在本研究的第三章與第五章內容則分別討論這兩個社會運動採取的外部策略與策略互動。研究發現,「反核四抗爭運動」是以一種「以國家為槓桿」的外部策略;而「紅衫軍反貪腐倒扁運動」則採取一種「以大眾媒體為槓桿」的外部策略,這兩個案例在台灣民主化的不同階段之下分別成功形塑了「指向國家核心的社會運動」,共同見證了台灣民主化發展的獨特經驗,因此具有相當程度之指標性意義。 / The original research conscious of this study is” Why state machine sometimes can’t terminate social movement successfully?” In order to face this research conscious, the research adopt” strategic-relational approach”, and assume “If social movement could use suitable strategy in particular structure, the social movement could be exist and develop”. For the reason, this study wants to treat a special type of social movement, and we called social movements with “point at state core”. this study further select two social movements with “point at state core” in Taiwan’s Democratization:”Anti-fourth nuclear power plant movement” and ”Anti-corruption depose-Chen Campaign”. In Chapter 2 and chapter 4, we describe the background of social movement and democratic development in Taiwan; In Chapter 3 and chapter 5, we discuss external strategy and the interaction of the two social movement cases. This research discoveries that Anti-fourth nuclear power plant movement uses the external strategy of “as state as leverage”. On the other side, Anti-corruption depose-Chen Campaign uses the external strategy of “as mass media as leverage”. Finally, this study believes that the two social movements with “point at state core” play an important role in Taiwan’s Democratization.

公民新聞的網路實踐──以樂生療養院事件為例 / The practice of civic journalism on the WWW:the incident of Lo-Sheng sanatorium as example

黃哲斌, Huang, Je Bing Unknown Date (has links)
爭議多年的樂生療養院拆遷事件,2007年在網路上引發強大的保留聲浪,部落客主動採訪、報導、串連、評論,讓樂生議題受到主流媒體及政治人物的矚目,進而影響政府決策。在公民新聞並不盛行的台灣,這些具有報導性質的書寫,展現了極大的公民媒體能量。   本論文從傳統的公民新聞意理出發,蒐集近年國內外重要的網路公民新聞經驗,探看網路時代公民新聞的變與不變;進而以樂生保留運動為主要案例,紀錄此一公民新聞浪潮爆發、凝聚力量、展現人氣的過程,這些積極的網路使用者運用Web2.0平台工具、在線上及線下活躍串流,讓他們適時填補主流媒體忽視的公共議題,形成一種公民傳播體系。他們的實踐經驗,也隱然投射出台灣公民社會的「運動型媒體」趨勢。 / The incident of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium has caused a dispute amongst our people for many years now. And when the incident aroused the support of majority to preserve the sanatorium through the world-wide web in 2007, bloggers began to voluntarily interview, report, link, and comment on the subject matter, which attracted the attention of mainstream media and political figures. And these attentions even affected the government’s final decision. In the land of Taiwan where civic journalism was not popular, these newsworthy articles show how great the power is of civic journalism.   This thesis starts with the traditional concept of civic journalism, introducing important cases on the web from all over the world and to probe into the constancy and inconstancy of civic journalism in the internet era. With the incident of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium as the main subject matter of this thesis, we’ll recount the process in which this citizen news broke-out, united citizen strengths and gained news value. These enthusiastic internet users made use the Web 2.0 tools to actively link everyone together, whether online or offline. They can also work as the supplement to the mainstream media and provide the news that was overlooked, which has now developed into some kind of citizen media system. This realization has also projected the trend of Taiwan society’s event-related media.

電視臺運動賽事廣告行銷企劃之執行 / The study of sales planning for TV sports

朱宸瑩, Chu, Chen Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於深入瞭解電視產業如何執行轉播運動賽事的廣告行銷企劃,與在這過程中廣告主與電視臺如何進行溝通互動。現今電視臺在就所轉播的運動賽事做廣告業務銷售時,除了單純的電視廣告秒數販賣之外,往往會加入「置入性行銷」這塊,可能是衍生的相關活動、新聞議題、節目再製播、節目鏡面畫面運用、週邊文宣物露出、甚至是電視臺旗下的網路新媒體配合等。也就是產業界往往以「專案」稱之。然而不同電視臺轉播不同的運動賽事如何進行銷售包裝常是流程、規格不一、祕而不宣,過往中外對於「置入性行銷」的相關研究由於主要起源於小說出版界及電影,各項論述多為方向、戰略(strategy),較少具體方法、戰術(tactic),尤其是針對運動賽事電視節目做深入探究者。因此本研究透過個案研究法集結兩個運動賽事節目轉播的實務個案:分別由無線電視、衛星電視主導轉播的兩屆亞洲運動會,加以厚描、歸納之,期能建構適用性相對較高的具體建議與方案。 / The purpose of this study is to understand how the TV industry to carry out advertising marketing campaigns for TV sports, and how the advertisers interact with each other in this process. Nowadays, in addition to the regular sales of TV commercials, it is often possible to join the "product placement", which may be related activities, news, derivative issues, programs, digital media cooperation and so on. This is also called “project” by this industry. However, how different TV stations sell their specific sales packaging is often a secret. In the past, the related research on “product placement” was mainly originated in the novel publishing industry and movies. Accordingly, the discussion focuses on the description of strategic direction instead of tactics, especially for TV sports programs. Therefore, this study attempts to provide the concrete suggestions and solutions through the case study method. The two cases chosen for the thick description and summary are the Asian Games on TV dominated by terrestrial TV and cable TV separately.

我國工會與政黨關係之研究 / The Relationship Between Trade Unions and Political Parties in R.O.C.

何學政 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採歷史結構方式分析我國三個時期,工會與政黨之關係。第一個時期為我國威權轉型時期階級政黨的實踐經驗,即工黨、勞動黨及勞工陣線的『社會民主模式』提法。第二個時期為我國民主轉型期,這期間工會與政黨之關係,特別是我國全國總工會多元化後的局面。第三個時期為民進黨政府上台後,我國工會與政黨之關係。研究結果發現,我國近期將以美國式的商業主義型工運為主,但基層廠場工會仍有日本型工運的模式存在。其它的工運、工會組織也可能以類似開發中國家的對抗型工運,或國家/政黨補助型的工會形式存在。 / By employing a historical/structural perspective, this article attempts to analyze the relationship between trade unions and political parties in R.O.C. The first part analyzed the leftist-parties experience in Taiwan. It includes the “Labour Party”, “Workers’ Party” and the “Social Democratic model expression” of Taiwan Labor Front. The second part analyzed the relationship between trade unions and political parties in democratic transformation period, especially after the national confederation going to the plural road. The third part analyzed the relationship between trade unions and political parties in the DPP government period. In the future, the unionism in Taiwan will be mainly analogous with the American business unionism. But in the factory level, there will be an analogy between the unionism of Japanese model and Taiwanese enterprise unionism. Some Taiwanese unions will be analogous with the unionism of other developing country model. They will have some attributes of opposition unionism and state/party sponsored unionism.

清末湖北地方自治研究:從鐵路運動到諮議局主張之發展 / 無

陳貞陵 Unknown Date (has links)

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