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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張美月, ZHANG, MEI-YUE Unknown Date (has links)
隨機模型乃探討一隨機變數在時間(或空間)上之行程的理論,採用此模型研究之問 題常見的有庫存理論、存貨控制、排隊理論等。這類問題在性質上,每期之投入(in puts)、產出(outputs )之次數與數量都具有隨機性,因而此類問題之研究重點包 括投入(inputs)、產出(outputs )之機率分配和任一期之庫存分配。本文所欲探 討之銀行資金運轉在理念上,頗符合上列之性質,筆者乃試用隨機模型探討這個問題 。 銀行營運之業務以存款、放款為主,以存款為投入(iinputs)放款為產出(outputs ),在一定期間內存放款筆數與其金額皆具有隨機性,在時間上各合成一隨機行程; 若以存款額為基準提法定準備金與實際準備金求得差額為超額準備,此數量亦為一隨 機數量為影響銀行資金運轉最主要之因素;本文主旨在探究存款、放款之分配以及超 額準備之分配情況,進而評估銀行營運之績效。全文共分四章,分述於下:第一章緒 論,第二章理論模型之建立,第三章以電腦模擬之理論分配再與實際資料之結果比較 ,第四章結論。

商業模式之價值主張研究 -以桃園機場轉運站票務整合為例 / A Case Study on Value Proposition of Business Model: The Bus-Ticket Integration in Taoyuan Airport

張世豪, Chang, Shih hao Unknown Date (has links)
自桃園國際機場於2010年由桃園機場公司接手經營以來,入境旅客量平均年成長率達到10%,致使相關服務設施負荷量可能會有超載之情況發生,其中客運轉運站作為桃園機場最主要的聯外交通設施,考驗更是首當其衝,機場公司不僅要能提出有效改善疏運效率之方案,同時必須掌握旅客之需求,考量客運業者之接受程度,調整經營模式,才能在變動的環境下持續發展。據此,本研究目的在於提出當客運轉運站面對負荷量不足之問題時,如何透過對價值核心本質的探究,調整自身經營模式,期望能做為未來欲進駐轉運站之業者及其他交通樞紐票務整合參考。 本研究對象為桃園機場公司、九家駐點客運業者及入境旅客,並檢視其互動關係,為了解現有經營模式與調整後經營模式與顧客需求之適配性,本研究運用Osterwalder & Pigneur(2012,2015)的商業模式畫布及價值主張圖來建立研究流程及架構,利用一對一訪談、德菲法、實地觀察法及次級資料收集個案研究所需之證據。 個案分析首先分析票務整合前之營運模式及評估售票大廳負荷量,得知負荷量超載之情況確實存在,分析後認為必須從疏運旅客的效率著手,建議採用自動化售票機及票務整合解決方案,接著針對入境旅客及客運業者進行價值主張研究,發現客運業者現行之價值主張並無法滿足入境旅客之需求。 有鑑於此,本研究將解決方案之價值地圖與入境旅客之顧客素描進行適配,並針對解決方案仍無法滿足之需求做價值主張調整,確認入境旅客與客運業者最終之價值主張,最後依此價值主張套用商業模式畫布九大構面,提出入境旅客策略之商業模式及客運業者策略之商業模式。 本研究結論除了提出針對入境旅客及客運業者策略之商業模式外,也透過完整針對問題進行分析,提出以下建構解決流程之建議: 一、 須先對研究問題進行分析,確認問題之嚴重性並藉此提出可能之方案, 二、 透過價值主張圖來找出顧客實際上之需求,並針對未被滿足之部分進行價值主張調整,獲取最終價值主張, 三、 將此價值主張發展成商業模式,以確實改善研究之問題。 本研究貢獻於其他轉運站或以櫃檯販售車票之機構在面對如負荷量不足之問題時,可作為做法上之參考,然由於本研究並非實際分析現存之個案作法研究,有其研究上之限制,因此需簡化轉運站所面對之問題情況,透過次級資料檢驗分析之邏輯是否合理。 / Since Taoyuan Airport Corporation took over Taoyuan International Airport in 2010, the average growth rate of visitors arriving to Taiwan has increased by 10% . This increase of visitors resulted in the overloading of relevant services and facilities, especially the public bus station which is the main transportation used by visitors. As a result the corporation will have to : (1) Propose improvement programs for the more efficient distribution of passengers;(2) Get a better grasp of the needs of passengers and bus companies; (3) Make modification to its business model in order to survive in a fast-moving environment. Accordingly, the aim of the study is to provide a value proposition for bus service providers to overcome the problem of overloading. This new business model can also be a reference to other bus stations or institutions for future use. The main objectives of this study are (1) The research of Taoyuan Airport Corporation and associated bus companies in relation to the increasing visitor numbers to the country; (2) The fit between the current model, adjusted business model and the customer demand. This study used the business model canvas and the value proposition map to provide a process for solving the problems they face. Moreover, the research survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews, Delphi method, field observation and secondary data that were required for the case study research. In relation to the case study: this study firstly analyzed the operations before the Bus-Ticket Integration and the problem of overloading. After the analysis, automatic ticket vending machines and ticket integration solutions were recommended for implementation. Secondly, this study made a value proposition research for visitor arrivals and bus companies. It was found that the current value proposition couldn’t meet the needs of visitor arrivals. As a result, this study started to investigate the fit between the customer profiles and the value map of the solution, and then made some adjustments. Finally, propose the adjusted value proposition and created the business model canvas accordingly. This study also makes recommendations for solving the problems through a redesign of the business model. Firstly, the study must analyze and confirm the problem beforehand so as to come up with a good alternative solution; Secondly, through the value proposition map, we can identify the customer needs and adjust the unsatisfied aspect in order to get the final value proposition; Thirdly, we can use this adjusted value proposition to make the business model canvas. This study also contributes to other bus stations or institutions as a reference in practice. The one restricting aspect of the study that some of the data was not available so I had to simplify the problems and situations, and inferred from the secondary data analysis.


彭佳宣 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣早期的幼教發展,於政府長時期疏於管理下,導致現今幼教界存在諸多糾結複雜的問題,這些客觀外在環境條件所產生的問題,直接衝擊幼教核心之一「教師」角色的生存空間。在高師資流動性特質之幼教場域中,那些資深專業工作者如何能夠在所處的社會情境脈動中,長時期持續朝向自我選擇之幼教職業道路推進,為本研究的核心關注。透過一位資深幼教工作經歷的園長之生命視窗—她的工作經驗世界,理解幼師職業生涯運轉歷程的樣貌;並從主體生命故事敘說之縱向歷史回顧中,理解其中透露的重要社會結構變遷訊息。 本研究採取質性研究方法中的傳記研究取向,以德國社會學者Fritz Schütze所發展之「敘述訪談法」(narrative interview)進行資料採集工作,訪談一位具有二十九年幼教工作經歷的幼兒園園長。訪談結果整理為敘述文本後,並參照Fritz Schütze所提出的理論建構分析方案,對文本進行結構描述以及概念抽象化分析的整體形塑,以回應欲探究的問題。 經過資料分析過程,逐漸釋出本研究主體—杏芬園長「不成長就會被淘汰」的生命信念意涵,文本透露出自我完成性在主體生命開展歷程中,為一種突破環境限制與期望朝向更好的動力,促使主體一再超越現實環境的限制,萌生其積極性意義。「不進則退」生命觀於時間流動中架構出主體的生活經驗世界,形成生命能量內塑與外推之上揚動力,於接受工作挑戰與追求成長歷程中蛻變。於是可以看出,環境或自我本身的未確定性,雖然帶來了限制,卻也充滿無限可能性。最後,研究者就文本解析之內容,提出「公私幼消長生態下幼師的生存處境」議題進行探討;並且參照Csikszentmihalyi創造力系統論觀點,建立一個類似的系統原型,從個人、學門及領域三個面向,闡釋研究主體長期安身立命於幼教職業工作中的可能因素。 / “Either growing or eliminating”— A description analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s life revolving Due to the lack of management by the government in Taiwan in early years, there are many problems that exist in the field of early childhood education. Those impact the survival of the key personnel, the teachers, in this field directly. In the social context of high turn over ratio of the teachers in this field, how senior teachers keep standing fast at the post and moving forward is the center concern of this research. By interviewing a senior teacher’s working experience, the researcher gets to know the different patterns of the career of a kindergarten teacher; further more, to comprehend the transition of the social structure from reviewing the history in which the story happened. This research adopts biographic study under the qualitative methodology, and collects the data with “narrative interview” developing by Fritz Schűtze, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing a kindergarten principal, Sin-feng, who has been working for twenty-nine years in the early childhood education field, researcher followed Schűtze’s theory construction and analysis to analyze and shape the structure description and abstract concepts. After the process of data analysis, “either growing or eliminating” shows up to be Principal Sin-feng’s belief. The text shows that in one’s life process, self-completion is a motivation that can break through constrains of environment and head to a better situation. Therefore, we can see that although the uncertainty of environment and oneself can be constrains, it can also bring the unlimited possibility. At the end, researcher raised the topic of “kindergarten teachers’ subsistence in the growth and decline of public and private kindergartens” for discussion. Researcher revised and constructed a similar system from the creativity systematic viewpoint raised by Csikszentmihalyi, to explain the possible reasons, from personal, subject, and field aspects, that make the research object stay in the same career for such a long time.

我國國際海運政策之研究─從保護到解制之變革 / A Study of Taiwan's International Shipping Policy: From Protection to Deregulation

楊繼明, Young, Aaron Unknown Date (has links)
戰後台灣的政治安定,立基於經濟發展,經濟發展取決於貿易傳動。在全球化的時代,經貿是台灣積極串聯世界、爭取生存茁壯的關鍵樞紐;對四面環海的台灣而言,能源及原物料之進口與轉化後財貨之對外貿易,全賴於海運實踐,台灣以一個海島型經濟型態「不斷向世界市場擴張」的過程中,國際海運是國家經濟與世界市場的實質聯結。國際海運因而成為台灣迎向全球與經貿發展的生命線,政軍安定的守護神。 本文主要的目的,在探討戰後(1950~2005)我國國際海運政策的治理模式與治理政策。台灣四面環海,具有發展國際海運的地理優勢,比較世界各國的發展,台灣地區的國際海運經營與發展,在世界上一直佔有相當重要的地位。然而,近年來,由於中國大陸的崛起,台灣則基於自身的考量,執行「戒急用忍」政策,遲遲不開放兩岸通航與協商航商西進,使得台灣的經濟優勢逐漸流失,國輪航商之經營環境也隨之惡化,本研究藉由歷史與結構的研究途徑,從戰後我國國際海運發展的歷史脈絡與結構變遷,就其治理模式與治理策略進行深入的探討。 除了經由文獻探討中,檢視我國國際海運政策的變革之外,進一步與我國國際海運的公經理人、學者與業者等共三十位專業人士,進行實證的訪問調查,獲得第一手的資料,然後與文獻分析所得相互驗證,進而歸納成結論,並就我國國際海運政策的治理模式與治理策略,提出建言。 / Abstract: Comparing with the development of other countries, water-surrounded Taiwan has to build up its international shipping industry to facilitate international trade and therefore stabilize its polity through economic development. Due to the geographic privilege, Taiwan also has its strength of developing international shipping for linking the national economy and the world market. The objective of this study is to explore the governance mode and strategies of Taiwan’s international shipping policy after the World War II. This study investigated the relationships among international politics, macroeconomic and international trade, government policy, and industry environment for the international shipping policy. In addition to literature review, this study interviewed public managers, scholars and industrial professionals to empirically collect the experienced data by “in-depth interview.” Through the integrated means, this study concludes that Taiwan’s international shipping policy has played an important role for developing the industry in each stage of Taiwan’s development on economy and international trade, whilst the government in Taiwan should seek more practical governance modes and strategies to cope with the challenges to come.


薛全晉, Hsueh, Chuan Chin Unknown Date (has links)
工程契約係具特殊性質之承攬契約,而工程契約之開工、完工、驗收進程中,可能遭遇不同之風險事件,故本文先於第二章對工程契約之開工、完工、驗收及後續保固期間之意義及相關爭議為概略性之論述。 其次,於第三章先以一般承攬契約之風險分配為出發,就承攬契約之危險負擔、瑕疵擔保責任及定作人協力義務為概述,而在工程契約之風險分配原則上,採用「優勢風險承擔人原則」作為立論基礎,認為工程契約之風險應由對風險較具「預見能力」、「控制能力」及「規避能力」者承擔;進而就工程進程中不同階段可能遭遇之風險事件,建構可能之風險分配原則,並探究工程契約中常見「棄權條款」,包含工期展延、物價調整及權利行使期間等棄權條款,是否與合理之工程風險分配原則相符;另本文就工程保險契約制度為簡要之說明,並論述工程保險在工程實務中之地位,而將工程保險契約認定為工程契約分散風險之重要機制。 於第四章,特別針對國內論者甚少討論之「完工後驗收前」期間之實務爭議為判決整理及評析,而以本文建構之風險分配藍圖,對包含完工後驗收前之先行使用、減價驗收、部分驗收、試運轉及第三人侵權等爭議問題為分析。

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