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貨幣、避險資產與物價李連權, LI,LIAN-GUAN Unknown Date (has links)
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長壽風險下商品間自然避險策略之探討 / A Discussion on the Natural Hedging Strategy in different policies under Longevity Risk蔡宛臻, Tsai, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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三星電子、宏達電和台積電的外匯曝險分析 / The foreign exchange rate exposure of Samsung Electronics、HTC and TSMC周奕志, Chou, Yi Chih Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣政府債券期貨避險效果之研究謝作治 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究資料期間自2004年1月2日至2005年12月13日止,擷取政府債券期貨收盤價及10年期最具流動性之政府債券收盤價資料進行整理,2004年1月2日~2005年6月30日為樣本內期間,2005年7月1日~2005年12月13日為樣本外期間。以簡單避險法、最小平方法(價格)模型、最小平方法(報酬)模型及GARCH 模型之避險比率,應用於樣本外期間的避險。實證結果如下:避險績效方面,日資料無論何種模型均未降低其報酬率之波動度,週資料而言各模型均可降低原公債現貨之報酬波動度,其中以OLS(return)較佳,但避險成效不彰。日資料避險比率最小為OLS(報酬)模型,週資料避險比率最小為OLS(價格)模型。就報酬而言,無論日資料及週資料,各種避險模型所作之避險,均降低其報酬率,換言之,未作避險動作之報酬率最佳。 / The main purpose of this paper is to examine the hedging effectiveness of the Taiwan government bond futures under several hedging models. These models are Naive, OLS-reward, OLS-level and GARCH. The daily data is from January 2004 to December 2005. The in-sample data is from January 2, 2004 to June 30,2005. The out-of-sample one is from July 1, 2005 to December 13,2005. The hedging porformance is measured by the decreasing degree of portfolio variance.The empirical results show as follows:1. OLS(return)model has the better hedge performance from weekly data. 2.The smallest hedge ratio is OLS(reward)from daily data, and it’s OLS(level)from weekly data. 3.The reward is highest without hedge
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認購權證最適避險策略之研究吳秉寰, Wu, Alex Bing-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文採用了固定時段避險法,固定避險帶避險法,不足量避險法,Leland(1985)避險法以及Whalley & Wilmott(1993)效用極大避險法,用Monte-Carlo模擬,探討了當券商發行權證時,所面臨的避險組合調整問題。結果發現,在所有的避險策略當中,以Whalley & Wilmott(1993)效用極大避險法的避險績效最好。但是其他的方法,都一致支持保守的避險策略,即多調整避險組合,可以有效提高避險的績效。但是若我們改變交易成本,就會發現隨著交易成本的增加,調整避險組合的次數就要減少,否則過高的交易成本就會抵銷掉避險時的報酬。若我們改變股價的波動度設定,就會發現隨著波動度的增加,調整避險組合的次數也要增加,以免產生過高的避險誤差。此外,在存在漲跌幅限制的假設之下,避險績效都較無漲跌幅限制為佳,因為漲跌幅限制的存在,使得股價波動受到壓縮之故。而在實證資料方面,由於單一條股價不具代表性,因此無法作為有效的解釋。
第一章 緒論………………..…………...………………………....…1
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………..…………………..1
第二節 研究架構……………………………………………………2
第二章 文獻回顧………………….……..………….………………4
第三章 認購權證避險策略之績效模擬…………………...….18
第一節 五種避險策略之介紹……………………………………….18
第二節 避險策略的模擬 Monte-Carlo Simulation…………………27
第三節 模擬結果分析………………………………………………36
第四節 不同交易成本對避險績效之影響………………………….50
第五節 不同股價波動度對避險績效之影響……………………….58
第六節 每小時產生股價之影響…………………………………...67
第四章 台灣認購權證市場之避險實證分析…………..….…71
第一節 台灣上市認購權證之介紹…………………………………71
第二節 實證研究設計………………………………….………….78
第三節 避險策略績效分析…………………………….………….79
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………….…87
表3.1 固定時段避險法之避險績效衡量…………………………..36
表3.2 固定避險帶避險法之避險績效衡量………………………..38
表3.3 固定delta避險帶避險法之避險績效衡量…………………....40
表3.4 不足量避險法之避險績效衡量……………………………..42
表3.5 Leland法之避險績效衡量…………………………………..44
表3.6 Whalley & Wilmott法之避險績效衡量…………………….47
表3.7 交易成本為0.6%時之固定避險帶避險績效衡量…………51
表3.8 交易成本為0.9%時之固定避險帶避險績效衡量…………52
表3.9 交易成本為0.6%時之固定時段避險績效衡量…………...…54
表3.10 交易成本為0.9%時之固定時段避險績效衡量………...……56
表3.11 在波動度=30%時之固定避險帶避險績效衡量…………..59
表3.12 在波動度=50%時之固定避險帶避險績效衡量…………..60
表3.13 在波動度=70%時之固定避險帶避險績效衡量…………..61
表3.14 在波動度=30%時之固定時段避險績效衡量……………..63
表3.15 在波動度=50%時之固定時段避險績效衡量……………..64
表3.16 在波動度=70%時之固定時段避險績效衡量……………..66
表3.17 每小時產生股價資料之固定時段避險績效衡量…………...68
表3.18 每小時產生股價資料之固定避險帶避險績效衡量………...69
表4.1 台灣現行已發行之認購權證………………………………..77
表4.2 固定避險時段法實證避險報酬率………………………...79
表4.3 固定避險帶法實證避險報酬率…………………………...80
表4.4 不足量避險法實證避險報酬率…………………………...82
表4.5 Leland避險法實證避險報酬率…………………………...84
表4.6 Whalley & Wilmott避險法實證避險報酬率……………..…85
圖3.1 避險間隔與避險誤差、交易成本關係圖……….……………..19
圖3.2 固定時段避險法之避險績效………………………...………..37
圖3.3 固定避險帶避險法之避險績效…………………………….....39
圖3.4 固定delta避險帶避險法之避險績效…………………..….....40
圖3.5 不足量避險法之避險績效………………………………….....42
圖3.6 Leland避險法之避險績效………………………………….....45
圖3.7 Whaley & Wilmott避險法之避險績效…………………….....47
圖3.8 交易成本為0.6%時之固定避險帶避險績效…..…………….52
圖3.9 交易成本為0.9%時之固定避險帶避險績效..……………….53
圖3.10 交易成本為0.6%時之固定時段避險績效…………..…..….55
圖3.11 交易成本為0.9%時之固定時段避險績效…………..……...57
圖3.12 波動度30%之固定避險帶避險績效………..………………59
圖3.13 波動度50%之固定避險帶避險績效……………………..... 60
圖3.14 波動度70%之固定避險帶避險績效……………..…………62
圖3.15 波動度30%之固定時段避險績效…………………………..63
圖3.16 波動度50%之固定時段避險績效………..…………………65
圖3.17 波動度70%之固定時段避險績效…………………………..66
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保險業利用國外股價指數期貨避險策略可行性之研究 / The feasibility of insurance company use foreign stock index future for hedging郭美美, Kuo,Mei Mei Unknown Date (has links)
有關股價指數期貨實證研究節果做一回顧。本研究結果發現 :(1)壽險業
。(2)避險期間不宜過短, 以四週為宜。 (3)因本研究發現避險期間越
長,則避險比例越高, 且其避險績效亦越高,因此若在考慮交易成本的
情況下,則應以較長的避險期間為佳。 (4)迴模模型大致上皆能符合適合
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長壽風險下自然避險策略之探討:以英國Money-Back年金商品為例 / A Discussion on the Natural Hedging Strategy In Longevity Risk─A Case of Money-Back Annuity張君瑋, Chang, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現採取商品內避險法時,壽險部分在保險期間後期會發生反轉現象,現金流量淨值波動方向變成與年金險一致,導致商品後期淨值波動過大,失去避險效果;本研究同時發現過去評估自然避險效果時普遍採用的淨值免疫指標存在缺陷,無法兼顧現金流量波動與破產機率。因此我們提出一種創新指標,同時考慮免疫理論中的三大免疫目標,研究結果顯示透過創新指標較能夠完整的評估整體自然避險效果,減少壽險公司於保險期間因現金流量波動劇烈所衍生之資金借貸成本,獲得更佳的避險效果。 / With the improvement of medical and hygienic techniques, longevity risk has become the most important issue in the world. Life insurers and the pension provider propose various kinds of hedging strategies to cope with the uncertainty due to the improvement in mortality. In recent year, the development of hedging strategies focus on natural hedging, which can classified as the hedging strategies according to different insured policies or the same insured policy with survival benefit and death benefit. Endowment is a good example for the hedging strategy from the same insured policy. Although hedging from the same insured policy can avoid basis risk and decrease the cost from rebalance in the insurance period, it couldn't adjust product portfolios by experienced mortality rates. In this paper, we attempt to analyze the natural hedging effect for the Money-Back annuity and use the immunization model to find the optimal collocation of insurance products and evaluate the effect of the natural hedging by cash flow method.
We find that life insurance will happened contrary effect in the later insurance period when we try to hedging from the same insured. The changes on the liability of life insurance become the same direction with annuity and lead to more uncertain in later insurance period; We also discover that the indicator which used to evaluate the effect of natural hedging in the past has some defect, so we propose a new indicator which include three immunization goals. We find the new indicator can evaluate the natural hedging effect completely, then it may can help life insurers to avoid the cost of capital due to the unstable cash flow.
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評價擔保債權憑證與避險-隱含連繫結構模型 / Valuing and Hedging Collateralized Debt Obligations with the Implied Copula Model黃柏翰, Huang,Po Han Unknown Date (has links)
Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) represent one of the fastest-growing credit derivatives of the structured finance world. In January 2007, the law has been promoted so that CDOs can be issued in Taiwan, including CLOs and CBOs. Thus, we can expect that these two kinds of CDOs will be main products in short future.
There are many approaches to valuing CDOs, such as structural models, reduced-form models and credit barrier models. Copula models, which are sometimes classified as reduced-form models, represent the market standard for pricing CDOs. In this paper, we discuss the “implied copula model”, one approach implied from copulas. This is first written by John Hull and Alan White in October, 2006. Here, we discuss how the assumptions in the implied copula model can be released or changed. In our study, we use the CDX IG data on June 8, 2007, for calibration.
Besides valuing CDOs with implied copula, we use the adjusted implied copula approach to hedge. Since credit default swap (CDS) has become one of the basic credit products and CDOs are based from some set of CDSs, the CDO tranches and the CDSs must be arbitrage-free. By taking this idea into our model, our study shows that this approach can be used to hedge CDOs with CDSs. Moreover, we use implied copula to eliminate the arbitrage opportunity in Gaussian copula/base correlation approach. As valuing, we also use the CDX IG data on June 8, 2007, for calibration in our hedging model. Consequently, our results suggest that there is a hedging approach with better hedging effect, which is constructed according to Greeks of CDO tranches or according to classification by industries and credit ratings of the CDS names for CDOs.
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死亡率改善模型的探討及保險商品自然避險策略之應用陳文琴 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著醫療技術的進步、環境衛生的改善與人類追求健康生活型態的趨勢,全世界人類死亡率不斷逐年地下降中。但死亡率的下降不僅影響政府的社會福利政策,也影響到壽險公司對於未來的不確定性。例如在年金商品定價上,如果使用不適當的死亡率預測將會導致保險公司在未來現金流量上的不穩定,進而影響到公司的財務健全度。因此用來預估死亡率的模型便扮演著相當重要的角色。本研究首先透過Reduction Factor圖形觀察台灣、日本、美國、加拿大、英國與法國的歷年死亡率變動,之後再使用廣為人使用的Lee-Carter模型與其改善方法主成分分析方法(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)預估未來死亡率,最後再比較兩種方法在預測死亡率的表現。再透過計算年金商品與壽險商品的純保費部份,了解忽略死亡率變動趨勢所可能產生的影響。最後利用上述年金商品與壽險商品對於死亡率帶來的影響,討論保險公司在上述情形之下可以採取的最佳自然避險策略。
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兩岸關係中跨越制衡與搭便車策略:台灣的避險策略 / Cross-Strait relations beyond balancing-bandwagoning dichotomy畢雷克, Bilak, Pavlo Unknown Date (has links)
none / The thesis researches on the nature of the Taiwan’s mainland policy, particularly under the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou. The most important concern of the thesis is the problem of Taiwan’s response towards rising China. First, the balancing-bandwagoning concept of Stephen Walt is researched. Critique of the concept and alternative theories are also considered. Second, the balancing-bandwagoning hypothesis is applied towards the past and present of Taiwan’s mainland policy. The test of Walt’s hypothesis reveals its weaknesses and limitations as a research framework. Despite predictions of Walt, Taiwan doesn’t use pure balancing or pure bandwagoning in its approach towards China but rather applies mixed strategy containing elements of both balancing and bandwagoning. Taiwan’s mainland policy evolves and includes more and more elements of the bandwagoning preserving the essential opportunities for the balancing. This strategy can be called hedging. Third, the thesis develops the concept of hedging and researches on the nature of Taiwan’s hedging strategy. The current mainland policy of Taiwan is a combination of opportunity-seeking and risk-aversion. The changes and continuities in Taiwan’s mainland policy founded and the reasons for the transformation of the Taiwan’s mainland policy also established. The thesis also gives tentative predictions on the future of the Taiwan’s strategy towards rising China as well.
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