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員工分紅入股制度與生產力關聯性之研究-以台灣本地銀行為例 / Correlations between Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Productivity of Taiwan-based Banks張力文 Unknown Date (has links)
目前的薪資制度,逐漸由固定薪酬制度走向以績效為導向的分紅制或獎金制,冀望藉由激勵(incentive)措施,吸引高素質的優秀人才,提高勞動生產力,進而提升企業生產力。屬於團體薪酬制度的員工分紅入股制度係將績效與報酬的關聯性相互結合,促進勞資合作,員工不僅可以分享企業利潤,並可藉由股權的取得,成為公司股東,參與公司經營決策,員工與公司的利益一致,共同為提升公司生產力而努力。然而團體薪酬制度搭便車(free rider)的行為,卻會降低生產力。因此本文的研究目的在於員工分紅入股制度的生產力效果是否存在。
以往台灣對員工分紅入股制度與生產力關聯性之研究大都以電子產業為對象,而對於商品同質性高、產品差異程度小,亟需具有研發創新與技術能力之金融專業人才參與,方能提升競爭力的銀行業之研究卻付之闕如,因此本文以1997年至2005年台灣本地銀行之非平衡追蹤資料(unbalanced panel data),搭配固定效果模型(fixed effect model)進行員工分紅入股制度生產力效果的實證研究。研究結果發現,第一、員工分紅入股制度以虛擬變數衡量時,對台灣本地全體銀行的影響並不顯著,但在α=10%的顯著水準下,對民營銀行的生產力會有顯著的正向影響,此外,以平均每位員工現金分紅來衡量時,民營銀行的生產力效果亦為顯著正向,惟以現金分紅占全薪比率來衡量時,生產力效果則不顯著。第二、員工現金分紅對金融控股公司子銀行的生產力效果並不顯著。第三、平均每位員工股票分紅面值(市值)與股票分紅面值(市值)占全薪比率對台灣本地全體銀行生產力均有顯著的正向效果,顯示在台灣地區,股票紅利的激勵效果大於現金紅利的激勵效果,另股票分紅面值的生產力效果則大於股票分紅市值的生產力效果。
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富強與國際關系-清末貨幣制度之探討陳彥同 Unknown Date (has links)
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投資型保險消費者屬性分析及滿意度研究以A商業銀行為例 / Consumer profile and satisfactory of Unit-link product for a bank case蔡燦煌, Tsai ,Tsan Huang Unknown Date (has links)
根據本研究銀行分行購買投資型保險分析其客戶屬性: 投資型保險之平均保費與性別、年齡及區域是有差異化且彼此有顯著之交互作用,得到以下結論:
1. 被保險人性別,以女性購買為主,占62.85%。
2. 平均保費約為102.7萬,男生高於女生:109.1萬 > 99.3萬。
3. 被保險人年齡主要購買年齡為40歲至60歲,保費合計占54.94%,50歲以上的平均保費顯著高於整體平均保費,歸因於節遺產稅。
4. 以區域來看,北市的平均保費最高,高雄區最低。
5. 性別、年齡與區域彼此間有顯著的交互作用(p-value0.037<0.050)
1. 清楚找誰辦理手續:在研究之A銀行,客戶平均資產50萬以上就有專屬的理專服務,所以部份客戶有理專專人服務,ㄧ進分行就知道要找誰購買投資型保險,而有一些客戶沒有專人服務,ㄧ進去分行不知要去找誰,所以推測有可能被帶錯地方找錯人服務,因此可能花費較多的時間,所以「清楚找誰辦理手續」對於整體滿意度有顯著影響。
2. 清楚說明產品相關資訊:現在的消費者重視專業,尤其事涉消費者敏感財產增減,理專可不可以清楚說明產品相關資訊是很重要的。
3. 細心保護客人私人資料:在於A銀行會針對50萬以上的客戶提供ㄧ對ㄧ的服務,其他銷售通路及其他理專不能聯絡客戶,客戶的資料受到保護並不會受到過度及多人銷售之問題。
4. 各項作業處理速度快:現代人普遍耐性較差,對於作業處理速度是判斷專不專業之重要項目,所以節省時間也是影響滿意度的項目之一。
綜合以上研究,保險公司需要充分了解不同通路特性推出適合的商品,使得投資型保險的客群更廣;保險公司也需與通路一起加強人員投資理財相關專業知識及行銷技能,提高客戶滿意度。 / The First year premium(FYP)in bancassurance channel market share is only 1.5% in 1998. It is NTD 203 billion and the market share is 37.5%. Bancassurance grows fast in the few year and make a Taiwan. Especially unit linked insurance grows fast in bancassurance channel. There are many kinds of unit linked insurance and what kinds of customers prefer to buy them? The purpose of the study is to provide some ideas and solutions based on customers’ profile and satisfaction from analysis of real sales data. We hope that it’s helpful for unit linked insurance marketing.
According to the profile of customers who bought unit linked insurance in branches, there are difference among average premium, gender and living area, and there are significant intersection each other. The conclusion is:
1. Gender of the insured:The proportion of female is larger and it’s 62.5%.
2. Average premium is 1,027 thousand, male’s(1,091 thousand) is larger than female’s(99.3 thousand).
3. The age of the insured is mostly between 40 and 60 years old. Their total premium is about 54.94% of total premium. The average premium of the insured more than 50 years old is significantly larger than the average, and the reason is tax.
4. Living area:The average premium in Taipei is the highest and it’s lowest in Kaoshung.
5. There are significant intersection each other among gender, age and living area. (p-value0.037<0.050)
From customer satisfaction survey in buying unit linked insurance, we use statistics method to find out the significant related items with satisfaction in all items in questionnaire.
1. specific service:In the A bank we surveyed, customers whose average AUM is larger than 500 thousand(called Wealth management customers) have one-to-one financial advisory service. When customers come in a branch, some of them know to contact with their financial advisor, but others do not know. It cost more time in their financial service.
2. clear explanation about products:Customers think that profession is very important now, especially it’s related to their growth of asset. It’s very important if their financial advisors can explain related information about the products.
3. customer data privacy:In the A bank we surveyed, wealth management customers just can be sold product by their specific financial advisor. Other financial advisors or other sales channel can not get their information.
4. speed in operation process:the speed in operation process is the key item to check profession. Saving time in process is the item related to satisfaction.
In the other hand, we find out that the average scores of “well done in the bank’s promise” and “friendly” are the highest, but there are no significant related with satisfaction . It means that friendly service can not prove customer satisfaction in purchasing. Customers care about one-to one service, profession, personal privacy and speed in operation. So, “profession” is the key issue is wealth management field.
Insurance companies should understand different characteristics for different channel. They can launch suitable products for them to get widely customers in unit linked insurance. They also need to strengthen investment related professional knowledge and sales skill to enhance customer satisfaction with their distributors.
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中國銀行體系國際化與競爭力 / Internationalization and Competitiveness of China's Banking Sector王文愛 Unknown Date (has links)
3.如果有競爭力化下,中國銀行會變得如何? / This paper addresses the questions related to the internationalization of China’s banking sector and implications for the competitiveness in China’s banking sector: 1) How did internationalization exist in China’s banking sector? 2) Did internationalization successfully create the competitiveness in China’s banking sector? 3) With such phenomenon, what will be the implications towards China’s banking sector? Therefore, this paper first will propose a framework for recognizing the internationalization in the China’s banking sector by comparing the banking sector in China before and after its WTO entry. Secondly, it will examine the competitiveness in China’s banking sector by analyzing the four indicators: 1) financial liberalization, 2) technological progress, 3) rating by international rating agency, and 4) Economic Growth. Also this paper will examine the competitiveness of two major commercial banks: Bank of China (BOC) and China Construction Bank (CCB) as a case study by analyzing the three indicators. They are: 1) profitability, 2) non-performing loans ratio, and 3) expansion. Finally, this paper will discuss the prospects and challenges in China’s banking sector.
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銀行內部資金轉撥計價對績效之影響 / The Impact of Funds Transfer Pricing on the Performance of Departments in a Bank黃天涪, Huang, Tien-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:銀行、內部資金、轉撥計價、績效 / For the reason that banking industry is the indirectly connected main funds’agent institutions within the financial market, under the most perfect circumstances, deposits absorbed by all of the banks after deducting the reserve can be loaned out. When there are opportune and sufficient capital adequacy, under no predictions, the most ideal loan/deposit ratio should be one minus reserved rate. However, since the economic backgrounds and management environments are different in banks of various regional branches producing obvious differences in supplies and demands of funds, it is hard to completely balance out sources and uses of funds in the operating units. Thus, banks’ internal funds transfer pricing must be disposed properly to avoid occurrence of uncontrollable fund gap producing floating risks.
Furthermore, due to bank’s enormous organizational structure, other than headquarter, various sections, chambers and departments, there are branches everywhere. In order to smoothly achieve the overall goal of the bank, power distribution implementation must be penetrated. In another word, bank policy maker will be the basis for the bank’s overall goal. Separately, after the headquarter, various sections, chambers, departments and branches make their individual goals, through headquarter, various sections, chambers, departments and branches’achievement in their individual goals, will urge the realization of the bank’s overall goal. In order for each unit’s individual goal to be carried out and be executed to enable the success of the mechanism of power distribution system, the setting and
accomplishment of each individual goal must be connected with the examination, critique and reward of the achievements. Thus, how the internal bank division design or select a set of funds transfer pricing system to instruct the appropriate disposition of the entire bank’s funds while producing adequate inducement to raise high achievement to stimulate each unit to try their best in achieving the bank’s overall goal, has been the bank policy maker or asset-liability management department’s ardent subject of discussion. The motive of this research is through a systematic method, aiming at banks under different internal funds transfer pricing system, to make an all-round discussion on the influences the selection of various funds transfer pricing system has on various unit achievements.
Key words:Bank; Internal Fund; Transfer Pricing; Performance
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互聯網金融對商業銀行存貸業務的衝擊與其應對 / The Impacts of Internet Financial on the Deposit and Loan of Commercial Banks and Disposal付子童, Fu, Zi Tong Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文對商業銀行進行了SWOT分析,並依據商業銀行自身特點,為銀行未來的發展提出建議:通過業務、戰略、功能三方面的創新來應對嚴峻的競爭環境。并希望能為後來的讀者提供幫助。 / In recent years, there is a rapid growth on Internet Financial. The Internet companies have a great deal of user information so that they can provide financial services to the user base on their financial preferences. As the core of the domestic financial system, what kind of impacts the commercial banks will suffered gradually become the focus of academic attention. In this context, we select the commercial banks as our study to find strategies to deal with the impact of Internet Financial
In this paper, we are combing several business models of Internet Financial based on the former research. Apparently, Internet Financial has inevitable impact on the business of commercial banks as their businesses have overlap. Particularly, the bank deposits and credit loans are eroded by the Internet Financial products and P2P network lending. The data show that the business assets and liabilities of commercial banks have continued to decline in the early 2015.This paper draw the conclusion by the empirical and theoretical analysis: Internet Financial products will affect the bank deposit significantly in and shows negative correlation. The impact of P2P networks loans on bank credit loan is not significant as bank deposit, but it’s still one of the important reasons.
Finally, we use SWOT analysis to analyze commercial banks and make recommendations for the future development of the bank according to its own characteristics: through innovation of strategy, function and business to cope with the severe competitive environment. We are hoping to provide help to later readers.
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伊斯蘭銀行和一般銀行的比較研究:以甘比亞和英國為例 / Comparative Study on Islamic and Conventional Banks: Cases in The Gambia and United Kingdom杜荷萍, Drammeh, Habibatou Unknown Date (has links)
This research paper investigates the performance of Islamic and Conventional banks in The Gambia and United Kingdom for the periods 2008/2009 to 2012. Islamic banking is conceived by many as a recent phenomenon which in the last few decades attracted lots of attention and discussions. Islamic banking is a system of banking that is in consistent with Islamic law (Sharia). Islam does not allow the payment or acceptance of interest charges (Riba) in banking activities such as lending and depositing of money. Whiles Conventional banks deal with Interest, Islamic banks method of operation is strictly based on Sharia principles (profit, loss and risk sharing).
The objective of this study is to analyze and investigate the impact of the financial crisis on the performance of some Islamic and Conventional banks in The Gambia and United Kingdom. Financial ratios are used to measure Profitability, Liquidity and Financial Leverage of the banks. The empirical results of the analysis showed that the Islamic banks selected for the study generally fared better than their counterpart Conventional banks in terms of Liquidity and Financial Leverage during and after the financial crisis. Among other findings, the selected Conventional Banks in this study are found to be relatively more profitable than their peer Islamic banks from 2008/2009 to 2012.
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Basel III和Solvency II 對法國銀行系統的影響 / The impact of Basel III and Solvency II on the French banking system董坤騰, Quentin, Duquesne Unknown Date (has links)
Basel III和Solvency II 對法國銀行系統的影響 / Following the 2008 financial crisis and the 2010 European Sovereign crisis, regulators and supervisors were urged to improve and reinforce the regulation of the banking system in order to prevent and assist banks from failing and provoking a system-wide crisis. Similarly some measures have been taken to regulate and reinforce the insurance industry in the EU.
Basel III accords have been set up as an emergency measure and response to the financial crisis that hit the world in 2008 following a liquidity crisis that has started in 2007. Basel II framework had never been made to resist a system wide crisis and was not anymore effective in regulating the banking industry following the important deregulations that happened in the 2000s.
Similarly to Basel, the primary goal of Solvency II is to prevent (with a 99.5% probability or 1 chance over 200) a company from ceasing payments and/or going bankruptcy. It has therefore introduced a complete framework relying as well on three pillars which have been adapted to the constraints and specificities of the insurance industry.
Bank-insurances which are companies offering both insurance and banking services are therefore subject to both regulations. Moreover despite increasing their offerings, bank-insurer have to adapt to a complex maturing environment. The future of their business strongly depends upon their strategic choices regarding growth, profitability and mandatory compliance to regulation. They need to start and/or accelerate their transformation strategy in order to take into account this changing environment. The regulations are becoming more binding and therefore questioning the model of a global bank (as the banks have to increase their level of required capital). Despite these challenges, they still have an important role to play on the French Market.
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商業銀行現金管理業務的發展探討-以C銀行企業金融部門為例 / The study of commercial bank cash management service’s development-take the cooperate banking department of the C Bank as an example馬伯援 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究案例銀行企業金融部門在發展「現金管理業務」後,活期性存款之餘額、淨利息收入及手續費收入均大幅成長。不僅案例銀行獲利能力提昇,且因與重要客戶在資訊系統、營運模式與財務管理上之緊密結合,更強化了客戶關係與客戶經營。「現金管理」已成為案例銀行提高市場競爭力之核心業務。 / The current account deposit operation of traditional commercial banks is mainly based on settlement operation provided over the counter. Recently, Western banks have been trying to packaging different services, such like “Collection & Payment”, “Account management”, “Funding Planning”, “Information Inquires” and others to provide customized service to meet with client’s daily operational funding needs, which is so called “Cash Management Service”( The Service). The Service is very useful for the bank to serve good customers out of the stable deposit profit generated.
The Cash Management Service was initiated from the Western Banks. However, it has gained widespread discussion in the banking research of China over the recent years, in the fields of both practical and theoretical. Comparatively, although the domestic banks have also developed and applied related products, but there are still short of systematic research over the operation in Taiwan . The purposes of the research is to, via case study, analyze the current banking practice of the Service. In addition, it summarizes the current development of the Service operation in China Commercial Bank to discuss the subjective and objective condition limit, the operating risk, the potential market and further product development of the “the cash management service”.
After applying the Service, the subject bank has experienced huge growth in aspects of current deposit outstanding, net interest income and fee income. Other than increasing of profitability, it also tightens the relationship and preservation with the clients due to the closer arrangement to corporate customers in terms of information system, business model and financial management. The Cash Management Service has become the core business of the subject bank to enhance the market competitiveness.
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台灣信用管道與最適貨幣政策之探討 / The credit channel and optimal monetary policy: the case of Taiwan何佩螢, Ho, Pei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的是在動態隨機一般均衡模型當中,加入銀行體系,並以台灣的參數值加以模擬,進一步討論台灣的最適貨幣政策。首先以均衡解進行分析,討論銀行體系如何影響台灣的經濟體,另外,本文探討四種貨幣政策,包含貨幣總數法則,利率法則,其中利率法則包含三種目標:CPI膨脹率目標、國內商品物價膨脹目標及名目匯率目標,模擬結果發現央行使用貨幣總數法則對經濟體的福利大於其他法則,且有助於穩定產出、物價、匯率的波動,另外,提高資本的移動程度以及提高貿易開放程度並不會改變政策福利排序的結果。 / The objective of this paper is to investigate the optimal monetary policy of Taiwan by using a micro-based dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with the banking sector. The results of steady state show that how the banking sector affects the Taiwanese economy. Furthermore, comparing the performance of alternative monetary policies, the monetary aggregate growth rate rule leads to the highest welfare and lowest volatility of output, inflation rates and exchange rate. It may be the optimal monetary policy of Taiwan. Also, with high degree of capital market friction and highly open market, the rank of these rules is the same.
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