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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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紅酒進口商營運策略之研究-以小型進口商為例 / Business strategies of red wine importers-the case of small-sized frims

張綺芬, Chang, Chii Fen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國人對紅酒的品飲需求的增加,大街小巷林立的酒鋪也增加許多,從進口商的角度而言,進口商要用甚麼樣的方式才可以讓自己的酒銷售的好呢?如何才可以在這酒海中殺出重圍呢?要怎樣才可以讓消費者青睞呢?要進什麼地方的酒才有競爭力?要進什麼樣口味的酒呢? 目前國內對於葡萄酒相關方面的研究並不多,針對一個「贏」的策略是需要比較全面性的思考與架構,這也就是本研究所想要達到的目的。本研究的目的即在探討進口商是否能在一開始就可以做出正確的進口策略的選擇,以達到事倍功半的效果;當然這其中就包括了目標市場、產品、通路、 行銷方式以及價格的選擇與制定。 本文想探討的是小型或初進入台灣市場的葡萄酒專門進口商,希望從特定的目標市場客群來進行分析,從而找出其中的基本要素, 提供進口商在做進口策略規劃時有更明確的思考模式與方向。因此,本研究之問題可以歸納為:紅酒進口商之營運策略(包含進口國與進口酒品的選擇、定價、 推廣以及通路等相關策略)為何? 本研究為探討性個案研究,所採取的研究架構是從進口的環節開始,探討在現有市場環境下,一個專業葡萄酒進口商或是初進入市場的小型貿易商要如何進入市場,其進入市場之進口策略應該如何選擇,從何處開始會較有勝算,藉由研究架構來探討進入之規則。研究方法乃採用文獻探討與個案訪談,試圖厘清其中成功立足於市場之重要原理原則。 從進口商的資源開始,逐步探討其進口策略的各個重要面向,檢視其行銷組合與策略面的契合度,最後再確認其績效與策略面及行銷組合的結果是否與原定目標相符;希望能在這樣的研究架構下找出各不同類型進口商採用的策略與搭配的行銷組合,期能讓市場新進者有所參考。 本研究乃以個案研究(Case Study)為主要的研究方式。研究對象為本國內的 專業葡萄酒進口商,藉由不同型態的廠商來比較分析。因此,選擇廠商的標準為:(a)業界已有知名度,(b)進口並販賣多種葡萄酒,(c)有直營的店頭或門市,(d)有配合訪談之意願,(e)有網路推廣之經驗。 本研究發現作為一個小型的初階紅酒進口商之營運策略有幾個基本要件 : 1.專業知識的必要性高。 2.與國外溝通語言能力,英文是基本必要條件,若能有生產國當地語言幫忙如法文、 西班牙文、葡文、德文則是錦上添花。 3.資金是最重要的。 4.除以上三點外,業內經驗是加分但非必要性,擁有客群是加分會讓初期營運較快速順利,產品的品質則是基本必要條件無庸贅述,若品質不佳反而會遭致麻煩。 5.進口國與進口對象的選擇與掌握是一個關鍵因子。 6.目標市場的準確性,要就自己所處的環境先分析優劣勢,再來做市場的區隔而後訂出目標市場並定位之。 7.行銷組合(產品、價格、通路、推廣)是要互相搭配的,要看自己手上有甚麼市場需求來建立組合,彼此之間有高度的關聯性,不可以多頭馬車,信手拈來。 8.客戶關係的維護是很重要的。 作為一個專業的紅酒進口商,不只是將酒進口到國內就算了事,進口的動作只是其中的一個環節,最重要是事前的規劃,也就是將前前後後營運的所有環節全部要連貫起來,如此在貨品進口以後才能順利銷售出去,達到營運獲利的目標。 本節所提之八點研究結論或許不是創新的理論,但是經個案分析的結果, 很多的企業之所以成功或失敗,往往都不知道成在何處或敗在何方,在時勢環境變遷之後,還沿用過去的經驗從事,因此往往雷聲大雨點小,最後只有收場一途; 本研究之發現希望能為紅酒進口商在起始之初就設定了一個明確的方向與檢查表,讓許多的事情能事先就思考透徹,如此才易於邁向成功的坦途。 關鍵字:營運策略、資源基礎論、市場區隔、目標市場、產品定位、行銷組合、客戶關係管理、紅酒、進口商、進口國、進口對象。 / From the needs of wine increased in Taiwan area, many stores opened everywhere in the city, the importers wondered how they can sell better? What are the customers’ want? What wine has highly competition power? How is the market taste? There are less studies of wine in local, the purpose of this study is to find out a win-win strategy that can be told as thinking logics and frames. This study is trying to figure out can importers make the right import strategies from the initial stage, that means the choose and setting of Target Markets, Products, Promotions, Marketing Mix and Pricing. The questions of this study can be told as: Business Strategies of Red Wine Importers(including choose of import countries, wine varieties, pricing, promotion and place).This study analyze the specific target market of small sized firms or the beginners in Taiwan wine market, trying to get some key elements for the importers when doing import’s strategies; The case study start from the import stage, how a small sized firm or beginner wants to enter into local market, what is the enter strategies, from where will be the best, use the frame setting in Chapter Three to check the rules of enter, use the Literature brought in Chapter two and cases interview to find some important key factors. First, check the resources they have, check every faces of their import strategies, and see how the marketing mix fit or not, finally reconfirm is the performance meet with their strategies and marketing mix? Case study is the main research method of this study, interview objects set as local importers in Taiwan, selection criteria is :(a)named firms, (b)import many different wines, (c)has own shop, (d)willing to accept our interview, (e)experience of internet sell. We found eight points as a small sized Red Wine importers’ business strategies as following: 1.Professional knowledge is essential. 2.Language as communication tools, English is only the basic, others would be plus like French, Spanish, German, … 3.Funds are the most important. 4.Past experience in wine is good but not necessary, customer base will more helper in initial stage’s business running, products without quality will be a disaster. 5.Control and choose of import countries and objects is the key factor. 6.Accuracy of Target Market. 7.The smooth and correlation of the Marketing mix is high. 8.Customer Relationship Maintenance is important. To be a professional wine importers not only import the wine into the country but also needs the pre-planning when import, that means every step of business need highly coherent with,then the goods can be sold easily and smoothly to make money as purposed. This eight conclusions may not the first innovation, but it’s the analysis result of the real cases, most of the firms do not know the points where they success or failed, sometimes they use the old experiences as strategies and do not look at the now situation they faced, that’s why they lost the games; this study hope to use the eight basic elements that verified in the study to help the red wine importers from the very beginning, set them a right direction and a check list to help make things better. Key Words: business strategy, resource based view(RBV), market segmentation, target market, positioning, marketing mix, customer relationship management(CRM), red wine, importers, import country, import objective.

資料採礦於乘用汽車產業之顧客關係管理研究 / A Study of Data Mining on Automobile Industry’s Customer Relationship Management

陳竑廷 Unknown Date (has links)
國父 孫中山先生曾說:『民生的需要,從前經濟學家都說是衣、食、住三種。照我的研究,應該有四種:於衣、食、住之外,還有一種就是行。』,在各種交通工具中,最普及的就是汽車。汽車由貴族地位的象徵,發展至福特汽車公司一家獨大,最後演變為各大汽車品牌的競爭。更因消費者意識的改變,購買汽車時考慮的不再僅是量產速度、購買價格。在現今生產技術成熟,沒有一家汽車公司具壓倒性優勢的情況下,品牌的因素將會是消費者進行購買決策時一個重要的指標。 本研究欲透過國內六大汽車品牌之顧客關係資料,利用資料採礦模型,瞭解品牌形象、廣告印象及人口統計變數與購買意願之關係,進一步探討各汽車品牌之消費者忠誠度、客群分布與品牌差異,期能在汽車品牌公司百家爭鳴情況下,分析出消費者於不同汽車品牌之品牌知覺,提供汽車品牌之購買意願模型與後續研究參考。

不同管道之訊息說服效果之研究 – 以金融業為例 / A Comparison of the Persausive Effects of Messages Delievered through Different Channels – The Case of the Financial Industry in Taiwan

楊傑全, Yang, Chieh Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融業競爭日益激烈,在產品同質性高的情況之下,各家金融機構轉而透過服務來創造差異化利基並且盡力與顧客維持長久且深厚的關係,厚植競爭力。對於金融機構行銷人員來說,其透過提供符合期望之產品服務來使既有顧客重複購買使用,並選擇正確的溝通管道與顧客溝通,藉此增加顧客對該行的忠誠度,達到極大化顧客終身價值的顧客關係管理目標。 金融機構與顧客接觸的管道相當多元,從實體分行之臨櫃人員、理財專員、客服中心到虛擬之電子郵件、網路銀行與手機APP等。然而,過去卻少有研究探討金融機構在執行顧客關係管理活動時透過不同「溝通管道」與「溝通內容」對於顧客溝通訊息之說服效果差異。因此,本研究目的在於了解金融機構在執行顧客關係管理活動的訊息傳遞時,透過何種管道以及傳遞何種內容之訊息對於顧客會有最佳之說服效果,進而提升顧客關係管理之成效。本研究主要透過實驗設計與問卷發放來蒐集資訊。 研究結果有以下幾點;首先,顧客對於來自不同管道的「非個人化訊息」所認知之說服效果有差異,又以網路銀行的說服效果最佳。然而「個人化訊息」透過不同溝通管道傳遞,對於顧客卻沒有顯著差異的說服效果。其次,透過「電話」與「電子郵件」傳遞訊息時,搭配「個人化訊息」有顯著較佳的說服效果,其中電話的差異性較大。至於「網路銀行」不論搭配何種內容的訊息,對於說服效果無顯著差異,不過整體來說,使用網路銀行與顧客溝通時,說服效果皆大於其他溝通管道。 / As the competiton among financial industry in Taiwan is getting increasingly fierce, under the high product homogeneity, each financial instutution turns to create differentiation through service and tries hard to maintain a life-long relationship with cistomers. For financial marketers, they make customers purchase the product or use the service again and again not only by providing proucts and services which meets their expectations, but also choosing the right channel to communicate with customers. All the efforts are meant to increase cusomers’ loyalty and attain the goal of customer relationship management – maximize customers’ life-time value. There are multi channels for financial institutions to contact their customers, from physical channels including counter personnels, financial consultants and call center to virtual channels such as email, online bank and APP on mobile phones. However, few studies had discussed the difference of persuasive effects of messages delivered through “different channels” and “different contents” within when financial institutions implementing CRM activities. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to compare and understand by what channel and with what contents may have the best persuasive effects when sending messages to customers, in order to enhance the result of CRM.The main research method is experimental design and collecting data by questionnaires. The study result are shown below. First, the persuasive effect of “non-pesonalized” message delivered through different channels is significantly different, especially through “online bank” has the best persuasive effect. However, the persuasive effect of “pesonalized” message delivered through different channels has no differences. Second, delivering “pesonalized” message by “phone” and “email” has significantly better persuasive effect. Besides, using “online bank” to deliver messages, there is no difference of persuasive effect no matter what content within. But generally speaking, using online bank to communicate with customers, compared to other two channel, it has better persuasive effects.

先進客戶管理資訊系統之設計與實作—以出版產業為例— / The Design and Implementation of Customer Management Information System—Case Study of Publisher Business

劉濤, Albert T. Liu January 1991 (has links)
根據AMR Research的預估,全球的客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)市場規模,從1998年23憶美元,預估西元2003年將達到168憶美元。以及由2002年底Siebel推出的解決方案來看,CRM的趨勢將針對各種應用系統如何做好整合。 本研究之目的,旨在整合現有客戶關係管理相關文獻,與日商B公司多年來的經驗,以流程再造為出發點,從而設計出新的客戶管理資訊系統中之「銷售」、「行銷」以及「客戶服務」等機制,以解決舊系統不敷使用的問題,並且提供新商品線銷售與服務的機制,以及整合部份內外部系統。研究過程中實踐了系統開發生命週期(System Development Lifecycle)的理論進行新系統之分析、設計、開發、測試,並進一步分析與探討新系統實際上為B公司帶來的效益。以期對於國內企業因應快速發展的CRM趨勢,本系統的實現提供了國內其它產業進行CRM資訊系統建置過程的參考價值。 / According to the prediction of AMR research, the marketing scale of global Customer Relationship Management will be expected to rise from 2.3 billions in 1998 to 16.8 billions in 2003. Viewing the CRM solution of Siebel in the end of 2002, the trend of CRM will focus on how to integrate other hundreds of applications. The objective of this study is to integrate the related references of present CRM and the publisher industry experiences within a Japanese company B. On the basis of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) theory, we design the Sales, marketing, and customer services in the new CRM system in order to solve the problems on the legacy system, to provide the new sale channels and services mechanism of new product line and to integrate parts of the inner and 3rd party information system. During the research process, we accomplished the theorem of System Development Lifecycle to analyze, design, develop, and test of the new system. And further analyze and discuss of the benefit to company B from the the new system. In order to match the trend of the rapid growth in the CRM market for local enterprises, this system supplied the referenced value during building the CRM information system for other local enterprises. / 目 錄 摘要……..………………………………………………………… I 目錄………….…………………………………………………… II 表目錄……………………………………………………………. IV 圖目錄………………….………………………………………… V 第一章 緒論………………….…………………………………... 1 1.1. 研究背景與動機……….……………………………… 1 1.2. 研究目的與範圍………………………………………. 3 1.3. 研究方法與論文結構………………………………….. 4 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………6 2.1顧客關係管理系統………………………………………..……6 2.2企業資訊系統整合………………………………….…..…..…10 2.3企業策略委外…………………………………………….……12 2.4企業流程再造…………………………………………….........13 第三章 案例背景與解決方案………………………………..….15 3.1案例背景分析…………………………………………………16 3.1.1 舊系統功能……………………………………….…...17 3.1.2 舊系統業務流程………………………………………25 3.1.3 舊系統流程分析………………………………………27 3.2 解決方案……………………………………………………...29 3.2.1 新系統流程分析………………………………………30 3.2.2 新系統功能設計重點…………………………………31 3.2.3 預期效益………………………………………………33 3.3 技術需求分析………………………………………………...34 3.3.1 系統分析與設計方法…………………………………34 3.3.2 技術選用………………………………………………41 第四章 系統架構…………………………………..…………….44 4.1系統分析………………………………………………..……..44 4.1.1 業務流程圖……………………………………………45 4.1.2 Data Modeling………………………………………….50 4.2 系統設計……………………………………………………...57 4.2.1平行設計……………………………………………….58 4.2.2 MVC設計概念………………………………………...59 4.2.3 系統雛形……………………………………………....62 4.2.4其他系統整合介面…………………………………….68 4.2.5系統架構圖…………………………………………….69 4.3 系統開發………………………………………………….…..71 4.3.1 Web功能模組……………………………………….....72 4.3.2 批次模組………………………………………………74 4.4 系統測試……………………………………………………...76 4.4.1系統整合測試………………………………………….77 4.4.2使用者接受度測試…………………………………….81 4.5 系統上線……………………………………………………...82 4.5.1教育訓練……………………………………………….82 4.5.2上線計畫……………………………………………….82 4.6 系統開發相關技術…………………………………………...86 4.7 效益評估……………………………………………………...91 第五章 結論與後續研究方向…………………………………..98 5.1 結論…………………………………………………………..98 5.2後續研究方向…………………………….…………………..99 參考文獻………………………………….………………….101 表目錄 表2-1 四大巨人CRM解決方案的銷售與趨勢分析表…………………………...8 表3-1 銷售系統功能簡述………………………………………………………….17 表3-2訂戶資料管理功能簡述……………………………………………………..19 表3-3 契約(訂單)管理功能簡述…………………………………………………...20 表3-4 債權管理功能簡述………………………………………………………….22 表3-5催款管理功能簡述…………………………………………………………..22 表3-6發貨管理功能簡述…………………………………………………………..23 表3-7舊系統功能分析……………………………………………………………..24 表3-8新系統解決方案重點………………………………………………………..29 表3-9新系統各部門人員動作概要說明…………………………………………..30 表3-10流程分析策略分析表………………………………………………………36 表3-11軟體生命週期模式比較表…………………………………………………38 表 3-12 系統建構模式與軟體品質評析表………………………………………..42 表3-13 J2EE與 .Net比較表……………………………………………………….43 表4-1 Table Schema 範例…………………………………………………………..52 表 4-2 系統測試分類表……………………………………………………………76 表4-3 Unit Test測試案例…………………………………………………………...79 表4-4 SIT測試案例………………………………………………………………...80 表4-5 上線計畫表執行細項……………………………………………………….84 圖目錄 圖1-1研究方法……………………………………………………………………….5 圖3-1舊系統功能架構圖一(依子系統) ……………………………………………18 圖3-2舊系統功能架構圖二(依部門) ………………………………………………18 圖3-3 舊系統訂購/出貨流程……………………………………………………….26 圖3-4 新系統訂購/出貨流程圖…………………………………………………….31 圖3-5 ERD範例……………………………………………………………………..35 圖3-6 應用系統平行開發的方……………………………………………………..40 圖3-7 系統雛形設計流程圖………………………………………………………..41 圖4-1 B公司整體業務流程圖………………………………………………………45 圖4-2 客戶註冊/訂購流程………………………………………………………….46 圖4-3個人資料變更流程……………………………………………………………46 圖4-4 訂單內容變更………………………………………………………………..47 圖4-5 信用卡入金流程……………………………………………………………..47 圖4-6 退款流程……………………………………………………………………..48 圖4-7 客戶服務……………………………………………………………………..48 圖4-8 物流再發送流程……………………………………………………………..49 圖4-9 名條列印與線上分析報表流程……………………………………………..49 圖4-10 Conceptual Data Model (E-R with Entity) ………………………………….51 圖4-11 Conceptual Data Model Sample(E-R with attributes)……………………….52 圖4-12 亞洲共通版系統設計概念圖………………………………………………58 圖4-13 各子系統功能概要圖……………………………………………………....59 圖4-14 i18n的技術應用範例……………………………………………………….60 圖4-15第一層級Prototype範例(訂單) ……………………………………………63 圖4-16第二層級Prototype範例(訂單) …………………………………………..64 圖4.17第三層級Prototype範例(訂單) …………………………………………..65 圖4-18新系統架構圖……………………………………………………………..69 圖4-19系統硬體部署圖…………………………………………………………..70 圖4-20 JDBC Connection Pooling Module………………………………………..88


黃世淵, HUANG, SHIH-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
處方藥品市場是屬於道德產業,藥廠的醫藥行銷人員與醫院醫生之間是一種長期夥伴關係,需要醫藥行銷人員一對一提供產品知識與後續醫療上的服務。今日藥廠行銷人員不僅需面對日趨嚴厲的市場環境,如總額給付所引起的醫院節流方案與藥品議價壓力,亦需遵守來自公司內部及產業的自律道德規範。藥廠行銷人員所面臨的最大挑戰,是如何一方面持續提昇醫藥專業能力以做好關係行銷,一方面運用最新科技協助進行顧客關係管理,以達成公司所設定的目標。本論文將就處方藥品市場下的關係行銷與顧客關係管理進行探討。 關鍵字:關係行銷、顧客關係管理、處方藥品市場、西藥產業 / Prescription market is defined as an ethical industry. The PSR (Pharmaceutical Sales Representative) of pharmaceutical company have to keep the long-term partnership with doctors and hospital. The PSR not only face the drug pricing deduction pressures come from BNHI/Hospital, but also the ethical behavior requested by company internal and pharmaceutical industry. The most challenge of PSR is how to execute the relationship marketing well by enhance their own professional knowledge. Besides, how do they reach sales goal in using the new Internet Technology to accomplish the customer relationship management. The thesis will focus on the probe of relationship marketing and CRM in prescription market. Key words: Relationship Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and Prescription Market, Pharmaceutical Industry

機器學習在顧客關係管理之應用-以汽車服務個案為例 / A case study on machine learning for customer relationship management in service industry

何元君, Ho, Yuanchun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,基於機器學習技術的資料分析工具在顧客關係管理領域已被廣為使用。過去的相關研究文獻大多著重於高交易頻次、與客戶互動頻繁的產業,諸如金融、電信、零售業等,但對於具有相反產業特性的服務業等則是缺乏著墨。本研究希望透過案例研究的方式,完整呈現企業如何實際將基於機器學習技術的資料分析工具應用於顧客關係管理業務的過程,以及這些新技術如何幫助企業提升顧客關係管理的成效。本案例使用行動研究方法來歸納、分析、整理整個專案的過程與結果,文末總結本案例於作業、管理以及策略層面的管理意涵與建議。本研究使用的資料來源為台灣一間大型汽車經銷商的資訊部門與其旗下的服務廠,總共包含了約273萬筆資料。利用於微軟Azure平台上的決策樹模型分析資料,產出高購買機率的顧客推薦名單,服務廠的技師可以針對名單上的顧客推銷,不僅能有效提高推銷的成功率,節省第一線技師的時間,還能夠提升技師以及顧客的滿意度。最後本研究的結果顯示,運用機器學習技術產出的推薦顧客名單,確實能夠幫助本案例公司於顧客區隔以及顧客發展,並達成更有效的顧客關係管理。 / Data-mining tools and machine-learning techniques have long been used in customer relationship management (CRM), including for customer retention in the financial, retail, and telecommunications industries. However, research on machine learning for CRM in service industries remains rare. Accordingly, this paper uses action research to arrive at a holistic understanding of the process of applying machine learning-based data mining in a specific service-sector business, and whether, how, and how much these novel techniques can help it improve its customer relationships. Key areas of interest include operational, managerial and strategic decision-making processes. Based on approximately 2.73 million rows of data collected from a large car dealership’s IT department and its vehicle-maintenance plants, Microsoft Azure’s boosted decision-tree model generated lists of recommended customers. Such lists could be used by the company to increase the success rates of its promotional activities and to decrease both the overall duration and frequency of technicians’ involvement with promotion. This in turn could lead to more efficient and effective frontline operations, and increased satisfaction not only among customers but also among technicians. In short, machine learning-based recommended-customer lists helped the company achieve more effective CRM through better customer segmentation and customer development.

雲端服務中銷售員支援之研究 / A study on sales force support in cloud service

翁玉麟 Unknown Date (has links)
客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)藉由各種資訊技術來留住客戶,以產生更多的商業價值。然而,許多文獻指出,CRM系統的失敗率很高,尤其是CRM主要的核心能力--銷售員自動化(Sales Force Automation, SFA)。研究指出改善的方式包含更好的管理支援、培訓、系統易用性和強烈的使用動機等等。接續此建議,本文提出了一個銷售員支援(Sales Force Support, SFS)系統,藉由線上分析處理(Online Analytical Processing, OLAP)、資料採礦(Data Mining, DM)和雲端服務(Cloud Service)等技術,協助彙整及提供支援銷售員的客戶推薦 (Customer Recommendation)和自我績效評估(Self Evaluation)功能,以刺激更好的銷售能力、滿足客戶與管理。可望提高系統的易用性和業務人員的使用動機,藉以橋接銷售員和管理人員之間的差異。為了評估推薦功能之適用性,本論文也發展一套驗證指標,並採用一套隨機數學模型(Stochastic Mathematical Model),作為強化推薦預測之嘗試。 / Customer Relationship Management (CRM) adopts various information technologies to retain and attain customers in order to generate more business values. However, the earlier studies indicate the failure rate for CRM systems is high and it’s even higher for Sales Force Automation (SFA), a major core in CRM. They usually suggest the enhancement in better management support, more training, user friendliness, and usage motivation, and so on. Following the suggestions, this research proposes a Sales Force Support (SFS) system to integrate technologies like OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), Data Mining (DM), and cloud service, etc. to provide supporting information in customer recommendation and self-evaluation, in order to better stimulate sales and satisfy customer and management. The objectives can be achieved by enhancing the user friendliness and usage motivation, and bridging the differences between sales force and management. To evaluate the fitness of recommendation function, a set of validation measures is also developed. In addition, a stochastic mathematical model is also attempted to enhance the recommendation prediction.

企業導入顧客關係管理決策之研究 / Decision on Adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Enterprises

陳巧佩, Chen, Chiao-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著競爭環境日漸嚴苛,顧客需求日趨多元,企業需要有更有效率的方式來管理與顧客間的關係,顧客關係管理CRM(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)成為企業關心的熱門議題。但過去的學者研究中,僅止於針對影響企業導入&系統與否之決策進行研究,然而CRM對於企業經營顧客關係之重要性已被企業所認同,同時面對如此牽涉到龐大人力、資金,與時間投入的系統導入計畫,在導入過程中仍會面臨許多重要決策,因此本研究將針對響導入過程的相關因 數,並經由個案研討的實際驗證,提出具解釋力的理論架構。 經由過去文獻的整理,本研究以Rogers(1983)的創新擴散模型為基礎,將影響CRM導入過程的因素分為認知階段的環境面與組織面因素,以及說服階段認知的創新特質,另外系統供應商及顧問公司則扮演特殊的角色,同時在說服、決策及實行階段皆產生影響。其中環境面又包含競爭強度,需求不確定性及產業環境變化速度;組織面因素包含規模、結構化程度、以及高階主管態度。而認知的創新特質則包含相容性以及系統特性。另外則以資訊與資料的蒐集、累積與儲存、吸收與整理、展現與應用等為被影響的研究變數。並選取目前導入最積極的產業中之標竿企業,包含證券、人壽、行動電話系統業者、電子電腦公司,及網際網路服務提供業者等六家企業,進行深入之訪談,期能從這些正在導入的公司之經驗裡,發現可供參考與依循的準則。 經由對個案公司的深入訪談之後,本研究之研究架構有重大修正。認知階段的影響因素除了環境與組織構面仍存在外,從組織構面中抽離複雜度,並與產品特質、顧客基礎,公司依賴業務人員推廣業務及提供服務的程度共同組成新構面—業務面因素,而系統與顧問公司的選擇則成為企業採用CRM系統時重要的決策因素之一。更重要的是,本研究經由訪談對探討主題有更廣泛而完整的延伸,導入過程可以導入積極度、建置組織,以及建置方式來描述。導入積極度代表導入的速度;建置組織裡包含以專案小組的方式來推動,以及高階主管的參與程度;建置方式則包含CRM要素的建置優先順序、以及委外程度。 研究發現,環境面的因素與組織面的因素皆同時影響到CRM導入過程的積極度及建置方式裡的優先順序;而新增的業務面的因素則同時對CRM導入過程的積極度及建置方式裡的優先順序及自建或委外的選擇有較顯著影響。至於認知的創新特質中,不論是專案管理或是高階參與,其影響到的皆為CRM在建置單位上的特性。而協力單位則因為企業對於系統特性的要求有所不同,而同時成為決策結果與影響導入方式的變數。 本研究期望能藉由結合學術理論與實務應用的方案,提供給正在導入或評估規劃中的企業實用的考慮方向與實際例證,以協助企業在導入過程中自我檢測,選擇最適當的導入程序及設計組織關的配套措施,俾使導入過程順利而達到預期目標。 / To cope with the current increase in both competition and customer requirements, enterprises need more efficient methods to manage their relationships with customers. Previous researches focused mainly on the factors affecting the decision whether or not to adopt the CRM system. As the importance of CRM pertaining to management of relationships with customers has been recognized, meanwhile, with regard to implementation of the extensive software which involves investment of massive human resources, capital, and time, many critical decisions still need to be concerned. This research aims at extracting relevant factors affecting the adoption process and proposes a convincing framework verified by an empirical case study. The research in this study is based on the Innovation Diffusion Model of Rogers (1983) and divides factors affecting the CRM adoption process into knowledge and persuasion stages with environmental and organizational factors in the knowledge stage, and perceived characteristics of innovation in the persuasion stage, while system suppliers and consulting firms as joint associates. Environmental factors include competition intensity, demand uncertainty, and industry changing speed. Organizational factors consist of size, structure, and managerial attitude. Perceived characteristics of innovation are composed of compatibility and system characteristics. Data collection, data storage, data mining, and data visualization work as independent variables. Six companies in securities, life insurance, cellular telephone system, electronics and computers, and the Internet service provider industry were selected as study cases. However, the research frame was revised after investigation. In the knowledge stage, complexity is extracted and integrated with product attribute, customer base, and corporation dependence on sales representative to form one integrated factor called business. Moreover, the independent variables are amended to be more extensive, including adoption activeness, constructing section, and constructing manner. The research shows that environmental and organizational factors affect adoption activeness and priority; and that the business factor influences adoption activeness, adoption priority, as well as outsourcing decisions. Project management and managerial participation representing a CRM constructing section are affected by perceived characteristics of the innovation. Through the integration of theory and empirical data , this research hopes to provide direction for examining the CRM adoption process and organization design, so as to facilitate the fulfilling of the adoption objective.

線上常見問題解答系統的改進-代理人程式觀念的應用 / Improvement on On-Line FAQ Answering System: The Application of Agent System Concepts

溫鳳祥 Unknown Date (has links)
顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,縮寫為CRM)是近來十分熱門的觀念,而關係行銷是此觀念在行銷上的實際應用。關係行銷的理論認為如果企業能蒐集顧客的詳盡資訊,並據此開發出個人化的行銷計劃,就可以有效地提昇顧客的滿意度,使其成為企業的忠實客戶,為企業帶來長期性的收益。   在行銷活動中,售後服務是維持顧客滿意度的重要環節。本研究以售後服務中的產品常見問題集(Frequently Asked Questions,縮寫為FAQ)為主題,實作一個FAQ導覽與維護的雛型系統。使用者可以在系統的協助下,瀏覽與產品有關的FAQ,若找不到想要的資訊,則可以提出新的問題,要求公司為其解答。   本系統運用代理人程式的觀念,協助FAQ導覽與新問題處理工作的遂行,並利用社群討論的方式,為顧客提出的新問題尋求解答。為了讓企業重視FAQ的維護工作,本研究試圖將FAQ的維護責任與公司的客服體制作初步的結合,其作法是將新問題的處理責任加諸於公司的員工,並由公司主管監督其工作進度。藉由這些努力,本研究希望塑造出一個良好的FAQ服務環境,使得顧客與企業能互蒙其利。 / Customer relationship management (CRM) has become a very popular concept recently. Relationship marketing is one of its application in marketing area. The relationship marketing theory claims that collecting detailed information about customers and developing customized marketing plans for individual customers can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty significantly, and organizations will benefit from this strategy in the long term.   Post-sale service (or after-sale service) is a vital part of marketing activities for maintaining customers' satisfaction. This study focuses on product FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in the post-sale service category and implements a prototype system which would allow FAQ navigation and maintenance on the Internet. Users can browse product-related FAQs with assistance from the system. If they cannot find satisfying information, they could issue new requests, and the organization would then resolve them.   The system applies software agents to assist the process of FAQ navigation and answering of new questions. Customers' requests can also be solved by a community-discussion approach. To force organizations to pay more attention to post-sale service, this study tries to incorporate FAQ maintenance into customer services by requiring employees to answer any raised questions, and allowing the managers to monitor the performance of those employees. Through such efforts, this study establishes a FAQ service environment and creates a win-win situation for both customers and organizations.


俞佩伶 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣汽車市場從1990年起便邁入成熟期,年銷售量約40~55萬台,每公里道路的汽車數155.9台,遠高於美、日等國。由於國內經濟成長趨緩、地狹人稠,未來市場擴充性有限,12家汽車製造廠間的競爭激烈可期。而2002年起台灣加入WTO後,國產車業者受到關稅降低、進口地區限制取消等措施的影響,生存空間飽受威脅,但台灣汽車業者的因應之道卻相當有限,因為產品原始設計控制在國外技術合作對象手中,自己可以設計改型的空間及能力有限,在生產和配送上的效率也幾乎發揮到極致,最後的競爭優勢應該在行銷及服務方面。所以近幾年來,部分汽車業者便積極導入顧客關係管理,希望將過去以產品為主的思維模式轉為以顧客服務為主的思維模式,和顧客建立長期且親密的關係,以提高顧客滿意度。   本研究針對Mitsubishi、Toyota、Nissan等台灣前三大汽車品牌,瞭解同一品牌之製造商與經銷商如何一起推動顧客關係管理,各汽車品牌業者在推動顧客關係管理之異同點,以及造成此異同點之原因等。根據國內外相關文獻的論述,本研究認為企業所重視的顧客生命週期階段、整個服務傳送系統內所有成員的權力關係,以及組織特有的資源條件,均可能影響該企業或整個服務傳送系統之顧客關係管理的規劃內容,因此透過對國內三大汽車品牌業者的觀察與訪談,歸納出下列發現:   一、台灣汽車業者已處於企業穩定發展階段或是產品成熟期的市場,使得顧客關係管理偏重在維繫及強化既有的顧客關係,一般是在核心產品之外,提供可以促進交易便利的顧客服務及降低顧客成本的產品組合。   二、由於顧客資料記錄不完整且維護不易,難以透過統計分析找出隱藏在龐大顧客資料背後的知識,使得台灣汽車業者較少投入在維持有價值的顧客或是重新找回曾離開過的顧客,也就是說較少導入行銷方面的顧客關係管理功能。   三、顧客關係管理的投資報酬率並非短期立現,但為了儘速看到成果,以強化主事者的推動決心,台灣汽車業者多半從與顧客互動程度較高、較容易看到改善成效的銷售及顧客服務方面的顧客關係管理項目著手。   四、汽車業者擁有較長的利益持續期間及服務傳送持續期間,使得單純的價格誘因,或是財務結合差異化服務的社交方式都不易具有維繫長期顧客關係的效果,因此台灣汽車業者會傾向運用財務、社交與結構結合的方式,也就是將資訊技術與整個服務傳送過程結合起來,建立使用習慣而提高顧客忠誠度。   五、台灣汽車業者在推動顧客關係管理時,往往涉及整個體系的組織、作業流程、資訊系統的變革,因此由該體系內權力基礎較豐厚的製造商或代理商負責整體規劃與導入,不過該體系製造商或代理商所擁有的相對權力優勢,則會影響整體顧客關係管理計畫的順利導入與否。   六、各汽車業者賴以成功的策略重點(e.g.生產或行銷)、財務能力、流程整合等資源條件,也會影響顧客關係管理的整體規劃方向及計畫的順利導入與否。 / Taiwan's auto industry has come to maturity from 1990. Limited by the lower economic growth rate and the heavier vehicle density, 12 automakers are in fierce competition with others for market share. In addition, Taiwan's auto industry is confronted with competition force by global autos since Taiwan being the membership of WTO in Jan, 2002. Considering the limited capability in design and the limited improvement in production and distribution, Taiwan's automakers realize that marketing and servicing are the keys to survive and success in the long run. Nowadays, some of the Taiwan's automakers and dealers are engaged in adopting CRM system to improve the customer satisfaction.   This research is empirical analysis of the Top3 auto brands in Taiwan. It aims at the study of how automakers and dealers under the same brand cooperating with others in adopting CRM, and what and why the differences the three auto brands having in adopting CRM. After reviewing some literatures, this research divides factors affecting the CRM adopting into customer life cycle stages which firms emphasize, the interfirm power in channel relationships, and firms' specific resources.   The findings in this empirical analysis are as follows:   1.Facing the stable and maturity stage for the auto industry, Taiwan's automakers and dealers focus on the sustenance and enforcement of customer relationships in adopting CRM system. They prefer to deliver the product mix with convenient customer services or lower searching cost not included in the core product.   2.Because of some unavoidable faults in customer records, automakers and dealers can't easily find specific information from data warehouse. It makes Taiwan's automakers and dealers less focus on the maintenance of valuable customers or winning back customers who have defected or are planning to. Maybe we can say that Taiwan's automakers and dealers less focus on the marketing in adopting CRM system.   3.It takes long time to show the benefit of adopting CRM system, so Taiwan's automakers and dealers prefer to setup sales and services supporting functions in adopting CRM system that heavily interact with customers and can easily show the improvement on customer relationships.   4.Auto industry offers the products and services with long duration of benefits and long duration of service delivery, automakers and dealers would like to bundle the functions of finance, society and structure. They link IT and service deliver processes to build customer-using model, and finally increase the customer loyalty.   5.The channel members with power advantage will take charge of the planning in adopting CRM system. In Taiwan's auto industry, makers or agents own the power advantages. In addition, the relative power advantages that makers or agents own influence the schedule of auto brand in adopting CRM.   6.Success strategy for some time past, financial ability, intergrated process, etc., also influence the schedule of auto brand in adopting CRM.

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