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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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徐翊芳 Unknown Date (has links)
網路銷售模式與傳統實體銷售模式的不同之處,在於企業整個服務型態及整個服務方式的展現。而在強調顧客導向與知識經濟的今日,本研究對目前台灣同時進行兩種銷售模式的企業進行顧客資本管理制度之研究,期提供予未來亦想同時採取兩種銷售管道之企業作為參考。 本研究透過深度訪談、實地走訪公司網站及店面並輔以小規模問卷發放,研究結果發現: (1)兩銷售模式之共同重要顧客資本為掌握顧客需求能力、行銷溝通投入、顧客資訊系統建置、服務顧客能力、顧客滿意及顧客忠誠、顧客資訊回饋6項次構面下之25項指標。 (2)基於網路銷售與實體銷售之特性不同,導致兩銷售模式所重視之顧客資本有不同點。 (3)基於網路銷售與實體銷售之特性不同,導致所重視的顧客資本指標不同,且進一步影響重要顧客資本之CRM活動,而產生差異。 (4)企業在兩種不同銷售模式下,除了應掌握重要之顧客資本外,尚應設置適當的重要顧客資本之CRM活動,以幫助顧客資本之蓄積。


郭諺倫 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的普及帶來前所未有的衝擊,企業已無法僅埋首於舊日致力於生產、營運效率、降低成本的觀念中。因為生產再多產品,降低再多成本,最終若無顧客消費,則一切都是白費,毫無利潤可言。企業終究係以營利為目的,顧客才是企業存活與否的關鍵。   公司內部流程之良窳,因傳遞著服務品質,連帶地影響顧客滿意。因此,應以「顧客想要的價值」為出發點來設計適切的服務及內部流程,才能為顧客提供更加值的服務。   而內部流程又有賴員工之執行,從市場調查、資訊收集、顧客分析、到之後的績效追蹤、改進等整個動態循環中,「人」在其中扮演了極為重要的角色,需有正確觀念的員工加以執行方能顯出功效。最近深受重視的平衡計分卡亦強調,透過員工之學習成長面以及企業內部流程面的改善,有助企業於與顧客之關係。   本研究即利用個案及實證研究方式探討內部程序面、員工面與顧客面之相互關係。以個案研究探討顧客面之結果如何推動內部程序面與員工面之因應、預防及改善;實證研究則分析內部程序面與員工面中影響顧客面之因素,以對症下藥,幫助顧客關係管理;從而再依據改善後之情形,得到新的顧客面結果、新的內部程序與員工面的因應、預防及改善,持續進行動態之相互影響。歸納結論如下:   一、透過個案瞭解企業幫助顧客關係管理之各項手法,從顧客資訊之掌握與分析開始,配合公司策略,整合服務資源,並持續施予員工教育訓練,加上定期的品管圈改善,最後透過各項評估衡量,不但員工的努力得到回饋,整體改善過程中所獲得的資訊也回饋到顧客資料庫中,形成一動態循環系統。   二、實證部分則以數據進行驗證。其結果顯示,內部程序面與員工面確實影響顧客滿意度,可針對萃取出的動因(driver)加以預防管理或改善,以幫助顧客關係管理。而顧客滿意與否,亦確實影響公司財務績效。 / The spread of information technology brings the effect never seen before, and the enterprises could not only stick to the viewpoints of production, operating efficiency, and cost-down. It wouldn't have any profit without customers. Since an enterprise engages in making profit finally, the customer's satisfaction is the key to survive.   While the goodness or badness of an enterprise's internal process delivers the service quality, the service quality affects the customer's satisfaction. Therefore, an enterprise should design the appropriate internal process to create the value that customers want.   And because the internal process is executed by the employee, the employee plays an important role in the whole internal process circle, such as marketing survey, information collection, customer analysis, and further performance tracing. The successful result of customer relationship management needs the employee who has correct customer relationship management concepts. Balanced scorecard also emphasizes that the learning and growth dimension of the employee and the internal process dimension of the enterprise will be helpful to the relationship between the enterprise and customer.   The research uses case and empirical study to investigate the relationship among the customer, internal process, and employee dimensions. The case study searches how the customer dimension pushes the responses, preventions and improvements in the internal process and employee dimensions. The empirical study analyses the drivers of the internal process and employee dimensions which affect the customer dimension. By understanding theses drivers, it will be helpful to customer relationship management. And according to new customer dimension results, new responses, preventions and improvements of the internal process and employee dimensions begin again. They continue to influence each other. The conclusions of this research are listed as follows:   1. We can understand various management methods which are helpful to customer relationship management by case study. At the beginning, an enterprise must understand and analyze thoroughly customer information, then correspond to enterprise's strategy to integrate service resources, hold continuous employee trainings, carry out periodical quality control circle, and finally evaluate various performances. Not only do employees get the rewards, but also customer information feedbacks to customer information database. It turns out to be a dynamical circle.   2. The empirical results show that internal process and employee dimensions indeed affect the customer's satisfaction. Managing and improving drivers which affect the customer's satisfaction will be helpful to customer relationship management. And the customer's satisfaction also affects service revenues.

非營利組織顧客研究-以臺北市晚晴婦女協會為例 / The non-profit organization study -Warm Life Association

許文青 Unknown Date (has links)
據內政部統計資料顯示2006年臺灣有六萬四千五百四十對夫妻離婚,平均每天有一百七十七對夫妻「一拍兩散」,大約每兩對佳偶中就有一對離婚,離婚率高居亞洲第一。「婚姻問題」是目前臺灣社會中相當重要的議題,也導致因男女離婚而衍生的家庭社會問題正在不斷發生。 然身為長期提供陷入婚姻困境的婦女們,一個求助和傾訴管道的臺北市晚晴婦女協會,從2004到2007年,這四年裡每年入會新增人數卻每下愈況。 針對此狀況,本研究以消費者需求調查面向著手,了解晚晴協會內會員與非會員的服務需求、滿意度以及入會參考依據等。本研究同時認為關係行銷的概念,有助於非營利組織與包括會員與非會員的諮詢個案,保持良好且長期性關係。藉由本研究發現的結論,確立該組織與會員之間關係,提升會員對於組織的參與度以及促使非會員積極加入晚晴協會之可行性探討。 / According to the statistic released in 2006 by The Ministry of Interior, about 170 couples in Taiwan confronted marriage issue every day. In other words, one of two couples will divorce after getting married. It is also the highest rate among Asia countries. “Marriage” and “Family” relationship in Taiwan have become serious social issues nowadays. Warm Life Organization thus is set up to provide a communication and support platform to help women who are dealing with different marriage and family issues. However, this strong and well-known social functions did not drive more new membership into the organization, moreover, the total membership number between 2004 to 2007 has significantly drop down every year. The purpose of this thesis aims to discover customer needs, customer satisfaction and customer participation between organization with members and non-members. Meanwhile, this research adopts the concept of relationship marketing as a major channel to build up a long-term reliability and relationship between organization as well as members or non-members. This research further suggests possible membership maintenance methods, more membership participation opportunities and driving force to encourage new blood according to the survey result.

客戶行為與市場導向之研究-以個案AL化妝品公司為例 / The study of customers' shopping behavior in a market-oriented strategies - the case for AL cosmetics company

林傑堂 Unknown Date (has links)
處於快速多變的環境中,人們除了喜歡高科技、高效率的產品之外,對於服務的品質也越趨要求,因此各大產業開始重視顧客關係,進而發展出顧客關係管理,尤其對服務業更形重要,本研究將由AL化妝品公司的顧客關係管理系統中擷取資料,試圖利用資料建立起專屬的客戶分析,以期讓行銷和營業人員能在大量的會員資料庫中找出有用的資訊,掌握會員的消費、靠櫃行為模式、實現個人化之服務、有效區隔市場,瞭解不同客戶特性等。進而制定適當之行銷策略以達成業績提升之目標。而資料採礦的技術能在資料量龐大的銷售明細資料庫中,利用客戶的基本資料與交易資料衍生對公司有幫助的評估項目,得以評估客戶的特質、需求、消費行為、建立不同的市場行銷策略等,行銷人員藉由該資料分析,採用不同的宣傳方式與促銷策略,以達最佳的獲利目標。 本研究以AL化妝品公司之客戶銷售明細及靠櫃紀錄作為資料分析的基礎。利用資料採礦的技術,找出客戶與商品之間的11種不同組合,以供未來進行個人化促銷之用途,並發掘客戶在靠櫃行為的關聯規則。本研究利用關聯規則演算法,提供不同的關聯規則分析角度,以考量客戶進行靠櫃行為組合的關聯規則,進而支援經營者制定相關靠櫃行銷活動的策略,以提高銷售量。最後利用銷售明細,找出最佳商品組合,以供未來母親節、週年慶等節慶檔期進行促銷活動。

應用資料採礦於人身保險顧客關係管理之研究─以T保險經紀人公司為例 / The application of data mining in the study of customer relationship management in life insurance ─ using t assurance broker company as an example

黃翠蓮, Huang, Tsui Lien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來保險經紀人產業蓬勃發展,保險業行銷通路多元化,其相關產業競爭環境更顯嚴苛險峻,而以「人」為本的人身保險產業更須著重良好顧客關係的維持,並滿足顧客之需求,以提升企業之形象與價值。因此能否有效應用資料採礦技術於顧客關係管理,精確地區別顧客族群並瞭解各自之需求所在,以整合各項通路資源進行目標市場行銷,並歸納出未續繳保費可能性較高之族群特性,作為顧客留置之用,減少新客源開發之成本,已然成為保險經紀人產業重視的課題。 本研究以T保險經紀人公司為例,說明如何應用資料採礦技術萃取出有利於個案公司顧客關係管理的知識,期間藉由個案公司提供的2005年至2010年保單資料作為實證分析之用。於分析過程中,使用敘述性統計以瞭解此六年期間新契約保單之概況;透過交叉分析知曉險種與被保險人、保單特性之關聯;利用被保險人和保單特性進行二階段集群分析,藉由分群結果作為市場區隔之用;最後使用被保險人、保單和業務員特性進行C&R Tree決策樹分析,以歸納出未續繳保費之分類規則。 根據本研究之發現,可將顧客分為理財退休規劃型、避險儲蓄需求型、人生風險規劃型和防癌醫療保障型四大顧客族群,可藉由目標市場族群特徵計畫行銷方案,以開發新客源創造利收;而利用C&R Tree決策樹分析可歸納出未續繳保費可能性較高的三項規則,藉此針對可能流失之顧客族群擬訂對應策略,以鞏固既有客戶提升續繳率;此外,於研究過程中亦發現個案公司資料庫缺在些許問題,應落實資料庫管理之正確性、即時性、完整性,以有效運用資料創造商業價值。期能達到目標市場行銷效益最大化、提升顧客留置策略有效性、改善當前資料庫管理之詬病。

Understanding the Technology and Organizational Elements of Customer Relationship Management Systems

柯雅芬 Unknown Date (has links)
To build a clear understanding of the management of the technology and organizational elements of CRM systems, this research formed propositions based on literature findings and experts’ experiences to explain (1) the elements of the technology and organizational sides of a CRM system, and (2) how the technology and organizational elements align to create effective CRM operation. The technology elements of an enterprise-wide CRM system can be organized into three parts: communicational CRM that coordinates all channels of customer contacts, execution CRM that consists of all value chain activities that execute customer relationship establishment and maintenance, and intelligent CRM that consolidates business intelligence about customers. The three integrated elements provide a technical infrastructure for customer value-generation activities. The organizational resources including structure, processes, culture, and management abilities are elements that need to be aligned and coordinated with CRM technologies. Management of a CRM system, therefore, can be considered as managing an organism that requires interdependent elements to work together to maintain a continuous capability of creating and sustaining customer relationships. Through in-depth case study of three telecommunication firms in Taiwan this study confirmed the proposition about the alignment between CRM technological and organizational elements. The results further revealed that a complete integration among CRM elements may not be necessary, and the level of data and process integration should be selective. It is critical that companies should dynamically integrate and align their organizational resources according to the changing environment to establish differentiated capabilities of CRM.

優化隱形冠軍關鍵因子之深耕顧客關係-以F公司為例 / To optimize the key factors of Hidden Champions which could deepen the customer relationship – For F Company case.

陳裕雄, Chen, Yu Shiung Unknown Date (has links)
「隱形冠軍」是全球各行業冠軍企業,其有許多成功關鍵因子,惟本研究欲針對「深耕顧客關係管理」著手,透過蒐集、鑽研、整理及分析其成功關鍵因素,以作為歸納分析整理之依循。 而經選拔出來的卓越「中堅企業」則是台灣優秀的中小企業,一樣有其優秀的成功特質,算是國內的隱形冠軍企業,相對於輔導「中堅企業」來說,其為政府重點輔導使其更具國際競爭力的施政經濟方針,經由分析專注本業且深耕顧客關係管理的「中堅企業」,也能產生出個案公司建議之方策。 但是「深耕顧客關係管理」是否果真適合一般企業借鏡效法?或是部分借鏡?或是全部效法?這部分須經過個案公司本身的體質檢查,須經過效益評估,才是企業能委身經營努力的目標,這就是尋求「企業營運價值(效益)最大化」,策略上的合理經營,採取最優的營運政策,使企業總價值達到最大化。 投資營運管理目標應與企業多個利益集團有關,從長期發展來看,不能只強調某一利益,而置其他利益於不顧,經過效益評估後才是企業經營管理的最優目標,因此本研究透過歸納分析,縝密的效益評估,終而產出最有利個案公司的具體建議。

Understanding the Market-orientation Effects of CRM on the Organizational Processes

林佳生, Lin, Jia-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
為了了解CRM(Customer Relationship Management)對於組織行為及流程的影響,透過文獻探討及內容分析,本研究發展一個CRM的架構,此架構影響範圍包含工作實務、價值鍊流程以及組織績效。本研究接著針對五間台灣的金控公司進行個案研究以測試此架構的論點及CRM使用上的內涵。 本研究主要發現是不同的CRM使用類型會有不同組織文化及流程上的影響。利用CRM來服務顧客的公司,在服務顧客的流程上,會受到明顯的文化改變。利用CRM來服務及保留顧客的公司,在所有顧客價值創造活動相關的領域上都會有顯注的文化及流程改變。利用CRM當作基礎建設來服務、保留及開發顧客的公司,組織早已發展市場導向的實務,因此文化及流程的改變程度較小。CRM使用上最主要的挑戰就是去了解不同類型的CRM使用、CRM對於組織行為與文化可能的影響、以及針對不同CRM使用需要哪些適當的管理活動。 透過個案間分析,本研究發現三種不同的CRM使用類型,此三類型為:工具(Facility)、分析(Analytical)、以及基礎建設(Infrastructure)。他們各自有不同的管理重點及組織文化與流程的影響。工具型組織在服務顧客相關流程上有提高生產力的傾向。分析型組織在顧客保留及交叉銷售上,將獲得較多利益。對於基礎建設型組織而言,早已市場導向的流程將大大提升組織在顧客服務上的精準性及彈性。 本研究透過個案研究以整合CRM使用的發現,並且針對CRM的管理提出有用的建議。CRM使用對於市場導向影響的發現以及三種類型的CRM使用可清楚闡明對於CRM使用的了解,當未來有研究著力於不同市場上CRM的潛力,本研究也提供一個基礎。期望CRM使用的管理者可得利於本研究提出的觀點,並且能針對CRM使用提出適當的管理計畫。 / To build an understanding of the impacts of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on organizational behaviors and processes this study strives to develop a model of CRM effects on work practice, value-creation processes and organizational performance through iterative literature review and content analysis. The study then applied multiple case studies on five financial holding companies in Taiwan to test the propositions and build insights of the CRM use. Major finding is that different types of CRM use can have different impact on the organizational culture and processes. Companies use CRM for serving customers experience cultural change in the area of customer service processes while companies use CRM for serving and retaining customers experience further cultural and process changes in all areas relating to customer value generation activities. For companies that use CRM as an infrastructure for serving, retaining and inventing customers, low cultural and process changes are noted due to the already-built market-orientation practice. The most critical challenge of CRM use is to understand the type of CRM use, the possible effects of CRM on both organizational behavior and processes, and the appropriate management initiatives for best use of the CRM system. Through the cross case analysis three types of CRM use are identified. The three types of CRM use are: facility, analytical and infrastructure. They each have different management focuses and effects on organizational culture and processes. Organizations of the facility type of CRM use tend to gain productivity benefits in customer service while companies of the analytical use of CRM gain more benefits in customer retention and cross selling. For companies of the infrastructural use of CRM the established market-oriented processes can contribute greatly to the precision and flexibility of customer services. This research consolidates findings of CRM use from cases studied and proposes useful recommendations on the management of CRM. Findings of CRM effects on market-orientation and the three types of CRM use clarify general understandings of CRM use and provide a base for enhanced understanding of the potential of CRM in different market situations. It is hoped that managers of CRM can benefit from the insights presented and be able to implement proper management plan of CRM use.

表演藝術團體行銷之研究:以國立國光劇團為例 / A Marketing Research on Performing Arts Organization: National Guo-guang Chinese Opera Company

陳姿宏, Chen ,Tzu-hung Unknown Date (has links)
藝術和文化的交流能超越民族、國家和意識型態,使人與人相互理解,建構真正世界和平的基磐。京劇富含豐富的傳統中華文化,是中國流行最廣、最受歡迎的劇種。民國84年教育部合併原本隸屬於三軍的陸光、海光、大鵬京劇隊與豫劇隊,成立國家級劇團─國立國光劇團。該劇團目前以創新自許,企圖將原本屬於精緻文化的京劇普及化,並且為台灣樹立代表台灣風格的京劇表演。 為了使優質的現代化國劇成為台灣藝術文化的代表。當務之急乃是要為國光劇團的現代化國劇推廣,找出一套能夠符合消費者需求,又能行銷地域、行銷全球的表演藝術團體行銷策略。 為此,本研究針對年輕消費者進行「2005京劇滿意度」問卷調查,發出500份問卷,回收353份,有效問卷251份。經因素分析後,結果發現:「不願意欣賞京劇」的兩大因素為行銷相關問題和產品問題;「京劇欣賞滿意度」兩大因素為戲劇內力表現和戲劇外顯表現以及「影響觀眾欣賞京劇重要程度」三大因素為產品品質問題、卡司問題和非本願因素 本研究亦針對國光劇團之行銷架構,以深度訪談方式進行檢視。最後以雪狼湖作為表演藝術行銷成功範例之標竿與現代化京劇比較,得出之國光劇團行銷策略建議為:一、京劇表演教育啟蒙,開闢潛力市場。二、創新產品、大卡司,建立口碑。三、整合行銷傳播以達□效。 / Arts and cultures surpass races、countries and ideologies, communicate people and build the real foundation of world peace. Chinese Opera which contains rich Chinese culture is now the most popular opera in China. 1995, Ministry of Education combined three triphibious Chinese Opera groups into one national Chinese Opera Group—the National GuoGuang Chinese Opera Company. The company tries to set up a creative Taiwanese style for Chinese Opera and prevail these fine arts. To make the excellent Modern Chinese Opera become the behalf of Taiwanese culture, the marketing strategies for GuoGuang to meet consumers’need is urgent. The study surveyed 500 young consumers by questionaires of 「2005 Chinese Opera contentment survey」, 353 questionaires are recycled, 251 are effective. After Factor Analysis, the result shows that the marketing and product problems lead to the unwillingness to see Chinese Opera; Actors/Actresses inner presence and stage costumes are factors of Chinese Opera contentment; Product Qualities、Cases and outside control elements are factors of the Chinese Opera watching importances. The study interviewed GuoGuang Chinese Opera Company to examine their markeing structure. Besides, the study takes 「Snow Wolf Lake」 as a successful marketing example for benchmark and concludes suggestions for Guoguang: 1. Education of Chinese Opera scripts would be a way to cultivate potential markets; 2.Innovation products and big cases would help the company to build public praise. 3. Make good use of Integrated Marketing Communication to reach for advertisement synergy.


陳禧遲, Chen,Michael Unknown Date (has links)
一個商業展覽通常需要投入大量資源,但只能在一定的地點、一定的期間內展現,如何有效地將展覽中最重要的資源 - 顧客關係,於展覽後繼續維持與發展? 這將是展覽服務業延伸展覽價值最重要的工作。 本研究從展覽的現場活動與參觀者互動開始,從互動中收集參觀者基本資料及各別需求,運用資料採礦技術來分析參觀者資料,並將結果做為進行顧客關係行銷與形成虛擬社群的依據。不同虛擬社群形成後,本研究使用異場域碰撞的典範轉移模式,試圖從腦神經模型中推演出人與人、社群與社群之間的互動關係,建構完成一展覽服務業的顧客關係管理參考架構。 關鍵詞: 顧客關係管理、資料採礦、虛擬社群、關係行銷、 異場域碰撞

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